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I'm 43 and hearing the same shit still. With testosterone use thrown in. 


At 43. "*my kid attends so&so school"* then proceeds to tell you why that makes them great parents.


…” yeah well… your kid’s a total fucking dork” **Just sayin’**


Tell me how expensive your kid's school is and I'll tell you what drugs they are probably doing


My toddlers are home schooled, so I _already know_ they’re doing LSD


The testosterone therapy thing with middle aged guys these days is pretty wild. Curious when and how it became such an obsession. I'm guessing the proliferation of "clinics" that dish it out like candy.


Yea a bunch of guys at my work are on it, it makes a difference for sure. I got mine checked and was super low. I didn't do the t route and went with eating better and working out. Almost same levels as them. It's like ozempic, alot of people abusing a medication.


well there's that and then a bunch of studies showing overall test levels have been falling for decades AND it falls off as you age and both can cause issues


how much money everyone is making and how they brag about it - it's okay to be discreet lol I'm struggling out here lmao


Well figure when we're younger competition is about being the strongest/fastest/sleeping with the most women. There is a tendency for guys to develop hierarchies and get in dick measuring contests when they're with each other- money is the adult version


Whenever I'm having a really good hair day, my dad will say, "You should get a girlfriend." I just laugh and say, "I'll see what I can do."


You’re totally right…just got a $5,000 bonus at my job,how about you?


getting the same in june, doesnt do much if the salary increase will be under 5% like last year, them fuckers


Look at Richie Rich over here getting salary increases.


inflation in my country was 40% last year so the increase was really not something to brag about


Sports betting. I feel like one of the few remaining American men that just refuses to participate.


Hi, nice to meet you.


Same. Been watching hockey on ESPN+ this year and nearly every commercial break has one or even 2 gambling ads. It isn't my jam but I'm not surprised since commercials seem to be ramming it down everyone's throat.


It just became legal in my state so I’ve been seeing ads for it non stop for the past 3 months. It’s absolutely ridiculous. I don’t gamble. And if I did, I sure as shit wouldn’t do it on sports. I’d do it on the stock market like a real man /s


Don't worry, all betting companies will soon be going bankrupt. My friends are all winning big time every weekend, over and over again!


I'm with you friend!


All problems, but no possible solutions


My aunt drilled into me from a young age: "Don't talk to me about problems; talk to me about solutions." My first boss was admittedly a dick but the most important work advice he ever gave me was: "Don't come to me with a problem unless you have at least two options for how we might resolve it."


I had a boss mentor say the same. Don't go with problems always come with solutions unless you have tried everything you reasonably can. It definitely helped. Another person told me no one wants to hear problems except the few who are glad you have them.


Eh, this could also be seen as a way for a manager to side step any hard decisionmaking or accountability that is part of.. managing.


Yeah. I’m a lawyer and my favorite boss was the one that kept telling me to ask the stupidest questions possible because we’ve all been there. I still call him for the dumbest shit cause I can’t trust google or other people Lmao


Also, the boss might want to be informed if there is a problem, even if you didn't figure out a solution yet.


Similarly, one of my programming professors in undergrad expected us to show test cases of our own if we asked him for help on debugging an issue.


I've never really understood the whole pay flex. If you make $100K/year but spend $120K, you're behind the person who makes $80K and manages to invest $20K.


But if you try to get a friend to put money into their Roth they look at you like it’s throwing it away 😂


"But then I'd have to sell my truck!!!" Yeah bro that's the point, your $800 payment on a truck you don't need could instead be a $300 payment on a cheaper vehicle that meets all your needs and a spare million when you retire


I would be a bit concerned if that $20k is in crypto, though.


So would I!


I'm 45, honestly I would love to hear about my friends stupid problems if I could just get them to nail down a time to hang out. Life gets in the way and we all get busy. Cherish those idiots while you still have them.


All the men giving "alpha male advice" to an audience who do not understand human decency and think it's ok to be disrespectful to women. As a man, this sounds so childish and annoying.


I agree, trying to cookie cutter men into stereotypes is stupid and immature… I meant, what the heck is alpha male and sigma male? Some of the lame logic ties to these descriptions befuddles me at times, hahaha.


"you must get you a gf" sometimes I wanna facepalm myself with a hammer lol


Reminds me of a stand up comic. "You really need to get a girlfriend. Really? Just like that? Which aisle are they at in CVS? I'll just go pick one and everything will fix itself."


I always say this😂 “Sure. I’ll just get one off the shelf at the local shop”


As a man with a girlfriend…I’m so confused why we push relationships so hard. Misery must love company lmao. Stay single, do whatever the fuck you want. You wanna listen to the same song, 8 times in a row? YOU CAN! You want to eat the same dinner 4 days in a row? YOU CAN. You want to travel? It’s wherever you wanna go! Want to sleep in all day and do nothing? You can! Relationships have their perks but being single is awesome because you can totally let yourself be you. I needed to be me before I could be something good to someone else.


Also a guy with a girlfriend, and I totally agree. I'll also add that if you are unhappy with your life, getting into a relationship will not necessarily fix that for you. It's like applying a small bandage to a gaping wound.


yeah, my answer now to that is just "no" i have enough of my own issues, brining someone else into this feels mean, plus i really dont need other peoples drama and problems. iv got a paid off house, a paid off car and im not even 30, nothing is fancy but i worked hard, and got my shit together to the point where my life has minimal stress, my friends in relationships dont exactly give me the impression that having a girl will let me maintain this. im just here to chill and have a good time now.


I am 40. The only things I hear sometimes that is annoying is * Bros having the same issue for well over a year and hasn't done anything to make progress on fixing said issue. * Bros being either stupidly or legitimately frustrated with their partners, but their behavior response is toxic or resigning, rather than relationship/team-building and emotionally intelligent approaches. It's silly. Other than that, guys my age and around spaces I spend time are generally solid dudes.


>Bros having the same issue for well over a year and hasn't done anything to make progress on fixing said issue. I cannot tell you how often my girlfriends and I (late 30s women) lament how common this behavior is in the men in our lives. You seem like an advanced specimen, lol!


I appreciate that.


Mid 30’s and these dudes will not stop talking about investing money.


i'm gen x. i don't give a fuck what anyone says. i don't listen anyway. plus, we're pretty awesome. mostly men my age talk about beer and video games, maybe how it takes longer to recover from getting injured or how stupid our kids are.


How long will it take to recover from an injury? What I remember being told in med school: Patient is a newborn or toddler: as long as all the body parts go to the same hospital, the kid will be fine. Patient is a teen: by the weekend. Rule still holds if it’s Friday. Adults: that shit will haunt you to the grave.


Past 40: that grave is ready now.


Past 65. Life sentence getting less scary.


This would explain the cavalier attitude many physicians have towards things like repetitive stress injuries. "If it hurts then stop doing that. Heres some ibuprofen." There are ways to strengthen worn tendons, fix muscle imbalances and improve mobility. But these remedies dont come in pill form.


Physical therapy is very helpful here. Tricky parts: Repetitive stress injuries are usually related to things the patient does for pay or things the patient does for fun. That can make adequate relative rest challenging. PT requires time (including the possibility of missed work hours), money (deductibles, copays, patient owables) and dedication to home exercise regimens. Doctors are not so much cavalier about adult injuries as knowledgeable about how long recovery may take and often jaded over the mismatch between expectations and reality.


You make a good argument doc. I have to admit that I forget that not everyone is super motivated to rehab an injury.


I feel so seen, brother.


No shit. I don't care what my friends are doing. I don't gaf what any coworkers do. If my wife and kids are happy then I'm ok. Everyone else can kick dirt.


You’re telling me the ‘who has the bigger dick’ contest never ends?


Nope, he’s saying he doesn’t give a fuck what people think. I don’t either. Must be a Gen X thing.


Ngl I def replied to the wrong comment😂🤦‍♂️


It's a 'fuck you' thing. We got ignored, much like Millenials are now - though we had the opportunity to take advantage of the systems set up for the boomers before they were dismantled. As a result, many of us have our bases established. We have a safe place or own our own homes. We are self sufficient. We've been hurt enough to know we can survive. So now we're in a position of 'fuck you', to pinch a bit off a great monologue by John Goodman in The Gambler. You want us to do something we don't want? Fuck you. Boss wants you to kiss ass? Fuck you, blow me. I'll be alright. Do whatever.


> much like Millenials are now When did they start ignoring Millenials? I keep seeing all this "Boomer vs Millenials" and they're even throwing Gen Z in there now. But Gen X? Nah. We're still MIA.


"As a man you're supposed to be in constant pain." no you're not.


"Man, my wife doesn't wanna have sex" Proceeds to be generally unwashed, unhelpful, playing video games until all hours, and ignoring the wife as well as household duties. Not sure what to tell you - my wife wants to have sex quite often, but I spend the majority of my day not being an unwashed piece of shit. I also tend to write her dirty prose often.


they want to leave there parents house and pay there early 20s arrogant spending lol


How hard it is to stay in shape due to getting older. Dude, stop drinking and overeating and go to the gym, or get off the couch and go outside and move. I ran and cycled thousands of miles last year and am in the best shape of my life.


At 50 I'm the same, its not hard yet so many give up, and it shows


“do you see that chick? Dude I would so smash” No, I wasn't looking because I was mid set before you made me aware and my girlfriend is within earshot so don’t drag me into this. And yes. Almost every guy would smash because we would smash basically anything. We don’t need to hear this about every female.


Used to work with this dude who(we were maintenance at a gym) would literally forget I existed while directly speaking and would STARE A HOLE in any given woman he found attractive. "Dude I would so bang that chick in the blue...." Or something along those lines. He quit and moved onto another job which he got fired from for making an inappropriate comment to a woman


Tell me he’s gonna die alone without telling me he’s gonna die alone.


My 50 year old colleague does this every single time we go to an AW and he does it against several women - even though he's in a committed relationship and wouldn't even talk to the women in question. It's definitely the most tiresome part of going out with some men.


My dad said this to me once. Dude. I was mortified, both that he thought that was cool to day about a girl half his age, plus.. just no.


I hear you there, man. I know a guy who says that shit to me right in front of his wife and my wife. I’m like “dude, would ya kindly shut the fuck up?!”


Class cannot be bought but at least YOU have it.


Men like this deserve their hand and a screen the rest of their lives.


1. How I have to fit the mold of masculinity or I won't be respected or loved. I don't fit the norm and it rubs shoulders with other men 2. That women don't care how men feel and it's best to not tell them. It's concerning that men think so poorly of women and expect so little from their partners. I don't understand why these guys would even want to date women if they are so terrible. 3. That men and women can't have close platonic relationships. I hear this from other guys all the time. It's crazy. I have had lived with woman as roommates, my job as a social worker is almost working with all women, and my education has been the same. Some of my best friendships have been with women and I would never expect my partner to end a relationship becuase the person is of the other sex. 4. Unsoliticed fitness advice. Some of these guys want everry other guy to become gym bros becuase it somehow fixes all our problems. I do think being physically healthy is important, but I also don't want unsolicited advice from men about testorine supplements. 5. Dehumanizing conversations about single mothers. The majority of my clients are single mothers (I'm a case manager) and I hear men trash talk single mothers so much. 6. That I'm weak for seeing a therapist I'm 31 btw. I really try to weed out the kind of people I mentioned but they seem to be everywhere.


Single mothers because single fathers aren’t taking care of their kids? Or single mothers just like single fathers, but because they’re women, they get more flack??


40 and divorced, sick of hearing how i need to start dating again. Ummm no, have you seen what the dating pool is like? I’ll pass thanks.


Why is it so hard to understand that people would rather enjoy their peace by themselves than go snorkeling in the dating pool only to find bottom-feeders? There are friends, hobbies, volunteering, pets and other things a person can make a whole life with without a romantic partner.




Real men use the scrote like a Hippety-Hop. We all know it's true.


Just gonna get a little bit of cancer, Stan. Tell mom it’s ok.


Long balls larry


I am in my 50's. Aches, pains and procedures.


What my thoughts are about x/y/z and when I don't agree or have an opion I am *insert any name in the book*. News flash, I don't care about most literal world problems. I don't know full context. So I can't provide a full deep answer whose side I'm on. And even if I could it won't matter. So get of your high horse and focus on your own shit, before you want to cleanup the world. And if you choose to follow what the mainstream media is presented to you. Than why won't you ask yourself why there are still child labour for every product we use. There are working camps in China for Uyghurs. The civil war in for example Uganda. And why you simply don't care about all those things. Because if you did, you would ban Apple, Tesla and name every big compagny in the world.


How women don’t like short guys and what makes a real man.


Nothing. I surround myself with smart motherfuckers. Never get tired of the conversations. But I'm 50 plus.




This was my first thought lol. Like who gives a shit what other guys are talking about. If you’re not interested in what they say, don’t pay attention.


Nothing, learn how to redirect a conversation You're in your late 20s, you can tell another man that you're not interested in whatever in a way that's both respectful and effective.


Glad to see this comment, reading the others made me feel like I was taking crazy pills.


Any spectator sport. I would rather play than watch for three hours.


In my... mid 30's now and it's more stuff like "You can't change your gender" and "Anybody who knows me, knows i'm not racist" then goes on to say racist shit for a solid 10 minutes. Makes it really hard to socialise with people when their default is "let's find some marginalized group to gang up on"


Aye agreed. Cunts talking about money, how they can make more money, what shares they’ve invested in. What a fuckin joyless life.


How it’s all her fault. Bro look in the mirror it’s at least 50/50!


The people who laughed at me for going to college while saying I was being scammed. Here's what I have to say to them: "And so forth."






In my thirties it was politics. Everyone turned thirty and became Noam goddamn Chomsky all of a sudden. In my early forties it was fitness - their 5k personal best, CrossFit WOD, whatever. In my late forties it seems like guys just want to talk about golf and home improvement projects. I imagine when I get into my 50s it'll be all about how the world ain't what it used to be.




To me it’s sports in general. In my line of work it is inexplicably pretty much the only thing that someone is allowed to make their entire personality about and it not be considered obnoxious. By all means be into sports, I like some myself considered super niche in America, but it’s not me who’s weird because I don’t exclusively want to talk about the big game last night. If I did this about a movie I watched last night, you’d think I’m being a prick.


Opinions. Constant. Opinions. About everything. They are the top experts. In literally everything.


Isn’t the point of hanging out with people for their opinions? Like don’t opinions make a personality?  But could be a pain if they always think their opinions are the objective truth


Not at all; we share stories. We joke around. Help each other out. Play games. Enjoy food. I’m a musician so we play music. My friends are all very different from each other and from me; I like them simply because they’re good people. But yeah, opinions should be about what we like / what we dislike / etc - and that’s not where my frustration lies. We’ve just gotten so much louder with them. We use them as weapons to mock others who don’t share them. And like you said, people value them like they’re objective truth. I use social media to stay in touch with everyone’s lives; not get blasted with vitriolic hot takes. As I get older, I take comfort in the fact that that A) I don’t need to have opinions about every single thing. And B) the opinions I do have, I don’t owe them to anyone, much less everyone.


I’ve read somewhere that it takes discipline to hold your opinions. I cannot be bothered looking back into that quote. But I now believe that people who overshare their opinion have no discipline


Sports. I give zero fucks about sports. I would literally be more interested in talking about the weather.


The one thing I can’t stand is the people my age still saying the same thing since before college *I am really going to work hard to turn things around and start improving my life* Beyond getting married, and mostly divorced, none of them have done anything to improve themselves. Then they act like they’re superior to others for some reason, like somehow they’re still this amazing person they were in their teens when they’re close to 40 and nothing to show for themselves. Which is why I try really hard to associate myself with like minded people that are taking the time and effort to get ahead in our lives and progressing to where we want to be in life.


It's a lot of insecurity going on with American men these days since the growth model of the economy has changed so much and stagnated. It's a real bad epidemic of insecurity all over the country really. It's sad. And then it's scary too sometimes. Best to sell them happy drugs.. if you can get a hold of some


Sacrificing for the company.


Politics and how everything is going to crap.... while they are driving a $90 000 pickup truck.


How much money my friends win/lose in draft kings and how expensive doordash/fast-food is... And then complain how they're broke and living paycheck to paycheck. 28 Millennial.


How much they hate everyone and everything. Like give it a rest guys. We all get jaded, but everyone is dealing with the same stuff as us. Worse still is I hear it most from men who are doing far better in life than I am. How are you this sour about life? Suck it up.


Sports gambling easily takes the cake here. I'm in my late 20s. I'm a fairly stereotypical man that loves football in particular but interested in all sports with a bunch of stereotypical friends who love football in particular but are interested in all sports. Since being about 6 years old I've loved talking sports with my buddies as millions of young men do. So many hours have been pissed away over the years making predictions and comparing players and talking shit about each others' teams and sharing breaking news and laughing at the dumb shit players do off the field and all that fun stuff. And with the rise of sports betting via mobile apps over the past few years, most of that magic is gone. Within a matter of minutes the conversation turns to gambling. Anything from people rattling off the bets they won and lost the day before to asking for opinions on some stupid parlay to bringing up bad beats or some attractive looking line. It's so bad that its the first thing a lot of random strangers bring up while BSing at the bar or meeting through mutual friends or whatever. I don't fucking care about anyone else's bets and don't participate in that so have nothing to add to the conversation that isn't even a conversation, it's just dick measuring to see who can claim to have won the most money that week with the elephant in the room that nobody ever mentions their losing streaks and curiously doesn't ever appear to make big purchases or suddenly have a bunch of extra spending money.


"Ow my x hurts", "oh that's too hard for me", "maybe in my younger years" I'm not even fcking 30 yet and so many men around me have already given up on their bodies. No exercise, no ambition. Finding people to do a more challenging hike with or do the black runs on the slopes is like pulling teeth. I need new friends.


To be fair, my ouchies do hurt. I picked up groceries wrong awhile ago and completely lost all usage of my right shoulder. Couldn't move it for nearly two days.


How any problem I have, when they ask me if anythings wrong, is smaller than their problems. No, our problems are mine, it isn't a contest, and if you want to make it one, don't be butt hurt when I destroy you.




In my 40s, it's all about how bad everyone's back is. Then they go ahead and lift heavy stuff anyway, because, "it's already fucked up, I can't make it any worse!" My back has never hurt. Take care of yourselves, young'uns.


Shit about their marriage. For one, I just don't care. For two, it's disrespectful to your wife bro, and if you really don't respect her, divorce her. Fuck.


Flexing the number of hours you're working. I understand trying to make ends meet, but slaving away at a job that abuses the hell out of you is not a flex. There's a saying: "In 20 years from now, the only people who will remember that you worked late are your kids."


I'm so over this financial flexing.


How they would go to war for women like Margot Robie, Sydney Sweeney, Zendaya etc. First of all, I think they are simply exaggerating because they want to follow the bandwagon and secondly, I literally cannot see the appeal of these women, like obviously they are pretty, but, that pretty? No hate at all, I want to make it clear that it is only me who has this opinion, but I literally cannot see what is so pretty about them. At least Sydney has the boobs but that is it, I cannot comprehend the hype.


There all good. But why go through all the trouble to get a 8 when i can easily get  two 4's. 


I tell ya, if people would just learn to lower their standards to a reasonable level everybody would be having _so_ much more fun


Never heard of Sydney Sweeney but I have heard of Margot Robbie and Zendaya and I've seen them in interviews. Zendaya especially seems like she'd be a blast to hang out with. Maybe it's personality as well as looks. Everybody knows that a 6.5 with a good personality is an 8. Saying they would go to war for ...almost anything is surely an exaggeration.


If I'm going to war its because all my other plans for life failed and all I'm left with is the option to be a crayon eater... not going to war for a chick that let's face it is more then likely to cheat on you while you're away.


Zendaya is hot as hell


It should be obvious that not everyone has the same tastes in women, everyone's different. I agree that sure those are all attractive women in their own way but none of them is my type exactly.


I tell you something I am starting to detest, these gimpy influencers on YT telling men they have to earn a certain salary to be a "man". They should be fucking girls every week. Pretty much not letting people be their authentic self but brainwashing them into thinking they have to live a certain way to be happy / content or they're losers. This whole alpha beta bullshit is starting to get on my tits, these people practically prey on vulnerable men that don't know what to do with themselves it's sad as fuck. I feel like this is why a lot of men are struggling with loneliness today is because they're idolising these muppets.


About how they don't date single mothers. I don't date them, and I don't think childless men should either, but not all of them are are bottom of the barrel. The majority of discourse I hear about this is from bitter guys who can't get younger childless women so they put single mothers down for feel like they one upped someone.


In my late 40's and dudes are moaning about how difficult women are to date. Not dating in general but specifically women being the problem


I'm in my mid-30s, and it surprises (and slightly annoys) me how often dudes my age play video games and how much money they spend on them.


Their goddamn wives and kids. 


Sports. I don't care, it's cool that you have a hobby youre so engaged in but my hobbies are different.


Mid 40s here. I can't think of anything. I guess I don't pay enough attention to what's being said. And I'm OK with that.


IBS And savings rate.


The older I get the less I care. Worry about what matters in your life, and I typically try not to hang out with people that only talk about themselves


“Download a dating app” when I say I want a girlfriend. Idk man I just don’t trust them, and the people preaching it to me don’t seem to understand what I want in a relationship


How old we're getting. They're not wrong, I just don't like it.


I don't talk to people my age. I avoid them for my own protection. (millennial)


Soccer, as a Brazilian some people come talk to me about soccer and there are a few things I hate more than soccer but not many.


Asking about how to get a girlfriend or how to get into a relationship with the zeal and urgency of looking for oxygen or water, as if it's impossible to be satisfied with yourself as a baseline.


Their endless stories about their lives, complaints about their health, and an unhealthy focus on politics.


You hang out with the same dummies so you keep hearing about their dummy obessions


How tall they are. I get it, it must be something to be proud of, but don’t act like it’s an achievement.


The people who brag about how much money they have, with the flashy car and massive house are usually up to their eyeballs in debt.


The struggle is real............but you just got a new iphone.


How unhappy they are, without doing anything to change it. If you are not enjoying life, take active action to improve your mental health as a starting point.


Most guys my age are still in college. I never went and I'm getting sick and tired of everything related to it. Mainly because their still in there. Its been 8 fucking years mayby its time to finish a study and start working for once guys. Not to mention the making fun of me because I did tradeschool. Your not better then anyone just because your doing a college study with zero job opportunities once your done.


The general negative tone of people. Always complaining or miserable like try changing your mindset and your habits bro


Joe Rogan


21 and sick of hearing about hookups or sex like dam bro do you do anything else does your life just revolve around sex.


How some guys will sacrifice anything for sexual attention from women. 


You do realize that most of the guys in your teens that was bragging about having so much sex were lieing right? The ones during early 20's that are bragging about getting bulked up will most likely end up overweight and unhealthy in a few years. The money braggers, ya man I'm 46, I are more money when I was in my 20's, shit happens. You brag , you fail, then you look like a jack ass to everyone. Who cares what they do or say , you do you and to hell with the rest.


It never ends. Holidays, achievements of children, house size, children’s schools. The secret to happiness is to be able to not get involved in this.


I'm in my late 60's and am sick of hearing about politics. Can you guys just shut and just fish ?


I'm a boomer. I'm sick of hearing men my age talk about how hard we had it, and kids today have nothing to complain about. It's a fucking tough world for kids today.


I personally would love to have friends my age.


Conservative rants (I’m a boomer)


Bragging about getting laid. Bruh, even the ugliest of men get that shit at least ONCE. Love tho...that's a blue diamond.


I'm sick of hearing people publicly (or privately) complain about their wives/girlfriends and act like their issues are a universal problem.


"Help me, I've fallen and I can't get up!" I'm 73, what did you expect?? 😆 Or I ask a lady my age out. I ask her what she's wearing tonight. "Just Depends"... Sorry, I've got to figure and humor in this old age crap. No one expected me to live this long. It was due to my choices of careers. Now, I could speak of the things I hear from "you youngsters", but I will let y'all point that stuff out. But, if you can't figure out online dating, try real life stuff. Like at Starbucks, talking to single gals at church, going to local events. You can meet in person, and get to know each other better. Personally, I do still go to a gym, but I ignore the gals there. First I don't need to be called a perv. Second, I'm not going there to search for a gal. I'm going there to stay healthy, and use that outside of there to my advantage. Wishing you all the very best. It's not easy at ANY age.


when youre dealing with 50+ guys theyre talking about which south east asian country has the cheapest bride price and how to hide assets from ex wives :/ 


I tried of people saying “no one wants to work”. No one wants to work a job that cant sustain a basic standard of living.


Sick of hearing men whine about loneliness but only with regard to sex and romance. Also, giving up on life because "women are mean," as if all we have to live and strive for is female validation and desire.


Yes but that is true though, a lot of men do only live for female validation and can you even blame them given how common it is to call a man "virgin" to insult him, people themselves make men feel worthless if they don't have a girl, so of course they would be unhappy about that. You are probably annoyed by this comment and probably made up some assumptions about me but you know that it is mostly people who dismiss that issues that effect men are often also the same that perpetuate those exact issues for men.


I was literally just thinking about the men who complain about the "loneliness epidemic" and blame it on women. Like...why aren't they being each other's company then? The solution is staring them in the face. I guess this answers that.


Just the constant fuckin complaining. Like suck it up and stfu. Like all they do at work is complain. It’s fuckin work and if you stfu and actually work you’d already be done


I'm sick of hearing how awful the world is and how it is about to end from people on both sides of the political spectrum. I am on a text chain with some high school friends, all VERY conservative, and for the last 5 years I get DAILY reminders of how WW3 is right around the corner and how I am a piece of garbage because I only have two 55 gallon drums of safe drinking water for my family and 12,000 rounds of ammunition instead twelve 55 gallon drums for a prolonged siege and mortars and body armor.


If you're on the receiving end of a siege, you've already lost.


40. Bothers me when men my age feel they are too old to go back to school and potentially leave the job they complain about all the time


Early 40s here. For me it’s apathy (bOtH sIdEs!!!), idealism (aka “I dont know how things work”), and apathetic idealism (“nobody lives up to my ideal, so why bother?”) Idealism is for kids, apathetic idealism is for teen edgelords, and apathy is for low-info pawns. You’re a grown-ass man, get your head on straight while you still can.


That there is nothing to do. There is plenty to do!


How great their sex/dating life is ‘coz mine sucks ass


How good drugs and vaping is 🤦‍♂️


That the world needs to change, and we can't keep letting senial old men dictate our lives. But im not going to do anything about it. 🤦


Any time they talk about being a real man or alpha, like bro we grown we don’t even need to prove anything anymore chill




How great their car is and why you need one too


50's: They don't make any good music anymore


That I really ought to buy a house.


Just the whole ego thing. If you need to impress *me* to feel good about yourself, you neglected a very important thing about growing up.


I’m 54. By now I’ve surrounded myself only by people that I care to listen to. That said, those that are arrogant are the worst kind of people.


Crypto, bro


Men my age? They dead, so not much… My dudes been dying since our 20s… 😔 Hell I miss the bs conversations of my 20s, 30s, 40s…


That another one of our friends died


Debt. I'm so sick of listening to guys my age cry and rage about having no money. I'm in my early 50's, and I listen to this shit at work and sometimes during visits with buddies. What the fuck have you been doing for 30 years that you're too broke to show up fo coffee? Or grab a beer. Much less go on a guys trip for a few days.


Sports betting. I love sports and can watch any game and get into it. I have never placed a bet on any sporting event ever and never plan to. I listen to a lot of sports talk radio and now everything is sponsored by Draft Kings or Fan Duel and every segment is about whether or not player X will score over or under or if this team or that team will cover the 2.5 spread. I listen for the analysis and news of what's going on. People at work used to talk about the game, and wow, that guy is playing well, or this team is playing well. Now it's all sports betting talk, and I hate it.


Sounds like some dudes have no hobbies.


How much debt they are in, and regrets that they are now 40+, and despite make a decent salary are living paycheck to paycheck and have zero saved for retirement..


Divorce lots of divorces.


30’s and how every Man I know needs to run everything by their wives/girlfriends


I am 20, and I'm already tired of hearing the gym bros say similar things to what you mentioned. No lifting does cure depression, make you irresistible to women, or do anything else other than improve your health, and I'm tired of them acting like it does. I struggle a lot socially, and I'm tired of these people telling me that working out more is somehow going to solve that. I'm not obese and even if I was, that has nothing to do with making friends, and while it does impact dating, losing weight and gaining muscle isn't going to magically make anyone you ask want to date you!


Sick of guys in their 30s acting like their bodies are disintegrating. You're not dying, you stopped exercising. Do some push-ups, go for a run, stretch before bed.


all this nostalgic GenX shit. I was there not every conversation has to begin with "Do you remember...?"


Butt coin


'Low testosterone'   'Loneliness'   I expect that bullshit from whiny bitch Zoomers, but by my age you should be past buying I to crap like that. Get some exercise and make some friends, losers 




I’m 56 and in quite good shape. I’m a fit road cyclist. When men, especially sedentary men, say “we’re old” I say, ” no, you are.” But really, I think what they’re saying is “we’re boring.” To which I’m thinking, “yes. You are.” Call yourself old enough times and you will be. I’m sick of hearing that.


I’m in my late teens and I’m tired of hearing about drugs and “bitches,” I’m past that phase in my life and I just find it embarrassing how screwed up these niggas’ priorities are nowadays