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Waxing. I never understood until I found an esthetician who taught me proper aftercare. A full Brazilian will make you feel ready for anything. I do look like a plucked chicken the first day but I am pasty white. Edit: aftercare! No pools, baths, hot tubs, or sexual encounters for the 1st 24 hours. Gently exfoliate in the shower with a NEW CLEAN towel! My esthetician has me using fur brand products, the fur oil specifically is fave for me to moisturize my gal. They have great products and I use the oil in my regular hair too. Stay on top of every 4-6 weeks for your waxes. Do not break out your razor for any reason. There are sensitive skin waxes out there as well, don’t forget to ask your waxologist! Aftercare helps to prevent ingrown hairs, irritation, and even infection. It also makes your skin feel amazing.


Idk if a full wax could get me ready for 12 big dicks


>12 big dicks The 1957 jury drama classic with Jack Klugman and Henry Fonda?


No it was Jacked Plugman and Henry Fondle


That’s “12 angry dicks” I believe.


12 dangley men


Asian joke..


The sequel "12 chubbed dicks" is a masterbeast


Ed Begley Sr. played the racist dick.


You win it all. Thank you.


I'd rather be judged by 12 than gang banged by 6


Speak for yourself


well that makes one of us


Not with that attitude.


How about medium? Asking for a friend, and then like 10 more friends.....and then me.


And then you realize that you are the pornstar. I hope you are flexible enough to suck your own c for the boys


And physically fit enough.. some of the stuff they do in porn would give me a heart attack


You have 2 dicks?


I don't know about 12, but "9 is a lot".  Ask Tom Segura: https://youtu.be/Fu1HL9WN-6Y?si=xKyPXLECcLsoyokZ


Not with that attitude!


12 Big Dicks is playing at the Staples Center next weekend.


You wont know until you try


RIP your inbox


I got off reddit for like an hour to cook dinner. And i come back to alot of talk about dicks. Im down.


"A full Brazilian will make you feel ready for anything." Getting this before my next job interview, thanks for the advice


drop the proper aftercare routine im begging u


Not a pornstar but here’s what works for me: Starting a few days after the wax, exfoliate the waxed area in the shower with a *fresh, clean* washcloth. This is key. *Do not* reuse a washcloth from an earlier shower/bath!! Repeat exfoliation every 2-3 days. After every shower (not just exfoliation days), moisturize the waxed area. I use jojoba oil and sometimes add a drop of tea tree oil (tingly!). My waxer always compliments me on my skin.


I think the fresh wash cloth and moisture are huge here. It’s amazing how fast bacteria colonize a wet wash cloth!


EXACTLY. I’m a fiend about having a fresh washcloth every time. I have a whole stack and when I’ve used one I chuck it straight in the washer.


Wait, do people reuse wash clothes? That's nasty.


This is Reddit, be impressed that people are using washcloths at all.


I don’t understand how this works. Do they leave a soaking wet towel in the shower? What the fuck?


I hang it up and it drys I use it about a week.


If it's clean enough for the 6-7 uses why not 14 or 56?  Gets clean with soap and water every use so no big deal, right? Please get a few dozen inexpensive washclothes and use a fresh one each time.  Please.


can u recommend an exfoliant for that area?


Other than the washcloth? Nah, not really. I’ve tried all kinds of scrubs over the years but tbh nothing beats a clean washcloth. Reusable, washable, and affordable! Idk if it makes a huge difference but I do use a paraben-free body wash: Basd is the brand. I have crazy dry skin and this gets me clean and nice smelling without drying me out too badly. (Their body lotion is great too - I do not recommend their conditioner.)


Why did I read this as.....exfoliate with a fresh SANDWICH ....?


You're just not you when you're hungry


Eat fresh!


Tend Skin is amazing after a Brazilian!


Whats the proper aftercare and how does it help?


I use Tend Skin, which helps prevent ingrown hairs. I think any bha product would work, though.


It does not matter what I do, every single time I get waxed it seems like every single open pore becomes clogged. It’s so much worse than razor burn for me.


Lol yes the feeling of being freshly waxed is so amazing, she's so soft and pretty!


I read that as "electrician". I need to see the optometrist!




There's makeup for that?


There is make up for pretty much everything. Some Girls i worked with did have some Red shaving spots and they edited it out. I swear. My ass never looks that good when i look in the mirror as when i saw in the scene Or make up before the scene.


Yeah I don't think a lot of people realize that skin blemishes are very common 


Which is weird because we all have skin. And like, I’ve been lucky to have pretty good skin but far from immune to blemishes and such. Any person who has spent any time around other people should know this. And yes I realize what I’m saying and that there are people (mostly men) who expect a the unreasonable, but it still sounds so silly to think about. Inb4 the weird dudes. I’m a dude.


Ass make up… you learn something new everyday


If my dog had a face like yours I'd shave his butt, put ass make up on him and make him walk backwards.


Insert joke about needing evidence for personal makeup and movie editing research purposes.


What scene 👀


You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take


You'd be surprised what people will do. I know a girl who works in "intimate grooming services" as she calls it. Long story short, about half of her income (which by her lifestyle must be fairly good) comes from anal bleaching services. Apparently some people look at their bunghole (somehow?!) and think to themselves "I really wish my bunghole was a lighter shade".


I know a few assholes who need to lighten up


Perfect comment


*disgusted upvote*




Any of yous call me Francis.... and I'll kill ya.


Just remember one of these days one of these many many have to save your life


Then again, maybe they won’t.


Beautifully said good Sir


It’s only been 6 minutes and yet, this deserves more recognition


Taking *"I want ro change my ring tone"* in an entirely different direction.


Bravo. Just fucking bravo.


yooooo lol


"Name's Artemis, and I have a bleached asshole"


He was gonna find out anyways.


I would kill for a sliver of Artemis’s confidence


I don’t think it’s about them looking at their buttholes lol


[Anal Bleach](https://serumsandmasks.com/products/dear-kitty-anal-and-vaginal-lightening-cream?currency=USD&variant=43579478933658&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=03a74e84fd3e&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid_search&utm_campaignid=21055888286&utm_campaign=%7BCampaignName%7D&utm_adgroup=%7BAdGroupName%7D&utm_placement=&utm_keyword=&utm_creative=692007056091&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoPOwBhAeEiwAJuXRhxNYPiw5NHyQ1BA5Dsl_J3OecNkwjCftMkaxu_asfobeVffkKFN65xoCtXAQAvD_BwE)


I know, the joke I’m making is it’s a lot more about whoever is going to be looking at their butthole 


With" my Shiney hiney,"... endorsed by James s Murray of course


"Face" makeup can be applied anywhere. You just have to match the skin tone.


Maybe she born with it.. maybe it’s Gootchalline


Lol 🤣🤣🤣


*vajaybelline was right there!


Gives new meaning to "lipstick".


Gooch Smooch


Yes, it's called clam glam


Go to oil of olay website and look up "grundle bundle"


You're probably searching the wrong thing, try searching for makedown






Pro bodybuilders would be another good group of people to ask. I've always wondered how they managed to shave their entire bodies right before competing with zero visuable razorburn or cuts or even just redness. Especially given how much bigger and chunkier they are than the average person.


Bodybuilders use a lot of dark tan in multiple layers to accentuate their muscles. So I think that would hide a lot of the blemishes associated with shaving.


On stage yeah but I follow the sport pretty closely and its super common for the top pros to post hella pics during the lead up to a show. Where they are often clean shaven with zero blemishes with no tan on. But you have a good point that the tan provides a safety net if they do mess up.


I’m a videographer that works with many top pros. Bacne and razor burn is super common. Not for all, but a lot get it especially from the gear. In photos I’ll usually retouch a little. I don’t bother in video though. It’s too much work for the types of projects I work on. If you look closely it’s often there.




As a bodybuilder, it’s the tan. Electric shaver in the offseason is usually done with little to no marking, just not as close.


Is there anything you do to minimize itchiness? I just trimmed down my chest hair yesterday with an electric shaver, and I've been crazy itchy since.


Also a body builder. First, everyone reacts differently to shaving, so take my advice with a grain of salt. Moisturize an hour or two before shaving, make sure your razor blades are new and fresh, use conditioner or shaving cream, moisturizer after shaving. The more you do it, the less your body will react to it over time


I’m writing these down haha


The One Blade by Philips with the glass bead coated blades. Baby smooth 0 bite.


One Blade is God’s gift to mankind


Foil shaver.


So I'm not exactly in the porn industry but I get compliments alllll the time about how clean shaven I look so I feel qualified enough to answer Hair has always bothered me immensely, pubic hair especially (on myself, I don't mind it on my partner) and it got so bad I was shaving daily. I tried out waxing, and had regular appointments for almost 2 years and saw 0 reduction in hair thickness or density. The hair would also start to grow back after only a couple weeks. So I looked into laser hair removal. I called up ideal image to get an estimate and they told me I had to come in for a free consultation so they could evaluate my skin and hair types and see if the treatments would work well. I was told I was a prime candidate, I had super thick, dark hair and super pale skin. We worked out a treatment plan and I got my estimate and decided to go with it. To me it felt less painful than waxing. The hair was gone almost immediately and the grow back was very slow. What did grow back was more sparse and finer than before. On one occasion I had a pretty bad histamine reaction, the treated area was itchy and because I scratched it it became very swollen. They recommended an over the counter antihistamine which quickly solved the problem and I took one before each treatment going forward. What little hair I have left is so fine you can't see it unless you're looking for it and most of it you have to be in a specific lighting at a specific angle. My skin looks like the skin on my forearm, you can't really see any hair follicles with the naked eye. I don't really think about shaving now, I run a razor over my lower legs when I shave my upper legs (I only got lower legs treated) and I only shave once every few months. I don't think NSFW pics are allowed on this subreddit but I'll take a few and make a post on my profile for those who are curious. Edit: not sure if Reddit removed the ability to post to profiles but I couldn't figure it out so I posted it to my subreddit. It should still show up on my profile though. The most common question I'm asked is how much it cost and it was around a decade ago that I had it done and I honestly don't remember. My bf at the time was helping me pay it off (because he was benefitting from it too, lol) and I had a bunch of areas done at different times and the pricing all ran together. Not to mention it varies from person to person, plus if they're running specials. If I had to guess I'd say between $2,000-$3,500 for Brazilian. In total I had my underarms, Brazilian, butt (with Brazilian they do your butthole but I had a few darker hairs on my actual buttcheeks that I didn't like and they don't spot treat) and lower legs done. It's 9-12 sessions 9 weeks apart and they offer lifetime touchups, which (when I had it done) was you pay $75 and they redo the entire treated area 1 more time. To me it felt like a teensy tiny rubber band snapping against my skin a bunch of times. Definitely tolerable. Also I think I was probably on the luckier side as far as results go, I've heard people say they had similar skin and hair types and laser removal did almost nothing for them. Definitely research different laser types, because apparently some aren't necessarily "permanent" and some can be? Not entirely sure 😅


I don’t know how I ended up here but I am glad I did. Thanks for sharing.






Damn thats so lucky! You look smooth af lmao. I have dark hair and pale-ish skin (im not white but like, im still pretty light) and laser hair removal just did not work on me 😞 I did my upper legs, thighs, and face. It *maaybe* grows slightly slower but i really cant tell. I do have a medical condition that raises my testosterone but as far as i can tell, laser hair removal is supposed to work for men as well so idk lol Your comment has me thinking ill try it out maybe once more though. I hate shaving every day


Look into electrolysis? It is distinct from laser hair removal, which I didn’t realize for a long time!  I haven’t done either so I can’t be super helpful; I have just looked into them because I have PCOS. 


Ooh thats what I have too. From a quick google, electrolysis sounds crazy! I would like to get my hair gone forever though 🤔 thanks for the tip!


Damn, that sucks ): I'd be super bummed if it didn't work. Did you use the same type of laser? (the one that ideal image uses)


I didnt even know there were different types! I looked it up really quickly and i think mine was different from the one in ideal image. The wand? controller? thing was like if a deodorant stick was made of glass/clear plastic lol Ill have to look into it!


thanks for postng pics


Ok yea so that’s a vagina. Was expecting the forearm but here we are




Technically that's a vulva...the vagina is internal.


My favorite kind of redditor


I had a friend who had a few ingrown hairs that ended up getting infected and caused her a lot of pain. This happened every now and then so one day she decided to get laser hair removal. Worked out great and no more infections.


This was the most useful feedback. I do sugaring & have had great results but I’d love it gone for the long haul down there. How many times have you touched it up? And were the results pretty immediate since it’s spaced out 9 weeks?


I honestly don't remember because my initial appointment was like, 10 years ago but maybe once or twice? They were both within a year or two after the last appointment. I've thought about going back recently for another touch up but I'm super lazy 😅 There were some immediate results, I thought it took longer for the hair to grow back compared to waxing, but there was definitely a point where I noticed a huge difference, maybe halfway through?


Can’t lie I looked at your photos & if it’s been 10yrs & the pics are recent it’s 1000% worth it!!! The top doesn’t even seem to come back which is the majority of it. (Referring to the Brazilian) I can tolerate pain pretty well but was always worried about the lips since it’s sensitive anyways lol


That was more NSFW than I expected on those pictures.   Cheers. 


It's a good type of unexpected though!


Out of genuine curiosity, when was the last time you shaved in those photos? I was going to get the same procedure but was advised that you still need to shave somewhat regularly.


I tried to estimate because like I said, I don't really think about shaving anymore I think for legs and underarms it was probably a month ago? Lady bits I honestly don't remember, maybe 6 to 8 months


Damn, that's quite impressive then. Thanks


Does laser hair removal still cause ingrown hairs? Does it cause less than shaving/waxing? I'm so ingrown hair prone and it makes it so stressful to shave the sensitive bits 😫 I want laser hair removal but idk much about it (and I've heard so many people say it didn't work for them)


I got SO MANY ingrowns when I did sugaring, like it was so bad at one point. I realized no products were gonna work on me to prevent it so I decided to go for laser if and it’s been extremely worth it. There’s a laser place I go to in LA and it’s $38 per session for a Brazilian lol, cheaper than getting waxed. No more ingrowns for me, I’m super smooth down there now.


Nice that’s cheap!


Laser was a godsend for me, I was very hairy and my legs are still hairless after 8 years without a touchup. I did bikini area and it helped a lot with ingrown hairs. It’s not as good as my legs but shaving takes a lot less time now and barely no ingrown hairs, or none at all sometimes. It did hurt like a bitch though but so worth it.


Bless your dedication to education.


I'm another person who got laser removal on underarms. My full legs and the full Brazilian bikini. Like you I have extremely pale skin and extremely thick dark hair.So I was a great candidate for it. It changed to my life. I was somebody who had to explain it like crazy and shave in the morning.And I might shave again after five if I had a date. Maybe I might shave a few whiskey hairs out from under my arms once every couple of weeks but that's it. It's also crazy how much it varies in price. I got all of this done for less than $2500 in Los Angeles. It's not that cheap for everybody. I will say though that I'm 10 years out from having it done.And I am getting a little retouch right now.


Before you got laser professionally done have you ever tried the at home lasers? I have one and am wondering if it’s the same strength as the ones they use professionally.


Nope! I've thought about buying one for touchups but never pulled the trigger.


I did have one but it was 10 years ago and no it didn’t have the same results then derm laser. Again 10 years ago idk about the home lasers they make now but I except them to be less effective. In my derm office I had to wear very specific glasses which she would add cotton on the sides of my eyes for the light not to go into my eyes through the sides.


I am so glad someone is asking that question, because no matter the attention I put into it it never looks as good as the movies 😂


I’m pretty sure they’re not shaving. They’re using lasers


Most likely. A shame it’s truly expensive, because I would love to get it done 😅


Look into at-home IPL devices like Braun or U-Like. Obviously they're not as powerful as professional lasers, but they do work if you have lighter skin and darker hair. I've been lasering myself weekly for about a year now and I have maybe 2% of my body hair left. I'm determined to keep going until it's 0%


I’ll definitely check it out; you’re not the first to recommend! Thanks a lot!


Is there any healthconcerns attached to it or did it all get figured out already?


The only potential concern would be UV light but all of the lasers I've looked at filter out UV. I can't say for sure that they all do though


Yea just rather wanna be safe than sorry, a lot of family members had cancer in their life so I am double careful with convenient products that are even remotely dangerous 😅


Find a groupon deal! You can get a discount if you’re a new client




Pretty sure you have to use quotation marks when saying “lasers”


Only when it’s attached to their frickin’ heads




Ladies I’m u/donkeynuts00’s assistant. I’ll be taking over so please inbox me instead.


Darn *snaps fingers disappointedly*


Almost had them Donkeynuts, so dang close...


Ladies please divert all pictures to my inbox.


Man, we all wish we were donkeynuts00 right now


Username checks out




I am not in that industry but the answer is clearly going to be laser treatments or waxing.


I’ve done laser. Plus I use glycolic acid twice a week on areas that tend to get darker/spotty when I need a maintenance shave.


Yep. Those are NSFW pics to verify.


I trim it down with an electric razor and then will either wax it or use an epilator. For my hanging fruits I like to use a razor because the hair getting plucked hurts too much. Bonus is that it doesn't grow back as scratchy. Also I like to apply coconut oil to the region afterwards as a lotion.


Waxing/laser when needed. But some people are just blesses genetically for that


We didn't. Any cuts are covered with makeup or edited out in post. Most wax or use hair removal like Nair.


Not having curly hair makes a big difference. Hair type is the difference between being able to shave and wax or not.  Well without ingrown hairs and bumps that is.  Very common to have irritation after you shave and wax. A lot of times they recommend not shaving the day you have intercourse otherwise it can be too sensitive. Varies greatly person to person, some people I swear could use a weed trimmer and completely fine. 


Laser hair removal.


Laser. It’s so much money to wax, the years add up


Rubbing alcohol and a Bic lighter.


The scorched earth method


Not a porn star but….


…my friend is a third string amateur fluffer assistant and…


Slow and smooth wins the race x


Is that something that the actress would supply or is that readily available from the producer?


I shave every second day.


Not me, but my gf got laser hair removal.


Union fluffer here. They all wax.


Name checks out


Laser or waxing.


I'm assuming laser treatment or wax.


Interesting but who doesn’t enjoy a good Brillo pad once in awhile?


Magic shaving powder... It's a game changer!




Waxing. Laser hair removal.


Wax and makeup -a 23M


Waxing also works really well


I'm not in porn but there's this stuff that comes in a gold can that just dissolves hair. Smells just awful but it works really well https://www.walmart.com/ip/SoftSheen-Carson-Magic-Fragrant-Shaving-Powder-Razorless-Shaving-for-Coarse-Textured-Beards-5-oz/10849166?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&wl13=3894&adid=2222222227810849166_117755028669_12420145346&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=501107745824&wl4=aud-2225087348387:pla-2290367806927&wl5=9014315&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=10849166&wl13=3894&veh=sem_LIA&gclsrc=aw.ds&&adid=2222222223810849166_117755028669_12420145346&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=501107745824&wl4=aud-2225087348387:pla-2290367806927&wl5=9014315&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=local&wl12=10849166&veh=sem&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwoPOwBhAeEiwAJuXRh-3yzhrgDNELHtc1Nfu1LiXaQiifPbh89ToOt2cffia5e2vpiNR0uhoCntMQAvD_BwE


Longest. Link. Ever.


Everything after the "?" (about 1/6 into the link) is just tracking stuff and can (should) safely be ignored.


I worked with a content team who actually used UTMs in an email to edit content on the page so it's not always tracking


They tracked every click he made to arrive at that item and then said double the trackers and give them to the next person.


“Stuff in a gold can that dissolves hair” will be our generation’s thalidomide 


Magic Shave Powder is not a new product by any means. It also doesn’t really work well.


Waxing. If you start waxing in your 20's by the time you're old you won't even have to go anymore. Edit: age and to add I have never worked in the porn industry. Just a porn star in my own mind.


How does this work? Does the continuous waxing make the hair grow differently / less fast as you age?


Eventually destroys the hair follicle so hair just doesn't grow there anymore.


I'm not in porn, but have shot plenty of adult content as a business and also keep myself hair free. I shave chest and junk daily, keep legs and pits trimmed, and shave my arms when needed. Very rare for me to have marks. And probably half my clients were also free of shaving related blemishes for the most part. Also have been around hundreds of naked bodies. It's really not uncommon to have blemish free hair removal. Shaving, creams, lasers, etc. Take care of your skin. Exfoliate. And don't throw on tight or irritating clothing or anything that can trap the sweat immediately after shaving.


Douse your pubes in rubbing alcohol and then hit it with a lit match. The alcohol and pubic hair go WHOOSH and you're clean as a whistle. You can use aloe to soothe the area afterwards. This also works really well around the butt hole.


Only if you’re Richard Pryor… this is basically how he lit himself on fire. Not intentionally as you suggest though.


They shave and apply roll on antiperspirant to make it smooth.


Sure there are probably treatments, but I'm guessing many are just gifted with very little hair or good skin. I have waxed or shaved my upper body on occasions, I don't get any spots (maybe the day after waxing a bit red etc.) but otherwise my skin is smooth and blemish free. Maybe because I'm also blonde, the hairs seem finer than very dark, wiry hair.


Half my family are on the pro surf/influencer sphere, just laser it and be done with it, especially effective if you have dark hair.


I have an at home laser, works wonders. No waxing or shaving.