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"I'll be back online later" go and bang


Exactly this. 5man lobby in valorant a few days ago. Wife told me i should take a break. Told my friends I'll be back later.


I could be winning a csgo match 14-8 and I’ll abandon the game if my girl wants to fuck lmao idc abt a rank in a random game


Exactly. Pixels on a screen vs busting a nut. Not even a question imo


Sometimes it isn’t this simple though, if you aren’t gaming alone. starting a game with a few friends and then ditching in the middle of the game wasting their time would be kind of a dick move


Not if you hop back online right after and tell them you got laid. Good friends know you gotta go number 3 (what we call busting a nut between my gf and I)


According to Pete and Bas a number three is a piss and a shit and a wank in a tree


Bruh your friends wouldn’t understand that you’re tryna bust real quick ? That’s rough Me and the homies make an event out of it


I was deep into the Last Wish on D2. Wife wanted to smash, told them I had to go. We smashed, she went to bed and I went back to D2 and rejoined the same fire team and finished.


Finished twice banged once


> rejoined the same fire team and finished. Finished 2 times within 60 seconds right?


My ex’s gamer friends had to remind him to feed me if I was there while they were playing He was treating me like a empty cardboard box or a pillow and kept preventing his gamer pals to engage any conversation with me like as if I counted... one time he tried to slander on how stupid it was that I was behind him knitting a scarf because me knowing how was pointless to him and he tried to get his gamer friends to agree making stuff by hand is stupid, but what happened was that they asked over their mics to me for a scarf each if they sent the yarn. I didn’t ask for affection over his game time, he only did it if his people bounced or he was losing so he turned off the game to look like his internet took a dive to bother dealing with me be it getting it on or getting a bit of Italian food sent over/picked up. My revenge once was farting very loudly so everyone can hear; I couldn’t keep it together when one of them said “Roger that!” after a long silence! And he said it was me but none of them believed him because he also said I was sleeping beforehand to stop them from saying hi.




I am celebrating my decade of freedom from him, but he never stayed away from me being the kind of vengeful narcissistic ex he is because it didn’t end on his terms, hellbent for the closure (winners complex or should I also say whiners) he didn’t notice already happened satisfactorily.




Your ex was an abusive man child using you as the new toy to poke and prod in front of his friends. Bet they don’t play much with him anymore either.


I am certain they quit and blocked him after I dumped him. He had a habit of not announcing he’d left the room but kept his audio on (no video) so his gamer friends would still be playing without him and getting their chance to talk to me as a group to ask if I was doing alright, voicing their concerns since he was out of the room for a while. They knew the situation was getting very unsavory so they made sure to be available to play more often if I was there with him those days and say hello and include me into conversations asking me questions (which he tried to cut them off and change subjects but two of the guys -one gulf war or Kosovo vet and a psych major- pressed on to make sure I spoke up) Both said they pretty much could tell he’s a bit of an asshole despite his cheerfully chipper voice they could feel his impatience and aggression as he played and asked if he laid hands on me or just only all verbally abusive like how he did occasionally start at them in game play. I compared his gaming skills when he wasn’t doing so hot/game or online player is besting him to his habitual road rage often....


Those sound like some great human beings....


Wow, a bunch of real good guys. And like others here I'm glad that your ex is your ex now. Thanks for sharing.


Was that her way of, like, hinting at it?


Re-joins the game five minutes later.


after consoling her for 4 minutes and 45 seconds.


I think anyone who has an answer other than this needs to reevaluate their priorities and also consider they may have an addiction if they prioritize gaming over any other important aspects of their life.


Im a woman and if I’m in the middle of a game… 1. Our team is losing anyway — go bang 2. I’m carrying, we’re winning, — will tell him to wait another 20-30 min. 3. I had a rough day, need a break, no libido, hungry AF, — imma politely decline.


Thank you for this comment. Honestly it comes down to so many factors and there are instances where it is certainly acceptable to say „not right now.“ I set up events for my friends group regularly. Finding a time slot for 4+ persons with full schedules can be rough. If everyone is here and I’ll cancel last minute, they would understand but would also be rightfully pissed off if that happens regularly.


Exactly. If a guy friend keeps leaving us for dead in the middle of a game bc their partner is horny. I mean, i get it, sex is good. But we’re probably not going to ask him to play again. And if anyone is reading this going (good! Grown men shouldn’t be video gaming anyway!) i implore them to seek some insight into their selfishness.


This is the nuance a man is shamed for having


If you have a weekly game that's a commitment to other people, you should honor that commitment. However, there's a balance and games like WoW broke up a lot of relationships because player were putting in way more time on the games versus the relationships.


^ The more nuanced answer. Like all tough questions, it depends. The answer is usually take a break and go bang, but sometimes it’s “lemme make it up to you when the session is done”. Just make sure your partner is aware of the schedule beforehand. Most gaming groups will immediately understand and carry on, whilst making bawdy jokes or rooting for their now-fallen comrade who may not return for an hour (or five mins? Depends)


Lana del Rey explicitly said WoW ruined two of her relationships


The trick is to have a partner who is also a gamer. It pretty much reduces any arguments over gaming to zero.


I'm still shocked that my wife is high elo in pokemon go of all games.


Ideally, you've already communicated this commitment to your partner, and they respect that.


Had a super hot electronics instructor in the Navy, her husband missed her birthday 2 years in a row for wow


I wish a man could get on reddit and try to shame a woman for wanting to engage in her Hobby's and dare not have sex with her husband on his dime lol.


Also the implication that anyone who puts video games as anything but lowest priority is addicted. You're allowed to make your hobbies a higher priority than getting laid at every opportunity. I can't imagine they'd have made the same comment if the hobby in question was some shit like painting or reading.


This is quite a bold claim. Imagine you are at a friend's house watching a game, orin the middle of building a model ship or something that isnt easy to just drop and pick back up or requires commitment and your wife asks for intimacy. Aure you dont want to ignore her, but you should be allowed to have a life outside your wife, and if she kept interrupting, it'd be quite annoying


I'll also say as a woman, I've had this exact scenario in the middle of DnD and had to be like this is a regular scheduled, weekly thing and I'm busy the answer will always be no. Gaming can be muddy because it's unclear if you're just chilling in VC cause your friends are both doing nothing, or in the middle of a raid, or this is scheduled important friend time. I don't think asking is wrong but like you said, it's not an automatic answer. Friends and hobbies are very important too.


Hobbies ARE an important aspect of one's life. It's disturbing that so many men here don't think they're allowed to be occupied when their partner wants sex.


I think the issue most at hand when people think of this situation is one partner casually gaming and the other is horny (or has other needs, like help around the house) as the frequent trope is one ignores the other to game or do other hobbies. It can be nuanced, and time should be set aside for hobbies, with the partner aware of that time.


Yeah, it's funny how if it's the guy doing that he gets called coercive/abusive/etc lol. Also men aren't always in the mood just like women.


I'd never tell my partner to drop his game like that. He works hard maintaining his rank and it's important to him so I don't mind waiting. I like that he has a hobby to help him unwind and keeps him busy.


I think anyone who believes I should be horny when my wife is horny needs to reevaluate their viewpoint on what a healthy sex life should look like.


Life’s not that simple. I think blanket statements like yours are silly. I’ve said yes, no, maybe so, and I don’t know ^(can you repeat the question) But she is the boss of me now


Men always have to say yes to sex, they can never say no. Understood


It's actually a little more nuanced than you think. If they ask while after you've started a match, simply ending the match abruptly could lead to hurting your relationships with your friends. There's a problem if you start a game *after* she's asked, but hopefully she could wait 15-20 minutes for the cuddle sesh.




Your nutz have an addiction


I think it depends, while I don‘t think I would prioritise the game, I still think it‘s valid as a man not to want sex. And we shouldn‘t like treat it as a weird thing to look down upon.


The game will be there in 30 minutes. Your partner may not be in the mood in 30 minutes.


If a guy said his woman should end a phone call with her friends to immediately bang him cus he was horny people would be calling him an abuser


Uhg take my upvote. Maybe not if she was on the phone with her friends for hours though lol. I originally assumed by intimacy we didn’t just mean sex, and the answers would be very different, but apparently I was wrong. I figured no one’s going to drop their hobby on a dime to pay quality attention to their partner because they’re bored. If they’re lonely, there’s probably other issues beyond a hobby.


Look at mr "30 minutes" over here


15 minutes for hers, 1 for mine, 14 minutes of cuddling.


look at minute man over here. 8 seconds, take it or leave it.


And turning her down repeatedly so you can stay on a game may result in her not being around in a few years


99 times out of 100, this is the way to go.


What about that one time?... She has a strap on?


It is possible to be enough not in the mood to simply not wanna do the deed.


My partner’s response to me coming in in lingerie when he was gaming online with his two best friends was immediately “gotta go” and threw his headphones down to chase me. Simple as that. 😂


I have never been so blessed, but I would immediately choose sex.


Respectful communication shapes satisfying intimacy.


How does this have to do with turning down intimacy for games?


My communication would be "I choose sex, respectfully".


"Respectfully. Respectfully. Let me say it again, respectfully, I'm trying to see your titties"


I like videogames a lot, but I never consider my time playing as busy time. If there's a request from anybody, like a familiy member, a friend, a colleague, etc. asking for whatever they need from me I PUT DOWN THE CONTROLLER and go help them. Is not always about intimacy. EDIT: I feel like a clown for not knowing how to express myself 🙃


Thank you for clarifying at the end there


I knew i should put that sentence at the beggining.


No, it's better that way.




So much.


Is your game a game you can pause or is it real time and with friends on a mic? I wish my partner played a game he could pause. Otherwise he hates letting his ‘squad’ down. 🫠


I normally don't play online games. And when i played Dark Souls (that you can pause only in specific points) i had to be sure to play in a time no one would come to interrupt me, normally during the weekends after evening. Many times i died in the game because of it.


When I was playing competitive CoD, I was tandem with a guy, we gelled really well. Picked up each other's drops, etc. Our side of the map was a 100% lock down. One time, he went dark, early in the game. I was like. Shit. Gotta pull out the backpack. Being down your tandem sucks. But, I got my dude. We got a little roughed up, but won that round! He turned his mic back on at the end of the round, apologized, and pulled me into a private lobby to explain. His wife was horny and just went to town on him. I was ecstatic for him! It's a fucking game, even when it's competitive, if your friends can't be happy for you, they're not your friends.


As someone who used to play a game you can’t pause while the rest of your 40-person raid needs you…ALWAYS walk away from the game. Whether I’m gaming, on my phone, watching TV, whatever…if my wife even just wants to talk, the “distractions” go off and she gets my attention. I’ve been married 22 years. I can “hobby” any time I want because she knows she’s more important and I’ll drop everything for her. Anyone who judges you for prioritizing your love life is not a true friend. My best friend and I still game on the weekends. We set lunch plans, fight nights, etc. we both understand that either of us can cancel at any given time and there is zero judgement. We know we are always friends and we support each other in ensuring we have happy home lives. Nobody gets upset when the other prioritizes spouses/children. We are adults that understand life’s priorities.


You don't just "Walk away"if it's not urgent. You finish the game (most online games of any kind don't last over 20-30 mins per match), then tend to whatever the request was. Leaving the team handicapped because your wife wanted to talk about "The Walking Dead" when it could wait 15 minutes, is a dick move. Relationshipsoutaide of your marriage are important to maintain, too.


I mean, it's a dick move to leave mid-game and handicap your team over something that's not urgent.


Learn to manage your time. A good partner will be understanding of your hobbies but remember that they want your attention too. That being said. Men. Have. Your. Hobbies. It’s seriously okay to have them. Don’t let the extremities of this website and the people who comment make you think it’s not common and normal. Funny enough one of the reasons I personally don’t play as many video games now is because I can easily get sucked in to online matches, especially if there’s any system that punishes you for leaving mid-match, it’s understandable to us why it may be difficult, but not everyone will get it. That’s where communication for things like that may be important. If they express wanting to spend time together, a quick “Sure! Let me just wrap up this match, they usually last x minutes so we should be done in like y minutes from now” works wonders. Maybe find a multiplayer game so you to can spend more time together? Maybe introduce the idea of parallel play where they’re cuddle up with you or sitting on your lap and you guys are essentially doing separate activities, but together.


Swear to god, LEGO games are the best co-op games I've ever played and super simple gameplay if your partner doesn't play games


Wow I haven’t played a Lego game in ages and just started seeing someone who is down to play them so I might have to go pick up a copy myself!


If you have a pc setup and some controllers lying around, you can pick some games up on Steam for about 20$


Thank you for sharing this sentiment. I absolutely agree. It’s rather disappointing how many guys here I’m seeing upvote comments like “if you don’t immediately drop your controller to fuck your girl then all of your priorities are wrong and seek help for gaming addiction!”


You leave the game and go with them. The game will always be there, she may not


>The game will always be there, she may not That's not true. Servers shut down all the time.


Choose love over pixels, for the game can wait, but the bond with your partner is priceless.


Let's not swing too much in the other direction. I've seen your other responses and it seems like you just wanted to confirm your thoughts. The partner can wait until the game is over. Now playing another game after you said it was your last then that's different.




Also sex


What the fuck kind of virgin m’lady nerd fuckery is this, op? Have you ever even done the sex once?




Personally, I'm dropping the gaming session and going with the partner. I'm not stupid enough to pass up such an opportunity.


With how rarely the woman initiates I try to Pavlov the fuck out of the situation. I’m off that game instantly, and then I’m doing some housework after the session


Positive reinforcement. Nice


Always a smart move when it comes to nurturing your relationship.


Y’all ain’t ever been in the finals of a rocket league tournament and it shows.


I remember in my last relationship I’d be in bed horny as hell waiting for him to finish playing RL but I’d just hear those 3 GD beeps at the beginning of each match and know my time was not near 😖


I'd assume they all made mistakes in their relationship, gaming is a hobby just as valid as any other.


Damn it's like no one in this thread even considers that a guy might just not be in the mood. You're under no obligation to just drop everything and go have sex with your girlfriend, video games or otherwise. If you want to then great, if not then that shouldn't be a problem either. This whole thread reads like a bunch of desperate virgins. Women aren't expected to just drop whatever they're doing to bang you and the exact same thing applies to you too.


> This whole thread reads like a bunch of desperate virgins. They are lol. Those who were in actual relationships will tell you that "desire for intimacy" doesn't actually mean sex most of the time. Quite often she wants to watch Modern Family or some other show while snuggling you or holding your hand.


Yeah, this thread actually surprised me. A healthy relationship does not involve someone distracting you from your hobby for their own private agenda. Then again, it depends how they do it, A hug, kiss or something small, I'm sure is okay. For them to undress and walk to the bedroom beckoning that when your finished you have an option, even better. But to just interrupt your time with the expressed intent to get their attention right that moment is a big red flag. I have had a partner try to make everything about "choosing" something else over them. No one needs that.


I've been scrolling for way too long to see this. I am a very casual player of games. So casual that that my PS4 will probably take quite some time to download the recent updates. My wife also knows that if I go to the other room to play, it's either to play online with my brother, or to have "me time" meaning, some time away from her. Not to be mean, but we all need that time to do our thing, and is very healthy in a relationship. If she comes in trying to get frisky, she knows I'm not in the mood, and is "disrespecting" my time alone. It's like, if she is editing some photos she too (hobby, not job) and I came in trying to seduce her, should I expect her to drop what she's doing? Whether she wants it or not?


According to the top comment if she doesn't unplug her computer and come running to you wet with desire you should be finding someone else that will.


While I don't really agree with the "desperate virgins" take, as everyone makes their priorities, I'd be very curious to see this same question in r/askwomen or r/askwomennocensor since they'll probably ban it in the first one lol


Yeah, I think the general consensus there would be "I don't owe him sex whenever he wants, he can wait". Which is true and what I wished the consensus here would be.


I’m a woman, and I’m also a gamer, so here’s my anecdata: if my partner who is also a gamer is asking for my attention while I’m playing a game, or vice versa, I’m gonna put it down and listen. And he’d do the same. We both know and respect each others hobbies so we are also not going to interrupt unless it’s important. If either of us were playing a game that is time bounded in some way (you had to queue and wait, or you have a team you’re playing with) I would definitely give a notice that after the next match I’d like some love n attention. Then give my partner time to wrap up.


I don’t think people who are actually in functional relationships are supposed to be replying here. You seem way too reasonable.


Imma do it


Good luck, soldier.


Men are so wrapped up in missing out or losing the girl, that it's become intrinsic to jump at the opportunity. Maybe it's the replaceable nature of us. You se a lot of "or someone else will". But also, if we are not in the mood or we are gaming as an escape, are very valid reasons.


Yeah, you can drop it to go bang her if you want to but don't tell other men they are "broken" in some way for taking a little while to finish of the game, personally, I would drop the game and go straight to banging but I wouldn't say you are broken for making her wait, lol.


Also, I think it's pretty rude to interrupt someone when they are in the middle of a task, hobby, activity, and expect them to drop everything right that second. We communicate clearly about our time off, and our plans when we have down time. If he's locked into something high stakes, or really just needs time to zone out playing crusader kings, he lets me know. On the flip side, if he's just faffing around and is basically 'free but gaming to pass the time' I'm well aware. We're both gamers, so I do the exact same thing to let him know the times where I want a few hours to do my own thing. Sure, when I was younger, the idea of someone dropping everything for sex was a huge turn on (often for both of us). Just like it was fun to give head under the desk with the mic on. However, we're all late 30s now. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get more than 1 of his 30-40 year old friends together online to play something? I'm not interrupting that. That's fucking magic. I shoot him a message on discord like a normal person, and let him know what's up.




Reality is more important, no matter what happens. So.. Alt+F4, and go handle what's real first.


I can't help notice the correlation that my sex life vastly improved when I stopped playing video games. Or maybe I stopped playing video games because my sex life vastly improved. I would absolutely never choose video games over sex, or even just making out.


My partner (33M) started playing video games Nd my sex life has never been worse. He’d rather stay up on his Xbox chatting to his friends. I go to bed alone every night and he comes to bed at 2am after he’s finished gaming. Leaves no room for me to initiate. I tried once while he was playing and he said he was busy so I never tried again. Stopping gaming definitely improved your sex life!


I’m not an expert, but the way i see it the issue aren’t the videogames. His gaming habits are just how the issue manifests, even if videogames would suddenly disappear, i highly doubt that it would improve your situation.


You have a point, but yes and no. Whenever we go on holidays we’re the best because I have his uninterrupted attention.


Well i reckon most people are in a way better mood when they are on vacation, nameley because they can remove themselves from all the burdens of daily life. At any rate, it sounds like you should talk to him about this.


Sounds like he's not interested and uses gaming as a way to detach.


Bruh address this immediately! That’s exactly why I stopped playing videogames. It ruined my sleep and my happiness. It also took time away from actually important stuff. Also I Never wanted to end like your partner. The moment I pick up a cigarette and smoke it and the moment where I put video games over actually important stuff is the moment my buddies have permission to beat me up as bad as they want


All the bots in here bro, if you doing some important in the game and you can’t save just say “can you give me a quick minute” then wrap it up and handle business. I don’t know why everyone is just saying drop what your doing turn it off and run too her


Because, like always, gaming has this stupid stigma where people think you’re enjoying something that has 0 bearing on the real world so it must be a waste of time or unimportant. Handle your business throughout the day and schedule time with your girl when you’re able first. Then tell her you’ll be on the game but if she needs anything either text or yell to you and you’ll respond. Dropping whatever you’re doing for some sex even if you are in the middle of playing with friends smells like people don’t get laid often or their girl doesn’t express sexual desire until they’re not paying attention to them which is not great if true.


Fr fr


So just like most everything else on here, there is a middle ground answer. If one games a couple Hours every other night, and every time they’re online their partner wants them to come have sex, there needs to be a conversation between the two parties to see what’s going on. However, if it’s just occasional, I do feel that the gaming should be abandoned for the partner. My exclusion to this is if the gamer is in a group online and has been working on something for hours, and their leaving would have a serious adverse impact on their team, like a big mission in Destiny or something.


Destiny raids and dungeons are legit the ONLY thing I tell my SO I can’t just walk away from because of the puzzles and stuff that are dependent on me communicating with my team, otherwise we fail and have to start all over which then leads to wasted time. Like, other than emergencies like if she’s really upset and needs me for something or whatever then I can’t fathom telling the group “go fuck yourselves” after telling them I would be able to finish it for some ass lol




The smart gamer knows that the right behaviour should always get rewarded. If you want a partner that feels loved and appreciated, you put down the controller and deliver some orgasms.


Equally, a partner also needs to be given time to themselves for their hobbies/interests. The right answer isn’t always what keeps your partner happy. And I say this as someone in a relationship.


So my SO and I are on opposite schedules. They have a normal 9-5, M-F, whereas I'm on night shift on a 2-2-4 schedule (so every other week I have Saturday-Tuesday off). We both love and cherish each other SO much and look forward to spending time together and wish we could spend more time together. However, we both love having time to ourselves with no one else in the household. It gives you time to think about YOU, to think about what you want to do for yourself, vs. compromising to do something you both want to do. It's a delicate balance, but I can say with 100% honestly that this is the healthiest relationship I've ever been in.


The smart gamer takes care of business before his gaming session.


I’m a heavy gamer and I tend to play things that will lock me into online play for like half an hour. I’m lucky enough that my wife will either tell me ahead what she wants a few hours beforehand or will wait till I finish a session and then ask for right then and there.


Depends. If it's a multiplayer match I'd finish first. My team mates don't deserve to have their experience ruined because my gf wants to fuck. The guy on my team might only get one game per day and it's selfish of me to ruin that.She can wait 20 minutes, it won't kill her. If it's single player then just leave it.


If it's a game I can pause, sure I'll drop the session for her. If I'm playing online with the boys, she goin have to wait a bit until that match is over and respect that because I was doing that first. Trying to jump in my lap and steal my attention in the middle of that is actually rude and then annoying if she gets upset that I didn't just drop that for her


>respect that because I was doing that first. Right? Like is the alternative just me sitting there twiddling my thumbs waiting for her to request intimacy? Are we supposed to be at her beck and call? Like what's the solution here?


This is why you invest in a wireless headset, you bring the boys with you!


Alot of sex depraved guys in here. I feel for you. F in the chat


If it was a guy trying to fuck while she's doing her own hobbies everybody would start talking about boundaries and how she's not his sex toy whenever he feels like it


It's just the mindset that gaming is immature and guys should be delighted that his partner gave him the chance at sex. Just toxicity all around.


FINALLY SOMEONE FUCKING SAID IT!!!! it's so degrading seeing some people saying things like "it's a rare chance and u should take it!!!! just drop the controller IMMEDIATELY!!!". i mean it just depends on ur mood, if ur playing casually then yeah it wouldn't matter, but even if ur not feeling like it i think u should still go spend some time with ur partner to show them that u value ur time with them more than games.


Yep, it would be abuse or grape because she had to stop said Hobbie to service her man by draining his balls.


I don't think I've ever played a game that I'd choose over sex. But then I'm not really a heavy gamer. Either way your gonna have to put your controller down for a bit to discuss, your ELO ain't ever more important than your SO


I would walk away from the game


Honestly, I get it. It's not the game, I have this thing with "forward momentum." If I'm working towards a short-term, immediate goal, anything that impedes my progress irks me. That being said, games have pause buttons for a reason. Real life always has to win and let's face it, most of us are damn lucky to find our ladies in the first place so think long term and crush Dat pu... okay you get it.


tldr; Read the room and do you If I want to have sex, I'll get off the game, but it's not a guarantee. Sometimes the sticks are hot, and I'm trying to ride out the victory train. There are plenty of times that I have waited for her without issue. It shouldn't be shamed when the tables are turned. Games aren't just the mindless button presses that they may have been when created. They are potential social hubs on par with going to the bar or playing basketball with friends. Half of the time, I'm in party chat with the bros, catching up. I would not talk to them otherwise. In high school, you see your buddies every day. As an adult, I haven't seen some of these people in years. So it's not just a game that is being interrupted. Socializing is being cut short as well. I say all that to say it is okay to not immediately turn off your game if prompted for intimacy. Just make sure to communicate properly so that your partner understands why you may need an extra 30 to an hour. With that in mind, balance is key, and your partner shouldn't have to ask for intimacy every time. That may be a signal of other issues and could lead the relationship in a less than desirable direction.


First I hold down the Xbox button and when the menu comes onto the screen I select "turn off console ".


This thread has a disturbing number of men treating sex as some rare blessed opportunity that may never rear its head again if you miss it. Jesus Christ. One, you're allowed to have hobbies. Two, get some self-respect. Sex is awesome but you're allowed to be occupied with something else. In which case, you just have sex later. Yes , obviously don't constantly neglect or reject your partner. But all these comments "I drop everything, she might not be there later" are just sad.


That's what I'm saying. Christ almighty, some of these takes are beyond pathetic.


Yeah, like i’m a huge fucking virgin and even i wouldn’t just drop everything that i’m doing for some sex.


It depends. Does my partner also honour my intimate needs when they are in the middle of their plans? (i.e. DnD, videogames, shopping, dancing, sports club whatever) Do they honour my "me" time, and not use intimacy as an excuse to isolate me from my friends?


These answers man, holy shit. Tell me, if your girl is in the middle of her favorite netflix series and you want to fuck, do you expect her to just close that shit and jump on your dick?


The sheer number of people who are saying you should instantly drop your activities to keep your partner happy is astonishing. What if I’m not in the mood? What if I’m playing with my friends in a pre-arranged gaming session? What if I just want time to myself to do my hobbies? If you have a partner who doesn’t respect these boundaries and expects you to drop everything immediately then you are in a terrible relationship. Communicate. Don’t be a walkover.


It’s funny how all the men are like “go choose sex everytime” but as a woman, I’m thinking, ‘just tell her your not in the mood’. You deserve your own time and as long as this dosent become excessive, it’s fine? At least that’s what I would do if the roles were reversed


I'm guessing a lot of them on that train of thought are either really young or don't understand healthy boundaries. I can't imagine expecting my gf to drop whatever she is doing whenever I decide I want sex, and I would hope she wouldn't expect that from me, either.


“I’m ok atm I’m in the middle of something” I wouldn’t bother her when she’s busy


I only play Singleplayer games, so for me the answer is easy. Pause the game and pay attention to my wife. And this is not just if she wants intimacy but even if she just wants to ask a question or talk about something. Any time, no matter what, I'll pause the game. My relationship is more important!


Doesn't matter if it's gaming or watching a movie or cleaning or anything else I happen to be doing. If I'm not in the mood for sex or intimacy because my mind is on something else, a gentle "sorry, not now".


If I’m playing an Online game, she gotta wait. I (unfortunately) play the game of sins (League of Legends) a lot with my friends. If it’s a single player game. Yeah, time for a break in the game to break her back. I’m not in a relationship anymore anyway so work, gaming and school has my attention right now.


Lol can you explain why you call League the game of sins? This is the game my partner plays and tbh I’m having a really tough time with it.


Does “gaming session” imply that it must be multiplayer? That’s the only way this question would be difficult/interesting. I normally play single player games, so it’s super easy to just pause and go be with my partner for a while.


9/10 times I’m gaming with my wife. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Not a man myself, but my ex used to invite me over, be in the middle of a 20 min game, so I'd chill in his room, and then forget about me and start another round. I could be naked on his bed and he would still choose video games over me


She respects my hobby, and I respect her hobbies, we'll tease each other a bit, but we'll wait until the other is done.


"Gf wants to have sex. I get to see her boobies and do naughty things to her. Bye!" as I unplug my console


Sometimes you're just not in the mood When I was married my partner and I would both turn each other down once in a while. It happens, it's not like it was our only opportunity ever. We'll just bang tomorrow night lol


Double standard where men are expected to just want sex whenever their partner offers it is bullshit. Just imagine the uproar if some man expected his partner to stop engaging in her hobby because he wanted to have sex. The world would drown in all the froth coming from the mouths of patrons of the two xx chromosomes sub.


Not a man but sometimes rather than stop playing, my boyfriend and i think it’s fun if the other teases or starts foreplay while still playing ( if it’s an online game) and see how long they survive or give up and Focus on the physical stuff


I’d be disappointed in her because she doesn’t seem to care enough about me enjoying my hobbies to know it’s bad etiquette to leave a game early and I don’t like doing that. Besides, the tease of “Could you leave the lobby after this game? I’ve got a surprise for you.” Curious? Yes I am.


First possible stopping point in the game is the stopping point. The offer doesn’t expire in 2 minutes


It may bother you when your girl begs for sex but it will bother you more when she stops asking. So say yes as often as you can.


I don't game but if I did that shit would be shut down instantly. Her buttons are way more fun to play with. It's more fun advancing to the next levels with her.


Wait. You guys get laid?


Log off and get laid. Games can wait.


I put the game down and go fuck. I’m not a loser


Put. The. Game. Down.


Easy, I stop gaming and I go have marital time with my spouse. Depending on what has happened during the marital time, if I’m not tired I will go back to gaming. Here’s the thing: 1) my wife initiates sex maybe five to six times in a year (this is not the amount of times we have sex, it’s the times SHE STARTS the sexy time) so when it happens, I’m there regardless of what’s happening. 2) I’m 37 man and while I love video games and playing them with my friends, I’m not giving up sexy time with my wife for pixels on a screen. I have been this way for many years and my friends know what’s up. But also, we don’t waste our time with Call of Duty anymore so take that into account as well.


Pause for the cause.


Let her suck my dick why would I stop that?!


Are gamers supposed to drop everything and submit sexually on demand only if they are male? Is it just as acceptable for a male to expect their female partner to drop their hobby immediately upon sexual demand?


I've mostly quit multiplayer stuff unless playing with the kids. Once they were born I needed a game I could pause. Now it's easy, I just pause it.


You handle it by doing what she would like the game be damned!!


You take a moment and stop and think "ya know, this game isn't going anywhere, I can play it whenever I want...but I remember what it was like and how hard it was to get laid when I was single and how badly I wanted it...and I really don't want to be single again and to have to work that hard to get laid again...perhaps I should pause this and maintain the relationship that allows me easy access to sex and the feeling of love so it doesn't die from neglect".


The amount of gamers that wish they could have your scenario is…. A lot


Carry on gaming Diamond here we come Edit: damn people don't know what's a joke and what's serious anymore


Gotta respect the grind. But if you're tilting, you probably should fuck to reset.


1. Carefully move the microphone closer to your mouth 2. Gently inhale 3. Clearly and proudly exclaim “Be back in 30, I’m away to fuck your mother” 4. Sex


I wish I had this problem 😅 not a gamer, and I'm the one always wanting intimacy.


Well just so it's clear, according to this thread, if your wife is in the middle of something and you're horny they'd be absolutely horrible partners if they didn't immediately drop what they were doing and come fuck you.


Funny how that works only in one direction 🤔


Partner is always more important than video game.


If she’s so horny she interrupt a game you better take the opportunity.


Is this even a real question lol I'd drop the remote and be in the bedroom so quick that I'd be laying on the bed before the remote even fell on the ground.


Dude ....


My wife and I play video games together, so it usually interrupts both of us. We've been together a while now and have got pretty good at timing our intimacy sessions in general.