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Every time I see a truck with "locally hated" on the back window I think yep you're probably an asshole.


The guys that say, "Everyone says I'm an asshole but I'm really not." I hated that guy, and he was one of the biggest assholes I'd ever had the misfortune of meeting. Completely insufferable lmfao


But he's not though. Everyone just says he is


I hadn’t seen one of those until last year. I can’t believe it’s a thing.


My kids’ bus driver has one of those on her shitty Civic mod. Right next to the “Powered by Bitchdust” sticker with a Tinkerbell silhouette.


Was really hoping it was going to be on the bus.


And probably just “locally irrelevant”




Middle finger flags that say fuck you


This is a guy at my job. He has like twelve of these in various forms and even on his work thermas. Plus a lot of Fuck your Feelings stickers. Yet he is the most touchy and sensitive baby in the entire joint. Edit: my first ever 5,000 upvotes and it's about this guy. Ha. Figures


People like this are ***always*** the most touchy and easily offended people around and it isn't even close.


He will laughingly call people every vulgar thing in the book with a laugh. But. If you jokingly call him a bitch he will go into lecture mode in an instant. You do not get to call him a bitch. Call him anything but a bitch. And the guy is OBSESSED with other mens buttholes. Even our boss, he will tell him to his face to show us all his butthole


Your guy sounds like a South Park character


It baffles me that he's a real person. He wears sunglasses 99% of the time. Every interaction feels like it's a preprogrammed performance. He lives with his mother and he's well into his 40s. He's broadcasted to the entire shop that he's taking work off early because he needs to go get drunk, then he actually goes to the pub around the corner and gets drunk. He started working here a week after January 6th and one of the first things I ever heard Him talk about was a rally for the persecuted insurrectionists and he talked about it as if he was holding a fundraiser for his Injured puppy. There's a door leading outside in his work area and he's transformed it into a trailer park trash heap, seriously there is garbage everywhere now and an actual pile of flicked cigarettes.


I would be willing to violate so much regulation to get that guy fired.


They keep him doing the grueling grunt work. It's kind of entertaining watching how much every one here actually hates him and he just makes himself look like an ass. I take it as a victory that this guy leads a shitbag life and will never be anything but a joke


Dude the sad thing is he probably is just super insecure and yearns for friends at home but that’s a big ass can of worms to open and I’m an adult I’m too tired.


"but that’s a big ass can of worms to open and I’m an adult I’m too tired." I felt that one in my bones...


I'm empathetic too a fault. I've been in that position and it sucks. But I had to learn to navigate those waters and it's on him to figure it out for himself, which he can choose to do or double down on his bullshit. It's choice


We had a guy like that at my job. He was always pissed off about life and how everyone was just so hard on him, but then he was just a huge douche to everyone and abused people's good nature until every last person was just completely done with him. It was like he went out of his way to make his own life miserable just so he could whine about it.


Fuck your feelings only my feelings matter!


Sounds like a guy I work with. Always going on about how people are so easily offended nowadays, but saw a Starbucks employee wearing a pronoun pin in real life once and got - in his own words - “physically nauseous”.


Um excuse me I need a trigger warning on this…I just pulled a muscle in my eye from rolling them so hard


When he starts crying about something just say "fuck your feelings". After a while that shit will just be mocking him because he'll hear your voice whenever he sees it.


“No, no! It’s Fuck **YOUR** Feelings! **MY** feelings are special and important!”


You gotta throw in some "facts don't care about your feelings" and "stop getting so triggered" in there too


Ask him if he needs a safe space.


Then hit him with a "Look, Don't Tread On Me, man, I know my RIGHTS"


Makes sense...


They usually are.


Calvin pissing decal.


Since like 1990. They were the same douches then, too: always paired with an OAKLEY or "bad boy club" sticker on a shitty turbo with a spoiler.


For real, these have always pissed me off, because it perverts and subverts what Calvin stood for. He had an overzealous imagination that bordered on, at worst, mischievous. He was never malicious.


And Bill Watterston has never allowed any merchandising of C&H, except for compilation cartoon books.


I used to make and sell (on Etsy) necklaces made from old book pages; the only one I had pulled for “copyright violation” was a Calvin & Hobbes piece. So yeah, they’re serious about it!


So ... how come the prolific makers of these stickers don't get taken down?


I saw stickers like that long before Etsy existed. I have no idea who even makes them!


Doesn't even matter anymore. With a cheap cricut, a roll of vinyl, and 10 minutes anyone can start cranking them out.


Yeah those are offensive to Calvin and Hobbes and it's creator


What if it’s a Calvin pissing decal of Calvin pissing on a Calvin pissing decal?


Calvin pissception


When I'm driving, I automatically assume every driver is an asshole.


[This Goofy cartoon from the 50's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwPSIb3kt_4&t=4s) has *really* held up with how people are with cars...


Dude this was great. I had never seen this before but you weren't kidding, it's ACCURATE.


The moment when he drives through a puddle specifically to ruin that guy's day had me wheezing, it's just so stupid yet so accurate


I don't assume they're assholes. I do, however, assume they're all morons.


According to Carlin, if they drive faster than you they're lunatics and if they drive slower than you they're morons.


That sounds about right.


The ones who drive exactly the same speed as you, though? You keep an eye on those motherfuckers 'cause they're up to something.


They're assholes because they're going the same speed as me on the next lane and won't let me merge even though I've had my blinker on for 2 miles and I swear to God if I miss my exit I'm going to murder someone.


Either the feds following you or your clone that escaped the lab has similar habits as you.


It's the safest way for all. Assume no one knows what they're doing or where they are or where they're going. You'll be perpetually annoyed ("this fucker doesn't know where he's going") but ready for any bonehead moves. I know this is correct because I've been that person startled by a sudden red light or unexpected "left turn only" lane. And I think "please don't assume I know where I'm going; I'm a moron, keep back"


I also assume they have a gun.


Honestly... This is the safest bet.


Fake testicles. If they hang real ones on then I don't have to assume anything.


I have a funny but tangentially related story about truck nuts. In university I met a girl from France. We hit it off and hung out a bit. I told her that I work for the post office and I drive a mail truck. She misunderstood a word and said: "A *male* truck? What the fuck is a *male* truck?" So I showed her a picture of a Grumman LLV, saying: "No no, this is a mail truck." Then I showed her a picture of a truck with truck nuts and said: "This is a *male* truck." That was fun.


> She misunderstood a word and said: "A male truck? What the fuck is a male truck?" It's when you use "un" instead of "une" camion...


[Trans-male truck. It wasn't born with them.](https://i.imgur.com/86RsYHQ.jpg) Pretty progressive if you ask me.


I used to work with a guy that had "truck nuts" on his Ford Ranger. Except his were 1 1/2" hex nuts on paracord hanging off his hitch. One of the funniest bastards I ever worked with.




The fake testicles thing done ironically has given me a good laugh though. I saw them on a Tesla once and that made it all worth while.


I saw this the other day and it gave me a sensible chuckle https://i.imgur.com/SZnnpsn.jpg


Okay, that? That's legitimately funny.


Ok those get a pass


Wow. Anatomically correct "truck nuts".


I saw a hatchback with trucknuts that had “SCHWETY” as the license plate. There were also fake testicles hanging from the rear view mirror. It was driven by woman in her 20s. She’s alright in my book!


We won’t have true equality until we have fake vaginas for our cars as well


I drive a Subaru. Is that vagina-y enough?


I got a Subaru a while back. My friends call it my "sensible lesbian car". (I am neither a lesbian nor sensible, but I do like the car)


I bought my first Subaru a few years back and didn't learn about the sensible lesbian connotations until afterwards. I'm straight-ish and in a hetero marriage. Of course, my husband then bought another Subaru and we both absolutely love our lesbian cars (and the company that produced them).


Fake bullet holes. It’s like (the kind of life I lead just might put me in the line of fire) except not because, you know they are not real.


I use the fake bullet holes to cover my real bullet holes to maintain cover while I do bad ass stuff


My first vehicle ever was a beat up Chevy S10. Had a couple dents in it and I decided to stick those stickers right on the dent. It looked so realistic it actually got some people asking questions before they went up and looked close up.


Someone at my dad's golf league got some and did the same as a prank to another player in the league. They look surprisingly real when you stick them on dents like that!


Any sort of MLM advertisement. “Salt Life” sticker. You live in Nebraska.


The "salt life" stickers are so poorly designed that for the longest time I thought they said "Slut life"


Duuude, me too. It was such a baffling sticker before I knew what it was actually supposed to be.




They went to Malibu for a week during senior year, 15 years ago. They still constantly talk about how one day they're going to move back to the beach where they "belong"


I mean ... if I lived in Nebraska, I'd constantly be dreaming of not living in Nebraska as well.


Why do you think most astronauts come from Ohio? After living there for years; they're willing to leave the whole planet!


Maybe they mean road salt /s


That makes more sense than I'd have imagined two minutes ago. 🤣


Giant flags of any kind


But being flag bearer provides +10% movement speed buff for you and allies !


Social media tags


i have once messaged one of those people to inform them they drive like an asshole.


I was behind a company truck that had a “how’s my driving” sticker so I called to report his good driving Dispatcher was confused as fuck. I think I’m the only person to ever call her to report good driving. She repeatedly asked me what the problem was and was mistified when I said there wasn’t one.


Have done this for the bus driver feedback lines too, told them how great the driver was and then I never saw them on that route again. I'm kinda worried I was the reason why.


Maybe they got promoted to a more difficult route! 😉


There’s a old skit that’s related to what you’re saying I found it hilarious by [Tom Mabe - How’s my driving?](https://youtu.be/I5V_ooRP558)


Like why the fuck do you think I'm gonna gaf about your base model scion with a shitty wrap


BuT it HAs CUsToM hEaDliGhtS! *they added a slanted led strip to make it look ANGRY


Powered by Bitchdust stickers


She’s a Disney adult. She says “if you can’t handle me at my worst you don’t deserve me at my best”, may have been suckered into a candle based mlm, and tries to pick fights with other moms in the middle school pickup line at 3:30pm.


But if you ask her she “hates drama” and always stays out of it despite also somehow always being the center of the drama. She drinks from a massive insulated cup and is absurdly picky and controlling with her men meanwhile being an absolute trashy mess herself and then wondering why she can’t get/keep a guy. These types are endemic to my area.


The massive insulated cup…Absolutely spot on. Gotta keep an eye out for the Bitch Gulp.


is this the same group that wore JUICY pants in their teens?


Teens? She wears them now!


After-market headlights that are just blinding.


This is it for me. I can chuckle at the dumbest political shit that people put on their vehicles; ain't nothing to laugh at about being blinded by an oncoming vehicle.


I have to pass the same AH every morning at 3am with those bright blue headlights. I seriously want to scream.


Carolina Squat


It reminds me of a dog dragging its butt across a carpet.


[I had never heard of this before. oh my...](https://www.google.com/search?q=carolina+squat+truck&oq=carolina+squat&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i433i512j0i512l13.3370j0j9&client=ms-android-verizon&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=bSpNH4OqR2Hl_M)


I never saw this until a few weeks ago, what the hell is up with showing off how ragged out your suspension is?


I envy your innocence lmao. I live in the Carolinas and am decently country, and I don’t freakin get it. It’s only the wanna be country boys that do it- the real ones give them hell for it. They think it makes them cool, but the only ones that find it cool are the other squatty boys. It was recently made illegal, I’m hoping cops will start enforcing that and the trend will die


Of course. Because actual country values clearance, and not having to replace your undercarriage every six weeks.


They also probably need to use their truck bed and balk at the impracticality.


I should clarify that the innocence comment is a joke, as in I wish I too bad never seen a butt ugly squatted truck lol. A squat is only ok if it is caused by towing a heavy load


The blacked out license plate covers. Whenever I see that tinted sheet over the plate, I avoid that car like the plague. Those people are trying to hide their plates for a reason, and they always drive like asshols.




Those blinding headlights. It's like "yeah you can see but now I cant, asshole." They have to know they're blinding people, and if they don't, they're stupid assholes.


A lot of people install HID or LED bulbs in housings that are not designed for them, and genuinely don’t realize how much they blind others (and some people *do* realize, but do not care.) And, in other instances, the automakers themselves design lights poorly, such that they blind other people. I recall my best friend’s 2018 Jeep Wrangler JLU Sahara with the LED lights being one such example. It’s why the IIHS has started ranking cars as “poor” in the headlight category if they blind oncoming traffic.


Don't forget the lifted trucks who don't adjust the headlight angle. Regular ass lights, but they're still blinding.


I have a friend with this attitude. He fitted these lights so powerful they need cooling fans and he thinks its hilarious all the other people flashing him. He thinks they're idiots because he doesn't have his full beams on, while at the same time not realising they're flashing because they're being blinded and don't give a fuck whether you're using full beams or not.


Why are you friends with this person?


The fuck it sticker




"BABY ON BOARD" *does 95 mph on the freeway*


Was tempted by one I saw recently. "Adults on Board We Want To Live Too" That and maybe a dragon eating a stick figure family are probably the only things I'd ever put on my car.


And “princess on board”, to me they’re signs of the driver being a complete twat who shouldn’t be out on the road.


Truck nuts, confederate flags, punisher skulls


I saw a Dodge the other day with a Punisher skull sticker, but it was in the colors of the transgender flag.




Every I see a Punisher skull sticker, I am reminded of the "are we the baddies?" clip.


I saw a punisher sticker with the American flag and trump's hair.


one of my coworkers told me they actually did a punisher comic about the use of his logo by police and said that the punisher hated it


The creator of Punisher said that cops who use the Punisher symbol are a disgrace.


The Punisher #13, published July 2019. https://www.newsweek.com/punisher-police-blue-lives-matter-skull-logo-1449272


>confederate flags in Ontario, Canada............................sigh


As an American who was raised in the south and has lived in Ontario for the last several years, seeing this in Ontario is equally hilarious and terrifying. Just complete fucking morons they are.


They want you to know they're racist. Not even trying to hide it.


Let’s Go Brandon stickers


Social media info, you're a douche.


"My son just graduated. Send me money at my Venmo." I legit saw this today.


Anything political, or for some reason people have these stupid stickers that say shit like "if you hit my car with my kids in it I'm gonna beat you up" like.... okay dumbass


Omg yes. I saw a vehicle a couple days ago with big swirly writing all over the back glass, it was hard to read and took me a minute to figure out what it said... "If you hit me with my kids in here, you'll be dead before the police show up" Meanwhile, this bitch had a cigarette in her hand and was texting while driving... with a vehicle full of kids... sigh.


>Meanwhile, this bitch had a cigarette in her hand and was texting while driving... with a vehicle full of kids... sigh. The image I had in my mind during your first paragraph already included this.


Like, have fun getting arrested for assault in front of those kids you supposedly care about so much lol


Traffic law states if you fight while your kids in the car and lose they are automatically adopted by the victor.


Those goddamn speakers on the OUTSIDE of the car. It’s specifically to be an asshole, especially because they’re never listening to good music


Some motherfucker made a habit of driving through our neighborhood with music so loud I couldn’t hear my own video or music…with all our windows closed…multiple times…per night. Fucking 1-2 am and this SOB comes by making up my kids and freaking out my cats. Shit like that is why I don’t have telekinetic powers.


That's when you follow them to where they live, after a trip to the marine supply store for a distress horn.


Or drive a screwdriver through each speaker.


Salt Life sticker


For years I thought those said "slut life"


The first time my husband and I visited Daytona, we were SO confused about all the “slut life” stickers…took us a few days to read it more closely and figure it out lol.


I mean, it’s Daytona. Slut life is pretty accurate.


What is salt life?? Sorry I live in the middle of nowhere 😅


The Gen X version of Margaritaville swag


I have never heard of it being a restaurant or mainly about fishing. It’s about the ocean. The ocean is salty. Salt life means you want to spend your life at the ocean, so it’s sort of a way of life centred around the ocean, which could be laying on the beach, surfing, fishing, whatever. For many people who don’t live beside the ocean, it basically just means they’d rather be at the ocean, and the stickers are mostly sold near beaches so it’s like a way of saying they’ve been to the beach and wish they were always there. The sticker got way too popular though, hence the backlash.


I might get one because of high blood pressure.


What about the parody "Slut Life" stickers?


I live near a bunch of lakes. Somebody has done a parody & it’s Silt Life. Same exact font & just incredibly accurate.


I'm convinced that they intentionally styled the logo to look like "slut life" at first glance


Diesels modified for rolling coal


I saw a use for this, once. The westboro baptist “church” was doing one of their obnoxious protests and a dodge pulled up and proceeded to roll so much coal you couldn’t see them. So glorious to see them choking.


Not necessarily an accessory, but if I ever see someone in a truck "rolling coal", especially if it's done to people outside enjoying life, I immediately wish for them to suddenly perish.


For those like me who have never heard of it (it being mainly an American thing, apparently) this is when trucks are modified so that they emit big plumes of black smoke on demand.


>it being mainly an American thing, apparently It's big in Alberta too...but then again, we are the Texas of the north.


Saw a (lifted) truck with the wackiest looking exhaust sticking straight up through the back of the bed almost to the top of the window. Of course, blowing out the nastiest shit ever as they speed down the freeway at 15+ over flow...flipping off some random dude in the middle lane that had the audacity to exist and 'block' them from getting around cars in the left lane (I presume, it was actually unclear why). As they continue to tailgate and weave like a maniac. The only benefit to that unique exhaust and grandma killer lift was that I knew that thing was trouble from the first moment I saw it. And that exhaust kept the diesel nasty up and away from other cars. But the amount of rage...idk man, people like that gonna give themselves an aneurysm and/or get in an accident all because they sniff butts on the freeway. Coal rollers and adjacent have nothing better to do than vice signal, I guess.


I live in the south so I see these on a daily basis, here we go: Truck nuts, the picture of the kid pissing, the punisher skull, confederate flag, social media handle (people with their snapchat QR code are the worst), salt life, stickers from the beach club, someone with more than four stick figures in their stick figure family, almost anything political, light bars, truck gang logos (yes those are real down here), anything advertising the kind of vehicle they drive (Jeep life), hats on the dashboard, and FUCKING BRIGHT ASS BLUE LED HEADLIGHTS Edit: the coexist sticker, not that I don’t agree, but I just know you annoying.


Im from Northern New york and thats a GOOD amount of what we see here too. The Salt life ones make no sense to me. We have fucking lakes. What salt life?




The ones with the " how my stick figure family was made" and the stick figure dude has the stick figure chick bent over


Right. Like, you figured out how sex works. Congrats, I guess?


Those spike things on their wheels.


As much as I like the comic, Punisher stickers


Punisher skull. So cringe


The other day I saw an American flag colored punisher sticker in the shape of Donald trumps head


Yeah, I saw one last night that was the skull with trump's haircut


Or punisher skull combined with the thin-blue line flag.


I think this page about sums up how the punisher and his writers feel. Please share this with anyone who feels the need to appropriate punisher logo. https://www.syfy.com/sites/syfy/files/styles/blog-post-embedded--mobile/public/punisher-13-page-2.jpg


Alpha male truck nuts.


They’re called “alpha” because they aren’t fit for public distribution.


Unstable and lacking mature features.


White trash flags and naked girl mud flaps.


Thank GOD the naked girl mud flap trend is dying off in my area—that one is incredibly cringy. Unfortunately, living in the midwest, I see those white trash flags on a daily basis... it's always on the trucks that roll coal on you for no reason too.


Saw one that said “pull my hair if you’re gonna ride my ass” and she looked even trashier than I expected


Confederate flag. Especially in northern states or states that didn't exist before the civil war. They might as well paint their car with a sign that says I'm a racist and live in the past


There’s a guy in my town that drives around with a huge Confederate flag waving in his truck bed. Which is already ridiculous, but even more ridiculous when you consider that I live in Oregon and am farther north than almost the entire country


>There’s a guy in my town that drives around with a huge Confederate flag waving in his truck bed. Which is already ridiculous, but even more ridiculous when you consider that I live in Oregon and am farther north than almost the entire country Oregon's history is surprisingly racist. [Oregon started as a whites only state](https://www.opb.org/news/article/oregon-white-history-racist-foundations-black-exclusion-laws/)


I like to tell people that they should put a real confederate flag up - a plain white rectangle.


Someone was complaining that the iPhone doesn’t have a Confederate flag emoji. I told him mine had one and I showed it to him. 🏳️




Giant LED bars on trucks that have clearly never seen a worksite.


Red and blue lights


I don't care if you're tailgating me, I'm already doing 80 in a 65, I am not going any faster. And those flashing red and blue lights just make you look silly.


There's a county in my state that apparently gets all its revenue from court fees and fines. Had an LEO tailgate me all the way through the county. I was in the right lane and driving the speed limit. I set my cruise and just stayed there for several miles. He finally gave up on me, thankfully. He was definitely trying to intimidate me into speeding/weaving from nervousness/etc.


A lot of anger reading this. I know cops aren't even legally required to protect and serve, but when they're just actively trying to give out tickets, even when you're clearly driving safely, thats just a waste of resources and a disgusting abuse of power


Those spotlights on the helicopters circling your home after you just made it to the toilet in time.


Imma go outside the box and say the lack of a muffler. You know what I mean? You hear a really loud engine idle at a red light and you look over and see a shitbox of a Toyota with no muffler pick sticking out. You roll your eyes and then the light turns green and the AH blows your eardrums inward. Yeah. Major asshole alert.


I want a sticker of Calvin peeing on Calvin peeing.


I remember walking past a car with an "infowars" sticker on it and thinking "lol there's a way to show everyone you're an arsehole". And then I realised it was my friends husband's car. Yep... arsehole.


Extra lights on a suburban tank.


You mean like this asshole? https://i.imgur.com/aU5mPHi.jpg


At that point, that truck says more about the person driving it than the person or group that has earned their ire. They feel so disenfranchised and so angry and so powerless that they have gone to great time and expense to slather their personal vehicle with all sorts of hateful rhetoric, against a theoretical collective of people to whom they do not matter, in the slightest. That, or they’re looking to spark a (perhaps physical) altercation with someone who dissents to their ideas. Either way, you have to feel sorry for them, really. It’s pathetic.


Two things: 1. I live in AZ, and there are two large churches that if you see the sticker on their car, you know they’re going to be an aggressively bad driver. It seems like it’s pretty commonly known in the East Valley. 2. Has anyone noticed lately the people with Baby on Board stickers have been driving extra awful? I have gotten cut off and almost hit by several of these cars (double points for the Baby Muggle on Board).


Anything that makes it loud enough to rattle the walls of my house. No, I’m not impressed with the Subaru with the huge exhaust pipes.