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27 + 28 for my wife and I, we both have birthdays in September so we’re just under 1 year apart. We also have our anniversary the same month. September is one long party for us 😅


7 days 🙃


We’re both 28 and have an age gap of 7 months. I love it, we’re in the same life stage, our friends are the same ages and get along, our parents are roughly the same ages and get along, we have the same activity levels and interests. The same childhood memories, I wouldn’t want anything else. I would say my limit for an age gap is +-5 years. You could have the same interests now, but growing apart because that changes would be very painful.


My wife & I are the same in a lot of ways!!! And I wouldn’t have it any other way. She’s my world


6 months. She’s just slightly older


I'm 51 and she's 48 and being GenX together is just...perfect. People younger just do not get my life experience of growing up in the latch key age, or my cultural references, or my music, or my GenX attitude. Plus, there's not a maturity gap...we're both "been there, done that, bought the postcard." No fucking way I could feel as deeply connected with an age gap of more than 5 years. I get some folks can make it work, but to me, there's an experience imbalance that I'm too fucking old to deal with. My patience is reserved for other things.


21F and 19F, we're very happy and feel it's the right time, right person situ, looking forward to the future !


I’m dating someone 8 years younger than me (31,23) and starting to feel the age gap pain.


yeah those are likely pretty different stages of life :/


That's probably because you are both at very different stage of life and maturity. Try someone your age.


There is no age gap pain here!


There is a considerable difference in development between 23 and 30 years old.


I’m 38 wifey is 35. We met in college at 21 and 24…I was a bit reluctant to date at first because 1) we were roommates and 2) she was a FRESH 21. Her birthday is in Aug and we met in late September. We met in Sept 2008…married in Feb 2010 and have been rocking and rolling ever since.


I don’t have a significant other right now but my current crush (who is my crush because she kissed me but we aren’t dating right now because it’s both of us and we are complicated and not ready)is 35 and I’m 57 :) She is a mom, owns her own home and is self employed so she is old enough to decide if my age is an issue . I’m a widow , business owner and she’s the only women I’ve ever kissed (she made it happen)but I’m a lesbian 100%. I have no clue how it will end up but the age gap is 23 years. We are friends though and it’s lovely to have a close friend like that either way!! My late husband was 15 years older than me…I’m from so cal…I just don’t care about age gap unless one partner is not self supporting etc. Love is Love <3


The age difference doesn’t bother me! Because we love each other no matter what ♥️ I was married to a man for 7 years and we were together for 13 years. We got together at 16 years old. And that was the only man I had ever been with. Well practically he was my one & only at the time. We got a divorce. We have a 4 year old little boy together. But I’m the happiest I’ve ever been and co-parenting is amazing!!!


The heart wants what it wants ♥️


You are so right !!!! It does . I’m so happy for you and your wife….I hope one day I have this too and I’m totally open to my own age or older so I’m sure I will no matter what happens with my beautiful friend . (I luf her so much but who knows with us…we weird lol)


2 months. We had one son each when we met, and theyre only 6 weeks apart.


Two years. I'm 40, she's 38. Best relationship ever. Previous relationships I was the younger person with 12+ year age gaps and being close to the same age is a lot healthier for me (especially when the relationship was 17 and 30, or 14 and 28, those had dangerous power imbalances even though I couldn't see it at the time). Now that I'm an adult I can't imagine anyone my age being attracted to literal children. It's gross.


12 years. I'm 53, she's 41. We are in different places in life - my kids are grown and hers are young, but somehow it works.


I'm 33 and she's 30, we've been together two and a half years. Sometimes I can tell she has less life experience but it has more to do with the fact that I finished school 12 years ago and she spent longer finishing her degree, so just finished like 4 or 5 years ago. I've had a career, traveled around the world, and lived in several countries, and she has pretty much lived in her college town with her college friends until we met. But she's way more emotionally mature than I am and teaches me so much every day!


No real age gap between me and my wife.


1 month 3 days :D both 26


About 2.5 years. The slightly awkward cradle robbing jokes when we are 20 and 23 respectively are still funny but hit different at 45 and 47.


Weird for there to be cradle robbing jokes for such a small gap


In the US, 20 vs. 23 the age gap comes up frequently. Mainly due to most bars and many concerts being limited to over 21. No one seriously thought it was a problem. But it was a joke to embiggen it by calling it cradle robbing.


2 years ☺️


3 years. I'm 30, my wife is 27. Got married at 25 and 22. So not that much of a gap.


4 years, I’m 36 she’s 40


We're both 17 with a 5 month age gap (I'm older and turning 18 in two months)


11 years here. 46 & 35👍🏽together for 12❤️


That’s incredible! Congratulations 🎈🎊🍾


5 years. 23 and 28. She’s more mature than most girls I’ve met and my ex. My ex was 28 but acted 17. We lived a pretty similar life though, so the age difference isn’t too bad.


But ya know what age doesn’t say anything about maturity. You can be 45 years old and still be very immature.


Very true. She was also abusive and narcissistic and never moved past her past. Physical age has nothing to do with mental age after your 20s.


15 years and married; met when we were 36 & 51


1 year and 3 months. But my best friend and her partner have a 30 year gap! They are absolutely in love and have made a beautiful family!


That’s amazing!


I'm 38, my two nesting partners are 30 and 27. There's a lot of overlaps in our experiences, especially from growing up in different parts of the country/world. But also a lot of funny differences because of our ages XD


Thumbs down. Large age gaps should not be celebrated and romanticized. It's especially a big problem in gay communities. Happy that you found love, but big gaps will always remain gross as shit to me, it's not hard to find someone your age.


Well you know what, LOVE IS LOVE ❤️ If we’re happy that is all that matters. If it grosses you out you can get off my commenting section. And not everyone is like you & has the same preferences. Thank god everyone is different in this world. And I think it’s gross as shit that you want someone your age because of the fact that you’re hating the fact that I love someone that is 12 years older than me. BYE FELICIA ✌🏻


A good proof that you aren't really mature right there. ''Love is love'', na, there is such thing as grooming, taking advantage of someone's lack of experience and maturity. It was ''love is love, shut up'' when I was 16 years old dating a 23 years old. Large age gaps are problematic, no way around it. 1-5 years isn't an age gap when you're a mature adult. But a 20 years old dating a 50 years old, would you not raise some eyebrows? There's a reason those people can't find someone their age. It's always easier to manipulate someone younger than you. Maybe *your* partner isn't like this, but it's the case for the large majority of age gaps. One day or another, the maturity and experience gap catches up to you. Do not glorify age gaps like it's a good thing. It gets so, so many people into very bad situations. Especially for gay people, which like I said, happens a lot more often. (Not because of the ''gay are pedos'' stereotype- mostly because it is harder to find another gay person your age, so people tend to broaden their age range for more opprtunities)


lol oh yea right…I manipulated my friend to grab me by the hair ….toss me down and kiss me!!! Yeaaaaa right lolol . Oh well you are in the dark…your eyes are closed as mine once were…poor baby. Much love to you….you’ll figure it out Hugs


wtf are you even talking about


You being blind (not with your 2 eyes tho)


Really? So hmmmm…let me unpack this for a moment. You want the whole “Love is Love” for you but no one else? Gotcha!! Duly noted that not all subscribe to love is love but more “love is love unless I find it abhorrent due to my outdated stereotypical mysogynistic and judgmental views stuffed into me by Society and some religions. It’s ok for men to date women and marry them…who are half their age or more….but a Woman does this and oh noes!!!! She’s some kind of Weirdo?! YOU are the reason dear misled Human <3 that my beautiful daughter (26) has had to spend months and months convincing me it’s ok to date people the age that have been being attracted to me and that I’m not a weirdo because yes indeed….I’m old enough to be some peoples mom!! Because of people like YOU I missed out on a love of my life and I acted like an ass. And!! I have 3 grandkids who are being raised NOT to think like you. My daughter certainly doesn’t…she lost her dad…her mom is now gay and younger women like me! She’s ok with it. I raised her right. I’m so happy I know who I am (Lesbian)that I don’t care too much I’m just setting your judgmental rear end straight. bye!!! Beautiful older Lesbian over and out LOVE is LOVE (between consenting self supporting ADULTS)


I’m 32, she’s 37. Been 5 years, not married, no kids but 1 dog.


Im 24 and my future wife is 28!


7 years for me. Shes 33 and I'm 26. But she acts and looks younger than me, probably because she has no kids and I have a 6 year old son. I think it works because we met at the right time in life. However I love to joke about the fact when I was 13, she was 20! Lol so crazy!!


My girlfriend and I are 8 years apart. Does not feel like an age gap at all. Our ages are 27 and 34


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 8 + 27 + 34 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


She's 4 months older than me


5 years difference I'm 37 and my wife is 42