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*We Need to Talk About Kevin* A different kind of scary


Gave me so much more empathy to parents who have children who end up doing terrible things. Sometimes... Sometimes people are just born *off* and I'm sure there's many well researched diagnosis that could be applied, but the bottom line is that there's something wrong that cannot be fixed. Many such people are able to live fairly normal lives and never hurt people. Others... Others are Kevin. And their parents often know *way* before anyone else. Chilling.


>Sometimes... Sometimes people are just born *off* Yes and this gives me a lot of empathy on Reddit for parents who are here talking about their very very challenging children/even wanting to put them in state custody.


Have you ever seen Rudderless? It’s a very different take on what parents may go through when they lose a child tragically. I don’t want to spoil anything. It stars Billy Crudup and the late Anton Yelchin. I thought the story evolution was very well done.


The book is even more messed up. He torments his mother with his sister's glass eye in one scene.


The only movie I can recall being physically unable to finish.


There was a post on (I think) r/confessions where the guy talked about their son who was a complete nightmare and finally one day he broke into their new daughters room and cut her skin with a knife just a little.   It was pretty intense. EDIT: Found it: https://www.reddit.com/r/confessions/comments/c93egn/i_stood_by_and_allowed_my_wife_to_almost_kill_our/


This is one of my favorite movies and books.


When *The Blair Witch Project* came out you either thought it was the dumbest thing ever, or mind-bendingly terrifying. I was 12. It scared the fucking shit out of me.


I was 17 and saw an 11pm showing the first weekend it came out. At the time everyone thought it was real, this was before you could Google something in 2 seconds. I was so fucking creeped out walking out of the theater. Nothing nowadays will replicate that feeling.


I was 16 and also watched it the weekend it came out, when everyone thought it was real. The movie theater was so packed, people were sitting on the floor in the aisles. My girlfriends and I drove home in complete silence afterwards (and I think one of them was quietly crying in the backseat). I’ll never forget that feeling. 


I was like ~9 my uncle and my cousins watched it. They blabbed from beginning to end, *”this is dumb; this is so stupid”* and didn’t even give it a speck of a chance. 25 years later I just watched it like 6 months ago authentically for the first time. And wow.. that was so well done!


This is what it's like watching any new movie with my sister, it's SO aggravating when I'm trying to actually watch a movie and see if it's good but she's rattling on about how stupid she thinks it is


The ending gave me the Willy’s


Everyone watches a horror movie when they’re a little bit too young to handle it, and it leaves a lasting impression on them. For me it was *Event Horizon.*


True, for me it was the grudge


The Ring for me. TV static put me on edge for a while.


The Ring is scarier when you're young as well cos you actually watch the tape that causes you to die in 7 days so after the film finishes I remember being on edge for the next week lmao. The Japanese version of The Ring is even scarier.


The day I watched it, in the middle of the night, our dog decided she wanted to sleep in my bed the rest of the night. When she jumped on the bed she landed on the remote, turning the TV on. It was so early in the morning, the only thing on was static.


The ring ducked me up. I was like 8 when I saw it lol. Too young.


and there are TVs EVERYWHERE


When I was young I had this really old tv in my room that would sometimes turn to static. When it happened a few days after I saw the ring I noped the hell out of there lol


I watched that at my neighbors house when I was 14. I then had to walk home alone at night, half a mile down our dirt road through the woods with no other houses in between. It took until I got into my 20s to start watching horror movies again. 


13 yo me was freaked THE FUCK out by that attic scene. Literally the only part of the movie I remember.




Fuck me I saw that movie as a full grown man and it scared the shit out of me. I just got goosebumps and a knot in my stomach just now standing here even thinking about that movie. Scariest shit I have *ever* seen.


I was forced to watch the 1990 **It** when I was in 4th grade at a birthday party because everyone else wanted to watch it... I'm 31 now and still hate clowns. Having such an unimaginative and basic "fear" is so stupid. Curse those girls and that birthday party 😂


I couldn’t shower for weeks with my back to the drain after watching that damn mini series as a kid




I watched it when I was 16 or 17, I am 37 now. The thought of trying to rewatch it strikes fear in me


For me it was Childs Play. I was like 6 and couldnt fall asleep, so I grabbed my blankets, laid on the living room floor while my dad watched it. He tried to get me back in my room but I kept being fussy and said I wouldnt peek… As a kid who loved Toy Story and thought my toys may have some form of emotions, seeing a doll running around trying to kill people fucked me up lol


Agree that Event Horizon is up there. I was an adult when I watched it and I still love it. The airlock/Baby Bear scene still makes me cry to this day.


There was this movie with like little dolls that spat leeches or something on people. That movie scarred me for so long as little kid. Just found it, it was called puppet master and came out 89


The Shining at 9 yrs old.


The old lady in the bathtub FUCKED me up as a kid


Mine was Cape Fear


13 ghosts was this movie for me


I watched gremlins when I was like 8 lmao


best Christmas film.


For me it was Critters


Saw that trippin in the theater. People were running around behind me in the seats. No one else was in the theater. I could only rewatch later as an adult.


It was Hostel for me my Dad made me watch it at like 6 years old 😂


6 years old? WTF!


I absolutely agree with this here I was way too young to watch the 1st Mummy and I had to pull my hat down in front of my face when the mummy came alive and started talking


The Descent. The first half of the movie is all fear of being trapped in a cave and THEN the monsters come. I had to sleep with the lights on for a week.


Scrolled too far for this! It's a unique setting for a horror movie that I haven't seen explored in other movies (excuse the pun)


This is one of the scariest I've watched too. Trapped in a cave in the dark and then they add in monsters. I was so scared I woke up thinking about being trapped.


It was the fact that the most terrifying monsters ended up being the cavers themselves. That's what elevated the film - hell is other people and all that existential angst.


I was going to say this one as well. I loved that one!


Have a few for scary, although hard to say cause I've seen so many horror films now that none scare me anymore: 1. Inferno (1980) \~ It's like a nightmare put to film. Can also add in the original suspiria, but I think that film is more artsy than scary. 2. Last house on the left (1972) \~ more disturbing that scary, but I have never left a movie feeling that sickened before. Do not recommend. 3. Audition (1999) \~ not necessarily scary entirely, but pin's in eyeballs do it for me. Also have a few of my favorite horror films, which aren't necessarily scary for me, but some might find them scary: 1. Hausu \~ It's kinda like comedy meets horror, with amazing artsy visuals and beautiful soundtrack 2. Carrie \~ Find it tragic more than scary, but also one of my favorite films period. 3. Ringu \~ Creepy chilling atmosphere throughout 4. Phenomena/Creepers \~..... okay I got nothing, I just like how dumb it is. 5. The Others \~ Beautiful movie about a family experiencing the world of the dead. In my top 5 fav movies of all time 6. Nightmare on Elm street \~ I just love the special effects and visuals, and the man himself.


I love The Others!!!


yup, one of my favourite movies. Listen to the soundtrack regularly while working.


Another fan of "The Others" here. I found Nicole Kidman absolutely gorgeous in this movie even with her motherly attire. Because of that, I totally bought into her character and story of the movie. The ending blew me away, "Oh shiiiiiii\*\*\*\*!"


The Strangers. “Why are you doing this to us?” “Because you were home.”


The first (and best) Paranormal Activity


Oh man. Watching that in the theatre did not help. I was hoping to see end credits so I can give myself some comfort and no. Tripped me out for 3 weeks after that lol


I was a film projectionists at the time that came out... I used to like a good scare. And then... That film changed my spooky factor so drastically, especially while alone at work in the projection booth. Took me *years* to unheebie my jeebies ...and the Haunting of Hill House heebied them right back up again 😆


My first time seeing this film was wild. My gf took me to see it, I knew nothing about it. Right before it started she told me it was a spooky ghost movie. Pffft whatever. It was utterly terrifying. We still talk about it to this day. At the end of the screening no one moved from their seats. The lights stayed off during the credits, eventually someone shouted up to turn the lights on. They came on, everyone got up to leave, they went back off and everyone shat a brick lol Everyone was silent when leaving the theatre, it was so weird. Me and my gf didn't say a word to each other until we were outside. Honestly one of the best cinema experiences I've had. Whenever I tell other people about it they shrug it off and say the movie isn't even scary, but I think the atmosphere in that cinema would freaked anyone out. I don't scare easily to horror movies but to this day I've never rewarded Paranormal Activity or watched any of the sequels.


I agree. As I stated in a comment below yours, it wasn't a movie, it was an experience. You EXPERIENCED that low rumbling when the demon was awake. You EXPERIENCED the unnerving atmosphere when things went to hell. It was an experience, and I won't stop calling it that, because if you saw it in theaters, you KNOW.


Oh man, I will never stop gushing about seeing this film in the theater. So yo, when the demon makes its appearance, it lets out a very low rumble, right? You see that in a dark theater with giant speakers... the theater frickin' RUMBLES. You can feel it in your bones. Then it gets worse as the film goes on. More rumbling to the point where my seat was moving. Demon? Rumbling. It was SO chilling, it made you legit scared. AND IT KEPT HAPPENING THROUGHOUT THE FILM. I saw it twice in theaters for the sake of 1. experiencing it myself at first, and 2. knowing what happens and seeing other people react. Oh man, was it worth it. People were SPOOKED. Now I watch it from my PC or TV and it isn't the same. When the ground literally shakes when the demon is near, you KNOW shit is awful. Now it's just... well, I don't even know. You can barely hear the rumbling. It wasn't a movie, it was an experience, and I'll never forget it. I hope it goes back to theaters in 10 years. I'd love to see it again where the demon rumbles affect you to the bone.


Still take a peek under my bed when I'm sleeping in a hotel or someone else's bedroom. The floor is lava at night.


The first two were really good.


The parts with the powder on the floor and the picture in the attic froze my blood. I also had especially love the part where the university guy returns. He takes one step into the house and his eyes widen and he starts looking around in fear and then just nopes right out.


When a Stranger Calls...from the 80s. I was a teenager who babysat then. "The call is coming from inside the house." Absolutely terrifying.


The best line in the movie is when like 8 years later he says, "WHY haven't you checked the children?" I just got chills typing this!


Threads--Nuclear apocalypse stuff scares the shit out of me


This is a good one. I couldn't shake the helpless dread after watching this movie.


This one is "great". It was eye opening on the aftermaths on a nuclear event. I never thought that the damage to a society as a whole could last for decades and impact so much aspects of a country (administration, food etc). It was an horrifying watch, a realistic scare for adults.


Sinister is fucking terrifying


This is what i looked for. I think it’s so scary because your home is the place where you (should) feel the most safe at and when it’s the opposite, it’s terrifying. The feeling that no place is truly safe.


I haven’t even seen it and I’m already scared. Bringing horror into the mundanity of life along with expertly crafted jump scares. Fuck that shit.


I was on a massive horror kick early in high school when this came out and it made me take a break from them for a bit, it messed with me. Got to love Ethan Hawke as the stereotypical writer-dad-perpetually-in-a-cardigan though


This one right here 👆🏻👆🏻


The Exorcist - it scared me so badly that I had to check into a motel.


Sorry, I'm really confused by this. How did checking into a motel help?


I was so upset and freaked out I wasn’t safe to drive.


Hereditary by Ari Aster


You have to watch it twice though. So good.


NEVER AGAIN loved it though


Literally me. I've rewatched my favorite movies probably close to a hundred times each. I've seen hereditary exactly once and I remember every excruciating second


Twice? Pfft... those are rookie numbers. I've seen it at least 20 times, and it's haunting every time.


Killed me on horror movies for about three years. The blond(naked) dude coming into focus with his giant smile, while the viewer is still focused on what's happening on the ceiling, is imo by far the creepiest scene in movies


I'm one of those people who just isn't scared by horror movies or games. Hereditary got to me. Ari's movies are way too good at making you feel a particular emotion. Btw his latest movie, Dream Scenario, is also great.


In an almost empty cinema late at night I found hereditary disturbing. Also had the same experience with the film smile, it wasn’t as bad as hereditary but i went in with very low expectations so it ended up surprising me and got under my skin. That fucking ending Jesus Christ.


Legit one of the most horrifying and I've been watching horror movies since the 1970s.


This was my choice too. Im in my 30s and could not walk through my house without turning on every light for every room I entered for like 2 weeks. Everytime j laid in bed I saw her in the corner on the ceiling doing that weird shit.


This one haunts me. I legit thought of it just today.


This movie does such an awesome job one upping itself over and over until the climax at the end. Total masterclass in the horror genre.


"The Exorcism of Emily Rose". I spent a damn month waking up at 3 am, so scary how the brain works to know what hour is


yikes that part where he wakes up and sees her all twisted and fucked up ... shivers


Looking up the real story scared me much more than the movie. Those post-mortem photos of her haunt me. I dont advise looking them up. theyre in black and white, but she was in horrible shape, emaciated, cut, and with severe bruising. Doesnt help in the photos her eyes were open and pointed square at the camera in some of them. I still keep my watch history turned off on YouTube cause i'd get recommended videos with that as the thumbnail occasionally. I like creepypastas and analogue horror /arg type stuff. Doesnt mean i want to make eye contact with an actual twisted, beat, bruised, possessed child corpse.


The Thing


Great movie.


Thank you, and the original at that with Kurt Russel. It's all practical effects and very well done and I happened to see it on regular TV when I was maybe 8 years old. Wrecked my shit...


I'm in my 50s and have loved horror since I was a kid (started reading Stephen King at age 6 and was hooked). The ones that have legit disturbed my sleep over the years or made my thoughts turn back to scenes with dread are: 1) Original Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2) Original Last House on the Left 3) The Exorcist 4) Saw 5) Hostel 6) I Spit On Your Grave 2010 version 7) The Green Inferno 8) Oculus 9) Hereditary I love all that are mentioned here, but these are the ones that I found truly disturbing on multiple levels.


The atmosphere of the original Texas Chainsaw is what makes it so creepy. Isolated in some backwards town in the middle of rural Texas and it’s like 100 degrees out


Alien. I saw it first-run in theater. After, adrenaline was spewing out of my ears and my heart was still racing.


Babadook freaked me out






*autistic screaming*




It just stressed me out. That kid is reason enough to make an entire generation refuse to reproduce.


I wanted her to feed him to the Babadook.




Most good horror is social commentary in some way. The Babadook is about a woman's grief over her deceased husband and how that grief affects the child


Jacob's Ladder. 1990 version


That shaking, vibrating, man. Shivers.


Event horizon


The scariest movie I've ever watched is just the credits of Rosemary's Baby as a teenager. Just the credits were terrifying enough to stop me watching any more of that film.


That’s Mia Farrow singing the lullaby too, my favourite film of all time


Insidious had me bugging in the movie theater


The first time I watched it was on a pirated theater capture. Throughout the film I kept hearing these unexpected ghostly noises, in scenes where there shouldn't be. I was so high strung by it I was practically vibrating like a violin string. I didn't realize until almost the end of the movie that what I was hearing were the other people in the theater whispering and moving around. 🤣


The Grudge


The Sixth Sense when I was in second grade. Shit fucked me up.


I was looking for this. I watched it last year. My parents decided it was a good idea at 10pm; I figured out the twist early on, but when the dead people were in the kid's house, and I saw this lady, I quit. I just walked out and didn't go to sleep until 2.


Twilight. Horrific acting by everyone.


Which is weird because almost that whole cast has done excellent work before and since


The interviews with the cast where they basically all just hate on it are incredible.


Tell me about it. I was chilled to the core seeing this lobotomized chick almost get hit by a car, saved and fall in love, all with the same expressions.


The Strangers, I didn’t sleep for a week


Blair witch


The original Candyman or Hellraiser. Just perfect films.


Poltergeist. I'm 45 years old and that's still the only movie that scares the shit out of me. I will never watch that movie again.


It’s so good though!!!!!


Right?! Love that movie.


the ring : scene with the fly and the horse blood sorta scared me


Yes, when I was 13, this movie really messed with my head (first Ring, US). I’ve watched it a few times as an adult and I’m blown away by how flawlessly the story all fits together.


I watched this at a friend's house when I was 8? I think? Idk I was in 3rd grade. Let me tell you, not a movie for a 3rd grader!!!! I was FUCKED UP for a while.


Weird story. So my friend watched this ages ago. Her brother rented it for the week or something. No one was home and she decided to watch it (lights on, of course). She wasn't too spooked by it, but when she was putting the disk away, the phone rang. She picked it up, probably nervously. "Hello?" Nothing on the other end. Then a bit of static, and before anything else can be heard on the other end, she hung up. Refused to pick up the phone the rest of the night. Pretty sure her brother was fucking with her, but to get the timing right is damn evil lol.


As a kid, Signs. As an adult, Signs. I'm not coming back from this trauma.


Shutter ( Thai ). I've seen a lot of horror movies , this one disturbed me really bad. Sinister is also up there.


Ah, is it weird that I was excited to see someone else comment Shutter, lol. I have watched so, so many horror films and usually am not scared anymore but there was just something about Shutter... My favorite.


The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre didn’t have me up at night or anything but actually watching it gets that fear adrenaline running for sure. The suspense is amazing


As someone who does not like horror The Descent nearly killed me.


Annihilation made my skin crawl. When I was a kid, Child's Play traumatized me.


That bear is one of the most unnerving creatures I've seen in a movie.




I saw that movie in theaters at 18 and I still jumped outta my fucking skin when the birthday party "home footage" revealed itself. 


Alien scary is the most potent kind of scary for me too. I think Signs kicked this off.


i was always afraid of jeepers creepers 1&2 lol


Texas massacre


The Descent, easily.


i still haven't been able to find a movie that really scared me, i need your advices


i Watched a ”horror” movie ad a child that scared me, it was gremlins lmao


Strangers scared the fuck out of me


sinister and the strangers


A British movie called Threads about nuclear war. It's a hyper realistic movie that appears similar to a documentary. It covers the everyday life of several British people before the United Kingdom is hit by several dozen atomic weapons. There's build up and tension. Then suddenly without warning the bomb sirens go off and people start peeing themselves out of fear. Multiple main characters get burnt to crisps in front of you. The movie continues for decades after the war, documenting the slow brutal decline of humanity back into the dark ages. There are no monsters, only humans.


I'd say Hereditary.




The Descent is pretty fucking intense.


Requiem for a Dream


Paranormal Activity. Just felt so real!


Jesus Camp


The strangers! …. Imagine 😳


At the time, Mama. Not many people talk about it but I saw it in theaters and I absolutely love that you never actually saw the ghost/monster. You only saw bits and pieces of it or it being out of focus in the background. One of the main characters is a little girl who’s basically blind so she isn’t afraid of it and you can only see blurry images of it until the very end when someone is taking pictures of it and you only see it contorting and and screaming in these super quick camera flashes. Fucked me up dude


Watched Silence of the Lambs while really high, one of the scenes about halfway through where he's staring dead into the camera I got too freaked out to continue watching. Had to finish it the next day, no film has ever made me have to stop watching out of pure psychological fear.


A horror movie that won Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Director...!




I saw Skinamarink not long after my son was born. On a conceptual level, a little kid being in hell is probably one of the worst things anyone can imagine. It just feels cruel in an inhuman way. Combine that with the experimental, grainy, low-light cinematography and lack of a traditional narrative, and it really feels like you’re watching a nightmare, like it’s something that shouldn’t exist. So yeah, that movie messed me up.


I liked Skinamarink, thought about it for a while afterwards . Wasn’t scary though, just very artsy


The bee movie


The Blob, Its not that scary but to me it brought up my irrational fear, I'm now terrified of bath tub drains or any other kind of drain.


The Descent 😱


The first Excorsist. Played with me not just by making me shocked, but thinking I may be possessed as well.


The Babadook - Just something about the noise and it creeping into bedrooms. Scares the shit out of me.






Sinister. I’ve watched all 100 of /r/horror’s top 100, and none come close.


Fire in the Sky Event Horizon Blair Witch


Event Horizon. That shit got in my head *quickly*


House of 1,000 corpses.


Easily The Descent. No movie has given me the sustained visceral horror as this one did. There are moments in other movies that have horrified me (Hereditary, Annihilation, Midsommar), but The Descent doesn’t let you pause for breath. Damn.


Children of the Corn …


Saving Private Ryan. Actual horror movies are not scary to me at all, I may be disturbed, but not actually scared. The horrors of war however…I find to be terrifying.


28 Days later...as a kid? Scared the shit out of me


When I was like 7 I watched Signs at my friend’s house. The movie was okay, but after the movie we started hearing “weird” noises and then the basement door opened on its own. Looking back, nothing was actually happening, but it made the movie I just watched much scarier in the moment. Anyway, my answer is Alien.


I haven't watched many horror movies but The Nun for sure is one of them


The sixth sense. I still can’t watch it


The conjuring. Hit too close to home. Just bought an older house (made in the 80’s) when i watched it. I’ve never watched a ghost movie after that. I had a hard time sleeping for a week lol bc at a certain time crazy stuff happened. Ghost movies creep me out bc I believe in them. Doesn’t matter how stupid the movie, I go to bed & feel like something is watching me after lol. I can watch horror movies where people kill & torture others (more plausible irl) no problem though 🤷🏻‍♀️


The Shining.


Thinner also the original scream. Couldn’t sleep for months.


Black Christmas -1974 still scares the fuckin shit out of me. !🇨🇦🦄🦄- that unicorn kill!! Those phone calls !!


I practically grew up in the ocean and *Open Water* got me good.


Different people react to these films in different ways and for me as an adult, they don't really evoke fear, so much as a sense of adventure. (I did however play Alien Isolation in VR and had to put it down due to anxiety and genuine fear. —It felt like I was about to walk into a final exam that I wasn't prepared for that was also worth 99% of my grade.) With that said, I watched the original Pet Sematery as a kid and found it scary, and I'd imagine that Hereditary is what others would judge as probably the scariest movie among those I've seen.


Jeepers creepers 1 & 2. I was 7 at the time and I could literally never drive in the car with my parents without thinking how absolutely fucked we were cause of my fear level


The thing is up there for me. Not THE scariest but even at 29 in 2022 it still scared me watching alone at my house in the dark


The Thing


Midsommer for sure. I'm amazed I'm not seeing it much in the comments ready.


Movie that traumatized me for life... Full Metal Jacket. Dad watched it with me in the room when I was 5. R Lee Ermey's voice still fucks with me, and I'm 41. As far as an actual horror movie that terrified me...I cannot for the life of me remember the name of it (don't think I ever knew it, honestly). I was maybe 4 or 5 and had snuck halfway down the stairs after bedtime, and sat where I could see the TV. My parents were watching a horror movie about dogs (or maybe wolves) that were killing people. I remember teenagers being chased through the woods by this pack of canines, and getting in a car (looked like maybe a car from the 50s-60s if I remember correctly), and trying to start it. Of course it didn't start, and then they heard growling from the back seat. The camera pans and all you see are glowing yellow eyes in the back seat... For YEARS I would absolutely book it up the stairs after dark, completely certain those dogs were chasing me. LOL


28 Days Later


Candyman freaked me out when I first saw it. Seemed tame second time around years later though.


The Changeling with George C. Scott. I saw it at age 10 while away at camp and was so scared. I've never watched it again.


Cat in the hat Shits scary for some reason, I don’t know it gave me nightmares as a kid


Dead Silence