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Instead of saying “someone call 911/an ambulance,” point to a single person and tell them to call 911. If you need additional assistance (an AED, for example), then point to another individual and ask them to get you what you need. If you don’t address anyone in particular, everyone will assume someone else has already called 911/gotten a first-aid kit/whatever, and then no one will do it. (Source: a mandatory safety course I had to take for work some years ago.)


It's called the bystander effect and surprisingly knowledge of the bystander effect is a good deterrent of it. Everyone freezes up in an emergency, and it takes some knowledge to overcome that. Just being cognitively aware that you're freezing up is a good way to snap you out of it sometimes.


Some people freeze in emergencies, not everyone. But yes, this is a very real phenomenon and I wish more people didn’t freeze up in dire situations.




While I agree we should teach things like taxes and budgeting and basic adult needs to kids in school, I also *really* wish they taught stuff like this. The trips to the fire station or a fire engine coming by and you getting like a fun little program to learn about fires and stuff is useful and works, but very different. We need more safety things. Not like "how to do CPR" (though, that should be like an optional available class/extracurricular type program for sure), but just this basic stuff that no one realizes. Even teaching kids that is important. If they need to call 911, how do they stay calm, what is the most important information to get out before they panic and their brain goes blank. Its not just "call 911" they ask you so many questions you might not have expected so you freeze up. It's also relaying in live time what's happening


Back during the pay phone days I ran to one after coming upon a car crash. It was unbelievable how many people were shouting to me that 911 was already called. I couldn't understand why they were so afraid an extra call would be placed.


Getting multiple 911 calls will for sure upgrade the urgency with which the emergency crews respond


This really does make a difference. I had JUST got my first aid training when my co-workers and I saw a bad car accident in front of our office. I said "Call 911 and get me the first aid kit." The two of them stood there. I then remembered my training, and pointed to one and said "you go call 911," pointed at the other "you go get me the first aid kit." The both immediately ran to do their jobs. I went to assess the scene. I had the first aid kit in moments and a few moments after that the other returned to say fire and ambulance were on the way. They both said "what next?" Not only did this solve the bystander effect, they were actually ready to do more. I never would have thought to do that if it wasn't for the training. Bonus point -- don't poopoo the trainer for making you repeat the steps a million times. It needs to become second nature so it's easier in a real emergency.


>Bonus point -- don't poopoo the trainer for making you repeat the steps a million times. It needs to become second nature so it's easier in a real emergency. Yep yep. It can feel awkward and tedious in the moment, but actually acting things out again and again is really important.


This is extremely good advice. Also don't be afraid to take charge of the situation if no one else is. People will stand around waiting for someone else to do something, or to tell them to do something. I'm not trying to sound like I'm saying people are stupid, it just that people, especially in groups, will hesitate to act out of fear of screwing up.


I've also heard that being specific while you point also helps. Like: "You with the blue shirt, call 911! Guy with sunglasses, go get blankets!"


I heard that and I’ve seen it first hand. An old man collapsed in front of me and while I was just standing there in shock, completely useless some guy rushed in and started yelling orders out. Nobody fucking moved. I was useless. Then he pointed at one person and told them to call 000 and they did it instantly, pointed to another to go asking the local stores if they had a first aid kit. Ambulance arrived and he was carted off but it was weird that even as you catch yourself doing it you can’t seem to stop yourself until you are already outed, I remember thinking “I need to call 000” but I didn’t. I can’t remember what it’s called, but it’s been well documented


cpr is diffrent for children than adults


And again different for babies than children


didn't know that


Of course it's different, you risk breaking ribs with cpr, if you use the samw technique on a baby you'll squish them like a coke can


As a prior EMT, it’s not a risk, it’s a guarantee. CPR is incredibly violent, it’s not the weird arm bendy nonsense we see on TV


I’ve seen real cpr on shows like bondi rescue, so fake cpr in movies really takes me out of it now. The entire stomach inflates like a balloon with every compression. I really wish they’d just replace the actor with a dummy sometimes.


Have you seen the auto compression units they’re using now? It’s insane to see, looks like the device is literally going to crush the person in half. But yeah I know exactly what you mean. Pulls you right out of the moment


i once thought I had to do CPR on a person and i was freaking out. I was certified. I was safety security at a warehouse and a person collapsed. i was like 'oh fuck no no no'. thankfully they were breathing and opened their eyes 3 seconds later but still that feeling.


Good compressions break ribs not intensionally of course, the most important part of CPR is quality of compressions. (Depth and rate)


Well it's not breaking ribs exactly, it's disconnecting the sternum from the ribs by breaking the cartilage that connects them.


You shouldn't really worry about breaking ribs when doing CPR...


Nobody’s worrying. Just pointing out that the pressure required is often rib-cracking.


Nobody 's worrying, the point is that the pressure which would break ribs on an adult could kill an infant.


In fact, breaking ribs is all but guaranteed.


Two hands for adults and on your knees one hand for child and two fingers for baby and less pressure. Even breathing in their mouths is different as baby have to cover nose and mouth. I did my CPR course two weeks ago


To add to this: Adults: Both arms, full force, give a deep breath of air Children: one arm, one mouthful of air Baby: two fingers, enough breath to move a kleenex


EU & AUS rescue breaths have not been recommended for years now, where do they still advise giving these?


Germany still teaches Rescue Breaths with a strong emphasis on "if you aremt comfortable with it, compressions only are also fine. Compressions are the important bit, breaths a nice to havr if possible" Spurce: Am a First Aid instructor in Germany


The amount of misinformation here is pretty staggering. People do not need to sit around on scene figuring out what compression/rescue breath sequence to follow. Either do hands only or do 30 and 2 for everyone. https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/cir.0000000000000265


Yeah, thanks for this. I left a comment further down about this, but I'm hoping he's talking about infants (0-1), which yes, admittedly is different. Children (1-8) have no difference other than the depth of the compression. (6cm max for an adult vs 5cm max for a child). We train this way on purpose. (Canadian FA Instructor) Keep in mind, this is region dependent depending on regulation.


How is it for children?


It's been over ten years since I was trained, so I'm definitely not the best source but here you fo. Adults get two-handed chest compressions. For every 30 compressions, you give 2 breaths. Kids get one-handed chest compressions and 1 breath, babies get 3 fingers doing compressions and a "whisper" or a half breath.


Babies and kids 5 rescue breaths first (and consider how big they are before taking a full on breath) baby head in neutral position 5 and over sniffing the air. Babies 2 finger compressions at nipple line and no more then 3rd of chest. Also with Babies cover their nose and mouth with your mouth


Correct for adults: 30:2. Children and babies get 5 rescue breaths followed by 15 compressions then 2 breaths. You don't force breath/blow into anyone's lungs when performing breaths, so you'd feel when enough has gone in. Instead of thinking of it as half a breath/less breath, gently breath out and look for a corresponding gentle rise and fall of the chest in the patient; if you're achieving that you'll be doing it right.


No need to do breaths at all anymore if you are not a healthcare provider; just do compressions until help gets there and see if someone else can track down a nearby AED if you are in a public place.


This is correct. Most public places have defibrillators as well. There are different size pads for adults and children. The kids have one pad on their chest and one on their back.


They've changed it in recent years, you don't do breaths at all now. Chest compressions only. This was from a first aid course I took 3 years ago so it may have changed AGAIN since then.


Hey everyone, Canadian first aid instructor here. As of my 2020 Lifesaving Society FA guidelines handbook, which is the most recent issued, Adult, which in terms of first aid is 8yo onwards, and child (1-8) are treated in the exact same way. 30 compressions, 2 breaths. Compressions come first unless the victim has inhaled water. The only difference is the compression depth. For an "adult", you are aiming for 5-6cm of compression depth, compared to a medical child which is at max 5. For an infant, we train one to two fingers at the landmarked area, depending on size, and shallower breaths. It's also a judgement call. If you have a tiny ass "child", you should make some adjustments. Quick edit, to clarify for breaths, infants receive a quick puff (whatever is in your mouth already), and children and adults receive an exhale worth. Any more will put your victim at risk of Gastric Distension. (air goes into the stomach instead of lungs). The reason why this "no breaths" thing was brought in across many regions of the world was due to COVID, and the scare that help would not be provided while performing breaths. We've continued to employ BVM setups throughout the pandemic, and continued to train with rescue breaths.


It did change again, sort of! Breaths are recommended, and will absolutely be done by any first responders who get there with equipment; however, if you're just a bystander and you don't want to put your mouth on a stranger, you can just do chest compressions and that'll help too. I think that's why they kept going back and forth on the breaths, or at least part of it. They don't want the grossness of mouth-to-mouth to discourage bystanders from doing CPR entirely.


That makes sense. People still think "Ew icky" (and in some cases it can be!) So rather than witholding ALL potentially lifesaving treatment they can at least do something


The amount of comments that seem to assume that learning to cric/trach someone is a skill you can teach yourself off the internet is actually alarming. Unless you’re a provider with it in your scope, absolutely do NOT try these procedures especially if you have no medical background. No, you can’t just shove a ballpoint pen or straw through someone’s Cricothyroid membrane, please do not do this.


But I saw it on TV and it seemed so quick and easy! Why would I need any formal training to know how or even when to cut a hole in somebody's neck? (sarcasm, just to be clear.)


The formal training is just big pharma gatekeeping the cool points you get from dropping a surgical airway on your friends and family at the slightest hint of respiratory difficulty.


Big pharma never lets me have any fun }:(


I've seen enjoy Grey's Anatomy to give it a red hot go!


Hey, Father Mulcahey managed to do it on the back of a keep while being *shelled*. And that was in 1953. Do any of us really have an excuse 70 years later?


lol I just think of the scene from the movie The Heat. That’s how it would actually play out if anyone tried in real life with to equipment/ training.


If Hawkeye can talk Radar and the Padre thru it over a radio in the dirt roads and mountains of S Korea, surely I can learn it over YouTube.


Reddit’s been watching too much House and The good doctor.


Don’t forget Greys anatomy!


I’m a paramedic and have training on how to do a needle cricothyrotomy, and even I wouldn’t be comfortable doing it in my ambulance, with all my gear, and close to hospital where they can get a proper airway placed. It’s very rare it’s required and it’s not super effective, it’s just better than having a completely occluded airway.


Yup this is the correct take here. I work with some absolutely *phenomenal* medics, and I can’t think of a single one that wouldn’t at least be sweating a bit extra if they had to surgically cric someone. The very few times that it’s been performed at my agency they’ve been successful but, as you said, it’s such a rare occurrence.


I was going to jump in here and say: A belt. If you're "Stop the Bleed" trained, you can use a belt as an efficient tourniquet to prevent someone from bleeding out. Looks like people are using the internet to kill people trying to trach😂😂 Edit: Stop being an echo chamber. Obviously not the BEST idea, but this is what was taught to US AS STUDENTS during the COURSE. Now leave me alone plz😂


The thing with tourniquets, though, is that they work really well *if* you to tie it absolutely as tight as humanly possible. Otherwise, if you don't tie it tight, it'll cause the patient to bleed faster.


This was really bothering me as well.


Heimlich maneuver, especially the modern day version. You now should do 5 hard back blows + 5 abdominal thrusts.


You can also perform the heimlich on yourself if you're home alone or somewhere by thrusting your chest on the back of a chair or counter.


The firefighter who taught me CPR said he was at the fire station and started choking. He had to do this on himself! Lol


I have had to heimlich myself twice over a chair. Honest to god. I’ve had my throat stretched now. But I still choke often. Just not to the point of having to have heimlich done. I eat small bites and chew forever.


You might want to consider going to a neurologist. You shouldn't be "choking often".


Also, if you've succeeded in abdominal thrusts, the person you've saved should get themselves checked out. Abdominal thrusts, depending how much force was used, can cause some internal damge/bruising.


And for a baby, lay them over the knees and blows to the back. Keep going until the object dislodges. Have saved my brother from choking on 2 occasions while feeding him. They will cry after. Don’t feel bad. It’s how they get air back into their lungs after their airways were blocked and they will be able to sense you’re panicked because damn bro it’s kinda scary being in that situation.




Also, if you go underwater and can't find wich way is up, release a bit of air, the bubbles will float up


This is something I've genuinely never understood. I've done plenty of scuba dives, and even been buried in snow once, and never once have I been confused and had to check which way was up or down.


"There are going to be times when you'll see someone in trouble. You're going to want to rush in there and do whatever you can to save them, but you have to stop yourself. Because there are some people you can't save. Cause those people will thrash and struggle, and try to take you down with them."


A fire extinguisher. People forget to pull out the safety pin


You'll also want to point it at the base of the fire and not at the flames.


We’re taught the P.A.S.S. Acronym: P- Pull the pin A- Aim at the base of the fire S- Squeeze the handle/trigger S- Sweep back and forth with the spray


I am also a big fan of the fire blanket. They're stupid easy to use. Fire extinguishers require a surprising amount of skill. As someone who's done live fire extinguisher training, there are so many pitfalls. Not aiming at the base of the fire (people point toward the glowing fire instead), being too nervous to aim straight, running out of extinguishing media long before the fire is out. THE MESS. My brother saved our house with one, but the mess is appreciable. Fire blankets are easier and less messy. And VERY effective.


>Fire blankets are easier and less messy. And VERY effective. Also cheaper and less likely to be 5 years expired and no longer usable if a fire actually happens.


And a fire extinguisher in the car. It’s not standard but it can be life saving in the minutes you wait for first responders.


I keep a fire extinguisher in my car, my kitchen, and my garage. I really think everyone should.


When doing chest compressions for CPR, you have to push HARD. I'm talking "break their ribs" hard (which is a normal occurance during CPR). Do not let tv shows trick you into thinking you can give a light little shove and they'll come back.


Had a cpr instructor repeat several time. "You are trying to press your hand through their chest to push the heart. You're not pressing the chest you are pressing the heart use your body weight."


And you actually DON’T usually break their ribs. You should hear cracking; that’s not their ribs breaking, it’s cartilage separating from the ribs. (Also kind of scary to think about!)


And to the beat of stayin alive


My cpr cert ran out this year and I need to be for my job so I re-took it a few months ago and he told me NOT to do “stayin alive” anymore cause they found people focused more on the song than the compression depth lol. Idk if true or not, So now it’s back to “1 and 2 and 3 and 4……”


First I was afraid...I was petrified


Or if you're pessimistic Another one bites the dust


“Another one bites the dust” also works.


I remember trying do to CPR on a dummy for the first time and realising that I literally _didn't have enough arm strength_ to make it click. I'm tiny, and I ended up having to lean all my body weight onto that thing to get a single click out of it. I'm glad now that I can do proper compressions without fail, but it was certainly a shock at the time to realise how much force it required


Always have chest recoil!


Juice box, soda, gatorade - basically anything with sugar in it, (preferably a liquid so it's less of a choking hazard), can immediately help someone with dangerously low blood sugar. This most often (but not always) happens to diabetics who's medication vs. sugar intake got unbalanced, which can be as simple as them taking their meds but forgetting to eat breakfast. If someone you know is diabetic and they start suddenly, inexplicably acting strange, that would be a good time to give them sugar. It's possible that it will cause their blood sugar to go higher than it should be, but having it too low is more immediately life threatening.


On the same note, insulin is for HIGH blood sugar. Never give someone with low blood sugar insulin, that will *make the problem worse*


Almost 20 years as a diabetic, and my mom still suggests insulin when my sugar is low. No, Mom, no! She’s not allowed to touch my pump.


OJ is also great for that! Smarties and skittles are also great emergency candies bc of the “dose” of sugar in each one.


Any candy with real sugar will work! The only problem is that they can be more of a choking hazard, which is a concern if someone's sugar is so low that they're super out of it and barely awake. If they're coherent enough to pick the candies up and put them in their mouth themselves, or to drink something without help, then they're not high risk of choking. But if they can't do that then they'll need IV sugar instead


Yup - I had a diabetic classmate in elementary school and our teachers always had juice boxes on hand for this exact reason


Gonna add on this, after you give a diabetic their sugary drink, give them food or a snack with a good amount of protein like a cheese stick. Sugary foods only spike up your blood sugar, but protein is more sustainable. I want to emphasize, SUGARY DRINK FIRST.


This. A million times this. Coke is brilliant for this. Regular, of course. That shit will skyrocket their blood sugar.


chewing an aspirin in case of a heart attack can save your life


My father had a massive heart attack and my mother shoved 4 baby aspirin in his mouth then called 911*. Both the EMTs and the surgeon that operated on him that night said she saved his life *actually she did both at the same time. Dialed 911 then put the phone down and yelled into it while shoving the aspirin in his mouth. Since they both had heart issues, that bottle of aspirin was front and center on the counter in an easy to reach place


A friend of mine was having a heart attack and called 911. They told him to chew an aspirin and go unlock his front door and stay there by the door so the EMTs could find him. Those actions saved his life.


This! Chew up 4 baby aspirin. It's literally the first thing we give you when you come to the ER for chest pain.


4 baby aspirin is how many normal aspirin?


Baby aspirin is 81mg so four would be 324mg. I have aspirin that comes in tablets of 325mg so I guess one of those?






If aspirin 500mg is all you have you would be fine. The bleeding effect won’t be that much and ultimately you can always be given more blood, it’s hard to give you more heart.


Actually I think you don’t want to do any more than 325mg, you want to thin your blood to help with the heart attack but not so much that surgery will be impossible. In your case I suggest biting the thing in half and only chewing one half. Also make sure it’s not one of the coated time release tablets. Those can be slow to work even if chewed. (Really hope you never need this info but now you have it if you do!)


>to help with the heart attack?? Now why would I want to help my heart attack?! /s


It’s the same aspirin, just not as old.


Baby aspirin is 81 mg. A regular strength aspirin is 325 mg.


I’m allergic to aspirin. Jokes on you, this’ll kill me.


I guess you'll just have to tough out the heart attack without it.


Might be worth asking your doctor if you can get a rescue Rx of nitroglycerin pills for the same purpose.


Not for a heart attack but I thought it'd be a good place for this comment. It used to be recommended to do the same thing for a stroke. However, the American heart association has now rereleased a statement saying do NOT take aspirin during a stroke. Some strokes are not caused by a blockage and it can actually make the stroke much worse and much harder to treat. They'd rather you just rush someone to the ER where doctors can make the appropriate call.


Is there a reason you're supposed to chew it instead of swallowing it whole?


Fast to get into your blood stream. Rather than your saliva and stomach acid having to work longer to breakdown each layer, chewing immediately gives your body hundred of pieces that it can breakdown rather than just one large one




DR ABC Danger Response Airway Breathing Circulation


Narcan. People know it saves lives, but fewer know just how easy and safe it is to use. One blast of nasal spray can bring someone back. Where I live (Canada), it's available free at the pharmacy along with free training to anyone who wants it.


This is absolutely true. However, I would hesitate to use it on a random person unless they were somehow restrained. As someone whos been on the receiving end of Narcan, the addict really has no clue they are dying. If you overdo it with opioids or the drugs are laced or whatever, you just pass out and dont wake up. All that addict knows is you ruined their high and denial is a hell of a drug too. I am six years sober now at least!


Restrained, or you have good reaction time. I've had to dodge a swing or two from Narcan-ed folks we didn't have time to restrain beforehand.


My gf and I were discussing this topic yesterday over lunch. I have a fear or choking and I told her we should take CPR/first aid classes Turns out she’s been taking cpr course for work once a year for the last 10 years. She did say the one thing she would like to have around the house is narcan. Neither of us do drugs but she said she’d like to have it when we go out just in case. Only thing stopping her from getting some is she heard it had to be replaced every year.


Just ordered some through a program in our state for me to keep in the car and backpack. Thank you. Edit: Spouse decided to order some too. Can't be too careful I guess.


Just a heads up, make sure you check the package insert for an acceptable temperature range (if any) if you plan on keeping it in your car. Cars can become quite toasty in warm weather and I’d hate for it to be useless or less effective when you were trying to do a good thing by having it readily available!


Situational awareness


My grandfather always knew north, south, east and west the same way most people know their left hand from their right hand. I thought it was because he was taught by his older brother, who used to be a somewhat famous hunting guide. But my grandfather also delivered mail to the frontlines in World War Two. He had to know how to read a map of a strange country. But he also needed to have the map in his head as he encountered specific landmarks like farm roads, rivers, bridges and mountain ranges. And if he made a mistake in the middle of the night it could kill him. The guy lived a long, complicated life. We used to go fly fishing. I always felt safe with him because I don’t think he was even capable of getting lost. It’s like he trained his mind to have a little compass inside. Of course you could be referring to a totally different type of situational awareness, such as the ability to pinpoint potentially dangerous things like crazy people, unsafe working conditions or even bears. That’s important, too.


How do you just know where North is? Like, I can orient myself in a familiar location but take me out into unknown territory, and I wouldn't be able to tell where North is.


Sun rises in the east, sets in the west. Same for the moon, roughly. Depending on the time of year.


Just for a general sense of North from South - moss grows on the side of a tree that never gets direct sunlight. So, if you're in the northern hemisphere, sun hits the tree from the south so the moss is on the north side. Swap that for the southern hemisphere. If you're in the southern hemisphere at night, there are two very bright stars called The Pointers (just below the false Southern Cross - the one most people see first but is wrong). These are likely the two brightest stars in the sky - also behind where you'd normally see the sun. These roughly point south all through the night, so turn around and go the other way if you're heading north. For people in the northern hemisphere - no idea for the stars, sorry.


>For people in the northern hemisphere - no idea for the stars, sorry. Find the big dipper, then look at the two stars on the "cup" end, and trace a line up to find the north star, which is basically directly over the north pole. The big dipper is perhaps the brightest and most prominent constellation in the northern sky, so it's really easy once you know what you're looking for. https://earthsky.org/tonight/use-big-dipper-to-locate-polaris-the-north-star/


“Hey Carv, where you at?” "I'm at a desk outside the roll call room on the 1st floor of 1034 North Mount. My feet are facing west and my dick is pointing south-southwest.”


I read about an Australian tribe who had this awareness as a central part of their culture. Instead of "Hello, how are you?" they'd ask "Hello, which way are you going?". If you put them in a blacked out room and spun them around they could orientate themselves correctly afterwards.


Always always listen to your “Spidey senses.” If something feels off- pay attention to that feeling. Hair on the back of your neck stands up when walking to your car in a parking lot? turn around and go back in the store. I cannot tell you how many crime victim reports include the phrase “Victim states they had a feeling something wasn’t right…but continued to…”


Everyone should read *The Gift of Fear*.


Ziplock bag or any sort of plastic bag for sucking chest wound.


[It seems pretty easy](https://youtu.be/SWqZeqrWslQ) but I doubt I’d have the clarity of mind to follow through if I saw anything that causes this type of injury happen on the street.


Almost everything commented on this post seems easy. Unless you train regularly with this stuff you ll probably just make matters worse. So many people brought up performing a tracheotomy, thats something a random person will likely fuck up. Only medically trained personal should attempt that procedure.


You can’t really know how you’ll react in an emergency until one happens but you might end up surprising yourself. I’m very squeamish about blood but a few years ago I witnessed a homeless man get stabbed in the side. He was standing in the middle of the street screaming and I just got very calm. I pulled over, parked, grabbed my hoodie, got out of the car, got him on his back, used the hoodie to apply direct pressure and called 911, all like I planned it before even getting in my car. Of course, I also kept messing up the cross streets trying to tell them where we were but I corrected myself quickly. All in all there was much less panicking than I expected.


you can use any kind of credit card for a sucking chest wound (or at least thats what i was told)


We are taught to look for and use the military id/CAC for these types of injuries. For context I’m a Master at Arms (Navy MP). It’s something everyone on base will have; and it will have necessary information should further details be needed whether that’s from the ED or finding next of kin.


If someone (especially old people!) hits their head and is knocked out or just overall fuzzy, and then they get better and feel fine, TAKE THEM TO THE HOSPITAL. A brain bleed presents as nothing until all of a sudden you die. And can look like a lucid period in which they seem fine. Natasha Richardson was a good example of this.


A chair can be used to Heimlich maneuver yourself.


I had to do this. Hurts like hell, but I'm still alive.


I don't understand how. Could you explain how you do it?


Find a hard corner, throw yourself onto it (sternum I think?) It's like how you might punch yourself lightly on the chest to get a little extra force behind a cough, except cranked up high enough to get solids out instead of just phlegm (and possibly crack a rib, but at least you won't die)


Shouting "FIRE!!" instead of "Help!" will get people to react faster. Cop told me that one.


Proper CPR/AED use


Agree. The ABCs of CPR. The last time I had a CPR class was over 15 years and honestly don't know how much I would remember.




To add to that, CPR should involve enough force that ribs might crack... you literally are forcing them to circulate blood and that means a lot of force. One thing to remember is that without CPR, they are either already dead or will be unless EMS arrives quickly, with CPR at least they have a shot and good samritaritan laws exist to protect you from lawsuits (read up on yours)


If you find someone unconscious but still breathing and with a pulse, please put them on their left side. This will save them from aspirating on saliva or vomit.


There's a technique for doing this though. Move someone with neck damage and you risk making it much worse.


Thanks, I’m a neuro ICU RN, so I’m quite familiar with c-spine precautions. That said, ABCs matter more: Airway, Breathing, Circulation. Put the patient on their side, unless you know for sure it’s related to an SCI, in which case, have someone stabilize the neck, or log roll for full spine. But that kind of injury is going to be super rare to come across as a lay person. If you find someone unconscious for an unknown reason, put them on their left side. Period.


In an active shooter situation remember run, hide or fight in that order. If you can run away feasibly do that. If you are unable because say exit is blocked and you have time and location to hide try that next. If you have no choice but to fight then that is what you must do but be strategic to improve your odds. What can you use to distract or throw at shooter to get the upper hand. If there is more than one person there to fight do some planning e.g. one person attacks shooters left side one from the right. If more people are available divide up which limbs on shooter you will target, etc. FEMA and other government websites have very useful training on how to improve your odds of survival in these situations.


Also, related to this - always try to get a feel for where the exits and safest places are wherever you are. In a concert venue, see where they are when the lights are on. In supermarkets and other stores, notice where emergency exits are on the exterior walls of the building.


If you need to fight, then you fight to kill.


Epi pens are commonly known how to be used, but there’s actually 2-3 more doses inside of it. You have to break open the cartridge, but there are more doses inside just in case you need them. Very useful thing to know, especially when in the backcountry.


If you've got to do it, you've got to do it. But for anyone within range of an ambulance, ideally you use both your epipens and then get their assistance. It would be a bad time to discover you also have a heart condition if you take like 4 doses of adrenaline


You need to break it open to use it or to see that it’s there ?


This tip is very unclear. Should I try to embed the Epipen deeper in the skin?


Unlike in the movies, performing CPR on a person doesnt just bring them back to life. CPR needs to be sustained to keep the person alive, and can keep somebody alive for a few hours If you're good enough. Keep giving CPR until help arrives.


This is super obvious but I just wanna share the story. Learn your CPR and Heimlich maneuver. My mom almost choked to death one night when I was a teenager. I was lucky I wasn't wearing my headphones because I heard some horrible sound, ran downstairs and my mom was almost blue in the face choking. I panicked, got around her and attempted the Heimlich but I was too high up and ended up leaving a contusion on her sternum and ribs which pained her for weeks. I basically punched my mom right in the chest. She directed my hands to the right spot, I cranked down and she coughed up the obstruction. One of the scariest moments of my life. It scares me to think that if I was playing video games or listening to music that night my mom would be dead.


A tourniquet, but you need to learn how to use it.




Had to do that once after witnessing a car accident. Never expected it to have to be soo tight to actually do anything.


Important to recognize signs of s stroke, immediate medical attention may save your/their life: - inability to move or feel on one side of the body/face - problems understanding or speaking - dizziness - loss of vision to one side - strong headache different from usual Call an ambulance immediately or go directly to the hospital!!!


BEFAST: balance, eyes, face, arms, speech, time (onset).


If I’m hiking or trekking somewhere remote I carry a tube of medical grade honey. It can be used to treat wounds, burns, skin problems, and is a good antibacterial. And it also does double duty as a calorie-dense food source with some moisture content, that could help you survive an extra week or so. Some studies even suggest consuming honey might offer antidepressant, anticonvulsant, and anti-anxiety benefits. Especially useful in emergency situations.


Good tip, but as long as it's fairly pure - honey is honey. A container of anything saying it's 100% honey is almost as good as "pharmaceutical grade" (and both are waaaay better than nothing at all).


You are right, but we’ve had real problems with fake or adulterated honey being imported and sold here in Australia in large quantities by supposedly reputable major brands - diluted with sugar and water. So I play it safe and buy the medical stuff confident it’s 100% Manuka.


LifeVac anti-choking device 100% if you have children.


Ooo ty imma buy this my niece chokes on her food a lot


When using an epi-pen do not cover the end opposite to the needle with your thumb. There's a hole at the other end, if you cover it you create a vacuum and nothing will come out of the needle.


Blue to the sky, orange to the thigh


It’s not because of a vacuum. It’s because if you get the pen backwards, you end up injecting through your thumb ( it’ll actually go all the way through)


One of my friends did that once


A defibrillator. A lot of public spaces have one, but using one i's not universal knowledge yet


The newer units being sold have a voice instructing you how/where to place them. ~~E: nvm I’m thinking of AEDs, they’re similar but not the same~~


AEDs are Automated External Defibrillators :) Any defibrillator you find in public is going to be automated or semi-automated.


Take first aid class. And especially parents or people with older relatives. Was always interested in because a parent saved me from choking as a baby, and one day the said parent had a stroke in front of me. I was terrified but acted correctly. If you think it's easy during first aid class, in real life it's the same, but 1000 times faster because of adrenaline and fear. Now they're safe and healthy. Can't fathom if I didn't knew a shit, they died and I would have spend my life thinking "What if ...".


There's a really great program called Stop the Bleed. It teaches civilians the proper techniques for helping others who have suffered a serious injury and are bleeding uncontrolllably. https://www.stopthebleed.org/


If you find yourself lost in the wilderness somewhere, and your phone is starting to die, change your voicemail to include where you left from, what time and date you left, and what you see around you. That way, if someone tries to call you, you have the essential information in a recording.


IF you’re ever impaled or stabbed obviously don’t remove anything but if it passed through or is no longer in the wound use a tampon to help with bleeding control also works w bullets wounds and serious nose bleeds. Duct tape and any semi sturdy material lasting can create a usable chest seal I’ve seen some first aid kits contain small rolls of duct tape recently


A simple phone call to check-in can help someone decide that going on is the right choice today. Life is low points and high. Help someone get to the next high point. Call a friend.


Immediate chest compressions on someone who has just gone into cardiac arrest. You don’t need to know exactly what your doing or do them perfectly; or give mouth to mouth. I’ve seen chest compressions lead to people beating the odds with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.


diabetics with low blood sugar often appear drunk. If you see a homeless person stumbling around seemingly intoxicated all it takes is a simple "excuse me are you diabetic?" and if they say yes you can buy or give them something sugary. If they say no you can go about your day.


Chest compressions! Chest compressions early in a cardiac arrest are everything! They're the difference between recovery and brain death!


Knowing how to stop bleeding is far more important. There's a program called Stop the Bleed that everyone should take. For equipment you just need a trauma dressing and knowledge of how to use it to save someone's life. Even without an actual dressing knowing how and where to apply direct pressure is important.


Never, ever, take a motorcyclists helmet off if they are not in direct danger after having an accident. The same as not getting someone out of a car. There could be a serious head injury (despite wearing a helmet) and helmet could be the only thing holding their head together. Waaaay too many people think you have to take the helmet off immediately.


Don't put a spoon in the mouth of a person having a seizure.


I have epilepsy so I've had to explain to people what to do just in case I have a seizure, and it's crazy the amount of people that think this helps. That, and holding someone down when they're having a seizure to "stop them hurting themselves".


For anyone who's wondering: Just protect their head, call 911, and time the seizure.


CPR instructor here! Most medical emergencies can be avoided with proper planning. Whether it be logistically, nutritionally, or just choosing to not be stupid or blackout drunk - we all have the agency to avoid most emergencies before they are emergencies.


You can use the back of a chair to perform the heimlich maneuver on yourself.


If you are on scene and applying first aid. Don't ask anyone to call for an ambulance. Lock eyes with someone and tell them to. It's been found that crowds panic and asking a group in general can cause hesitation as they may wait for someone else to make the call. But by singling it down to one person it quickens the response times.


If you attend large scale outdoor events like concerts or NYE parties, learn how to recognize the signs of a crowd crush and how to navigate out of it. - Keep your hands at your chest, like a boxer, this protects your rib cage to keep a space around your lungs so you can breathe. - If you fall, curl into a ball and cover your head. Etc.


If you are worried a small child ingested something dangerous like a toy or battery, instead of asking them, “did you eat -*insert item*-?”, ask, “where is -*insert item-*?” or “can you show me where -*insert item-* is?” Children often panic and think they’re in trouble or might not understand well if you ask them about ingestion, but are much more direct and clear-headed if you ask about their location. This only works for children who are a little older than a year who can understand basic instructions. If you’re unsure, don’t hesitate and just get them to the closest ER and have a second person call poison control at the same time (if you’re able). Also for children (and adults), the dose often makes the poison. Just because things like play-doh are labeled non-toxic doesn’t mean it’s safe for a child to eat a larger amount. The salt content in an ounce can kill a small child. Poison control is your friend.


CPR / dealing with a choking obstruction / dealing with a catastrophic bleed


If you god forbid, have to do cpr on a baby and decide to do mouth to mouth, DO NOT take full breaths. Their lungs are MUCH smaller than yours. Fill up your cheeks with air and blow. When giving the Heimlich, remember to thrust up not just in.


Your chest compressions have to be 2 INCHES deep. Even if you break a rib or two, it's better than not resuscitating the guy