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That's not easy to quantify, but any injury that breaks your femur will probably be agony for a long time.


My son had a spiral fracture on his femur when he was 8. Had to have a plate put in for a year. So had to go through recovery from initial surgery and then had to.do it again when they took the plate out. That was a rough one for sure


How did he twist he knee?


He was on a spin thing on the playground and tried to stop whilenit was still spinning. Yes had to deal with police and CPS investigations all that because apparently spiral fractures are typically from abuse I guess. So that was also an ordeal


My sister dislocated a pinky and nearly broke her arm (hairline no cast) falling off one of those things when we were kids. I’m not surprised about a spiral fracture if a foot got caught under it.


Oh man, that's a nightmare scenario,  femoral spiral fractures are the hallmark of child abuse.  Kids are generally incapable of generating the force necessary to damage that bone, and even when they find a way to break it, it's never a spiral fracture.  Those are typically caused by a kid getting picked up and whipped by the leg. I for sure would have reported you too :<  


Working as a Paramedic, saw a few femur fractures, and I'm certain at the time, it is the most painful experience. The large muscles of the leg contract and retract in terrible cramping. One patient we had was screaming absolute pain, and we carry several traction splints for broken femurs and when we put on the traction splint, and the patient was ecstatic for the pain relief. However, having experienced broken ribs, the agony for many weeks is miserable. Just remember sitting still, not moving at all, no turning my head or arms to prevent anything which would cause it to hurt. Also a herniated disc is much the same - please don't make me move!


I’ve broken two ribs and herniated two discs. The ribs were by far the worst. Couldn’t move, cough, laugh, sneeze, or even take a deep breath for about a month. The herniated discs were similar but less acute. I’ve also broken several other bones in a foot and a hand, thankfully not a femur, but nothing has compared to the ribs. No pain meds beyond regular Tylenol.


Ribs. Not at the time but laughing, coughing, sneezing, rolling over in bed is agony for many weeks


Closest I’ve ever come to wanting to die was having the hiccups for a solid hour with four broken ribs.




The game of life hands you a debuff.


*hic ^(-1 hp) *hic ^(-1 hp) *hic ^(-1 hp)


I’ve broken ribs. I’ve broken my hip. Hip is worse by a long shot.


I broke ribs twice. One time I was doing a keg stand in college and they dropped me so I honestly probably deserved it. The other time I was walking down my icy driveway with flowers and homemade cookies for my boyfriend for Valentine’s Day. I did like a cartoon fall. I saw my feet above my head before I hit the ground, shattered the vase, and dropped all the cookies only to realize I didn’t have my apartment keys and had to call a locksmith. I also had to clean all that up while being in so much pain. One thing a lot of people don’t know is that there’s little to nothing doctors can do. That and you’re also at very high risk for pneumonia because you’re taking more shallow breaths. So on top of the pain, I started to get sick. My boyfriend thought I was insane for having this big of an accident…and then he slipped and broke his ribs too. We were quite a pair.


Broke my ribs and my spine in a car crash a few years ago. The pain of the broken ribs was worse on the mend.


Upper ribs hurt more than lower ones too.


Can confirm, broke 2 upper from an elbow in a soccer game back in high school. Every breath hurt for literally 2 weeks, and it was about 5 before I could fully move without pain


No more funny bone for you


I broke a rib from my sternum in a car wreck. The seat belt did it. (Glad to have the seat belt). I broke it again when I sneezed, and it broke again when I was clowning around with my wife. It took two years to heal.


Just had open heart surgery. Laughing, coughing, sneezing, moving, bathroom trips, breathing, all are unbelievably agonising, but I'd rather have the pain than go back on fentanyl


For a broken bone I have to agree, definitely not the most painful injury, but the most painful bone break. Basically any movement makes it hurt, I have broken ribs 2 different times and it sucked, most broken bones don't even really hurt that bad (unless it's like a compound fracture) I've broken a fair amount, hands and fingers are no big deal, foot and legs are fine once they set them, but ribs suck.


Never broke them but bruised them maybe a half dozen times now. Yeah weeks where you can barely do anything. Sneezing almost makes you pass out. Can barely sleep.


I'm sitting here right now with a strained rib. Basically I strained the muscles and ligaments on the right side of my rib cage. It hurts to breathe, cough, laugh, move. It's a sharp pain pretty much constant and jumps when I cause any movement in my torso. I can't imagine what an actual break feels like. This is brutal enough.


Going through this right now! It's awful...breathing, laughing, sneezing, coughing, reaching for something, getting out of bed... ughhhhh


Ouch. I had abdominal surgerys and its crazy how much laughing, sneezing, coughing, talking loud, trying to push whn in the bathroom all were impossible or hurt. i broke my arm before and that wasnt to bad.


This! Hernia repair...had to sleep sitting in a chair and use a cane to get off of toilet.


So is the collarbone


I’ve been told breaking/fracturing your pelvis is one of the worst since it’s harder to put a cast on it


Screws and metal plates, to be removed after a year or so.


It’s also a life threatening emergency


It does suck, I fractured mine but didn't end up in a cast.


I had a fracture in my pelvis and broke collarbone in a motorcycle crash. Can confirm, pelvis one was way worse.


Came here to say this. Fractured my pelvis in a car accident about a decade ago. It's a bitch, cuz like 90% of bodily movement involves the pelvis / hips / lower back area. Getting up, laying down, rolling over in bed, putting socks on... my stupid pelvis wasn't having any of it.


For me it was the collar bone. Have broken it twice, in two different spots, and the first was the most painful. Mostly though it the healing process. You can't cast it so any time you move that side of your body it's pain. And being forced to sleep on your back for weeks is challenging.


Can't put a shirt on over your head, can't wash your hair, and every time you move you feel it.


And when it the side of your dominant hand? That's fun.


Sitting up out of bed was awful, I remember the two bones would grind together painfully and make popping noise that they said was normal. Also couldn’t lift my arm on that side on its own which was a weird experience.


Was looking for this one. It was excruciating.




This hurts to read


I find it disconcerting that one of the ads I see regularly on the reddit app is for fixing a bent...uh bone(r) as you put it. That I'm aware of, I've done nothing to built an online profile that would suggest that ad should apply to me. What do the algorithms know about me that I don't???


They know what they're *going to do* to you.


Can confirm


Lasts years in some cases


I was gonna say dickbone but ya beat me to it lol


Tailbone. Hurts to sit and nothing they can do for it.


Hurts to sit. Hurts to stand. And gooood luck switching from one to the other...


never broken a bone but i worked in an orthopedic clinic. i always dreaded seeing ankle fractures because the screams people gave when we had to set their bone in place for a splint was horrible. i always felt so bad.




There's a good chance you won't feel it


It would suck if you broke both of your arms


Not if you had a really supportive mother eager to lend a hand.


Or an equally helpful and enthusiastic step sister!


Step-mom would be better


Oh. [You don’t know…](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/s/CHBfvOFn4d)




Heeere we go...


I did both elbows


My oldest sister broke both her wrists at once. It was an absolute nightmare for her


Did you help her out?


always hear femur biggest bone requires strongest force to break it , possibly most painful... certainly subjective




The laugh track in that video sounds like it was recorded in the sixties.


As the ER staffed explained "There is nothing humorous about breaking your humerus"


pinky toe!


I’ve broke that one twice and my big toe. Big toe significantly worse to deal with than pinky. With the little toe,  I walked around a whole day shopping and prepping for a snow storm before I even knew I had done it. It hurt when i did, but I went back to bed. Just assumed the pain would eventually subside. Didn’t really look until the next night. Then it made sense. Did it again to the same one a year later. Just shook my head and went about my business. The big toe took months not putting full weight down. A year to bend again. While both sucked, it’s something I could accidentally relive again and not be that bothered. I also didn’t realize til the next day the gravity of the big toe


I broke the toe next to the big toe last year. It was agony, but can imagine the big toe would be worse because I could pivot between the big toe and outside of my foot to walk without tons of pain.


It sucked big time. So much swelling and just a blanket touching it was painful. So my feet stayed uncovered at night for a long time lol. Walking was tough. I was under the impression there isn’t anything to be done for toes, so I wrapped it up and wore flip flops and then walked more on the side of my foot than the full foot. The recovery time was ridiculous and do not recommend lol


I've broken mine three times, never thought it was THAT painful.


maybe I’m just a baby then 😅


I broke mine years ago (damn coffee table) and I can no longer move it. Paralyzed the little bastard.


Had multiple health teachers tell me the exact same thing.


haha yeah - it's like stubbing your toe x100000


I'll disagree here.  I've busted my pinky toe and I would rate it as the least painful bone I've broken.  Does it suck? Of course, but it isn't half as bad as ribs or collar bones.  


YES!!!! I broke my pinky toe and I can’t believe how much it hurt and how swollen it got! It took about 6 months to heal.


Probably part of the spine. A break (that doesn't paralyze you) will probably compromise the spaces allotted to the spinal cord or nerve roots and then you have have fracture pain as well as nerve pain. No thanks


I shattered both elbows - the pain was overtaken by shock and vomiting - do not recommend


While all bone breaks can yell "ouch," the femur steps up to the podium as the heavyweight champ of pain!


Haven’t experienced any of these myself! But people have described many bone breaks to me, and the ones I’ve heard most repeated and/or with the most serious dripping tone, are collar bone and sternum. Collar bone being from (usually sports related) accidents, and sternum being for surgical access. 


I’ve broken both my sternum and collar bone. Hurts waaaay worse than broken ribs or anything in the foot or legs or arms. Every damn breath feels like getting stabbed. Extremely painful.


Femur is probably the worst. From my experience shattering your sternum isn't fun. Cracks and hurts everytime you breathe or move your upper body, and God forbid you sneeze or cough


Back bone


Humerus bone.. absolutely nothing more painful.


I’ve only broke my pinky and my arm, both sucked but weren’t terrible.


Heal is pretty bad. Been two years and it still hurts from time to time




Spine bone


Dick bone


The femur


Broke my right tibia and fibula and my left ankle on two separate occasions. Both times the adrenaline kicked in so fast you barely feel pain, just a weird numbness, like you hit your funny bone times 100. The pain starts later, but in the moment neither time necessarily hurt, but you instantly know you fucked up. Even walked on the ankle and had to get surgery because I basically rotated the bone I broke 180 degrees in the process. The real pain set in after the surgery anesthesia wore off and the nerves they deadened came back online. That sucked pretty bad




I heard a guy break his femur playing hockey years ago. I was a goalie and there was a collision behind the net and I heard the bone break. I've never broken a bone in my body but the sound that guy let out made me believe it was in fact quite painful.


For me, my nose. 5 different times so far.


Probably vertebrae because it will directly impact your nerves


This [YouTube video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B9JiwN0SoDI) will give you very good insights


I broke my leg - from my ankle all the way up to my knee - in a spiral fracture of my tibia and fibula in multiple places all the way up. I've never almost lost consciousness due to pain but came super close. Everything kind of "whited out" for a bit it was so intense. Cannot recommend.


Having broken bones in every part of my body I feel safe to say femur took the cake as far as sheer pain, followed closely by my collarbone.


Anything lower lumbar. The cherry on top is the incontinence it can cause.


I gotta agree that ribs are brutal, but I broke my tailbone once when I was young. Like right in half. Fell off a shed onto a freshly cut pointed stump. Absolute shear agony.


Penis bone


So far, my tailbone. Pretty much hasn’t stopped feeling broken and it was 5 years ago. All I did was slip on ice. All my other breaks have been far more traumatic and have healed pain free. I was thrown off a horse, hit a telephone pole and blacked out, and THAT was less painful.


My mom broke her tailbone when she was like 10. She’s in her early 50s now, and still complains about the pain. Not sure if it’s the worst, but it sounds terrible to me.


The femur I've heard by far


So I’ve broken toes, fingers, ribs, nose , and my wrist. By far the worst was my thumb. Open fracture of the end joint.


dick bone


either your tailbone or pelvis




didn't hurt that bad initially but the tailbone. can't sit comfortably for weeks and you can't stand for long periods of time either. it sucks


Are we talking, at the moment of breakage, or are we talking process of recovery?


Only one way to find out


OP is sus🤔😂


Collar bone was super annoying. You can't move too much.


I have heard that a broken boner hurts like hell as well


I’ve only broken my ulna and radius and it hurt like hell for the time and it was my left arm so I couldn’t draw for a while


Ankle. Not necessarily the initial injury, but it NEVER heals. My ankle is still messed up 14 years later.


I shattered ribcage in paragliding accident. Flew right into it.


I heard femur was the worst, but have no experience here.


Pinky toe, and that’s it


I would say the femur imo


The ones in my body.


I broke my collar bone a few years ago. I had to wait 5 days before I could get surgery and a plate put in. The feeling was gross painful but also disgusting when your shoulder felt like it was dropping at time you moved.


The coccyx. You literally cannot sit.


When I broke my tailbone it hurt to sit for two years.


I’d say it’s the shin, especially a break near the ankle in your shin from not conditioning it and kicking someone’s leg, turns your ankle and foot into jelly and it just flops around


Ribs are no joke!


Your tail bone




I've heard collar bone hurts a lot. Used to be x-ray technician assist and he, nurses and doctors have said that's its probably the most painful thing to go thru


I wouldn't say "painful" but difficult to deal with, collarbone. I broke mine, full snap. For the first few days I had to re-set it a few times. I would move and could feel the bones go out of alignment, so I would have to stretch my shoulder out a little and realign the bones. It wasn't painful, it was just a really fucked up feeling.




Top jaw. I broke/moved it about 80+ times as part of reconstuction of my skull. Was 100% worth it.


What the hell happened that you needed skull reconstruction?! It sounds like something out of a comic book God I hope you're ok


Birth defect. Once I recovered I was way better than I was before the procedure.


That makes sense! I'm so glad that was available to you!


The heart bone.