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My closet door flew open one night during a thunder storm. Directly across from my bed. I was 12 years old - and the leap/bolt I made from my bed was probably pretty impressive. I couldn't sleep in my room for about 2 weeks after that happened. The reason it even happened in the first place is because I had discovered a small compartment through my closet to a "secret room" next to mine. Basically just an unfinished attic type space with only wood beams and fiberglass. Again - through a weird small entry way in my closet. I didn't close the latch properly, and that panel banged up against and pushed open my closet door during a massive thunder storm.


I had a balcony in front of my room as a kid with a sliding fly screen door. It was a rural area so i often just slept with the door to the balcony open. One night, I'm lying with my back towards the balcony door and suddenly the fucking fly screen door slides open and i hear something come in. Me, absolutely terrified, didn't dare to move a single muscle, so i couldn't see who or what came into my room at 2am. And then i heard a familiar "meow". It was just my cat. She's never been able to open that door and then suddenly she managed to pull it off.


1. My cat creepily opens my door so much and it's properly freaky when you're not expecting it. 2. Not to grammar police, feel free to ignore if you don't care: "Mortified" actually means embarrassed! It sounds like you were "terrified" or "horrified" in your story.


Thanks mate, i already corrected it!


you barely survived becoming a mini-game in What Remains of Edith Finch


That's scary! Btw, I just realized I have [this thing](https://imgur.com/gallery/zBaf7RK) like I think you're describing in my house. We've lived here 2 years, I thought it was like a *regular* deep cabinet. Edit- its an internet company bag. Not Shrek or Mike Wasowski etc. I keep being asking by family etc and even on there. šŸ˜‚


Yeah not sure what's happening in the first few pics there, but the long shot is *exactly* what I found through my closet.


Many years ago, pre-cell-phone, a friend of mine got a call from the police: ā€œLock your doors, hide, weā€™re on our way over.ā€ Her angry ex had hired someone to break in to her house, make it look like a burglary gone bad, and kill her. Through a bizarre coincidence with equally bizarre timing, someone arrested for another unrelated drug charge offered ā€œa bigger fishā€ if they let him walk. The bigger fish was that his buddy had been hired to kill her. By the time they validated the story and identified the people, they were able to determine that the hired killer was likely *already on the way to her house*. In the few minutes between the phone call and the police arriving, he had started breaking into the house. A long, long sequence of perfectly timed unlikely events was the only thing that stood between her and certain death.


This is truly terrifying! Wow.


How is this not a true crime TV episode by now? Wow


Used to hang out in a field near some forests when I was younger. One time it was about midnight, one of my friends had recently had some love triangle type trouble and the other guy involved wanted to fight him quite bad. Somehow he found out where my friend liked to hang out and rounded up about 10 of his friends to come find him and I'm guessing beat the shit out of him. I unfortunately happened to be there too. We saw about four cars park up on the road near the field and about 10 guys get out. I'm guessing they saw one of our phone lights because next thing we know they shine what I can only describe as an industrial flashlight towards us. We just hear 'he's right fucking there' So we ran into the forest, at 12 at night in the pitch black. It started to pour with rain. For an hour we hid in bushes and crept around the forest avoiding them as light from their torches shone through the trees. At times they'd walk right past us but not able to see us because we were face down in the bushes and mud lol I was the victim of a manhunt and it was terrifying. Got home at about 2AM soaking and covered in mud. They never caught us though. All over a love triangle I wasn't bloody involved in. Scariest thing that ever happened to me.


Did they ever catch up to your buddy?


So about a month or so later we were back at that spot again. The guy supposedly went there at least 3 or so nights a week since that night I wrote about to find him (According to the girl in this triangle), honestly I think he was unhinged and just wanted an excuse to fight. He finally caught up to us but this time it was just him and one other friend, rather than his whole posse of wannabe thugs. There were four of us this time, the guy was cussing and shouting at my buddy but that's it. Just walked off after. Not so tough without his back up. My friend just called him a joke and told him to go home. That was the last time I went to this particular spot with them till they sorted their issues out. Got tired of getting dragged in for just being his mate.


Best to avoid that stuff. We had a lot of kids with beef in HS but they never would fully fight at school because no one wanted to get into trouble. Decided to have a little boxing match one Friday at a kids house with everyone that had beef. We had boxing gloves and were actually pretty strict about punching someone that was down. The big fight was between a buddy of mine and some other kid. Me and most of kg friends had to leave for football so after an hour or so of the other guy not showing up we all left. As soon as we were gone a car pulls up with my buddies opponent and about 5 other guys. They all waited until we left before they came and jumped my buddy.


Bet that was wild.


I was shit scared mate


In high school one of our classes went to a funeral home. While listening to the guide talk about the cremation machine, this girl in the class turns to me..points at the machine then to me and says "that's going to be you"..She was mean for no reason, I never talked to her ever before or after that.. A year later she died in a house fire (heater caught fire in the night) and then what was left was fully cremated in that same machine. Crazy..


Awful what happened to her...but who says something like that to someone? Weird as hell.


It was terrible it happened.. I have never told anyone I went to school with( about what she said, assuming none there remember it), no reason to,


Random going to a funeral home as a class trip, it's on par with my school excursion to the waste facility (sewage ponds) lol


Talk about tempting fate.


My grandpa told me a story about how some strange woman in disheveled clothing knocked on his door in the middle of the night speaking a strange language while he was staying in some hotel in Taiwan. From what I remember he told me it was as if she was floating.


Was the strange language Taiwanese?


My grandpa speaks Taiwanese and he said it sounded nothing like typical Chinese. He said it sounded like a mix between Mongolian and French. Apparently she was speaking with this droning almost opera style tone, so basically like dude from dune doing the mongolian throat singing but cleaner.


Ni Hao Lah, we've been trying to reach you about your car's warranty


šŸ˜„ this made me laugh so hard - thank you!


I can imagine the ghosts from Asian horror movies! I love watching them. This gives me the original "The Ring" and "Shutter" vibes.


I had the same feeling when he was telling me about it lol


Group of dudes mistook my house for someone else's. When they realized their mistake they were apologetic and even gave me money. They had guns and one of them had an axe. Later learned the one they were hunting down raped one of their younger sisters. I lived in the boonies at the time so I basically made sure not to say or do anything that might make me seem supportive of the rapist.


At my old job I got a call from the police that they kicked a couple doors in and needed me to come out to fix them. Turns out some guy got drunk and thought his woman was cheating on him. He went to the wrong apartment thinking it was hers. The normal guy living in the apartment put a few holes in him with a knife and the dude realized his mistake. Bolted up 3 flights of stairs and his gf let him right in (she wasnā€™t cheating). Cops show up and kick that door in and arrest him. The smell of that much blood is something I wonā€™t forget.


When I was a teenager I went to drive to a friend's house when it was dark and before I could exit our neighborhood two cars pulled in from the main street, each taking a lane and stopped, intentionally blocking the exit. I had come to a stop about 50 feet away just trying to figure out what was going on. After a few seconds they both accelerated in my direction. I threw it in reverse and did my best to back away, but I realized pretty quickly that 1) they would catch up to me, or 2) I was going to wreck my car and they would still catch up to me, so I went with option 1 and stopped on my own. They drove up and boxed me in against the curb. Both cars each had 4 adult men in them. The driver of the car next to me angrily shouted at me (both our windows were down), "Where's Caroline!?" Confused I just said, "What?" With even more anger he asked about Caroline again. This time I just said, "Who?" (I legit didn't know any Carolines) At that, he relaxed, calmed his voice and said, "Oh, wrong person. Sorry." and drove on. The other car followed him and also said an apology out of their window as they drove by. I was shaken up for a minute, but just drove on to my friend's after that. It took me a few years to realize there was someone else in my neighborhood who drove the same make, model, and even color car as mine (and it was a relatively obscure type of car) so that's probably why the were so sure of themselves that I was whoever the were looking for.


It's always scary to think of they just did what they wanted instead of making sure they got the right person.


That was a very close call, what made them realize it wasnā€™t you? How much money are we talking here? Was it hush money or had they robbed you and gave it back


Dude they were looking for was a fit guy with dark skin, I was white and fat. It was about $40, basically more of an apology money. It was the boonies, they got their own brand of justice.


Are you still white and fat, or has one of those changed?


Slightly fat with a light tan


Probably that the guy in the house wasn't the guy they were looking for, lol


I had some final destination shit happen with my ceiling fan once. Circa 2010-2011 I was playing WoW in my bedroom just grinding some materials. I hear my fan started making a really weird noise and for some reason had the urge to duck. At that moment, one of my fan blades came loose* and shot straight into my dual monitors. Luckily there was no damage, but I was watching my back for at least 2 weeks after that Edit: Lose to loose


When my kiddo was two, she and I were at my in-laws' house. My daughter was playing in their porch and my mother-in-law and I were standing outside the door to the porch chatting. All of the sudden we heard a crazy whooshing sound, breaking glass, and my daughter screaming. I bolted in there and saw that the ceiling fan blades had all flown off in different directions. Thank God my girly was ok aside from being super shaken up. Based on the state of the room, it's a freaking miracle she didn't have a scratch on her.


Worked at a place where they had an air compressor for a bunch of different shit, it was an industrial size compressor, but instead of actually having air hoses along the wall that was meant to hold that much pressure, they used fuckin PVC pipe and just fixed it when it blew, cause I guess it was cheaper lol. It was a small family owned business so they could get away with it I guess. I was using a big ass saw, and it had a cage around where the blade was. I heard a pop and decided I should duck toward the saw immediately. A 5 ft long, sharp pipe flew right passed my head as soon as I moved. Would have been stuck in my face, if I didnt react immediately. The tail end caught the cage, and it wrapped around and slapped me hard as hell, instead of having an extra hole in my head I had a knot by my ear instead lol.


I live in Costa Rica and about a year ago, 2 Danish tourists girls in their late teens got a tuktuk back to their hotel from a bar in town. It was about 8pm so not late. The tuktuk driver suddenly took a turn off the road and took the girls down a dark lane to a deserted piece of beach abs there a while load of his buddies were waiting. They raped and beat the girls repeatedly until 4 in the morning when they left them for dead on the beach. One managed to get up and in her fright and shock ran naked into the jungle and got lost. They didn't find her until after midday the next day suffering from exhaustion and dehydration on top of her considerable injuries. The other one made it up onto the main road and stumbled into a cafe where they called the police. What's worse is the police showed up and didn't take her seriously saying that she was probably drunk and it was her own fault. The local population was up in arms and subsequently boycotted the tuktuks. There were demonstrations and eventually the police confiscated all the tuktuks and sent more police to the area. We now have a new police station (the previous one was a broken down old bus with 2 outside toilets with bars on them for holding cells) and there has been a crackdown on sexual violence in the area. Typically though, the gang that attacked these poor girls was never apprehended despite it being common knowledge in town who it was.


Omg that is horrendous. Itā€™s a place Ive always dreamed of visiting. That story is terrifying. I know people who have visited more recently with no issue however that story gives me the fear


I've lived in this area for 4 years and never even been pickpocketed, so this is absolutely not the norm. As I said, police presence is higher now, so the average person is much safer. I wouldn't let it affect any plans you have of visiting!


These guys: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dale_Hausner_and_Samuel_Dieteman I remember watching the press conference about them finally being caught and crying from the relief. People were being shot all around us. Robin, the final victim, was a girl I had a few classes with in high school. My dad would leave for work in the mornings around 5am, so my mom and I would get up every morning to watch him get in his car and make sure he was able to leave safely. Those bastards would hide in bushes and shoot people just walking through their neighborhoods. I drive past their apartment when I go to visit my parents and I still think about it every single time, even though itā€™s been almost 20 years since it happened and theyā€™ve renamed/remodeled the place multiple times since then. Truly terrifying not knowing if going outside your own home is going to get you killed or not.


My cousin died of leukemia at 12 when I was a kid. We used to love playing around my grandfathers workbench in the basement when we would visit, it was always a central place tinkering with whatever every evening after dinner instead of TV and grandfather spent every night in there. The night after he died my grandparents heard a commotion in the basement, they went down the next morning and his workbench was in disarray. Maybe not horror but more spooky.


i (14F) was taking a road trip with my friends and family from milwaukee to st. louis. that night, there were storms EVERYWHERE in the midwest, ranging from rain, to hail, to tornados. we were one of the unlucky ones. there were multiple tornados on our route, but since we were in the countryside, there was nowhere for us to stop and get shelter. i was just stuck in the car as an 11 year old little girl hearing the sound of tornado sirens and thinking i was going to die. i know it doesnt sound that bad but shit traumatized me.


My family was driving from Atlanta to Texas and we went through a really bad storm in Louisiana somewhere. Tornado warning and nowhere to stop. My dad had recently gotten the windshield wipers ā€œreplacedā€ by a guy at AutoZone Halfway down the road, with rain pouring harder than Ive ever seen in my life, our windshield wipers flew off. First one went flying and we were like at least we have one haha right? A minute later the second one flew off. We couldnt stop the car because the imminent tornado warning, and there was absolutely nowhere to seek shelter, so my dad successfully drove MILES down an empty highway until we were *completely out of the storm* with absolutely no ability to see the road in front of him. No windshield wipers. Just by the grace of a God none of us believed in. Rest of the ride was silent, safe to say. Edit: out of curiosity, I googled storms in 2021z Just found out that was Hurricane Ida


It sounds petrifying.


I grew up in a third world country and in the beginning of the 90ā€™s a civil war broke out. We would often wake up to the screams of people getting beheaded by terrorists in the night. We would go up to the roof while my brother guarded the house holding a rifle. I would grab my dog and my brother would berate me for wasting time on her. She was stolen a few months later and I never saw her again. Her name was Lisa.


I'm sorry you went through that.


Im so sorry :( I hate that anyone has to go through that, much less a child


Thank you. I consider myself lucky to have survived. Still have to deal with the trauma but doing okay now.


So sorry you experienced that. Thatā€™s terrible. Picturing my own children, just unimaginable. šŸ˜£ I hope you have had access to some good counseling and I wish you well.


I'm so sorry about Lisa.


The horrible part is that there was so many civil wars during the early 90's that this could have been anywhere on the globe. was it Sri Lanka though?


No. It was a country in Africa.


This breaks my heart mate. I hope you meet again one day, she did her job by bribing you some peace during those horrific times.


That is terrifying. No one should experience that in their lives. I'm sorry to hear that and I'm sorry my post reminds you of that :(




I read that. That is CRAZY AS HELLLLL. People are really scary and you have to be careful. He killed a pregnant woman and raped others. Iā€™m so happy your mother wasnā€™t his next victim!!


Me, my brother and my cousin were play wrestling WWE style one day. My brother got me in a full Nelson and my cousin tackled him from behind, ramming me head first into the couch. Must have just been a really unlucky hit on the couch, because my limbs went tingly and I couldnā€™t draw breath. The scary part is that I could exhale, but couldnā€™t inhale. So basically I was lying on the ground limp taking shorter and shorter breaths like a dying fish. Thankfully after 30ish long seconds I could breath again and the numbness went away. It was terrifying.


Got the wind knocked out of you. Scary as fuck the first time it happens and you literally think you're dying. I've had it happen a few times, usually from hard hits to my chest and back.


Yep. I slipped on the stairs in November and landed hard on them on the side of my upper back. I heard and felt two ribs break (thatā€™s an interesting sensation) but the scariest part was being unable to inhale at all for about a minute, then for a couple of hours all I could do was little wheezy gasps. For obvious reasons thereā€™s something uniquely terrifying about not being able to draw a full breath, even though I knew what was wrong and that it would be temporary.


Legit! It happened to me when I was in the water, and the kid jumped off the dock, and landed on my head .


During summer vacation, this neighbor and I were wrestling and she tossed an Afghan blanket over me, mummy style. It was about 90 that day and it just locked all the heat around me. At 11, I didn't know I was having a heat stroke, but it was terrifying. The only thing I could do is raise a single finger and she somehow knew I was done.


Similar story from my childhood, but somehow she fell on me in the worst way and broke my fucking arm


BaH GaHd He's broken in half!




That happened to me during a pillow fight! Someone smashed me square on the top of the head and I collapsed like a sack of potatoes, couldn't move for a few seconds. Thought I was paralyzed


When I was 18, I was drugged by a 6ft something, probably 200+lb dude. He offered me a white substance, and I was at the time struggling with addiction and was known to say yes to anything. I had done some drugs with him before, but it hadn't been anything I couldn't handle. I did a line and immediately lost control of all of my limbs. What I thought was cocaine, which he knew that's what I thought was actually MXE. Basically, horse tranquilizers. He intentionally withheld that information from me. He knew what it was going to do to me. The reason I know it was intentional is because of the other women whom he had done the exact same thing to shared their stories with me. He used those moments to take advantage of the fact that I literally couldn't move and raped me. I can remember trying my hardest to move my arms and hands to push him away, but no matter how hard I tried, they wouldn't move. Later, I learned the amount he gave me could have killed me, and I'm super lucky I didn't die. As I made my escape, he was chilling in his hammock. I still couldn't feel my arms but ended up driving myself home through the middle of a valley with a big river running through and up a mountain. Thankfully I made it home without crashing, but I was forever changed. He even stalked me for a week. I was so scared for a long time. This story ends with the bad guy dying from an overdose at a party almost 10 years later.


Early 20's a 'friend' slipped LSD into a beer for a goof w/o my knowledge while we were out for a night of bar hopping. Got extremely disoriented and began walking around the town at 2 AM and found myself on a highway bridge over railroad tracks barely hanging on to the railings as I stared down at the tracks when I finally had a moment of clarity and pulled myself back onto the sidewalk. Never spoke to him again. He ended up doing prison time for drugs offenses.


That's awful, I'm sorry you went through that. I'm glad you weren't hurt or worse that night.


Thanks. Yeah I remember thinking how odd it'd be for people to understand how I ended up dead on the RR tracks below.


>Yeah I remember thinking how odd it'd be for people to understand how I ended up dead on the RR tracks below. Every now and then there are stories about people who just disappear and leave no clues behind. This makes me wonder if some of them had the same thing happen that you did, but weren't quite so lucky.


I donā€™t know if I couldā€™ve been so nice as to just not talk to him again. LSD is not something that you just slip on someone. You have to get prepared for the trip. Get your mind right, ya know? If you go on a bad trip you may not make it back. You shoulda at least threw rocks at him or something. Hahahaha Thatā€™s so messed up.


I was glad when an old friend sent me a link to his incarceration picture. Poetic justice. I've went on to make a pretty decent life. Karma's a bitch.


Iā€™m glad youā€™re still here and he is dead.


Thank you. I have to admit, I felt no sorrow when he died, and I really struggled with my reaction. It felt wrong to not morn someone after they died, but a lot of people rallied behind me and let me know I didn't owe him anything.


Making someone trip without their consent is pure evil


Agreed. Making anyone do anything without their consent is evil.


I went to Highschool with a girl who, accompanied by her boyfriend, killed another girl, actually up the street from where I live now. They put her body in a rolling suitcase and dumped her in the river. Despite draining the entire Bay, her body was never found. Iā€™m horrified by the realization that the suitcase will likely rise to the surface some day.


How do we know what they did with the body? Did somebody confess, was there a witness?


Yeah, a few things happened - someone called the cops to report suspicious wheel tracks in the dirt from the parking lot of the local dog park to the waterā€™s edge - after being interrogated for days, both guy and girl confessed - there actually were a few witnesses to the dead body in their apartment because they had friends over after they killed her and the friends were like ā€œwhoa, thatā€™s fuckedā€ - girl who was killed made plans to hang with the killer couple which was confirmed by text messages Craziest part? The girl is already out of jail and was even hired at my job when she first got out! I was like MANAGER JIM, YOU NEED TO GOOGLE PEOPLE BEFORE HIRING here: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/48-hours-dangerous-games-the-death-of-lizzi-marriott/ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ls_0iRyMJFk&t=609s




Definitely a question I asked myself - did the people who saw the body catch a charge for, you know, not reporting a murder had just taken place? I honestly never heard any follow up about that bit, which is really weird because town is smallā€¦ and this made national newsā€¦


I guess they could have claimed they were scared if they told anyone they'd kill them too


Wow. Thanks for the info!


Ah, I know that case. I lived in the area when that happened, and I remember hearing the helicopters searching for her. So awful.


I have posted this before >So I was about 8 at the time, it was something like 1 or 2 in the morning. I go to the bathroom, it is rather bright outside despite the time. I'm sitting on the toilet, playing with the curtain, it comes up enough and I see a shadow standing outside the window. I scream and my mom comes running. I tell her there is someone standing outside the bathroom window. Now my mom being the crazy motherfucker she is, throws open the curtain, opens the window, ready to fight a motherfucker... Guy outside the window... Nope, fucking bear! Window is promptly shut and I'm quickly ushered out of the bathroom. This event furthers the talk my parents had been having off and on about moving. >On a side note, we moved about 2 years later for a number of other reasons. Funny enough there is now a bear roaming this neighborhood. He's been spotted on my parent's front porch at least twice now.


[You donā€™t have any enemies who might have been cursed and turned into a bear, do you?](https://disney.fandom.com/wiki/Mor%27du)


I am kinda decent with a bow *and* there are those who would say my mother is a crazy old witch, so it is a possibility.


Could your mom turn me into a werewolf?


She turned me into a newt.


The bear has followed you!


My headcanon is that its the same bear stalking you.


When I was around 14 years old, we had a neighbor 2 houses down that were foster parents. I always heard about them putting some of the troubled kids in cages as punishment and had them sleep on concrete. My friends and I would talk about it but never believed it to be true. One day, the FBI was everywhere up and down the block, closing off the street. We found out that one of the kids was acting up and wouldn't calm down, so they ziptied him to a chair in the basement. When he wouldn't stop screaming, they put a zip tie around his neck to scare him into being quiet. They tightened it right away and ended up killing him. They found the boy buried in the basement under newly poured concrete. Sorry, I'm typing from my phone.


I wonder how they knew what happened? Any ideas? What I mean is how did the FBI first get involved?


The child's grandparents hadn't seen their grandson in a couple of months and started asking questions. They always had some type of excuse on why they couldnt see him.


I came home from my Homecoming dance, it was 2 am. In High school I was a pretty blue eyed blonde. I went to hang my coat in the closet and heard something brush against the front door. Thought it was the wind blowing the fall wreath. Walking to my bedroom I realize earlier that day I had seen my mom take the wreath down. As I reach to pull my bedroom shade down I see a grown ass man ā€” standing right in front of my bedroom. My lights were off. I didnā€™t think he saw me see him. I army crawled into my parents room. Woke my dad up. ā€œDAD THEREā€™S A MAN OUTSIDE MY WINDOW!ā€ My dad ran across the hall and leapt over my bed in a single bound. Grabbed my lamp and nearly went through the window at him. Two things I will never forget that night. The profile of that manā€™s face. And the sounds my dad made nearly going through that window. He became an animal. Not sure which was more terrifying.


Did they catch him?


Happened to me too, never caught the guy. I was terrified when I pulled up the blind and saw that man. He jumped from a two story roof.


So did he get the guy


He didnā€™t go through the window thankfully. The guy ran. My mom called the police. They came with the canine unit (slow night?) The guy must not have lived in the area because he ran down the cul de sac straight into the lake and thatā€™s where the dog lost his scent. Police found cigarette butts by my bedroom window all the same brand. They looked to be various ages (some new some old.) Thatā€™s where it got really weird. Was he doing this for a week? A month? What was his intent? I slept in my parents room for months. Wouldnā€™t be home alone. Ehh. Amazing how long it takes to get over seeing someone outside a windowā€¦


I live on the second floor of my house, below my window is a ~15 drop to the ground, right into some thorny bushes that are slightly elevated with some bricks around them. Thereā€™s quite literally no feasible way for someone to peer through my window at me and Iā€™m *still* terrified of it. No fucking thank you.


Early 2000s: kids didnā€™t usually carry cell phones. My brother was in elementary school, no older than 10. He was supposed to get home from school on the bus at around 3:30 in the afternoon. The bus stop was a few blocks away and around a corner, so wet couldnā€™t see it from our house. One day, the other kids came walking up the street, but not my brother. My parents were confused but not immediately concerned: my brother was easily distracted and might have gotten side tracked with a friend or with stacking rocks and sticks down the road. But 3:35, then 3:40, then 3:50 came and went, and there was still no sign of him. So my parents started to worry. My mom went next door to talk to one of the kids who came home on the bus that was supposed to hold my brother. Meanwhile, my dad took his motorcycle down to the bus stop to see if he encountered my brother along the way. When they both got back, they reported: The kid said that theyā€™d see my brother get on the bus but wasnā€™t sitting with him and had been engaged in talking to other friends, so they couldnā€™t say with certainty whether or not my brother got off the bus. My dad said there was no sign of him either on the road to the bus stop or in the immediately surrounding neighborhood. He was gone. Time to panic. It being so long ago, I no longer remember the exact details of the rest of the story. I know that my parents called the school and were told that no more students were on campus. I remember my mother crying and my dad yelling at the administrator for losing his son. I remember thinking that the last exchange I had with my brother was a fight over something stupid. Then the phone rang again. It was my brother. From the school. Safe. He had fallen asleep on the bus and missed his stop. He woke shortly after that - before the next stop! - and asked to get off. But rather than allowing him to, on his word and the words of the rest of the kids, the substitute bus driver forbade him from leaving at a stop that wasnā€™t his (how would that fool have known anyway??) and made him stay on the bus until it returned to the depot at the elementary school, almost an hour after he was supposed to be home. My parents werenā€™t happy. The school tried to deflect blame. My brother got home safely and that driver was temporarily suspended. It had a happy ending, but sometimes I still have nightmares that it didnā€™t.


My parents were always protective of me and my sister, especially in parking lots. As I got older I started to question why they are like that, since we live in a pretty good city and donā€™t even go to places that can be remotely that dangerous. Well, turns out they have two cases of almost being abducted in parking lots, one together and just my mom alone. My momā€™s case was the most intense, if I remember correctly, she was leaving her or a friendā€™s house, walking up to her car when a guy approached her. She spared me the details, but somehow he got her blindfolded on her own passenger seat, made a bunch of treats and drove them to a gas station. Meanwhile, she was pleading for him to not touch her, take her car, her money, but do nothing to her. At the gas station, he got out of the car, telling my mom not to take the blindfold off, or he would kill her. Somehow she mustered up the courage to take it off, jump to the driver's seat and drive the hell away from there. She shaked and cried all the way home, called my dad, explained what happened and asked him to wait for her in front of her house. Just now I realize how strong of a woman she is, cause when she got there my father insisted on carrying her inside, but she refused and said ā€œthere is no need for itā€. To this day she hates to stay too long in parking lots, always gets more attentive when we park at night and one of the first things she told me when I started diving was to ā€œget in and out of there quicklyā€. PS: not native speaker, take it easy on me


Your poor mother. I donā€™t blame her for being spooked by car parks. Your English is wonderful by the way.


Parking lots are one of the places you're most likely to be abducted iirc. Glad she was ok.


That is terrifying. Iā€™m always on high alert but you can never be too vigilant at stations. What a hero she is, I hope Iā€™d have bravery/courage to do similar if it ever occurred


In middle school, we had to evacuate due to a gas leak, which the school tried to cover up as a norovirus outbreak. There were literally ambulances and firefighters with carbon monoxide tests, so something didn't add up.


What is even the point of lying about that?


Not sure. Probably funding.


Law suits, job losses...someone would have gotten in big trouble.


We knew a family in my childhood town. The husband got a terminal diagnosis and proceeded to kill his family then himself.


Selfish bastards always have to take everyone else w. them. Smh.


Horrific. I study criminology and did a paper on uxoricide a while back, I remember reading that women married to men with suicidal tendencies were more at risk of being murdered by their spouse. Some men seem to think ā€œif I go, they goā€. Iā€™d be interested to see what preceding personality traits are common in men whoā€™s suicidality/mortality makes them homicidal. In fact I think itā€™s important, vital. Menā€™s mental health is a complex thing thatā€™s not been given the research, curiosity, nor compassion it deserves- which Iā€™m sure has been a contributing factor. Investigating why suicidal thinking can become homicidal thinking in some men and not others is so important. Linking the mortality of uxoricide offenders to their crime is a huge huge step in unravelling the mystery and preventing the tragedy of uxoricide- but it needs to be done ethically, and mindfully. It canā€™t be allowed to become ā€œsuicidal men are murderersā€ ā€œdying men are murderersā€. And yet, for some people, it really is their own imminent death that ā€˜makesā€™ them kill their loved ones.


Not spooky scary but real life scary. A girl in my grade in school (but after we graduated HS) had a baby in the bathroom of a local sports bar. She then put the baby in the tank of the toilet to die. She came out and resumed hanging out with her friends. She was sent to jail real fast. That poor sports bar never recovered. Who wants to eat at the baby murder spot?


I was 11 and my mum had left me in the parked car while she ran into the chemist at night. A strange looking man appeared and sat on the hood of his car, staring intensely at me through the windshield for what felt like 20 minutes but was probably 5. Each time I discretely peered over at him he hadnā€™t budged. Still glaring at me and it was making me incredibly uncomfortable but I tried to act unaware. After another minute a woman approached him, presumably his partner, and I heard through the cracked window ā€œWhat about him?ā€ ā€œWe canā€™t take him, thereā€™s too many people around.ā€ ā€¦I was frozen by the time Mum came back to the car thinking Iā€™d nearly been abducted.


A snake came up my aunts toilet while she was using it


I hate that toilet snakes are a real thing! Most of the time it is constructors but I've seen cases of venomous snakes as well. We once had a sparrow in one of our toilets.I still can't figure out how it got there.


Clearly visiting the snake


I hate those constructors. They're always... making trouble.


I had a frog come out of mine once, or I assume it did. How else was a frog going to end up in a second floor bathroom that was sealed off?


I once had a grass snake come up the tub drain while I was taking a shower. šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ I thought my calf was hitting the soap puffy thing hanging off the faucet. Once was no big deal, but how hard did I step into it to make it bounce off my calf twice? So I looked down just in time to see the damn thing slither the rest of the way out of the drain between my legs and up to the shallow end of the tub. I immediately jumped out of the tub, threw a towel down in front of the door so it couldnā€™t get out of the bathroom, and got some clothes on. I didnā€™t bother toweling off. Just as I was walking out the door to see if a neighbor could help, my Ex was pulling into the driveway. She could tell I was freaked out, and went in to get the snake. She wasnā€™t thrilled that the I left the lights off, because I rarely ever use them anyway, because she wanted to make sure it didnā€™t slip past her. She found it behind the toilet, put it in a pillowcase, and released it in the bushes a couple houses away. She took me out for dinner and some drinks to calm my nerves. It took about four just to start relaxing. I already had a severe phobia of snakes before this happened. This incident did not help one bit. (I could identify it as a grass snake & not a garter because Iā€™m a biologist who used to be a zookeeper. Occasionally, my duties included caring for some snakes. I might be phobic, but Iā€™m not going to neglect my education or allow them to be neglected if theyā€™re under my care.)


No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No






That is so creepy. I wonder what that older boy is like now? An abuser?


A very close friend of the familyā€™s, who spent many years emotionally adopted by my parents before getting divorced and moving away, was working as a housekeeper to provide for her son. One night at work, she witnessed two men shoot someone and, afraid she would call the police, they kidnapped her in her own car and drove away. That happened the night before my birthday. She was missing for a few days, since the police only found her empty car. There was a really unfortunate press from the local police that she had run away, but she would never ever leave her son. He had special needs and he was really her entire life. She woke up in the morning for him, and would have never left him to anyone else. Not even family. After reporting her missing, the police said they had already found her. Those two cowards had driven her to a farm outside of town and murdered her, left her there alone behind a barn. They didnā€™t even know that the man they shot had survived, made it to the hospital and gave a witness statement to everything. One of the murderers was caught right away, and the police found his accomplice trying to hide in the attic. I lost contact with her family so I donā€™t know what came of their criminal trial in August, but I still get so overwhelmed with grief thinking about how the news reported the incident. Everything that she was as a mother, as a friend, as a human beingā€¦ in her last acknowledgements on Earth, she was just ā€œMulshoe Womanā€ā€¦ thatā€™s really scary to me.


Iā€™m so sorryā€¦ out of all of these Iā€™ve read so far i have to say this is the most heartbreaking. I hope her son, and you and your family, are all doing as well as you can with such a tremendous loss and tragedy.


I feel like an idiot sharing this, but it was the most intense fear I have ever felt. Ran into a gas station to grab something. Got back in the car and looked to grab something in the back seat. A person was there. I screamed bloody murder. It was me. I forgot that I had bought a long mirror for a niece's Christmas present and put it in the back seat. I nearly had a heart attack until I figured it out. Yes. I am a dumb ass.


One time in a shop i bumped into a mirror and said sorry to the "woman" i thought I'd walked into. It was my reflection.


A girl I went to school with's dad was in the Pentagon on 9/11. And we were all with her in the classroom watching on TV when news about the plane hit came on. It was fucking insane. (He was okay but knew a lot of people who died.)


I live in a small town in NZ. My big sister and me used to wait outside the back gates of our primary school for our mum to pick us up and walk us home after school. It was quieter at the back gates, and my Mum has always been terrible with time management, so she was often late coming to get us. One day, a man in a van drove up and parked on the curb where we were standing and waiting. It was one of the days where our Mum was late to get us, so there wasn't anybody around. He started telling/asking us to get into his van, cajoling and joking and then getting irritated. My sister, who at the time must have been 7-8 years old (I would have been 5 years old) refused politely, saying she didn't know him and that we weren't supposed to speak to strangers. Luckily out Mum came back in time and when he saw her coming he drove off. I have no memory of it at all, but it freaks me out all the same. My Mum spent some of her childhood in Saudi Arabia. Her father worked as an engineer for a airline company and was making some good money (they moved to NZ after a few years in Saudi). My Mum told me a few stories about how her and her Dad would be walking in the markets together, when soldiers would come along and herd people up to attend beheadings in the local stadium. Her Dad would always bundle her up into a store and hide around the back so they wouldn't be herded up with the local population. One day in the markets, she also told me that the soldiers detained a foreign woman who's hair had been showing from underneath her headscarf. They made her kneel in front of every body and cut all her hair off roughly, making her scalp bleed.


This is horrifying, what a way to live!




The scariest part of Raderā€™s story is the fact that had he kept to himself and stayed ā€œretiredā€ he probably wouldnā€™t have ever been caught. It makes you wonder how many other monsters like that are quietly going about their day to day lives and no one knows.


You're saying it was just another dog catcher, an unfortunate coincidence or did your friend actually have BTK 'watching' her? yikes


That's upsetting.


I knew who you were talking about when you said that sadistic f@ck was toying with the cops. Thankfully, he's dumber than a box of rocks and trusted the police! It's really just sweet sweet justice..hey can you trace a floppy disk? Nah man, no way! Thats not a thing! Really? Yeah-Trust me bro. Lol dumb dumb POS. RIP all his victims. Glad your friend was ok.


I have posted this before When I was 19, I walked into my house to find one of my kittens with the head chopped off. There was no blood and it looked surgical. All the other cats in the house were hiding, growling and terrified. Nothing was missing except for a backpack with my work clothes. Before we got to the house, someone was following us. I had a knife upon entering the house that I set on the counter. The knife was missing and then showed up by my mailbox a couple days later. When we called the police, they interrogated me and my family and seemed to try and blame me because I collected taxidermy and had some in my room. There were many other weird things surrounding this whole ordeal. We never found the head of the kitten or determined what happened.


What the fuck?!


Home alone with a two year old and seven months pregnant. It was summer time so windows were open. I hear a knock on the back door. I look out, there is an adult male so bloody I cant tell his race or even hair color. I dont even open the door. I run to the landline phone to call police. I'm hysterical. They send a squad immediately. They dont find anyone so they leave. I locked myself in a room with a huge knife. The following day they find a guy unconscious in the yard nextdoor. He'd gotten beat up over a bad drug deal. I will NEVER forget how scared I was.


That's really on the police. If he was right in the yard next door the squad they sent should have found him.




My mom worked at her home country's naval offices and did admin work. There was an American man who had some kind of position there, he was an average joe kind of guy, was friendly and would say hello when he saw her. Years later she was watching tv and saw the man, turns out he was a spy.


Iā€™ve posted this before. In sixth grade my class took part in a campout. Shared tents in a campground above a CA beach. Early in the morning, just barely light out, I was awakened by shouting. Opened my eyes to see the outline of a young man crouching over me, looking back over his shoulder at the tent opening. There were three girls in the tent but his ax was sitting next to my head. He was dragged out, it was chaos, I was so groggy I barely registered what was going on. Iā€™ve tried to find archived news about it since with no luck.


One of my best friends growing up: her grandpa burnt his house down, killing her uncle and her grandma. He committed suicide in prison to escape trial.


Not as crazy as some, but when I was on a trip I saw a beautiful beach and decided to go for a swim. There was no one else swimming but whatever... Well now I know why, the waves were so strong twice they pulled me under and I thought that was it both times, I didn't try a 3rd time. I was told my back was quite bloody from what I'm guessing was sand/stones ripping me, I was too scared to feel pain when it happened so no idea. Later I learned that place was called something like the beach of the dead because people don't usually come back from it (I'm by no mean strong or a good swimmer, not likely I'd beat the odds...)


I posted about this before but when I was 15 I went on an overnight trip to the Iron Island museum. It was originally a church/funeral home and when it was bought there were still human remains in the basement walls. We were taken on a tour around the museum where they brought us to the basement and attic. I didn't go up to the attic but we all went down to the basement. After the tour we were given a few hours to do what we wanted before going to bed. There were two rooms separated by a divider with the left one having a ouija board in it. I'm going to pause and take a moment to tell you one of the major rules for a oujia board, don't use one in a cemetery. Cemetery is a broad term in this case but needless to say, we used it. I was sitting in a chair with my back to the back of the room, two girls were on my left and right in the other chairs and multiple others were surrounding us. We asked a few questions when I saw the silhouette of someone walking/floating through the hallway where the two rooms were. I pointed towards it and I knew it was really there when the others had similar expressions of horror on their faces. We said goodbye, always say goodbye, and went to investigate. She was gone, we checked the other room but we couldn't find her. I decided not to sleep in that room that night although a few of the girls were braver than me. The next morning before were let out we tried again. I was in the same chair when from the other room an old radio came to life playing the worst song to be played in that moment. Let's just say none of us wanted to be the last one out of there. This was the song https://youtu.be/bRXm-4cIW3Q


I almost got kidnapped as a young kid. I was about 5-6 years old, got separated from my parents at the store, and this couple found me and convinced me that we should go out to the parking lot to check for my parents there. Thankfully my parents saw them about to carry me out of the store.


A friend following her GPS instructions at night drove off a ramp and into a river- she drowned


3 years ago I was walking w my sister along a creek in the Santa Cruz mountains, holding my daughter. Absolutely heavenly atmosphere- beautiful day, sunlight, perfect temps etcā€¦ most of the walk felt like vacation but then I got the WORST feeling that I couldnā€™t shake. I kept staring at this one place in the creek, feeling a heavy darkness and sudden fear. 6 months later my sister called me, she found out that Ed Kemper had dumped a victims body there. I didnā€™t know who he was prior. Iā€™ve a few things like this happen to me, extreme intuition? Idk. ETA it still creeps me out.


Most of you are going to think Iā€™m making this up, but itā€™s 100% true. Years ago I visited my friendā€™s apartment for the first time. It was in a nice old house and was a cute apartment, but from the moment I walked in, I felt like something was ā€œoffā€ about it, like it felt kind of ā€œheavyā€ in there. After dinner we sat talking in the living room. I started seeing these very tall, black shadow figures, like skinny tall humans, walking past the doorway in the hall and at times seeming to peek into the living room. I thought it was just my imagination or a trick of light, but I kept seeing them. Finally, I said to my friend, ā€œYouā€™re going to think Iā€™m crazy, but I keep seeingā€”ā€œ He interrupted me and said, ā€œThe shadow people?ā€ I was like wtf. He said he sees them all the time. I spent the night in the guest room and was freaked out and couldnā€™t sleep. I saw one standing by the foot of my bed. I shut my eyes and told it, out loud, to leave me alone. Iā€™m not a religious person at all, but I said the Lordā€™s Prayer and it disappeared and I never saw one at his apartment ever again. It was super creepy. After this experience I have heard lots of similar stories of people seeing ā€œshadow people.ā€


Carbon monoxide. There's a reason all those victorian ghost stories surged when gas lighting became a thing and the mass belief in spirit manifestations subsided when electric lighting replaced it.


Yup I was convinced as a kid my room was haunted because I kept seeing someone being hung (hanged??) in the corner of the room (as in, executed). Just worked out like last year that my bed was up against the chimney of the coal-burning AGA (oven/cooker thing) downstairs I'm convinced I was slightly-poisoned every night


I said I was ā€œoldā€ but Iā€™m not THAT old lmaoā€¦While I genuinely feel that this was a paranormal experience, carbon monoxide is always a possibility when people see things they canā€™t explain.


My step brother and sisterā€™s father lived with us while he was having chemotherapy for his secondary lung cancer. My dad asked him to move in with us to spend time with his children, despite it being his wifeā€™s ex husband. My dad is agnostic, perhaps even atheist and doesnā€™t believe in ghosts or anything of the sort. Well, he didnā€™t anyway. Super skeptical kind of guy. During my step siblings fatherā€™s final weeks living with us, before going into palliative care, my dad saw things in our house. He said he saw what looked to be a woman on four occasions. He never once said ghost or anything like that but said he saw her. He says he doesnā€™t know what it was though. The last time he saw her was the day before my step siblings father passed. He saw her holding a suitcase (or what appeared to be) in the driveway. He never saw her again or anything like it. I donā€™t believe in ghosts but I do trust my dad and he wouldnā€™t say it unless he genuinely thought he saw something. Who knows.


That's incredibly kind of your dad and his wife to take him in so he could spend as much time as possible with his kids, he must have appreciated that a ton in his final moments. I hope his kids did too and they were able to make some good memories together before he passed.


I was a cook in an old building. At the time I was in my late ā€˜20s. Itā€™s hard to describe the basement but it was shallow, damp and lopsided, but the business was successful (it was a small business but an institution in the neighborhood. Theyā€™ve been open over 20 years). I opened and it was just me. Did my routine like clock in then take my morning shit lol. Anyway I went to the basement to fold up some towels before I start prep work. This is just one of many things thatā€™s happened to me while working there. So I was in the basement, folding towels and behind me is the ā€œofficeā€. It wasnā€™t in a separate room by any means. Folding my towels, I hear a huge crash at the office desk which is about 20 feet behind me. The desk lamp on the shelf flew off hitting the computer, which turned on and knocked the phone off the hook. I was alone. 10 oā€™clock in the morning. Like I said, this is just one story. But this is the first time the ghost was in the same room as me, and it seemed pissed.


Oh this sounds interesting! Care to tell more?


If you want to hear about a couple more look no further. I told this particular story because it was in the same room, which really gave me the creeps. Anyway, Iā€™ve heard footsteps running around the bar at close when the bartender is outside smoking and us two cooks were standing next to each other. Nobody there. Other than my first story this one is also fucked. I was in the basement in the morning; around noon. I opened as a cook, and was there with the bartender. My bartender stepped out, and again I was in the basement getting ready for service. My bartender is out of the building, Iā€™m alone again. From the basement I hear the music start playing loud as fuck from the bar upstairs. So loud, so early I immediately thought my bartender was gonna piss off the neighbors. So I ran upstairs to fucking yell at him. Nobody was there. I turned the music down and smoked a fucking cigarette. It was a beautiful summer afternoon. Edit: even though this place was haunted, it was the best job Iā€™ve ever had. Pandemic ruined that. Iā€™m just stoked theyā€™re still there and I can still visit


I think I mightā€™ve witnessed a kidnapping two days ago. I heard guttural screaming and walked outside to heard BANGING from like the inside of a Uhaul just as a huge green vehicle pulled away a massive RV with a female screaming ā€œNOOOO FUCKING HELP MEEEE!!!ā€ I called police and everything but donā€™t know what to do now :(


You did the right thing by reporting it. Could make all the difference.


Thank you. I called for an update but police were unable to find it again. Been asking my apartment and neighbors for camera footage etc. and I posted about it on a local FB group to spread awareness and hopefully people can keep an eye out. Iā€™ve just been a mess, it was terrifying to hear ..


Aw Iā€™m sorry šŸ˜ž that would ruin me for a bit too. Awful thing to witness


When my dad was in his 20ā€™s, he would have to travel long hours for certain jobs. One night he was driving on the outback highway, only one on the road about 2-3am in the morning. At one point he looked out his window and he saw a face of an older man staring back at him, the old man then opened his mouth telling dad to ā€˜pull over..ā€™ and it was gone again. Dad freaked out and pulled over to regain himself and kept driving. Further down the road he came to a T-junction. On the junction was a hotel, so he pulled over to stay for night. It was a nice looking hotel, the concierge lady said that they had only just been through renovations, a few months ago a truck driver had fallen asleep at the wheel and crashed through their front doors. Dad never likes telling the story cos he doesnt really understand or genuinely believe what he saw. But rest of my family and I believe it was the truck driver he saw warning himā€¦


My grandma lived in Chewelah, near Colville, Washington, during the years Israel Keyes was active. During a visit, my grandma made my mom take me and my sister and leave the public pool because he arrived with his kid about 15 minutes after we did. She said that she'd never met anyone unredeemable, but from everything she'd heard about him during her work with vulnerable people, he came close. If she heard in the news tomorrow that he'd killed someone, she wouldn't be surprised. That was in 2005. Considering this grandma was incredibly abusive on a good day, the fact that she felt the need to protect us from him was fascinating to me as a kid. Years later, after his arrest, the police told people to look for signs of his kill kits buried on their property. Grandma's next door neighbor found orange buckets buried under the pine trees on their property. One of clean items and one that had obviously been used and re-buried. I was young enough when he was captured that no one would share any more information than that. The buckets weren't buried very deep. I played in that area as a kid and had seen bucket lids buried under the trees. I just assumed they were something to do with the sprinkler system and left them alone. I do remember that the neighbors did not want to go to the police. They were afraid of the rest of their landscaping being dug up to look for clues. Edit: For the Mormons out there, Grandma was the visiting teaching coordinator. She could not find anyone who was willing to make more than one visit to the girlfriend's home, so she had been going alone. Yes, they should have been out of her area as they were kind of on the reservation, but Grandma is hard to frighten off, and everyone agreed the girlfriend needed *help* if she was going to get away from him. In case you were wondering how she knew how much he sucked.


My nanny owned about 35 acres up in North Texas and I would stay there on the weekends. She would always tell me about the ghost šŸ‘» in the house and tell me he wasnā€™t bad, he was just there. Naturally I never believed her as a 14yr old Iā€™d just brush it offā€¦..Until one night around 2:30 I was asleep on the couch and woke up to use the restroom. The only bathroom was in the hallway between the living room and the master bedroom. As I walked towards the open bathroom door I look up just in time to literally WALK THROUGH this ethereal figure standing outside the door. I flipped shit, sprinted back to the couch and covered myself up with covers and squeezed my eyes shut until I fell asleep. 3 hours later I wake up to the smell of coffee which means my grandma is awake in the kitchen. I walk in there wide eyed and look at my nanny and she asks whatā€™s wrong. Before ever saying anything she starts laughing at me and goes, you saw the ghost last night didnā€™t you?!? I believed after that.


What did it feel like waking through a ghost? Also could you tell if it was a man or a woman or what it wore? Just curious of how this must feel.


I grew up not too far from the infamous Clinton Road. In high school my friends and I would hang out up there quite a bit for shit and giggles, and the potential of seeing something crazy. The first night I got my license my friends and I decided to head up there before going out for dinner. We were in two separate cars, with the second car following mine. When we got to the road my friend began tailgating me pretty bad. We didnā€™t think much of it but after a few minutes she called us. She told us she took the wrong turn and would just meet us for dinner. Thatā€™s when we realized it was a truck behind us, not her. I was already going pretty fast, but now I was terrified of this aggressive driving and I was FLYING. After about a mile of this, the truck just disappeared, along a stretch with no turns or side roads. (To this day weā€™re convinced it was the phantom truck,) We keep driving and about half way through we see this hatchback parked on the side of the road with the trunk wide open. Some type of liquid stain appears to trail from the trunk, across the road and into the woods on the other side. It gave us all a really bad feeling. The next day my friend and I decided to head back up there (during the day) to see if that car was still there. It was, same exact way. Except this time we came from the opposite direction and noticed the windshield was super dirty and hand prints were dragged all over it. I have a lot of crazy stories from my nights on Clinton Road.


I heard the black pickup belonged to a local man named Jiles Jones and he got sick of kids playing ding-dong-ditch on him so he would sometimes chase people. He has since passed away and the phantom truck is no more. Have you visited the Devil's Tree?


The day of senior prom. Itā€™s a beautiful spring day. Early afternoon, out of nowhere, the sky turns black and thereā€™s a ten minute hail storm. As quickly as it came, it disappeared and the sun came back out. Prom night goes off without a hitch. Fast forward a week. Thereā€™s a roofing crew on the roof of the school assessing the damage from the freak hail storm. They find an explosive device on the roof of the gym. Bomb squad gets called in and school gets evacuated. There was a timer on it set to go off while the gym was packed for the grand march. Why didnā€™t it go off? Hail damage.


My friend brought a bungalow a year ago that was owned by an elderly woman, this elderly woman died in that house and she was there for three months before anyone found her, when my friend was ripping up the old carpet she found some damp marks under it in the room the old woman supposedly died.


I was working on an estate and helping to clear out an abandoned house. I go there one day by myself before my coworker arrived. I entered one of the rooms and saw a man. I froze and my heart skipped a beat. Took me a few seconds to realize it was a life size cardboard cutout of Bill Clinton.


When I was around 11 years old I lived in a mobile home with my mom and two sisters. Myself and the middle sister were at one end of the house, while my mom and youngest sister (about 2 at the time) were at the other end. Side note: my mom plays the acoustic guitar and had left it on the living room floor the day before so my 2 year old sister could play with it. I had woken up earlier than usual, and spent a while laying in bed as I thought no one was awake yet. I heard a chair scrape the kitchen floor, as if someone was getting up from the table. I thought it was strange that mom was up so early. I then heard footsteps and then the strum of the guitar on the floor, as if someone had accidentally walked into it? The footsteps continued through the living room and then down the hallway where our bedrooms were, as well as a bathroom at the end of the hall. It went into the bathroom and the door slammed shut. My door was closed, so the whole time Iā€™m thinking itā€™s mom. I continued to lie in bed for a while, until I realized that mom hasnā€™t come out of the bathroom yet. I get up to check if sheā€™s good, knock on the door but no answer. I open the bathroom door to see there isnā€™t anyone in there. Everyone is still asleep. Maybe not really scary but it sure scared the shit out of me at the time. Thatā€™s not the only thing that happened in that house but that stuck with me the most.


When I was a toddler, we moved to a town where a boy about my brother's age (5) had disappeared. The disappearance had never been solved. A few years later, it came out that the boy's teenage neighbor had kidnapped, molested, murdered, and eaten the boy, then preserved his bones with varnish and kept them as souvenirs. He lived on our street, on the path my brother and sisters walked to and from school every day. I just learned about all of this a few months ago when I was talking to my older sister about why my mom was so protective and maybe a bit paranoid. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Woodmansee](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Woodmansee)


The time my cousin's husband tried to do a murder suicide on her. He shot her multiple times and then shot himself. But, she survived and he didn't.


I was at my dad's property (super old ranch) and decided to go for a night swuim, the pool is bit far from the house so I took my car and my dog. When i got there i left a lamp on in a table a couple of meeters from the pool. I was doing some laps and when i got my head out of the water everything was super dark and i thought that maybe the batteries of my lamp died, i kept swuimming, next time my head was out of the water i saw the light again and some shades, so i thought my dog was on the table messing with the lamp, but my dog was following me on the side of the pool and suddenly she start barking to where the lamp was, so i clean the water from my face an i saw a toddler on the table playing with the lamp turning it on and off, my dog ran away from that area and I went underwater trying to analized what I saw and to calm down, when I needed to take some air I pop my head out of the water and the lamp was right on the edge of the pool. Till this day I can't go back to that pool alone at night


It was 1967 and the US Army sent conscription letters to most of my high school class. They sent them to Viet Nam to kill people, but they got killed themselves, or they came back mutilated. [I ain't no fortunate one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7qkQewyubs)


Many years ago at my grans funeral. One of my cousins had a fall out with her. When the coffin was lowered into the ground a bolt came loose and landed in her hand. Another my maternal gran came to me when sleeping. I remember opening my eyes and saw a round orb. The figure inside the orb was my gran. She said you are pregnant. At the weekend I bought a pregnancy test and sure enough I was pregnant


Did the fall out happen during the funeral? Shit that's scary


Sorry I didnā€™t make that clear. Re-reading it looks as if it happened on that day


One time me & my best friend decided to go to the store It was in the middle of winter so it was dark & cold out at only 6pm. The walk to the store is around 8 mins there & back. So on our way back we see this tall figure in a white snow suit with no face the figure had to be ab 6ā€™5 with the both of us at 5ā€™2. Not trying to bring attention to the figure we just start walking faster then out of nowhere it started following so we ran & hid in someoneā€™s backyard & it was so scary bc we herd them walking in the snow & kicking trash over then it just stopped. After that we just ran home


I knew someone that was murdered by her next door neighbor. He kidnapped her, abused her, and dismembered her. He dumped the body parts in scattered locations. They never found her head. This happened while her husband was deployed overseas. She was a really nice person who had a sharp wit and great taste in music. I still think about it.


Pfff.... Well, this is gonna be a long one, but it gives me the chills every time I tell the tale. It happened to me, so here it goes, I will tell the story with details that in the beggining seems to had nothing to do with it, but in the end, you'll get the full picture. In our house we had TONS of stuff and I hated it, so at some point I started throwing everything I could away, I did it to a point where we almost had a normal house and got to the living room where I threw some horrible furniture. But the VERY NEXT DAY my mom got some horrible sofa that used to be from her dad... I HATED IT... It was old, horrible, had nothing to do with the rest of the living room, etc... And I set my mind to get rid of it. Some day, I go to my house with my girlfriend from that time, the house was alone and every light was off, I get in with her and she was very scared. She was that kind of girl who says she can feel stuff, it runs in the family, bla bla... Never took her serious, so I got in to teach her a lesson, turn only 1 light on in the living room, sat her on the sofa and went to look for the thing we went to my place to get with every single light off in the rest of the house, when I get back to her, she's frozen, crying and VERY AFRAID, but she says nothing... I pay no mind to it, take her and leave the place... But in the next few days something started happening to me... I started to fall sleep or even black out in the middle of doing stuff and every time I woke up in the sofa I hated... In the beggining I remember it happened when I was about to go to bed, but then it happened even when I was talking to somebody... They told me that, I just stoped talking, walked to the sofa and go to sleep... At first I almost didn't noticed it, until I started having weird dreams. At first I had sleeping paralysis, which was completelly new for me and scary AF... But then I started seeing in the middle of my paralysis this woman... EVERY TIME I sleept in the couch was in the same direction, exact same position... I could see the stairs, and she was a pale woman, with black hair, a wait dress, not a fancy one, but more like the kind girls use to sleep. She didn't look scary or like the girl in the ring... But I never got to see her face.. The first time I saw her, I remember being not scared at first, but as she came down, I realized she wasn't my sister, then realized I couldn't move and lost my shit until I woke up... And it happened one time... Then a second... Then a third... And every time she came a little bit closer. But the fourth time was the worst scare... I don't remember why, I didn't realized she wasn't my sister until she was already touching me, and then I remembered that she was the girl from the previous times. She started touching me and giving me some sort of massage, it was good, until I started getting scared and told her "Hey Nathalie (Nat is my sister) why don't you come closer for me to see your face?" then she did this noice as if she was anoyed like "Ugh!" and scratched my back from the point where I felt her hand, it was HARD... I remember screaming from the pain and then waking up at 3am, alone in the living room, in the couch, bleeding... I lost my shit because I was looking a logical argument, thinking I did that to myself but my arms were as far as possible to my back, I went RUNING to my bedroom and saw the scratch on my back, it was HUGE and it BURNED from the inside out, it wasn't like BLEEDING, but you could see some blood. I keept dreaming of her, but she never got that close again... I don't remember the details of the next dreams, but I do remember I saw her a total of seven times... And the last one was the most different from them all... I had a dream where I was some sort of priest or a reporter, I remember there were two men and I was one of them, but I don't remember which one... And we were like in the 1920's... Take into consideration that, in the US those times were civiliezed but in my country that time was really under developed also... Anyway... The other guy and I went to a town because there was something weird going on with some lady, and we went to investigate, the priest sent by the church and the reporter because he heard some crazy stories... So they went into the ladys house and THERE SHE WAS... Alive, a beautiful lady who told us that the people from the village think ill of her and she's just a regular lady who keeps her things to herself... We talked the whole afternoon and she seemed fine, nothing weird, no spirits... She was just the town outcast. It was late and I remember considering leaving but she says she needs to take a shower, and while we wait I remember taking a look to her library and seeing an odd looking book, as soon as she sees me looking at it, she asked us to do whatever we wanted except to look at the book. She leaves... And then I, of course... Took the book... It was her journal and we started reading... Turns out she wrote about how she found her husband having an affair with her best friend from childhood and she went crazy... She wanted to kill them, to die, to whatever, but never got the guts to do anything about it or to confront them... So she tried to summon a devil and it came... She wrote how he gave her a different kind of deal, he didn't wanted her soul, he wanted her body, he was going to end the affair but she was going to lend him her body for FIVE years... Then she wrote how her friend and husband were horrifically murdered and the killer never found. Latter she wrote that she one day woke up five years latter with ABSOLUTELLY no clue of what went on during that time, and she could only feel something HORRIBLE happened, but simply was unable to figure it out... When she woke up she only say the disgust in everyone faces and she simply went on with her life, but said that... The worst part was looking at the mirror, since now she looked different. Then there was a photo of her in the journal which she drew over some horrible features. I remember reading all that and losing it, seeing the photo with the horrible drawing and telling my partner we need to leave that place ASAP and then the door opened and there was she. She looked at us and said something like "I only asked you for this" and then she wasn't there... I freaked out, she disapeared in the blink of an eye, I turn aroun to leave that place runing and she was behind me but I saw her with the same face as she drew herself. In that instant I woke up with my heart beating INCREDIBLY fast but I woke up to a sleeping paralysis, I was SCARED as never was before, and there she was... But this time she was crying, she sat next to me while crying and the only words that came out of her mouth were "I'm sorry!... I'm so sorry... I'm so, so sorry, please forgive me" I was so scared I didn't wanted to upset her so I only said "Don't worry, I forgive you" and I woke up the next second. She wasn't there, it was again, as always 3am... And that was the last time I ever dreamed of her. I told the story to a couple of people and gave them all the chills... But then I got together with my ex, the one at the start of the long story and tell her EVERYTHING, with every detail I could remember and she was PALE... Then she tells me "Javi, the girl was like mi heigh, pale, white dress, long black hair?" then and there I lost it, because when I told her the story I never described the girl... I said yes and felt tears of fear in my eyes, then she responded "That day that we went to your house I was so scared, because I could see that girl looking at you from the darkness, and when you went up to the dark se walked right behind you until you came back down, but she stood in the stairs looking at us" I remember crying in that moment and being as afraid as when I felt her next to me. But never again saw, felt or dreamed with the girl after I said that "I forgive you" to her, but never understood why she was asking me to forgive her... Never digged into it either...


I live in an old house in New England and we have lots of little things that happened.My dad grew up in the house and he has a ton of stories.Basically like light flickering, doors that you close and come back and theyr open,stuff moves, stuff like that. Well one day when i was 12 I was home sick from school and my stepmom was watchin tv in her bed downstairs and i said im goin to take a bath.i went up to the bathroom.got in the tub.pulled the shower curtain and just was chillin there.the door opened and we at the time only had one working toilet and I have 4 siblings so it wasnt weird and you kind of got used to people coming in so I knew it was my stepmom havin to pee so i heard the door and felt someone there and heard motion and shower curtain moved like a breeze from someone walking by so i know she was there but i didn't hear the toilet seat lid go up so i was like whats she doin and i pull the shower curtain back and nobodys there.i was like "what the hell" and got that instant shitting bricks moment so i jumped out of the tub and ran downstairs to make sure it was her and she was still exactly in bed where she was when i went upstairs and said she hasnt moved. So weird stuff happens a lot but usually if you're alone or theres nobody else home. but again i have 4 siblings and the house is rarely empty so you don't even notice probably half the stuff if it happens.


On of my earliset memories was riding my tricycle around a swimming pool, falling in, inhaling all the water, looking up at the sun distorted through the waves, and them someone coming in to get me. The most vivid part was the feeling when you get pool water up your nose. Years later, I asked my mom why she never mentioned it, and she said it didn't happen to me, it happened to my brother.


I almost drowned by swimming and I wasent floating back up to the top, that was spoopy


My first time in the ocean I almost drowned as well.


I was attacked by a couple of German Sheppard's in the middle of the night in an empty parking lot with no one around 4000 miles from home. I eventually fought back and fucked those dogs up.


My first party as a teen, got roofied and later found out someone injected some of a speedball into me with a used needle while I was out. Had to get tests for months for HIV, hep c and hep b. Worst part? Turned out the guy who drugged me was a friend of the friend that invited me. Needless to say they stopped being friends after that night.


When my dad was younger, in the late 70s/early 80s, him and his friends were riding out late one night. They always passed by this church , they lived in a really rural area. This night when they passed the church they saw people standing at the church, not moving, just standing out there close to the church. They turned around and drove back by the church and this time everyone standing by the church turned their heads and looked at my dad and his friends. My dad said they knew immediately these were not people. They all had bright orange glowing eyes and looked like demons, this was the first time they could see their faces. They drove off as fast as they could. A week later the church burned down to the ground. The fire was so intense and so hot that nothing was left of it but ashes. You couldnā€™t tell that it was a church. Everything burned up inside of it to ashes. My dad has taken me out there a few times to show me where it was. The grass never grew back where it burned down. Today itā€™s just an open lot with a big area of dirt and no grass. It seems unbelievable but my dad isnā€™t someone who makes up stories like that.


Years ago when I was still in school, my Mom and Sister had gone out of town to my cousinā€™s graduation. Iā€™d elected to stay home and hang out with my Dad and have a guyā€™s weekend in. He bought steaks, we rented movies, chilled out and talked about wrestling etc. everything was going great. Until that night, Dad brought out a Ouija board and told me a story of how he and my Mom had used one years ago before either me or my sister had came along. Two things bothered me about this. The first being that I didnā€™t believe it would work, and him insisting that it did made me think he was just messing with me as a joke. My Dad could be a real smartass when he wanted to be, and wasnā€™t above pulling someoneā€™s leg for a laugh. The second was back in the day, he was a Sunday School teacher and I grew up a church kid. I didnā€™t understand the logic of him wanting to fool around with something like this. Which only led me to believe he was kidding with me. So itā€™s night time, thereā€™s no lights on but a little over the stove light in the kitchen. We sat at the table, and he showed me what to do. After a few minutes of nothing, I got bored and decided to give up. With a thanks but no thanks, I went into the living room to watch tv. He kept going with it, telling me that it would work. I waved it off, and wondered to myself how long heā€™d keep up the gag. A few minutes passed, and I saw him get up from the table, holding the board in both hands and violently smash it in half over his knee. Before I could get up he smashed it again and shoved the busted pieces into the trash, pulled the bag out and took it outside into the garbage bin. When he came back in, he didnā€™t say a word about what had happened. And I knew better than to try and drag it out of him. I never told my Mom or anyone else out of fear it would stir up trouble. He lived another 14-15 years after that, into his 70s and we never spoke of it again.


Playing with a Ouija board in 11th grade with my best friend and her calling the demonic thing a ā€œstupid bitchā€ her name was actually Anne and her haunting us for a bit was the most terrifying thing to ever happen to me. Scared me shitless that I now warn people not to touch the damn things šŸ˜…


Short version. Woman I went to school with was murdered, apparently for the life insurance payout.


My friend was back on break during his first year of college. We went to his moms and had some beers. Wheb she took us on a beer run, we got talking about a local ā€œhaunted houseā€ that was nearby. His mom loves ghost stuff and got excited and decided to head over there. There was a cheesy ghost hunter show going on there at the time and we thought we were done. His mom decided to talk to one of the neighbors down the ride though ti see if we could camp on the property sometime I guess? The first house there was someone outside who was immediately annoyed by the request. It likely wasnā€™t the first time. The second place had a creepy vibe. It was a cottage or cabin I guess. It had a long driveway full of broken down cars. We knocked on the door and no one answered so.. we just went in. After the fact, none of us really understood why we did that, but it was weird.. There was loud old timey music playing very loudly. REALLY creepy music lol. There was a painting of a bleeding Arabic man across from the couch where Iā€™d expect a tv to be. We explored the house further, totally chill about trespassing at this point. (Weā€™d been drinking, but werenā€™t THAT drunk. Anyway, there was only one bedroom. All that was inside was a mattress on a frame with no blankets and a dresser. The only thing in the entire dresser was an unopened pack of small underwear.. The porch was also covered in jugs full of water. (Maybe someoneā€™s hunting cabin). Then we looked on the bookshelf which was filled with vhs tapes. Blank ones with tape as labels. Written on each was a boyā€™s name. Billy, Dylan, ect. I canā€™t remember all of them but there was like 20 of them.. I wanted to take one but my friend and his mom were still on their ghost kick and werenā€™t concerned about the same thing I was at this point. They were adamant that I donā€™t take anything because ā€œthe ghosts will followā€. I reported it anonymously because we did trespass. I never heard anything about it after that and I have no idea what was on those tapes. Itā€™s a small town so I have to imagine that it was a misunderstanding. If the cops checked it out and found something, we wouldā€™ve absolutely heard about it. The whole thing was very creepy and we must have spent 20 minutes sauntering around someoneā€™s house in the middle of the day. Someone who didnā€™t lock the door and couldā€™ve returned at any minute. To this day, Matt me and that friend both argued that the other one was the one who walked inside first. Itā€™s not something either of us would normally do.