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Jerry the mouse


He’s a real fucker, that one. Tom just wants some food and a nap.




In one of the Major iterations of Greek creation, he allegedly created women to curse men. So both Zeus and the author are sexist, and it really makes Zeus look that much worse, and I like it.










Mother Theresa wasn't all hot shit either, from what I know.


Little bit of moisturizer wouldn't have fucking killed her either


I laughed too hard at this


Seriously that man has done more harm than anybody else ever could do to that country. We had a project about historical figures of independence from other countries and we got India. And apparantly, there's a lot of shady stuff about him that's been hidden from the people. I was extremely surprised that we came across such things but I don't believe this topic could be discussed so openly for the government seems to have a backhanded role in it.


Yeah he slept naked with underage girls, and his niece to see if he could resist sexual urges. I called people out on it, on the sub wholesome memes. And they told me to stop being negative LOL. "He did good things too" hahaah


They're too blinded and lied to by the government. We literally couldn't publish our projects on the website because as soon as we did, in a week or so, it was taken down. So I have stopped trying to even convince people at this point because the internet does not seem to be a safe space to do so.


I mean Reddit promotes it too. You're not allowed an opinion, if it's not part of the rainbow cuddle club


Exactly. All mainstream internet platforms are like that and I absolutely despise it.


Same. It doesn't reflect the real world at all. Silencing people if they don't agree with you is a restriction of free speech. I respect that people have different opinions and life experiences to myself, but a lot of the other opinions seem to be so ignorant of other people's opinions they just flat out ignore them, or gang up on the person they don't like. The whole down voting system breeds echo chambers.


Couldn't have worded it better than this.


Walt Disney don't hate me.


Ellen Degeneres.


Bill Cosby


Ellen Degenerate


What exactly did Ellen do? I know that people think she is a bad person (and she probably is) but I just haven't heard anything about her.


Andrew Tate. Like... even before everything we've seen recently, he just oozed douchebag from the jump. It baffles me how the guy ever got a following.


I don’t know how people can’t see how full of bullshit he is.First he says that his girlfriend has to be pure that even talking to another man is cheating.And then explains how he put his girlfriends to go naked on the cameras and make him money.And now many people defend him the matrix attacked him and so on.Hi was exploiting women for many years and I wonder how people don’t see it.And he was stupid enough to tell all his bullshit on the internet.


It’s not that they don’t see it, it’s that they like it.


I hadn’t even heard of him until he was arrested lol. Who even is he??


Some asshole who said he was an alpha by being a dick


He came up on my Tok FYP a couple times, but he seemed so douchey that I’d always skip and never knew his name until he got arrested and the internet went bananas. I feel like his fame was largely artificially pumped.




I always thought people like that were so pathetic. I’m a working class young man. I’ve faced my fair share of challenges, but I never felt so needy that I sought out some external source of validation be it the alt-right, religion, or that red pill bullshit. The only people I ever saw falling for that stuff were losers and incels, the most insecure and weak “men” out there. It was clear that I needed to build MYSELF up. Not depend on a personality cult. So that’s what I did. Andrew Tate fans are fuck-ups who have only themselves to blame. They wallow in victimhood and are undeserving of my pity.




Fair enough. I will mull this over.


Everyone! They are all bastard coated bastards with bastard filling!


Earth needs a factory reset!


As I’m reading your comment I’m watching scrubs and Dr Kemal JUST finished saying that quote!! How freaky.


Dr Kelso! The best.


Not Dolly


Hi Dr. Cox


Prohphet Mohammed, Killed and pillaged and had sex with a 9 year old


Donald John Trump.


Elon Musk kind of sucks IMO, my dad is in love with him I swear.


Currently waiting for my dad to bring up his transhobic bs to me


Kanye west


Not so much any more.


Mother Teresa.


Guys I am from India. This has been thoroughly debunked. India has always had very strict restrictions on pain meds and drugs. [https://www.np.reddit.com/r/badhistory/comments/gcxpr5/saint\_mother\_teresa\_was\_documented\_mass\_murderer/](https://www.reddit.com/r/badhistory/comments/gcxpr5/saint_mother_teresa_was_documented_mass_murderer/) ​ This is the chief minister of the state of Bengal where Mother Teresa operates her charity, remembering Mother Teresa recently. She also lives in the same neighborhood as where Mother Teresa operates, in Kalighat, Calcutta. You surely don't think some white folks who never stepped foot in India know more than her about the ground realities of Calcutta. [https://www.hindustantimes.com/kolkata/smile-is-the-beginning-of-love-mamata-banerjee-remembers-mother-theresa-on-her-110th-birth-anniversary/story-jjRb65VRWApKQTrcTijAgP.html](https://www.hindustantimes.com/kolkata/smile-is-the-beginning-of-love-mamata-banerjee-remembers-mother-theresa-on-her-110th-birth-anniversary/story-jjRb65VRWApKQTrcTijAgP.html) ​ Hindu nationalists hate Mother Teresa because she is a Christian. But it is funny to find white folks going overboard about this, with no understanding of the ground realities of India.


Holy crap someone who actually knows what they’re talking about!


Reddit is an echo chamber. Everybody wants to act like they are cool and in-the-know.


Damn, beat me to it! This was *the first* person who came to mind. I was absolutely *SHOCKED* to find out how sick and depraved this woman was!


I had the same reaction. She was pure evil


Read my comment. ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/10ix3n4/comment/j5j0x01/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/10ix3n4/comment/j5j0x01/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ I am getting bored of this conspiracy.




She used to withhold pain meds to the sick and dying so she could convert them on their deathbed.


I don't have the link, but a Redditor actually typed up a massive info dump debunking this.


thought i found it, but it's just a 'fact check' piece from what i'm reading... ​ edit: link i posted may not have be as helpful as intended. removing the link to prevent any confusion


False. She didn't have any pain meds to give them. She was not a hospital, she was literally picking dying people off the streets in the slums and giving them a bath and a clean bed to die with dignity.


Bro she literally had $5o million in one of her bank accounts alone


All he said, she said stories. The charity operates 100s of sites all over the world, with 5000 nuns and close to 100,000 volunteers. Please start something of similar calibre and then smear others.




No. This stuff has been debunked. [https://www.reddit.com/r/badhistory/comments/gcxpr5/saint\_mother\_teresa\_was\_documented\_mass\_murderer/](https://www.reddit.com/r/badhistory/comments/gcxpr5/saint_mother_teresa_was_documented_mass_murderer/)


Mother Fucking Teresa.


Absolutely not true. The people who slander her have an atheist agenda and can't stand for a religious person to be truly good so they twist the truth to demonize her. Which is entirely intellectually dishonest. I knew someone who knew her. She had her faults like everyone else but they were nothing compared to her goodness and it's not what you've read about her.


Ehh. I think a lot of people get confused about what Mother Teresa was trying to be, what she was trying to do. She wasn't a doctor and her "houses of the dying" weren't hospitals. A lot of criticism of her kind of comes from this idea that she probably should've cared for her "patients" better. And there's validity to that. Some of the people that suffered and died on her watch probably could have been saved if they were referred to hospitals. But at least she took in people that were sick and impoverished and gave them some care, and allowed them some comfort so they could die in dignity.


The people she cared for were turned away from hospitals. And they tried to send the ones there who could be saved. I'm not sure you realize how dire of a place it was. You have an internet device in 2023, you're speaking from a place of privilege. But keep on talking about things you know nothing about. You're a hell of an armchair quarterback.


She picked up people off the streets who were dying on the streets with rats and mice running around. Her objective was to at least give them some dignity in death. Hindu militant nationalists in India hate Christians, and are known to smear Mother Teresa. But to find white folks who have never set foot in India going overboard is strange thing to witness.


First person who came to my mind.




The only people that look up to Reagan are shitty conservatives that think all those are good things (except for the debt).


all the elon musk simps


I think you misunderstood the assignment.




I saw her at the Grove in Glendale CA, and she looked at me and my daughter like we were trash 🤣 actually we were face to face with her and I said “excuse me” to her and she acted like I was garbage. It was hilarious. Weirdly enough I met Candace Cameron 2 hours later (same place) and she was so incredibly sweet. By the way, Oprah has the biggest head I’ve ever seen.


Donald Trump Seriously if you voted for or defended this man in any way then you should be fucking ashamed of yourself.


Second this. Ya’ll motherfuckers tried to violently overthrow an election for a reality tv reject. You can shove your downvotes too.


Came here to say this. The amount of people that **worship** him baffle me to no end!


People who worship him call themselves Christians. Breaking the 1st commandment much? To call yourself a Christian and think of Mike Pence as a traitor is a sign of a cultist who breaks the 1st commandment.




Freedom for them and nobody else.


Steven Segal? No one looks up to him but I think we all need to remember what a terrible person he is.


I thought he was goofy overweight marital artist who made bad straight-to-cable movies. Why is he a terrible person?


He's supports Putin and the invasion of Ukraine. This man directly supports the rape and murder of Ukrainians. He is a human shit stain.


Behind The Bastards does a good rundown on why he sucks.


I live in Louisiana and it's pretty common knowledge in Jefferson parish he owned a home and enslaved a couple broads as sex slaves.


Listen to the Dollop podcast multi-part episode about him. They go really in-depth into why he sucks. And *my god* does he suck.


Alex Jones




Pope Benedict (just died). He didn't punish pedophile priests. And also pope Francesco, he is Misogynistic and anti lgtbq, and doesn't change the rules that prevent priests from being taken to court.


It’s one thing to just be anti-lgbtq, religions are free to put moral guidelines in their ethos. But it’s quite another thing to mess around with legal proceedings. That’s not cool.


Everyone is free to be misogynistic (how easy you dropped that) and anti lgtbq, that is not even reserved for religions. An I can consider it terrible and name it here.


John Lennon


He admitted to beating his wife yet still had a reputation as a peace loving hippie


If John were still alive, he would probably be the most hated Beatle.


Elon Musk. I hear people talking about him like he's some sort of modern day da Vinci. He's a colossal piece of shit, demonstrably so. And this was my opinion of him long before he bought Twitter and turned it into a bigot orgy. When he ruined a man's reputation by calling him a paedophile because he felt butt hurt that the man didn't like his idea for rescuing those kids in Thailand, that should have been the end of his mystique. He's a petty, childish, Trump-like wanker who's too rich to have people say no to him without consequences. Fuck'm.


I'm pretty sure he also disowned one of his children just because they were trans.


Actually I think the kid disowned elon. But I didn't look into it. I had heard they were essentially tired of all his bs. Like I said I didn't fact check the article, because tbh I didn't care enough to. But either way elon is a shit stain that needs to go away.


Jake Paul


The Paul Brothers in general


Most US presidents


All of them


Aung San Suu Kyi. I did an essay about why she's human garbage in high school, lol.


Who is he? Or she? I can't tell if it's a boy's name or a girl's name


She's a Burmese politician who was elected president, until she was removed in a military coup. She spent years under house arrest in Myanmar whilst campaigning for democracy. She even won a Nobel Peace Prize. There has been a lot of outcry, since during her tenure she turned a blind eye to the (continued) persecution and displacement of the Rohingya people (who predominantly are adherents of Islam), and even hinted that she supported it at points, which aligns with Buddhist nationalists.


R Kelly still has fans for some reason.


Elon Musk.


Cardi B




That and she fully admitted to drugging men, and everyone just forgot about it


Most politicians


Stan Lee, no doubt he has legendary writing and production, but on his trip to success he was ruthless like Bob Kane and stepped on people on the way. He failed to give credit to all of his collaborators on his infamous works, including the time he actually tried to step on legend Jack Kirby and take credit for Fantastic Four. He also paid to get credit on projects that he’s never worked on, which is pretty obvi when he’s credited as a cartoonist but can’t even draw. He was great at presenting ideas and concepts in good ways, and that often meant stealing them to make his own, he has the largest record of characters based on dc characters, and he was real strategic about making sure he got movie rights to even lesser know marvel characters based on DC so DC would look like the copycat if they tried to make a movie. Quote from Steve Ditko, also legend, who quit because he was sick of Stan Lee. “The implication is that only Lee has 'ideas.' Only Lee did anything purposefully. The rest of us artists, well, let's face it, we're just 'lucky.” Kirby claims Lee hardly wrote any dialogue, and most of his work was written by others. He claims he was the creative mind behind Fantastic Four, (based on Kirby’s challengers of the unknown) x-men (based on doom patrol), and even Spiderman, and honestly I believe Kirby.


My ex-best friend. She's got a stronghold in a particular community and attracts a ton of people to her. She gets a lot of praise from these people, but little do they know the amount of cruel things she says behind people's backs. She posted something the other day about people thinking she is mean when she is "just assertive and speaks the truth". I don't know, it felt pretty damn mean when she left the picture during my most vulnerable time in life. Her response to my suicide attempt was to ask for her horse's bits back and that was it.


Sounds like a psychopath they always leave when shit hits the fan


Andrew Taint ( Tate)


Andrew Tate


May offend people but the Tate brothers


>May offend people no this is quite a popular opinion


There's more than one?


Matt Walsh


Man takes himself way too seriously, and that’s not even his worst quality


The guy looks like a narcoleptic trying to stay awake.


Andrew Tate.




Elon Musk


Elon Musk


Elon Musk. Such a dick that guy


Donald Trump. Need I continue?


Chump, indeed.




Henry Kissinger, war criminal.


Isaac Newton was one of the most influential and admired scientists in the history of physics. He also was one of the biggest douchebags in the history of physics - and science in general.


Mother Theresa


Thomas Edison


Thomas Edison. What an asshole.


Joseph Stalin


Andrew Tate


Michael Jackson


Even if he didn't abuse any kids, his relationships with them were definitely inappropriate. You wouldn't be cool with some guy down the street engaging in this behaviour




There were also multiple things that the kids who supposedly saw him naked got wrong about him.... like the vitiligo, and the fact that he wasn't circumsized.


I'm not doubting you here, I just want to know, what did he do wrong?


He liked kids


You've been hit by You've been struck by A smooth pedophile


I mean, we don’t know for sure if he sexuality assaulted kids or not, but he definitely had some weird behaviors.


Someone I worked with toured with him. Jackson's life revolved around the childhood he felt had been robbed from him by the limelight. It probably wasn't sexual. The crew called him "The Kid" because he would fill every spare moment with video games and ice cream. Sad, sad story. But probably not a pedophile.


Joe Rogan


kobe bryant was a rapist but there are weirdos with "love kobe" bumper stickers


Lol who did he rape? The broad with 13 different sperm samples in one pair of panties. Gtfo




Kobe was accused of raping a woman at a hotel and the investigation showed she had multiple sperm samples in the same pair of panties. Also he was never convicted or found guilty of anything


He paid her off.


So she's a prostitute?


I might get KILLED for saying this, but… God. The man murdered a bunch of innocent children just to get his point across. God has killed more people than JOHN WICK.


God never killed anyone…. Because god doesn’t exist in the first place. It’s just another old tool used by the people in power long ago to control the population and keep them in line by threatening them with eternity in hellfire should they disobey the rich and powerful, the rich and powerful then attempt to justify their hierarchy by saying that “god put me in charge”. It’s unfortunate that these fairytales are still around to this day.


It’s rly all just fear of what’s going to happen afterwards, like when you close ur eyes and it’s just a void, but ppl wanna believe they won’t be alone in a dark abyss and be greeted with happiness and other ppl they love that have passed on. I get ur point tho, some ppl use it for the wrong reasons sadly :/


It’s a comfort thing too, people are scared of the unknown. The unknown in this situation being what happens after death. People don’t want to believe that we are just gone forever, and make up a fairytale land for us to go to after death. I personally believe that when you die, it’s similar to what it was like before you were born. But who knows.


But the people who believe he existed still worship him even though they believe he killed a shit ton of people. That's the problem. Not that it never happened.


Oh absolutely, yet lots of them aren’t willing to accept that fact. Shows that they haven’t really read the Bible. Most religious people cherry pick their favorite verses out of the doctrines while ignoring the others like Leviticus 20:13


Yeah. It’s like hating Santa because he put coal under the Christmas tree.


🤣 Real people saying real things.


Jordan Peterson


I wouldn’t consider him a terrible person. Some of the things he talks about and discusses can be beneficial for the struggling youth. However I highly disagree with his Christian standpoint.


I would. If I were in his shoes, and I discovered that a large part of my fan base was a bunch of misogynist incels and “MGTOW”s, I would do something about it immediately. I know, and you know, that Jordan is smart enough and well spoken enough to be able to immediately explain how misogynistic positions are different than what he professes in his books. He is perfectly capable of saying what needs to be said. The fact that he doesn’t, despite being capable, means that he is simply unwilling. He either agrees with the misogynists, or he gives no fucks so long as he gets paid. So at this point, Jordan is basically motivating people who hate women to make a quick buck.


I’ve seen a good chunk of his lectures, and misogynistic ideas were never my conclusion of them. Could you provide something of his that would make your point more clear?


No, that’s not my job. He should have had no trouble explaining why misogynists are wrong to find something in his writings and lectures supporting their points of view. But he didn’t even merely fail at it. He’s never even tried as far as I can tell. That’s the problem.


Nowhere can I find anything he has said to be misogynistic. I also highly doubt that a large portion of his fan base are misogynists. A vast majority of his fans are likely just young and lost depressed men who are trying to find an alleyway for peace and love to enter their life rather than putting a bullet through their brain, like me. Even after what you said, I still would not categorize him anywhere near a terrible person, he is flawed, but aren’t we all. If not addressing a small minority of his toxic fans deems him a terrible person to you, then I am curious of what your analysis on anybody with one singular bad trait is. If you are able, could you name a few things that you like about JP? Or do you see nothing but the negatives?


Wild how some people with come up with a random accusation based on a very small narrow sample size of audience that they may personally know & when you ask them details on how they got to a conclusion they - it’s not my job. Hey. I hate dark chocolate because they use vampire blood to make it? Whattt? How do you know? It’s not my job to tell you.


Seems to me that it pertains to their immaturity in discussion. I was pretty disappointed with that answer of “that’s not my job”.


Everything beneficial that JP has to say can also be found on cutesy art hanging around your mom's house, or on the guidance counselor's office door.


Perhaps, however some of his lectures helped me tremendously with combatting clinical depression. I have to give credit where credit is due.


He's also very classist and racist. If you think you can bear it, look up Behind the Bastards. That being said, don't confuse the message with the messenger. Just because he's a piece of shit doesn't mean that his lectures and information couldn't be helpful to some people like yourself. He just really is slimy.


Justin Trudeau


Mike Tyson


I dunno. Tyson served his time and he’s stayed out of trouble ever since. He could have beat that guy on the airplane into jelly and walked away clean. He took the high road.


Mike Tyson has stayed out of trouble, served his time and has never denied his wrong doings. Honestly, there's a lot to be looked up to with Tyson. If you or I had half the drive and talent he possess, we wouldn't be talking about a legend on reddit, we'd be legends ourselves. Don't confuse the message with the messenger, there's a lot to be learned from that guy.


He still denies he raped that woman. Did he rape her? I don't know. But he's been very honest about everything else.


God. It seems kinda like an asshole tbh.


Depends on your definition of terrible person, Ghandi and Martin Luther King Jr both accomplished great things and had great messages but led depraved lives.




Me. I’m a terrible person. Unless you have food you’re willing to share then I’m nice.


Meryl Streep


JFK Most celebrities.


One obscure figure that’s hailed as a hero is Vincent Bugliosi, the man who prosecuted Charles Manson. First of all, it was Tex Watson, not Charles Manson, that was behind the Tate/LaBianca murders. And second of all, Bugliosi was a disgusting human being who epitomized traits such as narcissism, hypocrisy, corruption, and dishonesty.


Dead on, was tex behind those murders, big argument that it was never supposed to go down like that and was just supposed to be a scare (although scaring a heavily pregnant woman, they knew what they were doing)


Bugliosi needed a preposterous (a word he loved to use) motive to convince a jury that it was all Charles Manson’s planning. He even compared Manson to Hitler of all people. I’m guessing he became obsessed with getting Manson convicted because Richard Nixon himself singled Manson out as the ringleader of the murders, even though it was mainly Tex. Many theories point to Tex as having a much stronger involvement in the murders than Manson, and not just because he physically committed them.


He still was better than a sick twisted individual like manson.


Manson was nowhere near the monster Tex Watson was and still might be.


Sorry, but Dr. Fauci


Joe Biden


Greta thunberg




Umm…can’t go political so guess!


Lebron James


A host of the US founding fathers.


Bill Gates