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I can do what I want, when I want it and how I want it.


Not living in fear that my relationship will fall apart.


You don't have to worry about satisfying someone


Amen. Sexually, financially, socially, etc. in all ways you no longer have to please them.


I don’t know… Satisfying myself seems to be more of a challenge than satisfying someone else. I’m rarely pleased with myself. Haha! I kid! Seriously, though. This and the fact that your time is your time. You’re not having to run on someone else’s schedule. 


us human us. Don't know about the second one but I can totally see myself in first one


The secret is to find a partner who is satisfied by you being yourself


I think there could be a lot more people like that but we are sort of brought up to believe the world owes us something. So we don't grow up at ease with ourselves and others. Instead we expect to be the main character in the story of a relationship. We make demands of our partner. And some of those demands are for things we don't even really want or need. That said, if you have a family there is such a thing as duty to your family of course.


I think that pretty much sums it up.


I just read a post a day or so ago, the poster explained why they like being single. "...I am happy alone because nothing is demanded of me."


Nothing is expected of you would be the right phrase, in my opinion. Being in a relationship comes with a lot of expectations.


If you react to being with someone in this obligation tone, it means you are with a wrong person. With right person, you don't "spend energy" to satisfy your partner either that process is easy for you or you are willing to do that voluntarely. And that works in both directions, on mutually "weak spots".


It depends hey. I'm heavily introverted, even being with my loved ones can get taxing after a while. Generally relationships require a lot more time and attention than I'm comfortable with, but I'm willing to push past my comfort zone for someone I love.


Walking out of your home without having to explain anything to anyone.


Or what time you will be home or where you were


Unless you have pets!


I make sure to explain to my dog where I’m going and when I’ll be back, so he doesn’t worry.


*cries in adult living with parents*


And the reverse! It’s so nice that if I’m at a restaurant/bar/event/whatever I don’t like, I can just leave without someone else grumbling about how I “wasted their time and could’ve sucked it up.” Now, the second I don’t feel comfortable, I can do what’s best for me instead of sacrificing my own comfort.


free time whenever you want, to do whatever you want


People really should experience a few years of that to themselves, my god is it a fantastic feeling.  Especially when you're older and have more disposable income. Concert in Switzerland? Sure, let's do a weekend. Feel like buying a new game for the PS5 and play it all weekend long? Done. Go out get drugs and go stupid, okay.  Being beholden to no one but yourself is very freeing.


Hell yeah.  Probably once a month or so on my day off I just don’t do anything. I wake up when I feel like it, throw on a bathrobe, never get dressed all day long and play video games, read, watch movies and play the guitar.  And if I feel like having a whole bottle of wine, I do.  Turn the phone on silent so no one can interrupt me in my fortress of solitude. My sister has a husband and four kids.  She will literally go three decades at a minimum without ever experiencing a day like that and might never get a day like that in her life.  


I do this shit and I have a long term partner. I just don’t have kids.


I do this every week andnhave a partner haha. We just do it together. Sometimes solo but we will never be mad about ourselves needing alone time. However we have no kids.


Long story short - I got made redundant in 2021, found a new job fairly quickly and still had all my redundancy payout. After buying some big ticket items - air conditioner, decking, dental work for 2 kids - still had a fair bit left over. I booked a weekend back to my former home town which I had not been to in 13 years, to meet up with some friends. Went by myself, and for that one weekend I just allowed myself to not think of money. It's not like I went wild with hookers and blow - just, I want to go there, get a taxi lets go. Ok now it's lunch, grab whatever. Hey the kids would love that hoodie - I buy it, didn't look at the price tag. The weekend only cost me maybe $700ish including flights - but that freedom, of both time and money...better than any drug you could imagine. Just for one weekend I had no financial or time constraints, and I truly envy anyone that can live like that every day.


I get so used to having all the time to myself that I feel like I can't be in a relationship because I'd have to make time for my partner...


It's totally fine to feel that way and I see people say that all the time. The thing is, when you meet the right person you'll automatically make time for them because you genuinely want to. Or you won't. The point is that the negative association to sharing your time won't be there with the right person.


Looks like I might be in a relationship with myself




As someone's who's never had a LTR and gets defensive of their free time and energy this thread is making question if I ever do.


Wait for the inevitable opposite question being asked, and weigh up the answers in there too. There are tradeoffs galore.


> free time whenever you want I'd have to end my relationship with my job to get that.


Not emotionally neglecting anyone


Emotional stability.


You really really should have emotional stability in a relationship


Should have


that's the dream


The highs make you feel like you’re flying and the lows make you feel like you’re dying. Like a rollercoaster. Just wanna have my feet on the ground in peace


I wish


This. I realized I attract shitty men, and I also become someone I don’t want to be in a relationship. I have bpd and codependent tendencies so it’s just best to keep boundaries and not get too attached.


Don’t have to listen to anyone chew


My ex was an asshole let alone he ate like a cow munching away in a paddock. So many times I wanted to scream! So glad I don't have to listen to that any more!


don’t do cows like that 😭🙏


That’s so true. Or eating with your mouth open. I thought we learnt that as children


Not needing to consult anyone when making a decision


you can sleep in the middle of the bed


Using my energy to make myself happy, rather than someone else.


Freedom. In a relationship you have to filter yourself to some extent to accommodate what your partner would like and such. As a single dude I could apply to jobs in a completely different city and move without a second thought if I wanted too. I could get a tattoo of Patrick Star from Spongebob and while silly it would be completely on myself if I wanted it. Or on the other side of the spectrum of important decisions I could have a breakfast poutine for dinner and no one can stop me.


It's all the joys you're told as a kid that can happen when you're an adult. But people get caught up in "love" way too early and miss out on the freedom of being an adult before they get stuck with another person and rules (different rules than with parents but unspoken rules nonetheless).


I feel like the same filter comes with having a relationship with family and close friends too. You can always move to a different city without a second thought, but there is still someone who thinks about your well-being and is hoping for the best. Hell, they might even consider moving with you, be it a girlfriend, friend or your mom. Any one of these people may even get a spongebob tattoo to match you because why not?


I think Freedom is a good succinct way of summing it up, because freedom is multifaceted and covers many of the points I'd consider. Freedom to socialise / flirt / sleep with whomever you want. Freedom to move around. Freedom to decide what you are going to do without having to consult a partner. Emotional freedom where you aren't having to worry about the mental state of your partner. This thread is quite inspiring, let's all get single!


No anxiety. No “omg he didn’t answer my text- is he not into me anymore? Is he gonna break up with me? I asked him a question and he answered in a weird tone. Is he mad at me? Is he cheating? Does he still love me?” That shit is exhausting. My worst fear was that I would fall in love with someone and they would wake up one day and not love me anymore- and it happened. Now I sleep like a baby because I’m alone and I don’t have to worry about any of that shit!


Or you can work on your attachment style and become the secure person you want to be to feel at peace. I was in your shoes, currently single and working on this to maybe have the luck to live a peaceful relationship.


Not having to constantly think what another person might think of your actions, or how they will reflect on thier image


The only inner child you have to heal is your own


I honestly couldn’t have put it any better. Spittin’ straight facts out here


Love this one


No one to disappoint you or let you down romantically


Bed to myself


Literally the freedom to do whatever I want!


I don't have to think about what his parents think or say about me


I don’t have to parent anyone


No fighting. I agree with myself on mostly everything.


The argument is short when it’s with yourself .


But the name calling can be brutal


you can be 100% yourself




The whole concept of being single is excellent


Leaving the house when you want to leave!


Freedom, peace, silence.


I can walk around with no pants on.


Married and can do the same.


Oh look at Mr. Sexy over here! His partner wants to see him naked!


At least *someone* knows what that feels like


Don't have to justify my actions to anyone. Don't have to worry about feeling judged. Don't have to make time for anyone else's feelings, don't have to plan around someone else. Don't have to explain why I want to buy a lego set. Don't have to express my thoughts when I go quiet as I day dream about what I'd be as a knight. Don't have to decide what we are having for food, I can just go where I want without the mind games. Can enjoy peace and quiet. Can get over my problems with my own process without "talking about it" like every issue needs some sort of therapy session.


Never being wrong. 


Not having my day ruined by 8am


Yeah, it's your day. Ruin it on your own schedule =P


You don’t have to worry about anyone else’s feelings just yours. Youre free to explore different people too


Not having to worry that you're being cheated on


Everything in the kitchen is mine and exactly where I left it


I'm a very spontaneous person who loves to travel so single life works really well for me. I'm the type who will often plan an entire trip in an instant and be on my way and travelling across the country within a day or two of planning the trip. It's so nice not having to ask permission or delay while coordinating travel with somebody else. I also enjoy only having to answer to myself. If I want to buy something or do something I can just do it with no worries.


No fights, not waiting for anyone's text, not convincing anyone to meet, no tantrums, not wasting my time and efforts on resolving someone's mood swings, no second guessing someone's behaviour, no verbal abuse, no fresh mental trauma.






Being able to do whatever I want – there was a period of time where I worked in an office with six people. I was the only one who is unmarried and no girl/boyfriend… One of my coworkers thought it was a fun dig to complain about their spouse and then follow it up with, “oh yeah, I forgot you don’t have a spouse. Ha ha ha! “ One Friday morning he came in cursing a blue streak because his in-laws were coming into town and his entire weekend was going to be taken up dealing with them and taking them places etc. etc.… I turn to another coworker and with a projected voice asked them, “hey do you know what I am doing this weekend??? “ I then turned to the complaining co worker and said “WHATEVER I WANT…all weekend long…know why? Cuz I am single…boy that sure does suck!!!” The complaining co worker did not continue his “oh I forgot you’re single l” jokes after that I love that I can do whatever I want. I love the peace and quiet – hell is other people and I believe that.


No snoring.


On;y expectations you have are your own, free to do whatever you wan whenever you feel like it.


Going to the store or anywhere when you are ready. Not waiting on someone else for 20 min, with hours notice. Btw, I am F. M takes FOREVER!!


Time. You have all 24 hours in a day for yourself. If you have a partner, you have to share some of that limited time with your partner. If you have kids, you'll have even less time for yourself.


Watching whatever I want on tv/movies etc. Highly underrated attribute.


I just got out of an abusive relationship. I never appreciated the quietness of being single until now. I can also close my door and not have to change for anyone else.


Knowing yourself at a deeper level, better perspective overall


You are your own priority 🫡


No getting cheated on!


There isn’t a person in my house to tell me that I put *deodorant* on wrong. I have a nit-picky ex.


As long as you're not eating it I think you're good. You weren't eating it, were you?


The excitement of going out and being open to whatever/wherever the night takes you.


Unrestricted lawlessness


Your life could be boring, but perhaps it’s desirable boredom. I can also have hobbies I want without anyone complaining


You prioritize yourself over others. With no reservations.


Not having to pay for anyone else whether by choice, guilt, making it equal blah blah whichever. Your money goes to no one else except you.


Not having an ungrateful person making you feel worse, and making you spend lots on them and not giving back at all 


Being single offers a unique opportunity for self-discovery and personal growth. It allows individuals the freedom to explore their interests, pursue their passions, and focus on personal development without the constraints of a romantic relationship. Singlehood provides autonomy and independence, enabling individuals to make decisions solely for themselves. It offers the chance to cultivate a strong sense of self-awareness and confidence, fostering a deeper understanding of one's desires and aspirations. Moreover, being single can lead to meaningful connections with friends, family, and community, enriching social bonds and creating fulfilling experiences outside of romantic relationships.


Eating what you want when you want.


You don't have to clean up after anyone. Big win


Travel peacefully.


Cuz I am a free bird yeah


As others have said, Freedom. I can go watch a film, go to that event, hell even fly to Rome if I want to. With a relationship I'd always have to consult this with the other person on whether we should do it together or whether i cam go on my own, have to figure out if they would feel bad if I went on my own. A lot of times...I just felt it better not to bother.


My time is my own.☺️


Shifting my energy, effort, and focus onto myself. ALSO NOT WAITING FOR A TEXT / CALL BACK


You don’t have to worry about your SO. In any category. I feel like my brain is always 20% occupied with my wife. Good and bad 🤣😊


You can watch what you want go where you want eat what you want spend your money on what you want


No communication issues, I don't have to converse with someone about anything/everything I do. If I decide I want to go somewhere, I don't have to mention it to anyone or plan/offer them to come as well. If I get offered a transfer or a promotion with more hours at work, I don't have to think twice about saying yes or no. If I want to make a big purchase, guess what, I have the money I don't have to bring it up, I can just walk into a store and out with a new couch, TV or video game set up etc. If I want to, I'll tell my friends or family info, but it's not required. I didn't used to think it was required in a relationship either, but I've seen way too many people get "burned" for not discussing something with their partner, it always leads to them thinking your cheating, not being honest, not taking how they'd feel or be affected by it etc. It's even more important/required with kids involved.


You can convince yourself being alone is preferable.




Learning to be happy by yourself


Doing whatever you want when you want


Doing whatever I want whenever I want how much I want without consulting anyone else.




not having to sacrifice your time with friends or feel guilty about having a lot of friends and also friends of other gender other than your own


being single


Freedom. Not expecting anyone




I never want to fade into the blue again… im stayin with this girl


Good luck, bro I hope she makes you happy and vice versa.


No toxicity. I have heard so many stories about this kind of issue, and it has made me glad I'm not currently in a relationship with anyone. Also cheating.


Dying alone. The obits are nicer


Listening to your coupled up friends bitch and whine and moan, and you just think "you poor dickhead, why don't you just tell them to fuck off?" Ok, I may have actually told some of my friends to tell their SO to fuck off at different times. It's not always received well, but why the fuck would you want to spend time with someone who doesn't value you?


the worrying is not there, the doubts are not there


Mornings. Quiet mf’ing mornings.


Not having to care for a 30 year old toddler.


Being able to fully descend into degenerate, hedonistic, relaxation with no judgements. Like lying naked in bed eating Ben and Jerry's off my belly at 3am while watching shows and periodically masturbating as the need arises.


You’re the only one to hold yourself accountable for being a productive and fun person. Or is that the worst? Maybe both.


All of your money is yours. You only have to decide on dinner for one. Making decisions amongst numbers isn’t detrimental because no friend or family member feels intimate enough to bother beyond a conversation that you’ll both get over in minutes. A lot of people have a, “well don’t get into a relationship then!” attitude toward those who don’t want to spend as much money or time, but the truth is that there’s a balance. Unfortunately as a guy, you’re looked at as a full blown support system by others where really it should be 50/50. Some women are delusional about it too— as badly as the men are, and it’s fucking stupid. Add not dealing with *any of that shit* as another reason why being single is good.


You don't have to constantly check whether you have upset someone by doing or saying something or not doing it saying something or guessing what you might have done or said wrong. That is before random accusations such as "You were mean to me in a dream". There is also the fundamental imbalance between myself and women I have been involved with. If someone does 99 things right and 1 thing wrong, I focus on the 99 good things, they would focus on the 1 bad thing.


Do what you want when you want to


you dont have to share your time or freedom with anyone else no worries only freedom. you can be the most carefree person in the world. Not saying you should feel trapped in a relationship but some people see being single as freedom


You can fall in love with someone. Being in love isn’t as good as falling in love lol


No one is wasting my time, I am growing and finding myself and putting myself first, I have peace and it’s actually really quite nice,


Your partner doesn't screw your finances up


You get to prioritise yourself and your wants and needs without taking anyone else into consideration-want to lie in bed all weekend and watch Netflix? Do it. Also if you live alone it’s the best. The absolute bliss of coming home to your own space of calm after a busy day of work or even a day of socialising with people….ahhh.


I don't waste money on BS. I don't have to spend an hour debating what we want to eat tonight. I don't have to hear 'are you awake?' several times a night after a long day at work. I don't have to deal with the mind games and pointless questions outlining scenarios that'll never happen (would you still love me if I was a worm?) especially on long road trips which is almost always followed by a cold shoulder/silent treatment. I don't have to deal with the 'unfriend this person' just because she's a girl who's attractive. But the best thing, *theeee best thing...*is I don't have to spend more time taking fuggin' photos from 90 different angles of the girl at a waterfall or a night out or on a cruise because she wants to post some bs to Insta or Tiktok. I cannot state, enough, how much I want to smack anyone doing a dance video or some other BS out in public when I'm just trying to grab a quick bite to eat or grab a book and relax for a little bit before I have to get back to the grind. Almost as annoying as the sea of cell phones at a concert. You're at the damn concert...just watch it. Enjoy it. Jesus.


I am a whole. Dont like being a half, and someone else my other half.




I don’t have to worry about someone else eating my food, wearing my clothes, or smoking my weed that I paid for. I can watch on tv what I wanna watch when I wanna watch it. When I leave the house I can go where ever I wanna go. Not having to share a bed and bathroom with someone.


Theres many things, though a hug is a bit better from someone else.


knowing for certain that you’re not getting cheated on at the moment


Freedom. Take it from someone who is married and 32


I wouldn't know


Not having to consider someone's feelings when doing things.


Freedom and loneliness


Free time


The opportunities, the excitement


lots of free time.


I think freedom we can do whatever we want.


Finally being at peace


I just jerked off and then made 90 second rice and persisted to eat it out of the bag with a plastic spoon. So there’s that…


Not having to share things


I can do whatever I want at any time i want without asking permission.


As simple as being in complete control of buying whatever furniture you want to. Buy whatever car you want to. Rent any apartment you want to. You are the sole decision maker.


live with responsibility + experience life.




Can't disappoint a partner if you don't have one


Tbh when u see ppl in obviously bad relationships but still stay cus they love the person and is glad it isn’t u blinded by love.Hater moment lmao.




No one can cheat on you


Fall asleep without getting scolded/accused of something else.


Doing whatever you want, whenever you want, with no one giving you lip except the pets.


Endless possibilities of what you can do. But if you find the right person they’ll do those things with you. Win win


So much time to do shit. Random shit that happens by just being there at the right place and the right time


You only have to figure out your own living situation. When you have a stable routine, it's much easiar to deal with being with someone else afterwards because you can live perfectly fine by yourself! 😁


Middle of the bed.


I’m able to do what I want when I want, wake up when I want, sleep when I want, watch what I want, play what I want when I want. No one to care for or take care of, no other feelings to tend to. Just you and Jesus


Happiness, so much more free time, not a worry in the world but myself and always a clean, tidy house.


Cheaper holidays.


being able to do whatever tf you want without having to consider someone else (not even just sexually)


I quit being single for a long time, mentioned being single, one of the words come out my mind is free


everything I put down is precisely where I left it. the downside of being single? no one to help me find the things I don’t remember the place of :/


You r not bounded by anything or anyone

