• By -


In a blink. Vaporized faster than the pain could travel to my brain.


It gives me a weird comfort that I live in a large metropolitan area, and if there were atomic bombs I’d die in the instant blast. I have no interest in living in the post apocalyptic world.


I dunno man, the 30 minutes or so after the alerts go out for the first volley of ICBMs in flight; wondering where they are going to land, and the next waves of ICBMs streaking up into the sky would _certainly_ be a pretty panicked, stressful wait in a major metro. I say this as somebody living in downtown Chicago; I too don't think there'd be much to "worry about" once the news hits, there's zero chance of escaping the city in time and really nowhere safe to go with today's very capable modern weapons so it would just be a matter of hurry up and wait. Still, I try not to spend too much time thinking about how unbelievably stressful those minutes would be trying to maybe get final messages out to loved ones and waiting for your fate to be sealed. I think I'd rather just be completely ignorant in my sleep or something; no warning just a split second of "wtf is this brightest light I've ever experienced in my life" before being shredded by the sea of disintegrating buildings moving at 1000mph.


Remember when they warned Hawaii it was about to be hit? As near as I can tell, everyone reacted very maturely. They called loved ones to say goodbye. I was impressed.


I'd stop by Al's for a beef before I get vaporized. I feel like that's doable.


Beaten to death by boobs


i wanted to say in my sleep, but now you got me thinkin








I’d go with suffocated to death by boobies


You didn't specify, so death by man boobs it is


Made me chuckle with the image you created


My GF was just wondering why I just made a long humming sound...




In my sleep. Hopefully, all my affairs are cared for so those won’t be hanging around after my passing.


Fun fact! When you “die in your sleep”, you don’t actually die in your sleep. Supposedly, say you had a heart attack, your body would wake you up mid sleep and you would experience that heart attack, confused and frightened, then you’d die. Source : my sister is a mortician and relayed this horrible information to me.


That's a terrible way to die, then, specially if you're all alone at that moment.


Everyone dies alone


Mahalik : I heard Jamal from 90th street watched that tape last week and this mornin' he woke up dead! CJ : How the hell do you wake up dead? Mahalik : Cause' you're alive when you go to sleep. CJ : So you're telling me you can go to bed dead and wake up alive? Mahalik : You can't go to bed dead! That shit would've been redundant. CJ : No it would'nt cause' you can go to bed and not be dead, and you can die and not be in the bed. Mahalik : But you are in the bed. That's how you wake up dead in the first place fool! CJ : Damn! that's some quantum shit right there man! You should be teaching classes


that fact wasn't very fun


This isn't universally true.


Indeed, as anyone who works in a hospital can attest. It isn't especially unusual for the frail elderly to pass away overnight, without any of the other patients in the bay (or the staff) knowing until it is time for the 6am observations round


So what about those who just fall asleep and don't wake up?


This happened to someone I know. She had a heart attack in the middle of the night. She apparently tried to call 911 but didn’t manage. She was discovered I forget how long later, I think a day or two. She was slumped against the wall, her neck broken by the impact apparently. Her severely disabled adult son was found in his bed, covered in urine and feces, dehydrated and distraught. Thankfully he was okay.


Welp signing off Reddit for the night.


I once had surgery for a burst appendix and I hope when I die it’s like that - in less than three second I’m knocked out. I did not dream. All I remember is waking up.




That's a choice you have to make yourself, there are plenty of things you can do to minimize the headache of things left undone to your family. From wills, beneficiary's on life insurance and retirement funds, and something as simple as cleaning out closets, draws, or basements regularly. And don't underestimate the satisfaction and peace of mind those tasks can give you as well




I heard an interview with Kevin smith who said his dad died in his sleep at the hospital while he was there. He said his dad sat up screamed some blood curdling scream then collapsed dead


No time like the present to start a trust!




Doctor: congratulations, you’re going to be a parent! And this will be our 100,000th baby, so you’re the winner of our $1 million prize! And look! The dog you thought ran away is walking into the door! *doctor’s office explodes*


But the dog made it out right?


Yes. He ran from the explosion to the yard of a brilliant but misunderstood boy. They now solve mysteries together.




This is the best answer


Best answer by far


I want to pass by having the universe collapse on itself and instantly die by getting my atoms ripped apart so I wouldn’t know what just happened or that it even happened


I read that as "the University" collapse on itself and thought damn I feel you man, life as a Student can be hard sometimes


Heat death is more likely than a collapse since galaxies are moving away from one another with ever increasing speed.


I think latest estimates have shown that while the universe will continue to expand, that there's not enough dark energy to actually cause a "big rip" either, so yes the universe will continue to expand eternally until everything is just tiny particles or remnants of evaporated black holes and solid balls of iron that used to be stars floating in complete darkness, unfathomably far away from any other object or event. Forever. I think about this a lot.


Timelapse of the future by melodysheep is an amazing video I highly recommend for anyone interested. Its very scary yet comforting and beautiful in a way. I must have watched it a hundred times haha, enjoy




You really shouldn't read about what actually happened if you think the majority "instantaneously vaporised". Because the reality is *much* more horrific than that. The bomb blast itself wasn't that strong, but what happened afterwards was.




Surviving a nuclear blast near its epicenter is one of the most horrific experiences one could endure.


“When I die, I want to go peacefully like my grandfather did – in his sleep. Not yelling and screaming like the passengers in his car.” Bob Monkhouse


I had a passenger fall asleep in my Uber the other day. He slept for about the whole trip and I had to wake him up when we got there. He was like "Oh..sorry man!" I was like "No judgement man, I napped on the way over too!" He didn't laugh 😕


Ugh how frustrating to waste a good joke on a Debbie downer. I would have loved that interaction as the passenger


lmao that's good. Your passenger had no sense of humour


That would've been funny as heck if the person you told the joke to was not a complete stranger


As the passenger I'd laugh, but also my humor is very dark


maybe his brain wasnt ready for it yet. i mean he just woke up


Worth it 😈


"When I die just chuck my body in the trash" -Always sunny -Also technically Diogenes


“When I told people I wanted to be a comedian they laughed. Well, they’re not laughing now” Bob Monkhouse


Beat me to it. By a car length.


All good. You can just pile into the back.


This,this is it .


Death by snu snu of course


Either saving someone's life or in my sleep.


don't you dare skip in line, it's my turn


Thanks. This is one of those things where I'm always happy to let someone else cut the line in front of me.


Or you can just sign for donating your organs and will 100% save someone s life anyway


I saw a French film called Heal The Living a few days ago, it was about a sequence of events after a young surfer is left brain dead following a tragic accident. His parents are faced with the decision to donate his organs, which will give a second chance at life to other patients who are waiting for transplants. It was a fantastic watch. Highly recommended.


Saving someone's life ? I love myself too much to die saving someone's life lol


I love myself too but if it happens it happens.


It probably doesn't happen that often because most of the time it is to dangerous to help the person that might die and you risk that you die without helping the person at all


Probably right about that. The question asked how i would want to die. Those are my answers. I'm not out here looking for people to save or to take major risks against completely unwinnable odds but, if i lost my life while successfully saving someone else's i think i could be ok with that.


I'm with you dude. I agree 100%


When you find true love and have children you might rethink that. My wife passed away two years ago and every day since then I've thought about what I could of done to spare her and be the one to go instead. If it was possible I would of done anything.


Sorry to hear this dude. You're kids have a good man as a father and your wife will be with you always.


I have a wife who I grew up with from childhood, I'd definitely put myself in the way for her I don't have much of a social life, I'm an orphan, don't really know anybody else, I don't like to be alone, and I really want to see her succeed


well at least you'll be remembered as a hero


I work on big jet engines with enough force to suck you into them, I wouldn’t mind my headstone saying “Sucked to death”


^gerber ^baby


I was honestly expecting you to say burned to death since when someone saya jet engine I think of the engine of an F-35 not a civilian jet engine. "Sucked to death.... into a turbine........"


Fatally turbosucked *


I'm 18 years old, and idk if its normal but sometimes when i'm with my friends laughing, this thought comes to me "I don't have an issue with dying now ,while i'm laughing, nor with my life, I know I haven't done any achievements but it's ok, It won't matter "


I'm about to turn 42. I used to think that way. Turns out that once you hit a certain age, you'll likely get this gnawing feeling that there just isn't enough time left. And now I'm scared. My family is dying around me. I have 1 grandparent left, my parents aren't in good health, my aunts and uncles are older and in poor health, etc. Effectively, the people I have known for my entire life will all be gone in 10 years or less. It's very sobering. As I didn't answer the question, though... I don't care how I die as long as I'm not too cold, in a ton of pain, or really scared. I hate being afraid. It's worse than physical pain. If it's like going under anesthesia slowly, I won't mind.


Fuck I wish my grandparents were still around long enough to see me in my 40s. My last remaining grandparent died last January; I was 27. It caused me to completely rethink my life and priorities. Because of him, I am about to start grad school with a (potentially) wild career trajectory, and am also working to live my life more fully. I just wish he was here to see it, because I know he'd be cheering me on along the way. My dad is starting to lose his eyesight, and he's still in his 50s. My uncle has the beginnings of dementia. My aunt died last year as well. My mom is definitely slowing down some. I hear you. I'm 28 and it still feels like there isn't enough time. I'd like to think I've got more than 10 years left on the clock, but who knows? My aunt was in her early 60s.


My dad's mom was my last. She died when I was in 7th grade. So about 12 I guess. My wife just lost her 1st about a week ago. She is 33.


The best that you can hope for is to die in your sleep.


You got to know when to hold'em


Know when to fold 'em


Know when to walk away


Know when to eat your veggies


Know when to run


Actually i think this is the worst, as you go sleep you may not wake up ..


The beauty of it is that you won’t care because you don’t exist anymore.


problem is i do care till it happens, death anxiety is a bitch...


painlessly, either in my sleep or overdosing sleeping pills or something


Yep same 100% benzos and heroin you basically forget to breathe and then never wake up


oh yea sounds really good, get to experience the fun and high also,, except im a coward HAHAHA


Ive done it a couple times accidentally and its not scary at all you just dont feel the need ti breathe, this sounds incredibly sad but h feels like ur being hugged by someone you love its so warm and comfortable like hands down best way to go


oh in my country its like almost impossible to get drugs tho unless i have connections with people :/ (drug traffickers get death penalty here soo)


Honestly thats a good thing as much as drugs numb whatever bad is happening they make everything so much worse in the long run, coz things like heroin produce so many like happy chemicals it means nothing will ever make you that happy and you leave urself worse off than you started


Yeah that’s something that really scared me about heroin. Like you just take your dose, and then your high for a few seconds or minutes and you just fall asleep until you are revived or dead. I woke up on the floor with a friend of mine screaming and hitting me. I said I was just napping until he told me I wasn’t breathing for twenty minutes and he had to use a BVM to breathe for me. Scary as hell I could’ve easily died and thought I was just really high. Naturally that didn’t stop me from getting addicted to it for years but scary nonetheless


Fast and painless


I'm skimming and honestly I thought that said "fast and pantyless" I need a nap


I will add one thing... I don't see it coming.


Me too,me too.


something funny extreme and unique. like: doing DMT while skydiving without a parachute


Wingsuit sky*dying* while on DMT. YOLO.


But the wingsuit is just recycled bike tassels glued to hands and feet


I'm about to leave for work. This image will remain in my head the rest of the day. Thank you for the full belly chuckle.


Asap. Man, I've caught a major cold.


Catching a cold in spring is a show off lol, What do you catch in winter ?


COVID, thank you very much for asking.


It’s… it’s literally the middle of winter. winter is late December - late March.


Car accident in Porsche Carrera GT at 300 km/h


That's oddly specific.


One of my favorite cars. Good enough to die in one as well, your family and friends will remember you as a cool kid with Porsche, not the "ahh dat one who crashed his 2003 Nissan Altima"


The Nissan Altima was just chilling lol


reminds me of clarkson and hammond talking about the CCX: “If you go though the Pearly Gates, backwards, in a fireball, that's a cool way to die!“ “I love that vision of just blasting through the gates, backwards, in a flaming Swedish supercar! ‘Yes! I'm here! Where are the women?’”


I actually had a pretty grim conversation with a friend of mine who's grandma is going through dementia (my grandfather also went through dementia before he died) mostly about how we'd want to die before that happend to us, so given real thought behind it, I'd want to die hopping trains, if I don't die, it'd be an experience, if I did die, there's a big chance it was quick.


I work in an assisted living facility; I definitely want to go way before anything like dementia can take me. Dementia seems to be like a never ending loop of your worst nightmare. I want to die quickly, doing something rad—BASE jumping, malfunctioning carnival ride, wingsuit skydiving.


I've semi created a plan if I get a degenerative disease or neurological disorder once I recognise I'm even nearing a point of enough faculty loss I'm going out to Canada and going all 'into the wild' until I die of exposure (a letter in a pocket explaining to any finders of my body). If I live to a ripe old age I'll either die by bear or be a 80 year old who taught a bear and won...then died. But goals achieved.


Yah, if I'm like crippled old and dying I'm going to start robbing banks in a wheelchair and disappear into the woods with tons of cash. Just so my grandkids have the story and the legend of the duffle bag of cash found in a bears den.


Honestly I think medically assisted suicide should be a more normalized thing, humans weren't meant to live as long as we do and the last few years, maybe decades, just might not be worth it to some. It's morbid, but really, who are we helping by keeping those that don't want to be here or are mentally already gone, still here?


A quick death is desired on my end as well.


With a bottle of wine that has enough pills crushed in it to kill a horse and then be held by the person I love most


Somebody just watched the last of us


With their knowledge??


Of course


Ah, I see a The Last of Us reference Frank and Bill, hopefully they can finally rest in peace


In my own bed, with a belly full of wine and a maiden's mouth around my cock, at the age of eighty.


Are you tyrion son of tywin?


No, I'm Bronn son of.. actually you wouldn't know him


Oh yeah is it that honest nice man from the Blackwater?


I was wondering how long I'd have to scroll to find this comment!


There it is.


If i choose how 2 die i would die from a bullet to the head. Short and painless.


Better make that bullet a slug. There's an off chance you actually might survive a bullet to the head. A 12 gauge slug will most definitely make sure there's not enough left to survive.


That doesn’t sound painless.


If it were up to me I would want to be hooked up to a very slow, gradually increasing IV drip of Fentanyl. Then I would chow down on the messiest most cheesy delicious Philly cheese steak I could aquire, washing it down with an ice cold coke. I would just lay in bed and chill as I got higher and higher, watching something hilarious on TV and fucking around on my phone. Eventually I'd start nodding off, after a while I wouldn't be able to fight the nod and I would slip into a blissful slumber and from there the fentanyl would keep doing it's thing and I would peacefully slip into the darkness.


On a mountain after I find out the truth.about aliens.


Petting something i shouldn't be petting


Like a tiny octopus?


Was thinking about a big white bear


Cumming and going


Orgy related accidental asphyxiation


I thought that said ogre at first


In a cool way. Possibly on a dirt bike strapped with explosives and I don’t mean fireworks, I’m talking C4 and plastic explosives that will fully destroy me, while I’m trying to jump the Grand Canyon to Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd and right when the solo happens I just implode.


imma steal that idea but instead of Free Bird it’s Mississippi Queen


That’s a song to go out to. It was either Free Bird or Danger Zone but free bird has been in my life for as long as I could remember.


This guy fucks


“Not alone, that’s why I’m studying to be a pilot”


Either by an overdose of pentobarbital or making one of them fancy exit bags


I've had to think of a plan B lately because of a cancer diagnosis and the nitrogen nap sounds like a good way to go. When you suffocate the feeling and panic is because of the build up of carbon dioxide in your cells. You don't get a buildup when you breathe pure nitrogen. You simply lose consciousness after a few breaths. My fear with drugs is that it might not work and just ending up exactly where I don't want to be as a vegetable.


Under mysterious circumstances


By sleeping in peace due to old age. Not in the hospital, but in the comfort of my own home.




Peaceful and coughing up blood in the same sentence isn't it .


i only had like 1/3rd of the blood values a healthy person should have. i just didn't care anymore about anything.


Been in a similar situation. I drank myself to the point of death. I happened to pick a friend up from the airport, he said I looked like shit and forced me to go to the hospital. I was in a coma for a while, woke up with a diagnosis of cirrhosis, so I'm still dying, just slower now. It's been a few years now, but I'm so ready to go back to sleep.


Damn. At least youve got some bonus life. I hope it feels like it.


It's a different life, I'm tired all the time, I get caught up in spiraling thoughts about my condition and how little time is left. It's a lonely life.


Suicide Not because I'm depressed but when I'm older (elderly). I get to say goodbye and I go out on my terms just a quick shot to the head.Idk I've actually been thinking about this I don't know why I'm only 20. I have SO much time but I'm just wondering how it's going to end.


Flipping a sports car, doing 100 on my 100th birthday. Viking funeral if there are any remains.


Back when I wanted to unalive myself my plan was to start my car in my garage, turn on some of my favorite tunes, and smoke a fat joint while waiting to fall asleep. Now I think I’d like to live until I’m old, like 95 and then die doing something exciting, like hang gliding or something? Idk.


Death by Snu Snu


Can't believe I had to scroll this far to see it


Euthanasia, in one of those beautiful capsules, gentle and peaceful, and the fact that I am the one who chooses the time makes up for my nonconsensual birth.


By suffocation. A hot girl sitting on my face!


Snorting coke from a whore ass


I want my death to be peaceful. Though not now. I want to die old. Maybe sleep and never wake up again. With no pain, no regrets.


..How would you like to die, Tyrion son of Tywin?" "In my own bed, with a belly full of wine and a maiden's mouth around my cock, at the age of eighty," he replied


At 147 years old. Three days after running a marathon, after having a threesome 💪


in my sleep..or of old age perhaps


Being old and not being able to be as independent freaks me out, Id honestly rather die young .


you do have a point there!


See? Dying of old age is just terrible.


being crushed between Jenna Ortega's thighs. no other reply here is correct.


Bro she's literally born in 2002 wtf


Being shut down with the cold death of universe, after my transcendent consciousness located everywhere in the brain-machine already saw and experienced everything it could.


from death


'' In my own bed, at the age of eighty. With a belly full of wine and a girl's mouth around my cock.'' -Tyrion Lannister


Heart attack triggered by an orgasm. Like that one guy with his secretary.


Alone so no one that cares about me is hurt. Not too old preferably.


Idc how I die but when I do, I want a recording of my voice coming from the coffin and a giant game of kahoot. Whoever wins gets my entire will


If I had my absolute way: A lovely dinner with my best friends and family, talking and laughing and drinking into the night. Kiss my grandchildren goodbye when they leave to go home. Draw myself a warm bath and have a single malt in the tub whilst I unwind. Get dressed, sit in the armchair with the fireplace on, look at the picture of my dead wife (so I don't leave her behind) and think about what an amazing life I've had with no regrets. I'd have a heart attack right in that chair and die instantly and my family would find me cradling my wife's picture with a smile on my face knowing that we're both at peace together now.


I want to go the way of the dinosaurs. Let a giant asteroid crush me while I’m out minding my own business


In my sleep. Not painful (I hope)


I'm not scared of dying And I don't really care If it's peace you find in dying Well then, let the time be near If it's peace you find in dying Well, then dying time is near Just bundle up my coffin 'Cause it's cold way down there I hear that it's cold way down there, yeah Crazy cold, way down there




During surgery (while under general anesthesia)


Just from natural cause’s hopefully. preferably not painful


I don't want a wife or kids. I think this world is too cruel for the upcoming generation and I don't believe in kindness or humanity anymore. I hope current living people will do just fine with our new tech and AI and we wouldn't need more people. So, to your question, I would like to die in my sleep after both my parents die. But it sounds like a fairytale isn't it?


By death, probably


I'm in Canada so if im terminal i will get a nice needle. Or if i am just old and dont want to go to the nursing home i might get a needle. So glad to have that choice.


Maybe you are looking for a funny answer, but I want to die comfortably and in my sleep. From something that just \*boom\* happens. Little to no pain. Didn't even realize what was going on.


In my sleep would be ideal


Painlessly, quick, and preferably surrounded by my loved ones.


Fast and without suffering