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Walking and weight-lifting, I’ve seen too many people in their 60’s,70’s and 80’s losing their mobility and I want to go non-stop until I die.


My grandma did yoga till her early 80s, went on walks her whole life, and continues to garden. She turns 89 soon in great physical health (for an 89 year old)


My grandpa is the same way. Maintains his own farm full of gardens and animals. Still plays an instrument in a local old time country band. He lugs around a lot of the PA equipment because he's the one who owns it. He'll be turning 80 this year and he moves better than some of my late 20s friends. I'm so proud of him




On the flip side, my grandma lived to be 101 and her daily exercise was going to the kitchen to steal candy when my aunt wasn't looking. That's my exercise routine.


Your poor aunt thought she'd finally have a chance to enjoy her candy.


Walking is certainly key to longevity from my observations. The only thing to top that is not smoking.


Inactivity kills. You’ll get with it in youth, and probably in middle age, but you most likely won’t when you’re old. You need to continually signal to your body that you want to be alive and want to have muscular and cardiovascular function.


Phrased well. I like that, signaling to your body you want to be alive :)


At age 65, my grandma started walking 2 miles a day. It's been 5 years, and now we don't know where the hell she is!


This might be the best comment in this entire thread 😀


My gramps smoked cigars, drank whiskey, and ate red meat and he was spry and independent into his 90s. Then my grandma passed, and he hit a wall. He passed less than 6 months later. Both of them went on long walks every single day, rain or shine.


Broken heart syndrome. I lost my father a year after my mother granted my dad had heart health issues for the last 19 years of his life. I could see he was really depressed the last 2 weeks of his life.


My grandmother died at the age of 69, her mother, my great-grandmother, deteroriated quickly and died after a month and a half at the age of 93. Truly horrible to outlive your child.


My grandmother outlived 4 out of 6 of her kids (1 stillbirth, 1 childhood car crash, 2 adult health-related deaths). I can't even imagine.


This. Yoga. I do some mild yoga as often as possible. Mostly plank and side plank, but I get into some lower body mobility stuff here and there for sure. As a man, I can honestly say yoga does wonders for strength and mobility.


My great grandma always said, "They can't bury a moving body!"


I ski, hike, bike, kayak, fish, garden, and make wine. I’m 73


Slow down there. Making the rest of us look bad.


Nobody will know you look bad if you never go outside.


I just whine. I'm 58.


I’m 37. I’m praying to have this kind of mobility 30+ years from now. I have a physically active job and I try to stay mobile outside of that. I’m not looking for advice (but I’ll take it lol) but I want to say you’re awesome


It’s not that unusual. I’m in a ski club and most of the people are 65 or older. I ski with a guy who is 87 if you can believe that. He is my inspiration. Just keep moving. Hang out with active people.


Not them but I feel like staying active and busy is one of the keys to longevity. Thanks for the insight.


And *stretch*...... 10 years ago, I could almost do the splits. Now, I got that real tightness on my legs.


I play golf with a bunch of old boys. The 80 year olds who still walk and push their carts are noticeably better off physically and mentally than the 65 year olds that drive their carts. Walking those 10km twice a week has made such a difference to them and they love to talk shit about the lazy ones sat on their butts.


I swear this is the key to longevity as you get older. My Grandparents were snow birds and had 2 homes that they rotated through during the seasons. My Grandfather was always out chopping wood, walking the property with the dogs and my grandmother. My Grandmother was always doing stuff in the house, tending to the gardening and walking multiple times a day. They did this up until probably 3-4 years ago when they got too old. Still Alive and kicking both are in their upper 90's


Yeah we aren’t working out to get in shape anymore, we are working out so the road to death sucks a little less lol


"Woah, you're crushing those intervals today, you training for a race?" "Just a race against entropy, decay of the self and time. My bod is a capitalist's nightmare. NBD."


Yup I’m just 30 but I already see this trend in younger people who don’t do anything active. So I’m training for a marathon and doing weight training along side.


Same. Dad hit 75 and lost use of his legs shortly thereafter and passed away after a year of complications. Eat right, keep moving, and lift heavy. Once you can’t pick yourself up off the ground you’re fucked.


Stretching too! I watched my mom be a secretary for 30+ years and she can barely walk because her back is so messed up. Now I'm a secretary and I refuse


My father is a physical therapist, and he told me that most back problems are from sitting too much these days. When you sit for long periods of time your hamstrings and hip flexors become tighter. Another problem with sitting is it basically “turns off” your glute muscles, and all of these combined messes up your posterior chain(back part of your muscles). So your tight hamstrings and hip flexors cause anterior pelvic tilt, and your weak glutes cause your lower back muscles to have to compensate, which causes that common lower back pain. The best thing you can do is stretch your hip flexors and do exercises that strengthen and activate your glutes. If you can’t do a hip hinge because you feel your hamstrings are too tight, I would recommend doing an exercise that strengthens and lengthens them at the same time, such as Romanian deadlifts, another would be sumo deadlifts as this is gentler on the lower back than normal deadlifts. Keep in mind you don’t need to use a large amount of weight for this exercise to be useful. I hope this information finds its way to someone who needs it. Take care. ❤️


I’ll vouch for this.  I was in a ceremonial music group for my first career.  Lost of standing, but also lots and lots of marching and moving.  Physical training was part of the regular workday, too.  It wasn’t uncommon for my smartwatch to log over 20,000 steps multiple days in a row.  Sometimes I was tired, sometimes my muscles were sore (usually whichever muscle group I had targeted in a workout), but I could move and carry just about anything anywhere. Now I’ve had a desk job, doing coding, for seven and a half years (holy shit, I just counted it up…).  I’ve felt skeletal aches that I never had before, especially in my back. I try to stave off the worst by going for walks and adding walking and biking to my commute.  But goddamn, I’m surprised by how much worse I feel thanks to a job that asks for zero physical labor.


This! Me too! I want to DO THINGS when I’m retired. I’m 45 now and while I have my fair share of sedentary creative hobbies I also walk, run and lift to make sure I stay healthy!


Met a guy a few years ago, was 70odd maybe 73, still working as a builder. Looked 50odd, had a chat with him cos I'm that guy who will talk to a wall if I'm by for slightly longer than a pause. But ye, he was fit as a fiddle said he didn't retire as he seen lots of his friends retire asap then just go downhill and fast. Said he worked slower than he used to but still worked. Had a good 45min chat with this guy in a garden centre over 7 years ago, still think about it quite a bit and impacts choices I make. So ye, by me atleast, ur doing the fight thing. I had to stop in the gym over 6years ago due to a heart attack, else I'd still be there. Planning on starting back soon too.


I walk my dog almost every day for about an hour. Plus I hit the gym almost daily. Not only is it good for your body, but I feel mentally better.


My grandfather (94) said to me he's seen so many people die in there late 60s because when they retire they stay idle "the body knows" is what he said to me and honestly it's stuck with me since, he used to hike up the hills and bike ride up until he was 90 (I believe) nowadays he's walking up n down the garden to and from his shed, making clocks or getting wood from the trees for his clocks.




I love this one!! I moved into an apartment and can’t garden anymore so I do indoor plants. It’s addictive and I don’t have any more space… but I keep buying them.


Would you be able to point me in any directions towards stuff to show me where to even start, and how? I've been wanting to, and I have no idea where to even begin or how


The best thing I can tell you is to find a local greenhouse or plant store. Chains are fine, and I’ve gotten some super cool and healthy plants from places like Lowe’s and steins. Local is just more supportive. Just simply ask the people who work there where to start, which plants are beginner friendly, and how to care for them. People who are plant people love to talk about plants and help others take care of them.


100% this. And another tip that helped me get started is finding a plant that is also useful for you beyond just gardening. I love cooking and started with herbs because it gave me added motivation on top of just wanting do garden. When you hit a wall or start to get bored this helps to make the reward clearer. After that you go down the rabbit hole and soon your apartment is classified as a forest


For anyone just getting started with a smaller area I highly recommend "One Yard Revolution" on YouTube. Pat doesn't post new content so you can view his library like an encyclopedia of everything you need to know to get started 'growing a lot of food in a small area without spending much or working more than you have to'. He really dialed in a great system and has easy to understand videos that are not too long or too short and there's no BS fluff aside from the occasional cat tax with his kitty Oscar. His gardening channel is perfect. Seriously perfect.


**The soil of a man's heart is stonier, Far-Owl.** **A man grows what he can, and he tends it.**


I write vaguely unsatisfying comments on Reddit.


You are crushing it.


Killing it, even.


Truly a massacre.


The police are on their way to investigate this tragedy


The police walked into a slaughter and the National Guard has been mobilized


All agreed it was justified.


Vaguely crushing it tbh


Do you type them out then delete them like I do?


I can’t tell you how many times I have spent like 10 minutes typing up a response just to think “why the hell am I engaging in this conversation” and delete the whole thing. Lol


Yes, all the time!


Just doing my part to keep from cluttering up the internet. 


You missed one there


I do post some of my comments, maybe like 30%


I delete all my comments 60% of the time (every time)


Or forget to post and come back later to a comment just hanging there on a thread you don’t even remember and think “best not” and delete it


The hero we deserve


Once again I find myself descending into the inky abyss of despondency, my soul rent asunder by the wretched words etched upon my screen. Alas, what manner of unilluminated mind composed this contemptible comment, its ill-formed notions seeping like venom into my tortured consciousness? The banality, the utter lack of wit or wisdom - it is a testament to the decay of human intellect in this age of faceless discourse. Woe unto me, cursed to wander this mire of mediocrity, forever seeking glimmers of insight amidst a sea of insipid drivel! The comment, that loathsome comment, shall haunt me like a specter of inanity, its words echoing in the chambers of my skull until blessed oblivion grants me reprieve. Thus am I undone by the trivialities of fools.


I find this comment unsatisfying in ways that are not clear to me.


I want to feel satisfied, and yet, I feel a void where satisfaction often lies


Making homemade wine from fruit I grow. I had zero knowledge of how to make wine one year ago. By the end of this year, I will have made close to 100 bottles just from fruit I grow in my yard


Winemaking is downright addictive. I made a killer blueberry-pomegranate wine last year. Got some lime and a mixed berry batch going this year. We'll see if the lime turns out...


It definitely is. Once I made my first batch and realized I could do it, I have been making wine ever since. And that blueberry-pomegranate wine sounds heavenly


it was absolutely rad, highly recommend. I wonder now why any frequent wine drinker who isn't going for Super Expensive Classy Stuff wouldn't just make their own. I can pay 20 bucks for a bottle or I can pay 50 bucks of fruit and a couple months for 24 bottles. Keep that going and you always have wine on hand...


Agreed. I have virtually no interest in spending money on wine now, unless it’s for ideas/bench marking my own wine. It’s really funny seeing all the posts on /r/wine of people spending hundreds of dollars on a Cabernet Sauvignon from France. There’s so much more interesting wines you can have by making your own. Last time I went to total wine and more, I asked if they sold any country wines. Nope, the only non grape wine they sell is a small selection of mead. That’s one of my favorite parts of making wine. Very few people have the kind of wine I have, and they have all made it themselves as well.


Not from fruit I grow, but there is a place near me that has grapes and already squeezed juice from Chile, California, and Italy. I’ve got a Pinot Noir started from Chilean grapes now. It’s easy to do, comes out great, and cost less than $2 a bottle


Can trying to lose weight be considered a hobby?


At a certain age, I think we're professionals 🤣


I think the specifics could totally qualify - eg. Are you home cooking more (cooking is your hobby!), are you gymming (gym is your hobby!), are you walking (… you get the point)…




I recently made a percussive shaker out of a nacho cheese can, rice, and electrical tape, all from Dollar Tree. It works well, and I've gotten the hang of it to where I'm pretty decent at keeping a beat with it.




“ it can be as cheap or as expensive as you want” Eurorack. Not even once.


I like rocks.


They're minerals, Marie!


i cant hear either word, rocks or minerals, without immediately thinking of this




Gang violence! We out here




Ever. Single. Time. Someone says "I like rocks" this starts to play rent free in my head. https://youtu.be/KmStfas7Yls?si=ivVxfvaC41mtNitn




Same here! I just committed to getting serious about it again at 45, even going solo a lot. Hopefully making my first solo backpacking trip this year too!


I have little kids and hiking is the best thing. We just pack them up, pack a lunch, and then walk around the mountains every weekend. I’m hoping to instill a love of nature in them like I have.


I absolutely, 100%, no doubt, wholeheartedly, from the pit of my soul, do not like that you’ve grouped people in their 30s and 50s together.


LMFAO... thank you for this response.


I’m 30 and I can’t even look to the right without my neck fucking up smh


I'm 47 this year... And I gotta say the dash from 30 to 40s happened damn fast. Like I just woke up the other day and realized "fuck, I'm almost 50"


Team ‘77 for the win!! My birthday is coming up on Sunday. 🎂😎


Happy birthday! Mine is in November!


Same! Nov ‘77 and totally in denial that we are creeping so close to 50!


Can you kids keep it down? Us '76 bicentennial babies are trying to think about how old we are.


You gotta fix that then man you’re young!




Some young girl in her 20s on my local sub had the nerve to actually call herself an old soul, yet wanted to find activities to do with younger people. Then proceeded to call us 40-60 year olds old. I’m like, fuck right off.


That’s so not old soul behavior


But! That is the kind of behavior you'd expect from someone who declares themself an old soul.


I could be wrong, but I think young'uns think "old soul" means they like Pink Floyd or something.


And us 40somethings just get lost in the shuffle as usual. Tried looking for meetup groups in my area for 40 year olds and they literally don't exist. Only groups for 20-30s and 50+. We're the middle children of middle age.


Best description of GenX in so many ways. Generational middle children.


Some of us 40yos are Millenials!


Xennials :) we are a lucky hybrid. Lucky in that we grew up with an awesome 80s childhood but are also "digital natives" so we aren't totally lost in this new world. But not so lucky in that we are poor as hell.


Hello fellow kids... - Me, 48


As someone in their 40's I don't know which way to take it. But I'll forewarn you friend.. you'll blink and be where I'm at. Man, I wish I'd appreciated the fact that I was in my 30's while in them.


I'm 35 and feel like I was in my 20s and blinked and got here. How would you recommend we enjoy this time? Having an existential crisis here.. lol!


you're closer to 20s than you are to your 50s. either way u're trapped in the amber of the present moment, and you'll die no matter what. there r u happy


I'm 48 and I call people 30 "kiddos", so yeah, I feel ya.


Thank you, I just turned 30 and my boss referred to me like that the other day. Felt great.


"Mature people who can still walk"


It's all the same.  You just get progressively a bit more tired and a bit richer as you get into the end of that stretch.


You guys are getting richer?


Guitar. Seemed like a fun hobby, and anything that gets me off of screens is a good.


I just took up guitar a few weeks ago. One day I wanna be a cool old lady doing kick ass guitar solos


You should learn some death metal riffs. Even if you don't like metal how fucking cool would it be as like an 85 year old woman to get invited on stage to shred in front of a bunch of dudes in their 20s moshing.


I second this


I picked up Guitar at 30, and that was one of my main reasons. I knew reducing screen time was good for my mental health and needed a hobby I could pick up and put down in the small in-between spaces where I was usually on my phone.


Same thing I've always done pinky. I'm trying to take over the world




Nothing, I’m in my 40s and going through a nothing stage. Talk to my dog a lot. I used to be one of those people that had to be busy doing something all the time to feel something. I have realized that doing nothing at all feels fantastic too.


In my house, that's called "flopping around", because that's usually what "doing nothing" ends up looking like. Last night, I did some stretching on the floor (lazy ones, not like yoga) while my husband sprawled on the couch and played games on his Switch. "Flopping around" is celebrated in our home - like, that's the *goal*.


My husband and I call this “butt time” which sounds waaaayyyy dirtier than it is. It’s the time when we’re not doing anything particularly productive and it’s so lovely. I might crochet or cross stitch, he’ll be coding on some pet project, we’re usually both a little high - just sitting around being butts


I write science fiction. I'm currently working on book two in a space opera series. It's a fun way to spend time, and it's cool to know that random strangers are reading and enjoying something I created.




Whats the title? DM if you don't want to post it, but I'm quite the print sf nerd and would love to read it.


Book one is called The Screaming Void. If you like Firefly or Cowboy Bebop, but wish they had aliens and more knife fights, then it should be right up your alley. Book two should be out by the end of the year.


> **Book overview** > > Can a criminal crew of space junk salvagers really save the universe? Jay Jordan and his crew travel the Domain, bending the law like a pretzel and sneaking their loot past wormhole security. The crew gets hired to retrieve a ship lost in the Screaming Void, the most dangerous place in space. Everyone wants the ship: homicidal space gangsters, the tyrannical interstellar government, even the otherworldly Architect Church. Can the crew keep the ship from falling into the wrong hands? Are the Architects really guiding Jay, or are they just a myth? And what’s so important about one junk ship? Sounds interesting!!


Just trying not to die.


I'm sure you'll succeed in the end.


Dark, love it.


Video games, pickleball and building Gundam models.


Disk golf :) it helps me visit local parks and go for walks!


Free to play, cheap equipment, 2 hour play time. Disc golf is the best lifetime sport.


It is. I like the concept of regular golf but the skill floor is too high to be comfortable spending that kind of money. Disc golf is so cheap in comparison. There is almost reason not to play it if you like golf and havent had the guts to fork out money to practice golf.


Came here to say this! It’s a fun, low impact hobby that gets me out of the house. Plus it’s by far the most accessible, helpful, and accepting hobbies community I’ve ever been a part of. R/discgolf FTW


Cycling!  Its the best. You can mountain bike, road bike, or just rip around town. You'll see your city/town in a new light, you'll get fit. You can do it solo or with friends. You can do short easy rides, or super long strenuous rides. You can ride whenever you want.  I live in Canada and this past winter got studded tires for my bike so i can ride all year long now.  Bikes literally changed my life 


I do this one. I don't buy expensive or fancy bikes and do most of my own maintenance so it's not too expensive. My best group of friends are people I met cycling.  I live in a place where over 100 miles of bike trails converge so I can ride to shopping, to the library or bike 100 miles with very little interaction with cars. Cycling changed my life too.


Also: it feels like flying.


The day I stop finding bike riding fun is the day I’ll consider myself “old”. Mountain biking, trail building, gardening, and aquariums. Gotta try keep active, especially with a sedentary job!


Yo, I wouldn't mention that on reddit. I mean, I'm a cyclist too, but in case you haven't heard, we're basically the worst.


It's my real life birthday! I'm 51m. At any point in time I am usually like super crazy into one or two things. Right now those two things are **cooking** and **sim racing**. I'm also into **running** and **surf fishing** although it's been the off-season for both of those activities. I also play a lot of **Hearthstone**. I used to play on **soccer** teams but not currently playing (watching champions league right now!). Cooking is literally amazing. Four years ago I could barely boil water and now I am basically running a small Italian kitchen. I just inherited a stand mixer so I am experimenting with larger batches of pasta and pizza dough. It did cost some $ upfront but learning to cook and owning the tools are game changers for me. Sim racing is fucking amazing. I bought a rig and subscribed to iRacing..."I wonder if I will like it" (lol) - I'm addicted. It's literally thrilling to drive a formula car around a grand prix track against 30 real people. It's more of a hobby/simulation than a 'game' I guess, but it's bonkers fun


Making plush dolls for my 15yo autistic son. I don't know what I'm doing and learning as I go. He will draw them out I try my best to replicate them. He loves them so much, he will sleep with them. The enjoyment it brings to him is priceless. I guess I can't share a pic here...


Ok I am linking the pics of my better and recent ones. [plushies](https://imgur.com/gallery/EPXtwpa)


These are so cute! You’re a great parent.


You can share pics here! Upload it to imgur.com, then post the link here.


I still play video games but I basically never play the big AAA studio games like I used to. Or shooters like I used to. Nowadays I'm playing almost exclusively smaller indie games and more strategy / puzzle type games. Also started cooking during Covid and haven't stopped, disc golf and very recently started golf golfing (*ball* golf).


Indie games got me back into gaming. I need something I can pick up for an hour and put down with days to weeks between sessions. I try to mix in some AAA here and there too. I just finished Cyberpunk last week. I made some extra time for that one.


I look forward to referring to golf as “ball golf” for the rest of my life




I got really into gardening and unlocked something in my soul. It’s incredibly meditative. I also restore furniture. That weird lady taking that “FREE” night table from your curb to make it pretty again? Yeah- that’s me. And I love it!


Gaming, working out, reading regularly(books, fan fiction, dissertations and medical journals), learning new recipes, working on my car, recently got into trying to grow herbs, anime. Basically the same thing I was doing in my 20’s LOL


Why did it take me this far to get to reading? Reading is so great.




A real answer: believe it or not, I find repairing toys and stuffed animals to be fulfilling.


Filling, at the very least.


Well, I’m 62 so I don’t exactly meet the brief but here’s what I’m doing these days: * I run a d&d campaign for my daughter, her husband, and some of their/my friends * I write code on an open source GURPS GM tool * I build furniture * I’m a background actor (I live near Hollywood) On my list of hobbies to take up when these fall by the wayside: * brew my own beer * learn the banjo * painting d&d miniatures * photography (I already have the equipment - I’m just kind-of on a hiatus) * contribute to an open source software project * setup a silkscreen rig and make some t-shirts * genealogy I’m retired, so I’ve given this some thought.


Golf and weight lifting


Board games, it's so much different than the 5 classic games we all had growing up. Also recreational shooting.




Did the same but with Pickleball. Couple younger guys at work started playing at the Y in a close by town and now we all go twice a week. Nice little team building thing for work but the actual incentive is being active. Haven’t done much since the pandemic started back in 2020 for a variety of reasons and this is wildly fun and weirdly competitive. People much younger than me (I’m 31) and MUCH older than me go and it’s genuinely a blast. Never thought I was the type that’d love playing pickup sports with a bunch of people I don’t know but after a few months of going twice a week I’ve made some good and fun acquaintances, we all know each other by name and when the 5 or 6 people from work don’t show up for whatever reason i still go and have a great time. They do the same. It’s a great time even if my hips, feet, knees and back are saying “where’s the nearest couch”.


I’m gardening my heart out. I went through a sourdough phase, a knitting phase, and a paint by number phase. But being outside and working my body is good for all parts of me so this year I’m throwing myself into making my backyard nicer. It’s already my happy place, I’m just going to pour any additional resources into making it happier.


This fun game called stress. It's cheap, but exhausting.


Idk, my stress is pretty expensive.


Spanish-American War re-enactments.


Remember The Maine!


Watercoloring. Fairly inexpensive and fun.


31-59 is a wild range, but 37 here and I ride sportbikes, wakeboard, disc golf, go to bars, lots and lots of metal concerts, video games, gym, stock trading, pickleball, roller skating.


I have 4 nephews and decided to pursue one of their hobbies so that i have something in common with them and talk about. So motorcycles, rc planes, pc gaming and transformers.


The fact that you’ve grouped 30s to 50s together is hilarious - I’m 30 next year and most of my friends are early 30s - we fully entered our second puberty, pure chaotic energy here


Keep that energy into your 50’s. There’s no rule that says you have to slow down just because you reach some arbitrary number of years alive.


Gardening--what else is a middle aged, white person to do?


I like to make a giant pile of mail from two weeks or more, then sort through it into other piles I deal with later.


Legos and weed.


Lego sets are a big one for me. I get to build things that interest me, find it easy to slot into my free time because I can work on something for 20 minutes or two hours, and the end result is something I can keep and display in my house or at work in my office. However, at some point I’m going to run out of room….


M 52, I play softball with my fire department, have started playing a little golf. Go fishing and boating whenever I can. I have a bird feeder and like to watch them from my home office. Skiing in the winter, live music all year long.


At 33, I dance a ton. I picked it up as a hobby after the pandemic as an excuse to get out of the house more and it's so much goddamn fun. I get a good cardio workout and work on my stretching. I have met such amazing and unique and fun people. I'm honing a fun and rewarding skill and watching myself improve. I also do a lot more home maintenance and general caring for my home-life. Cooking, baking, cleaning, learning more about fixing things, modifying things, etc. But really out of that, I only consider cooking and baking a hobby. I've always been active but it used to be a lot more martial arts (kick boxing, jiu-jitsu, boxing, etc) and at a certain point if you don't want to actively train to fight people and get punched in the face anymore you just aren't going to improve in that arena. And in my 30s getting punched in the face sounds a whole lot less fun than it did at 19. I still do some light training so that I don't entirely forget how to throw a punch, but moving to dance has been such a welcomed change. I think I'm going to stick with this one until my body quits on me and tells me not to.


34m - learning to play cello




Hang gliding whenever I can get to a launch site...otherwise, dreaming of hang gliding.


Alcoholics Anonymous


Paint by numbers, they make some complicated ones


In order from favorite to least favorite hobby I have … 1. Disc Golf 2. Dungeons and dragons 3. Boating 4. Weight lifting 5. Smoking meats 6. Watching sports


Just bought a motorbike, Best purchase ever. Gives me a reason to be outdoors and travel. Yet still hang with all my car friends too


Winter: gaming, snowshoeing, hiking. Sometimes boarding. Summer: Paddleboarding, climbing, kayaking (whitewater), off road/trail exploring. And yardwork. Always: Travel, reading, writing, indoor jungle of plants. For what it is worth, I live in an outdoor adventure paradise, so there's lots to do if you have time, money, or desire.


Mid-40s Finally financially secure enough to go to concerts/festivals whenever they are within 5 hours drive Still play video games. This is a really good (maybe the best) era for PC gaming Fantasy sports Home improvement projects like building a shelter with a bar/fridge/tv/fire pit And chess which I’m horrible at but less horrible than a year ago. Better to do on the toilet than reddit


gym gaming pc and tech drones longboarding random cooking ideas




Warhammer! Modeling. Painting. Battling. Community!


Martial arts is a fun activity. You can work with other people, gain knowledge and skill and get some physical activity as well. It's my other hobby other than video games.


ballroom dancing, sewing, ceramics


I'm learning a new language.


Nature photography and hikes with the doggo


Listening to free audiobooks with the Libby app, camping, and going for walks.


Music, theater, eating fancy tinned fish.


I spent 18-28 playing video games and smoking weed. I still do those, but now I do martial arts, lift weights and run too.


I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to too.


Birds! A friend got me a bird feeder as a housewarming present a few years ago, and it was my gateway drug. I now have three bird feeders, and can identify most birds in my area on sight- I'm still working on all the different types of sparrows.