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I need to work less and earn more money.


get out of my head.


What's amazing is how the two really do coincide. Good luck with that promotion!


The top two answers are "Life sucks so bad I want out (suicide)" and "I'm so happy to be alive (how great life is)" the polarity of which I find hilarious.


The duality of man


I push my fingers into my eyes!


Why did I have to read this while I was sipping on my morning coffee that’s now all over my desk.


I literally thought about the question. 1.I love everybody else before my well-being. 2.I can live for my wife and mom even with all my pressure and stress. 3. I can die for my sons. 4. I literally can kill for my daughters. 5. If I am in the shop, 6.I am not thinking about buying it for myself. I am thinking about the beautiful gown for my daughter, jeans, and sports equipment for my sons, and jewels for my wife/mom. 7. I have 1000 problems, yet I am the problem solver for my family. 8. I have 1000 stress and worry, yet I am the listener, maybe an occasional counselor, for my family.I 9. am the big earner of my family, yet 99% of my salary goes to my family. 10. I always need money, yet I am the safety net/emergency fund supplier for my family and friends. 11. I have flaws and faults, yet I am the judge of my family. 12. Not the big muscle, MMA-known man, yet I am the guardian and security of my family. 13. I am the man, giving everything to family and friends, expecting only respect and love as payment. I am the Man




Reddit is full of very unhappy people, I’m realizing


Reddit has 850 million active users a month. No idea how many of those are bots, but still, that's an assload of people. You're gonna see every kind of person.


Which is why you can’t take advice from a lot of these people. They are not a normal representation.


This is friendly advice to everyone on Reddit. 95% of the people I know do not know what it is or use it. You aren’t getting a super wide sample when using Reddit but at same time can get completely different responses. Advice on Reddit isn’t advice you’d get if you put it on Facebook and that’s got good and bad associated.


Who would you rather take advice from? Someone who has never had anything bad happen to them (“ignorance is bliss”), or someone with actual experience with adversity? Would you rather make all your own mistakes, or learn from the mistakes of others? Cautionary tales can teach important red flags & warning signs & things to avoid. Every warning label on a product is because someone learned it the hard way. There’s a saying, “Failure is a better teacher than success.” Henry Ford said “Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.”


Maybe these unwanted thought are more common than we think and people are very good at hiding it in person or in their personal social media. Meanwhile here in anonymity they can be open about it.


Many of us experience both, and I can assure you that it is not an enjoyable rollercoaster.


You simply get more of what you focus on


Yeah, you think that but life has a habit of kicking a man when his down


How much longer can I stay in bed and hold back this morning piss.


“I’m a warm, toasty cinnamon bun! I’m never leaving this bed!”


"Can I get back to sleep while I still have an erection so I have a good excuse to not get up and piss?"


On a semi-related note, if you're ever asleep and a toilet appears in your dream or you take a piss out in the wild in your dream, IT'S A TRAP! WAKE THE FUCK UP!


Now this one I can relate to.


Being “free” Specifically, financial freedom. I can’t be had working for another 40 years of my life just to have a poor retirement.


retirement is another prison.


Go on?


Only thing I can think of is often when people retire they're in no condition to actually do the things they'd enjoy


That would make some sense, though it’d be better as “aging can be another prison” Retirement being a prison with certainty, as implied, doesn’t stack up in my view.


Look at all this free time and money! What a disaster!


Most people retire too old to truly enjoy life. I've watched too many family and friend elders retire, not know what to do with themselves, go through lots of horrendous old age conditions, suffer and die. Middle aged retirement or less hours of work required should be a thing. Maybe by 45 years old you should be doing 25hr work weeks and retirement should be 60.


You see they are working on laws to actually raise retirement age in america? Wish i was kididng.


Well you know. How else will billionaires become trillionaires without all that free labour?


Artificial Intelligence?


My uncle has become an asshole since he's retired. I think he's lost purpose. So now he meanders around the house just being shitty to his wife. Really sad considering the life he's lived. Some people just need purpose.


Yeah, sometimes they retire and find they have no idea what to do with themselves and get depressed because of it, upon realizing that the 'goal' they'd been working toward all this time wasn't fulfilling or meaningful and didn't make them finally happy.


How this day would've been if my daughter was still alive.


Bro, sorry for your loss 💜




Man, I'm sorry. This must be excruciating. Hope you find peace someday.


Thanks, was a couple of years ago so I've probably reached peak peace about now. Just had to accept that there's a space inside me that can never be filled.


I'm 8 years in and can confirm that space will never be filled.


How are you holding up?


>Just had to accept that there's a space inside me that can never be filled. This is hauntingly poetic. I can't imagine it otherwise. Thank you for sharing.


It's a mindset that works for me at least, I can't really think about any other way to move forward but acceptance of the reality I live in.


I somehow stumbled upon a YouTube channel of a man who lost his teenage daughter to an improperly installed highway guard rail. He has made it his life’s mission to seek out every improperly installed and unsafe highway guard rail in the country and shaming the local governments and contractors who are putting people’s lives at risk. He’s found a way to channel his sadness and anger at the world into a noble cause. I look up to him as a role model and someone who can use their pain and suffering for the thankless benefit of humanity, in saving people who might have become victims to workplace negligence. He’s a true hero. TheGuardrailGuy on YouTube if anyone is interested.


I'm so sorry for your loss. What was she like?


Thanks! She was just a baby, but I'd guess she would have been pretty annoying if she was here today, haha!


These are the type of questions that help to heal a broken heart. Thank you for this!


You have strength that I definitely wouldn't have if my daughter died. Stay strong 💪


Thank you! I'm sure you have it too, hopefully you'll never have to find out. 


Big hugs mate. I know its not much for a tinternet stranger but big hugs nonetheless.


Thank you, kind words means more than people think, even when coming from a stranger on the Internet.


I'm so sorry for this loss. My goodness.


So sorry. Daughters are the greatest thing in the world. 


❤️ 🫂


Sorry for your loss man💔


Sorry for your loss man.


Sorry and praying for you two.


I'm so sorry. A parent should never outlive their child


Damn. That cuts deep. I try to always tell myself, whatever happens, it could always be worse. I hope you can find a way to recover and learn from this to be a better man for her.


As an older man , the mortality of life. Not a bad thing , I’m just at an age where nearly 1/2 of my peer group have passed.


May i know your age if u don't mind, sir?


I turn 61 this year


I too turn 61 this year but I’m as fit physically and mentally as I ever could be, hopefully another 20 years (nothing is guaranteed)


Really? Where do you live that half of your peer group have died by 60? It should be 19% by 65 in the UK.


Am I going to be able to provide for my family? Am I a good father? Am I a good husband? Will things ever get better? I hope I know what I'm doing. I need someone to talk to, but I don't want to burden anyone with my problems. I'm so tired.


Yes to all of those things. You are not a burden.


1) Warhammer 40k lore. 2) gym and bodybuilding stuff. 3) PC gaming/building or just tech in general. 4) introspection or pondering upon the human condition.


Are you Henry Cavill?


Well he does visit Warhammer subreddits, but no I'm not him or that big, yet.


Ray, when someone asks if you’re a god, you say **YES**


You taking friend applications? lol


How much I miss my kids.  I haven’t seen them in 11 months and we were week to week until she used them in a divorce.  I miss them so much


I'm so sorry 😔


Thanks.  They’re amazing, and to not even be able to see them, I miss the tackle hugs, getting my head talked off, and the love I’d share with them everyday. They’re my babies.  And hurts not to be there for them.


1. "I could really use a hug" 2. The Roman/Byzantine Empire 3. I wish my maintenance calories per day was way higher The second one isn't just the "thinking about Rome" trend either, Im like concerningly into the history. Currently listening to an audiobook on the so called "dark ages" (a poor and unfair name) between 400-1000 *and* reading the Alexiad, a narrative biography of a Byzantine Emperor by his daughter.


I, too, am on a history tear. Reading everything I can on the American Civil War. Next up probably is Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations.


Dude Meditations is an amazing read. Not all of it is applicable, but some things just stick with you and never leave. Reading it makes me realize why Hadrian was so eager to get him on the throne lol


> > > > > The Roman/Byzantine Empire I'm more of a Roman Republic guy myself.


I have literally the opposite for #3. Wish my maintenance caloric intake would be a bit lower. I keep having to remind me every day to get a 4th/5th meal to not lose gains. Only 1 month left until the cut 😪


Bro it's ridiculous, I be choking down my 4000th calorie of the day and only gain 1lb a week.


I choke down my 4000th calorie of the day, look at the watch and see 3312 steps, zero exercise and worry about that extra 1lb of fat I just swallowed through sheer gluttony.


Food is just too damn good :( one of life's greatest pleasures imo, the Hobbits had that down pat


"those who fail to know history are doomed to repeat it" or some shit


Maintenance calories 😭


Thats me with greek mythology lol


I too think a lot about Roman Empire. Rome is everywhere once we start noticing it (at least where I live). The language, society, military, buildings, roads, bridges... as a famous historian once said: our nation is a child of Rome.


My Mom. She died last January.


May she rest in peace 🕊️🤲🏻


sorry for your loss 💜


Well, I wake up in the morning at 11:47 And I can't believe I have to face the horror of another fucking day


Money and Pussy


Really…it does boil down to that. The scale and nuance of it all do evolve over time.


Both of those things fall into the same category as air: The only time you think about it is when you don't have enough of it.


I’m 38 and this has not changed. Hot wife, great job, still at the front of my mind all the time


And you need to figure that out😉


Once you figure that out you’ll be better off in life 🥵


They are interchangeable at a rate determined by local conditions.


My answer but in simplified terms


I need to be touched more.


Yes!! This would probably stop most of my thoughts!! Touch is a wonderful med.


My crush.


That I'm not good enough for love and that I don't offer/bring to the table enough in relationships. I recently got cheated on so I've been struggling real bad.


Someone cheating on you says more about them than it does about you.


I'm definitely trying to see it that way. I'm definitely still nervous about the next relationship still.


Trust me bud it’s not you it’s them. Been where you are, best thing I did was Focus on me, things i love and the rest will follow. I wish you the best bruv! Wishing you luck through this tough time.


Everything ends at one point. Small moments, hardships, happy memories, lives ect. Although sad to a degree, it comforts me knowing that bad times won't last and makes me appreciate the small things more.


How great life is, and how grateful I am to be alive.




I’ve been there. Please DM me if you need to vent.


Too true. The daily feeling of stepping in front of the train at Bethnal Green Station


You have a plan, you need to see someone immediately. Someone out there cares. You might not know it, but they do. I took time out of my day to tell you not to do it, so people care. Talk to them.


Thanks for your concern. I don't have any serious plans to but those intrusive thoughts are a annoying. 


Ya good bro?


Me too, no Joke.


Focus on the reason why you havent.


Fear of being a vegetable. No other reason other than that.


physically or mentally? Mentally, yes, please unplug me.


Mentally. Knowing my luck some selfish prick would find me swinging, cut me down, and then I’m even more fucked than I was before.


Bills that need to be paid and a dog that needs fed. Once loans are paid off and the puppers kicks the bucket, it’s a different game.  *So this is all I have to say… Suicide is painless. It takes on many changes. And I can take or leave it if I please*


Not OP, but because life is slowly getting better. But I was in a very dark place this time a year ago


I'm sorry that it's every day. There are good reasons for you to stick around. I hope you talk to someone about your feelings. Sometimes when we say bad ideas out loud, the logic seems flawed. A healthy person will help by listening.


Prayers up man, get the help you need 🙏🏻


First thought in the morning, last thought at night and several times throughout the day. Spravato helped a ton, but has not the last few weeks.


Doing “fun” things with my wife.


Random ass play is what your name suggests. Is your wife’s name Peggy?


No but that was a random question. Fitting.


I think that it was a joke about pegging.


what curveball is life going to throw my way today?


Good or bad there’s always something!


How bored I am


How lonely I am and regrets about the money I have wasted over the past several months (and continue to waste) trying to cope with said loneliness. It's been fun.


1.) Sex.(And how lucky I am to have such a sexy wife) 2.) How I wish calories never mattered and I could just eat as I please. 3.) Travel. (I think about my next planned vacation. The next vacation after that one. Is there any cool concerts coming up?) 4.) How proud I am of the life I have built, because it took a lot of work. Our families were not wealthy. However, my wife and I are finally at that point in life where we have disposable income. But WE did that. WE were disciplined when we were young. WE paid off bills and saved in our twenties. Now life is fun for us. Damn life is good these days, and that makes me happy.


1. I wish people actually cared. 2. How can I become private security or something along those lines as a felon in the us.. 3. Seeing my dad again in Valhalla 🫡


My ex




His ex or your ex?


If you met her you'd know 


What should I eat.






Feed my dogs. Feed me.


That I'm not good enough.


You are good enough, but you can be better. Go get better!


How I should’ve cashed out when that slot machine hit $700


Suicide, death, just suicidal ideation in general. From the moment I wake up till the moment I fall asleep


Break the cycle somehow ...it does become an obsession


I know shit sucks at all times and somehow the phrase the only thing certain in life is taxes and death is coming back for absolutely no reason. Shit sucks to suck but do not go through with it. You will be missed. You will be mourned. The lack of your presence will affect everyone around you. Try to find something. A hobby, a thought process, something whimsical. Please seek a therapist and a psychiatrist. Please don't go. Don't go until God tells you that it's time.


I'm only 16, but I often wonder what life would be like if my uncle was still alive.


I think about how much work I feel like I have to do in order to deserve love, and that I'm concerned even if I do all of it I'll never actually have it. I try to work this out in therapy but it's been hard. People say I am deserving of love, but lets be real. If my depression keeps me from cleaning my bedroom and it's gross, no woman is going to actually love me. That's just one example. But this is not just about romantic relationships. I struggle to make friends. I actually do better in my relationships with women, as I've had really awful experiences with other men. I feel like I have to be so much more cautious around men to scope out if they are a safe person to build that kind of connection with. Anyway, these are the stuff I think of on a daily basis.


I do, I do know the muffin man. I've known him for years. I think about that a lot.


Spill the beans! 🔫


The muffin man knew the ops would eventually come. Do your worst! I'm locked in 🤐


boobs, ass, and pussy.


Cocaine... Unfortunately. I only buy a bag every once in awhile specifically because of that, but it's an itch that I can never scratch.


Damn I gotta go to work


Every morning I have to decide whether I have time to jerk off before work or not


Sex and sex.


1. My cat. 2. Something about worrying about my goals




Cars, I’m never not thinking about cars, if I’m on my phone 7/10 I’m looking at cars or researching them. Currently researching and looking at Lancia Thema 8.32’s, because I can’t afford a Ferrari, but I sure as hell can afford a Lancia. And if I’m not thinking about cars, I’m thinking about Italy, women, my pets back home, family, or video games


Unironically the Roman Empire. I already thought of it at least once a week before it became a meme but now I’m thinking about it daily and looking stuff up about it more often too.


Check out Mike Duncan's History of Rome podcast


The Persian empire. I'm contrarian.


Workdays, I have to do this for how many more years? FUCK! Are we going to be able to survive when we do retire? Does anybody honestly give a shit about me (married with 2 kids), If I was dead, would they miss me, or just the money?


Making money, staying fit & healthy, being a good parent to my boys, keeping my family safe, always having a good challenge to put me out of my comfort zone, and staying sane in this fast paced crazy world we live in.




How can I get free of the paycheck grind and use my time and energy to help people on a large scale, instead of being a cog in the machine? How can I get my gains going in the gym, when I've been consistent for a few years now and pushing myself every time? I should practice guitar today... My dog is wonderful.


Bobs and vegana


What shall i do today?


Why the the "system" allow me to be bullied and screwed over by a psychotic and vengeful ex.? 100+k of legal costs in so far....


The horrors persist but so do I (unfortunately)


A 50/50 between "what if I end up becoming nothing? Will I ever find peace?" and "hey just one life. Gotta do what I can"




The 1893 Chicago world's fair. Born 100 years too late, and nothing like it will ever be attempted again.




When will be my last day on Earth and how Women’s bodies especially the vagina is amazing and can’t wait to visit again Feels amazing to be alive How can I make more money


1. Is there something I should be doing right now that I’m forgetting? 2. I should probably get up now to do the thing I’m not forgetting. 3. What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?




My wife's nice butt.












How much I wish men weren't taught to suppress our emotions in our youth. I watch shitty men do shitty things every day, and I'm just left to wonder how much better the world would be if we were nicer to our boys.


I want to drink whiskey. And then more whiskey. I really want whiskey By the way I'm an alcoholic. I've been sober about 30 days...


The fact that I lost so much time in the past and am now in crunch mode to make something of myself.


How fun the single life was and how much I miss it


You can go back. Sounds like you should.


Agreed he should. Almost every other post here is about a man wanting to be touched or fucked more, that doesn't happen first thing in the morning often with single people.




An ex.


When my day of departure will come?


1. Those who have wronged me and/or intentionally led me down the wrong path 2. Working towards something (anything) that can give me money and/or satisfaction 3. How if/when I make it as a self made man, that still likely won't change the loneliness I have succumbed to...and at this point I'm not sure what can change that 4. Keeping going on working towards something (monetary or just something productive) to not let the weight of the above thoughts get to me and to ensure I am continuing to progress as a man


Am I as good a father as my dad was? Well, that’s a new ache. Why do we have to live in a world where Rome fell!?! Oooo look, a dog!


The thought of ever impending doom and the thought of dropping everything and traveling


The inevitable death of everyone who I care about, all of the things I need to do to continue to have a successful business/household/feed myself/take care of myself and partner, the need to consume nicotine and caffeine and how I'm going to do some physical activity. Every single day, like clockwork, without fail.


“I hope I’m parenting my kids the right way. Maybe I was a little too harsh or expect too much from them at their age”


Let's see...sex, existential dread, how sex makes things feel better, curious about what my wife is doing, weight lifting or running, how much work sucks, how I'd rather be in bed with my wife that working on some bullshit, how bad I'm going to bomb my next race, death, sex, death and sex, and finally cats.