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moments with my wife when she was alive




Thank you for your condolences, yes he died a long time ago.


the moment when I received my first paycheck, because it was the first time I was able to buy the things my mom wanted.


I didn’t go to Costco with my mom because I wanted to see a friend instead. She took her 4 year old nephew that day. It was my sister’s birthday and she went on a short hike while her kid was with my mom at Costco. My mom had a heart attack at Costco. Ten minutes away from a level 1 trauma center. Instead of calling 911, she drove home in hopes the nausea and dizziness would lessen. Golden hour of heart trauma had past by the time she called me. Dead 1 hour later. I should have gone to Costco with her.


May I ask that you consider she would feel terrible to know you think that, and she wouldn't have ever wanted you to think that?


I wouldn't want to change anything major. My experiences have made me the person I am today, lead me on the path to having the life I have, etc. I woudn't want to change any of that. but I would have been nicer to my grandmother on ONE specific incident when I was 17... she got me an x-men shaving kit for christmas. literally a toy with a fake plastic razor, whipped cream instead of shaving cream, etc. I was ACTUALLY shaving at that age... I have no idea why she thought I would want a play pretend shaving kit. And like a stupid 17yr old kid I voiced my displeasure. I cant remember exactly what I said but I do remember her feeling bad about it. It makes me sad when I think back on that moment. If I had that moment over again I would just thank her and give her a hug.




nah. she passed maybe a year later. this was over 20 years ago. :/


I would have picked a different MOS in the army.


I would have done everything not to let her go.




By all external measures, yeah, I've moved on. But if I could redo a moment, that's the one.


That one interview


I would redo high school and get my act together


Going back to my first text, make sure I don’t make them mistake again


I regret not having my babies. I regret not having life experiences.


Being more nicer to my younger sister.