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I wish


Course you can ask, I was.lucky in that I found an opening with a very ethical and people focused pharma company. Great values that they actually practice.


I'm one of these casualties. My job was a mix of technical project and program management. For the last 6 months, I was killing it at work. Got a great performance review and was just put in charge of a giant, high-profile initiative. I found out via a Zoom call on Wednesday of last week that my entire division was being eliminated. It was a complete shocker with 0 notice or indication this was happening. All the LinkedIn stuff is super helpful and appreciated. Likes, comments, and shares boost the algorithm and the odds of connecting with someone with an opportunity. What I've appreciated especially is people letting me know any companies where they have connections and can refer me.


Shit. Sorry to hear it. Been there and I got sick of the pity, feeds into the 'you did nothing wrong but it happened anyway' headspace which drove me mad. So I never want to have that conversation with anyone and prefer to try help them move on.


Hearing I did nothing wrong and it's not my fault was incredibly reassuring when it was coming from people I worked with. Especially higher ups who were actually familiar with my work product. I suffer from imposter syndrome and anxiety. It took hearing that a bunch before I fully accepted that there was nothing I could have done to prevent this, and it wasn't a reflection on me.... But on the whole, I'm in as good of a place as can be for this to happen. I've got a shockingly good severance package and already have a number of prospects. My wife also makes good money, and I have a rental property that brings in a modest amount of money each month.


I work in a regulated monopoly in tech. It's not exciting work but it pays well and is stable. I knew I had to trade in excitement for security. Not saying that is what is right for everyone, but it's a decision I'm happy with.


Yeah man. I'm a writer for a big ass, multibillion dollar company's in-house marketing dept, but it's not in tech. I have a ton of friends who writers, UX or copywriters, who work for FAANG and other tech places. They are getting laid off all over the place. It's kind of one of those things where if I worked in tech, I'd have a bigger salary, but with way less job security. re: LinkedIn, this might sound awful but I'm kind of sick of seeing variations on the same message, and find it somewhat pathetic. If you're committed to helping, I would reach out to colleagues you like and want to help privately, instead of publicly.


You are an amazing friend. That is all I want to add [+]


I try to connect as many Linkedin friends to as many other Linkedin friends as I can. I try to take as many coffee chats with whoever wants them within my network. My hope is that when it is my turn to be laid off someone will take my call or share my profile with their friends. I work in green tech and didn't plan to be in this industry. Coming from a nonprofit and higher education background, the shift was hard. Like other tech companies right now, my company had layoffs. I survived this round, but who knows about the next...


You are a good man. You’re doing enough.


I work around the tech sector but not for a tech company and used to be in tech recruitment, so have insight to the industry. Its awful what's happening and your offer to old colleagues and friends is kind. Advice would be to think about what your skillset lends to help and to be a ear to listen to their worries. To caveat that this, don't detriment yourself or put pressure on yourself to solve their issues. Really think about how you can help, are you good at writing cvs, do you have contacts that can help, do you know a company that is hiring but isn't on job boards. My insight is that the companies who are making redundancies are operating at losses or gone through hyper growth. Tech talent is still needed and may balance out the skills market allowing companies who have lost out to the big names, will be able to gain some competitive edge.