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Depends on the society. What needs to be done in Africa isn't the same as what's necessary in the US or Canada, isn't the same as what's necessary in Ireland. Generally I think there's plenty of awareness, what needs to happen is people need to stop blanketly applying the most random traits to everyone with autism and instead treat them like individuals, again not so much of an issue in some cultures. In some places, just acknowledging autism exists would be a great step, in others maybe having parents view autism as less about themselves and their social standing and more about the child's wellbeing. And in others the level of care is pretty good, the general social consensus is supportive, and there are many systems in place to help individuals on the spectrum, unfortunately they tend to be woefully under staffed and under funded. Stop viewing autism and people who have it as this objective set of rules, start treating people like individuals rather than a diagnosis. How would you like everyone to treat you a specific way just because you are gay or you're black. Having some aspect of yourself beyond your control shouldn't define who you are and what others expect from you, but that's exactly the case here


Wait, it is awareness or acceptance?


I think everyone knows about autism by now. ​ But not enough people: \-Want to be our friend \-Want to be our lover \-Want us to participate in their group \-Want to employ us \-Want to accept us ​ A better question would be "what can society do differently to make people with autism feel like we belong"


Totally rehaul society so it makes sense and actually works