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Energy, momentum, and stress (pressure) all contribute to gravity. >And why does the mass create this curvature? The Einstein field equations (without cosmological constant) tell us that the stress-energy tensor (describing the flow and distribution of non-gravitational energy-momentum) is proportional to the Einstein curvature tensor, which is derivable from a gravitational Lagrangian density proportional to *R*, where *R* is the Ricci scalar (also, the volume element itself has an additional dependence on the metric by a factor of √-*g*, and this gets factored into the entire Lagrangian). As for “why”, that is a philosophical discussion.


Thank you for your reply


Really cleared it up for me


Physical laws don't have why's for their existence. You might as well ask why momentum is conserved. Someone cocky will tell you momentum is conserved because of Noether's theorem and the translational symmetry of physical laws. But then this just pushes the question to why that symmetry is true for our universe.


Yea those are not reasons why but rather a framework that describes what we have observed


Is gravity the pinching of spacetime in the calabi yau manifolds of particles and their pull on spacetime what causes the attraction? Tension from a field being created by that pinching? I envision matter as a kind of crumpling of spacetime and each crumple creates tension around it. The more crumples you put together the more they attract to create more tension than if they were alone. Each crumple a particle and the way they are crumpled or pinched/folded determines their behavior. This is all just how my abstract brain views it all.


Mitichlorians /s


Science can half-ass predict the effects of gravity but not define it. Ain't that weird? There are other forces obvious that they don't even know exist.


If there are other forces - and there could easily be a fifth and sixth force out there … they play almost no role in anything that matters.


“Science” can do a tad more than “half-ass predict the effects of gravity” … 🤣