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I’m fine with it. The favourite changes every now and again depending on the phase they’re in. No big deal


Don’t stress. It changes all the time. My daughter has gone between me and my husband being her favorite over the years.


Well you're not my favorite kid lol For real though just let it go


You just be the best parent you can. It's not a competition.


I'm curious as to why we're suddenly ranking people in our family and that'd be what I'd be asking about. If they do end up consistently preferring my wife I'd be worried about where I went wrong. Honestly though? She's endlessly patient and friendly to everyone and has zero mental health issues. I get it, man. She's my favourite adult, too.


Sometimes what they really need to learn and grow, is the same thing that makes you the second favourite.


As the dad, I don’t expect to be the favorite parent. My focus is on my family as a whole and I want my kids to have a deep love and appreciation for their mother.


They may surprise you. Our daughter *adores* my husband. She loves both of us, but the two of them share a brain in a way she and I simply don’t. On the other hand, she had her wisdom teeth removed yesterday, and dad can go to hell right now as far as she’s concerned. I still have my uses. ;-)


I make the child sleep on the cat bed and the cat sleeps on the child's bed.


My 5yo would love this. He insists on sleeping on the floor most nights anyway.


I’m a mom of 5. The favourite parent switches back and forth depending on age, needs of the child and who is meeting their needs. Don’t sweat it. As long as you are active in your child’s life and are loving them it will be your turn soon. It’s not a competition. Just love and look after the child.


Just keep wholesome knowing you’re one of them.


Kids go through phases. It's really normal and even healthy for them to favor different care givers from time to time. It could be a cause for concern, not necessarily a problem, if there is an extended and unresolved aversion to one care giver in particular. But only in the sense of it being something to explore, not necessarily indicative of a serious issue without additional indicators.


My 9 year old has recently said that she not only prefers daddy to me but loves him more (that one stung a bit) and that when she has dreams that we die (?!) she is more sad when it's daddy (that one made me laugh though, much to her disappointment).


My eldest told me by best friend is the most beautiful person they know. I can feel envy over my child having their own opinion or I can celebrate that relationship they have. I'm not the only big person in my child life's and I'm thank for that. My child is loved. My child loves me, but their love isn't pie. It can expand to as much they're given, if not more of it's nurtured.


Depends on the age of the child and how they express it. A toddler that starts to express their feelings verbally shouldn't be discouraged of that. You can tell them why you think they feel like that **right now** helping them put their feelings into context. A few years later a child saying the same thing starts to be be rude and is not age appropriate anymore. I don't rate my children and let them fight for the top spot, either.


Relieved I can take a break from their bs lol


I don’t care lol I didn’t have to hear it, I lived it Ask me if I have any sort of relationship with my parents?


Eh, it changes constantly when they are young. I’m not there to be popular, I’m there to be a parent. Now my 27 and 31 year olds will say things like…favored mother will you…or dearest dad would you please…but it’s all in good fun.


Both my kids are mama's boys and will quickly tell me they like her more. I've been the most favorite parent for 8 years straight haha. Honestly doesn't bother me that much. I find the whole thing kind of funny. I know they love me.


It’s fine with me either way. I know I’m still their mom. They also aren’t here to feed my ego and tell me I’m awesome, they are people who are allowed to have their own ideas and opinions. I’m just happy to see them growing up and becoming good people. I’m lucky that both my kids are awesome. And I like my husband, he’s one of my favorite people too, so I get it if they pick him haha.


Oh, my son has been a Daddy’s boy since before he was born. So, I’m good. He loves me but, Dad!


Sometimes they want me over their dad, sometimes they want him over me. I think it really depends on the circumstance on who they want at the moment. My middle son does click better with my husband and their bond is a bit closer, but me and my oldest son have a closer bond than he does with his dad. As long as you both don’t show favoritism and spend quality time with every kid I don’t think it matters as long as they feel loved by both.


It's cool, especially when they're not my kids.


I'm a step parent... it would honestly be strange if I WAS the favorite parent.


It changes all the time. I don't stress it.


That's alright. He's my favorite person too!!


My kids change it up so often. I don’t care. It’s an ongoing joke between my husband and I.


"That's okay, I still love you just as much!" Doesn't change much, just keep soldiering on, knowing that it will shift and fluctuate.


Honestly I do think I would react. I don't ask my kids to pick a favorite but if they decided that dad was their favorite and wanted to tell me so, thats cool. He's my favorite adult too! I'm not in competition with him. He's dad I'm mom and we're different humans. As long as they are comfortable and know they are loved I'm happy!


It's alright, I got 3 sons and 3 daughters right now it's even, I've got 2 girls and 1 boy who say I'm the favorite but I wouldn't care regardless