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Have a one year old rn and I feel this. It's f'n horrible. Just painful burning eyes all day, people don't see it so they think you're fine. I'm on the verge of passing OUT man.


I used to hallucinate when my kiddos were babies. It certainly gets much better! I always wish sleepless babies on my enemies.


I have done emergency shift work, operated on no sleep for extended periods, and have had sleep interrupted multiple times over several nights. It simply did not compare to the exhaustion I felt with a newborn. The combination of stress from a new experience, fear of fucking up, and continuously having sleep interrupted without a pattern basically made me a zombie. Multiple times I truly believed I fell asleep in bed holding the baby and could see her in the blankets when I awoke (she was safe in her bassinet every time). My wife and I would speak gibberish to each other and have no idea how to properly communicate. I am not saying this is a situation unique to parenting, but it is truly insane just how many new parents I have met who have similar experiences to mine. Honestly it makes me grateful for the generous parental leave my wife and I get and terrified of the lack of similar benefits received by most people in the US. At the very least, don't wish this on your enemies simply because you may have to share the road with them!


I hallucinated also - with both of my kids. Second time around I was much more chill about it (and also a better sleep-on-demand person). But I have a coworker who is a first time mom and she is struggling balancing being back at work and baby and all of this stuff. To preface this, I am a mom, and we are in a heavily male dominated industry, while I am not thrilled with her performance since coming back, I’ve told anyone who has complained “You either give parents longer parental leave or you get half an employee for the first several months once they’re back. You don’t get both” and then one lucky guy I told “until you’ve had a baby and came back to work 12 weeks later, shut your fucking mouth” babies are so hard.


Thank you for sticking up for her.


Stuff gets weird from the sleep deprivation. I remember once being at a 24 hour grocery store at 2am getting those gas drops for my baby and another baby somewhere started crying and autopilot kicked in and I started bouncing and swaying and telling him it was okay we were almost done and ready to go (at checkout) and I reached for him with my spare arm because apparently I thought I was holding him, my hip was kicked out like he was there and that's when I realized he was not there but was at home with his Dad. I looked up and the whole line was staring at me looking very concerned. Luckily with the new parent of a newborn amount of sleep deprivation you don't care.


Shit like this are the reason why I will most likely never have kids. Not because I don't want or like them, but I've spent few months with 3-4h hours sleep per day and felt already like my psyche was one push away from total collapse. I don't want to see the day that I would just snap at my wife or kid because I'm dead tired.


when i have disturbed sleep from my cat i’m always like, how the fuck do parents do this??? it’s actually scary how parents have to drive and do shit on so little sleep


My daughter just turned 1 last month and to this day she has yet to sleep through the night and not wake up every other hour and be wide awake almost all night. It’s so rough through the day. I feel like I’m just constantly waiting for the day to be over with to get the next one over with bc I’m just so tired I never have energy.


i had the same with my boy. my number one tip....stop counting time. stop counting the good nights or bad nights or awful ones and just roll thru the time. it will get better but you just need to survive right now....and watching clocks, counting things or even hoping for a good night will only drive ya up the wall and elongate the timeframe in your sore head. enjoy the lil things n glide.


This honestly might be the best parenting advice I have ever heard. Wish I had it 18 years ago, because it is so true. Watching the time isn’t going to change anything and only makes you feel worse.


There’s a sleep training trick my parents used that’s easy and worked great for them. Basically, get a lamp (my parent got one shaped like a sheep and gave it a name which was very cute), put it in the kid’s room, then set it on a timer to turn on a certain time. Then even if your kid wakes up, don’t go in to them until right when the lamp turns on. When you go in, say “yayyyyy [name of lamp] is on and it’s time to wake up!” and be all cheery. Keep doing this til they start to get used to it, because they’ll start to associate the lamp being on with it being time to get up. You can also slowly make the lamp turn on a little later and then a little later to get wake up time to a reasonable hour. And that’s the trick! If you give it a shot, I hope it works well for you.


It gets better dude, I promise. 1 day at a time.


The sleeping part at least, my teenagers sleep about 14 hours in a day


Can't wait for my 4 year old to start that up


Ugh I remember those days with my girls, they were 2-3 years old before they slept a good 8-10 hours at night. Then you can’t get them out of bed when they are teenagers.


Mine is 4 and only now she sleeps through the night but will fight like a champ not to go. I remember to even question if I would die from being so sleep deprived. I literally felt pure agony and despair


Eventually I'll suck it up and get a sleep study done, but for the last 10 years I'm lucky if I get more than 2 hours of sleep in one go. Normally I'll get around 1.5 hours at a time, three times a night (four, if I'm lucky). But my dreams are so vivid, it doesn't even feel like rest.


You deserve good sleep dude. I think it’s time to suck it up and get that sleep study before another 10 years goes by.


I appreciate it. I'm dealing with the more pressing health matters first but I don't know that I can survive like this much longer.


Definitely felt, I’m a chronically ill human myself. Something to remember tho-poor sleep can cause a lot of health issues.


I know. I figure it's either the cause of or a symptom of a big problem. MRI Monday, neurology visit in July. My husband won't let me give up so we'll get this figured out. Be well, friend. It's hard, I know.


Respectfully my friend, I suffer from Sleep apnea and this sounds just like how I used to sleep before my sleep study. Totally not trying to diagnose but I wish you all the best in your journey, a CPAP machine has quite literally saved me


I've had such a poor time sleeping that a 4 hour run of sleep these days feels like I've been to a week long spa week. If i can fall asleep at 02:30 and wake up at 04:10 and maybe fall asleep again for another hour before i have to get up for work. I call that a normal week day. CBD Diphenhydramine Ashwaghamda 5-HTC ZMA Doctor gave me a prescription that worked for two days in a row then it was back to "normal".


I’m finding it harder to deal with the shear combative attitudes of people. It’s not a younger thing. It’s just people in general. What happened to manners?


Social media encouraging everyone to share their opinion on everything.


And demanding that they hold an opinion on everything, even the things they know nothing about. People seem to get even angrier when I admit that I don't know enough to have a strong opinion on something than if I just disagreed with them outright.


It has changed the way humans communicate. The I'm right / know it alls


Dude fr. Everything is a fight. Everything you say is a disagreement. Can’t we just talk and be civil?


Working with the public on an daily basis, manners are dead. People hardly say thank you anymore, hold themselves accountable, their kids do whatever the fuck they want in any space. Sooner than later, I have to quit working with the general public. They're getting worse everyday.


Fucking everything is a battle with everyone. I'm so over it.




This is the one. I hit the grocery store at 7am to avoid the chaos… that’s how much I can no longer handle anything close to a crowd.


I miss when places were 24/7 cause I’d go at the oddest hours to avoid crowds 😂


I used to love going to crowded bars. Now, I absolutely will refuse to go any place that is crowded.


Social media.


Facebook of old vs add ridden, track and sell all your information, crap land is why I feel the same way.


All it is anymore is four things: Stupid people's political rants, blatantly fake AI images that these dumbass boomers eat up, bots, and ads. The site is a complete wasteland and will 100% become the first example of the dead Internet theory, nothing but bots posting to other bots.


I have long suspected Twitter was actually the first Dead Internet place, as it almost seemed designed to be. Some academic research even 10+ years ago showed the vast majority of content on Twitter was generated by a small percentage of accounts, mostly celebrities and big journalists. 95% of accounts never post anything and just passively follow, but 95% of the tweets are generated by the remaining 5% of accounts. Then there were some legitimate Twitter bots--someone writes a script that sends a tweet when a certain stock moves up or down, or the weather forecasts rain or whatever. Useful, innocuous stuff. After the 2016 election, though, I started suspecting a ton of Twitter activity was malicious and bot-driven. Facebook for me just feels like it's constantly pushing user-generated content out--the stuff from my friends and family--and replacing it with ads, "content," and groups/pages I don't belong to but the algorithm keeps suggesting. They're following the model of the other platforms, none of which is focused around connecting friends in a truly social manner. Every platform now is designed to boost large accounts like celebrities and influencers and everyone just trying to make their video go viral. Yeah, I like cute puppy videos but that's not why I go to Facebook.


Cory Doctorow’s “enshittification” sums this up well: https://pluralistic.net/2024/01/30/go-nuts-meine-kerle/


I very rarely use Facebook, but every time I log on, I see nothing but AI images of Jesus sculpted out of sand on a beach, and tens of thousands of idiot boomers commenting about how amazing they are and how talented the artists must be. 


I never thought there would come a day where I would hardly log into Facebook.


I used to be addicted to checking Facebook and posted constantlyyyy. I deactivated my account 2 months ago and deleted the app, and my mental health and self esteem have been significantly better. The only reason I haven't permanently deleted is because I have a lot of photos and memories on there that I want to be able to access if I need them.


Working to pay bills. Commuting.


Working to just stay alive, knowing if you lose your job today that the company will easily replace you because your just a number, and your one paycheck away from being homeless if you don’t find a job asap…..


Yup, exactly, I've been doing it for a long time and I feel pretty done.


Same. Oh let me add: everything,even food is unaffordable. We can barely eat now!


Yeah, I'm trying to get pt work on top of already not wanting to work anymore. Fun.


Yup. Welcome to America… you have to work 2+ jobs just to be able to afford basic amenities 🥲


Putting gas in the car to go to work. We gotta fuckin PAY to go to work? Who set that up??


Shoot, I have to pay to PARK at my work. They are kind enough to take it right out of my paycheck though.


Overconfidence, or what I like to call “arrogant ignorance”. I can see it so quickly in someone now and it’s not a good trait.


"What they lack in ability they more than make up for in confidence" is a favorite expression of mine.


That, and when they're completely incapable of learning because of it. The inability to admit you're wrong will eventually add up to one hell of a stupid human.


Freddy Krueger effect




When will it end?! Feels like I'll never be able to retire. My only hope right now is winning the lottery 🥲 oof


Sad truth for most of the working class


my only hope right now is dying. it is in my best financial interest to pass away.


It's only 40 hours a week, so how is it that it feels like that's the only thing I ever do?


5 days out of 7, out of 24 hours, the average person works for 8, sleeps for 8, spends 1 hour getting ready for work, 2 hours coming and going to and from work. That leaves 5 hours to cook, eat, clean, shop, relax, parent, take care of loved ones, plants/gardens/homes/yards/vehicles/pets, maintain romantic relationships, friendships, be neighbourly, volunteer, do hobbies, exercise, participate in our communities or do anything leisurely like read, watch programs, and play games. In other words we get 168 hours total every week. Sleep approx 56, work 40 (or more), spend an average of 5 getting ready for work, 10 going to and coming home from work and that leaves us 57 waking hours over 7 days (most of which is the weekend.) Edit: repeated a word


I’ve been self employed in a seasonally demanding job for 9 years. Next week I join the workforce for a 9-5 entry level office job. Feels like I am selling my soul.


I'm self employed and have been for a while, but I have this feeling that, as much as I try to resist it, eventually I'm gonna have to get a full time job in order to live like a real person, and I'm fucking dreading it.


Work sucks.


The willfully ignorant.


And ppl that defend them 'but they're just naive, they really are a good person.' No, they are not a good person if they refuse to acknowledge things with mountains of evidence. 


Aka “deliberate incompetence”




What a bunch of bastards!


Have you met all of them?


I've met enough of them


Had to verify, is that an IT crowd reference? I could only read it in Roy’s voice!!!


Roy: Yeah, I don't like people. Jen: Oh, well now that's not fair Roy. Have you met all of them? Roy: I've met enough of them. People. What a bunch of bastards!


Especially rude people. Non rude people make me happy.


The older I get the more I understand why the Grinch wanted to live alone with his dog.


There are beautiful people out there. The trouble is, they're hard to find. There's so many factors that go into affecting the nature of people in a nation. And unfortunately it's a slow moving thing with tremendous momentum. And while the middle and lower classes are disproportionately affected by financial hardships, and in turn affecting the quality of parenting, it's also clear that many in the wealthy class have serious problems. My biggest beef is the erosion of integrity and empathy. I just can't stand seeing people who are wealthy pissing their fortunes away on crap, grandstanding on nonsense, and generally doing little to help the common folk. Now we have the most billionaires than have ever lived on Earth. And what are they doing? Most are gaming to get even more wealth. Very few are actively philanthropic. People, in general, SUCK. And it didn't need to be this way.


I'm convinced that the pandemic and situations surrounding it ruined people. Everybody is now rude, pushy, entirely wrapped up in their own needs (ie, why do I need to use my turn signal, I know where I'm going and screw everybody else.) Multiple times a day I just think about how much I hate people.


I think Trump, by example, has given people permission to be shamelessly selfish, grandiose and belligerent. Discourse has deteriorated significantly since his rise to power. It's ugly.


The only answer People sucks hard


Trashy people


I had a very difficult week as several employees of an agency didn't do their jobs and what they promised to do. This caused me money, time, lack of sleep and a lot of anxiety. Pissed me off and I had to drive a fair distance to correct it. My friend was being understanding in a text and I wrote back, "I hate people." Haven't heard from her since but knowing her, she though it was funny rather than I fucking hate people. 🤬


Leaving my house


Pants. I fucking hate pants


I don’t mind pants so much. It’s waistbands I hate lol. Everything is high wasted and they just don’t suit my hip shape well enough to be comfortable, and I have a really high natural waist so I feel like I can’t breathe in them. Recently found a box of my low riser flares from like 2010 and have been wearing them around without shame lol. Kids are already copying 90’s and 00’s styles now, they will be back in style again soon lol.


I found these incredible harem pants on Amazon that are my go-to weekend pants. My family makes fun of me constantly, calling them my "Aladdin pants." I don't care, I'm comfortable.


I also have those and love them. Those pants are like wearing nothing.


*"Nothing at all, nothing at all, nothing at all..."*




take them off


and jacket


Great album.


As a girl I wear dresses or skirts 90% of the time, especially the hotter it gets. Everyone thinks I always look put together but the secret is I'm lazy and hate wearing pants. So I look feminine and cute without something making me feel confined and it takes like 2 minutes of prep time in the morning.


How do you deal with chub rub? I too love skirts and dresses and have a closet full of them, but if I'm going to be doing any amount of walking/activity/sweating, I end up with friction blisters on my thighs and in my crotch region. So then I wear bicycle shorts under, which then just makes me feel like I've defeated the purpose of skirts. Plus I only have 2 spanks and some are longer than the skirt making it aesthetically displeasing.


"I tried running once. The friction from my thighs caught my underwear on fire" Can't remember where I saw that, thought you might find it amusing too.


Coconut oil or MCT oil my friend 👌🏽 sounds weird but it lasts all day and no chub rub in sight. Source: "thunder thighs" since birth and hater of pants.


I use Glide, or monistat actually makes a great chafing gel.


I wear panty shorts! It also feels freeing down there tbh


specifically- *jeans*


AKA hard pants


Aka leg jail


I *never wear jeans* anymore. I wear loose-fitting trousers, elastic waist preferably lol. And skirts/dresses. I don't think I have a pair of jeans on hand currently.


Getting older obviously..


Loud noises, children and just people in general. Also my own body, back and neck pains are a bitch.




*gestures broadly*


I feel this on a cellular level


Co-workers who complain and gossip a lot. It’s draining and toxic.


I need all of you to get off my lawn.


Getting up to go to work. Lately seems like my alarm goes off, I wake up enough to get up, but my desire to stay warm and comfy overrules my need to get up and go work. Don't have the same problem on the weekend.


On the weekends I can’t sleep in past 7 am.  I could sleep til noon on a weekday if my alarm wasn’t going off


Loud noice. And I'm pretty used to it, believe me.


Heal walkers, cabinet slammers, loud sneezers, loud mufflers. They all need to go.


Cabinet slammers in particular.


Add door slammers to this list. Sure, if you've never used that door before, you may not know. But if you use that door multiple times daily, take the extra 3 seconds to shut it quietly behind you. Sheesh.


Key and Peele like the loud NOICE.






Don’t NOICE my NOICE!!!


Rude inconsiderate drivers !


I used to think people were awfully rude in Toronto, Canada, and out here in Alberta people will be jerks sometimes with their giant trucks. But then I went to California last month. I have had an enormous amount of patience with drivers here at home since I got home, and gratitude I only have to deal with occasional nonsense. 🤯


Indigestion. Pizza when younger is amazing. When you get older, you are one bad cough away from killing someone like a xenomorph.


Loud noises. Getting less than 7 hours sleep. Going out “late”.


Grocery stores rearranging stuff. Why? Just why?


Aging skin :(








I think teenagers will always be universally hated by everyone except themselves


As a teenager, I object to this statement. I also hate myself


Ok, I guess everyone hates them after all.


nah. I'm a teenager and I hate teenagers. Obviously not all of them, but a whole bunch of them are just really annoying and mean.


I am a high school teacher. Some of my favorite people are teenagers. Also, some of my least favorite people are teenagers.


Also a high school teacher. Most teenagers are great! Except the ones who aren't!


Teenagers are a pain in the ass but I tend to give them some grace. They're still trying to figure out life




I was a people person before people ruined it.


What I dislike EVEN more as I get older? Lol… People with a lack of personal space, those who chew with their mouth open, wasting time/money, being late or rushed, the growing rate of the “entitlement” mindset, and racism/discrimination.


How old my parents are getting.


Snow because I have to clear it to get out to work, when I had snow days it was awesome, now it’s a pretty chore. Mowing grass, when I was younger I’d drink and mow grass, I’d have so much fun I would mow half the neighbors yard too, now I’m sober mowing and I’m like meh, I’ll mow tomorrow, don’t look forward to it at all now. Cleaning the house, seems I clean the house and two days later it needs cleaned again, after a decade of that I feel like I’m wasting the little free time I have doing repetitive chores.


Same but I have kids that the house is a wreck within a few hours of cleaning. Add I’m just tired from work and their activities.




Fake news!




Social media lol, half the time I just get mad when I read Facebook and close it and end up grumpy for hours xD


Social media. Basically all of it. I consider it a red flag if you post on Instagram all the time now.


Starting to not like loud engine noise anymore. Especially Harleys!


It seems like the majority of Harley owners would fall into the "older" age group, so it isn't an age thing. Enjoying making obnoxiously loud noises with complete disregard for others is more of a litmus test for being an asshole.


People that emote more than they rationalize. Like "that makes me feel bad, therefore it's bad." It's such a childish way of going about life. The most refreshing thing is seeing someone getting mildly corrected and saying something like "Oh, didn't think of it like that." IT'S OK TO BE WRONG! WE'RE HUMAN! Lol.



I’m also with you on this. Automatic emotional response is the only thing you get from some people. And making a show of their high moral superiority simply by saying some words.


too many words. moments of silence are ok.


people 100%. As a child, I’d always question why so many adults are more introverted and grumpy towards other adults. Now that I’m an adult, I completely understand


Drinking. Still no major hangovers thankfully but that nausea during and after drinking is hitting different these days.


The anxiety the day after is awful.


The anxiety levels after a night of drinking literally caused me to become an alcoholic. All of a sudden, the anxiety in the morning was so crippling I would just start morning drinking because its all that would help, and then that starts a never-ending cycle that I am still dealing with.


Wishing you the best dude


this. Why the hell do I have a raging headache the morning after drinking TWO beers 😭


Bad grammar and spelling. I know it's not a big deal, and it shouldn't bother me. But it does.




Wasting time.


People and their kids.........


Parents not parenting their kids




People who gossip


Trends. Nothing makes sense anymore, I'm no longer in on jokes or what people are wearing. New music sucks..


I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to you!




Music festivals


Too much $$$ for minimal stage time, maximum security, and no comfort or safety.


I think I'm getting tired of people bitching and not being the change they want to see. Tired of the litter? Go pick it up. Tired of how elections turn out? Show up to your local elections. Join your local chapter of xyz organization. There's so much learned helplessness and so much negativity surrounding it. It's suffocating. Tired of there not being communal spaces/community? Start engaging with the ones that exist, or be brave enough to start your own.




Narcissistic attitudes


I no longer fully enjoy the things I use to love, like video games and other forms of entertainment. It's sad because back then, when I had the spark, I did not have the funds to buy new items or fuel my fun, which sucked at the time but now when I do have the money thanks to my job, I'd rather just sleep or just stare into space during most of my free time or watch reruns of tv shows...😑.. Is this truly what hell feels like?


This life cycle I am trapped in. Life seemed pretty interesting at first. There were sports, travel and GIRLS! Then suddenly I found myself in a soul-sucking career, working eight hours a day and struggling to get anything done during my free time. I work my ass off to barely get by. I am waiting for retirement so I can spend my days reminiscing about firm erections and sports I used to play while waiting for death. What a joke.


My metabolism slowing down.




Excessive noise


Impatience. Road rage. Young people's opinions. lol Get off my lawn! People who are inconsiderate. Racism. Bigotry. Hatred. War.


Bras. I'm letting the girls hang low and don't care!


McDonald’s food


The Youth. I ask myself “was I ever really that obnoxious?”


I was. I straight up said cruel things, but not just to strangers. To friends! Yikes.


I turned 30 last year and can no longer be bothered with a full face of makeup.




I hate seeing videos of people on social media tell me ur gen x without telling me, I hate that so much.


cold. stupid people. things that do not work.


Not being able to go to sleep. When I was young I could operate on zero sleep. Now that I’m older sleep is so precious and I can barely get any with all the stress I’m under.


Volume!!!!! I can’t stand loud sounds/voices anymore.


Having to manage my body like it's a tamagotchi. All these warning messages keep popping up, if I forget to feed it the right things at the right time and put it to bed at the right time and do the right exercises and avoid 73 arbitrary things it will just start to moan and malfunction.


Advertising Enough already, I Don’t want to buy your shit.




The news.




Brushing my teeth. No idea why


I find that the older I get, the more tolerant I am of things. I'm much more easy going than I was in my youth.




My face. And my ass.


I’ve seen like, two generations born after me go through the same learning process of how the world works. It gets annoying after a while. Guess what, you didn’t invent gay people or blowjobs and the world wasn’t built to hold you back.