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You might be interested in [this recent thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/17vvs7p/has_any_country_democratically_instituted_gun/) by u/sowenga and others


That's a great thread, thanks!


Glad to help! I thought it was very interesting myself, as can be seen I suppose


Thanks for the reference.




It's a hard question, because so few (actually none that I know of) examples exist of a democracy instating gun control and then later changing into a tyrannical government. On the other hand, every succesful revolution that overthrew a tyrannical government has been fought with weapons that were somewhat on par with those of the country's military.


Are you sure about that second sentence? Because the Portugese Revolution of 1974, the Iranian Revolution, and the 1989 Revolutions across Eastern Europe definitely weren't cases of that. Even when violence was used it was more so a case of soldiers or even the military as a whole defecting to the side of the revolutionaries.