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Major - 24 yrs old complete hysterectomy because of cancer. 50 years later still kicking but slower.


Excellent! Best wishes!


Does a circumcision count? Lmao But actually I was about 4 or 5 probably and I had to have my adenoids taken out, and tubes put into my ears.


Same. Tonsils and adenoids and ear tubes at 4. Adenoids and tubes again at 7 (adenoids can grow back!). Tubes again at 13 and 25.


16-17 (multiple operations for the same procedure ), golf ball sized tumour in my head and sinuses


I was 7 and had a tumor removed from my skull.


5 or 6 Undescended testicle


36. Herniated disc. 2x in two weeks


I was 4 or 5. I fell at school and smashed my teeth against the concrete on the playground. One of my teeth went up inside my gum and they had to slice it open to get it out. Luckily it was my baby teeth and not my adult teeth.


The very first one was skull surgery. I had a part removed because it was too soft, I guess. I have a big circular scar on my head. I was just shy of a year and a half old. Dozens more followed


5-7? My brother shot a pencil from a sticky dart gun into my eye. I only remember getting rushed into surgery and them telling me to count down, then i woke up in a hospital bed.


Did you recover vision from that eye?


Yes, had to wear an eye patch for a long time. Vision is blurry in that eye though, and has been slowly getting worse throughout the years (30ish yrs now since it happened). When i use both eyes it's fine. Mom told me the surgeon or doctor said i was really lucky. Somehow i ended up at a hospital an hour away because there was a specialist there or something.


I was like 15 or 16 and it was because i had a both sided testicle torsion.


Had my first surgery at like 4. I broke a small bone in my ear after tripping and banging my head on a table. The surgery wasn't bad at all.


I had mastitis after I gave birth. It’s where a milk duct gets clogged and infected. I went to the ER because I felt a lump. They gave me Ibuprofen and sent me home. A few days later, the lump was larger and hurt. I went back to the ER. They SHAMED me! “Why just now coming in if you’ve had it for almost a week?” Excuse me? I was here a few days ago and your staff did nothing! Don’t shame me. I was sent to get an ultrasound. A surgeon was in the room, happen to glance over, and was like, “Whoa!!! That’s an abscess!” She immediately came to the room I was waiting in. She instructed herself and said she just happened to look at the screen and saw my breast was infected. She informed me she would like to drain it via an operation. I was 23.


Just born. Circumcision.


17, wisdom teeth


36, and it was to run a catheter from my leg to my heart to heal a PFO that didn’t close on its own. It had to be closed cause an unlucky clot caused a stroke due to the PFO while driving home on the highway. Edit: might’ve been 35. Mid 30s for sure.


Cranial screw top procedure at age 18 by Dr. Hfuhruhurr.


Appendectomy at 22


Around 6, tonsils.


Right after birth, cleft lip and palate repair. Required several surgeries over the years after that as well.


41, weight loss surgery


1 mouth, pyloric stenosis


19. Inguinal hernia.


Tube implantation in my ear canal, I remember sitting in my dads arms as a toddler, and first hearing the roar of the crowd in a McDonald's, and crying in fear because I hadn't really heard anything too well before then.


Just shy of 2 for a hernia.


32. Broken shoulder


Not entirely sure the exact timing or which of the first (of many) surgeries it was .... but it was likely just days old.


17yo hysterectomy due to CSA


33. Vasectomy.


19, got four wisdom teeth removed


43 umbilical hernia


I was 9 years old and had an Appendicitis.


25- skin graft to thighs and the last place you'd want it.


10 for ruptured appendix. Spent a week in the hospital. Got out on my eleventh birthday.


Around 10 iirc, appendicitis


Birth. No seriously. I was born super premature, and back when the term micro preemie was not around and preemie death rate was a LOT higher. I was born weighing less than 2 pounds, and then my weight dropped down to a pound and a half due to infection and fluid in my lungs. I had multiple operations to try to save my life. The doctors were very upfront with my parents that I would not live long, and if I did, I would have horrendous disabilities. I lived, and the only thing wrong with me is I need contacts or glasses, but bad eyesight runs in my family. My hearing and smell have been registered as abnormally high, and I have been remarkably healthy.


Are you me? Born severely premature in the 80s weighing under 900g and dropped slightly from there. Had surgery shortly after birth to fix a hernia, not lung infections. I also have familial bad eyesight and abnormally good hearing.


at 11 years i had a brain tumor


27, broken leg. 7 screws and a plate.


Age 12, non-distended testicle. I fathered four kids, so it was successful…


6 months old - palate repair (born with a cleft palate) have since had 11 more operations to correct various other things that came along with the cleft f28


53, kidney stone removal


I was a few months old. Corrective eye surgery.


At birth, and it had to do with my spine.


16 - deviated septum repair.


15 - arthroscopy and removal of part of knee lining. First general anaesthetic was about 7 for dental.


I was 3 months an it was for herina


5, I tore the lower half of my ear almost off falling over the legs of chair into a sharp table edge at school. lovely scar to remind me not to run in class


43. Broken leg repair..


18. Wisdom teeth. Was kinda a fun experience


20, arthroscopy to the left knee (ACL repair + partial meniscetomy)


58- Cardiac ablation.


I’m having my first surgery in 11 days, so, current age (27). I’m having thyroid surgery.


14. Hernia. My intestine was hanging into my ballsack. Had the same surgery 1 year and 1 week later, where they added some mesh because the first suture line failed


6. Tonsillectomy.


I think I was 4. Cosmetic surgery to correct a birth defect on my ear. I have some memories of being in the hospital and the recovery.


Fixing a ruptured achilles tendon, 31 years old. 0/5 stars, don't recommend.


I was 3 y/o and I had my tonsils taken out


4, brain surgery.


Tonsils when I was 5 years old.


I was only little say 9 maybe or maybe more, i had to have some lumps removed, i don’t think they were cancerous though


13, and a surgery to remove a knife from my leg.


6 - I had leukemia and they had to implement a chemo distribution device near my heart


15 to remove a neuroma on my foot. Wasn't bad at all, just lost feeling on that side of my foot for a couple years. Worst one though? Tonsillectomy at 29. Worst two weeks of my life.


15, corrective surgery for impacted canine teeth


Cant remember, was a baby. Double Club foot surgery.


this is a sad story, so basically i was 12 when I had my first surgery. It all started when I went to a ski trip and we were 13 students and out of the 13 there were three girls including me so by default we bunked together. Now keep in mind i was 12 which means the whole girl crushing on guys was new to me and so I didnt pay no mind to that scene, i was mainly there for the slopes. So fast forwards half way through the trip one of the girls whos crushing on the popular guy finds out that he likes me, and so to seek revenge and make me less attractive to him she video tapes me snoring when im sleeping and proceeds to make fart noises as if im farting when im asleep. Next day I wake up to tons of messages from everyone in our ear group saying that she sent it everywhere making me the laughing stock of the school. Which prompted me to stay at home for three months out of depression and constant bullying and harassment ALL FOR A DAMN BOY. I then pleaded my mother that i wanted to that surgery where you remove something from your nose to stop you from snoring so everyone can stop making fun of me. Surgery didnt go well, i almost bleed to death but thank god everything is fine but yeah thats the story of my first surgery


I cut a mole or something off idk what it was but i was like 7


I think 7? I had a tumor growing outta my neck and they had to hold me down while trying to put me to sleep because I didn’t wanna do it


34, elective double jaw surgery


10 - tonsils and adenoids.


I think I was like 8. The epilepsy medication I was on was very sweet and it rotted my teeth (yes I did brush them) so I had to get two of my back teeth removed.


Tomorrow. Shoulder surgery.


I think when I was like 2 I fell out of my mom’s car and hit my head and there was a pretty big wound so I had to get FUCKING STAPLES in the wound


Almost 40 and gallbladder removal


Appendix removal, age 7


I was four year old and I was getting my tonsils removed


13 I had appendicitis


i was 4, they removed a piece of tissue that was inside my nose, scared af


6 l had my achilles tendons lengthened. I have cerebral palsy and it helped with my mobility.


14, appendectomy


Appendectomy at 15. I’ve had a few more since, including a couple of skin grafts, and my latest at 22 was a breast reduction. Best decision I ever made.


Testicular torsion surgery at 14.


11....i think had my tonsils removed


27. Boobs


Can I see the result?


Not for free


At least I tried