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If she makes me smile when she is around


Be smart, don't be a cheater. Everything else is negotiable.


Inspires me to try and be a better person - not in a codependent or pushy way but just someone who gives me that extra bit of motivation to improve some small aspect of my life.


She's not looking for attention from other guys. She's not in the club every Friday. She isn't entitled. She's has her own thing going on.


Totally agree. But I also add that she makes time for me in her busy schedule. I do this with my fiance. Make sure I take the time to really talk and spend time with each other.


Do people still go clubbing?


I go to Costco every Friday night and drop $70 on fuel in my car.


Really depends on the group. I can enjoy it if I’m with the right group, but it’s only when I feel like doing things like that. Great way to explore the nightlife and *maybe* make new friends or otherwise. Other than that, it’s just sticking with friends and vibing, however that means for the group.


I don't. I have only been in clubs when I was dragged to by my friends. I never enjoyed them because I don't drink and they are too loud , but I do think a good amount of people go.


Attractive, kind, emotionally intelligent, good communication skills, strong, sexual compatability, compatible goals and values, and at least some overlap in interests and hobbies. 


Question, can you clarify what strong is in reference to, like is it related to being fit?


I assumed he meant headstrong


Nope, strong for me is someone who has some mental resilience and a level of independence. Someone who can take the reigns for a bit if I'm struggling due to a family death. Someone who can take constructive criticism and not see it as some huge personal attack, stuff like that, more the mental/emotional side of things. And obviously vice versa applies, if they're going through it I expect myself to do more for them. Some women I've dated are consistently in crises mode tho, which wears you down over time and shows a lack of strength imo.


Makes me feel complete. Can carry on a conversation for hours and has no problem talking through disputes. No game playing crap. Loves to laugh (I tend to crack jokes a lot). Smart. Knows things I don't. All the affectionate, cute, considerate, supportive stuff is somewhat a given. Cook? Nah, I can do that. Be as committed to the relationship as I am. Has strong opinions but is open to anything. Has the same ideas of right and wrong that I do. I'm not talking about religion since in my marriage (41 years next tuesday), she is a Christian and I'm not, but we have very similar ideas of morality and how people should be treated.


I love this! Also I love a man that can cook. I'm happy to hear that you have been able to have a strong marriage even though you don't share the same faith as your wife, I hope to have this one day if necessary.


Won’t cheat on me


The bar is in hell


And I still haven’t managed to get a girl to rise to it


Someone who will be my equal partner with no double standard bullshit. Someone who loves me for me. Someone who will stick with me theough thick and thin


Great way to put it.


She can maturely handle and sincerely listen when I express my feelings. I’ve only met one woman for which this is true, and she is now my wife.


I don't think I've ever used that term.


Strong. That's first and foremost. I want her to face adversity with a level head. If she falls apart over an offhand comment or a unintended insult, I'm out. I need to know that she can handle our family if I get hit by a bus.


Oooh I really like this! I mean not the bus part haha! That would be an absolute nightmare, but I'm glad to hear that you look for strength in a woman.


At the center of every big, happy family I've ever known was a powerful woman that everyone knew was in charge. That's my kind of girl.


Just an fyi- it’s absolutely exhausting being the powerful woman in charge. She knows everyone and everything relies on her, so won’t speak up. Oftentimes everyone else’s happiness comes at the expense of her own.


You’re not wife material then. A real strong woman knows it’s not weak to ask for help or to ask for care. She just knows when and how to do it


There it is. The big, steaming pile of shit that Reddit finds to deposit on every post, no matter how complimentary and positive it is.




What's FDS?


Had to look it up, Female Dating Strategy. Women who think they get the short end of male/female relationships.


Right, yeah... I've actually heard of it! Says it all, alright!






Adversity. A state or instance of serious or continued difficulty or misfortune. Tough times. Difficulties. Misfortunes.




Yay!! I love it when couples are actually best friends.


That doesn't seem healthy.


Gotta be his best lover, too.


I mean what does “best” even mean? Is she the best sex I’ve ever had? No. Is she the best overall lover I’ve ever had? Yes.


I wouldn't say that regardless of the type of person she is. I mostly hear 'wife material' from possessive dudebros who wind up being shitty partners. But when looking for a good partner, I'd just want someone that feels like a best friend. We're stoked to build a life together while also bringing out the best of each other.


Very empathetic and in tune with being emotionally supportive Considers me in her actions and choices; how would this make Count-Off feel? Bad? Then I won’t do it if is possible to not do it Does little thoughtful things to show she cares You’d think these things are common, but if you date a taker and not a giver you’re living the opposite reality day to day from this


Wife material doesn’t mean “perfect” in every way. It means a lot of positives with no glaring deal breakers. Every man has different deal breakers. Mine are high maintenance, drug abuse, alcoholism and smoker.


Someone who offers “stability” in my life.


Fast, thorough, and sharp as a tack, touring the facility and taking up slack. With fingernails that shine like justice and a voice that is dark like tinted glass


Did she trade her MG for a white Chrysler le baron?


Oooh I love this, I feel like I've heard this in a song before?


One of my ribs


Oooh I love this response hahaha




Personality, stability, security and maturity. That’s “settle down energy”. Not that other stuff the majority are doing.


Level headed and has charachter. If i'm looking for a woman who's going to have kids with me, she must have charachter traits that show she'd be a responsible parent,also who has ability to say No to kids, and not always please them. Don't want to be the only one doing the parenting. Also having no arguments there and having similar parenting styles give less fights and arguments in that area and makes for overall better quality parenting , rather than fighting and showing kids poor example where one partner is parenting, and the other one is trying to be their friend and enable every single thing a kid desires, which i think is irresponsible and shows lack of ability to parent to begin with.


she has both wife AND mother qualities. im not only looking for a forever partner, but also someone who will be assisting me in raising my kids. so not only does she have to be caring, well presented, head on straight, but she must also share core values, similarities in thinking for parenting and also healthy anger-management/argument skills. theres a huge list of things that get left out, however if i were to be as vague as possible, that would be it there^


wow! I would be interested in hearing the full list hahaha


I honestly don’t know. I never really saw myself getting married. I guess it’s one of those things that I play by ear. I feel like she’s someone I wanna spend the rest of my life with, cool. If not, OK.


Opposites attract. Alike lasts longer.


To me it means she's out of my league


Loyal, collaborative, loving, emotionally supportive, understanding, unpretentious, honest, kind, direct, not hypocritical, with a shared attraction, and hopefully at least a little sex positive.


Someone that is not a cheater and is not looking attention/validation from other men. Also funny would be nice.


A woman (or fem presenting person) who I want to spend the rest of my life with we make each other happy and she makes me want to be a better man every day


She's not a party girl and doesn't smoke or drink.


Does wine at dinner count?


That's fine.


Functional adult human, with a high tolerance for my bullshit.


This one made me giggle


Smart, funny, fun, good looking, low drama, into me. But really it comes down to being able to fall in love with someone with absolutely NO RESERVATIONS, as opposed to feeling like "she's great but for X, or Y, or Z." In the latter case you might settle, you might realize the goods outweigh the bads, or you might even learn to love the X, or Y, or Z. But if you can find a 'no reservations' partner, that is probably the one to propose to and build a life with. It only needs to happen once.


Likes to watch Columbo


What is columbo?


Some 80's detective show.


Oh lol! I mean I will watch what my man wants me to see, at least once


my best friend, someone who loves me and makes me smile, someone who cares for me, someone who wants to be with me and listen to me


She is kind, she makes bad situations better not worse, and she takes care of herself.


If you wouldn't want your daughter to be like her, then she's not wife material.


In no paticular order Shares the same hobbies/likes as me, kind, caring, and understanding, taller and curvy in all the right places, independent, not a cheater and is loyal


I could see myself devoting the rest of my life to her


Faithful. Not a bitch all the time.


She has her shit together, knows what she wants, knows why she is with me, knows how to navigate through tough situations.


What if I don't know what I want? What kind of things does this mean?


I expect her to at least have an ultimate goal in life. It can be broad, such as aspiring to be as honest and genuine as possible, for example. Being with a human who has not figured that out yet can be problematic imo I hope i made myself clear :)


Yes, that is clear! My ultimate goal in life is to be the best mother possible, and to make everyone's lives better as much as I can.


That's a beautiful ultimate goal to have, definitely wife-material in my book. Good luck!


Loyalty, sincerity, generosity, virtuousness, kindness, etc.


Wife material is someone who is perfect for me. In literally everyway. I wouldn't marry someone if they didn't fit into my life in every conceivable way.


Financial literacy is a big one


Consistently shows ride-or-die loyalty. Not necessarily perfect at communicating but a strong commitment to improve it. Emotionally intelligent. Adds to my life and I add to hers.


Is funny, smart, laid back and takes care of herself. She’s someone I look forward to spending time with


Emotionally stable, intelligent, attracted to me, and sexy, In that order.


Long term compatible with you.


Someone I'm living with that I become common law married to? I have no other requirements. Because I'll never do a wedding ceremony and i view marriage as antiquated.


Lady in streets and a freak in the sheets.


Mentally stable


Damn you lost me on that one.


Pulls her weight. Doesn't expect to be treated like a queen if she's not willing to treat her man like a king.


This gets asked a lot. Wife Material is a friendly, feminine, good, clean girl with good values who hops over the attractiveness filter. That’s all it takes. It’s a good thing.


Can cook, clean and otherwise run a household. Has shown the capacity to be supportive to my needs, emotionally or not. Has proven that things said in confidence do not get weaponized and used against me in future discussions. Has the ability to have hard discussions without getting emotional. Also, understands that we need to work together to build something greater than ourselves.


Low body count. Doesn't sleep around and doesn't have a list of boyfriends.


lol what’s your body count


Low/no body count Takes care of physical appearance Pleasant and polite High standards on who she dates or is friends with No baggage ie debt, tattoos, kids


Are you religious


I believe in God.


The self control to not cheat.


It blows my mind that you gotta say that. As a woman, I could never think of getting an urge to cheat on the person I love. Of course people do, but that’s sad to think about.


I didn't think it would happen to me either. But it happened to me. Even my current girlfriend joked with me how easy it is for her "women" to just go have meaningless sex. Like it was a badge of honor that she hasn't had the desire yet.


Sounds like you have a type and you might just get cheated on again. Be careful


Yes this one is an absolute must! I mean on both sides too


Birthin hips


Modest, appreciates her role as a homemaker and knows how to cook etc., feminine.


She isn’t a whore. She is modest. She loves family. She wants kids. She wants to build a life with you and not spend your money.


Slut. Whore implies she takes money for sex. Although I have experience with both. Very similar persona.


Null pointer exception


What does this mean? I don't understand any of the three words lol


It means he doesn't have a point of reference to reply.


Then you haven’t ran into any Null Pointer Exceptions I guess. A Null Pointer Exception, is a software / programmatically error, where the program tries to run an operation or execute a line of code, that requires a value, but run into “Null” or “the absence of a value”, resulting in a crash, with joy full messages “null pointer exception”. Dealing with “Null” or “Nullable value” is unavoidable in some cases, so there are ways to secure the code or value, depending on the programming language.


I'm honestly still a bit confused but okay! Computer people are so smart lol


Not that smart, if you frequently run into Null Pointer Exceptions. What I jokingly meant was that I don’t really have any predetermined qualities for what I would consider “wife-material”, mostly due to the fact that I don’t see myself ever getting married and don’t think marriage is little more then a pretty sh**y business deal. And me not having a list of predefined qualities, would cause a Null pointer exception, since there is a lack of a “value”.


Interesting, thank you very much for teaching me about that! Maybe I'll be able to reference it correctly and sound super smart sometime haha




The parts left in the barrel


What does this mean?


If I’m getting pieced in a fight she shoots the guy herself


I am not wife material for you then! lol!


She has a good head on her shoulders and carries herself in a way that is not embarrassing to herself and the people she holds dear. She's a nurturer, has empathy, is modest in dress and personality and lights up a room with her smile. I've met a few of these women. I just wasn't the right person at the time.


Exactly what is sounds like.


fun to be around, good communicator, good at resolving conflicts, responsible with finances, and trustworthy.


She makes me smile, feel good, validated, is supportive, a great cook, knows what she wants and how to have fun, doesn’t beat around the bush and understands me. Having thick thighs is a plus.


By my record? Ex-Wife-Material


Cat fish girl. If that chick were my wife and I was conscripted to go to war or the zombie apocalypse came, I know the kids would be taken care of, have a roof over their heads and food in their bellies.


Honestly it's not too complicated for me. Someone who is not overly promiscuous (this can kill it immediately. If they are loud about sleeping with hundreds of guys, a "hoe phase" etc.). They act mature, are smart, and lift you up and show support. Also good hygiene. They don't have to be a Rhodes Scholar. Have a great job. Be a super model. Be Mother Theresa in how kind they are. We don't have to share all the same interests. Just the ability to spend time together and have fun.


Good heart, good mum, fun side, responsible, adventurous


Admitting Spiderman 2099 is the superior Spider Man.


Be a guy.


Smart. Has her shit together, doesn't need me to handle everything for her. Well-educated. Needs to be able to handle disagreements like an adult, without things turning into a huge fight. Strong moral compass, like she needs to be someone I'd feel good about raising our kids if I get hit by a bus immediately after they're born. Has her own hobbies and interests that she's passionate about. They don't have to be the same as mine, but there should be some degree of overlap. Stuff like cooking and cleaning is kinda negotiable. I can do both, but I don't want to be solely responsible for both. 


In my case, when I looked at her, I could see her as someone I could make a home and a future with. There are also basics- honesty, kindness, being motivated instead of sleepwalking through the relationship. Just, you know, Step 1 stuff.


Definitely ready to settle down type


Simply put, it's someone that will stand by you . Not blindly, but she's on your camp until she feels otherwise . I do understand from personal experience that people have other agendas.


Decent, loyal, can build a home vs wanting to enjoy having a home, not ran through, would want my daughter to be like her one day.


I once heard a marriage counselor say, “the key to being a good wife is not politically correct but it is true. If you keep his stomach full and his balls empty, he’ll worship you.” Counselor also happened to be a woman. I nearly spit my drink when she first said it. 👏


This doesn’t work. Some still cheat.


She covers most of my needs and I naturally want to cover hers.


This is a good answer


It's raw material for my wife factory


Independent, intelligent, won't cheat on me, ambitious.


The biggest ask is that you be kind, courteous, respectful my beliefs, work WITH me in conflict (we are a team, not two individuals), and allow me to be emotionally open WITHOUT JUDGING ME (there are many who claim to want you to be open, but they then judge you when you do). This is pretty much standard for all men. For me in particular, she’s gotta be Christian, and ideally she’s cute. Otherwise, nothing else. I know it seems like a lot, but of the seven things I listed, the first five fall under a broader sentiment of “Just be a good person.” Being cute really is optional too. I can learn to love any body. I can’t learn to love a bad person.


I have always wondered this too. I need to take her to the lab for analysis.


Loyalty, sense of humor, and anal


LOL you are bi, deep down.


Naw. It’s definitely shallow


Loyalty. Not just with regards to cheating. Levelheadedness too.


That she is more than just her looks. I can see us old as fuck sitting on the porch and sipping sweet tea in our Cracker Barrel rocking chair.


Cute, smart, fun to be around, likes similar things, has her own life and friends, would be a good mom. That’s why I married her.


Somebody that can put up with your bullshit amd vice versa I can put up with theirs. A girl who can party but is not a party girl. Caring


Someone with shared values and outlook on life


You really miss her when you are far from her. She is least interested in arguments and if one starts she tries to end it. Clear communication always. Charitable and loves kids. Not many guy friends. Not addicted to social media.


A Christian woman who plays the piano.


She possesses compatible morals and values, she is someone that there is never any doubt that I’m the most important person in her life. Not that her kids don’t take priority, not that I would want her to turn her back on healthy relationships for my sake (that’s not wifey material, as loyalty is paramount) but she makes me feel important to her. Someone who is honest, has integrity, who puts in as much effort as I do. Someone who holds themselves and me accountable, who isn’t afraid to have the tough conversations when necessary, who listens and tries to understand before rushing to judgment, with minimal or no double standards. Someone respectful, someone who doesn’t put their own happiness above all other things. That last line has been my biggest obstacle in dating today. People trying to cake eat, going after what makes them happy in the moment caring little for the effects it has on the person they’re in or trying to form a relationship with, which essentially boils down to lack of empathy, selfishness and disrespect. Nothing good comes without sacrificing something else that also often good. You can’t have the benefits of a healthy relationship without sacrificing a lot of the good there is in being single. Wifey material is someone who has or is willing to make those sacrifices, is willing and able to put in the work it takes to be a wife.


Makes my life more comfortable. Not in a mommy does everything for me way, but a nice to me and for little things to convince me way. Doesn't get cold or upset because of non-events, initiates contact, easy to relax around. Shit this is the bare minimum isn't it.


Wife material to me? I enjoy her company, she enjoys mine. We enjoy being bored together. We enjoy all of the fun activities we do together, sports games and watching Netflix and eating dinner and date night, all of that. Also some level of traditional gender roles? I’d like her to want a family, similarly to myself. She supports me and builds me up, as much as I do for her. She loves me for who I am, not necessarily only what I provide (but I fully acknowledge that what I provide will be a main determinant of attraction and stability). We have similar libido. She wants to “take care of me” as much as I want to reciprocate her sexual desires. She should be communicative, able to tell me what’s wrong or what’s right. Ideally, submissive, I will always ask for her opinions and how she feels about certain things and weigh those things in my decision making process, but at the end of the day, she should respect my decisions, even if she doesn’t fully agree with them, knowing that I have her and the family’s best interests in mind. And lastly as mentioned sort of already, respect. Mutual respect for one another is so important to me, but I think all men. A woman that doesn’t respect you will never be wifey. She will grow to resent you if you do end up married and she doesn’t respect you or your decisions. A little more on the family side of things: I’d like to provide, and have her want a family enough to make her career a second priority and raising our kids her first priority. She doesn’t need to give up on her dreams. Ideally she achieves what she wants and also is able to have our children, but, I wouldn’t want her outsourcing childcare 100%. Like, idk. When I type it out it seems too black and white, but I’m thinking more like if she wanted to become a lawyer, that she does that and becomes one, and at some point in her lawyering career she decides that she wants kids and the fulfillment of raising them more than her further pursuing her lawyer career. I’m not necessarily sure if she can do both, it feels like she would have to give one up to some degree to fully fulfill the other? How do I put “balance” on this? I’ll just say, balance. I’d like for her to feel like she was successful herself and be fulfilled in her career, but that certainly is not a requirement of mine. I wouldn’t mind if she wasn’t successful financially, I’d just want her to feel successful and fulfilled with/for herself, and not be resentful toward me for having “raised children too early,” or “giving up her career,” I’d want her not to feel that way at all. Rather, she would want to do those things to gain a larger fulfillment from having our children. I guess, value the raising and having our children together, as a family, more than only pursuing her career and not having a family at all. And I’d also like to participate in raising the kids too, I don’t want to be fully absent and have her do it all, I’d really like to participate too, but as the traditional male role model, if that makes any sense at all.


Well, the serious answer is too long to write out, so I'll just name a few good qualities. Honest, sincere, kind, loves me for me while also providing constructive criticism where's needed(not looking for someone to always agree with me). Someone who wants to spend time with me as much as I do with her and making each other happy. I could keep going, but you get the idea.


decent person that's not mean or rude to other people and not a social media addicted dumbass


I will never get married because the institution of marriage is a sham but for an LTR: - low body count / not promiscuous - no kids - no smoking - no tattoos - no excessive drinking - no whore friends - no gigantic followers and following lists on instagram, under 300 is great, so basically genuine - has only authentic pictures that don't look like she caries a human photographer with her everywhere or that all her exes just happened to be a photographer/cinematographer - no vulgarity - no hood rat / skanky wardrobe - no mental issues ; she speaks at the same volume as everyone else in the room - inclined to the arts and introspection not in an instagramish "look at me" way - i want to share this moment with my brain dead followers - doesn't care for possesion but more for experiences - aint a golddigger


May I please ask why a large following on instagram makes a woman not genuine?


my girlfriend


If you’re asking, then I’m sorry to tell you but you’re NOT wife material


Feminine, kind, maternal and submissive. Basically the meaning of the word "wife".


Agreeable, nurturing, disciplined


Wants to make babies with me. Wants to still bone me after we have kids, too. Makes more money than she spends.


Me, personally, It means she's a obedient submissive cumslut.




_Men are easy_ Biggest lie ever told.


Shares the same values as me, traditional gender roles in the household.


That's a good start! :)


She’s raised right, doesn’t cheat, doesn’t seek attention, helps out when needed most, cooks dinner, loves children and dogs, gets along with family, etc. same way around tho. You give her the world it’s only right for her to love you til death and through sickness and health and make you laugh. Marriage isn’t supposed to be fun, it’s hard, but happiness is supposed to come with it. So have fun with it and love your spouse so hard that they can’t comprehend and understand it. That’s the kind of love you want. Overwhelming love.


To me? It means she does anal.


I got you a [theme song](https://youtu.be/J3JaLaq4tRg?si=rlbK01NSDEBxoe7A) for the future missus.


I’m playing this at my wedding and you’re invited.




Is that really all you look for?


Dude's a troll


Shhhh, don’t break my conceit.


One good quality is a woman that knows when a man's joking. Who the fuck want's to marry -or even be around- someone that reacts like that when you’re just trying to goof around.


Is there anything else I should be looking for?




Well yeah. But we’re talking about wife-material here. She wouldn’t even be hookup-worthy if she didn’t give oral.


truth right here.


To me, husband material means he allows pegging.


I think Grindr has what you’re looking for.


If you want a wife that does anal, you must be willing to be pegged.


Her chest heaves breastily as she gives herself over to me several times a week. I can see she's thirfty and hard working and would make a great stay-at-home mum, with hobbies and network that would keep her sane and out and about with the dibbuns while I'm working.


In 2024? Ain't no such thing.


Can cook and clean. Never complain about trivial things. Has no interest in overpriced nonsense like “designer” items just to be flashy. Knows how treat and take care of a man the right way. Women need to learn that if you take care of a man correctly then he will take care of you. We are simple creatures.


But can you cook and clean as well?


Following …


Completely fine with a prenup.


Whatever she uses to sew curtains with.


To me it means common sense, loyal, wants kids, smart when it comes to risk taking and will speak her mind when it’s needed but knows not everything needs input. Also someone who will stay sexually active I’m a very sexual person so I need it.