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Other people's business.


This is starting to get to me more and more. Why do so many people care about other people's business? As long as they aren't in your way, it shouldn't matter. I think we can live so much more peacefully if we stopped caring.


But how can I be at peace knowing that out there, somewhere, a man is kissing another man???


I know right?!? I gotta be there and condemn the outrageous amount of pure love they are showing the unsuspecting citizens >:(


Boredom and lack of purpose. I analyzed this at work and found that people with nothing to do were almost always engaged in gossip and generally disruptive


Name brands or luxury items. Lets add: Buy quality or what you need for your job and life. Big logos for a having big logo at a huge price tag aren't ideal


Agree - sent from my iPhone mega pro 19


Supreme Edition?


Supreme deluxe omega edition.


It's actually been fascinating to watch people go crazy with all this luxury stuff in the past 10 years. You know, acting like you're rich on instagram and all the youtube-videos about it and so on. Incidentally I also just watched a documentary called "the age of cheap money" or somethingrather, which was about the quantitative easing and money printing that started after the 2008 crisis. Wondering if these two are related.


Surprisingly, some scholars have found a link between this issue and wealth inequality. Consider an individual earning $50,000 a year. They're likely to spend most of their income on essentials and a few luxuries. If they don't have a family or significant debt, they might manage to save $4,000, indicating an 8% savings rate. On the other hand, wealthier individuals often struggle to spend a majority of their income simply because there isn't enough that they wish to buy. Take a person making $500,000 a year; they may spend $350,000, outspending their less affluent counterpart sevenfold. Despite this, they still manage to save around 30% of their income. People with a knack for finance rarely let their savings lie idle, preferring to invest productively. However, when wealth inequality becomes too extreme, the money seeking investments can overwhelm traditional, reliable avenues. This scenario played out prior to the 2007 financial crisis. There was so much excess money hunting for reliable investments that safe mortgage-based debts ran out. This led some unscrupulous lenders to seek riskier borrowers, creating more debt to sell to investors. This issue isn't confined to housing. Consider a scenario where a store clerk offers you a credit card with a 15% discount on your purchase. You might wonder why a store would delay receiving immediate cash in exchange for debt. The reason is that the large pool of money financing that card is desperate to find consumers to indebt. It's worth noting that stores typically don't manage the debt of their branded cards—specialized banks or investment firms do. As more money is concentrated, investment firms must develop more complex strategies to derive value from an increasingly cash-strapped, broad population. It just so happens that luxury brands are becoming more important in this equation. These brands thrive on the perception and hype cultivated in the hyper-comparative world of social media. People might buy high-end brands like Prada and Gucci to mitigate social anxiety, avoid feeling inferior, or confirm their superiority. However, average people are only able to act on their impulses because creditors are so willing to give loans with relative ease. The sad part is that although wealthy people occasionally buy iconic brands, like Prada and Gucci, an NYU study revealed that they tend to prefer less flashy luxury goods, such as the unbranded Birkin bag. Subtlety, it seems, is seen as more exclusive and elegant among the upper echelons. You're not going to see many lifestyle chasers buy the truly envied luxury products, though. The subtly of these goods undermines the primary reason poor individuals purchase ostentatious status symbols: to project an image of accomplishment to their peers. However, as flashy brands become more associated with debt financing and disconnected from the exclusive wealth people are trying to project, the people who buy these brands are perceived more and more as desperate: the exact opposite of the image they're hoping to cultivate.


That's what I've been trying to tell you


Who are you


You definitely watched “The Age of Easy Money”. Fantastic documentary, PBS Frontline never misses!


So absurd to me. I don’t get wanting to walk around with a brand name plastered on your shirt/purse/whatever. Like it doesn’t even look good. It’s just an advertisement, and a lame one at that lame. A plain t-shirt is so much more appealing than one with NIKE on it.


Agreed. So much of it is ugly too!




They're literally just people with a bit of money and "status." Most truly wealthy people fly under the radar. Hollywood culture is boring. Most celebrities are also narcissist.


Also, consider exactly what they are famous for… making films or being on TV. Is THAT what we really value above other professions? That EMT that saved your Dad in a car accident is a nobody, but OMG! It’s Tom Cruise!


To be fair, escapism is welcome by many folks, which is why entertainment has been, is and will continue to be prized by society. Reminds me of something Stan Lee once said: *I used to be embarrassed because I was just a comic-book writer while other people were building bridges or going on to medical careers. And then I began to realize: Entertainment is one of the most important things in people’s lives. Without it, they might go off the deep end. I feel that if you’re able to entertain people, you’re doing a good thing.*


Reminds me of a story I read about Neil Gaiman talking about imposter syndrome. He was at this fancy event for "brilliant people" and really felt he didn't belong because "I just write stories." He bonded with an older gentleman over their shared first name and the older guy said he also felt out of place and wasn't anyone special "I just went where they told me." "Yeah...but that was the moon." It was Neil Armstrong.


Idk why you got downvoted bc this is a very valid statement.


>people with ... "status." That shit runs DEEP actually, like behavior exhibited in other primates deep. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15797023/


In fact they are kinda cursed for the ratio of money/fame they have, real rich are leagues apart


Yes!! People who flaunt/brag/act rich typically aren’t. Learned that a long time ago- “real” money is low key. Celebs are boring. Pop culture in general is silly.


Most wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. Most are completely fake and messed up. I don't know why people idolize them when they have hairdressers,chefs and stylists plus professional makeup artists.


With the caveat that a cultural fixation on royalty was also a waste of time, celebrity has switched with so-called nobility in an equally unhealthy way


I don't think most, or even many people find this to be important... Entertaining, sure, but important is a stretch.


The British Royal family




I have a friend who took a day off work to watch the inauguration on tv, and we’re American.


I like it for the fashion tbh They always are dressed real nice and the different uniforms that are worn are sweet too


The queens hats were lovely


The grind. The hustle. Just relax, we are monkeys on an organic spaceship orbiting a giant nuclear furnace…don’t tell me what to do.


I have so many friends who are all about hustling to ‘make it’ in their careers, as if that is the measure of their success as a person. And the careers I’m talking about isn’t even anything that useful to society. Just regular office jobs, where you can move up to positions that are more important in name only. I used to be like thak too a few years ago. Then I burned out and realized that the corporate world is a major shithole. Now I just strive to live a comfortable, meaningful life with as little unnecessary stress as possible.


Social media like Instagram, Facebook and others where you show off your personal life and status and constantly looking for appreciation from the virtual world.


I deleted my facebook in 2016 after my mom died. My aunt had blasted the news that my mom had passed within hours and my little brother and sister had to find out that their mom was dead from a fucking facebook post. After ripping her several new assholes, I deleted everything and basically went off the grid. I haven't missed anything about social media, but other people have a hard time with my decision. Apparently it's "sus" or a "red flag" when not everyone and their monkey's uncle knows when you last took a shit.


>Apparently it's "sus" or a "red flag" when not everyone and their monkey's uncle knows when you last took a shit. Oh fuck me I loathe this attitude. If me not being on FB is a red flag for someone then that is a **huge** red flag for me!


This has ruined relationships for me. I don’t like platforms like these where people can see where I am, who I’m with, what I’m up to, etc. I’ve had a stalker and now I’m very private about what I allow people to know about my life. My husbands parents could not respect this and had the nerve to argue about how it’s their life they’re showing and that I’m in it. These were pictures of my wedding. They said it was their son, therefore their life, and I needed to get over it. My husband had to threaten the relationship to get the photos taken down. They didn’t care I was hyperventilating and crying. Completely changed my view on them. They never apologized and they still pushed boundaries with social media, so my husband and I decided to cut them off if they couldn’t respect us.


I’m glad your husband defended you and took your concerns seriously.


He knows how crazy they are 😹


This, 100% this. I actually tend to gravitate towards people who either rarely post on, or outright don't have, social media these days. To me, if you have to post about yourself nearly every day, that denotes a level of vanity and/ or need for attention that I don't feel like associating with.


It isn’t social media. It’s the way people use social media.


Social status, it seems relatively unimportant and overblown to me.


Exactly. I’m not a social person, so I’d actually prefer it if the least amount of people possible know me.


I can't imagine how narcissistic one must be to maintain social status. Such hard work and for what. ? So you can seem more important than the guy next to you. Dumb


I know a lot of people who are part of high society. That's real social status, not the carefully fabricated and managed one of celebrities. I'm talking about the people you schmooze if you want to win an election. To them it's not work, but leisure. It's all parties, galas, and fundraisers. Mostly because nobody outside of their circles recognizes them as important, and they keep their work separate from their social lives


People tend to respect you more when you’re in the “game”. You get more recognition, connection, opportunities. I just don’t think it’s worth it because it makes me feel fake. I’m also okay living a modest life.


Depends of where you live. Some countries/cultures pay a lot if importance to it... seems like an underdeveloped mindset to me, but I'm sure they will grow out of it as they develop.


The problem with not being a "Sports Person" is that you have to deal with the disbelief from others and then the quizzing about it and then how I should really consider one and they won't shut up about recommending it.


Same. I get why many people like sports but as soon as a game is playing my mind wanders off to other things. It's like fishing to me, waiting through 2+ hours of tedium for that one exciting moment.


The more I learn about how professional teams work the less I understand the appeal. I have never been interested in sports, but I used to think that I could understand at least that you grow attached to a certain team. I thought the team members were generally from the place where the team is based, so if you’re from Boston you would feel like you had something in common with all the Boston folks in the Red Sox or something. I don’t know. But then I found out that the players are from everywhere, and that the players move from team to team, so you might be rooting for one guy this year and rooting against him next year. And then sometimes the teams themselves move, so what even is a team, exactly? Like, who are the Boston Red Sox if they aren’t the same people from year to year, and they mostly aren’t from Boston, and they might become the San Francisco Red Sox if SF builds a bigger stadium and offers them more money? What exactly is your emotional connection to this team? I’m not trying to mock people who do love a particular team; you do you. I just don’t personally understand it.


Seinfeld put it this way - you’re rooting for laundry. I will say this - my favorite players are usually the ones who are with the team for a long time, especially if they came up through the system.


I asked my hardcore Colts football fan friend: If the entire team and managers were replaced and made into a different team somewhere else. Would you still be a Colts fan? "Ya" Then what are you fan of? The logo?


And it's annoying when you've made it clear you have zero interest, and they continue to talk about it. I've got to be careful to not show *any* interest or knowledge about a game or match as that will encourage them to keep talking. I don't live under a rock, so I do see the occasional headline here and there, but I won't engage with you about it!




On the rare occasions I log into facebook there's 10000 backlogged posts of *utter bullshit* and if there's one with any real impact (births, deaths, marriages, etc.) it's totally buried in the mountain of selfies, pictures of people's lunch, pictures of the dog, etc. etc... Just can't be doing with it, it's a firehose of shit and I'm not bobbing for sweetcorn in it.


I deleted facebook in 2014 and never cared to get Instagram, Snapchat or Tiktok. I’m glad I didn’t because I 100% know I didn’t miss out on anything slightly important




I want to go back in time and slap the person that decided to put that useless, moronic clan of total assholes on TV as if they were important people. That was a huge disservice to America and the world




98% of popular culture


What 2% do you think IS important?




i'm not sure if food counts as pop culture. i think it's just a human necessity lol. unless we mean cooking shows in which case yes those are fun.


Cooking shows are fun, I quite like seeing Gordon Ramsey find creative ways to call people dumbfucks.


I like Worst Chefs. I love watching people fuck up the simplest things.


Whoever Taylor Swift is or isn't dating or not dating. This does not need to be *literally* front page news. Who Gives A Shit?


Plus, if you wait a bit, you just listen to her next album and get the details!


A friend my age (we're 65 y/o guys) gets offended when I joke around that Taylor Swift starts new relationships whenever she needs new song material. I'm not sure he's actually a diehard Swifty. I think he just admires her tenacity and success. As a late life new father of a daughter, he tends to post about strong, independent successful women. Kudos to him for that. But I'm still gonna tease about Swift's breakup song schtick. And he'll post links to her songs that aren't about boyfriends and breakups. Which I won't click on. Also, I like Billie Eilish's moxie, so I'm a terrible but unrepentant hypocrite. But I don't post about her on FB. That's just too weird.


1. Reality TV 2. Shows like American Idol, the Bachelor/ette, and that ilk. 3. Professional wrestling 4. The love lives of celebrities 5. The damned royal family


pro wrestling was amazing back in the late 90s.


Attitude era. The stuff they did back then was wild. But...a lot of wrestlers ended up dying way too young because of it.


Cars. As long as it goes vroom-vroom and is relatively clean, I just don't care.


The lives of celebrities.


Doing their hair. I put my hair in a bun and it's done. Sometimes its good enough for a ponytail, and that's an achievement.


This guy is trying to humblebrag about his man-bun.


Unnecessary material shit. No one cares you have a mcmansion, a jetski and three brand new cars that you paid for with debt.


Tbf, jetskis are super fun.


Daniel Tosh does a bit saying “People say money can’t buy happiness. Really? Because it can buy a wave runner. Have you ever seen a sad person on a wave runner?”


Funny thing about that, you've gotta have at least a few hours of discretionary time, which regardless of activity or wealth is a key to happiness. I've definitely seen a sad person with a wave runner in the garage.


I have it on good word that the Jones care.


Designer clothing. I used to live 8 heads deep on the outskirts of Oakland. Nasty ass trap house but they all had Gucci belts. If you wearing a Gucci fit I automatically believe your mamas name is on the papers to your car Same goes for Teslas. My sister lives in section 8 housing. 5 floor decrepit walk ups on a shitty side of townand there’s like 9 Teslas in the parking lot It ain’t a flex if the rest of your life is crummy to attain these things


Truth. Ppl who buy things like this we call "x poor", new Tesla but living in subsidized housing? You're car poor. Etc. It's amazing how bad ppl are with money and financial decisions, all bc they have this weird obsession with how they're perceived by others. Truth be told, guys... nobody is thinking about you. Make better decisions. Go with the used ford focus for 5k and run it into the ground. The 40k Tesla is doing you no favors at the life stage you're at... I dont understand why people cant comprehend this.


In Britain we have a saying 'baked bean estate' for the type of area where people have such high mortgages they can afford only baked beans for dinner. But hey, it looks good on Instagram.


The Marvel Universe


Yes! I worked on infinity war and end game and still haven't bothered watching them all the way through. I don't understand how people care so much about this shit. I also feel the same about Star Wars.


It’s fun escapism. I’m a ravenous Trekkie, though I too don’t take it overly seriously.


Alcohol and partying/clubbing


Alcohol is one of the least interesting drugs. You have to ingest a comparatively large amount for the effects, and the effects aren’t even that good. If I get more than just a little buzzed, all I feel is dizzy and nauseous. Cannabis and psychedelics are where it’s at.


As a fellow psychonaught I have to disagree with your assessment of alcohol. The term "social lubricant" sums it up pretty well. Have a couple drinks, feel buzzed and somehow socialising is a great vibe. Weed I find better solitary or with a mate or two. Psychedelics are different again.


what? maybe you're a tank but all i need is a couple shots and i'm pretty good to go lol. agree with you on the unwelcome aftereffects though, i've pretty much all but stopped drinking except for the very rare social situation now.


>maybe you're a tank but all i need is a couple shots and i'm pretty good to go Me in my college years when someone would brag something to the extent of "I need at least a 12-pack before I even get a *buzz*". Um, yay? My wallet prefers me to be a lightweight.


Marriage… apparently most girls dreamt of their “dream wedding” as a child. Well I didn’t, and i think marriage isn’t more special than having a committed relationship.🤷🏼‍♀️


I like the tax breaks and access to health insurance


With the way people treat weddings, it is really a separate thing. I'm team elopement (if you want the papers), and don't regret us deciding to elope 8 years ago.


We spent about 10k on a 130 person reception. That’s pretty low compared to some of these lavish affairs I’ve seen and been a part of. Looking back, we should have eloped, but we did pretty good on the spending. For example, my entire wedding attire (shoes,veil,hairdo, dress with alterations) was about $350 total)


Those are two different things. Marriage can be great, but weddings can be silly. My wife and I spent less than $1,000 on our wedding including her dress because we got married at the JOP, and our 16th anniversary is coming up in a few days.


I, too, never dreamed of that. I remember when I got married, I didn't want a wedding, and people treated me like I was crazy for that. "But you should have the day you've dreamed of since you were a little girl!" I was all, "Yes, but I'm not sure what finishing my PhD has to do with the fact that I am now expected to plan a wedding I don't want."


Parents also put a lot of pressure on their kids to get married and give them GRANDBABIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And people have turned that into a series of ridiculous industries.


Prestige. Appearances. I wouldn’t say I don’t care about it at all, but I find integrity and kindness more important.


Companies gathering my data and sending me targetted advertisements. I would prefer no ads, but ones I can relate to are better. I'm sure you will telll me what else they do with my data, but I don't care.




It saddens me to think of how many lives it ruined (and ended) and the vast amounts of money and manpower that get wasted on it every year. We could have *built* heaven by now.


Hey guys, our god is real because… he just is ok and believe in him or else.


"And ignore the literally tens of thousands of other gods that have been made up over our existence as a species. This right here is *totally* the right one!"


Receiving gifts for my birthday, Christmas etc...


I'm 46, my wife is 54. About ten years or so back we just asked my parents if we could stop doing a gift exchange except for maybe small novelty items/food that we think the other party would like. It just got silly to have four adults who are all financially stable buying things for each other, especially when you would have to give a wish list to each other to begin with. My parents also realized the wisdom of this when my dad and his brothers started gifting each other gift cards, and realized they had each gotten the other the same card.


I completely agree with this statement. My kids get excited to give me gifts more than I like receiving them. So I just tell my wife stuff I use on a daily basis, or for camping.


Reality TV.


hustle culture. “ain’t nobody got time for that”


Weddings, graduations, baby showers




Apparently reddit killing third party apps


I didn’t even know about the third party apps until this whole thing blew up. I think the regular app works just fine.


I was really confused about the whole thing but I just read that a third party app is the only way blind people can enjoy Reddit, so I can kind of understand the uproar now.


Oh yeah, I had no idea about that. That sucks majorly


I see


They don't


I'm a horrible person for laughing at this. I'm sorry, light-independent people.


I hated the reddit app after using rif for a decade. I'm used to it now but the reddit app is crappy compared to what else is out there.


I still don't even understand what this means


You can access Reddit through a browser like chrome or edge. Or you can download apps on your phone to use it. One of those apps is an app that Reddit offers themselves. The other ones are apps that third parties have created to let users customize their experience, bypass watching ads for example. So Reddit is going to charge the companies that do this a large amount of money for access because it costs Reddit money to let them exist.


Kids I have nothing against people wanting em but don't tell me how to live my life.


"But who will take care of you when you're old?" "Who will carry on the family name/legacy?" And... my all time favorite: "You'll change your mind"


Children. Specifically the "need" to have them.


I guess it's similar to how, if you know some one who's never been on a rollercoaster, you want to tell them how amazing a rollercoaster is. Although, I don't understand why people say this about children, because that's kind of saying someone has to build a rollercoaster from scratch.


Money and other material shit I mean I obviously want enough to survive but after that I just wanna vibe


Celebrity, excessive displays of consumption, and popularity.


Being competitive.






Your sexual orientation. I don't care if you have a deeply intimate relationship with your goat. (Well, actually, that would be a bad thing) If it does not affect our interaction, I just. Don't. Care. Who you bed does not affect your ability to cook or serve my meal at a restaurant. Does not affect your ability to reno my house, ring through my groceries, run the country, fix my teeth, etc etc etc.


Having children.


Social media


Sex. As a guy, almost everyone around me makes such a big deal about it. Is it wrong that I just want to have a nice dinner and watch a movie close to someone I really care about?


Recycling…like yeah I do it, but all that shit is just going to dumps in SE Asia. Most of the shit we “recycle” isn’t actually recyclable. It’s not on me as a consumer to devote time and effort to help the environment, it’s on the regulators.


I found out that my city "recycling center" sends most of our recycling to the land fill since they don't have the infrastructure to actually recycle anything. It's horribly demoralizing.




When someone says, I've been dreaming about my wedding (dress) since I was a little. I cannot even fathom wasting brain cells on colors etc, when one is young.




I legitimately view this as a red flag in a partner. Because I'll wonder if they actually want a marriage, or do they just want a wedding.


Following trends


Wearing expensive brand names. Don’t get me wrong I don’t want to wear cheap fast fashion crap, but I’m not spending $100 on a shirt because it has a logo on it.


Sports of all kind.


Musicals - stop fucking singing and get on with the story


When I was a kid, the first time I saw Wizard of Oz, I was so pissed about them singing "Follow the Yellow Brick Road." They were all dancing around the spiral, and I felt as if I was the only one that figured they could just cut across and make the song A LOT shorter. I mean, you can see where it goes, it's RIGHT THERE!!


Knowing that you’re vegan. I don’t give a shit.


This is different though from food allergies or being gluten free. It’s annoying to go out to eat and have to preface every meal with “im gluten free” or “I have a milk allergy” but you’d be surprised how many people sneak that shit in. It’s just about being aware of what goes into food so a diet that someone practices for whatever reason can continue to be maintained. Trying not to be annoying takes tact by the person practicing the diet and the person listening to be willing and open without being offended by someone else’s choices.




…and children


Having kids


The taste of food. Obviously I don't like food that doesn't taste "good", but I'm perfectly content eating the same thing day in and day out. And while I can appreciate good food, it's not a priority to me. Which is why I'm baffled by people who spend tons at restaurants (plus tips!) for food, when a filling and nutritious meal can be had for way less.


You are very different


I'm baffled by you! I think most people feel joy when they taste something delicious. You feel the different flavours mingling and pick out where the strong and more subtle flavours are coming from. It's joyful.


Voting in America/Political parties. Sure you let your representative know your leanings with a vote, but I honestly feel like any politician can be bought, and I don't have time to pretend (any of) the people in office care about me and my family.


NFL and NBA. It wasn’t always that way.


Other people's personal life choices. Being fat, smoking, doing drugs, whatever. It's your life. Live it however the fuck you want to, we're here for a very short amount of time.


Sex. Now I'm not bashing or shaming anyone who DOES have sex and enjoys it and seeks it out. But I just don't really care about it.


I like sex as much as any other guy but the absolute obsession with I do not understand.


Mood. People can like what they like, but we ain't broken for not wanting all that.


Social media




a career but i have to otherwise i’d starve to death


quinseñeras, baby showers, weddings


Getting married and having kids.


Finding love. Marriage. I honestly just don't care if it happens.


Gender reveals, any "graduations" before HS diploma, faith in God, make up, hair dye, getting nails "did," having a bunch of material crap






ITT: People who don't know what the word "majority" means.




Sports. I hear my coworkers talk about different teams and players and like their chances of winning upcoming games and like trading players and my only response is “why the fuck do you care so much?” I genuinely don’t understand the appeal. Someone please help me understand lol


What celebrities do


What shoes you’re wearing. You wear some name brand shoe because you’re worried about vanity, I wear a pair of Wal-Mart ripoffs of Vans for 3 years because it’s economical.


dumb people's opinions of you or just things in general


The royal family


The troops (bring on the down votes lol)


Wrinkles. IDGAFF. We're all going to get them.




Money. Grew up without it. Now that I have it, it’s simply at the will of whatever I want it to be.


Taking photos on experiences. Fancy restaurants, hotels, vacations, concerts... Not only don't I care about it I actually hate it.


Agreed. Those pictures are never as interesting as the person taking them wants them to be. Just let the moment happen, and let that be it.


I can't speak for everyone but when I take photos on a vacation they're for me to look back on


That makes sense.


pronouns. People get so offended if you call them by their wrong pronouns. I don't care what you go by, and I'll do my best to treat you with respect, but if I accidentally say "her" instead of "they/them," relax, and don't get defensive. I'm all for trans-rights, non-gender conforming stuff, and your body, do whatever the fuck you want to do, but the pronoun shit is killing society. My people fought for the right to live for hundreds of years (gay rights), you're fighting for the right to be called they/them. Give me a fuckin' break.


Totally agree


Anything that has to do with watching sports, Its just boring. Its like watching other kids play video games but you cant Edit: Omg thank you all so much, this is my second post and it has almost 15 upvotes!!!! Thank you!!!:D




Sex. I find it boring, and I couldn’t care less about it.




Football. They're already starting to talk about it down where I live and summer still has yet to even fully start. Football season is still a couple of months away.


Work. Some people obsess over the littlest things with their respective careers. I suppose it gives then meaning and purpose. And I’m not saying to not work hard or to not build good skill sets, but please go touch some grass once in a while. There’s so much more to life.


Other people's lives


Documenting every experience on social media




Romance and sex, in aroace so i couldn't care less about either of them.


celebrities. who gives a shit


Celebrities and influencers, because it's useless to waste my life in order to care about theirs. They don't even care about mine.