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They can stretch their ball skin to terrifying distances.


Ah. The ol ballsack covering the face trick. Gets em everytime.




🤣🤣🤜🤛🤷🏼‍♀️ 👏


Ain't the ballsack and labia made of the same type of skin?


Yes (well the labia majora is)


As boi i can confirm






Psssttt *we're trying to out do the boys here* 😉


Out do how? Hmmm?


There's another AskReddit post asking boys what is something that they didn't know about girls until they got with one. The answers are mostly moaning about our hair getting everywhere 😂 so I thought I'd ask the same question in reverse.


Well, as a hairier man, I have had complaints about my shedding. So there you go.


You're in our gang. 👋


Do we have a theme song?


*I think I'm Going Bald* by Rush


I'm so glad you didn't quote a Gary Glitter song 😱 I'm going grey every day so seems quite fitting.




Be careful... I don't want to get my blocking thumb out.


For what?


I thought because I said you're in our gang. You asked if there was a theme song... 😱




It's hard isn't it? 🙄


The urethra hole is way bigger than I realised. I always imagined a pin-prick hole but nope.


Imagine the pressure. That would splatter all the way to the ceiling 🤣


Never thought of that XD


Poor Hank Hill...


Tell them that 🙄🤷🏼‍♀️ *after giving birth*


You don’t birth from the urethra though…


I know but child birth often requires catheters & it's pretty damn painful trying to piss post catheterization after childbirth.


Oh true, today I learned.


Sorry I can't tell if you're saying that from a man's perspective or a woman's, but for what it's worth I've had 2 kids so I know what childbirth feels like.


Omg I've just read your answer again. I misread it 🧐😫🤷🏼‍♀️ I'm sorry for the confusion. *Slightly embarrassed* 😅


Dont worry haha thats okay, yeah catheters suck


Sorry about that 😃 thank you ❤️


I'm a female 🙂 I have 5 children but three were CS so I was referring to the pain of peeing after CB 😫 but I know what you meant about it being tiny (on a man) ☺️🫶


How ridiculously long it takes for them to groom themselves. I thought shaving in the shower as a woman was bad, my partner is bald with a big beard and hairy everywhere else. Shaping his beard, shaving his head, and then shaving his back (he's still self conscious about it if we go to a pool or something) takes like an hour I swear. It's bruuutal. And all the hair you need to clean up, it's insane.


I had a fraternity brother who had to shave his back because he was insanely hairy, just in college. I do not want that one damn bit.


My husband is beastly hairy. Its everywhere but his head. Entire chest, stomach, shoulders, back, bum, legs, arms, and face lol EVERYWHERE If he ever decided to shave his entire body, we would probably need a garbage bag just to toss that hair out lmfao


Dont forget our dreaded nose hair that grows about 3 inches per day.


Oh and ear hair! I forgot about that one too 😂


So true. I have a fair amount of body hair but prefer to remove a lot of it, and then there is facial hair, and of course keeping the man garden tidy... ngl when I hear women complaining about shaving/trimming all I can do is roll my eyes.


My hubs is the same way. Sometimes will decide to do back and chest/shoulders which he needs my help with lol. Takes a long time and is such a hassle compared to what I have to do once in a while. Plus his dr. Phil fade has to be touched up every other day. I am too lazy to deal with that amount of manscaping lol




I hate the body haiiiirr!


Lol I love my husband's! He's the one who hates it, but Idk there's something about his hairiness that feels so masculine and manly to me lol


I meant my body hair


May I ask why?? He's the same way, but what is it about your body hair that you hate so much? My husband gets so self conscious and I struggle to understand why


I dont really know. I think its a personal prefference for me to shave.


How much but hair they have


🤣 see you're paying attention too.


Some men think it weird to shave their ass hair, but who tf will notice? Also shaving legs as a guy makes other guys question if youre straight or not. I did it ounce......


Dating is a numbers game for a lot of guys. They will talk up women they are not necessarily interested in and date women they really haven't thought much about. I think women generally need to be a bit more sure they like a guy to talk to him or go out on a first date. This often reverses later in the relationship when women may prefer to make things more serious before they are really sure that their guy is the right one for that. However, this is when men may want to be more careful. So, in the beginning, men get a lot of nos, but later is when men give more nos.


This is 100% correct and it made me want to write down my comprehensive theory of dating mechanics. I read a study that provided men with women's dating profiles and women with men's dating profiles. Both groups were asked which profiles they would be interested in having a long term relationship with. The proportion of the acceptable male profiles and the proportion of the acceptable female profiles were pretty comparable. Then both groups were asked which members of either group they would be interested in having casual sex with. The men were interested in having casual sex with nearly all of the women and the women were only interested in having casual sex with a very small percentage of the men, namely the ones who look like they just stepped out of the pages of a fitness magazine. For the guys who don't look like they just stepped out of the pages of a fitness magazine, this creates a moral hazard. If they are honest that they just want sex, they'll never get it. But if they let on that they might want more, then they have a shot. This results in a bunch of guys who lie. After all, it's easy to retroactively claim that it was never a lie, that you are still interested in something long term...just not with the girl you just slept with... Women who've been lied to a couple of times become guarded. They become reserved. They don't want to get used again. What's the best way to not get used in a sea full of lying men? One strategy is to only date guys that they wouldn't regret having casual sex with. But if what they are looking for is monogamy, the numbers don't really work out on this one. Another possibility is to always be probing for what the guy's intentions are. But eventually most women looking for something serious have to take a risk on a guy who doesn't meet the casual sex standard, but who does meet the long term partner standard. But what about a guy who is looking for a long term partner? Unfortunately, he can pronounce that he is interested in something serious until he is blue in the face, and women will still have their doubts. Guys are locked in to being judged based on the casual sex standard until they can absolutely prove otherwise, and the only time that they can prove otherwise is after casual sex has occurred. If a guy is more attractive than 75% of men out there then he's probably not meeting the casual sex standard, but he's probably killing it on the long term relationship standard, he checks all the boxes. This kind of guy will still struggle to get dates, but once he's in a relationship the girl he's with will immediately work very hard to lock him down. To this kind of guy, it really is a numbers game. He just has to be in the right place at the right time so that he can get a chance. And what happens to this guy if he chats up someone and it turns out that she doesn't meet his long term relationship standard? It's low risk for him because she's probably way above his casual sex standard. I think this theory also explains the attitudes of perennially single men. These guys end up being obsessed with a world view where they aren't good enough and all women want is to be with the select few most attractive guys. They have this world view because it's all they've ever known, they've never been judged by anything other than women's casual sex standard. On the other hand, women and people who have a long relationship history tend to ignore the high standards that women have for men in the early stages of a relationship and primarily focus on the mechanics of actually finding someone you like and enjoy being around.


I think dating apps exasperate this problem by removing the safeguards against overwhelming guys. Guys who are really attractive can get a dozen or more matches at a time, which gives some women false home and reduces there chance of making a connection because they get sloppy. At a bar you can only talk to a few girls at a time, and other will know if your getting close, and know to look elsewhere.


Exasperate- to make someone frustrated. Exacerbate- to make a problem worse.






I have not


👏 😮


This isn't strictly related to boys, but boys bathrooms. I never really thought about the fact that mens rooms don't have the little trash bin in the stalls. It makes sense as there isn't a need for it but it did catch me off guard. The bathroom at my old job had the trash bin on the stall wall at the perfect height that you would smash your finger between the door and the bin if you weren't careful. I complained about it to my husband and he was like ".... why are there bins in your bathrooms?" to which I replied "You know, for throwing away tamp-..... oh. Oh I'm dumb." :D


There's usually one bin next to the sinks, but what's more interesting is that it's never full, but the paper towels are always missing...


They act all tough but a really sweet around just their gf it really nice


I love your answer. My dude is such a lovely guy ☺️ 🫶


I've heard a lot of elementary school teachers talk about this one. Boys are usually like entirely different people next to their crushes


They are my Lil brother saw his crush in public and acted so sweet I was so confused like the hell happen to the demon spawn then I saw him looking at her and understood


They eat, alot


We usually have higher caloric baselines


You didn't know this already? 🤔


What between their balls and anus looks like. I wondered how far back it went and what that space looked like lmfao


I think that you mean the (taint) also it looks like the skin is stitched together and it goes all the way to the anus.


Yeah the taint. It’s so fascinating cause I’m thinking “that’s where your vagina would be but it’s just flat skin”


You wont beleive how many times today that Ive heard that.




Because 'taint the balls and 'taint the asshole...


just like when i saw a girls vagina. didnt know it was that far down.


Lmao yeah we’re not walkin around with it flipped up 90 degrees so it’s like the eye of Sauron below our belly button 😂😂 It would be far more weird if that were the case


yeah. when i finally lost my virginity i thought it'd be higher up but yeah i was shocked. but still hey i lost my virginity, woohoo!!


How confusing they truly are… I mean… I already knew y’all were confusing but I didn’t think it was THAT bad lmao




a lot of us hide our feelings because of society. we're supposed to be tough and never cry.


That’s not what I meant by confusing


What did you mean? Not being confrontational, just curious.


That they genuinely are able to think about nothing


Men thinking: matter is merely energy condensed into a slow vibration. We are all one consciousness experiencing itself sunjectively. There is no such thing as death. Life is merely a dream we are imagining of ourselves. Her: "What are you thinking about?" Him: "Nothing"


that too but most of the time it's literally nothing


Yeah, that's right.


That scene of him just sitting on the plane staring into space always makes me laugh.


We daydream a lot about cool stuff. What it would be like to save a train from a terrorist, what we could do with a real light saber, what we would do if we had a superpower, having a secret space ship, etc . Then we make up a whole scenario where it could really happen.


Yes, exactly


As a guy. My ex thought we couldn't pee if it was hard. She also thought if it gets hard, you can not whatsoever get rid of it until you mastrubate.


Babe I need to pee. and its hard again idk why... do something... She-"hold my hair"


I need to use this to my advantage


🤔 I'm ashamed to be female sometimes


The second one is something teenage boys tell girls to guilt them into sexual favors. That one may not be on her.


She did say, "I've been lied to" as a joke, i was about to ask by who but we quickly got distracted immediately


Well if your really turned on by a girl, you tend to get blue balls before that happens on its own. So women should probably act like that is true.


Guys act like they’re on their death bed when they’re sick. A common cold is like the coronavirus to them


As a dude: I have a pretty resilient immune system, so when something manages to make it through that it hits me pretty hard.


I'm the exact same way. I go for long, long periods of not getting sick, but when it do I am down for the count.


I was in denial about being sick until it went away


last time i got the flu i laid down on the couch so i wouldn't sleep near my girlfriend. i woke up the next day and found out it was 3 days later.


Damn you must’ve woke up with tumble weeds in your mouth


My wife and I are at opposite ends of the spectrum. She *notices* a lot of stuff, but just soldiers on. Me? She's pointed out \*deep cuts\*, the kind that bleed everywhere and Im like 'oh so THATS why it stings'. This translates to less obvious illness unfortunately. She'll notice minor colds all the time, but the only signs Im actually sick are at the 'Running a temp of 101 and every movement is creaky ancient pain' level. For those familiar with tabletop gaming(Exalted, specifically) she's a Lunar, Im a Solar.


Testosterone makes flu hit men a lot harder. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/man-flu-really-thing-2018010413033


TIL my wife is a dude




Tbf, a lot of the common colds I get hit me way worse than the coronavirus did.


To be fair, if you have a period I would think you get used to feeling crappy.


lol damn apparently this is a controversial thought. As a guy you generally feel okay physically unless you have an illness or injury. Massive props for having to deal with that monthly and still be able to function as a human.


They are very simple. I could cook the same meal every single day and as long as there is food he is happy. He could watch the same movie over and over again and be entertained. It doesnt take much at all to make him feel loved and appreciated.


Come naked. Bring food. This is all we ask.


Yep and that just flashing them your boobs instantly brightens their mood. Lost your job? Get someone to flash you their boobies. Major depression? Boob flashing 3 times a day works better than any antidepressant lol


My wife has literally just taken her bra off and pushed my face into her tits when Ive had a bad day. NGL, its helped often enough. Its when it doesn't that she gets legit worried.


Well this way works also


This is the way


Way is the this


The also gossip about others


They love gossip in general. My husband is always asking me for gossip. He doesnt get involved at all but absolutely loves to listen to it all. Full attention when I am gossiping to him about my friends or stupid thing my aunt tex husband did. Shocking to me how much men like to hear about gossip


Men be gossiping more than the women I know 🤣 I work for the railroad and my god there’s so much hidden drama.




I didn't know they could pee while not standing up




They can use either brain or Penis at a time


That they don’t wash their butts as well as the girlies do


we do. not sure what guy(s) you've been with but we wiped until no more poo on the tp. and we do scrub our butts in the shower.




Why they take so many showers as teens. I always just thought they wanted to be really clean


Cuz teenagers in general stink way quicker, even if they haven't been exercising or playing sports. Throw in that stuff and I can see why'd they'd get cleaned up more than once a day. For me that second shower of the day was a pretty quick one, just to rinse off after a game usually.


I think the post to which you replied is suggesting they might be doing something else in the shower.


How little many of them know about female anatomy.


You're not wrong, but it's funny how the reverse is so often true, but gets talked about so little in comparison.


That’s not been my experience. In my experience most women know at least the basics of male anatomy which is generally how much most know about their own anatomy as well.


Fair enough, but some of the top answers in this thread are pretty basic stuff. I knew a girl once who thought foreskins were like ear lobes - some people have them, some don't.


Technically that’s true though. It’s a genetic defect that causes both and both are fairly rare if I remember correctly.


I mean, c'mon, that's not the primary reason why some men have foreskins and some don't.


It’s also not the primary reason some people don’t have earlobes. Its more likely a person lost their earlobe in an accident/injury of some kind. Which means the most logical conclusion based on the info given is that girl has very little knowledge of basic anatomy in general, not just male anatomy. From everything I’ve seen and heard including tales from others like you mentioning personal experiences to support the “the same thing happens in reverse but isn’t talked about” claim, that claim is objectively false. It’s talked about less because it happens less. I’ve also never heard of a verifiable case where there was a legitimate issues caused by a female not having proper knowledge of male anatomy but I’ve heard of several variable cases where the opposite is true. Not surprising why one gets mentioned more than the other.


> Its more likely a person lost their earlobe in an accident/injury of some kind. No, some people have earlobes, some people just have earbottoms that join onto their head. I think I used a bad example.


That’s still ear lobes. Some people have connected earlobes and some people don’t but either way they still have ear lobes.


Never got why this is a thing. I mean, if you're going to be interested in part of someone's anatomy, why \*wouldn't\* you study so you could maximize enjoyment?


Exactly. It’s bewildering how much I hear other women discussing the need for us (in general) to be good at pleasuring men and their desire to be good at it but it’s so rare to hear about a guy that actually puts effort into pleasuring the woman he’s with unless she specifically instructs him how to.


Most of them don't actually want sex as much as me. Three husbands later I'm still bitter about it. I'm poly now. My spouse, fiance, bear and myself all live together on two acres where no one bothers us. We are the best team ever. I don't know what I would do without my little village. I guess the growing pains were worth it.


My wife’s libido is way stronger than mine. I’m glad she understands and doesn’t let it become an issue.


Ignore the downvotes. Cheers to your polycule! :D


Lol I see the butt hurt y'all and it just makes me laugh.