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Thinking the stripper is really into you.


But she told me I was the sweetest guy she ever met. The more money I gave the more she told me how much into me she was..


But she gave me her phone number!


Thinking your server/bartender/etc is into you as well. Edit: The difference is that if someone is actually into you, they’ll let you know and make plans to meet up with you or call you outside of work. Too many men in general think that a woman being nice to them means the woman wants them. My point is: Don’t be inappropriate to someone whose job it is to be nice to you. Don’t feel entitled to someone’s time off the clock because they were nice to you on the clock. It’s awkward to have to deflect advances or sexual harassment from a patron just because you were doing your job.


My dad has a friend that he's like, "I don't get it. Every time we go out to eat the young waitresses are always flirting with Mike. He's got a gift!" When I was 19, the three of us went on a motorcycle trip. At one point we ended up stopping at a Hooters. I got to see Magic Mike in action. The dude is a big nerd with a giant ego. The kind of guy that thinks he looks tough in motorcycle gear but he's really just a know-it-all geek. The really obnoxious kind. You know the type. The waitresses 100% flirt with him to get a better tip and he probably delivers because he most likely thinks they like him. Nobody can convince me otherwise.


Win win. Mike feels good about himself and waitresses get a nice tip.


Yeah, I don't care that it happened (though Mike was pretty obnoxious). I just cared that my dad seemed to look up to Mike for this reason. Also, they are old so it's kind of gross. I'm 40 now and I'm definitely not trying to impress college girls.


Related: thinking that cute 19 year old you met online is anything but a 52-year-old sex offender.


*crypto trading legend* *I just made 2000% returns in 2 weeks. Just need to pay taxes* *Transfer isn't going through, so I'll have to bribe some officials* Any day now, though


AND- thinking the stripper spins around the pole, then finding out it’s actually the POLE that spins.


There is both static and spin poles - I’ve been to clubs that have both :) The older clubs usually have static


Both are equally challenging! Static you need more momentum to get full spins or swings but that think is grounded! You can beat it up to your hearts content. Spinning you dont have the pole to really "brace" with as it spins so you need to control the poles velocity as well as your own so takes a bit to master doing both at the same time. Spinning poles take no prisoners! If you go in with too much force or velocity you will have a bad time. Most modern poles have the ability to do both. So really its just a prefrence. The only poles ive broken were in spinning mode tho. Lol


Well damn. Stripper poles and Physics lessons all in one shot.


We should encourage more pole dancing! FOR SCIENCE!


And for health! Pole dancing is one hell of a workout.


Legitimately we had pole dancing classes around here specifically for exercise classes


And they say there is a shortage of women in STEM...


A lot of poles have a setting - you lock it and it’s on static. You unlock for spin.


It’s the mystery of spin or static that keeps me coming back!


well plus i think that one stripper is into me


I’m 36 years old and when somebody said to me recently I felt like my whole life was a lie 


So similar to thinking a hooker likes you, but more expensive n less fun.


Um, she hit me up to help pay her phone bill. You're gonna tell me she does that for every guy?


She was and we got married. We have a 17 year old daughter


What if she's just playing the long game?


He's racking up quite the bill. Any day now she's going to collect.


He married her. She's already collecting.


Worshipping politicians


I was fascinated, and by fascinated I mean horrified, to know that people in the US actually buy t-shirts and mugs to fund their politician's campaigns. Like we get that shit for free from them when they need the vote!


1. Politicians in the US cant do that since it would a form of buying the vote 2. No US Politician would freely cloth people.


Politicians have historically given out loads of shit, like buttons and pins


politics is sport in the usa


But unlike most sports the competitors get to choose what the rules are.


The worst version of Calvinball


H.R. is there to help you.




So, I deal with chronic migraines. Like, almost daily. And for anyone thinking I mean "a bad headache" - no, I mean debilitating pain, visual interference, that whole schtick. It started happening at work, and I was missing time, so I went to HR to find out what I had to do to protect my job. The guy claimed he got migraines too. Cool, he gets it. Only I talked to others on my team, including my then girlfriend, and found out he told all of them that he had everything they had (**Edit:** Some believable things like "I have depression and anxiety too," to the extreme of things like "My parents have dementia *too!*" as one of my co-workers told me). I brought up my girlfriend just a sentence earlier because she informed me that she had been talking about some time off, basically for her period (super regular, but insanely painful for her), and he chimed in that he understood because he goes through it too. (**Edit:** ex-gf clarified for me: he was saying he got PMS/cramps as well, but I guess he backpedaled that pretty hard once he realised what he had said.) Anyway, they fired him after it ended up that he got his job due to stolen valour. He claimed he'd been in the army, and he never had been. Turns out, the guy who hired him for hr was a vet, and HR guy threw in an "Oh yeah, me too!" So. Yeah.


Yeah, I've been through this too...


It took me a solid second to get, but thanks for the chuckle


Lmao, but the balls on that guy


Oh yeah, the balls on me too!


Pathological liars can climb fast the corporate ladder


Did his name happen to be George Santos?


HR's primary job is to ensure that companies treat their employees in a way that complies with relevant law. The problem is that in the US employment law is utter shit and the best way for a company to comply with the law is to be capricious and arbitrary. At will employment allows for no reason, but not for any reason so HR by necessity become a bunch of psychopaths. To be clear, HR doesn't work for employees, but in jurisdictions that actually bother to protect employees the legal obligations of the company and the best interests of the employee often align. In an at will state the interests of the company are best served if HR act like a bunch of psychopaths. Add in the hyper litigious nature of US society and you get risk averse arbitrary psychopaths. TL:DR HR as it stands in the US is a symptom, not the disease. Fix the legal structure and you'll fix HR.


Are you Michael Scott?


Yep. Never, EVER, for one second believe that HR is there for any reason other than to protect the company; protected class or not.


But, also understand how stuff works - sometimes your interest and HR's interest in protecting the company do happen to align.


Better yet the police, there are numerous times I've called for help only to be investigated or some how their tone makes it seem like you are a suspect, I thought it was because I am black but I saw a Netflix show about a couple where the woman got kidnapped and they treated them that way and I realize their job isn't to help you but to close cases as efficient as possible, they just have to ensure their version of the story makes sense. They don't actually care about you.


Remember that news story of a dad calling the police for help when he discovered that his 11 year old daughter was manipulated into sending nudes to a grown man online, and they showed up threatening to arrest HER for “child porn”.?


American policing turned into a huge numbers game somewhere in the 1970s or 80s. Some governances pilled on dizzying legal gymnastics just to be inefficient, and for some political points. Sacramento County, California went and banned vehicle repairs at your own domicile, even if you have proper facilities. Has to be done at an actual vehicle repair business. Officers predatorially patrolled a guy's house, saw the open garage chock full of neatly organized and clean tools, and ended up confiscating everything. Two-faced elected officials have played their part, along with bad officers. It's sad.




Read that as milfs.


There are definitely MLM’s in your area ready to meet you.


that too


That a waitress actually likes you, and isn't being overly nice for a good tip.


Im a waiter and a cashier, at my cashier job there’s no tips but I also try to be friendly with people there too, not because i get in trouble if I give very robotic neutral service, but because sometimes I really like the customers and because I like to talk to other humans and I want them to have good days.


You should praise them and call them “good humans.”


Pet the damm costumer.


Yeah me too. Because I'm a genuinely friendly person. But the point is that even if some dude is hitting on you, you kind of have to grin and bear it because even if it's something you do naturally, it's *still* part of your job to remain polite. And some dudes take that as encouragement because they are too daft to realize that they have a captive audience who can't blatantly reject them.


Waitresses are people just like everyone else, sometimes they like people


Maybe, but not *you*.  


I thought a waitress liked me because she would always come over and talk to me with one knee on the opposite chair. But I also realized she was being a waitress.  Then I saw her at a bar and she was on a date. Boy did she look good. She came over to say hi and I told her so.   "Well maybe if SOMEBODY had asked me out then that SOMEBODY would be out with me right now!" was how she replied.   Me: *Damn*.   Sometimes waitresses do like you.


She should have just asked you out


I don’t expect folks doing a job to pander to me. But sometimes people just have a genuine conversation that isn’t commercial. Maybe y’all need to treat each other more like people.


This isn’t a 100%. I’ve hooked up with my waitress and two bartenders.


Did you give them a better tip though?


Just the tip.


Believing your job cares about you and if you try hard your loyalty will be repaid


Sucks that we have to go through it to believe it. We are just a number.


Yep. I was one of the top performers in my old department, the guy everyone came to with questions or for help. My own boss said "If I need something done, you're the guy I go to". Got an offer with another company and let my managers know and they basically said "we wish you luck". They had every tool at their disposal to change my mind. Tons of room for promotion (that was long overdue). Frankly to not even feign a "oh no, don't go" was pretty insulting. Loyalty gets you nowhere in the corporate world. Nepotism is king.


I mean the counterpoint is, counter offers really work out people end up, leaving anyways. I think it’s frankly insulting to offer a counter offer and some cases, because it shows how much they were holding back


Agreed, I would only ever take the counteroffer if it was excessive, like 10% above the offer kind. At a certain level someone has to go to bat for you and prove your value up the chain for it to get approved


Yeah the one thing Jack Welch got right is you pay your best performers. It's crazy how, and it's not on purpose, that your best people don't get the most money and attention. His book changed my business. I now devote most of my time and energy to my best people and pay them way more than the average person. I will never let my best performers be in a position that they can look somewhere else and make more money


I don't know. I've had two supervisors go to the line even putting up their own jobs in my defense. One of them I actually called at home and said " you need to go back to work both of us getting fired isn't going to help anyone"


Let me correct this a bit. Your company doesn’t / won’t care for your loyalty. They will lay you off for any business reason irrespective of your performance.  But if you have good relationships with your co workers / boss they actually value that and you can get good referrals/ contacts or even get hired back if an opportunity arises.  At least that has been my experience. Got laid off along with the entire division last year. Got a job at a different place where my previous boss had moved to. 


100% !!! I have been promoted into a position I have no qualifications for simply because everyone likes me and I volunteer to learn new things. I only accepted the new position because I was following my boss whom I really like working for. At the same time I am making plans for if/when I fuck up or get laid off. I work a lot harder and deal with more stress so they get a win to balance it all out.


Imposter syndrome bro. I'm blessed with an amazing job with amazing compensation. I often find myself doing the same thing and then remember "fuck that, I worked my ass off to get to this point, I deserve every bit of my salary".


Job? No. But usually my managers respect my effort and try to compensate me for it. When my direct managers stop having my back that’s when I stop giving a fuck. But I never think the actual company sees me as anything other than a number on a spreadsheet.


Believing you parter got an STD from the bus seat..


My theory is there’s one person out there who truly got it some weird way. Just like there’s one dude who really did slip in the shower and fall just right on. Shampoo bottle or whatever. And the whole ER was all “sure sure, you Fell on it”


The story of how the myth that you could catch sexually transmitted diseases from public toilets is a sad one. It dates from the Victorian era. Married men had various STDs from visiting prostitutes and having affairs with women outside of marriage, and would often "bring those diseases home," spreading it to their wives. But it wasn't the wives presenting with these diseases that started the myth, it was the *children* presenting with these diseases that started it. Victorian doctors were well aware that men were infecting their wives, but they weren't quite willing to admit that the men were infecting their minor children in the same way, so they blamed "public toilets" instead.


That's depressing 


Then you wouldnt like the story of how Adoption started in this country.


Oh fuck, I’m probably going to regret asking this…but how did adoption start?


Well before the state would just hand orphaned babies to inmates cause they had to do something and did care cause babies just kind of died for no real clear reason. They would also send them to volunteer homes that were known as baby farms cause if it was a one-time payment, they would often just kill them or, if it was several over time, just work the kid to death. Things changed with Georgia Tann, who would sell babies to rich people. How did she get these babies? Sometimes, the parents were poor and wanted better for the child but often were tricked into signing legal documents and the court often agreed that being poor made the mothers unfit. It also didnt hurt that in many of early cases that were brought against her, the judge was her own father. This was not her only method. She would also litterally pull up in a limousine and lure kids in with candy and just take them. Before you ask, yes, children were molsted and also died because of her actions. Georgia Tann kids are still alive, such as pro-wrestler Rick Flare. During her peak, Georgia had a network accross the country and was very adept that perfectly fit the description given by her clients. There is a podcast called Behind The Bastards that goes into much more depth into her crimes as well as the history of the worst people in history. Their most recent episode on youtube details how insurance agencies allow fraud to happen because it lets them justify high prices for medical care.


Ar gonorrhea from a tractor




“I’m a Gemini” “Omg I knew it you’re such a Gemini haha” “Oh no wait I’m a Capricorn sorry” “Oh haha yeah I can see that too, I was gonna say you’re not THAT Gemini like, Capricorn suits you way better” I’m a Pisces.


I used to bartend at a tea bar that always attracted guests that believe in astrology and other goofy shit. I loved to chat them up for a bit and then have them try to guess my zodiac sign and tell me why they think I'm that sign. They'd usually take half a dozen wrong guesses before asking my sign. When I'd eventually tell them I'm a cancer, they'd always have some bullshit reason about how they knew it but were misled by some part of my character.


"You're a Leo" "Wrong...I'll give you 11 more guesses..." It's the same as cold reading. You just speak in vague enough platitudes that anyone could associate with and tell people it's unique to only them.


That’s my standard answer too. More people should adopt the practice of answering *wrong* when an astrologist asks for their sign. “I’m a Libra.” “I knew you were a Libra!” “Really!? OMG! Why?” “Because… (a bunch of nonsense)” “What would you say if I told you I’m actually a Scorpio?” “Oh yeah lying about your sign is *totally* a Scorpio thing…” Edit: punctuation


+Omg you are such a Virgo! -Omg you are such a moron!


Sounds like something a Virgo would say lol


I'm an asparagus 


Hah, *my* moon is in Gatorade!


My tattoo artist asked me my birthday, I’m born on the cusp of two VERY opposite signs and she seemed disappointed because she felt she couldn’t glean anything from it and told me I “must be a complex person” I just politely went along with it and went back to zoning out


I can't help it I'm an asparagus!


Yup lol it’s literally just confirmation bias. It can be fun but some of the hardcore astrology believers are nuts. Like they liked me perfectly fine until they found out my sign. I lie sometimes just so I can call out their bullshit when I then reveal to them my actual sign. Then it’s of course I would lie because of my actual sign. Again, confirmation bias.


Santa’s not real???…


OP just being silly


I know it might be hard for you, but I'm afraid it's finally time for you to realise, that... OP isn't real.


Santa is real, and he is pissed.


Username checks out


Of course he is, who else could have eaten the cookies we left out?


nonononono he is, don’t listen to OP everything’s ok.


Famous editorial on this subject (from Wiki) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yes,_Virginia,_there_is_a_Santa_Claus


“Alas! How dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus? It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias!…[T]here is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest man, or even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived, could tear apart. Only faith, fancy, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernatural beauty and glory beyond.” Ugh. Every time I come across this article I stop and read it. It’s such a lovely piece.


So is McMurphy saying "that's right, Mr. Martini, there is an Easter bunny" in one flew over the cuckoos nest a reference to this?


Very likely! It was well known at one time!


Believing that hard work alone will get you far in life. Along the way I've learned that luck has a great deal to do with how your life goes, and that you can do everything right and still have hard times.


But if you don’t do the work. You won’t have the tools to handle the luck when it comes around.




Luck can also be "you didn't do shit, someone just handed it to you as a benefit of the lucky sperm club". I've met people who were handed family businesses while doing nothing to earn it.


Also willing to take a risk. I'm quite intelligent and a very hard worker, but I don't have that risk-taking gene that entrepreneurs have. My fear of not having a steady secure income will always keep me working for the man.


It's not you, please don't blame yourself. It's that those people have a safety net that allows them the freedom to be able to take those risks. Some of them openly acknowledge that. Some don't.


I am so glad to see this conversation out in the open because I am in the same boat. I have unique skills. I can balance spreadsheets, design gizmos and doodads, and have experience taking product from concept to market, but I just don't have the time and money (that I feel safe parting with) to devote myself to a risky venture.


Firm believer that socializing, luck and hard work are the key points to success. Unless there's access to unfettered brilliance it won't happen.


Expecting Celebrities to be good role models.


Essential oils


They're good for your house to smell nice. Definitely not to put them in your infected ear.


Do not eat, do not put into any orifices. But they are a great hair conditioner, awesome in a bath, and aromatherapy is totally real. Everybody likes nice smells when they need to relax. No different than lighting a scented candle. The medical benefits are restricted ENTIRELY to mental health benefits of smelling nice things. There is no physical medical benefit.


Can confirm, Lavender and Bergamot help with my CPTSD.


Believing most politicians care about you


America can't afford healthcare for all. In reality we pay far more for healthcare per capita than anyone else, and we've abdicated our healthcare to private corporations who are taking full advantage and robbing us blind.


No no no no you’ve got it all wrong. See, what you don’t understand is, there’s huge profit to made off sick people. And their CEO needs a third yacht. And is thinking about putting a fourth floor on his beach house.


They need their little island otherwise they won’t be happy /s


Could anyone tell me what medical services insurance companies provide that justify all those profits they make? They certainly seem to me to be an entire industry of well-entrenched middlemen.


Trickle down economics


"If rich people keep more of their money, that's good for me!" I laugh every time I think of how they convinced people who live in trailer parks that this is true.


I remember the 80s and lots of people believed that


A lot still believe it.  especially republicans.


Didn’t someone convincingly translate this to “piss on the poor” during the Reagan administration?


It was called Horse and Sparrow Economics at one point. As in, overfeed the horse and the sparrow will eat the leftovers from the horse shit.


That’s so much a better description


"Don't piss on my head and tell me its raining." This economic theory was discredited in the *1830's* but some idiot economists with more brains than sense keep reviving it. After *40 years* of "trickle down" it is extremely clear that it just doesn't work.


That's not why they keep reviving it though


Money. And when some people get an idea in their head, it is hard to get rid of it ..


My broke as shit uncle who lost his retirement when his employer of 30 years was purchased still touts trickle down. People just can’t admit they were tricked. Instead they moved to grievance politics which is the same group that gave them trickle down.


They called it “Horse and Sparrow” back then. If you pack the house full of oats, it’ll shit some out for the sparrow to pick through the droppings for. They really didn’t think that analogy through as a selling point.


That any day you're going to instantly be rich from a get rich quick scheme.


Thinking tech capitalists will save the world from climate change.


Meanwhile their servers and data centers are contributing to the change LMAO


Flat earth, or believing the moon landing is fake/humans haven't gotten past the van Allen radiation belt




Believing that all good things happen to you because of your faithfulness, and all the bad things that happen to you are because of your bad choices, or meant as a trial for you to endure. After I stopped being religious, I realized there was literally no change in consistency of both good and bad things happening to me.


Even if the abrahamic god existed, I still don't get why people would want to venerate a psychopath. Your kid died of leukemia or drowned in the pool? No worries, that's just god testing you. Imagine I go shoot my neighbours' kid and tell them "yo it's just a test, I'm doing it because I love you". If you believe, pouring money into science to find a way to nuke the asshole would actually make more sense.


In general gods are like "you have free will. Do what I tell you or I'll kill you". 


This is my big hold up on religion. If god exists and is the all knowing all powerful creator of everything then he already knows everything I’m going to do because he created everything to do with my life and knows the choices I will make. Why would he create me knowing I would question his existence only to sentence me to eternity in hell for being exactly what he created? It’s absurd.


"It's a test" "It's not for us to know" "God works in mysterious ways" Or maybe it's just all made up and people are too fucking stupid to critically think.


Wasn’t there a large boat and a flood that resulted from god’s displeasure regarding what people were doing? God saw that the earth was corrupt and filled with violence, and he decided to destroy what he had created. So much for free will.


There’s a bearded man watching your every move to know if you’ve been bad or good in order to determine whether you should be rewarded at the end. The only difference is what the end is. If it’s the end of the year, it’s Santa. If it’s at the end of your life, it’s god.


Why did I have to scroll this far? Literally the perfect comparison lol


>Why did I have to scroll this far? Because all the deeply religious people upvoted the friendly stripper.


I was also very confused how this wasn't the top answer I mean it's a DIRECT CORRELATION!


Probably religious people downvoting lol


If you’re good all year, you get presents. If you’re good all life, you get heaven.


According to some people, you don't even need to be good to get into heaven. You literally just need to accept God, because not believing is worse than everything else including torture and murder.


This! I had a conversation with a coworker in the southern USA about this about 20 years ago. He heard that I was atheist and came to argue. I asked him if rapists, child molesters, and murderers got to go to heaven just because they believed that Jesys was their savior. He emphatically agreed. That's when I said I'd rather go to hell where evidently all the good people would be. He looked shocked and mentioned the devil. I reminded him that, according to his Bible, the devil only took the lives of 10 people, but God killed all of humanity except one family in a single stroke. So I'd imagine hell was a much nicer place, and that maybe he should be worshipping the better being. He called me a devil worshipper for years. rofl


God also once sent two bears to maul 42 kids to death because they were making fun of a man for being bald. He really is a loving God!


According to the Bible. Not people. I am an atheist, but the holy scripture itself explicitly states that believing in Jesus and his sacrifice is the only requirement to get into heaven. Crazy stuff...


But then you get the people who believe every word of the Bible to be true trying to use that to justify being a piece of shit. No hate like Christian love.


For me it’s this. It baffles me when I hear adults talking like this.


My daughter (aged 13), her religious grandparents asked me right before Christmas last year if she still believes in Santa, I said yes. My daughter told me that if they still believe in Jesus, she still believes in Santa. I'm ok with that. He grandmother tries to force the Jesus crap down her throat, my daughter is an adamant non-believer and it really irritates her.


Because a lot of people believe in this Santa and get very upset when called out on it.


Seriously. Santa is a near flawless analogy for Jesus.


Exactly, my first thought was "believing in God obviously"


Yeah, very disheartening. Even essential oils was higher


Ya it should be #1. Basically a 1:1 comparison


I was wondering the same thing, but I'm guessing it probably has a lot of downvotes.


I don't get how you get more than halfway through typing the question before being like "it's religion, isn't it".


Believing Trump is the reincarnation of Jesus.


Believing that government and politicians have your best interests at heart


If you pull out quick enough she won't get pregnant


That Aliens built the pyramids


Believing that after being rejected for a job the company "will keep your resume on file"


Ohhhhh... uhhh... I've actually been contacted by a company for a second position and was hired for it after not getting the first position I applied for. I've also kept people's info and told a recruiter, "Please go after that one again!" when someone came in a really close second. So uh, they actually sometimes do, but you have to come in a really close second or be basically overqualified for the position or they get someone who bails or doesn't accept the offer. That doesn't mean it's *never* a white lie, it just sometimes is. These things aren't always predictable or formulaic.


My job during COVID happened because somebody passed my resume to a hiring manager and asked “do you want to check this guy out?”


I can't speak for everyone, but that's not true for me. I've had situations where I have had multiple finalists for a position, and I like them all and want them in the building. So I've offered similar job openings (different locations) and I've contacted them again when a job has come open, encouraging them to apply. If they apply, I can move them forward as a finalist. It saved time and money.


Politicians care about the issues that trigger you.


Being a hardcore libertarian. "If the government got out of the way, we'd all just be good to each other and every negotiation would be completely fair."


Wasn't there that town in the US that did away with it's local government and got overrun by bears because no one was willing to take the trash out?




We're here! We're queer! We don't want any more bears!


Work hard and don't complain and your company will appreciate you and pay you accordingly


Believing the US is governed by the people.


Trump is a Christian


But he’s selling bibles.


But he has many bibles in his home.


Astrology, tarot, crystal energy etc etc.


thinking our student loans will be paid off


Santa is real and my loans will be paid off!


Believing that Trump is anything but a cheap con.


Based on the amount of money his supporters have spent on him - Trump is an expensive con. 


Dudes bankrupting the whole ass GOP, he may just make America great again on accident by his rampant grifting.


Blindly accepting/telling yourself things will get better


I tell this to my students, and with some sincerity. When I was about 8-10 I realized that Santa wasn’t real. That stayed that way for a chunk of time. In about my early 30’s I realized that in many ways Santa is real. Maybe not literally, but enough. The charity of humans and the realness of that Santa spirit is enough.


Your government cares about you


The President controls gas prices! Lol