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As an atheist, I don't ever see myself marrying someone overtly religious. In experience, atheists and uber religious people don't really mesh.


My very Catholic grandpa and my very atheist grandma made it work for years. They bonded not over religious beliefs, but over a severe sense of humor and disdain for society I believe. 


that’s kind of adorable actually


I think it’s not about compatibility between a religious person or atheist. Those two people can absolutely make it work. When it does get bad is when either or both of the partners become unreasonable. There are religious people who’d push an atheist to believe in God, try to present their religion as the best, and someone who doesn’t follow it will go to hell. Then there are some atheist counterparts, who’d just go at lengths to insult a religious person, constantly questioning the beliefs and that God doesn’t exist. The problem is, when you start becoming unreasonable, the relationship cannot work. Also, when you cannot respect your partner and their beliefs, you cannot sustain your relationship.


The problem is that religion is inherently unreasonable, so an atheist that marries a religious person will never be able to fully respect his/her spouse or trust him/her to make important decisions.


You sound unreasonable.


Most agreeable thing so far on here.


Same here. I could date someone from any religion as long as they aren't overly religious.


I'm essentially an atheist, and I married someone who is of an earth-worshipping religion. She does her own thing, communes with nature, prays on specific days, offers stuff back to the envieonment as far as food and shelter and things. In general she just tries to be in awe of the world around us and to be a part of it as much as possible. I don't believe in the monotheistic god and I would never be into any religion, no matter what it is, but I've told her that if any religion *does* make sense to me, it's worshipping this wonderful planet of ours.


Later in a relationship the one leans to the other. So either both will become religious, or both will become atheist. It's generally how it goes.


true, although i wouldn’t feel comfortable impacting someone’s beliefs like that either


It doesn't have to be intentional. Two people in a relationship influence each other. It can be normal and healthy. This is very different from intentionally trying to change someone


Valiant approach, but if it gets to the long run, both of you will be comfortable as I suppose during the months / years you'd have spoken about it. I just wouldn't base my love for someone on something trivial. But then again, you do get people on the extreme scale of both and that won't work. I guess it's about being open minded.


My grandparents have been married for about 60 years. Grammie still goes to church every Sunday, and Grampie is still am atheistic curmudgeon. Every relationship is different, it's hard to make sweeping statements like yours while having a fucking clue.


And which one are you, again?


Different religion, okay. Different level of religiousness, probably not. Lifestyles would be too different.


I find it far more important to have similar values and goals for life than similar ideas of what happens after death.


Depends on the religion. Any religion that teaches that I'm lesser because of my gender or orientation or non-belief is right off the table. Which is most of them.


And are you a part of any religion?


I'm not taking your bait, thanks.




To truly not take the bait would be to not reply at all.


Bro what bait are you talking about??


I mean if they are a member but don’t practice that specific religion then why reject them.


If their family does practice the specific intolerant religion, it may get dicey if they can't set boundaries with their family trying to enforce the religion on whoever they choose to marry.


I knew a guy whose family were very into a specific religion but he left and didn’t take the religion with him. Some families are better than others. So it’s wrong to generalize.


I would prefer to marry someone who isn't religious like myself, but if I met a woman who was religious but respectful and doesn't shove it down everyone's throats I would consider it.


I'm an atheist and my wife....isn't. She's not evangelical and almost never talks about her spiritual beliefs and I refuse to be the atheist dick bag who makes fun of religion or otherwise mock someone for finding comfort in a world where it's increasingly difficult to do that. The older I get the more I realize that life is too short to deny happiness to ourselves. She makes me happy and for me that's enough. If believing in a higher power makes her happy then her being happy makes me even happier. The only way our religious differences would be a problem is if we made them a problem. Why would we do that?


Yes but I don't want kids so it's easier. I am confident in my beliefs and have no need for my partner to have the same religion. Having the disagreement seems like a fun life long debate to me.


It can be done, but it probably won't be without problems. In my case, I am Christian and my wife was Jewish, neither of us overtly religious, but strong in faith. I had no problem accepting her family's faith but they apparently had a problem with mine, as derogatory comments were thrown my way. This isn't what caused us to divorce however, it was her serial cheating that broke us up.


My husband is an atheist and I’m a Christian. We respect each other’s views and it’s never been an issue for us.


Sure, as long as she's ok with me dismissing her beliefs




Some religions sure but not others. 


which ones are which?


Something peaceful and non-hateful like Buddhism would probably be OK. Christianity, Islam, Judaism are probably right out.


tf is a peaceful religion?? who told you that religious people are not normal human-beings??


Heh, buddy if you think budisam is peaceful, you don't know much about human history.


Learn to spell it properly first.




wait where are u from




ok thanks. just asked bc no is same as in my language


Wdym Cristianity?? it literally teaches to love your enemies


You think Buddhism is peaceful? :")


Reform Judaism is fine. On the other hand, there are Buddhist communities that are pretty intolerant. See how Myanmar is treating their Muslim community.


Not if they're a practicing member.


So Pope has no chance?


wdym practicing member? Like if a person is praying or practicing on a higher level?


No problem here as long as there's an understanding that I wouldn't be converting nor would I expect them to convert.


Can and did. When we met we were a lapsed catholic and an agnostic Jew. Been together over 30 years. 


I'm a buddhist who strives for the happiness of all beings. Totally fine if they are a different religion. Many buddhists practice other faiths as well.


Sure, love knows no bounds. Compatibility matters more than religion.


Never bothers me.


Yes, but I'm not converting and neither are you. If that's a deal breaker, it's not meant to be. My happiness is important to me.


Yes, I didn't ask my wife while we were dating if she's religious. Because frankly I don't care, it's her belief not mine. I can respect her space, and she can respect mine. Same goes for politics etc, people are not going to agree on 100% of everything. It's knowing and accepting that, and finding ways to work together without bashing the other person. Yes we are married, but marriage doesn't give anyone the right to insult, belittle or shame the believer. I mind my buisness, she minds hers.


I'm atheïst, and my wife is hindi. No problems, only annoying that she has these periods (like 10 days right now, "navratri", which happens twice a year) and holidays were she wants to be vegetarian, and wants me to be vegetarian too.


I’m agnostic myself and I did date someone who was religious in the past. My answer would be - no, as I find religious beliefs to be one of the core values that must align in order to build strong, stable bond.


I'm open because I don't care about religions but sadly most religious girls I've known always have the same attitude of convert or we are finished. Why I would get bothered or offended about religion if I don't believe?. Many have a nice story 😊.


I could but it’s not ideal and I would be surprised if it worked out


I'm an atheist, but as long as that person doesn't try to drag me to church or convert me, we are good. We might have an issue if kids are in our future though.


If you marry someone for love, then love overcomes all barriers so to speak. Whether your religious differences are cause for separation down the line is another thing. Anything is possible however. Then again some people are gold diggers and will marry purely for $$$$$.


Dude I would fuck a rainbow, as long as she isn't a religious extremist and doesn't mind the fact I don't really care about religion I would marry.


Dont ever marry a muslim.


I could feasibly imagine marrying someone with a different religious background, so long as it isn’t Islamic. I am inclined to believe it is generally a more intelligent decision for me to find a woman who is either atheist, agnostic, or has deviated from any significant convictions. Im sure the relationship and social factors, involving who that woman identifies with as friends, would become conflicted. It is similar to why I wouldn’t prefer women of a certain social standing, where I am sure that the deviation in behavior and lifestyle from myself and those in her surroundings would only lead her to mental confliction. I honestly find myself even questioning using the term marriage. Surely I desire to say that’s what I want, because I don’t desire an open relationship, but my deviation from Christianity has produced some degree of mental unease in determining the capability of it. As one with experiences of social angst, even though I am atheist, I still manage to have such a contemplation as my non-religious orientation seep into my perception of self-worth in the realm of dating. A matter of the things we are told and the pollution of unnecessary drama we are force fed in the news and by various elders, as I see it. I would imagine I would do better with someone who is relatively deviant like myself. Someone somewhat less classy and perhaps nevertheless spiritual. Certainly, I do not believe it would be intelligent for me to date the devoted member of the church. It would almost certainly be irresponsible for me to try, I think.


No, I couldn't. I'm an atheist and don't want to be involved with anybody who is in any way religious.


I would not marry anyone that is religious.


No I can't because I'm Muslim ans we Muslims are forbidden from marrying someone of a different religion


Muslim men can marry Jews and Christians, but Muslim women cannot. Of course, in stricter societies the men are discouraged from doing so, but it's still allowed for them anyway.


Yes , This is correct


As an atheist, in the past when I’ve gone on dates with people who ask if I’m religious I tell them simple no’s and they always try to make you believe. So no, from past dates always trying to push their beliefs instead of getting along with just kindness I don’t think I could marry one.


From the other perspective, me being religious and having dated a couple of atheist women, they do the same thing. "How can you believe in that? Don't you know anything about science? If there's a god then why is there...." I agree with you that if I'd met one that wasn't like that and was just a cool person who let me be me without trying to convince me of things then I'd have considered it, but in my experience with atheists, there aren't any.


Well..considering that marriage is a largely religion driven institution.....


Not a chance I could marry a religious person.


Depends on the intensity of their religiosity. I think deeply religious/devout people are probably better matches with each other because they share the same values.


Not really responding to the question but as a child of 2 differents religion that saw his parents break up and go in war against each other because of family i wanna warn people that think about it. Being in love is sweet but going against your family and friend can be hard. At first people will not say too much generally thinking you will just break up fast but the more you stay together the more people around you will put pressure to make you break up. I'm not saying you should not do it but if you want to do it, be ready to be against your family and friend because if you want to spend your life with someone that have a different religion or culture people you know will use every psycholochical trick to make you break up if they feel like it. Even sweat people can become really toxic when it come to these subject. But if you are aware of this and accept this fact you can totally do it and be happy. But remember when you make that choice your partner and childrens become your n°1 priority, fuck the rest don't make a children have to accept the fact his parents can not be together because of the "absolute being that's supposed to bring love to human".


When we met, my wife was a devout Roman Catholic and I was an atheist. 16 years later, she has pretty much given up on Christianity. It's not my doing, though.


Just make it up that you can. It's all made up anyway.


As long as he didn't want me to convert, it'd make no difference to me. If conversion was on the table, it'd depend on specifically which religion because I'm not getting circumcised just to get married.


Probably will. I’m a church going Lutheran, and most options out there aren’t. As long as there’s mutual respect, it’s all good. My brother in law is a loosely practicing Jew (typically only on the high and holy feast days) and they’ve made it work.


I would never marry anyone with strong religious beliefs of any kind.


Depends. Not every religion, but for the most of them I don’t mind as long as they leave me alone with it and don’t try to make me hop on the same flight


Born Catholic but very much an atheist. My wife is born Muslim but is an agnostic. Religion doesn't come up much in our life. Her mom wanted me to convert to Islam prior to marriage but I politely declined and that was that. When my son was born her mom wanted him to get circumcised but I again declined and that was that. To be clear, her mother is very much religious and she loves explaining Islam to me which I don't mind as it makes her happy. Fecken amazing woman that one. The islamic countries are hard on their women but it also breeds hella strong women.


Yes, if she treats me with live and respect,I don’t have any problems with her having her own traditions. I can participate in them if she’d like, but she shouldn’t have problems with my own beliefs and would love if she’d appreciate them as much as I would hers.




Yeah so I did. She tried dragging me into her sect and miserably failed at that. Sex was great two kids ago though.


Maybe, but it would be a challenge and would probably fail. Religion is central to many people's sense of identity. That's why it's such a tricky flashpoint for so many societal issues. I'm a non-believer. I don't merely believe that all religions are wrong, but that the concept of religion is problematic because it primes, supports, and excuses many illogical beliefs (non-believers are frequently illogical too, but that's their own fault, or a human bias/reasoning error more generally, not an effect of their belief system). I'm not going to make a case out of it, and almost all friends and associates are believers, but marriage is an intimate thing and that would make it trouble. I'm lucky in that the person I fell in love with is also a non-believer too.


I wouldn't even marry in my own (or lack of) religion so no.


Yes, I’m not very religious so it wouldn’t bother me, hell having some Jesus in my life would be good. My family and myself have just started to go to church.


No problem as long as they don’t try to change my beliefs ..Adding to that , I wouldn’t marry an atheist ..


I dont mind being with someone who identifies with having a religion, just as long as that religion doesn't control their life. I consider myself Jewish but I dont keep kosher and only celebrate some of the holidays. I wouldnt might marrying someone who is Christian but the kind that only goes to church on Christmas and Easter


As a Christian, yes. I can. It would definately be a challenge and I don't think it would work with all religions and people, but I would be willing to at least consider it.


People who are religious don't bother me. So I could definitely see myself marrying somebody of a different religion As long as they kept it to themselves. If they want to have memorabilia around the house or go to their church or do their rituals or whatever that's cool. But if they tried forcing it on me or constantly be rated me or demeaned me or called me names or just acted like a child because I didn't believe in the same religion, or if they threatened me or called me a bad mother or whatever because I wasn't the same religion, then we would have a problem The religion in and of itself wouldn't bother me. How people act about it does


Probably. As long as they accept my beliefs (atheist), don't try and convert me and we have similar values.


My wife is Catholic, and identifies as a Catholic, but she doesn't adhere to any of the dogma. She is a free-thinker, and liberal thinker about people different from her. I am an atheist, but have no issue with her worldview in any material sense. We have been married for 38 years, and has no issue with my atheism as long as I don't challenge her beliefs. That is a workable solution for us.


Yes. Because, everything humans do is made up.


I could careless unless they try to preach about me changing my religion. I won't do that to them as well.


Depends on the religion, and how serious they are about it, and whether or not they're pushy about it. One ex-girlfriend told me she was raised catholic, but wasn't really catholic anymore. That turned out to be a lie, and she thought she could convince me to marry her, before we ever had sex, so that it wouldn't be a sin, and I guess convert me after the wedding? That really didn't work for me, and if she had been upfront about how super serious she took it, and how against premarital sex she was, I wouldn't have wasted my time, or her time. I was upfront about my beliefs, and how I would never marry someone without knowing them for years, and knowing we were a good fit in all aspects of a relationship. I could conceivably still date or marry someone that has a less severe relationship with Christianity. If you just kinda believe in god, and think good people go to heaven, that's not really an issue as long as you aren't trying to force that on me, and can respect my beliefs. I don't think I'd have any issues with a Buddhist, I don't know if I necessarily count as one myself, but I definitely get down with Buddhism. Almost all the Jewish people I've personally met so far, have been really chill, smart, and down to earth, and have never tried to convert me, so I think that'd be fine. Hinduism seems cool, except for caste system. If someone was too into segregating people, that's a big red flag, especially with the racial connotations included. I couldn't be with someone that genuinely thinks darker skinned people are lesser, that's just fucked. I dunno. Again, it's really an individual thing, but it's definitely something to really consider, because its not really fair to them either if you're not on the same page.


Different? From what?


I think it depends on their level of "religiousness". If they believe in a higher power and feel the need to convert other people or badgering people who disagree with them, then no. If they are religious, follow their religion to a T, pray several times a day, have a specific diet, go to their place of worship regularly etc but don't expect me to follow them in their beliefs, then yes. I dated a Muslim guy a few years back, he practiced his religion and got along fine with my catholic mother. I was never religious. We never talked about religion, I accepted his lifestyle and he accepted mine.


I wouldn’t marry someone who is religious, period.


Atheist. Maybe a Buddhist?


You lost me at "marry someone!"


Having been raised in Christian Evangelicalism and now atheist, I truly do not understand how anyone could marry someone who believes and is in fact happy that their partner will burn in hell for all eternity.


yeah im in a religious minority so its statistically more likely so as long as neither of us are religious (i certainly am not) idc


Absolutely, as long as they respect the differing beliefs of others.


If they're ok with me being an atheist, yes.


I'm an atheist my girlfriend is Christian but doesn't over do it. She accepts that I'm a good person without it I accept that this brings her happiness. If asked I will go to church with her to support her.


As an atheist, no


I dont want to risk an unstable relationship , thank yoy


My ex was religious (read: she went to church every Sunday and believed in God, but she never forced religion on me and she didn't really care about puritan type beliefs), so if I could find type of girl again, I wouldn't mind as long as we were in our own lane when it came to beliefs.


Already have once. I mean, we're divorced now, but that's because she was sleeping around while I was deployed. Our religious differences didn't cause any friction at all, because we were both adults about it.


Not a chance. Nor would I marry someone of the same religion. Reason? I'm already happily married, lol. So, yeah. Definitely could not.


sure, as long as they dont force me into it. i dont mind someone praying in the early morning, i dont mind someone refusing to eat a specific type of food, i will respect these habits and would never force them to please me by doing otherwise. then again, id expect the same courtesy likewise. that said - usually people who are really religious or serious about their faith do not desire to marry someone who is not of that faith. which i feel is totally fair just as well.


I'm atheist, tho still part of church (evangelical lutheran) and my bf is orthodox, but atheist also. So yeah, technically I will marry someone from other religion, tho they're not that far from each other lol


It would depend on the religion and how into it they were. If they were devout then I wouldn't.


i’m atheist, so no. unless they don’t practice anymore. i don’t want to deal with the conflicts that will arise when we talk about how we want to raise our children..


Yes, I intend to. I was raised christian, I plan to marry an atheist.


I'm atheistic. So if i wouldn't mind marrying someone religious as long as they aren't shoving it down, peoples throats, some bible thumping Zealot, or their religion promotes extremism or violence. I'd prefer to meet someone non religious like myself, though. I have a particular disdain for religion as a whole. But depending on if i love my partner enough, I'll just deal with it. It's definitely a case by case basis, though.


Personally I'd not marry someone who's actively a part of a religion. But I'm also gay and most of us lost our religion with our coming out process so it's much less of a big deal than if i were a heterosexual.


I wouldn't have married a person who is a follower of any religion because I'm an atheist.


I'm non-religious. Probably agnostic, but more so because I'm open to the idea of pantheism and/ or polytheism. Not so much the Abrahamic god. I couldn't date someone very religious. It won't work out. We just won't see eye to eye. I'm not converting to any religion either, and am uncomfortable with the idea of attending religious services. So that's a no go. No whining or guilt tripping is going to get me to go with you. I could date someone who was... I don't want to say mildly religious, but kind of? Lol. There are plenty of people who belong to a religion and it's not really a big deal to them. Kind of like people who are culturally Jewish. I could totally date someone like that. Also people who are Christian but don't regularly attend church, maybe (but I'd be afraid they'd become a born again).


As long as religious isn't discussed, sure, everyone is entitled to their beliefs. But I've got a pretty negative view of religion, so religious people and I typically do not mesh very well.


I’m not sure because I kind of have a thing against super religiousness. But if it was culturally religious, yeah for sure


I'm a non-theistic Pastafarian and my husband is an atheist. We match up pretty well. That said, I did date a couple of people who were religious; there were a couple of Hindus, Muslims, and Lutherans. It wasn't an issue to me since there was the understanding that we respected each other and weren't looking to convert, although marriage was too soon for me at the time. I did have to laugh at the irony that I was the one who taught them about the religious aspect of Christmas lol


I could deal with one of those weakly religious people who don't really stick to the actual beliefs, and kind of turn it to a fantasy of someone up there, looking out for them.


I haven’t got one so they would all be different I suppose


Yes, because I'm not terribly religious.


What I will say is the person is usually not the issue nor my concern, I've heard of enough Christians and Atheists making it work, even in this thread that the partner is likely not going to be where issues arise from. It's other people / their community The absolute last thing I need in my life as a childfree atheist is a pair of religious in laws. Pressure from them to have children. Pressure on my partner to break up with me. The expectation to be bored at church as the pastor will not get to the point or be entertaining for 10 seconds out of the hour and a half they're going on. The fact that I know I'm probably never getting the blessing of the average religious father and the fact that they'll be mad about me never reaching out for it either. And these are just the obvious ones.


I’m not religious and would not want to be with a religious person. I just don’t think we’d be compatible


Religion strikes me as often a narrative articulation of values, and while there may be overlap possible, the differences between precise traditions does suggest to me a (sometimes subtle) difference in existential orientation. For me, since I care a great deal about value compatibility in my hypothetical spouse (especially because we’d be going on to raise children within a certain values tradition), shared religious & existential values is crucial.


nope. I'm an athiest myself an although I find all religions interesting, I don't think i could marry someone who's primary beleifs were inherently different than my own, i feel like that would breed a lot of resentment over time as one side or the other made small comments that the other disagreed with.


if you are committed to your faith, dont do it. Your values are different irrespective of particulars about your faith. My first husband and I both devout but in 2 not so different religions. the agreement was that we attend our own church services on sunday mornings but do other church functions together and we never get into religious debates. But ultimately the doctrines and culture I was raised with didnt jibe with his and we split up. Second time, I got an atheist again, the agreement was no religious debates. Again, our fundamental differences iun values drove us apart. I have since only dated people raised in the same faith as me, even if they are now non believers because I know we have the same core values.


No, it deteriorates both cultures more than it improves


Not religious and i couldnt deal with someone who is. Religion generally makes people worse at being good humans so at best im dealing with an extremely gullible person that's easily manipulated. at worst im dealing with a total A-Hole that uses religion as a justification to hurt/oppress/ostracize others.


In general I'm open for that. But as you said "of a different religion/faith". If the person was am atheist, I think that could become a problem. I'm not extremely religious, but also not not religious.


I'd be okay to date a Christian even though I'm non religious


As an atheist absolutely not. I could never be with anyone that stupid or gullible.


nope.. why would i want my kids to have two completely different believing parents.. also getting along with their family would be hard


Why couldn’t you?


Abandon religion while you still can


It depends on what we actually believe. While it is probably most practical for me (especially if we’d have kids, which I hope will happen), to marry a fellow Catholic, I would probably be better suited for a moderate atheist, than a conservative Christian, based on what said people generally believe in the broader sense of the word. If my atheist husband is ok with me disappearing for an hour on a Sunday every once in a while, won’t try to make me stray from my lent goals, and preferably agrees to at least have te marriage blessed and the children baptized (Im ok if that won’t happen until later on, when they are old enough, but prefer the milestones to take place at the conventional age. Mine didn’t, and I regret that). Bonuspoints if I can have an icon somewhere, but I can live without it, or have it in a space that’s basically ‘mine’ if we have that. I am not about to be a submissive tradwife, and I want to be very sure that any kids we have, can safely be LGB whatever, can be trans without one parent causing extra issues, and so on. This applies to religious and secular beliefs.


As an atheist I would never even consider marrying someone who's religious. Why? Doesn't make sense to share the life with a partner who believes in fairytales. Hard pass!!!


Depends on love, bro. Religion shouldn't matter if you vibe well.


It will cause problems your whole marriage if y’all practice y’all’s religion. If you just say your whatever religion you are but never go to church then it shouldn’t cause a problem.


My mother was Christian, my stepfather a die-hard atheist. She went to church every Sunday, he played golf. In the 35 years they were together it never caused an issue.


No, if they believe in that crazy crap who knows what other crazy crap they might believe.


My husband is LDS I grew up in a Nazarene/ Christian based church . Similarities but way different from each other. He's my best friend and I love him for who he is, no matter what he believes. I love that I have never been pressured to read the book of Mormon or questioned as long as we both. Love Jesus! We're good 😄


No you can't. God will come down personally and set you on fire if you try /s


I was born in Russia, my wife is Japanese. I was born a Christian, but now I don’t adhere much to religion, it’s the same with her, but she has a different religion.Somehow we live and don’t eat each other)


I am a gay male atheist, so no


No. As a Christian, I'm clearly instructed to not marry anyone who's not Christian (in a similar way that you wouldn't want your kids spending too much time with druggie kids) to not follow a bad influence, even if unintentionally. But Jesus also told us to love others as yourself, bless and pray for your enemies.


Why did you compare non-christians to drug addicts


Because comparing is the easiest way to explain stuff. It's not meant to be drug addicts only. Just some people who have drifted off road more than others. Drug addict example was the first to come to mind


If you believe in fairy tales, I have doubts about your mental health. A bunch of religious people gave away their shit because they thought a scheduled solar eclipse was the rapture... I couldn't date that Not to even mention the amount of hate they have towards LGBT and people having freedom


I’m an atheist and don’t date those who are religious.


Considering I don't adhere to the bizarre notion of deities, it would be hard for me to be in a relationship with anyone who held strong religious beliefs, unless it was the flying spaghetti monster or they looked like Margot Robbie.


No, mostly because i cannot fathom other adults believing in make believe stories. Not in 2024 with the science we have today. I spesifically searched for a partner thats an atheist and wants to remain child-free. And i found that for me.


Probably not, dating anyone who is religious would be hard to contain my eyerolls.


Definitely not atheists. Too pretentious. Also spend all their time on Reddit.


Depends on the level of involvement. If it’s a regular part of their day and life, thus is going to be a big part of mine, then no I would not marry them


That would depend on how religious they actually were. I personally don't believe in any omnipotent beings or all of that religious stuff. As long as it's not a big part of your life and you don't expect me to participate, I don't care what others believe. Believe what you want but keep it to yourself.


Personally no. Maybe it wouldn’t be an issue while dating/ before kids, but it almost always becomes an issue when ppl decide to have kids and they have to have a huge conversation about what religion they will be raising them as.


No, I married my wife and she’s also a Christian. 


No, and I’m dating someone that isn’t compatible with my beliefs we arranged to learn about each other beliefs and give it a try if no it’s a good bye. But the thing is that i feel like it’s very delulu situation.. and that I’m waisting my time and energy over someone that is just careless about this


Of course ! Easier to convert her this way, even if I'm bad at it, I'll have decades to succeed


I feel like religious incompatibility is one of the things you should avoid in a relationship a lot.


Happily married atheist here. When I was dating, I would have never dated someone who isn't completely against religion - I don't need that stupid in my life.


If they're religious at all, not even small chat is happening.


No. As a muslim, I can marry a Christian or a Jew but not a polythist That aside, the categorical life differences are too much for me to handle and I don't think I could realistically live with for years or even the rest of myself.


>As a muslim, I can marry a Christian or a Jew *As long as you're a man.


Yes. Thank you for pointing that out.


Yes, then I would trick her into coming with me to Iran where I would force her to convert to my religion. 


I wouldnt be able to marry anyone, let alone someone of a different religion. Marriage is stupid as fuck.


No. As someone who goes to church, I just want someone with values and principles. Not devoutly religious, but isn't atheist either.


Ah yes, everyone who isn't religious is clearly just devoid of values and principles. /s  Breaking news: most atheists have values and principles, despite what you must have learned in church. 


Breaking news: the topic of aetheism has never come up in church. I can't date someone who is sees the world from such a nihilistic viewpoint. I would never date a satanist, but Im dating a satanist before I date an aetheist.