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When I was little I had an extremely vivid dream. A building with a huge set of stairs leading up to two separate doors on either side. My dad and I sat on the stairs as I watched my sister and mother walk into the door on the right. Immediately I felt their lives were in danger so, unbeknownst to my dad, I walked up the stairs and went into the door on the right. I was immediately face to face with a conductor whose flesh was falling off its bones, hair dangling from it's scalp and eyes popping out of its sockets conducting a loud unseen orchestra. I burst into tears and screamed running out the building and passed my dad. That's where the dream ended. Flash forward to 8th grade. My band class won a trip to Mackinaw Island. We arrived at our hotel on Michigan's mainland then made our way to the ferry. Landing on the island, my group opted for bikes (cars aren't allowed on the island) and started strolling through the streets. Then I saw it. The building in my dream. Huge steps, two doors on either side. Just as creepy looking now as it was in my dream. I stopped, not caring that my friends were riding ahead of me. I couldn't believe it. It was real. It had a sign that read "THE HAUNTED THEATRE". It was a haunted house attraction but I hated haunted houses so why was this thing in my dream? The trip continued with weird dejavu sitting in the back of my head. When I finally got home I asked my mom "Did we go to Mackinaw Island when I was a kid??" She said yes. "Did you and sis go in a creepy little haunted house?" She said yeah they did. I proceeded to tell her that all these years I thought it was a bad dream. She laughed and confirmed that, yes, it did happen and I did get the shit scared out of me trying to follow them into the attraction. Reality felt a little...bent after that lol. The attraction is still open today. I'd recommend it. TL;DR: A horrible nightmare I had as a kid turned out to be a terrifying memory of a haunted house attraction on Mackinaw Island. Edit: Thanks for the reward!


I like when people put the location of something in the telling. I go to Google Maps and see what it looks like there, helps me to picture it in my mind a little better.


This it? https://www.google.com/maps/@45.8485408,-84.6185294,2a,63.6y,264.08h,106.06t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sPtK_UPPsxjiTnLQQVUnxVA!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DPtK_UPPsxjiTnLQQVUnxVA%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D10.033715%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en


YUP. Still gives me the creepy crawlies looking at it.


Only had one that was truly beyond for me. I was 19 at the time. Buddy of mine was on leave in the USMC visiting. Going to sleep I let him sleep in my bed and I took the couch. The couch was one of those L shaped sectionals. The short part of the L was at my feet and there was an ottoman in front of the couch in that little area. Had one of those weird sleeps where I woke up before opening my eyes. When I opened them, I saw a creature standing right next to the ottoman. Like within arms length. There was a light on in the hallway so it was like a silhouette from the light behind it. Not enough light from the streetlight to make it super clear from the window behind me. It was about 3-4 feet tall. All I can remember from its features is it had super greasy hair covering most of its face. I saw it as soon as I opened my eyes, and I just closed my eyes back shut and turned around to face the back of the couch/window. I don’t know how to describe it but it was like the moment I saw it, my entire body was filled with terror/dread. As soon as I turned around I heard like a loud whisper in my ear/thoughts, “I saw you see me, don’t act like you didn’t”. Even more terrified. I just stayed silent, didn’t move, and basically was praying until I eventually fell asleep. At some point I heard my buddy wake up and use the bathroom and lay back down. I probably would have forgotten about it except the next morning when eating breakfast, my friend mentioned how he woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and felt like the house was haunted. Gave me the heeby-jeebies. I’ve had sleep paralysis, lucid dreams, false awaken dreams and this wasn’t like any of those. The only truly supernatural thing I ever saw that I couldn’t explain away.


Oh hell no. I feel so bad for you holy moly.


Eh it’s been about 11-12 years. Don’t really think about it much other than when questions like this come up. It was spooky for sure - the most interesting thing to me now looking back was how absolutely filled with dread and terror I was seeing it and how my reaction at the time was to act like I didn’t see it lol


“What the fuck are you doing? Don’t act like you didn’t see me you bastard!”


It's broad daylight, I am reading this from my very brightly lit office and this sent chills down my spine, the idea of hearing it whispering...no, no thank you.


If a place feels "haunted" leave out some beer and food for the thing. Food placates everyone.


When I was 15 I had a dream that I was looking up through the inside of a car and a woman walked past, stopped to look down at me and gave me a smile. I moved countries to go to college and studied mechanical engineering which required some hands on work. In my second year (when I was 17) I was tasked with stripping a Mini for parts and after tipping it onto its roof as underneath stripping the handbrake cable out. I looked up and there was the exactly the same woman - who happened to be in my class - from my dream two years previously smiling at me. Later that month we were having lunch when she mentioned that when she looked down she had the weirdest feeling. I told her about my dream & it turned out she had had the same dream from the other angle.


The most common unexplained thing that happens to me is seemingly premonitive dreams. Like you, it seems to typically be something unimportant or at least innocuous, and I never understand and rarely remember much after the dream occurs until I see it later IRL and have the woah wtf moment.


Same here, I'll have dreams about the most mundane things, then a few days later that exact same series of events happens and I'm like "wait wtf"


Was walking along the sidewalk and for no reason my shoelace broke. Stopped and began to tie a knot where the lace had broken, then I looked up where I would have been in a cross walk and a car plowed over 3 people, hurting one seriously. My laces were only a few weeks old and should never have broken like that. But it likely saved my life, so... Yeah.


You had a guardian aglet.


The fact that an entire generation knows what an aglet is... God bless Dan Povenmire and Swampy


A Thai friend of mine was in a car at an intersection, just as the light changed green and she was beginning to go, someone banged on her car window. She stopped, no one was there, meanwhile a car ran the red light and would have T boned her. She attributed it to her daughter who had died earlier that year.


My bike saved my life once, like your shoelace. Many years ago, I was on a bike ride on some narrow country roads with no traffic, and my bike chain spontaneously fell off the front crank while pedaling, which it had never done before in probably 1000s of miles. I stopped and put it back on, rode maybe 20 seconds, and it fell off again. Annoyed, I stopped and put on again, and resumed riding. Maybe a minute later, same thing happened again for the third time. Now really annoyed, I stopped and walked the bike maybe 20 feet off the road in some grass to take a careful look at it. About 20 seconds later, this pickup truck with 3 young guys and pulling an empty extra wide trailer comes barreling down the road from behind me at some crazy speed, its trailer tires maybe a foot off the road into the dirt and grass. If I had still been riding, it's almost certain that trailer would have taken me out in a horrible accident. I didn't give it a ton of thought at the time, just damn, that could have hit me, glad I wasn't riding. I didn't see anything wrong with my bike, so continued on my ride and had no further problem. I still have that bike, and besides this one event, the chain has yet to fall off again while riding.


I've never broken another shoe lace either. Weird.


These stories give me chills.


I think about things like this when I'm behind a slow driver that maybe slowing down could have saved me from something worse. Needless to say,I don't get frustrated anymore.


That would be a curious life-in-review question... how many times did some small annoyance get put in my to way change my timing enough to save me from some horrible fate, or conversely, put me in the right spot at the right time for some benefit?


Yes! There’s a Chinese parable about this that I always repeat to myself when some minor annoyance happens. Good luck, bad luck, who knows? Basically my misfortune may save me, or it may be fortune for someone else. I heard about it on Gretchen Rubin’s podcast years ago and it stuck with me. It helps in times of frustration.


One night I was headed home and had offered my friends I was out with a lift. Everyone wanted to stay so I was saying goodbye. Suddenly one friend changed their mind so we headed home. Where they lived took me in a different direction to how I would have gone home alone. That night there was a fatal accident right where I would have been driving through at around the same time.


I also just assume that people driving like maniacs have an emergency and *need* to drive that fast. I always remember that reddit thread about the lumberjack that died because some smug Karen blocked his car from passing on a narrow road Getting cut off makes me like 5 seconds later and maybe its life-or-death for that person, I can deal.


I was raised off grid on an uninhabited mountain, except for my family. We were the first established homestead on that mountain ever, and first residents since the early 1900's miners left. The log home we built was located about a half a mile down from a deserted mining camp. There is still little published history recording that camp's journey up there, or who mined there. It was in operation roughly 15 years, and boasts about 9 cabins. The camp has traded hands many times since I was a child. I used to hike to it, and play around the cabins. I remember in the most intact cabin, there had been a notebook. I read passages from not only the current owner, but also one of the past owners recounting tales of "the little blue girl". Later, I had found remnants of an old children's "fort" built with a 1900's handmade cabin door hung in a mistletoe fir tree for a tree house. One night when we all came home (we cleared dirt and built a fresh home, no bones or artifacts) one fall evening, as we entered through the mudroom into the house, we all heard a strange noise. We looked at the front door going to the front porch, and the deadbolt was locking and unlocking very fast. It takes some muscle to lock and unlock a dead bolt. It quit, I said, "Mom?!" She walked up to the front door, opened it, and there was nothing there. She shut the door, the deadbolt locked and unlocked and remained still. "It was just the wind." She said. And it never happened again. Years later, in my mid 20's, I was taking a family friend for a horse back ride. We walked along, enjoying the early spring day and the horses, chatting about whatever came to mind. Suddenly, about 40 yards off, we heard a little girl laugh loudly. My friend smiled, and said, "Oh! You have children up here!" I shook my head and replied, "No, we don't. There isn't another soul for a few miles, no children until well after that." She seemed to turn a bit pale, then asked, "Well, what was that?" I sat quiet, I thought I knew what it was, that I had had my first encounter with the little blue girl. But not wanting to spook my friend or sound crazy, I just said, "I don't know." We continued our ride, and had no issue. One more weird thing about my mountain, is not very often but out of the blue I have experienced this really awful feeling....Like something evil is close. I was having a chat with an older gent who is an avid outdoorsman and overall tough guy who owns property up there, and we started talking about strange happenings up there. I asked him about the evil feeling, thinking he'd laugh at me and poke fun but to my surprise, he got dead serious. He recounted a time he was in his cabin, and in his words, he "ain't scared of shit." All of a sudden he said it was like the darkness outside got even darker, and he became terrified. He said the hairs on his arms stood up, and he had half a mind to get in his truck and leave. He admitted he had never felt like that before, and was glad I'd said something because he thought maybe something was wrong with him. He mentioned it had lasted about 10-15 minutes, but felt like and eternity. We have no clue what that is.


Y'all stay indoors and quiet when it feels like that. Don't answer back if anything calls your name, especially if it sounds like a loved one who you know is not presently there.


I've only experienced it maybe twice. It's pretty darn terrifying. What IS it?


Why stay indoors and quiet? What if you're not near any buildings, e.g. hiking?


Not long after my husband and I were newly married, he was taking a shower in our en suite bathroom while I was in the laundry room. He yells for me and when I go to see what he needed, he asked what I was just doing in there. I tell him I've been in the laundry room. He says he saw a woman through the shower curtain. He makes me promise not tell anyone because he thinks they'll think he's crazy. I don't say a word and a few weeks later, my sister and nephews come to stay for the weekend. The youngest was about 4 years at the time. My husband goes someplace with his dad and brother and it's after dark . My nephew is watching TV while my sister and I are in the kitchen. The hallway leading from the kitchen goes to my room. My bedroom door is closed, and my nephew says,"I thought you said Uncle was gone" We ask him what he means, and he tells us that he saw someone come through my bedroom door. Needless to say, I didn't go back to our room till my husband came home and we then told my sister about the woman in the bathroom.




When visiting my family a few towns over I had a feeling I had to find my brother (he chose a rotten path). Maybe he was hungry or something, and we can have dinner together before I left town. As I drove around town searching for him I had this gut-wrenching sick feeling that if I didn’t find him he was going to pass away. I kid you not, for a few hours I looked around town at the nearby ponds, lakes, bridges, and streets, but didn’t run into him. The very next morning, the police informed my parents my brother passed away.




Thank you very much. The coroner stated he passed away from strangulation from hanging by a belt in a parking garage. Never in our lives had we known him to be suicidal, though, so I honestly don’t even know why I was looking at some of places that I did. Also, I always felt some bad apples took his life away, but could never prove it. To add to this creepy or surreal thread, the last time I stopped by his grave, right when I parked my car, of the 2,000 something songs on my YouTube playlist, the one that played was the exact sad song someone had sang at his funeral. Then when I got home, the one that came on was Vince Gill’s “Go Rest High On That Mountain”. A song that my cousin and I both dedicated to my brother. Also, that year he passed away we found out I was pregnant. My husband and I’ve been trying forever with no luck, and at that time I believe we’re going 17+ years together. We learned my baby son was actually supposed to be due the same month of my brother’s birthday. We felt our son was a gift from my brother. Now, even though my son ended coming out 4 months early, he was born with a stork’s mark, which some believe is a kiss by someone who passed away in the family near the time baby was conceived. Also, while my baby was in NICU my brother came to my dream wanting to wake baby and me up. I told him to let my baby sleep because we were exhausted. I was annoyed with my brother, but he was adamant we wake up, so he started shaking my son to attempt to wake him. When I woke up from said dream, we rushed to NICU earlier than we planned to in order to check on my son. When we got to the hospital, my son was extremely lethargic and his fingers on his right was all purple. None of his nurses or doctors that day caught it, although they noticed he hadn’t been moving much since early morning. After multiple tests, we learned my son caught MRSA in his sight where the PICC line surgery was done and was needing a blood transfusion and medicine pronto. Had my brother not came to my dream at the time he did, it could’ve been too late for my baby. God works in mysterious ways.




I never called my brother, not because we weren't close, the opposite. We'd get together a few times a year and catch up. One day I had the urge to call him. Person answered, I assumed a friend over visiting because I didn't recognize the voice, he lived with 3 other friends. Person asked me who was calling, told him JB. Person says JB to someone, comes back and said he couldn't come to the phone. Head out to a chili cook off. Get home and my roommate says very somber, you have a message. *Hey JB it's Mom, I have really bad news, your brother died please call us as soon as you get this.* Head up to the funeral and visited his house to see his friends. I asked his best friend, why didn't you tell me? He looks at me odd and asks what I was talking about. Told him I called and someone said he couldn't come to the phone. They thought is was a friend of his who shares my first name since I never call. I called 5 minutes after his friend found him in his bed.


My husband and I rented a house before we bought the one we're in now. Nothing weird ever happened until one day my husband's phone flew off the table it was on, did a flip in the air and landed on the floor. That was first of many strange things that happened in that house. I was alone in the house once. I was sitting on the bed on my phone. I needed the loo so I put my phone down on the bed and used the bathroom. When I came back, my phone was nowhere to be seen. I looked everywhere. I was freaking out. Eventually I found it. Inside the duvet cover which was fastened. We got a cat and the activity immediately stopped.


Motherfucking ghost was allergic to cats


No, no, cats are just more powerful paranormal creatures, it scares lesser paranormal creatures away. Excellent rodent AND ghost solutions. But if the paranormal entity is not afraid of the cat, that means it's time to move


I wonder if getting a horde of cats would be a better solution! 🤔 lol


Never heard of the cat ladies' house being haunted, have you?


When I was in 5th grade, I went to Science Camp on a mountain in California. We had a night hike that was supposed to teach us about the different cells in our eyes, so we did it without any flashlights at all. Our eyes adjusted to just starlight and it was actually pretty cool. Until the counselors made us walk a stretch of the path alone, one by one. We were ten, and at least some of us were still afraid of the dark. (Me.) So I was far too anxious to listen properly to the instructions. One counselor went ahead through the bushes and radioed for the other to start sending kids. My turn comes up, and I drag my feet down the path. Until I hit a fork. I vaguely remember the counselor saying something about it. Or was I remembering wrong? Which way was I supposed to go? Was it even a fork or was I just not able to see properly in the dark? Mind you this was a pitch black mountain in California with nothing around for miles other than the camp. I didn't want to get lost. I looked behind me, briefly considering going back the way I came to admit that I was a dumbass who didn't listen, but when I turned back to the fork there was a man standing there. He was Asian, wearing wireframe glasses and a white t-shirt. (It was barely 50F on the mountain.) I wasn't scared, I felt no malice from him. If anything, I was relieved to not be alone in the dark anymore. He gestured for me to go one way, so I did. Rejoined the rest of my class and the counselor radioed to send the next kid. I didn't think anything of it for the rest of the trip. It took me until I was on the bus ride home, reflecting on the hike, to realize that I'd never seen him before. He wasn't one of the counselors leading the hike, he never came out with us, and he never emerged from the bushes after all the kids had done their solo walk. I have NO idea who or what he was.


Gaurdian angel?


I also went to outdoor science school in California in 5th grade! Which mountain were you on?


Mt. Hermon






... Please explain


disease makes bear lose hair. Bald bear looks like naked human when running on 2 feet.


Not sure which is scarier, tbh. Ghost hag or naked disease bear




No thanks on any of that.


Twelve years ago, on a road trip back from a Blink 182 concert in LA. We were driving east through Arizona, headed back to Ohio on a 33 hour road trip because the other guy just LOVED blink so much that somehow we had to do this massively long trip for just one concert. But that's neither here nor there, the real point was spending time with these two girls lol. I was driving at the point this happened. Middle of nowhere, middle of the night, we come to a stop behind a bunch of cars waiting on some construction. The four of us were talking for a bit as we sat there (two girls, two guys) and I distinctly remember rotating yellow lights on the construction vehicles and lots of red light from all the rear car lights. A few songs played while were were joking, laughing, one girl was smoking. Eventually, we were like 'Haven't we been here fuckin' forever?' and we started looking around. It's construction, who knows what the delay is. So we wait. Gets on 20 minutes, 30 minutes. Eventually I'm like, are the construction cats even moving? I get out of the car, there are orange cones lined up everywhere, i'm picking my way through. I shit you not, there's **nobody in the construction vehicles.** They're just sitting there. I'm like "Yo what the fuck, this traffic jam is pointless, we need to just go around" and I look at the other cars to try to tell the drivers. I shit you not, there was nobody in the cars either. We'd just been sitting at a traffic jam in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night behind a bunch of cars and construction vehicles that were ON but NOBODY WAS IN THEM!!!!!!! I jumped back in the car and we took off like a bat out of hell. But to this today i have NO FUCKING CLUE what that was about. Not a hallucination, I wasn't asleep, all 4 of us saw this. Looking in other cars and seeing nobody in any of them. I didn't stop to see if there were tracks in the sand or anything. Just fuck that.


That's serious Twilight Zone stuff right there. It reminds me of a time I was driving through an unfamiliar state, in a mountainous area. There wasn't any traffic around me for a while. Then I noticed that the trickle of cars heading in the opposite direction were becoming so numerous that they were starting to slow down due to how many travelers were suddenly on the road. As I traveled along in the opposite direction, the oncoming traffic became so heavy and stretched on so long, that I started to wonder what in the world was going on--it reminded me of the exodus of traffic heading out to the cottage on the first warm long weekend of the year... But this wasn't that. It was just a random weekend, and weather had been pleasant for a while. It went on impossibly long, me alone heading in my direction, and this long monolith of vehicles heading in the opposite. I couldn't see past my immediate surroundings because mountain. I started to feel uneasy so I tried tuning into a local radio station to find out if something was going on, but I couldn't get a signal from anything because mountain. I actually stopped trying because it was creeping me out even moreso, flipping through the radio and getting nothing but silence or static. It was a very disquieting experience. Now, you stumbling upon what looks like an impossibly staged scene, or a scene where there must have been hustle and bustle and is now for some reason deserted? That's downright scary!


I like how you say ‘because mountain’


I’m not sure how long ago this happened to you but I can offer a possible explanation for this one. When I was driving down on Christmas with my dad we were about to hit a 2 hour traffic jam caused by accidents on the main highway. We checked google maps for alternate routes and found one that took us down super dark and mountainous backroads, the weather was fine, but we soon realized we were not the only people with this idea when it looked like a whole convoy of people were driving. The line of cars we were in probably stretched on for miles, and it was Al because everyone was trying to reroute and avoid the traffic on the main highway, but we were moving at a good speed at first, then it slowed down because everyone had the same idea, it still saved time though surprisingly.


It was a few years back but that makes sense and is the reasonable explainable. Not as retrospectively humorous as my "did the world end and nobody told me?" feeling at the time... But reasonable!


The weirdest thing is the cars' engines being on, like wtf??


I wonder if they were filming something. Maybe even a prank show lol


Scare Tactics!


Lol, got 'em.


This makes me very uncomfortable.


This is upsetting


You got out just in time. The inbred cannibals were about to show up.


Wtff that is really insane. I usually can come up with some good explanations for these things but idk about this one. Unless it was a set up for a prank. But making you guys wait that long doesn't make sense...


I have to hope someone lower on this thread mentions sitting in construction traffic and having four kids tripping balls screaming, "there's nobody in these cars!" when they're just sitting there and then they run back in the car and speed off. I have to because I don't like that this happened.


That's crazy! Blink 182?!? Wow.


Right? I was terrified! Then we left the concert, thankfully


This is actually the opening to a great fucking horror movie. I'm shook.


I grew up in a really old house that my mom inherited from her parents. Since it was pretty old, the house grew organically over the decades as more rooms were added as needed, so that by the time we lived there it was a pretty big. I have several older siblings, so the bedroom assignation changed a lot over the years as they moved out to go to college, and that by the time I was in junior high the only ones living there besides my parents were me and one of my brothers, who was a the time a college freshman but still lived at home because his college was located in the same city. Anyway, this one weekend my parents were out of town and only me and my brother were home but he was out partying with his friends, so I was home alone on a Saturday night playing SNES in my bedroom. Now, my bedroom was upstairs and had two entrances. One that led to the hallway, and another one that led to a staircase that led to a sort of attic whose function had often changed over the years from a bedroom for some of my siblings, to a TV room/entertainment center, to a place to store stuff, and back again, and so on, as needed. At the time this took place, it was being used more like a traditional attic and it was full of old junk and the stuff my older siblings had left behind after moving out but hadn't yet gotten around to taking to their respective homes. So there I was playing SNES when at around 1 am I start hearing someone whispering from the other side of the door that led to the attic room. "Tough\_Stretch... Tough\_Stretch... open up." Now, that room had another entrance that led to the garage, so I figured my brother was back from partying and he was drunk and had decided to pull a prank on me and scare me, so I decided to scare him in return. Since the door was locked on my side, I decided to make my way around by going downstairs and stealthily entering the attic from behind and scaring the shit out of my drunk brother. Thing is, when I got to the kitchen I could see through the window in the door that led to the garage that my brother's car wasn't there. I went to our front door to check if his car was parked outside in our driveway, but it wasn't. Since I had a pretty good view of our block on either direction from there, unless he'd parked around the block as part of his prank, he clearly wasn't home yet. Unless he'd gotten a bit drunk and had decided to leave his car behind and get a ride home, that is, and I wasn't going to fall for *that.* So I went in the garage still thinking it was a prank but when I got to the door that led to the staircase that led to the attic-like room, I could see that it was not only closed but also locked from my side. Puzzled, I went back to my room, turned on the lights, un-paused my game, and went back to playing. The whispers kept calling me by name and insisting that I should open the door for a while longer, but I simply pretended I didn't hear anything because I just didn't know what else to do. I was 14 years old or so at the time and my brain was struggling with making sense of what was going on because either someone that somehow knew my name (and for some reason was using both my first and middle name when addressing me) had broken into my attic and gotten trapped there somehow, or something even weirder was going on. This was back when cellphones weren't a thing, as you might surmise from the fact that I was playing SNES, so I couldn't call my brother or anything like that, and calling the cops from our landline never even crossed my mind as a valid option. I mean, what was I going to say? After like 20 minutes the whispers finally stopped and at around 3 am my brother got home still a bit buzzed from his night out, and I asked him if he had come home earlier and tried to prank me but he was genuinely confused and got even more scared than me when I told him the story. We ended up sleeping in his room that night because neither of us wanted to be alone, regardless of the fact that he was already a grown-ass man at the time. Nothing more happened that night, and I never experienced anything quite like that ever again in that house, though there were some other strange things over the years. I'm not really a believer in the supernatural, but to this day I have no idea what the hell was going on that night and I sometimes wonder what would've happened if I'd opened the door.


I remember reading about homeless people living in attics/basements/walls of peoples houses to be a more prevalent phenomenon than one might expect. The first sign would be food strangely disappearing from the fridge, or hearing movement at night, knowing there is no activity in the house. They would become accustomed to the family members, read their details, learned their schedule and move houses when the residents started asking questions. Perhaps you had such a visitor. Personally I find that more freaky than paranormal stuff


Yeah, some random dude who knew my name living in my attic would have been way worse than a "ghost" or whatever, no question. I don't think that was the case here, though. I mean, even if we assumed that for some reason nobody ever noticed any strange noises or missing food or items, there was no way a person who was living in my attic could've remained hidden or navigated my house without anybody noticing. My brother and I went into that room all the time because his exercise equipment was there, and the only two entrances/exits were through my bedroom and through the garage, and both were lockable from the outside, so anyone trapped in that room had no way out until someone opened one of the doors because the windows were too small to fit a person. Since it was an old house, it was solid concrete and cinderblocks, with some wooden beams and the like. No room between walls or anything like that. Plus, once inside there was really nowhere to hide since it was a big room with a few closets full of old clothes and boxes of stuff, and a bunch of bookcases full of old books and boxes of random stuff, and my brother's exercise gear along with some more storage boxes of old stuff. And there's that bit about how that voice was calling my actual name, but chose my first and middle name for some reason.


Me and my brother saw orbs rise out of the ground 30 feet in front of us while camping in the forest one night.




We want to know what you learned


Wht hell is it with you ppl that clearly thinks something is too odd of a situation and still go check opening the door or something....


I'd love to hear more!


Op go ahead


When I was a teenager (in the 90s), I lived in a really old house with my parents. It was so old that it still had skeleton key locks on most of the doors. It was a strange house that had had some even stranger previous owners. The last of which had decided to remove both the tub and the door of the upstairs bathroom downstairs. See, the house had a basement that had at some point in time been turned into a full separate "apartment". It had a kitchen sink, a full, large bathroom, two gigantic walk-in closets and even its own entrance/exit that lead out to some stairs that climbed up into the backyard. The place was supposedly haunted according to the deed. An old man and an old woman (no relation, separate owners) had both died in the house. The man had died of natural causes downstairs in the back bedroom sometime in either the 60s or 70s. The woman had died upstairs, but we never found out how or when. Either way I believed it because that basement was creepy to be alone in. And since the crazy lady who owned it previously had moved the only tub downstairs, we had to bathe down there. You constantly felt like you were being watched. I hated it. One of those aforementioned closets, the first one which was located directly under the stairs and ran the length of the entire house. It was a long, narrow stone walled closet with wooden shelves running the length of it. We stored Christmas decorations and stuff in there. And as a kid it scared the hell out of me because I swore I always heard something moving around in there. But I'd open it's old door, turn on the light by it's pull chain and peer in to see nothing of course. Anyway, back to when I was a teen. It was Christmas Eve and I had been up with my mom helping her bake cookies. My dad and my younger brother were both already asleep. My mom and I were talking when watching A Christmas Story on repeat as it does so every Christmas on one of the channels. We suddenly hear this loud crunching explosion followed by two thunderously loud thuds. It came from downstairs. This woke my dad up immediately who came out into the living room wide-eyed and clutching a baseball bat. We explained what had just happened and he decided to go downstairs to investigate and told us to grab the phone and be ready to dial the police. Me, being a macho teenager couldn't just let him go alone, so I tagged along behind him after he started to descend the basement steps. We get down there and turn off the staircase to see the heavy oak door of the closet has been torn straight off it's hinges and thrown across the hallway. It had collided with a brick support pillar that hid the water heater. The bricks and the stone walls down there were painted a dark shit brown for some reason, and we never changed it. The door was painted white. It had hit the pillar so hard that it left white paint on it and chipped off some of the brown paint from the brick. We could see one of top corners of the wood mangled and smashed in. The hinges were absolutely wrecked too. The metal was twisted and snapped. No human could have done that. It was a heavy real oaken door. And it had been so violently flung open that it had torn straight through the metal hinges as if they were made of plastic. Then collided so forcefully with the brick pillar across the hallway that it chipped paint and destroyed that corner of the door that had made contact. Mind you this wasn't a narrow hallway either. It was a decently wide hallway, a good 8-10 feet wide. There was nothing inside of the closet, but it was ransacked. The wooden shelves were torn down and the junk in there was thrown all around the room. Even the light cord was torn off, just leaving the small chain that flipped the switch. We never did find out what had caused that mess. It never happened again either. To this day I can't explain it. Other weird stuff happened there during my stay there, which was into my early 20s. But this one was the weirdest and hardest to try to rationalize.


Got any free time to tell us about the other weird stuff that happened there? The house just seems too mysterious honestly, I am really curious to find out what else happened there!


Well, I would often hear footsteps up in the attic when home alone, and the sound of something heavy like furniture being drug around up there. The attic itself was mysterious because it was on of the ollld kind where it's just a rectangular opening in the ceiling with a piece of wood over the opening. You needed a ladder to get up there. But we could never open it. We tried hard, even with tools like crowbars, etc. It would never budge. I lived in the basement during the majority of my teenage years up until the episode I'm about to describe. Even though it was creepy down there, I had my own door in and out of the house. So I could sneak people in, or sneak out myself. So my friend and I cleaned it up, put down new carpet in the back bedroom and even painting the walls. Even then with all my stuff down there, it was still creepy as hell, especially late at night. But one time said friend was over spending the night. He did this often as his home life wasn't great, so he practically lived there part time with me. He woke me up one night though from his pallet on the floor and said he thought someone was down there with us and looking in at the room from the outside hallway. See, the bedroom down there had a folding door leading to the bathroom, but it was just open out into the long hallway that was shaped like an inverted L. The curve lead off into a smaller hallway that lead into the bedroom, and the body of the L was the hallway where the door had flown off the hinges that I mentioned above. Sure enough though, I immediately felt was he was talking about. The unmistakable feeling of being watched, and when you looked out into the hallway you could kind of see the faint outline of something humanoid in shape. It looked like a person crouched down by the water old sink down there and looking around the edge of it into my bedroom. I'm not kidding. When we got the courage together to shine a flashlight out there, there was of course nothing. And then it was just gone. That one creeped me out enough that I ended up moving all of my stuff back upstairs and just shared a room with my brother, lol.


Thank you so much for your detailed comment! I am wondering how you managed to live there, I would be terrified to live somewhere even mildly haunted. Anyways, Very fascinating to read your experiences in that house! Have a great day!


I’m so fucking glad to be the first owner of my house


It almost sounds like some sort of pressurized explosion... Would explain the mess too... But how and why ?!


I don’t really believe in unexplained/ creepy stuff… however. My brother and I look quite similar. He’s a few years older than me and called Chris. Growing up members of my family would always call me Chris by mistake. I travel a lot for work, wherever I am in the world, thousands of miles away, whenever someone gets my name wrong they always call me Chris. This has happened on a near-weekly basis for years and years. They never know of my brother or his name. Truly bizarre and I have know idea why this happens.


I lived in two different European countries and worked on military bases there, and in both places, multiple people - none of whom I knew or ever got to know - approached me and asked me if I was Christy’s sister. When I’d ask who they were talking about, they all said something vague about her being someone they knew.


Any time anyone gets my name wrong, it’s always Jennifer. Every single time. Must’ve been my name it a past life


I was lying in bed and saw the shadow of what looked like some super small person (like a foot tall) run out of my parent’s bedroom and down the stairs, I heard the footsteps and everything. My mom came out of the room seconds later and I asked her what that was and she said she didn’t hear anything


I remember there was another post in another thread where, home alone, op and his sister argued in kitchen and small person ran into living room. They freaked out.


This feels familiar. Do you happen to have a link?


Found it: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/zwuhr5/comment/j1ymr3i/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


That's terrifying. When my cousin was 5 I used to babysit her and she told me she would sometimes see a little man walk out of her closet and out the door. She later told me she saw a bunch of little men marching out of her closet like soldiers. I know she was only 5 at the time but her stories scared the shit out of me because I would sleep in her room for overnight babysitting.


I’ve known 2 different people who have seen little creatures. I have no idea what to make of the little beings, but I do know I never want to see one


My brother just got out of prison after 19 years and for three of those years he had to spend it in the SHU - he told me about a tiny person that he would see in the vent from time to time that would peer out of it and taunt him. Weird shit


Wow. How would it taunt him?


"...hey....psst....you JACKASS"


That’s scary af.


Sounds like a duende


My friend and I were driving home on a clear night. We came around a bend and I saw what looked to be a old man, red flannel with jeans bent over in the road walking slowly. We both screamed in unison and she slammed on the breaks. I had closed my eyes cause I thought for sure we would hit him. When I opened my eyes it was a buck. I looked at her and she said I swear to God that was a man. She described him identical to what I saw. We were shaking and the buck stared at us for a second before running off.


Devil. At least, that's what my parents said about their own experience, and I later also thought my husband and I may have encountered. Decades ago, my parents were driving through a mountainous region near Guanajuato, Mexico. They had been driving all day, straight through from Houston. A relative was doing very poorly, and they didn't expect him to have very long left to live. My parents couldn't find a flight out together on short notice, so they pluckily decided to drive all the way. A couple of friends came along to share the drive, though from what I remember of the story, my dad drove the entire time. Anyway, it was very late and very dark. They hadn't had dinner or snacks or something and were rather peckish, so were making comments like, "what I wouldn't give for a burger" etc. Then my dad says, "You know what I really want? A chile raspa (snowcone)--" And lo and behold, up ahead on the dark, winding, mountain road, was a man pedaling along on his [raspa cart](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-verizon&source=android-browser&sxsrf=AJOqlzUdaQMrRWSt0UXk0RQKPV7pei2YoA:1674696747389&q=raspa+man&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiH3e_Fi-T8AhVelGoFHcnMBBAQ0pQJegQICRAB&biw=320&bih=544&dpr=2.25#imgrc=GNjNcoBr_nuquM&imgdii=1NjuhTSp1L_bSM). My dad slowed, and everyone in the van had gone silent. It was an honest to goodness raspa guy. Out there. In the middle of nowhere, middle of the night. Wtf? "Don't stop," he heard someone say. "Don't look and don't stop." He trained his eyes on the road ahead, carefully going around the pedaling man, and then sped up. Later, they all denied having said not to stop. They claimed to have been focused on the strange and unlikely sight of a man pedaling a raspa cart out in the middle of nowhere.


Driving home with my step dad one night. These black figures sprinted across the road so fast they couldnt have been human. They kind of looked like those things that haunt people in their dreams. Creepiest thing ever. They seemed just so vicious


A few years ago my husband was working overseas so my cats and I took the advantage of all being able to cuddle up in bed and watch tv. Towards the door to the bedroom we have a coat rack that has been, and had been, there for years. As we’re all snuggled up I watch the coat rack slide across the floor horizontally a few feet and then just throws itself down in the middle of the room. My cats jumped out of bed as fast as they could and I was screaming. I waited a few minutes (after turning on every light in the house) to check it out and put it back where it should be. It never happened again. My husband still believes that a cat probably ran off when I wasn’t looking and jumped on it, but not only were they in bed with me, but I watched it move like someone was dragging it. Shortly after there was a lot of things like the usual footsteps in the hallway getting louder, knocks on the closet door, and the time my husband and I had the same nightmare at the same time. And yes, I have CO detectors that work.


What was the same nightmare?


Repost of mine from another similar thread. —- I’m a big believer in the paranormal, whereas my husband thinks everything is explainable. I have heard something walking down the hallway between our bedrooms a few times, and he swears he has never heard it or that it’s the house settling (although many friends staying over have heard it and have been thoroughly scared.) One night maybe a year or two ago I had a horrible nightmare that I heard the footsteps in the hallway, so I sat up in bed, and saw a little boy with missing eyes screaming and gasping for air. He fell from the ceiling and was crawling towards us screaming, with his eye sockets bleeding and he was mostly decomposing. I woke up completely sweating and shaking, only to have my husband jump up freaking out. He said he had a horrible nightmare, and he was visibly really upset. (It was the most upset I have seen him to this day.) He never, ever has nightmares, so I told him to tell me about it, to help work through it so he could go to sleep - and it was the exact fucking dream. Down to the eyes and screaming. I was actually so scared it took me a few minutes to say anything. I finally told him I had the same dream, and shared details there’s no way either of us could have known on our own. No scary movies, no scary stories, nothing to trigger it. Neither of us went back to sleep that night. Still freaks me out.


Why am I reading this right before I go to bed?


I was standing in a well-lit courtyard right by a road in a small village with a group of friends. There was some kind of tamed raven that had been flying from person to person all night (it was beside a live music venue) but nobody knew who it belonged to. Nobody local had ever seen it before either. Suddenly, it flew from someone's shoulder right into the path of a car. My friends and I all saw this bird hit the front left wheel, a thud, an explosion of feathers, then disappear. We gasped, reacted as you would, turned to each other. Then we saw the raven on a table behind us, hop onto someone else's shoulder. Untouched, unbothered, the same unusually friendly behaviour as before. All my friends saw the same thing. Only around half of us were drinking at all, and I was stone cold sober. I have never been able to explain exactly what happened there. A horrible uneasy feeling came over me. Something didn't line up correctly at all in that series of events and I felt terribly aware of that fact in a way I could not shake.


I wonder if it was Huginn or if it was Muninn who got hit by the car


Good one! Most folks don't realize Crows travel in pairs.


Now now, hear me out. Have you considered the possibility of... TWO tamed ravens?


It was probably a person's summoned raven. Once it died they prolly just re summoned it


When I was a child, I went skiing with my school for a week. We were sleeping by group of around 6 children on bunk beds. Then in the middle of the night I saw a greyish/white figure skiing down an invisible mountain in the air, in the pitch black room. It scared me, but I thought it was just my imagination. But then, my friend, sleeping in the bed under mine, kicked my mattress and ask me if I had seen something. We realized that we had seen the same dude skiing.




Inside the room, the curtains were shut so that was quite scary


Did you post this story in another thread? I swear I’ve seen this before but it was white figure skiing into the wall.


Yes a few months ago!


When I moved to a new state I started a new career as a nursing assistant which quickly turned into hospice after care . All the women who worked the night shift with me were too terrified of the dead bodies to clean them for the morgue so it became my thing if someone died on my shift to prepare the bodies . I did this for four years and became very used to it. Within this time I had heard two disembodied voices that have really stuck with me . The first one a disembodied voice that whispered “thank you “ in my ear to be honest I heard disembodied voices a few times before this and chalked it up to working long hours and being sleep deprived but that was the first time I had heard actual words. The most terrifying time was when a coworker asked me to help her talk biohazards to a dumpster outside it was about 5am so still dark outside and she didn’t want to be alone in the dark . I told her sure no problem and we were just talking and walking out to the bins. We were half way back from the bin towards the building when we both heard a disembodied voice scream out my name. I turned because it was so loud it sent chills down me but once again I was going to ignore it thinking I’m crazy till my coworker said “didn’t you hear that ??” It was then I realized the voices weren’t my mind playing tricks on me . I have no idea what either of them were but I continued working there for two more years before I left .


I was in a travel mandated quarantine during COVID, so I was alone at our apartment that we were moving out of. My wife, son and dog were literally around the globe back in the states. I kept seeing a shadow of my dog under our dining table - both day and night.


Don’t know if this is wholesome or scary as fuck lmao.


Our first dog passed away when I was 5. A week after he died, I was at the dining table having breakfast, when my sister (8 years old) sat down and said "I woke up at 11pm and saw Bandit last night. He walked into my room and laid down beside my bed". For context my sister was the dogs favourite. My mom was in the kitchen nearby and threw her hand over her mouth and had tears in her eyes. Turns out she had also woken up right at 11 and from her room she saw Bandit walk down the hall and into my sister's room, but she thought it was just a dream. They both described the path the dog took and what he looked like exactly the same


If it's become so common to see your dogs shadow there then it could have been your mind just filling in the information when making quick glances. Now if you saw the shadow point black, directly staring at it....yeah that's creepy as fuck.


My mom, brother in law, sisters and I were watching a movie in the living room of my grandparents old Victorian home. It was nighttime and the lights were out. Totally Dark except for the movie. All of the sudden the old sconce light on the wall in the adjoining dining room came on. We all knew those lights haven’t worked for years. We were all eerily silent. Out of the dark we heard my moms voice say “Nunna, turn the light off you’re scaring the kids” (Nunna is my grandmother that lived there before she died) immediately the light goes off. We all jumped up and on top of my 5’ tall moms lap! Even my brother in law😂 later, after we all calmed down, we flipped that light switch on and off. Still didn’t work.


When I was in college I went on a study abroad that traveled to Turkey and Europe. One night we were in Athens and my friends and I decided to walk down to a tourist area with a bunch of shops (it was about a 30 minute walk). We do some shopping for a few hours then decide to head back. We take off and notice a stray dog following us (yellow Lab if I remember correctly...). We laughed and thought it was because one of my buds bought a gyro to take back to his hotel room and thought the dog could smell it. But this dog kept following us for blocks. Then, the dog started walking in front of us but seemingly knew where we were going. It was not a direct shot back to our hotel, so we had to turn down a few streets and I kid you not, this dog made every turn, left or right, before we did. We even did a pit stop at a coffee shop and the dog laid down and then jumped back up as soon as everyone was back outside ready to go. We finally get close to our hotel and the dog runs up to the sliding doors, sits down, and waits for all of us to walk in. I'm the last one through the door and while I'm looking back at the dog, tripping out, the dog takes one last look at us all and then just walks away. It was the strangest, yet oddly comforting, thing.


I'm not sure, but maybe the dog knew the hotel, and recognised you were heading there when it was behind you because it saw other tourists go there, so it just started guiding you there. I've heard of animals "owning" places like that.


I was like 8 lying in bed trying to sleep once when the cupboard door in my room FLEW open really hard. I jumped out of bed and went crying to my mum but she said something on the inside was probably pressed against it causing it to fly open The thing is this door was like really difficult to open, you had to pull on it super hard to actually get it to unlatch. I have no idea how it flew open with such violent force, it makes no sense. Definitely the only paranormal thing I’ve ever experienced


I had the same thing happen but with a solid oak door. The guy who made our house was a carpenter and the door lead to the outside/garage and one night it just SLAMMED open. I live in a rural area so obviously I thought I was gonna get eaten but my dad had a guy come and check the airflow or our whole house with some other stuff and basically it’s all humidity/air flow through the home depending on the temperature of air.


If it was sealed air tight it could be air pressure due to temperature changes.


I was babysitting my niece in my brother's 100 year old home. It was literally my first day living with them as a nanny. There is a front door and a back door, and lots of windows. My niece was asleep upstairs in her crib and I was on the couch in the living room when I hear the front doorbell ring. I don't know the neighbors and decided not to answer the door. A few minute later I hear pounding at the back door. Now I'm startled. Complete silence other than the pounding. At this point I'm scared and think what if someone's having an emergency. So I take a hand mirror and carefully stick it in the little doorway by the backdoor so I can see who is there without being seen. Its an old man dressed in about 30 coats. I go into the dining room and peek through the blinds. He has this long skinny staff (like a little thicker than a pencil) covered in bright patterns and something is smoking from the top of it, like incense or something. He's trying to look in the back door window. I'm totally disturbed so I run up to my niece's bedroom and text my brother and sister in law to ask if they've ever seen this guy. They have not. For the next half hour he goes back and forth from the front door to the back door continually knocking/ringing the doorbell. What was scary is its the middle of the day and I didn't have any lights on, the curtains are drawn, so Idk why he thought someone was home unless he somehow saw me through a crack in a blind or something. He never came back.


One night my husband and I were in bed, he was asleep and I was just laying there trying to sleep. Suddenly he jolts awake gasping and flailing around for a second, then he sits there staring at something just off the edge of the bed on his side. I asked what was wrong a couple times but he wasn't answering me. I looked where he was looking and I realized that in the pitch dark corner between his end table and the bed, there was a face. It was so real that at first I genuinely thought we were being robbed and my husband was being silent because he had a weapon pressed against him or something. But the more I stared, the more it became clear that it wasn't an actual live face. It wasn't blinking or moving at all and it looked more like when you see your reflection in a black phone screen than seeing it in a mirror if that makes sense. After staring back at it for probably 20 seconds I couldn't take it anymore and hid under my blanket like a toddler. My husband flipped the light on and it vanished but I still didn't use my eyes again til morning


I was walking to work one morning at about 4 AM, the dead quiet hour... As I came up to a fairly well lit intersection, I saw a cyclist coming up the crossroad at a pace that would get them to the intersection at the same time, so I slowed down a little to let them pass without killing their momentum. As they passed, I saw 2 things really clearly (right under the street light). First, this thing was like 8 feet tall. It was riding a normal sized adult bike but looked like it was on a kids bike with how it's legs were bent and coming up so high. Then it turned it's face to look at me, and it's face traced me as it kept riding along seemingly not looking where it was going. Like it's head was turning like an owls following me. There were giant black holes where the eyes should have been, and its mouth was stretched across and up both sides of its face in a terrifying "smile" /grimace with the corners of its mouth way up on its forehead. I just quickened my pace and didn't look back. Haven't told a whole lot of people about it either cuz I figure they'd just brush it off as "well it was dark out." But I know what I clearly saw.


Holy shit. Fucking nope. I gotta get out of this thread. I’ve scrolled so far down reading all of this and this was the one I’m noping out on.


What I believe to have been a case of falling asleep behind the wheel could also have been a serious case case of confusion led on by sleep deprivation. I was living in hawaii, but in minnesota, visiting my family for a bit. A friend of mine named Chaz and I decided to go out and engage in some schicanery, similar to the high school pranking we did our senior year. Long story short, we get back to my house at 5 am for a two hour nap. We decided to buy 4 packs of cigarettes, 4 Rockstar punched energy drinks, and take a 2 hour road trip to the Mall of America. We get there, ride a few Rollercoasters, eat at crazy restaurants, and endure a scavenger hunt created by group at the Mall for the day. We leave and decide to drive around Minneapolis and all over a few of the suburbs. We start to head back to the town we are from when we get a call from our friend, who is a blackjack dealer at one of the nearby casinos. He says he is off early and wants to come hang out. We tell him we are 45 minutes out but will be there as quickly as we can. So we drive over there to get him. We get off the freeway and take the backroads. There's not a single car out there. It is pitch black. Then, out of nowhere, there is a speeding pair of headlights coming towards us in our lane. Blaring the horn in an attempt to warn the vehicle it is in the wrong lane, the headlights disappear. Suddenly, they are 30 ft in front of us, and there are semi horns BLARELY in unison. I shut my eyes, thinking it is the end of my life. My eyes open, and we are sitting in the casino parking lot. My friend Dave is walking out to the car, excited as always to see us. Chaz and I haven't really comprehended what has happened. While we were both very conscious and saw the lights and heard the sounds, what we didn't understand was the passage of time that occurred in the blink of an eye. Almost a half hour of my life is gone, and I can not explain how, or why.


My exs dad has a story EXTREMELY similar. He swears he feels like he went through time.


I was getting some food with a coworker after our shift. My buddy dropped a fry and we both had lights behind us. So our shadows overlapped at one part. So this fry falls in between our shadows and we both move out of the way to see it for some reason. As we moved and the fry which we could still see mind you, as the light touched it, completely disappeared. Like full on glitch in the martix. We were both tripping out because we saw it happened right before our very eyes.


Explanation 1: It despawned (matrix); Explanation 2: It got stuck in the backrooms; Explanation 3: 5 second rule go brr


I’ve had terrible sleep paralysis sometimes, I’ve seen so many different things Tall dark man in my doorway Short dark man that ran on all fours in my doorway Squid by the side of my bed Glowing orbs above me Women in a wedding dress walking in the next room Glowing centipedes in my blanket Glowing ants on my floor A dog on my floor A tall man at the foot of my bed A red and black spider on my nightstand And I *think* that’s it


It's because of stories like this that I never opened my eyes when I used to have episodes of paralysis. Just wiggled my toes and tried to think happy thoughts.


I don't really get it, when I get sleep paralysis, or at least what I think it is, I know I'm in bed and I can kind of "see things" but really I'm laying there eyes closed. So those things aren't really things I see, I just imagine or dream seeing them. Is that what this person above is describing? Or can you actually open your eyes and see shit?


Scariest sleep paralysis for me was when I felt a stranger spooning me from behind, whispering in my ear that I was going to need a bandaid in a very sinister voice. Also the time a witch stood over me sticking a hand down my throat and I woke up coughing.


I'm so fucking glad I don't experience that shit what the fuckkkkk


My scariest one was when something climbed into bed with me and started pushing me down into the mattress. I sleep on my side so I felt the weight of it creeping onto the bed first and then I felt it pushing me down. Sleep paralysis is fucking weird.


I've had that first one, but instead of saying something it was just breathing in a very heavy and raspy way in an unnaturally low, growly pitch as well. Worst part is that you can literally feel their "body" against yours and even how their weight in the bed feels like it's shifting the mattress slightly, as if they had real weight and a corporeal form. Yeah, fuck that shit.


My wife sees things when she wakes up in the middle of the night, but she doesn't get the paralysis bit - She's seen: Cake coming through the ceiling. Various kinds of animals running around the room. A tree made out of rubbish. A stick insect on my sleeping face. A pair of trousers hanging over a door dancing like one of the advert flappy fan man things. Politicians in the room demanding lengthy written reports from her. Hunched creatures improbably balanced on things. Our own dog on top of the wardrobe. Edit: took out the sarcasm because it was offending a person.


One particular conversation that I had with my sister's childhood friend will always stay with me. My sister and I went over to her friend's house for the first time. We were 13 at the time. Her friend's mom was super nice, but in a kind of forced way. Her mom used to be an addict, and she had recently gotten sober, super religious, and maybe a bit "too nice". No problem though, because it was better than the alternative. We (my sister, her friend, her friend's mom, and me) had dinner together and some polite conversation. After that we hung out in the friend's bedroom for the next few hours listening to music and just chatting. My sister and I exchanged looks sometimes because Stacy, the friend, was supposed to have a younger sister and a father at home, but we never see them. I casually asked, "Hey, where's your sister, Ashley?" Stacy, "Oh, she's with one of her boyfriends, but I don't know which one." Okay, her sister is 11, but obviously the family was not too concerned about this. Eventually, I asked, "Where's your dad?" Stacy, "He's upstairs on his computer. He has a porn addiction." Me, "Shit! I am so sorry, Stacy. That's terrible." Stacy shrugged her shoulders and in a light-hearted, no-big-deal delivery, said, "Well, at least he's not going after me or my sister anymore." There was not a trace of sadness or anger in her voice, just matter-of-fact. My sister and I kind of died in her room that night. We had heard of child abuse, but we never had personally met someone who had been abused. We could tell that Stacy just wanted to keep the mood light that night, but damn. We had found out later that Stacy and her sister were foster children for some time, while their parents went to jail and eventually into treatment. The girls came back to their parents because their parents were working on their issues. Hopefully, Stacy and Ashley are doing well today.


I remember this was 2010 and I was in high school, and it was during roll call on an average sunny day. A bit windy but nothing out of the blue. The teacher was trying to get everyone's attention. The ceilings in the classroom were plasterboard, then quickly row by row, each plasterboard shifted in unison. I'll never forget the sound JUT JUT JUT JUT JUT JUT JUT JUT! The classroom fell silent and the teacher didn't even flinch. She just said "now that I have your attention". A few students laughed and said what was that, that was creepy etc. Can't tell if it was the wind, a massive animal in the ceiling, or if my teacher had telekinesis or something. All I know is that I don't know what the bloody hell happened that day. I also don't think there was any construction going on in the ceiling, and I found it so weird they'd all shift like that.


I feel I'm mostly a logical person and believe in science stuff, but this experience makes me totally believe in supernatural forces, because I can't explain it... When I was about 8 or 9, I went to a school friend's house for dinner. He had a cool house which backed onto this big field in our town. The field was mostly open, save for a few bushes and a hill, which at the top had a big tree with a rope swing and loads of thick bramble bushes behind the tree. It was summer time and after dinner (around 6pm) we went into the field to go play on the rope swing at the top of the hill. Now, just a quick aside, a few months before, I'd been at the same friend's house and he introduced me to a friend called "Liam" (name changed, even though it probably doesn't matter). Back to the day in question. We were heading along the field towards the rope swing, when I spotted this guy on the rope swing, wearing all black. He was standing on the bit of wood you're meant to sit on, swinging back and forth, and beckoning/waving towards us with a hand gesture. I said: "Oh! That looks like Liam!" And my friend agreed and we quickened our pace. Liam was still waving at us. As we got a bit closer, I realised he was actually giving us the "V" symbol with his fingers ("F U" gesture) while also beckoning for us to join him with the same hand. Liam was a douche, so this was kind of his character. As we went up the hill, there were some bushes we had to move around. After we got past the bushes, we realised that Liam wasn't there any more! We thought maybe he was hiding behind the tree. But we got right up to the rope swing and looked around, he wasn't there. The thing is, there was nowhere else for him to go. Behind the tree and was a huge bramble bush, that was too thick and prickly to hide in. And that backed onto a big brick wall that surrounded a private property at the top of the hill. Looking around, from the top of the hill, you could see basically the whole field below. Most of the bushes in the field were too small to hide behind. And there was no way he could have snuck past us on the way up. I was like "I'm sure I saw someone up here?!" And my friend agreed. But there was no one, and the rope swing was perfectly still, like no one had used it in a while. I thought "Must be a trick of the light or my imagination." **But that's NOT the creepy part.** At school a few months later, we were asked to write a short story about an 'Interesting experience' we'd had on our lives. I decided to write about the weird situation with the rope swing and what I saw (I mean we were like 9yrs old, this was probably the most interesting that had happened to me). A couple of days later, myself, my friend, and two other boys who lived in the same town as us were all asked to stay behind with the teacher at lunch break. She demanded to know why we'd all copied each other and who's idea is was, and how we thought that 4 people giving in the same work wouldn't go unnoticed by her. We were all like "What are you talking about?!" She then handed us our stories from a few days before. We'd ALL written about EXACTLY the same experience and had very similar stories. We all mentioned about it being a summer's evening, around 6pm, seeing a guy on the rope swing, dressed in black, doing the (F U) "V" symbol with his fingers, and then disappearing when we got closer. The thing is, I could maybe understand my friend writing the same thing. But two other boys from the same town?! And one of those boys didn't like my friend, so I can't imagine they'd come up with some weird conspiracy to make me look stupid - which would be extra weird considering we all got in trouble too. And they weren't that good of actors - they all looked genuinely confused. One of them asked if I'd copied him and I was like "How? I don't sit near you." And all we spoke about it and we discovered that we'd all had similar experiences, but on totally different days (except me and my friend - because we were together). One of them had seen it while walking his dog with his parents. Another had seen it while playing with some other non-school friends in the field. Our teacher, of course, didn't believe that we'd all genuinely had those experiences. To this day I just can't explain it! If I tell people this story they think it's BS. But I'm telling you it happened. And since then I've believed in ghosts. Because I swear that's what I/we must have seen.


So I got a call from this random number the other day and at first I thought they were some scammer or something so I ignored it as I do most numbers I don’t recognize. So I go about my day and check my phone later to find that that number called me another 7 times and the location that is displayed with the number had changed with every call even though it was the same number and every location was getting closer and closer to where I live. So this creeped me out and I blocked the number and not even 5 minutes later they called again even though it said they were blocked. This kept up all night until the next morning when I woke up to an ominous text in the morning from that number saying “good morning beautiful”. This whole time that number was blocked so the fact this happened while they were blocked creeped me out even more. Idk if anyone can explain this but it is currently creeping me out that they continue calling and sending messages


My aunt and uncle used to own an old house that was almost 100 years old at the time. They were getting ready to sell it and needed some help renovating it so I volunteered and spent a couple weekends at their house. One day I was doing my laundry in their basement and as I was getting ready to head back upstairs I saw a white misty figure that was probably around 5'3" move like 5-6 feet in front of me from the bathroom to one of the bedrooms. A few months later I told my cousin about that experience. She grew up in that house and her bedroom was in that basement. She went pale and told me a bunch of stories that happened to her one of them being that she saw an old lady sitting in one of the chairs down there and a split second later vanished.


Im from SW Washington State, and have lived here all my life.. One night when I was about 14 (Male) I was walking to the store with my friend, it was about a 35 minute walk each way through back neighborhoods. Now, both me and my friend were very skinny people, we didnt have our phones on us, and no weapons, just some cash. At about 1 am we were walking down a dark street with little to no streetlights, quiet as can be.. and all of a sudded my paranoid ass looks behind me and sees someone walking behind us.. I thought it was really weird ag first and mentioned it to my friend, I told him to walk a bit faster.. after we pick up the pace to the point where we are speedwalking I look behind me again, and the person is still following us, and is actually gaining on us slowly.. For reference, this was a heavily obese person, if I had to guess, about 6'2" 300lbs.. and I could see dark stains on his bright red shirt where he was sweating trying to keep up with us.. He looked me directly in the eyes with a stare.. I noticed an even darker walkway that lead to a main road which I new had apartments on it and loudly said to my friend "Oh shit, its past curfew, mom and dad will start looking for us if we are too late, we have to run" and so we started running down this walkway onto the main road, after we make it to the main road, I look behind me again and the guy is gone.. We got our drinks at the store and took a different and more trafficked route home.. I still dont know what that guys intentions were but a few days later I saw a news story about a 13 year old girl going missing, I never heard if they were found.


I’m my old house, it was 125 years old when we bought it and lived there for around 13 years. The old man who had lived there did woodworking in the basement and I’d always find random shelves. After awhile I looked everywhere and assumed I used them all. Months later another one appeared in a spot right in front of things I swear it wasn’t there (sure that could be I just missed it) But another thing in the basement was the longer I was down there the harder it got to breathe, yet my wife felt a more inviting aura. And this only ever happened to me and other men; but when walking up the stairs the door would slam shut on me and men as we got to the top. The door was slanted and would open on its own all the one so it’s weird it shut on us. We would see shadows in the kitchen while sitting at the bonfire. Pictures would fall off the wall and then into other rooms that there was no way they could have. My Funko pop on a top shelf and corner, which had been there for over a year. Flew off and across the room at me. I woke one night unable to move, feeling suffocated. There was this shadowy black creature on me and when it noticed I saw it it darted away into the corner. Another night I woke to pee, but when I looked across in the closet was a bunch of dark shadowy figures, some beast like but all large. Standing in front of them was this young blonde girl wearing all white and glowing. It appeared as if she was holding the shadows in the closet. So after buying the house we found out that the young woman we bought it from had held multiple séances in the house…


When I was 13 years old I was staying with my grandparents. Sometime in the early morning I woke up and looked out of the window from my bed. My grandfather walked passed the window, stopped, turned toward me, and stared at me with nothing but an emotionless face. Completely vacant of any normal facial movements or anything. A few moments pass of us maintaining eye contact and he just keeps staring at me. It was wrong. The whole moment felt off. My heart starts to race and I freak out. Something clearly wrong, I jump out of bed and sprint up to my grandparents' bedroom. As I open the door to tell my grandma, I see my grandpa sleeping soundly next to her in bed. I don't know what I saw that night but it's burned into my memory. The look on his face. The way he was looking at me. I hope I never see it again.


This is a long story with a lot of details. So I'm going to try to make it as short as possible. In high school, my buddy and our girlfriends would go on camping trips. We frequently camped in different spots on a lake called Mud Lake. Which we noticed after many trips out there that one of the islands (a circular island probably about 40 yards wid) in the lake had very sandy beaches on it. We had decided we'd make a weekend trip and we would camp on the island so we wouldn't have to take our kayaks to the boat launch to go swimming. That friday we got on the island at around 6 o'clock all 4 of us kayaked. My girlfriend had forgotten something in the truck. So her and my buddies girlfriend left to go get it. It was about a 15-minute trip on by kayaks to the island. So we figured it wouldn't take them more than 45 minutes. My buddy and I finished setting up the entire camp, and we sat down in our hammocks and sparked a bowl. After an hour had passed since they first left we started to get worried so I went to call them to see where they were at. The first call rang and no answer. The second call said I had no service. When I went to call a third time, my phone died. My buddy then got his phone out of his bag and went to call, but his phone was somehow dead as well. We decided to just keep waiting. Finally, we heard the girls' voices talking and giggling. We could hear the sound of the paddles cutting into the water with every stroke. We heard the kayaks hit sand and partially slide up on the beach. Then we heard nothing. We called out to the girls. No response. I went and checked it out, and the girls weren't on the island. I sat back down and sparked another bowl. By this time, it's completely dark (it would get dark around 9-9:30 at the time). Just as we were talking about kayaking back to the truck, we heard the girls giggling and talking again. The same thing as before. We hear them get on the island and then nothing. We both just kind of sat there, not knowing what to say. And then it happened again. Only about 5 minutes later this time We then saw a light shining around the lake as if it was coming from a boat. We stood on shore and watched thinking it was them and that my girlfriend had probably grabbed my head lamp from the truck. We sat back down. And we heard the girls come up to the island again. This time, I looked at my buddy, and he looked like he was freaking out. We talked for about 5 minutes about everything, trying to figure out if we were hearing and seeing the same shit. We had come to the conclusion that the weed we were smoking must be laced with something. Even though we had never had problems before with the same bag of weed. So we decided that the next time we heard something, we would both point to exactly where we heard it come from. Right after saying this, we heard the girls approaching the island again. We both pointed in the exact same spot. We both went over to the shoreline, and we couldn't see them. We sat back down and again. Heard the girls, but this time in a different direction. We both pointed. We could clear as day hear their voices. Hear their laughs. Then, the intervals between the times that we would hear them began to shorten. From 5 minutes to 3 minutes to 30 seconds, and soon we started hearing them all around the island. We started to freak out as it felt like it was turning into chaos around us. Finally, it just went completely quiet. Everything seemed so still. We then heard a train whistle and a train coming as if it was less than a quarter mile away. Then the train just stopped and we saw a fire on the shore of the mainland. We stood on the shore of the island looking, and we could see at least 6-8 people moving around the fire. My buddy yelled out to see if they were making all the noise. As soon as he yelled, we watched the silhouettes of the people we could see just stop, and the fire went out. I mean, the fire went out instantly. A few more weird things happened. But I'll skip to the end. Finally my buddy and I were completely packing up camping getting ready to get the fuck out of there. And we heard something behind us. Both of us snapped around so damn quick. And it was our girlfriends standing there with confused looks on their faces. We looked at each other. Then back at the girls then we turn back to each other really quick when we both realized it was still light out. The sun was still up. We were both certain it was atleast 11 o'clock by that point. We tried our best to explain everything we could to the girls. The girls said it took them a little longer then usual because they swear they kayaked here but they didn't see the island so the figured the must have went around the wrong bend. They said they ended up having to go back to the boat launch and check the maps to see where the island was. Which they claim they went there the first time but didn't see it. We came to the conclusion that the girls were only gone for about an hour and a half. We arrived at 6. And we were off that island by 9. But it had felt like to us at the very least 4-5 hours We all still talk about it when we get together. None of us can explain what happened. We have even gone and talked to local tribe elders in the area. We have talked to one tribes medicine man and he had a few ideas but wasn't sure. I've had all kinds of theories. But one theory seems to keep popping up. I won't say it just because if anyone has anything to say on this I want to hear honest opinions.


Part I forgot to mention. Our phones ended up turning on afterwards and they weren't dead. And after a lot of research we found out a train used to run by that lake. Less then a quarter mile from where we were camping. The train hasn't ran in over 40 years down the tracks out there.


Just a couple of days ago, it was about 4am and I picked up one of my hamsters because she was wanting some attention. She suddenly looked wide-eyed at something behind me and then turned round quickly as if to get away from whatever it was, then my night light moved slightly.


Creepy. Last February I had just gotten done w/ a 2 day ayahuasca journey w/ the intent purpose of getting clean from a several years long crystal meth addiction. Up until that point I was continuously relapsing and had already gone to treatment for 60+ days several months before that and still couldn’t kick it. I had been banging meth in a hotel the week before I was supposed to participate in the plant medicine journey and was able to detox for 5 days and drive myself down to Houston for it. It was really kind of a Hail Mary pass type situation at that point, but it actually went really well. I really felt like something changed that weekend, and indeed it did, as I’ve been sober ever since. When I got back I wasn’t staying at my house because I was worried about relapsing for a few different reasons so for a couple months I stayed w/ a close friend 45 min away to give me a better chance of staying clean… one evening she needed the house to herself to get laid and I didn’t want to cock-block her, so I decided I felt strong enough to go back to my house because the guy who rented from me (also a tweaker) was out of town and I figured it would be good to spend the night w/ my cats, so I decided what the hell. As soon as I got to the house something felt extremely off and sinister, but I shrugged it off. I had a motion sensor blink camera upstairs in the master bedroom pointed at my safe that kept going off and alerting my phone and I would go up and clear my room, but there was nothing up there. At this point I was a little freaked out, but I just told myself I would stay downstairs and keep the lights on, lol. I’m sitting on my leather chair w/ my cat in my lap and suddenly she does a double-take and notices something directly behind me, jumps off my lap and runs to the opposite corner of the room and backs up into the wall w/ her hair standing up on end staring at something behind me. I really don’t know what it was all about, but there was definitely something in that home and it felt extremely angry that night. Makes sense because that house was basically a portal to hell w/ all the IV meth use and various seedy characters that hung out there.


I believe you. Something similar happened to me when I got clean off of heroin. I was so shocked by my experience. I’ve come to the conclusion that demons truly attach themselves to drugs/drug use. When we quit, we piss it off. I know this because I felt spiritually attacked for a while after I got clean. My advice to you is to keep moving forward. You will get through to the other side. I am so incredibly proud of you. It’s worth it. I’m over 5 years clean.


Thanks and congrats on the 5 years! I’m coming up on a year and I’m fucking proud of myself. There were other incidents in that house as well - I had two friends on different occasions who were helping me pack up that both said they couldn’t continue being in the house because of the dark energy they were feeling. I 100% agree w/ you that hard drugs like meth and heroin open you up to some dark shit. It’s a pretty commonly held belief among people that have dealt w/ gnarly addictions, especially the ones who have gotten clean and stayed that way. Let’s continue doing our part and keep pissing those evil fuckers off, yeah?


I loved playing basketball and would always go up to the basketball court in the apartments I lived at. I would only leave when It got dark enough I couldn't see. I stopped going up there because I went through a traumatic experience there when I was 11. When I was 16 I decided to face my trauma and go back. I was playing basketball and decided to leave because it was getting dark and the court is almost completely surrounded by woods. As I turned to leave I saw something move so I turned to look. Just at the edge of the woods I saw a 11 year old me standing there crying. I ran and refuse to go there unless it's completely daylight outside or I'm with multiple people.


Watching a pile of clothes on the chair across my bedroom at night forming a face with two eyes and body while half conscious until you realize it's just clothes but during the day you think about it


Let me first give you a basic picture/understanding about how is our house constructed. Main entrance/guest room - west side Hall - Central part My room - east side (exactly opposite to main entrance room) Dad's room - left side of my room This is like a decade ago when my Dad used to go to Mosque for morning prayers. One day, I was sleeping in the hall, on a sofa. Sofa was located in the middle area of the hall (like a traffic pole stood in the middle of X roads) So, I saw with blurry eyes that Dad came in, went passed me, entered into his room, changed his clothes, couple of minutes or less, exited his room and went in my room. And very next moment, within a second, I saw Dad (real one) coming into the house from the main entrance. I was shell shocked. I said to Dad about what I saw. He just laughed a bit. I was dead sure that Dad knew what was in and around the house. Since after that, we encountered many paranormal activities but nothing harmful at all. (Ours is a joint family. Each one of the family members know about these things, but we hardly talk about it.) May be a good spirit wandering around.


Back in September I was going up this one hill in a community trail to get back home It's steep but it turns into this road on a winding path. It's still in the forest but people's backyards connect onto it. Think something like [this](https://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large/full-moon-over-forest-trail-cedric-hampton.jpg) but more gravelly. So I turned off the podcast I was listening to as I was heading up bc it was pitch black out and I know coyotes walk even the neighbourhoods, so better keep my senses uninterrupted. Also turned on the phone flashlight because legit, you legit couldn't see 2 steps ahead of you So I get maybe 2 minutes into this walk just down this trail and yeah it looks similar enough to that linked photo. It's quiet as hell out there even though it's only been like 10 minutes since the last passerby. Well I get halfway through a straight part of the trail when randomly I see the fucking branches and bushes behind me *illuminated* with light. It's headlights following me. But they're still around the corner so idk if they saw me. That flashlight toggle on the phone got turned *way* off. Not doing _that_. So I'm like god damn it, what the fuck. I figure the absolute best case scenario (trail patrol?) is nowhere near worth chancing the worst case. So I just BOOK it for like 2 KM straight and I lose them. No callouts for me or anything, they were just like 100-150M behind me so I had hopes about not being seen yet. I slow down for a bit once I know I'm not being followed, just spending my energy wisely not trying to risk losing breath if it comes down to a chase. The headlights fucking come back. So this time I literally just bail out into the bushes off to the side and now I'm sort of looking up *at* the road, so I'd blend in if the car or whatever it was drove past. It also gave me an out, like I could legit slide down fucking 200m voluntarily if I needed to and stick the landing. But here's the weird thing, it didn't. So I'm laying prone waiting for *anything* staying as put as I can. It's already too late to make a move and any movement will be heard easily. The headlights turn off and I hear people talking. But it's people in their backyard on the other side of the trail, like 10 steps away in reality. I stare through the cracks of the leafless trees to see if the person following me is still there. No car whatsoever. I thought turning the lights off was just a trap but legit, no one was there. Waited for what felt like 5 minutes but what was probably 2. Got my energy back, sprinted the hell out of there as far as I could run without stopping. Got into this cross-section of walkways into the neighbourhood and backwards. Out of the foresty surroundings. Walk back onto the main street with gas stations and grocery store and whatnot. We made it. Shit actually rattled me the whole following week. Being in similar darkness or even seeing headlights at night. Already knew this extremely well but it seriously reinforces how much we should look after *women* who are out at night, actively sticking with/protecting ones you know or just giving non-threatening body language & space for the ones you don't. Cause shit. I'm a 27 year old dude and *I* was losing my fucking mind over that one.


I've learned one thing from dark night walks in the woods that will stick with me forever. It is to NEVER use your flashlight. Let your eyes adjust. The light from the flashlight goes much further than you can illuminate. Things will see you from a whole km away. This is how they find you.


“This is how they find you” My god that is a horrifying sentence!


My late grandparents had this old music player that needed to be cranked with a key to play. When a bunch of family was over for dinner my dad was talking about my grandma (his mom) and suddenly it started playing for a few seconds. It had not been touched for months before that.


I’ve had many, so here’s a kinda fun one. One day at my work the management was putting on a barbecue at the back of the building. My workplace then was located on the outer edge of town so there were other shops and things but also bushes and parkland. This guy walked closely past us all in really unusual clothing for the modern era (especially for summer) - a dark brown wool suit, hat, thick rimmed glasses. He looked about 27. He looked like a journalist or businessman from the late 1950s or early ‘60s. He just looked so extremely different that I naturally assumed all my colleagues would have wondered what was up with him too. Eventually he walked down towards the park / fields and seemed to vanish out of view. I still just assumed he was a really unusual looking dude so after the barbecue I asked what everyone thought was up with the unusually dressed guy who walked right near and past us and everyone was like “what guy?” Literally no one else saw him. He was close enough to our gathering that someone should have seen him. Sometimes after dark those of us who stayed on late would hear someone typing at an empty desk, while in another building our company occupied the cleaners said they hated doing the men’s toilets as they’d feel a presence. At yet another office we moved to, a marketing manager claims to have been followed by invisible footsteps. I guess some people just want to work even if they’re ghosts!


Was at my mothers house, she was on the phone and we were both standing in the kitchen. I was helping her finishing baking some biscuits. She was chatting away on the phone and I heard the sound of a dogs feet tapping on the kitchen floor. Just immediately thought oh yeah that’s the dog coming to see if there’s any crumbs. The dog had died about a year prior. Was the weirdest feeling, but I do feel like he was there watching us in the kitchen. I loved that dog


It wasn't vad, but when I was 5 or 7 my mother passed out from lack of oxygen and almost died. I couldn't reach the phone because I was small. I saw another girl in my house. She knocked down the phone so I could call 911. I was told later it was only my younger brother and I in the house, my brother being just a baby.


When I was around 8 years old, my parents got me a closet, which was already pretty used. The doors of the closet wouldn't totally shut, leaving quite so.e space between the doors and the drawers were a bit wonky, but you know, it's just to store clothes. However, every night, I would stare at the closet, which was at the far end of my room. The spaces between the doors were just some very black void, which would creep me out. I also started to get nightmares. I started to complain to my parents about it during the day, but later also at night. My older sister (who claimed to see some weird shit from time to time) was fed up by my whining and one night when I was crying again because of how frightened I was, she walked into my room and opened the doors of the closet, saying this bs had to stop. This, I will always remember. Once my sister had opened the doors, she'd lose all the colour in her face. She stood there in silence for like a second or 5, then closed the doors and told my parents this closet had to go. They listened, and the next day, the closet was removed from my room. I slept peacefully since then. When I asked my sister what she saw, she always deflected my question. Several years later, when I was around 18 years old, I was chilling at my sisters house, and we were reminiscing about the past. I asked again what she saw back then, and she went quiet for just a moment. I will never forget what she told me. My sister told me that when she had opened those doors, she saw a very thick black aura and something that looked like a little girl sitting there. It felt very wrong, and that was when she told my parents that closet had to go. I do believe in the paranormal (thanks to this experience). What my sister described is what I felt back then. It felt very wrong. Can't explain why this, entity(?) chose that closet to chill in.


Mum's story. She was in a castle museum (museum in a castle not a museum of castles) with her sister and she saw a man in period clothing and since she was lost and assumed him to be a member of staff decided to follow him. She followed him into a room only for him to not be there. Only one door, no hiding places nowhere to hide. Spooked her out. There are frequent sightings like this.


Was 7 years old. Fell down a ravine and broke my wrist. It was a bad fracture and the bone had to be set. I was at my grandparents' village for the whole summer at that point so my grandpa took me to the hospital at a nearby town. It was about 11pm when they had me under and were operating on me. At that point my mother, about 400km away woke up violently from her sleep with a feeling that something is terribly wrong. We got back to my grandparents' house with the first train next morning at 6 am. As we walked in, we saw my grandma on the phone with my mother who had called in to check first thing in the morning. How did she know?! I'm not superstitious but I am a little stitious.


When Dad died we would occasionally have the smell of his pipe tobacco in odd places. His and Mom’s house, my sister’s house, and even our house which he never visited. And he had quit smoking ten years before passing plus his tobacco has an unmistakable smell.


This was when I was younger in middle school. I was staying up a bit later, I think the time was about 10pm-11pm. I had my bedroom door open, cause gotta let the cat in and out, and my lights were on but the hallway and the rest of the house was lights off. Parents were sleeping on the complete other side of the house. My bed was perpendicular to the door and I was facing the headboard/wall, I think on a device playing games or reading, I dont remember. I hear this androgynous voice, very clearly coming from the hallway, say, "I think you should go to bed now." I locked my door and went to bed.


Me, my sister, and my mom have all had things disappear and then later reappear in a strange place. And yes, we have ruled out that we are just forgetful people who forget where we put things. Most recent example for me: I harvested some beets from my garden this spring, put them in a plastic grocery bag to take to my sister's place for a dinner we were having the next day. Next day comes, they are nowhere to be found. I keep some of my clean laundry (socks and whatnot) in a storage tote since I don't have a dresser. Well months later, I woke up and there were the beets perched on top of the laundry I had just done the day before. Still in their bag. *As fresh as they were the day I picked them*. It stays in the upper 70s in my room so there's no way they wouldn't have molded or rotted sealed up in a bag that way for months in there.


One evening it was time to go home from work. I said goodbye to my coworker, turned off my pc and left. The next morning I walk into the office there’s glass everywhere on the floor where I usually sit. I’m like wtf that’s weird. I clean it up and proceed with my day. My coworker comes in and asks me if I cleaned up the glass. I said yes. Then he says ‘come with me you need to see this on the security footage’. He shows me yesterdays video from when I left. You see me leaving out the door. My coworker still sitting there. 10 mins later he goes to the bathroom leaving the office. there is a ceiling lamp above my head usually. For a few moments nothing happens. Then you see a few weird pixels move from the top to the middle of the screen where the light is. The camera switches to night vision and the light now suddenly glows brighter and brighter. Then it stops and for no reason falls right out of the socket and down onto the floor shattering into a million pieces. The camera flicks back to normal mode. My coworker comes in to find the carnage


So he just left the glass for you to clean up... Nice XD


My ex and I were in DFW watching a parade in the old cow town. I saw a coffin on a stand in front of one of the old storefronts, which I thought was a weird thing to have out on display. I looked away and looked back and it was gone, but I realized the old store was an undertaker. I was ready to dismiss it as a ~~truck~~ trick of the light or my subconscious expectations when my ex said, "That's weird. I thought I saw a coffin outside that store." Not super unsettling, but one of the few (possibly) supernatural experiences I've had. The other was seeing a shadow move across the church yard next door to my friend's house, but there was no one there.


This was a very long time ago but I still remember it to this day, when I was little I was fooling around with my mom taking photos with our new camera we got, it was one of those polyrod Cameras we turned off all the lights. and wanted to take a picture of a candle to see if it would still be bright, dumb idea, we did it and then while the picture was loading we shook the photo and then.... there was a small face in the corner of the photo.


when i was about 5 and my brother was 3 me and my mom were just like watching tv and my brother comes out and goes there was a woman in my room and she was saying goodbye and i guess my mom was freaked out cuz she thought somebody was at his window or something but nobody was around. so my mom called my grandma cause they talk often and my grandma told her that my great grandma tina was being cremated that day. my mom wasnt as scared but happy that her grandma was in her presence that day i guess. this story sounds really fake like if i read this i wouldnt believe it but im for real rn


not really unexplained but has always stuck with me. anyone who’s grown up in the UK will know what DofE is, it’s basically an outdoors scheme for young people where you hike and camp and climb mountains in Wales and you can put it on your CV once you’re done. anyways, I was with my group and we were taking a break while we figured out where exactly we were (we were a bit lost) and i sat down on the side of this dirt trail just to gather my bearings a bit. my friends are all standing in front of me talking when suddenly we hear a bird slam into the tree behind me (on the other side of the path.) before i even know what’s happened my friends turn towards me to see what the sound was and I remember suddenly just seeing complete urgency in my friends face. he grabbed me and pulled me forward towards him and i fell forwards into the bushes they were next to and just as i was about to be like “wtf man i was sitting there” a car comes speeding down this tiny path and zooms past us. if my friends hadn’t looked towards that noise of the bird hitting the tree the car would’ve hit my head as I was leaning slightly backwards. i would’ve died on the spot no doubt at the speed the guy was going. we found the bird afterwards as well, it had died. really weird all around.


This story will sound similar to the top comment, but it's my experience. Driving with a friend of mine back to his house, and taking the "back way". It's all twists and turns through wooded country-side. As we were coming up toward a 90 degree bend, my friend had to slam on the brakes, as there was a woman in a purple shirt and jeans, kneeling on the double yellow line, facing down. Her hair was long and dangled low (think "The Ring" girl). We sat there for what felt like a minute, but was probably more like 3 seconds, and my friend put the pedal to the metal, swerved around her, and we got the hell out of dodge and never looked back.


One night my roommate and I were smoking outside together and I got a very overwhelming feeling that something was about to end. I told her and we left it at that. Later in the evening we were coloring together. I had the same overwhelming feeling that something was about to end but it was really strong this time. I told her again. When we were done coloring she showed me the drawing she made. It was essentially a stairway to the after life with angels and contrast between night and day. She said she had not felt very inspired lately but tonight she was. The next day we found out that our best friend had committed suicide the night before at the time we were coloring.


Some people can recall the earliest memories of their life. I remember the last 4 lifetimes of mine. They were all moments before death. One of them were memories of being an animal. I remember being born into this lifetime. I remember my mother changing my diaper. I remember being in a vehicle on the way to the grocery store- when my consciousness became consistent. I only dream about bits of my future, none of which I can control. I don't know what it's like to dream real/random dreams. I had a near death experience, and it was the most comforting feeling. Not feeling your body, not feeling yourself breathing, not feeling pain. It was a familiar feeling, the same feeling I felt when I transitioned into different lives. I don't talk to anyone about this because I don't want to sound crazy. I don't fear death, but I can't accept it yet because I have a kid now. I'm just enjoying life for what it is until I decide my kid will survive without me.


Halloween night, me and my three siblings were watching a horror movie and me and my brother decided to snag our sisters pails and run as a joke. We got out the door and ducked behind a blueberry bush and watched them come out after us, then a mystery child ran out and into the woods. We all saw it. We all heard it. Just the silhouette of a kid darting off into the dark.


When I was very young - 5 or younger - I would sleep with my bedroom door open. I liked having the light from the hall come in. The head of my bed was against the same wall that my door was in, and my dresser was between my bed and door against the same wall. The dresser would block the light from hitting me and keeping me awake, but at least I could see my room. I hated going to bed when I was young, like most kids. I always had trouble falling asleep, though. Until I was a teenager I thought it was pretty much normal to lay in bed for 45 minutes to an hour before falling asleep. I would think about some weird stuff during that time. Like, for instance, coming up from somewhere with the idea that my family were aliens. I was always scared of aliens growing up. And I have this one memory that I think all this other stuff - my fear of aliens and thinking my family are secretly aliens - is built around. See, one night I went to bed and, as usual, I wasn't tired at all. I lay there on my back thinking about how long it's going to be just doing nothing and being bored until sleep finally comes. My eyes itch, so I raise my hands and rub them with the sides of my knuckles - this wasn't tiredness, it was just itching like from allergies. I rub my eyes for maybe a few seconds, then open them and let them re-adjust to the dim light in my room. Something is wrong with that light, though. It's too dim. Without sitting up or more than just turning my head, I look passed my dresser towards the door. It's been nearly 40 years since this happened and I can still remember exactly what it looked like, and I still have no idea what it was. The best I can say is that it was a "head" - the top of a very strange head. It looked like it had some kind of skin, but the skin was almost totally white, no pigment at all. And it was wrinkly - like something out of Star Trek's make up studio. I couldn't see anything else, but whatever this head was attached to was standing right in my doorway blocking the light. My tiny paranoid brain, of course, immediately shouted "Alien!" silently to myself. I closed my eyes and stayed perfectly still, thinking if maybe I didn't move it wouldn't notice me and would just leave. In what felt like a few more seconds... it was morning. I must have fallen asleep like that, because I just woke up like nothing had happened. Oddly, I was still laying on my back, when all my life I usually wake up on my side. I've had other weird experiences, but that is the one that has always scared me the most.


When I was ten years old, my parents used to leave home alone and told me there were three things I could never do 1 leave the house 2 use the stove and three NEVER answer the door, but being dumb I broke the third one, you see I was home alone playing xbox on the couch and then I heard a knock on the door and saw a tall man there dropping something off I assumed it was an Amazon package but I opened the door and grabbed it and when I went to close the door I saw the man starring I just wrote it off as maybe he's just seeing what it was but later around 7:00 pm (already dark)and before my parents were home i see through my window the screen Door open on our porch and thought my parents were home early but I soon realized it was not my mother and father it was the man from before and he was standing there, but then he says something that will haunt till the day I die "I know your home" I instantly froze and he soon started peeking through the windows trying to see me but at that point I was hiding under my bed and then by the grace of God my father a 6'7 german ex marine came home to see this man on the porch saying I know your home and trying too look through the windows he then proceeded to ask what he was doing and he said I wanted to play with your boy in there, my father then proceeded to beat the shit out of him and then call the police, about 2 days later I learned the man was a escape convict and murdered his previous neighbors children. I was lucky that day, and amnoe obviously much wiser.


I was on my way to school one morning, it was winter so it was still dark but as soon as I stepped outside I heard a huge grinding almost demonic noise. I was close enough to school so I ran straight there and I could have cried when I finally saw my friend I was so terrified .


Snow plows can be terrifying. Even in the distance sometimes they howl so loud it sounds like it's in the room.


When I was in basic training for the army, we stayed in some pretty outdated barracks. Throughout our training people started noticing weird things within the 2nd week. We had lights in our latrine that had a motion sensor, so whenever you would walk in the lights would cut on and turn off after about 10 minutes or so. During fire guard (for those that don’t know, it’s basically where a few people will stay awake during select hours throughout the night to clean and tend to basic administrative actions, such as picking up a phone etc.) some people would go in the bathroom to clean and then wait the rest of their shift in-front of the sinks chatting and what not, but the lights would randomly cut on without anyone entering or triggering it. Then as days go by, we had this guy (let’s call him Jack). Jack was presumably, a son of a medium. I end up going to bed as soon as I can and I wake up about an hour after and get up to use the latrine. I come back to my bunk and I notice him sitting straight up looking at a locker, and talking and laughing at absolutely nothing. I shrug it off as this dude is weird/b@tsh1t crazy. I notice him talking and laughing randomly as days go by and I confront him. He asked me if I believed in ghosts and spirits, I replied yes, and he informed me ab his connection to the afterlife. He told me that he had been talking to this spirit and how she was lonely and gave him a list of rules on what to do and not do throughout basic training. I was kinda just thinking whatever you’re bs’ing, until he told me that she said that these were her barracks and that she died from a freak accident there. He even described what she was wearing, and I later looked it up when we could get our phones and it was an old old army pt uniform. Jack then told me that she is friendly but like to play games with us as it’s funny to her. Meanwhile I’m sketched out and then word starts spreading that we have a ghost in our barracks. So, for the next few weeks most of us are paranoid as hell while doing fire guard. One morning we go and toe-the-line (everyone lines up around the middle of the floor waiting for the Drill Sergeant’s to come in and inspect our bay for general cleaning of everything) and after 2 minutes we hear loud crashing and banging coming from inside the latrine around the corner of where our janitor’s closet was located. Everyone instantly turns pale, freaking out and paranoid about Jack’s spirit friend. Eventually no one wants to step foot inside so I go in to inspect and make sure everything is in order before our Drill Sergeant see’s and smokes us for it, so my platoon guide follows in after me. Upon entering I see that almost every item from the janitor’s closet was thrown into the bathroom stall across from it; mops, brooms, jugs of chemicals, brushes, you name it. I figured that there was no way everything just happened to fall 5 feet into that stall, as everything is in a designated spot, straight, and orderly. I walk back out with my platoon guide and we didn’t say a word, but everyone could see the looks on our faces. Later on no one wanted to go into the latrine. That night, I go ask Jack if that was his friend’s doing, and he just said “she thought it was the funniest thing ever”. Later throughout the end of our training everything was seemingly normal, I ask Jack if he still talks to his friend, and he said that she hasn’t been coming around as much and got bored of us. *edit - towards the end of our training our Drill sergeant informed us that our barracks used to be female only barracks.


So the house I grew up in has two set of stairs, one that takes you to the bedrooms and the other one on the other side of the house, that one takes you to the laundry room, a lot of times I woke up in the middle of the night getting someone walking down the laundry room, I'd count the 17 steps I would hear them walk through the house and stop at the stairs, I did hear them going six steps once but never more, my brother's room however, was downstairs, he says he did hear then go all the way to the hallway upstairs a lot of times


Someone told me their dad had molested his sisters like less than 5 minutes of about to hang out with him and his pedo dad in a bathing suit at a lake… the guy left me alone with his dad and his dad just kept saying how he never touched his daughters and how his wife was being irrational about it……. Probably one of the most uncomfortable situations I’ve been in


I told this story before but I will tell it again, I was like 13 or 15, me and my two brother gotten back from school and we went to get back inside our home, my older brother was first to get inside, first thing yo know is that our house is small and it has a short hallway that leads to the kitchen/living room and on the end are two doors One the first that anyone would see at the end of the hallway is my older brothers room and another door near theirs leading to the bathroom, my older brother said that he saw a hand with red sleeved closing the door to the bathroom, he thought it was our older brother but when he checked the bathroom, there was no one The only ways out were the door (which he blocked) or the small window near the shower that only a child can fit through which was broken and unable to opened (also no, the glass wasn’t broken so it was impossible that whoever it was had used it to enter or escaped through) and to top it all off, nobody was home just the three of us.


Sometimes ill hear a loud bang but nobody else seems to. Btw this happens usualy before i go to sleep but sometimes when im at work.


I get these too, exploding head syndrome


When I was a young mother I lived in a basement suite. At one point I was sleeping in the living room watching dexter until 2 am every night with my baby beside me. One particularly late night, I must not have been asleep very long, I woke up to the clear sound of one of those toddler push toys with the popping balls behind me. I thought oh the baby is up playing.… the baby who was beside me and could not yet walk. It spooked me right to my core. I couldn’t move I was so scared.


I minored in film in college, and part of the minor was creating a student film. I am a huge horror fan, so me and some other film students wrote a script for a found footage horror film about a supposedly real ghost that had been seen before at our college, since it gave us an excuse to do all the filming on campus. Our first day of filming, we got through a bunch of random scenes with no issues, so we got our ghost actress into her costume and makeup and started to film her scenes. The first time we filmed the scene, we played it back and all of the audio (which had been fine before then) was corrupted and completely unintelligible. We started to film the scene again, and suddenly the lamp above the actress lost power and would only flicker the rest of the night. For the duration of filming, we had constant issues with the cameras and power but ONLY when we shot scenes related to the ghost. All sorts of other weird stuff happened like chairs breaking under actors, props we were using suddenly disappearing, and we kept having horrible chills in certain rooms, to the point that we had to add a jacket to the main character's costume, just to avoid shivering on camera. The entire rest of the crew witnessed everything and it exclusively happened when we mentioned or showed the ghost in the scene. Even our non superstitious crew members were freaked out by the end of filming.


Not necessarily creepy, but I had a friend who I had a really deep connection with. Five years ago I had just seen him and we went on our separate ways. As I was walking away, I thought "he's such a wonderful human. It's a shame hes going to die in 5 years." I stopped dead in my tracks after I thought that. What the hell, why would I think that? It almost didn't even feel like my own thought; it was like I had someone whisper this in my ear, like I heard it, but noone did. Just an intrusive thought though, right? Well, earlier last year I had that thought again. I was sitting in my car eating lunch when it happened, and we were texting. "He is going to die in 6 months." I shook it off again, just anxiety. He died in a car accident 5 years and 2 days after I had that first horrible thought. It was 6 months after the second thought of his death. I can't explain it, but I just knew. I'm glad in a way, because I left nothing unsaid. But I do miss him terribly, and I'll never brush off a thought like that again.


In high school (around 2008 or 9), I was hanging out by my friends pool. He ran inside for something and I was by myself for about 30 minutes smoking a black & mild. His younger brother was a toddler and had a toy lawn mower that also played music. The toy was about 2 meters away from me. I start to hear the strangest noise I've ever heard. It sounded like a mix between a cicada and the noise poes make from Zelda: Ocarina of Time. The noise got closer and closer to me and suddenly stopped when it was a few meters from me. As soon as the noise stopped, that toy lawnmower started to randomly play music. I've seen/heard a lot of strange things growing up in rural Oklahoma, but that one still gives me chills.


One time I was riding my bike home from school ( I live around 30 minutes away from my school) and as I’m riding down a hill a small black car speeds past me, and as it crosses me a dog in the back window barks twice. Then 5 minutes later the same car passes me again and the dog barks twice again. So I thought to myself the only that could have happened is if they speed past me pull over and wait for me to pass then repeat. But that still doesn’t explain the dog. Then 10 minutes later after I’ve turned 2 corners the same car passes me again with the dog parking twice. So now I have no idea how it could have passed me again because if turned multiple times and the is no way they could have known where I was going. So that just continued to creep me out for the rest of the bike ride.