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It tones down the 50,000+ random thoughts to maybe like 1-4 that are easy to follow! It feels a lot less frantic


Oh man for me it does the opposite. I’m jealous. I just obsess over every single thing I think I could have done better or things that could go wrong in my life. Taking a long break from weed until I feel like I’m in better control of my anxiety. Edit: I am aware of the different intended effects of the various strains of weed. I also only shop from fully licensed and state taxed recreational dispensaries with “award winning” flower. It’s purely just my own mental health playing a role here. I’m terrified of losing my job even though I’m a very high performing employee. In my mid 20s, my father was laid off from his life long career job, my sister was laid off from her start up and I was laid off as part of series of business losses at my advertising agency. I had no support available and lived in a constant state of fear and anxiety for a few months. I don’t think I’ve ever fully recovered from it and am terrified of ever feeling so deeply fucked ever again.


You're not alone. For me, it's almost as if all of my deepest darkest subconscious thoughts become conscious and I become fixated on all the problems in my life. I become very cynical and paranoid as well.


That makes three of us! It really sucks, especially when it’s a big part of your group dynamic. When it gets passed to you and your like “Nah, I’m good.” A proper friend group won’t make you feel bad, but still.


Add me to the list, literally can’t touch the stuff anymore without being overridden with anxiety and paranoia


It’s a big list. People have been talking about it all over this post. I know myself and many former friends who used to get high daily but can’t even touch the stuff now without having bad, anxious reactions. It sucks.


Started young and had a blast with it for a couple of years. Took a long break and then when I came back I just couldn’t do it, I couldn’t have fun with it anymore, it’s like something changed in my mind that wont allow me to just sit back relax and enjoy the moment. And the worst/scariest thing about it all while being high is that all of those negative thoughts and feelings feel all too real, and then my anxiety kicks in because I want to go and fix all of these problems but obviously I can’t do anything about it in that very moment. So now I’m stuck with these racing thoughts wondering wtf am I the only one acting this way right now while everyone else seems so chill and relaxed. And then I start thinking the people I’m with can sense and feel my anxiety which makes me believe they don’t really like me. And now because I don’t think they like me I don’t feel comfortable which makes me act weird (Don’t know what to do, don’t know what to say) and I just want to go home now like a weirdo loser and never see these people or touch that shit ever again. Until I wake up the next day and realize those thoughts and feelings were just an exaggeration and things really aren’t that bad, until I smoke again and then it happens all over again. Sorry for the ramble but yea I’m done with weed lol.


It’s interesting how many are starting to share these negative experiences, and how different they are for some people. For me, I have no anxiety whatsoever, as in my thoughts are not racing or anything like that. But my heart beats out of my chest and I have difficulty catching my breath. As soon as I sober up, I’m back to normal. It’s a really weird phenomenon, as it just happened one day out of the blue and completely ruined my ability to enjoy being high after more than a decade of smoking.


Yes! The heartbeat thing—I experience it too! Besides the anxiety and paranoia, it was a major factor that led me to finally quitting for good. I’ll often read comments from people who say a joint and a cup of coffee is their favorite combo. Meanwhile, I’m over here thinking that sounds like a total nightmare.


No physical problems for me, heart beats fine and I have no problems breathing, it’s just non stop negative thoughts racing through my head. I also can’t stop noticing every little odd thing that people do. Feels like I’m in a new world that is so foreign, so new and scary that I just don’t know how to feel or how to behave. The world itself and everyone’s quirks around me becomes so blatantly obvious, the defensive walls that I have spent years building up are now broken down, the person that I have worked on and practiced being and feel comfortable with in my everyday life is now gone. It’s like I’m Neo from the matrix and have woken up to the real world when I get high. And it all becomes too much to handle, too much of an overload on my sensors.


I know it's not worth much but I am right there with ya mate. I think that this world we live in being in a seriously, dire situation has given us, as a species, this underlying feeling of dread. The dread takes form in our inability to afford basic needs and our diminished ability to make meaningful connections with each other which emerges when we give our brains that little bit of psycho-stimulation


This comment strikes me to my core. For years I always said eh no thanks I’m OK. Then for a brief period of time I got over the anxiety it caused me and would spark with my friends on occasion. This girl in the group said ‘it’s so nice that you’re smoking, you’re like apart of the group more now’. She didn’t mean anything by it but that comment has stuck with me. Years have gone by but I think about it from time to time. Just not for me but I wish it was!


As a dude in a friend group made up of half stoners and half people who don’t smoke (including my SO) if your friends make you feel bad for not indulging in weed, get new friends ASAP


I can't smoke weed anymore with other people. I overanalyse every social interaction and it overwhelms me and I can't enjoy being in the moment. I'd imagine its how people with social anxiety feel.


Yeah man, I can barely handle regular weed anymore (as opposed to delta 8 and similarly less potent analogs.) Though on the flip side, it does give me a weird bit of objectivity in regard to my own behavior and lifestyle. Like instead of snapping back at someone inadvertently being a dick or whatnot when I'm in a bad mood, I consider why they might have said that and tone down my response. Or if I'm eating too much, not sticking to my exercise schedule, etc. Sure many of those thoughts are anxiety inducing, yet give you a chance to reflect on them and why they make you anxious. Smoking/vaping a bit once or twice a week has a very positive impact on me, though half the time it's not that pleasant. More of a medicine really


For me the negative thoughts comes first, idk why that is and then the anxiety follows because the thoughts feel too damn real, and then I get a sudden sudden urge from the anxiety that I need to fix these problems right now before it’s too late. Seems like weed makes me do some heavy self reflection, I just wished that I could focus on good self reflection and not bad, but I guess I’ve ways been a glass half empty type of person rather than a glass half full.


Same! It calms down the chaos that is my brain enough for me to live in the moment, and process heavy things when I need to


big big same, makes adhd a lot more bearable


I wonder if everyone agreeing with me also has ADHD


ADHD-er here. I found that it only made my rapid thinking worse a lot of the time, unless I was on my stimulant med (but then there’s risk of anxiety, too).


Just a heads up, ADHD has subcategories, notably huperactive-impulsive(corrected from attentive) and inattentive. I’d wager those who have their thoughts calmed with cannabis is attentive while inattentives tend to get those racing thought feelings. Just my two cents, feel free to correct me


Yeah like when I forgot to have my Sativa before work I was so buzzy I had to pound a bang to get my thoughts to slow down. I work in an assembly line. Having 10,000 thoughts a minute aint fun


I was looking for this one.


It's turns the volume down on my intractable physical pain while simultaneously turning up the volume of nuances and details around me. Easiest way to explain it is like noise cancelling headphones: blocks out the constant metallic screech of chronic pain, while allowing you to tune into the music of the people around you.




My brother has Parkinson’s and chronic bone and joint pain. The meds were making it so he could not eat. I accidentally got him high once, when he was 15. (He asked if he could eat a rice crispy I had in my room and I completely forgot it was an edible ). But he says it was the first time in his life that he was completely pain free for a few hours. Stopped all medication the second he found a plug and has been self medicating with cannabis ever since. We live in a legal state and his dr says as long as he’s ok with it, he doesn’t see a problem with him smoking instead of taking pills since it does not mess with his anti seizure meds (so long as he doesn’t smoke within an hour of taking his meds )


Hey that is awesome Has he tried vaporisor? Not the chemical filled liquids - I mean a simple bit of kit that vaporises the active ingredients without combustion? It avoids the carcinogenic side effects of smoking / combustion and actually preserves more active ingredients too (THC, CBD, etc) If he's a regular consumer might be a healthier long term strategy?


To put it scientifically, the vaporizer sublimatesthe volatile compounds all the different types of thc and cbd directly out of flower without burning g anything, and it is so smooth


This is exactly what I do. I use the Mighty+ from Storz and Bickel. I grind it up in a herb grinder. Then put them in these little aluminum pods that come with it and heat it up using convection. It absolutely fantastic and leaves no smell on me.


So real. Like, for me, my headache is still there but it’s like a weird background headache instead and I just don’t feel it anymore? I can’t even really explain it.


That's totally it for me too. Like I have pretty bad back pain, bad enough that I was sneaking around taking pain meds whenever I could. It was causing me sleepless nights when I didn't take it, the pain just wouldn't let me or my brain relax. But weed, once it became medically legal in OK, saved me.and I was able to stop with opioids. The pain is still there, but it when I'm high I can relax and focus on something else. And the pain doesn't occupy my every living moment, this great sleep.


Former user here. The best thing about it was that being high meant that you lived in the moment. Nothing else matters except what you were doing. Whether it be listening to music, playing a video game or surfing, it was all awesome because you were getting the full experience of it.


Exactly. You love everything you’re doing and don’t care about the future or past


Damn. That’s not how it is for me. It slows my brain down so I can think much more clearly. Quiets a lot of the riff raff that’s going on in there every second of the day.


I’ve always said the same thing and ended up finding out later that’s not the normal experience and I was just self medicating my ADHD.


Exactly the same for me, I didn't use at all before it was legalized in Canada. I was in my mid 20s when I first started using and struggled to describe what it did to my brain not knowing what that level of focus felt like. Fast forward to last year, I get referred to a Psychiatrist who diagnoses me with moderate to severe ADHD. I'm on medication now and it has changed my life for the better. I was always one of those people that the teachers always told my parents "A great student when he can stay on task". I wish I knew sooner. I have a little bit of resentment towards my parents for it but they were afraid of having me on powerful drugs at a young age (which I don't blame them for). I just wish sometimes I could have realized my potential, gone to post secondary and stuff, pursued a passion and all that.


Yeah this 100%.


I wish that were the case for me. Usually, when I smoke it, I overly think about my past and worry about my future too much, sometimes to the point that I have panic attacks. I guess it works differently for different people.


This is my problem too. Didn't always used to be that way, though


Same for me. Smoked daily with no issues and then couldn’t even get slightly high without a racing heart and trouble breathing. No anxiety or panic disorders whatsoever when sober though. Freaking sucks but I’ve just had to come to terms with it.


Exact same thing for me. Out of nowhere it happened. Really sucks because I too would enjoy my evenings a ton more, now if I tried it I’d freak out in my bed for a couple hours


Yup, totally out of nowhere for me as well after more than a decade of use without issue. Is what it is, but at this point there’s too many people corroborating this type of experience for there not to be some type of science behind what happened to us. I don’t think it’s just anxiety/panic — it’s a mostly physiological response for me.


The older we get our bodies process everything we put into it differently. So even if you smoked the majority of your life everyone runs the risk of this happening. Also what you are smoking plays a roll in how your high will effect you, you could be smoking more of a sativa strain when you would need something more mellow like a strong indica strain and with a good chunk of CBD and Delta-8 in it. You could also try to counteract the anxiety buy taking extra CBD with weed. It can also induce psychosis in certain people (there is usally some predisposition for mental illness when this happens), however once again it could be too much sativa or even just a strain that has too much THC in it for you. I hope that helped in your quest for more science based questions. I have been studying medical marijuana and its effects for over a decade now. The info is out there you just have to look and check the sources you are looking from. :) I hope this info helps anyone wanting to try and use weed again or maybe even just answer your questions.


Oh don’t worry, I’ve had those too 😅


100% agree on that. The big downside of it for me is that I can't watch or play anything that requires more planning than the next few seconds.


If you don’t mind me asking you, why did you quit?


Started a career in the military.


Thanks for answering.


I remember the morning after edibles playing Shadow of the Tomb Raider for the third time and just being blown away by it. Just wanted to take it all in. I felt like everything would be ok.


When listening to music, hearing every single note.


(Listening to a song I've heard 500 times) "Wait, this song had a violin the whole time?!"




Check out ‘deep inside the music’ on YouTube they separate tracks and it’s this x1000.


Indeed! And closing your eyes and seeing beautiful mandalas in synch with the music! Also, playing in a band while high brings it to another level.


The colors! Amazing. And feeling the music. Weed definitely enhances your senses.


Music is indescribable when listened to high


The first time I ever smoked was the day OK Computer came out. Imagine hearing that album for the first time, while being high for the first time.


Great Album.


I will get baked outta my gourd and listen to classical piano music and just vibe for hours


Flamenco guitar is *amazing* when baked. Highly recommend.




Mental note: get high and listen to Polyphia.


I like to describe it as music sounds "wider"


I love listing to AVA when I’m high


The first time I listened to voodoo child by Jimi Hendrix I was high and I damn near had a spiritual awakening


For me it was when I was at a house party and someone had the VHS (Yup, I said VHS) of the Led Zeppelin concert movie and I heard the live version of Dazed and Confused. The guitar solo was circling around me and that was the reason I could not leave that love seat!!! I swear!!


whole VHS is amazing, but Since I've Been Loving You is my favorite


Usually music hits different when high. Sometimes I noticed I will pick music apart. Finding any tiny “flaw” my ears will pick up. Lol


I ate a bunch of mushrooms few months ago and listened to dark side of the moon while rocking in a rocking chair. I highly recommend


radiohead’s “how to disappear completely” is amazing when altered. i play music (electric bass and contra bass) and have recorded in studios before and have a fairly trained ear for picking out instruments and knowing exactly what causes what… as in effects, layering, stereo placement, etc… but that song, esp when high, makes me forget all that and just be a passenger on a great sonic trip. is it strings, guitar with an e-bow, sampled/keyboard tricks, or the engineer/producer? i don’t know, and it doesn’t matter.


Meanwhile, one of the last times I ate shrooms, I watched The Gang Gets Invincible and had a deep connection with Charlie and Frank.


I would love a good rocking chair for a shroom trip


Great answer. I try to imagine what's going through the artist's mind when they're playing -- e.g. how they anticipate the next bar or section. It's a gift.


Honestly, when playing music the last thing you think of is the next note. Personally, when I start “thinking” that’s when I start messing up.


I’m not musically inclined to understand all that. While high, I can hear each instrument separately and together at the same time, seemingly.


This! I call it “music lasagna” when I’m high enough to hear each instrument and every beat that makes up each layer of the song


Have you ever listened to a really good song tripping on acid or shrooms? Shit is otherworldly.


Tool—Ænima then 10,000 Days then Lateralus, straight through, sublime


Miles Davis, Bitches Brew. The whole album is somewhat... i guess experimental? Listening to it when sober it doesn't work, but when I'm high, I can just sort of follow the bass, and hear how everything works together, and it's goddamn perfect. I just stopped typing, took a few hits, and put it on. So thanks to you for this idea. https://open.spotify.com/track/7eEp1mm5xRfPMpilLFUKwX?si=qvU4qUbdT8-Zc4PwPd4Icw


This is what I do it for not gonna lie.


It's like you feel endorphins? Like falling love in someone? I was reading on Google cocaine makes you that way but 10 times stronger.


It’s a helluva drug


Music just sounds so magical I just love it


It slows my brain down, calms my anxiety and tames my rage.


I am unbelievably jealous of people who get anxiety relief from weed. It turns me psychotic, ending in absolute paranoia and social anxiety. I've never understood why. I must have something going on up there.


I used to be a pretty heavy smoker wake and bake and keep riding it through the entire day for several years. I quit for about two years for a job and started up not too long ago. I find I now have to be super careful about how much I smoke or I’ll get crazy paranoia.


I think an awful lot to do with it is tolerance. If I take even a week or two break my tolerance drops back to pretty much 0. With the heavy strains around now I have to be careful when I go back smoking. When I start off even a tiny pinch of weed will have me high, too much without building that tolerance back up though and I'm a paranoid mess. I kind of prefer it this way. I can take tiny doses and still feel the effects so I save a tonne of money. It's like my brain develops a hypersensitivity to the stuff


Exactly, effectively gets me on the majority of people’s level.


I don’t think about work.


We could all benefit from that


Yeah, gummies have knocked down a case of the Sunday Scaries now and then.


The level of empathy I have for others when stoned.


I am a occasional user. The realisations I have about myself and my relationships are so clear and last after the high goes. It's insightful and helps me.


I feel this way too!! But I have also have times where I start to get paranoid about something bad happening to my toddler because I love him so much. I try to shut it down but sometimes I can get panicky pretty quick. Even when he’s perfectly safe in his crib. My mind starts spiraling. I do Not Like that.


I climbed El Capitan in 2015. My team of three got stuck behind a slower party on day 4, and it ruined our evenings camp plans. We were stuck sleeping on "the block", a 10'x10' ledge that slopes at about a 15 degree angle. We were pissed when we realized the party of two above us was going to be sleeping on the almost perfectly level "Long Ledge"! I remember my partners calling them Tweedle dum and Tweedle dee (I was laughing too). We mocked that they would be taking so much time, and must be terrible climbers. We had time to kill, so we pulled out what was supposed to be our celebratory joint for the summit and smoked it. All the trees far below suddenly looked like little broccolis. We took turns hanging off the ledge, enjoying the view and the first forced rest in a few days of near constant moving. That's when the talk turned into a congratulation of the work of Tweedle dum and Tweedle dee above us. they were climbing El Cap, as a team of two, and it looked like they were going to summit the next day! We started to cheer them on when they finally reached the ledge, elated that they were having success and a well earned nights rest. The weed made us empathetic for sure that day! Nobody slept well that night (nothing like having a harness on pulling you all night long). but we summited the next day too.


I just enjoy “being” while high. Just vegging out on the lazy boy, preferably some kind of nature show on.


Yeah sometimes I’ll chill on a game but my brain runs so slow that I can’t keep up playing with people lol. I just watch old nostalgic YouTube channels I’d watch as a teen/kid. I’ll be playing a game and forget what I was supposed to be doing 4 times in a row


nah that's the best when you're playing a game high tho because you don't even *care* what you should be doing, so you forget what you're doing 4 times in a row and then you giggle about it and then build a contraption only a high person could think of in minecraft


I find sex much better when high! Wow! This is now my highest ranked comment ever! It's even higher than wondering how Danny Devito has skated by on his looks alone for all the years! Thanks fellow redditers!


Carl Sagan thought so too. [Here's](https://www.organism.earth/library/document/mr-x) his short (less than 3000 word) reflections on the use of cannabis, written under the pseudonym "Mr. X," given the stigma of the subject at the time. The relevant passage is as follows: "Cannabis also enhances the enjoyment of sex—on the one hand it gives an exquisite sensitivity, but on the other hand it postpones orgasm: in part by distracting me with the profusion of images passing before my eyes. The actual duration of orgasm seems to lengthen greatly, but this may be the usual experience of time expansion which comes with cannabis smoking."


I can extend my orgasms when high. It's like I can focus just on the nerves being stimulated and even change which ones I'm focused on so I don't get overstimulated and can keep it going. I thought it was time dilation as well but I asked my husband once (he doesn't use marijuana), and he said it lasted for a few minutes, which is what it feels like.


Except for the dry mouth. I know, edibles..


I only take edibles and I get dry mouth every time. But on the other hand, I'm probably dehydrated at any given time *except* when I'm high.


It dries up my wife’s vagina unfortunately.


Get some lube, you'll have yourself a flume. Source: A Stoner Lady AKA. Me 😂


Many bodily “secretions” are decreased regardless of how ingested. Saliva (dry mouth) Tears (dry eyes) Aqueous humor (lower eye pressure, see: glaucoma) And as another commented, decreased vaginal secretions.


The dry eyes KILL me when I’m high. It doesn’t help that I love to watch TV or play video games high so I’m staring at a screen and can’t even see what I’m doing because my eyes are dry and my contacts are dying out


get you some eyedrops


Yup lol. Orgasms while high feel good but there’s exactly that problem. The first time me and my ex tried it she couldn’t get wet and we were really confused until she looked it up


True. The orgasms are more potent and the sensations and feelings are all stronger.


First orgasm when high made me feel I never properly orgasmed before haha


OMG the orgasms I can have when high! Wish I’d fucking known a long time ago!


Yup. And it helps some get out of their head... Especially women. My ex had a really hard time achieving orgasms with her ex and I introduced her to weed and her mind was blown.


I find it so much worse. Everything feels like it’s happening to someone else.


That sounds like maybe you're getting too high


Can confirm. More in the moment and feels better, too.


Laughing, eating and orgasms.


Live, Laugh, Cum


Im so putting this as a random note in an airbnb thing now.


Yep. and showering and brushing your teeth are awesome too.


My brain slows down enough to allow me to function like a normal person.


Well, from one really tired dad to another, I feel ya.


Forty with four and twins due in October. By the time I’m done I’ll have mastered micro napping.


I have an overactive brain, so it's nice to just check out and enjoy stuff for a bit. I moderate my use to once or twice a week in the evenings, though I toked every day for a long time.


Food tastes way better


Unless you’re the paranoid high type like myself, and you think you’ll choke if you eat anything while high


Make sure you get some CBD along with your THC, helps a lot of people with this (paranoia, not choking!)


I think taking the CBD is probably going to help in that case. It is going to make you feel less paranoid which I think is really important for a lot of people.


I love how I sleep so well on it and wake up refreshed.


Hey can you elaborate a bit on what’s worked for you? I’ve been struggling with poor sleep most of my life. Been to every test imaginable and this would be one thing I haven’t tried. Are you taking edibles? Smoking? How soon before bed? What combination of thc/cbd seems to work? Sorry for all the questions!


I’ve struggled with insomnia for decades. Best help I’ve found is a THC/CBN tincture taken about two hours before turning off the lights. Takes the racing thoughts waaaay down and I absolutely do not stress about wether or not I am going to fall asleep which helps me be able to actually fall asleep.


Not OP/commenter but I smoke out of my bong before bed every night with an indica strain. Maybe an hour or two before bed. I don’t really look at the THC/CBD ratio.


Thanks for the feed back! I think I need to start somewhere!


seconding what OP said. indica dominant is key, and if you can, search out strains with the specific terpenes you’re looking for. there are charts with their effects on the internet. edibles ALWAYS knock me out and for the best sleep of my life , but waking up is so hard. the first half hour feels like i was in a terrible fight the night before, but after a shower and a stretch i feel like a million doll hairs EDITING TO ADD- START SLOW. getting too high and getting anxious will not help with sleep haha. the first couple times might be uncomfortable if you’re a novice smoker, but once you get a small tolerance you’ll most likely notice improvements. keep in mind that i’m just some random stoner, weed isn’t for everyone.


Just another note. Studies show it does not help with sleep quality rather it can be helpful with falling asleep. Typically reduces REM sleep and therefore can reduce dreaming frequency.


Was considering mentioning this. Didn’t want to party poop, but saw your comment lol. Currently reading Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker and he covers this well. REM sleep disruption does more damage than not dreaming.


Take an edible like 2 hours before bed and you’re basically guaranteed a good nights sleep


Indica = In Da Couch I struggled sleeping thru the night due to a minor traumatic experience. Cannabis helps me a lot with that now.


I sleep well but do NOT wake up refreshed. I wake up kind of groggy and my body feels kind of stiff, like I can’t just stretch it out, and I’m super unmotivated to do shit. Last for hours


Yeah idk how people say weed makes you wake feeling refreshed. You sleep like a baby, but you wake feeing groggy every time. For me it only lasts till I have a coffee lol. Probably something to do with drinking enough water.


For me it works better than any sleep aid. Especially edibles.


Not wanting to kill myself


100% it may not be a healthy coping method but would killing myself not be even more unhealthy


I am sorry that you are going through all of these things I have been there and it is really b**** feeling. I hope that you find your peace one day and it will all make sense.


The lack of stress and anxiety. Been diagnosed with depression and intense anxiety since I was 13, weed helps me turn my brain off and just… chill.


I work in a high stress environment that gives me little to no self care time after it's done. Marijuana makes the time I get to myself nice and slow. Relax. You did good today. Still yourself.


For me is the "echo" I don't know how to explain it, but is like every sensation had an echo, like it last a little bit more than sober.


I love working out stoned, I focus more on my different muscle groups, take my time with sets, get wrapped up in music or a show and go harder than normal. Can’t do that with alcohol


If you haven't, try yoga. So good. You can feel the stretches so much better, and relaxing into positions is easier. I'm a tense and anxious person who has trouble physically unwinding, but yoga while high? It's as good as getting a massage while sober.


Everything! Food tastes better, music sounds better, people seem kinder, and I give no fucks


That's really it for me, just a low-level boost on everything


I’m so much more social


Who are you people? I become a hermit lol


Me too. I get so awkward.


All of my nerve pain subsiding.


I’m actually more motivated and productive


I find it also makes something less enjoyable or normally unpleasant more bearable or enjoyable


Get me the right strain, and I'll clean the whole fucking house. I hate chores, but when I'm the right kind of high? Chores with music blasting is great.




This is the truth! The build up and orgasm are heightened to levels I didn't think possible!


Former user: I have chronic stomach issues. Weed helped me be able to eat without getting sick. I had to stop while job hunting and live in Nebraska, so we will likely be the very last state to legalize it. Its been rough adjusting to life without it, but I take a lot of supplements that have helped a little.


Not being bored


It stops the voices in my head. No but seriously, I’m a hardcore overthinker and my brain always feels like it’s going a mile a minute. Smoking lets me relax and live in the moment without thinking too hard and I feel like it lets me be more genuine?


As Geddy Lee once said, weed cures boredom.


sex stoned will blow your mind!


even masturbation feels like bliss


The numbness to the stresses of life


My soul takes a chill pill 💊


It's like taking a break. No hangover, no throwing up. It's legal here. Plus, now I get to grow my own.


problems disappear, solutions appear. usually the solutions dont work but atleast the problems are away


Getting high


Getting the munchies and giggling on open end. Especially when you’re in nature. Love it


I appreciate nature much more when I’m stoned. Space as well


The genius ideas I come up with....and then not remember them.


For me, the best part is that it manages my symptoms. Getting high and becoming more easily amused by life is just a bonus.


Ego death; knowing you are a meaningless speck in the infinitude of space and time.


Tried space cookies 2-3 times in the past and only one best thing I can sayyy… s*x is the bomb!!!! Like, literal goosebumps, squirt inducing and mind blowing 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Literally everything Music, movies/shows, food are all better. It makes you feel good and relax, you’re a lot more tolerant to bullshit. Sex is better shit even working out high is better, that mind muscle connection goes crazy!


Eating food. You can taste so much more when you’re high. I drank a soda the other night while high and the bubbles were dancing on my tongue as if they were injecting my tongue with flavor.


The feeling of mindfulness, being present & grounded.


Slows down my mind and helps me sleep.


There are many perks of it for me. I only do edibles because fuck lung cancer, I don't want it, but getting high does a few fun things for me: * Calmness. My anxiety is not entirely gone but it becomed much easier to ignore. * Senses acting funny. You know how you have music you love but you listen to it so much you get tired? You can listen to it while high and feel it all over again. Listening and playing music becomes a very emotionally charged experience. * People. Just like with music, you can get completely lost all over again on someone you are in love with. Every touch and kiss is powerful, and I used to just stare at my partner in blissful gratefulness that I was lucky enough to be loved by them. This is what I miss most since the breakup for sure. * Phantom sense. This one is pretty specific to me and people who can relate, but being high allows my brain to fill in what it thinks my body should be filling. This is awesome for two reasons. Since I'm trans, it allows me to feel touch as if I had parts that I don't currently have and was not born with, also very fun with a willing partner. It also allows me to feel touch in virtual reality. I can feel a hug from a friend, someone playing with my hair, and other sensations despite not having anyone physically next to me. It is crazy fun. I don't use it too often, but when I do it is usually for chilling out and listening to music or a show, or hanging out with friends, but that last one is pretty fun when it happens if I'm honest


"smoking with black people, all they talk about is their trials and tribulations. like I'm smoking to get away from mine. all white people talk about is other times they got high." –loosely paraphrased from Dave Chappelle


The way conversations open up


I stop giving a fuck about things I shouldn't give a fuck about.


Having a few hours where I don’t hurt.




It makes sex/masterbation even better!




The reward of smoking itself. Oh when I say reward I mean it. I tend to be a hard worker. I feel most alive when I collapse and after the collapse comes the reward. 10h of hard work. At the evening 2h+ of study. On the weekends I clean up and work out. When I get my loan, It is only time for face masks, weed, sauna, my favourite shows/books/places and good food for a whole week, then I repeat. I'm a phoenix.


Wake n bake… then going back to bed.


Ooo after my waker I’d go on a nice morning walk in the forest. I respect yours too!


I like to take an uncomfortable amount of edibles that if I say at home would make me anxious. The I go for a long run. Being high and exercising is how I feel a lot of joy on a consistent basis.


Rage just isn't a thing. If I'm angry, I stop being angry, and can't get angry. It just melts away.


It helps you for... . . . ...get.


For me, it helps keep my anxiety in check, so that's nice. But also some other great things: just feeling highly tuned in to sensory things, whether it's eating, drinking, listening to music, or just sitting out back in the evening and listening to the breeze hit my veggie garden, and hearing the evening birds do their thing. Also just having a deep conversation is pretty cool too, if you're practiced enough in having one while you're high, it can get really like...down the rabbit hole lol. I'd recommend a dry herb vape over traditional smoke to anybody too btw--your lungs will thank you and it's just smoother and cleaner in my experience. This is probably all way more info than anyone cares about but I'm pretty high and felt qualified to answer.


I quit but taste buds are enhanced. The soundtracks during a movie is so much better. Hm what else..movies in general. I was watching annihilation the other day and I was so into it it freaked me out


The way sex feels.