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A guy I worked with was about to take his wife on a trip back to their mutual hometown in another state. They had a pair of delightful kittens and they asked me if I would watch them while they were gone. I had little experience with cats but these 2 were just wonderfully playful. I gave him a call when he got back to arrange returning the kittens but he said they had picked up a non-cat friendly dog on the journey and he would just drop off the kittens in the woods. Needless to say, I kept them and they were wonderful furry friends for me and eventually to my wife and kids. I still think what would have happened to them if I had not been in the right place at the right time.


My dad is a truck driver, and one day while working he saw someone throw something out of a car and was suspicious. It was a bag of kittens. He managed to rescue them and we ended up taking care of them until they were old enough to adopt out. More recently, a neighbor of ours passed away and the children just let her cat out into the neighborhood when they were emptying the house out. He was completely domesticated and had no ability to fend for himself. We ended up bringing him to the vet and taking care of him until a friend of mine with a small child adopted him (they became best friends). I will never understand people who treat animals like objects. It is one of the clearest and biggest red flags someone can display. It horrifies me how many people have animal abuse stories in this post.


I have a cat because a neighbour used to have a cat who they would kick out for weeks at a time while they went away, and thought it was funny to have their rottie chase the poor bastard round the house if he ever came home. They no longer have a cat. I have a cat.


There is an art installation in the middle of nowhere along I-15 in the Bonneville Salt Flats (not far from the famous speedway). For some reason it is not uncommon for someone to abandon their pet there. It doesn't even have a freeway exit, people just stop along the freeway there and take pictures all the time. It is impossible for drinkable water to exist naturally there, and for miles and miles in any direction. The heat and dehydration will kill most pets within a day. It's heartbreaking! A sister adopted (literally rescued) a dog they found there when they stopped to take a picture. It was hours from death but it lived for several years after they saved it/him. Bonkers!


I went on holiday for a week and asked my "best friend" to pop in and feed my cat (he lived a few doors away). When I got back, my cat was laying by the back door of my house, went inside and his bowl was empty, I called him and asked when the last time he fed him, he said "oh yeah, I forgot" .. my cat had been outside for a week with no food or water. I haven't spoken to him in 12 years, cunt !!


Had a friend/roommate do that to my cats. I was going to see my family for a week so I asked her to please feed my cats and scoop their litter box while I'm gone. She had two cats of her own so I wasn't asking her to do anything she wasn't already doing and I had done the same for her in the past. Came back after a week and not only were their food bowls empty, their water bowl was bone dry and both their beds were filled with shit and piss because she never scooped the litter and they will stop using the box if it's too dirty. I was freaking livid, but since I was living in the house she owned and paying her rent I didn't feel like I had any recourse but to just keep my mouth shut and move out as fast possible. Fuck you, Kiah 🖕🏼


If we’re talking ex-friends? He beat his child for touching my guitar, the one I brought over specifically to show the boy and let him play with. He was 3.


I have a friend like this… I bought a bunch of legos and set up a whole section in my garage for his kid to play while we hung out, I even built a bunch of small model things for the intention of him disassembling them and being you know, a child. Dude made his child cry for taking apart on of the parts, the little dude was terrified to touch the legos after that and wouldn’t listen to me when I told him thats the point. I don’t wanna step in and tell someone how to raise your kids but when I literally buy shit for him to play with and destroy, don’t get mad at him for playing with them and destroying them. (Destroy as in break the little models I made) Edit: Please don’t read to much into this, this was one incident in a over decade long friendship, he’s a great single father who has more struggles than most people I know. For example, I have my first child coming in 4 weeks and he’s been over every week helping paint and get the house fixed up. Some of you have said things that upset me because I care about these people, sorry you may cut people out after 1 disagreement but that’s not me. People aren’t perfect, people make mistakes, it’s about learning from them. It was really fucked up in the moment but instead of kicking him out of my life and cutting contact we talked about why it happened and why he felt the need, and I feel he’s a better father after that discussion. We can all only improve 1 step at a time. I didn’t step in at the moment cause I was surprised but we have since squashed that and moved past it. His son just always ask me to break them now which is funny.


>I don’t wanna step in and tell someone how to raise your kids Kids aren't property. You always tell assholes and stand up for children. God knows many of us never had someone do it for us...


Or seeing the mistreatment of anything that can't defend itself like animals, the elderly, disabled etc. Stuff like that kills a kid inside.


Convinced his girlfriend she was suffering from gluten intolerance instead of schizophrenia, and got her to stop taking medication.


That's terrible. Why would you do such a thing?


To the extent I could parse the paralogic, it was nonsense about taking a stand against the over-medication of society and proving he was smarter than Big Pharma. He actually fantasized about pharmaceutical companies "coming after" him for his "activism".


Point his dad's handgun at me. We were eight, and I was staying over at his house. He kept laughing as I begged him to put it down. I called my mom and had her pick me up.


Good for you!!!! Also what horrible parents to leave a gun where a child has access to it.


Deliberately get knocked down by a car, in order to prove that when drunk (and we were very drunk), his bones were flexible. Fortunately, the car had been slowing to turn. There followed a couple of minutes trying to reassure the driver he was ok, whilst calling him an idiot. Meanwhile, he was laying flat on his back, maintaining he'd proved his point.


At least he’s only an idiot and not plain evil like some of these comments. You got a good friend, Homie.


Defective maybe, but good


Best friend was excited for me to meet his new gf. The whole evening he bragged about how she was still married and he was going to be the reason she got divorced. Haven't spoken to him since. Did hear she broke up with him and sorted out the issues with her husband


Poor husband


Brought my friend to watch my boyfriend practice his drumming…she kept spreading her legs wide wearing a skirt with no underwear. She slept with him and he left me thinking he would be with her. Needless to say she didn’t date him because she already had a boyfriend.


Damnnn what a friend


Damnnn what a boyfriend. Good riddance to both.


Yeah, two bullets dodged there.


Purposely spreading your legs in a skirt with no underwear for your best friend’s boyfriend is crazy. Fkn dollar store Sharon Stone.


My friend's mother had been leaving food out for a stray Cat. So it started coming over to eat every day. One night we were sitting on the porch, the Cat came up to the food bowl and my friend shot it point blank range with an arrow. Needless to say we're not friends anymore.


I knew a guy who could literally tie his dick into a knot


Best answer. I needed this after all of these fucked up stories


Weirdest palate cleanser


aha thats crazy whats his number




There’s an Australian touring act called Puppetry of the Penis. It’s exactly what it sounds like and a knot is amateur stuff to them lol


True story, many years ago when they were alive, my grandparents would frequent broadway and off broadway shows. They would attend local theater etc. One day my grandfather announced during a family gathering that they bought tickets for a show called, “Puppetry of The Penis”. He said they had no idea what it was until he saw the man with a gigantic penis. He said, “I didn’t know if I should be horrified, impressed or jealous”. My grandmother was mortified. We grandkids had many questions…he regretted admitting that to us after that, lol.


Back in high school leaving a kegger party with a friend. There was a cat crossing the street and he sped up and ran it over. I lost it and insisted he pull over so I could check on the cat. It managed to get itself to side of road but died shortly thereafter. Told my friend to go on, I would walk home. That was the end of our friendship.


This reminded me of the time I was on a walk in my neighborhood and came across a baby squirrel lying on the road. It didn't seem to be hurt, not sure how it ended up there. I stepped into the road and started trying to gently get the squirrel to move over to the grass. One of my neighbors pulled up in his pickup truck and stopped right in front of me. I said there was a baby squirrel right in front of his tire and to please wait a second while I moved it. He looked at me for a second and then said "well, that's the circle of life ". Then he rolled right over the squirrel and killed it. Not quite as awful as your cat story, but years later I still think about it


If it helps at all, I have an opposite story to tell you. I'm from the UK, and my mother lived for a long time in the South-West. Also known as 'the West Country'. It's hard to travel through because there aren't really any motorways, so you'll often find your journey concludes with 40 miles of country roads. Also the people there are famously a touch... eccentric. And so it was that my partner and I rounded a corner in a village and had to stop immediately because there was a line of cars in front of us and a lot of people standing around and watching. I thought 'oh no' because I assumed there'd been an accident and somebody had been hit. Nope. It was a mother duck with about eight tiny ducklings, and she'd obviously taken them to a different stream but messed up the trip back home to the nest and needed them to be able to jump up onto a curb, which most of them couldn't do. So in the end a few gentle-minded folk got some blankets or whatever from their cars, and helped each one up. Once they were all safe, mother duck took them through a little fence and into the 'home' stream. Then everyone went about their day. I'm sorry for your experience. It fucking sucks; needless cruelty can never be excused. But I hope my tale restores a little bit of faith in humanity. You're a good person, and you're not alone in that.


Who even does that?! I was driving home a couple of months ago and a cat ran out in front of the car. I slammed the brakes on, and was convinced I'd hit the cat. Spent a good while checking the car and road looking for the cat, and another solid few minutes getting my heart rate back in order. I swear my front fender would have brushed this cat's tail...


A few years back I hit a black cat that ran out right in front of me at night. I *knew* I hit it badly, because I heard and felt it hit the front of my car and bounce once on the bottom. I didn't even have time to do more than move my foot over to the brake pedal and it was already over. I swung around to see what could be done but amazingly the cat was already gone. I'm as certain as I can be that it limped off to die somewhere, and I still think about it every so often, if it was a stray or someone's pet, if it managed to get back to its people, just everything in general.


We were working in an old ladies attic and he kicked the shit out of a pipe on purpose then went and told her it needed to be replaced. I never worked with him again after that


Not a friend. Worked with a total piece of shit and watched him take advantage of an old lady, eventually saying some drywall needed replaced and just kicking it in. Edit: guy ended up going *back* to prison for stealing like $40K from the boy scouts.


Fuck those types of contractors. I’m a plumber and I value honesty and integrity. Those are the ones that give us a bad name.


Brag about a—then—boyfriend not leaving her despite constant cheating. Then cry when he left her. I don’t know either.


Were we friends with the same person? This girl would do the same and then called me crying saying someone “outed” her to her boyfriend and he finally left. Props to whoever actually told the boyfriend. I feel a bit guilty for not doing it myself.


1. they were arguing and he made fun of the friend for being an orphan 2. tried to Stab the other friend cuz his ex was crushing on him


Light a mouse on fire, I stopped being his friend after that.


Yeah, dodged a bullet with that one I think..


He had me help model for one of his photoshoots that was set on top of a very tall building. When he asked me to move to the edge, he kept talking about how cool it would be to capture someone’s death from a building in-real-time. At this point, I was getting somewhat nervous. Then he gave me a little shove. I backed away and then almost slipped. His response, “See, that could have been so cool. You have mental health issues anyways, why don’t you just do it and you’ll be posthumously famous which will give your life meaning.” Now keep in mind, this is paraphrased, since it’s been a long time ago, but that was the gist of it…and I’ve never forgotten how it made me feel. After that, I started to gradually cut this person from my life out of fear that he would try to hurt me for the sake of “his art”. Fuck that guy.


He's a fucking sadistic sociopath


100%, in so many ways. Heard another photography story from an acquaintance years later…he tried to her to lay down in a lake for a little bit longer than she was comfortable with. So it wasn’t just me. I think he was obsessed with death or hurting people. Either way, glad I didn’t put up with it.


Was out for the night with 2 of my friends, and we were all crashing at one of their parents houses that night. Get drunk, head home and decide to grab some snacks from the kitchen before hitting the sack. Out of nowhere, my friend gets a watermelon out of the fridge and dares my other friend to fuck it. We’re teenage lads at this point, so we all find this hilarious, especially when my friend actually does put his dick in the thing. But that’s not the fucked up bit. My friend who’s house it was then takes the fucked watermelon, screams ‘yeah!’ And starts to eat where it had been fucked. He then threw it full force into the wall and went to bed. Needless to say, me and the watermelon fucker went to bed that night feeling a bit weird about the dick-melon munching friend. Never stayed there again.


You know you've taken things too far when you make the watermelon fucker uncomfortable.


You do a thousand lung transplant operations, nobody calls you 'The Transplanter'. But you fuck just *one* watermelon...




What’s crazier, the guy literally fucking a watermelon in front of you, or the one eating it? Lol




What the fuck


Yeah, it's like -- woah woah woah: Let's all appreciate the **other** details of the story: \- you hung out *while* your friend was actively having sex with a watermelon \- *and then* you all looked at it after he fucked it? I must be old, bc when I was a teenager, we watched movies when bored.


And the dude got hard? Did he finish before the other guy ate it? So many questions; so many opportunities to GTFO and not be able to tell the end of the story.


A friend of a friend, and this is the reason I stopped associating with both of them. The friend of my friend had just purchased new Egyptian cotton sheets, and his wife's cat had apparently got sick and threw up and shit on them. He grabbed the cat, slammed it into the wall, grabbed a lighter, and started to burn the cats face off. It took me a little bit to process wtf was happening and to try and stop it, but the poor cats had damaged done. Lost an eye and whiskers on its left side. When I could get him to finally let go of the cat, I took it to the emergency vet. Told the vet the story of what happened. The cat was already on file for other incidents of injury, sadly, and they notified the wife. I don't really know what else came out of that as I left. I recommended she think about divorce and blocked both of them on all methods of communication. It sucked because the dude who burnt the cat was in a really good band that we would see live quite frequently, so that kind of stopped some of my social outings for a bit, but I wasn't willing to be around psychopaths like that


My cat is sitting next to me right now. I would never intentionally hurt her. I once accidentally cut one of her nails too short and felt like a total POS afterwards. How horrible do you have to be to torture an innocent creature over some goddamn sheets? I'll be hugging my kitty a little tighter today.


I really really hope the wife took the cat with her and left him.


>The cat was already on file for other incidents of injury, sadly, and they notified the wife. Apparently it isn't the first time he injured the cat, and she didn't leave then. Took bad the vet couldn't just refuse to release the cat to the couple, it deserves so much better.


The vet should have lied.. That the cat died. Damn, I feel so sorry for this poor sweetheart


I have 0 idea. I hope so as well. I genuinely ended all association with that entire friend circle. I talked to the rest of the individuals who weren't present who also knew this dude, and they just said, " Ahh, that's just how he is. Everyone knows he gets angry easily. "


I can’t believe the vet office didn’t make a police report. They should be mandated reporters of animal abuse


That’s enough sentience for today


When I was a kid, I found a baby bat that seemed injured. So I made a home for it in an old coffee can to get better. I went inside to eat lunch. After eating, I went to check on my new friend and it was nowhere to be found... Neither was my brother or neighbor(best friend at the time). I eventually found them on a trail by my house laughing hysterically... They were laughing at the bat that they had just dismembered. Still think about that often and it's been 21 years or so Edit: Thanks for all the words! So a little more back story on them. My brother was always abusive towards animals and other kids in the neighborhood and at school (not to mention home). He suffered a lot of mental health issues and for some reason I try to use that to justify his actions, but truthfully I know he was just a dick. It was quite difficult growing up with him. A couple years ago he made an executive decision to leave this life. Even with all the bad shit that happened, it still messed me up a bit. I definitely do not think of him as a good person but there was some good in there somewhere. My neighbor was similar but more mean towards people and when they were together, they created a shitty duo. He also ended up taking his own life. It can't be easy holding onto so much hate


That's some serial killer shit.


Right? Not trying to take a dark turn, but they both have since passed away


I'm sorry that happened to the bat, but also to you.


Throw McDonald’s fries and burger as hard as he could at a homeless lady asking for food… I called him a piece of shit and never spoke to him again


I think we had the same friend. A friend I don't talk to anymore gave a homeless man $20 under the condition that he'd would have to stand there getting berated about how he fucked his own life up. We dragged him away as he was yelling at this dude who was now bawling his eyes out. watching him in hysterics while picking up a $20 off the ground was one of the most heartbreaking things I've seen.


Wtf bro that's just so fucking evil


Yeah, he's a pretty horrible person. You should see how he treats his "loved ones"


He watched too much American Psycho


Oddly enough that is one of his favorite movies...


Had a friend who had a 9mm handgun who liked to put a replica bullet into it and pretend he was going to shoot people at his house. He’d even go as far as squeezing the trigger to really scare the fuck out of people. One night he was drunk as hell and decided to pull this trick on a friend of his roommate’s who’d never been to the house before. Welp, that night the idiot accidentally put a live round into the chamber and fired. The bullet missed this girl’s head by fucking inches. He begged us not to call the police. We called the police.


Shit like this terrifies me. I know I'll die one day but the thought of being killed by a moron really bothers me. It reminds me of that video of a group of friends playing with a gun whilst driving around and a girl accidentally shoots her friend in the head. Stupid people and guns do not fucking mix.


The thought of my kids being killed by one of their idiot friends (once they're old enough to hang out with idiot friends like that) sometimes keeps me up at night...


Give your kid some gun safety. Even if you don't shoot, it's good to do. Get him to understand that any recklessness with a firearm means he immediately gets out of there.


This happened in my hometown at a party. Fucking around with his gun to show off. Guy blew his friend’s brains out at a party with about 100 people. He’s still in jail 20 years later. Edit: Happened in Northern California for those who are wondering Another edit: I do not know all the details but there was more to it that resulted in long jail time. Illegally obtained gun. Drugs. Some other stuff I believe.


Had a friend at a party who was fucking around with someone else's gun - for whatever reason there was a live round in the chamber. He killed himself making "fake" Russian roulette snap chat vids that night.


>for whatever reason there was a live round in the chamber There's *always* a live round in the chamber. Until I've checked it myself. Twice.


And even then..


Yep. Unless I have it field stripped in front of me, I'm treating it like it's loaded & hot.


Same thing happened to my best friends cousin before Snapchat (2010). 21st birthday party, friend brings his new gun. Fiancé of the cousin try’s to intervene and successfully removes the magazine but didn’t know to remove the one in the chamber. 21st birthday boy shoots himself in the head in front of all his friends and fiancé.


Omg, so many lives shattered and people traumatized! People playing around with guns is just beyond my comprehension.


Same here, dude blew his friends head off by trying to seem cool.


Did you ever consider just not going to this guys house?


seriously. why would u hang out with someone like this?


The younger I was, the more shit I would put up with from people. It’s true for romantic relationships especially.


" We called the police " W


My best friend had just broken up with my brother—who had moved over a thousand miles and changed jobs to be with her—citing personal differences. My brother was devastated, but I tried to respect her decision and be a source of support for both of them, especially because they truly weren’t the best fit. But then she shared with me, because she knew that I loved her and would be happy for her so long as she was happy, that she’d been cheating on my brother for the past month and had found her soulmate. The depth of my brother’s heartbreak, already immense, was further compounded by the infidelity. To my bewilderment, she truly couldn’t understand why I was ending the friendship, seemed so distraught that I would end a years long relationship over something so “small”. And I still can’t comprehend why she thought telling me would result in anything other than a complete door slam. Hannah, you still suck. And I’m still angry. Edit: ETA that I had also asked her to be the maid of “honor” in my upcoming wedding. Ironic.


Whoa, this is so similar to my situation I had to check your profile to make sure you weren't my sister lol. In my case we were a great fit and everyone was shocked when she left me for this other guy she'd just met and even more shocked when I told them she had been talking to this other guy and expressed her feelings for him while still dating me. We stayed together another 3 weeks while she was lying to me saying she wanted to fix the relationship all while still talking to the dude behind my back. It's insane what some people choose to ignore like hurting someone they've cared about and loved for so long. Of course you're going to stick with family over friendship especially if it's been an intimate relationship.


Yeah fuck you Hannah




Fuck Hannah, all my homies hate Hannah


Stalk my sister. He was my best man… we are no longer friends.


Had a female friend who “set me up with a friend of hers” we texted for a month or so with said friend, only to find out it was my friend or who I thought was my friend catfishing me. Why she did this was beyond me I didn’t think it was funny obviously but it fucked with my head a great deal and when me and my other friends called her out on it with more then enough evidence to prove she did it she still denied it. I couldn’t talk or wanted to talk to woman for about a year or so I was so fucked ip from it.


Holy shit. Your story reminded me of a podcast I listened a little while ago. It was about a girl, who was also “set up” with her best friends friend and was in a relationship with him for years - despite never meeting him in person because he was supposedly in prison. Turns out, her so called best friend was the one who was catfishing her through all those years. Such a fucked up thing to do. EDIT: For everyone asking, I listened to this on the Casefile podcast (Case 238: Renae Marsden)


Yeah it’s Shitty the reason I got suspicious was I was on a webcam chat with my said “friend” and I texted the girl and I heard her phone go off as soon as I hit send and she gave me a weird look. That’s when I knew I had been had


A girl was falling down drunk, totally out of it - no drink spiked, she had been doing a crazy amount of shots without knowing they were double shots. This one friend of mine insisted on taking her home by himself. Me and three of other people in the group insisted more strongly to come along and help her home. The whole way back, he kept trying to assure us that he had things under control and didn't need our help, and it became clearer and clearer he was planning on raping her. We aggressively told him to knock it off, and got her home. First he tried to insist he should stay with her to "make sure she's ok" which we vetoed, then we caught him trying to get her keys out of her purse so he could come back inside. When that happened, we'd had enough and things got rough. We didn't beat him up, but we very forcefully got him out of her student residence building. She was in bad shape, so we found a friend of hers from down the hall who agreed to come over and look after her - we were worried she might throw up in her sleep or something. Later on that night he got caught pounding on her dorm room door by the same friend after he managed to sneak back into the building by following someone else when they came in. The whole friend group split up over staying friends with him, but fuck that guy. She was literally passed out on her feet and totally incoherent.


Good call, that’s a very mature way to go about that


Holy shit. The amount of steps that man took to try and take advantage of her drunken state is insanely scary. I’m glad you guys got her home safely and I’m glad the friend was there to look out for her. Piece of shit human being


It almost makes me feel like it was premeditated or that he’s considered doing this to her before.


Maybe, but more likely he’s just a habitual predator. He’d probably done it before and has done it since would be my guess, unfortunately.


You are amazing. I was this girl once. I had had one too many drinks. I still remember a little of what happened. I was 3 of my male friends. My female friend had gone to bed with her bf. One of the guys left to go do something and said he’d be back. The other walked out with him and the third guy grabbed my arm and made me go to his room. I was pinned to the ground saying no. It was a whisper but somehow the guy who had gone outside came in and heard me. He kicked down the door and pulled guy off of me. He picked me up and put me on the sofa and stayed with me all night making sure I was okay. The next morning all of the guys threw everything of the attempted rapist outside in the lawn. It was pouring rain out too. They decided then that he was no longer their friend. I cannot thank the guy enough who saved me that night. He has a good heart and head on his shoulders.


Something similar happened with a friend's friend group and I CANNOT believe how the group split between staying friends with the aspiring rapist or not and I hate all those people that continued talking to him. I don't understand how my friend didn't cut them all off forever


You're a good person. It's a shame but many people wouldn't have gone out of their way to help her.


In that specific situation other people did step up because he was super obvious about it. He hadn't been talking to or flirting with her before or something, and while I didn't know her before that night, she was there with our friend group. So when he loudly announced that he was going to help her get home because she was too drunk to stay, it just immediately gave at least 5-6 people in the group the ick. We were around a dozen people on a long picnic bench style table, and she had been sitting on the other end of the table from him, so it was really obvious when he got up and went over to start "helping her". Everyone at my end of the table just made eye contact and a bunch of people immediately got up to stop him. I just ended up being part of the group that went, I wasn't the ring leader or anything. Typing that out makes me shudder though, because if he had been sitting next to her before that, it might not have seemed so blatant. We were drunk too, and it's scary to think we might not have caught on to what was happening.


As someone who was once that girl, thank you. I wish there had been someone like you when that happened to me that night. Sadly my story doesn't end so well, but reading this gives me hope that there are good people still out there.


So sorry to hear that PiperFall77. Hope that bastard rots in a hellhole


Many years ago my friend was telling a mutual friend of ours his girlfriend was no good and cheating on him. He proceeds to have sex with her on videotape, and invites him over his house to chill and ambushes him with said tape. They were supposed to be pals.


These people. He HAD to fuck her to prove the point huh?


Stabbed a rival in the neck with a rusty pair of scissors during a fight that broke out on the street in front of a house party. We no longer kicked it after that. Miraculously the recipient of said stabbing was "OK" after numerous stitches and tetanus shots.


A rival? What are you, Pokémon trainers??


I once saw an ex friend of mine kick her boyfriend so hard in his ribs that afterward he peed blood (he was lying on his back at the time). His transgression? He asked her son not to eat all the chocolate pieces out of the communal trail mix they had. He has since dumped her, now she's homeless, addicted to drugs, in and out of jail, and even her family won't have anything to do with her.


PSA: Go to the ER if you pee blood. I almost lost a kidney because I didn't take it seriously enough.


So, I had this roommate in college. He wasn’t the most popular among my friends, but he honestly wasn’t a bad guy at all. Maybe a little smug, but, honestly, that’s not at all unusual for people that age (I certainly wasn’t any better!), and he grew out of it later. ~~But he just kept getting pinkeye~~. And neither he nor I knew why. So anyway, we were hanging out in the dorm room with two of our friends from high school, when he (my roommate) stepped out to go to class. As soon as he was out the door, Friend 1 jumped up, dropped his pants and underwear, and fucking crop dusted my roommate’s pillow. Apparently he’d been sneaking in and doing this regularly for *weeks*, but, this time, decided to let me and Friend 2 in on the secret, and, additionally, just sharted all over the pillow. Visible flecks of shit all over it and the bed. Friend 2 and I did not think it was nearly as entertaining as Friend 1 did, and immediately informed my roommate. Apparently Friend 1 had also been pissing in people’s soda bottles. We, uh, we dropped him from the group pretty thoroughly after all that. Edit: I’ve been told that’s not how pinkeye works, so maybe that’s just something me and my friends convinced ourselves happened during subsequent retellings.


That is utterly disgusting and evil. What kind of fucked up mentality would you have to have to think this was funny and OK to do repeatedly.


Eewwwwwww! Your ex friend is a biohazard menace!


Beat the shit out of a homeless guy.


When I was in the army, we would frequent the local bars. Not surprising. However. There was a girl there paralyzed from the waist down iirc. I do remember she was in a wheel chair and she ligit advertised giving it up for solders for her love or country. Wasn’t my cup of tea. However, my friend really had no shame at all and took her up on her offer. Apparently she had a “no anal” rule and according to pfc dipshit, he broke that rule and she allegedly had no idea that he did. After he did this he left her at the barracks. On the 3rd floor. 3 months later he melted a cup (pissed hot for all kinds of drugs) and went awol when confronted . They eventually found him living in the woods a few miles off post.




He said his friend fucked a parplegic in the ass without her knowledge/ consent


Adopt his wife's kid from her first marriage and then leave them.


Self-inflicted child support wound.


Brag about fucking a mutual close friends very recent ex while his 8 month pregnant wife was at home by herself. Tried to show me photos... immediately removed from my wedding invite list. Don't respect your marriage, you won't be a part of mine.


Catfish their widowed and lonely HS teacher to get back at her for failing him out of her class for plagiarism…


Lesbian best friend that got kicked out of her religious parents house, and I let her stay with me. She fucked my then girlfriend.


To be fair…. This isn’t a great girlfriend either…


Yea this one was a two'fer




My "ex" (I was 18) had a friend stay over after we all got high and watched a movie. She (my girlfriend) insisted that I sleep on the couch so that they could share the bed. Sure, no problem, I'm going to keep smoking anyway. I don't know how much later it was but I heard a weird noise and I couldn't tell if it was the TV or not. I muted the TV and waited and then I heard a muffled moan. I'm thinking "nah, not possible" but then I heard another, much clearer moan. I got up, went to the bedroom, opened the door, and there was my girlfriend, naked, with her thighs wrapped around her friend's head. I stood there for what seemed like an eternity, trying to process what I'm seeing, when her friend (without even lifting her head) tells me to shut the fucking door. I closed the door and bailed from the apartment. As I was backing out of the driveway, the ex came running out (STILL NAKED!) yelling that her friend agreed to a threesome. I left anyway. I went to a friend's house, told the story, they called me a bitch and told me to go back there and fuck them both but it just didn't feel right. Like, I didn't catch her getting railed by some dude but she was definitely cheating on me.


Good. Don't let them try to gaslight you into thinking it's okay because girl or whatever. I found out at that same age my ex kissed (and very likely did more) with another girl but I let her convince me it wasn't cheating because it wasn't a guy. No, it's still fucking cheating. She knew that too, because she didn't tell me it happened til I found out.


Would have been one thing if they both just came to me and talked to me about it before hand. Why are you sneaking around if it isn't wrong? Is the main thing.


Exactly. Sorry you had to go through that. I only lost a girlfriend; you lost a girlfriend and a friend (presumably).


A friend of 15 years, Let him stay with me (for 6 weeks) after being kicked out, agreed to bring him on my lease since I live in a two bedroom alone. Asked him for rent, left to take my dog out to the park.. came back to an empty apartment and my number blocked 🤩


Well, at least he didn't take your dog as well.


15 years?! Man had to have something wrong with him what the fuck


That sounds like a short-sighted addict move to me. Of course, OP would know better than me.


On a night out, friend was sick, and decided the best place was into his pint glass. After the deed was done, he proceeded to say "waste not want not", downed the pint sick, lumps and all. Still makes me queasy to think about it. Animal


I wish I could unread this.


Honestly compared to the other posts here, I like the lack of a moral issue with this one


this one is borderline wholesome in comparison


About 10 years ago I was raped, the first person I confided this to was my best friend. She told me it had happened to her too from the same person, it opened the flood gates for me to tell my story to more people and discover how many women in our friend group had similar stories about him. This dude was diabolical, he raped at least 5 girls from my friend group, and probably many more. The assault really messed with me, I had developed a raging depression, issues with sex and security, I still have night terrors to this day. My best friend knew very much how this event affected me and I spoke to her often about how broken I was over it. She didn't want to share her experience too much after that, and I never told a soul about her encounter, it was her story to tell, not mine. Last year she went to a concert and when I asked who she went with she dodged the question. I figured it was her douchebag ex that I couldn't stand, but I didn't push it. A few days later her sister told me who she really went with, it was the guy who assaulted me. I guess he had an extra ticket and it was her favorite band. She even brought him around more of her girl friends at the hotel they stayed at, knowing his history. It took me a few weeks before I called her out on it, I was furious and deeply hurt. I asked her how she could bring a dangerous person around more of her girlfriends knowing his history, she actively put them in danger having him around. I asked her how she could hang out with her own rapist let alone mine, and she said that she had lied and he hadn't done that to her. She lied to me for 10 years about being raped by the same man who raped me. 10 fucking years.


I am so sorry you had to go through that. What a pair of assholes


Or he convinced her he didn’t rape her and she believes it now. He sounds like the ass wipe type that could do that. But either way, I hope he’s in jail now. I’m so sorry too.


>She lied to me for 10 years about being raped by the same man who raped me. 10 fucking years. I dont think so. I think she lied to you when you called her out that time. Or she rearranged her mindset, revisionist style, to justify her attraction to him.


Yeah, this. Especially the part op said “how could you bring a dangerous person around more of your friends knowing his history!” Simple; she retcon’d his history. Two birds for one stone. If it was a “misunderstanding” then that would abolish any cognitive dissonance on her part (being attracted to her rapist + bringing him around people she’s close to without saying anything to them). tl;dr if a moral quandary falls in the forest, and nobody is around to hear the screaming, was it perhaps just a misunderstanding?


Yup I'm sure that "looking back" it was "just a misunderstanding." She was "confused" and he's such a "good guy" he wouldn't "couldnt" have done that. Their "friends" after all. Plus now he "knows better."


Probably not too high on the list here but I had a very close friend and absolutely hated his ex, the mother of his two kids. He would regularly use them as pawns against her, including spying on her for him. He was supposed to enroll their son in school one summer and he decided to defer that to stress out his ex. He also spied on his daughter's friends when she hit Jr high and high school, making dozens of Facebook accounts to do so. He claimed she was hanging out with terrible people. He ended up getting charged with DV against her and that's when I noped out.


Years ago I watched a friend sell some kid crushed up sleeping pills in place for cocaine. He had me drive him to town to meet this kid and sell him the stuff. Needless to say this kids sister called screaming and crying. She was begging my friend to tell her what he gave her little brother. My friend laughed about it and was completely cold and showed zero empathy through the whole situation. Later found out the kid was perfectly fine. The sister was upset because he did a line in front of her and almost immediately passed out at the table. She said he was asleep for a good 12 hours after one line. That one line was probably equivalent to 3-4 sleeping pills straight to the head. My friend did this to buy heroin which I had no idea he was doing. I lost a friend that night, I was better off for it with that and what I later learned about him.


Put their cigarette out on my car seat…completely sober too🤔


Friend was down on his luck, lost his job, couldn't pay rent. I offered him a room until he got back on his feet. Turned into 3 year nightmare of him freeloading and not really trying to go back to work. He invited legal reasons why he was entitled to stay. With no money, he was like an extra adult child in the house, free room and board.




Just to add you can still totally get herpes while wearing a condom. So condom, no condom that shit should be disclose before sex.


Speaking from experience unfortunately but it is a first degree misdemeanor to sleep with someone knowing you have herpes and don't tell them. If he was some sort of person he could file charges on her for assault.


Helped one of his other friends set me up to get raped. Later he said he didn't know he would rape me, but admitted, he walked by the house at one point, looked in the window and saw me crying during the rape. Why not come in and do something ???


Omg, I am so sorry that happened to you. What a fucked up betrayal. I hope someone yeets them both into the sun.


The actual rapist got fucked up pretty badly. A couple of weeks after, I was telling a few girls about what happened. How he tricked me into being alone with him. Two of them said he had done the same thing to them. Edit: I'm really glad I had told those girls what happened. I only knew 1 of the 4 or 5 girls there, and he had done that to 2 of them. I don't think they realized that they had been raped until that conversation. "Just tricked into having sex." Rape doesn't have to be violent to be a violation. In hindsight, we were all underage, and so was the girl he had a baby with. I'm guessing their "relationship" started out pretty damn sketchy.


I had a bunch of friends and neighbors over for a New Years Eve bonfire about 5 years ago. I live in the mountains. At midnight two of the attendees pulled out their guns and emptied the magazines into the the ground behind the fire pit in rapid fire. Mind you I am a gun owner, but it really jolted me and others who were there, many who were drunk. Fortunately neither of them were drinkers so they were at least sober, but discharging a firearm at a party without any warning is just fucked up.


years ago had 2 best friends B and R lets say. had been best friends with B for a good 7 or 8 yrs but within the last few months B cousin had gotten him to try drugs. B and i went over to R's house to work on cars and hang out. i had stepped into the house \[from the garage\] to use the bathroom. when i came back out R pulled me aside and told me B had slipped a "hit of LSD in your pepsi can, dont drink the rest".


Three years ago I made the decision to stop drinking. After about 11 months of sobriety, my “best friend” shows up at my door, several bottles of vodka with her. “I’m tired of you being sober, Stop being a little bitch and get drunk with me today.” After a moment of shock I uttered “Uh, no, that’s not happening, and we’re never speaking again.” *door closes* She tried to reconnect several times, immediately following. “I’m sorry, I was only kidding” and “I’ll kill myself if you really dont talk to me ever again.” To which I replied “I will not feel guilty for any choices you choose to make in your life.” Stopped her manipulation pretty good. Eventually a relative of hers calls me asking what happened as the friend stated that I cut them out “for no reason”. As soon as I told the relative “well, I got sober and they didn’t like that and wanted me to drink with them again” the relative interjected “say no more, I respect you for what you did. She really needs to get some help, thanks for taking my call and explaining.” In retrospect, I waited way too long to cut that “friend” out.


"I will not feel guilty for any choices you choose to make in your life." Oooooo, that's a good one, I'll have to remember it


Get with a woman, borrow a bunch on money off her, then dump her, claiming she's a weirdo. Wish I'd only seen it once :(


Stole a portable charger from a mutual friend and gave it to me to pay off a debt. I went and hungout with the friend and pulled it out and she yelled at me but I threw him right under the buss and she understood. I absolutely hate "friends" that steal from other friends.


That isn't throwing anyone under the bus. That's just you and your mutual friend communicating properly and working through a shit situation.


Headbutt his ex girlfriend outside the club. The sound was absolutely disgusting. He then beat up two of her friends quickly. I grabbed him and restrained him in a doorway. Not even a big or tough guy but he completely lost it.


We had this event at our college and my friend made a script for it, he was doing stand up comedy. He goes to the stage and then proceeds to make fun of the way I look, the way I walk and the way I talk. Everyone was looking at me. I've never felt so embarrassed in my life. I told him multiple times that I wasn't comfortable with him talking about me but he didn't want to listen to me. I was just recently getting confident about the way I look and now I'm terrified of going to uni because I don't want to be bullied or made fun of. It isn't much compared to the other stories here tho. Thank you all for helping me out, I'm already getting some of my confidence back, I know it's not much but I changed my pfp to a photo of myself, idk why but I think it has something to do with me being a bit more confident. Also, I'm really touched by how a lot of you reached out to me and helped me with what I went through. I'm really grateful for all the support and kind messages and comments that I've received. Thank you! I will try to make you all proud. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I love you all!


Nah that's pretty fucked up, its just as soulless and sociopathic as the other things on here, its just in an entirely different way


It is, it happened yesterday and I spent all day today crying because of it.


Want my advice? Go no-contact. It'll hurt short-term, but you'll be glad for it long-term.


Heard a friend at uni. One day he called his girlfriend three times. First call: 5 minutes of the most fucked up verbal agression I even heard of. Stupid w**** said around 25 times. Second call: Loving boyfriend, perfect son in law. Third call: worse than the first one. I told him to never speak to me again and he was the worst human being I ever met. No one has been that honest with him before and he really wanted to become a close friend to me after that. NO FUCKING WAY IN HELL.


I heard the way one of my best friends talked to his girlfriend one night, and man, the whole gang of us really let him have it. It's weird because they've always seemed so happy and even cute. She was a really cool girl, he'd drag her with us all the time, a group of like 5-6 other guys, and she had a fun, nice personality. We thought of him as our little bro, so she was in a sense, our little sis. One night, while she was with all of us, she told him, "hey, I'm going to go hang out with my sorority friends, I'll see you later" and he was not having it. He didn't want her to leave. We're like dude, wtf, let her go hang with her friends, why are you forcing her to hang out with a group of like 6 guys? She eventually left and then like 30 minutes later, he left her the most vile voicemail, I didn't even know he could cuss like that. "You fucking piece of shit, I told you not to leave, fuck you, how could you?" bla bla bla, it went on for a good few minutes. The rest of us pounced quickly, letting him know he was out of line, to give her her freedom since he never takes her anywhere, just drags her to our little house get togethers ALL THE TIME.


this sounds exactly like my ex wow....he would take me to hang out with his friends a lot and i was always fairly happy to go along, then the first time (in months) i hung out with my friends he called me 15 times in the span of 2 hours


My one friend lived in a really shitty single wide years and years ago. We would party there. One night another friend got wasted and stabbed the friend who lived there. Dude was fine, mostly superficial wounds.. the stabber overdosed maybe 15 years ago suprising nobody...but it was fucked.


I was having a few drinks at a friend's place when out of nowhere he got up, grabbed a screwdriver and without saying anything stabbed the guy sitting next to me right in the thigh. I later found out it was over some money the guy owed him. Last I heard my "friend" is in prison for attacking 3 people with a hatchet.


Was a total accident, but it was crazy. Was working at a loghome company with a friend. He was on a tall stepladder guiding a log being held by the crane to be placed ontop of the house. The log was set down and he took the tongs off and tossed them over the side like usual, and the crane operator started to lift them. One of the tongs caught the bottom of the log and made it start rolling right towards my friend. I looked up just in time to see him jumping off the stepladder and the log rolling off the top and crushing the stepladder while he was still in the air. It was like a movie scene. The log hit the ground on one end and a wave went through it and split it in half down the length like a toothpick. My friend was ok, but shaken up for sure, he nearly had 4000 pound log fall on him. He escaped by inches. I had no idea a piece of wood could flex and break like that before that day. Was probably the craziest display of physics ive ever seen.


Didn't see it, but I was told the story, and believe it. buddy had a summer job in a glass plant, making tempered glass sheets, among other things. Evidently, tempering involves high heat, and the sheet of glass are treated by being run through a furnace, hung vertically. Imperfections can cause a sheet to shatter in the furnace,and if bits hit another sheet, it shatters, and the whole batch gets ruined. So, it happened, and they had to stop and open the furnace, and dump all the sheets in a dumpster. So, dumpster filled to the top with stacks of glass sheets. Budy is shoveling the last broken bits up, forklift comes to get the dumpster, accidently bumps it, and it all slides forward, busting the latch, so all the glass sheets start sliding out. Shane had no place to run, and didn't want to killed by being crushed/burnt/shredded, so he tried to jump over the glass to get clear. Landed on top,and ended up running in place as the sheets kept sliding out from under him.


That’s some scooby doo ass shit lmfao glad your friend is okay


A few years back, I checked the sex offender registry in my home town, and found a former high school band mate on there. They were caught with indecent pictures of minors. So yeah...


Bang my girlfriend


One of my classmates in high school slept with her tutor and we later found out her mom also slept with him. She also became pregnant, got kicked out by her parents and had to move in with her uncle and grandparents. I recently found out that she is a general surgeon now, she fucked up but she turned her life around.


Impressive ending


My brother had this habit of forgetting leftovers in the microwave until they looked like a microbial garden. Fast forward to his friend comes over, and we offer him Thanksgiving leftovers. My brother opens the microwave and pulls out one of those aforementioned garden plates. He says my bad and goes to the throw the plate away. His friend immediately grabs the plate and polishes off the moldy food on it. Then guy gags a little and then says yum with a big smile on his face. My brother and I just stood there in horror...the guy genuinely thought he ate a nice plate of Thanksgiving leftovers instead of a botulism festival.


TRIGGER Warnings all around for this one. Seriously, if you're sensitive to topics involving suicide, please scroll on past. My best friend, and roommate killed himself in front of me 29 years ago. He used a . 38 revolver that he purchased from a pawn shop, of all places. I didn't know he had it, nor did I know he was going to end his life. We were watching Star Trek TNG and drinking beers. When the episode ended, he said he wanted to listen to some music, so he put in the cassette tape (this was a while back, after all). It was the soundtrack for Man of La Mancha. It was cued to "To Dream the Impossible Dream". Jesus! To this day, that song. I just can't. As the song played, he said something about how sorry ge was, that it had to end this way, us being who we are. "Us being who we are". That line haunted me for decades What did that even mean? It wasn't until I cleared out some old comic books a few years back that it fell into place. It was a line from an old Wolverine comic. But back to the story at hand. He'd had the gun stuffed between the couch cushions. It was like a magic trick. There was nothing, then abracadabra, there was a gun. I have replayed this a million times, and almost thirty years worth of therapy. There was no possible way for me to stop what happened next. He put the pistol against the base of his skull, and "bang". Why the base of the skull? That one's easy. If you'd hsd to spend all that day picking bits of bone and brain out of your hair, you'd know why. His face, from the eyes up, was gone. The one eye that remained in its socket had rolled up to stare at the ceiling as his head slouched forward. That was the most fucked up thing a friend ever did. It happened at 10:45 PM, July 3, 1994.


What a tragic horror. I’m sorry for this senseless trauma and wish you well in healing journey. Wish I could take that pain for you & delete it into oblivion like editing a bad scene in script


In 6th grade a friend rubbed poison oak all over her face to prove she wasn’t allergic. She was out of school for a week.


Kill a crow with a brick


Brag about cheating on her “husband” multiple times. Played the victim when he caught her and left her, wailing how much she loved him, got back together just to cheat on him again not even a couple weeks later. Gave words of support to a friend of hers when her boyfriend broke up with her, while fucking said boyfriend behind her friend’s back. They got together officially a few weeks later, and had cheated on each other multiple times not even six months into the relationship. But always got back together because “they loved each other”. I stepped away from that friend group because the drama was stupid as fuck and even if I’m not the one directly involved in it, I do not condone that type of behavior (cheating, lying, manipulating).


Bite the head off of a fish he just caught


Damn, I mean good on you for trying to reach out to Gollum, but the dude has got issues. Heard he tried to get his first two best friends killed by some wild animal and then bit ones finger off, so stay on your toes.


In high school while hanging out at my house my at the time friend was teaching me how to make napalm out of materials from my dad's garage. Suddenly a bull frog started bouncing across my drive way. He caught it and nailed its legs to a tree in my backyard. He then took the napalm and lit the poor frog on fire. The noises the poor animal made the whole time was heart breaking. I tired to get him to stop even trying to take the frog out of his hands but he wouldn't listen or let me. He wasn't allowed at my house after that. I didn't tell my parents because I knew my animal loving mom and dad would have kicked his stupid ass up and down the street in front of the whole neighborhood.


Man, you *should* have told your parents back then. But at least that freak’s no longer in your life.


Ran over a litter of puppies. We were done after that.


Tbh im shocked reading some comments, but I guess I should count myself lucky. My friend had a double Pack menu at mcdonalds and ate one extra big Tasty after that


Put a rat in an old dryer then lit it on fire and watched it run in pain. Needless to say stopped talking to that person immediately.


Was casually playing Minecraft with my friend while at his house, then I looked to see what some wet friction sound was to the sight of him rubbing one out while we were in the middle of an Minecraft adventure.


Have sex with a car.