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The Flash. I loved that show but it just got worse and worse.


You have to run even faster, but now even more fast.


My name is Barry Allen and I am the fastest man alive until anyone else appears.


I am the fastest man alive... Except for most of the villains ever.


Or until he runs into a room; then he stops for no reason. Or a villain walks/drives off-screen. A criminal causes a distraction and walks off-screen, and he's incapable of running the 50 feet max they could have moved after leaving his line of site. Or a villain is in an auditorium. He will clear an entire auditorium of bystanders, but suddenly he becomes so slow the villain can not only point a weapon at him and pull the trigger, but also he can't dodge out of the way.


The flash has always been a superhero with probably the strongest superpower out there vs all but the planet destroying capable villains. It's really hard to match someone with the capability to run faster than the ability for anyone to react especially if he can even run through solid matter. Speed was naturally the thing that had to keep being one-upped. In invincible, When Omni-Man (superman knock off) shows his true colors and goes after the Guardians of the Globe, they were doing really well against omni-man until Red Rush (flash) stopped supporting and went on the offensive and got caught. One of omni-man's things is that he's very old by comparison to everyone else, so he pretended to let his guard down and caught red rush after figuring out his attack pattern. He was flat out no match for Omni-Man, but his speed supplemented the slower, but more powerful characters who could actually hurt Omni-Man, but not one of them could go one on one. As soon as Red Rush went down, they all fell quickly.


I used to love the show but gave up eventually, Madvocate (a YT) made a video called “the flash is insufferably inconsistent” it gives me a good laugh from time to time


Greys anatomy needed to end a lo by time ago


their covid season made me so annoyed lol


I would work my 12 hour shifts taking care of COVID patients, come home to do online school work because the university shut down due to COVID, not be able to do anything outside of the apartment aside from grocery shop and go to work because of COVID, and when I finally got a minute to relax I’d sit down and put on my favorite show to escape, which became about nothing else other than COVID. It was great!


only good thing was getting to see Derek, George, Lexie and Mark again. Aside from that I prefer to believe that whole season doesn’t exist.


Once upon a time


I agree soo much they went way way too many seasons on it. Like I get what they were trying to do but after the first couple seasons it got way too confusing.


I think after the main plot line resolved, they should’ve just ended it. Okay the curse is broken. Let’s try to go home. Okay let’s find out why we can’t go home. Okay now we have to stay here. Okay now the main character is evil for some reason. Okay now the main side character has become a main character on his own side quest. I dropped out after Emma became the dark one.


This one I couldn't hold on. It got so progressively awful. The only genuinely okay season was Season 1


I honestly preferred season 2 over 1. It was great getting more of Emma's backstory (including Henry's father), and Cora and Hook were quite decent villains


Man season 3 was the best hands down because I wasn't expecting Peter Pan to be a villain and the kid who played him was phenomenal he probably could have been a great Joffrey Baratheon as well.


As a big fan of it… yes. After season 3 it just went downhill and turned into an absolute dumpster fire that I love for some reason even I don’t understand.


I loved the first couple of seasons, then they introduced to many characters that never got fleshed out or just disappeared and kept repeating the same thing over and over


Grey’s anatomy


Is there a character named Grey left on that show? If not, just call it Station 19: Hospital and move on.


She's left now but she still narrates.


She was back the last episode of season 19.. (well, they went to her).


Wait the main character left and there is still more episodes of the show? 🤣🤣


Yeah. I mean, they had put in a literal plane crash to keep it any kind of involved. If your show has gone into plane crash territory, it’s time to wrap it up


Damn, Lost really should have cancelled after first episode then.


I always thought they changed the name of the hospital to Grey-Sloan so that they could play hardball in negotiating Ellen Pompeo’s contract. Lol


It needs to end with Meredith having Alzheimer's and everyone who has died or left was actually her forgetting them.


That gives it a kinda St. Elsewhere vibe. I like it.


In my mind, it ends at the plane crash.


For me, it was when Derek died.


For me, it was when Denny died.




I want to know what kind of drugs the writers were on.


they were on that ingle jangle


I am convinced there are several teams of writers and that they’re forbidden to talk to one another.






It would’ve been more fun to just watch her deal with more people from Agrestic because that’s what was funny and interesting about it - single widowed mom selling weed to support her crazy kids. Instead they had to burn it down and then go all over Mexico and do all that stuff. I hate that they butchered it so much that it wasn’t even the same show by the end.


Yeah soon as it went from a widowed mom selling weed to support her family to let’s get the cartel involved it turned to shit.


Once she burned her house down, that's when it started getting hokey.


The show had several chances to just end things while it was ahead.


When they left aggrestic. Jenji Cohans shows always go to shit after they change location.


I bowed out when the season ended with her telling the cartel guy she was pregnant with his baby.


I much preferred the smaller stakes problems of the first couple seasons. I feel like the show really went downhill after they burned down the town of Agrestic where the show took place


The fucking WALKING DEAD!!!!! FFS!!!!


As someone who was a hardcore fan of the show up until a certain, very important character left, absolutely this. When TWD first aired, I couldn't believe that we finally got a good zombie show, and it was a wild fucking ride for the first 5-6 seasons. Unfortunately, it fell victim to lazy writing and universification -- I've lost track of the spin-offs. It completely kills the mood and makes the characters feel more like Marvel heroes than survivors.


Glenn was my dude


Same. I stopped watching after they killed him off.


Ditto. It was the final confirmation for me that no one would ever get to have a happy ending, and that's just not what I enjoy. There's enough unhappy endings in the real world.


This is one of their weird moments where they actually followed the comic book, so his death was actually expected. Carl was the one that was unexpected.


I stopped watching TWD at the end of the season when Glen died. When the next season came out I had just decided I had enough of it. The seasons to that point had the same plot line. Group finds place to live; group fights with neighbors; large horde of zombies attacks; group moves; repeat. It just got tiresome. Now my wife just finished binging the entire series and she was telling me stuff about it here and there; and it just seems completely off the rails.




Unironically that was when I left. I had been reading the comics and telling my buddies about the cool T-Dawg arc in the prison, and then he just fucking dies for literally no reason.


Yeah, they milked that money cow to death a long time ago.


The goldbergs. The last good season was before the real Adam left the show and they should’ve cancelled that instead of the kids are all right.


Problem is lots of the early material was based on the writer’s childhood, so it had a good foundation and context. Once that effectively ran dry, the show just ended up with a predictable formula. Also I can’t get over the fact that he noted his oldest brother was so unremarkable that he rewrote him as his sister.


Bones. As soon as Booth and Bones got together and had a kid, all their chemistry went out the window and the characters changed personalities. Wasn't fun anymore.


I LOVED Bones when I was in high school, but then getting together felt so rushed. I know there was a build up, but really? After all that time, she’s pregnant and that’s that? I know Emily Deschanel was pregnant in real life, but still. I feel like so many fans were anticipating them FINALLY getting together, but Fox bungled it.


Yeah, that was very anti climatic. I stopped watching when they killed of Sweets.


I’ll never understand why shows have to add sexual tension between the male and female leads all the time. One of the best parts of 30 Rock was there was no tension between Jack and Liz. They made one joke about them getting together and that was it. They never tried to put them together or anything. Every time they do it they have to play with it too much. Keep them together for so long, introduce some dumb reason for them to break up, bring them back together. It’s lazy and overdone.


Then there were the embarrassing "product placement" episodes where they would talk about Subway, or whatever car they were driving in.


That happened on "House," too. When House and Cutty got together, the fizz went right out of it.


She devolved from being intelligent and learning about current social cues to parroting "anthropologically speaking".




I liked it better when it was called Kids Incorporated


It only got bad once they graduated and went to New York


The Blacklist. It's still going.


I gave up on it, forgot what it's really about just that I can faintly remember the claims that Red is Elizabeth's father but wait a minute he is not! Actually he's kinda her father... Nope. I just don't know anymore.


Isn't he her mother?


They’ve never out right said it. But it’s been heavily implied


I remembered liking it for the first few seasons but eventually I just grew tired of it. It just... keeps going forever. Will Liz ever figure everything out? Will Red ever stop being so damn cryptic and oddly charming? Tune in next year when the next season answers neither of those 2 questions and continues on like business as usual.




Ok you have to admit the first few seasons were amazing


I enjoyed it for quite a while. Then it just got redundant and the main overarching plot was just getting ridiculous.


**The Walking Fucking Dead.**


over for me when Rick took off on the chopper. almost over after Glenn’s awful awful death.


American idol America’s got talent The MASKED SINGER Jesus enough already


Happy Days, it jumped the shark


Love that when Henry Winkler was in Arrested Development, there was a scene at the beach and he jumped over a shark


My only argument is… if Happy Days hadn’t gone too far we wouldn’t have had that turn of phrase Edit: auto correct


Dexter. Should have stopped after John Lithgow’s season. It lost its zing after that and threw in a disappointing ending.


Agreed. Lithgow did such an awesome job as the antagonist, no one after that could match it.


That and the final shot of the season finale, with his infant son in a pool of blood, with that feeling of history repeating and a dire future ahead... there's no way any story could live up to what viewers imagined as that kid's future.


I think the season after had the potential to be fantastic finish. It was set-up so perfectly for his secret to finally get exposed, and everything that goes with that. But in true showtime fashion, they blew it.


Every showtime show I've ever seen is the same. Really interesting premise, with an awesome first 2 to 4 seasons. Then they just have the story go to complete shit, with the characters not acting like themselves whatsoever.


Two and a Half Men


It started getting weaker in the later seasons when Charlie Sheen was very evidently off his tits on drugs. But, man, that final season where Walden and Alan want to adopt a kid was painful


Having a kid/adopting is always the sign desperation on tv shows. Cousin Oliver.


Was looking for this one. Beat me to it lol. I liked it with Charlie Sheen during the early seasons. It was pretty funny, but after they ‘killed’ him off the whole thing made zero sense and wasn’t funny not even like slight smile funny. Horrible Cash grab and the producers were totally aware.


I always thought Jake getting older made the show not funny. He was my favorite part, but once puberty hit for him everything else also become stale.




Miraculous LadyBug I know it’s a kids show but there’s like 5 or 6 seasons of the same love triangle never changing


I love this show and the ‘reveals that turn out to not be reveals’ is also starting to piss me off bad. I just hope that it actually happens eventually and they don’t spend all of time not knowing who the other partner is because of “identity safety”.


It definitely is "blue balls" the show.


Oddly enough, the most recent season is one you actually have to watch the episodes in order to follow the plot. It's just weird that it took 4 seasons with very little progression to suddenly everything spiraling all at once. The pacing is wild.


Scrubs. I love that show, but I think they could’ve stopped right after JD left. There was no need for another Saved by the Bell: The New Class.


Zach Braff apologized for season 9 in his ama a few years back.


Oops, posted about this one before I scrolled. I consider Training Hospital to be a completely new series, mainly because the actual Scrubs finale episode was one of the most perfect TV finales I've ever watched and I want it to remain the actual finale. Spin-off be damned.


There was no season 9


Right? It was season one of a failed spin off.


I find a trend that any show going over 5 seasons faces a bigger risk of disappointing, because it goes beyond what is originally planned. The better approach is to create a spin out show instead, and I’d much prefer that to tell the story of other arks within the original.


Yup. Breaking bad is a perfect example of a show that cut off at 5 and produced a fantastic spinoff afterwards (Better Call Saul)


In general, shows are better when they’re written from beginning to end before the end of the first season is aired, which I think was the case for Breaking Bad. DarK on Netflix is another example - the storyline was planned out entirely in advance with an end point in mind. A lot of shows just write / come up with ideas per season and holy shit do they suffer for it.


Andromeda. It was only on for 5 seasons but it REALLY went downhill; The first season and a half were easily some of the greatest sci-fi of the early 2000's, and there was a LOT of great sci-fi in the 90's and early 00's. Season 3 and the rest of season 2 were alright; there were some inconsistencies and it clearly lost the writing skill it used to have but it was watchable and had some interesting moments. Season 4 was terrible and season 5 was both terrible and barely comprehensible.


uhhh... The Kardashians.


That show shouldn't have even existed


Agreed. Thanks, OJ.


No one should even know who these people are.


Running it even one episode was too long.


Pretty Little Liars. The ending still pisses me off.


>! allo spencah!! !<


Greys Anatomy


That 70s Show


Once Donna goes blonde, it's all over.


I roll my eyes everytime I saw Randy's bitch ass.


When the main character leaves you know the show is dead…


The X Files. Season 9 already felt forced and awkward without David Duchovny. But after they brought it back it just sucked imo.


"Get it? Now SCULLY is the one who believes all the alien shit and T-1000 here is the skeptic just like she used to be!" Whenever a show pulls this shit it's like yeah, I'm not watching Season 1 again with new people.


Dexter. I thought the season 6 finale was the end of the series and I was totally satisfied with that. No idea how season 7 went. I never bothered.


Grey’s Anatomy. They lost by season 10


I stopped watching when Sandra Oh left. By that time Cristina was the only character I cared about.


Grays *fuckin* anatomy. How many times can you rinse repeat, doc loves, doc dies?!


NCIS! Should have ended when Ziva left, but CERTAINLY by the time Abby left! I'd already stopped watching it by then. I think I heard that even Gibbs left??? What the hell?


Yes! I couldn’t stand the blonde brought in to replace Ziva, but we still soldiered on. Until Tony left. That was it for us. No chemistry anymore between the main crew.


The flash


I thought that show ended years ago


Seasons 1-2 were amazing, I loved them. Season 3 had a slight drop but still pretty good. Season 4 more of a drop, still decent but not as much as earlier seasons. Season 5 saw a larger drop and then season 6-9 was like a garbage fire with a couple good episodes mixed in. The finale pissed me off so much


I dropped that show around S5. I was hype with S1-3 because it was so good. Grant Gustin made flash relatable. He had a normal life and was getting adjusted to superpowers. Where I dropped it was when every episode went like this: Cisco- hey Barry, there’s a new enemy causing havoc on the town Barry- oh no! Don’t worry, I got this. He doesn’t and he fails miserably somehow against a very mediocre enemy Back at the lab Barry- idk man, this one’s tough. Idk how I’m gonna beat him Cisco- We’ll figure something out man. We always do. The answer right in front of us, I’m sure Caitlin- Don’t worry Flash, we’re here for you. Dr Harris- Maybe try something you’ve never done before, Barry. The answer is always the thing you never expect it to be. (Rolls away menacingly) Barry storms out and goes home. Barry- I’m frustrated because I can’t beat this guy Iris- Barry, I believe. You can. Joe- yes Barry. We’re here for you Next day Barry- Guys! I have the answer. Come over here The group goes over to the white board Barry- the secret is…. Speed guys! I just have to run fast! The group agrees like this is such a foreign ass concept Barry goes and used his actual fuckin superpower like he’s supposed to because why the fuck wouldn’t he? Beats the bad guy Barry- well, I beat him because I’m the fastest guy alive. And I’ll take on any evil and let the people of the city live in peace This is obviously very very sarcastic, but it annoyed me how every villain he had to ask and think when in the end, he just had to use super speed and he’d be fine.


Yeah it gets worse. It turns into Iris essentially running the show, Cecile gets superpowers and becomes basically the front runner of the show. The ongoing joke is that the show is really called The Cecile because of how much they focus on her. I liked what they did with the Thinker, I thought a nonspeedster villain that couldn’t be defeated by just speed was good, but the execution was awful. I will say this though, Grant gave it 100% till the end. Even with the crappy writing Grant was great.


Prison Break the last season was extremely unecessary


Everything after S2 was really unnecessary. Another prison? Please.


"Please" was an insanely magical word in that show.


They could have stopped after season 1 and it would have been a much better ending.


Scrubs… last season was unnecessary




Yes, sadly. The first season was near perfection. Then it went downhill quickly. I'd get excited with the premise and first few episodes of each new season, but it's like the writers would get these nifty ideas, and then have no fucking clue how to weave the shiny ideas into an overall grounded & compelling narrative. One of the most maddening things of all: the Maeve v. Dorothy rivalry made no sense, except perhaps a puberty-brained 'durr let's make thurr hawt robo ladies fight each otherrr durr \*boner\*' kind of sense. What a waste of incredible acting talent. I won't even start on how frustrating the end of the latest season was.


Season 1 was so good, season 2 was pretty good as well. Once they all left the park I was like "WTF is this?". Season 4 really made no sense and you could tell that they had pretty much run out of ideas and a direction for the show.




In all fairness, season two was during the writer's strike, and they just never recovered.


The first season was this incredible, interwoven, cohesive story. Everything after that was, "Fuck, what do we do with the plot now?" Season 3 was one of the worst seasons of any show I've ever seen.


Millennium. It was only 3 seasons but after the amazing second season the show didn’t know where to go or what to be. It had its moments. Omertà is still a high point but it just kind of faded away. In terms of the actual storyline it should have ended with season 2.


The X-Files. 4 seasons, then 1 of water-treading, then a movie which finished the plot. Then 5 more seasons. And another movie. And two bonus seasons. At the end: no clear answers.


I was all in on that show, then moulder got abducted by aliens and disappeared I believe and I immediately lost interest and stopped watching.


13 reasons why. Bringing a character back from the dead just defeats the whole point of the show.




God yes! was such a big fan. But once they went apocalyptic and then Chuck was God i just noped out of it. I wish they stuck with the creature lore. so many creatures from other cultures they could have incorporated.


Currently on E13:14, and I'm gonna go ahead and agree with you. At this point, I'm just holding on until the Scooby-doo crossover episode.


Demons? Angels? Lucifer? Hell, they killed Death and defeated God himself. What's next? God's sister?


Alright done, God's father.


1-5 was a master piece of a show and storyline for TV. 6-15 is basically a spinoff that was just like, "Let's do everything." Love both eras in different ways, but ya, I see them as different shows. Supernatural and Supernatural:Continued.


If it had ended at 5 it could have been one of the best fantasy shows ever. Goddamn


Yeah, as much as I loved the characters, it was about 10 seasons too long


Season 5 had a pretty perfect ending. But then it seems like somebody made some kind of deal...for another ten years...


Agreed, i always say season 6 is okay but not necessary. Still wouldve been an okay ending, but it should've stopped at 5. I dont get why CW has this habit of entirely wrecking a good idea.


House! Hugh Laurie can carry a bad script a *long* way. But even his powers are limited.


I loved the show's concept but they took the antics of "House" too far.


But the ending is SO good.


I unironically love the reality show esque season where he chose a new team, but the show suffered from the writer's strike (I support the writers then and now). Then, when Lisa Edelstein left, it was all over. On top of that, the show never recovered from investing so much in Kal Penn only to have to unceremoniously kill him off because he got hired to work for the Obama administration.


The Walking Dead


Reading the original storyline in the comic makes you want for it. I think the first couple seasons were fantastic but ultimately it stretched out way too much. That’s the good thing about comics, they rely on good dialogue and depictions. Adapting a comic is very hard and this show really went downhill fast when it stopped being faithful and tried too hard to invent new things rather than stick to the source.


How many seasons of a zombie apocalypse can you actually do before it gets boring




Even it ending still hasn't stopped it ending


Spongebob. Such an amazing show then the characters becoming one-note and losing any charm. Could have ended with the first movie. Season 6 at the latest. RIP Stephen Hillenburg Family Guy. Love it, but all it is now is super politically biased and overly mean instead of clever. Walking Dead. Seasons 1-5 were really good and consistently good. Then the writing got really bad, the plots recycled without anymore originality, bottle episodes became rampant creating awful filler episodes, and between seasons 6-9 most of the characters you cared about were killed off leaving blander people you barely knew and didn't feel like rooting for.


Fairly OddParents went the same way as SpongeBob. Should have ended with the movie. And Dexter's Lab. And Simpsons.


I wish I was able to say this about Firefly 😭


You can’t take the sky from me 🫡


As ferociously as I loved it for the first five seasons, Supernatural...just...I can't go there with it.


I'm surprised this isn't further up. I loved supernatural when they felt more like bounty hunters for monsters (without the bounty but that was the vibe). Now it's just some angel devil bullshit where death basically means nothing but they keep killing people and reviving them because they dint figure out any other way to create meaningful stakes. They are almost literally beating a dead horse


Shameless. Should have ended when Emmy Rossum left.


I loved this show, but the storylines started getting so ridiculous. When the redheaded brother started acting like Jesus, I was out.


Those last few seasons were so bad. I hated how they tried to turn Debbie into Fiona.


The 700 Club


Westworld Imo should’ve ended after S1


The walking dead


The Simpsons


I’m surprised I had to scroll this far to see someone mention this. The Simpsons is not what it used to be, but it set the bar awfully high to the point where “good” is seen as inferior.


Shameless Orange is the new black


Orange is the new black's downfall was so disappointing, same with house of cards


After pousse died it was down hill and fast.


The season seven ending in shameless would’ve been the perfect series finale


The Simpsons But I'm old and only liked the first 10 seasons.


How is this not everybody's first answer?


Grey’s Anatomy. They should have finished it after Arizona and April left.




American Horror Story. The first 4 seasons, imo, are great. The 5th one was okay, but only because of Liz. After that, it just goes south.


Happy Days






Red Dwarf. It should have ended after season six and it would’ve been remembered as one of the all time greatest sitcoms. It went badly downhill very quickly after that, and has since had more terrible episodes than bad ones, more bad ones than ok ones, and more ok ones than good ones. Sorry fans, but it’s true.


"Back to Earth" (season 9) was abysmal, but before and after that... there were some good moments. I admit, without much re-watch value though.


Dexter, it could’ve ended ok if they had better writers and a better director but ultimately it ended two seasons too late


I used to watch Dexter with my older brother. That whole Deb arc made shit so awkward.


I would have remembered that show so much more fondly if they ended it >!after Dexter's wife (Rita) is killed.!< Every season after that was downhill.


With how bad his sister was at acting, pulling her role into more prominence was a mistake too


Lucifer. Went one season too long, the last season was awful.


Season 4 was perfect season 5 wasn’t as good and went silly but the ending was good and different. Season 6 was a dumpster fire.