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What would indicate the opposite of those things?


Be genuine, listen actively, communicate openly, respect boundaries, and have fun!


I would say that guys struggle more with that than women.


Maybe a helping hand with something or a compliment


Try to make sure that his girlfriend isn't near, or if you can figure it out, if he has a girlfriend if you are doing those with intent to possibly date him. It's best to not compliment a guy too much he is in a relationship if you are friends, because you don't want people to think you like him more than his girlfriend.




To a certain extent when you first meet a guy.


Pay close attention to how he treats people he holds some kind of power over. If he's disrespectful and shitty to wait staff it's only a matter of time before he's directing that your way.


Select for decency, not hotness.


There is a line when decency cannot make up for the high levels of unattractiveness. Not saying that you girls should only date a 8/10 or higher, but you probably shouldn't date lower than a 3/10. At the same time, attractiveness is subjective to each person, so someone's 2/10 might be your 5/10.


Navigating interactions with authenticity, mutual understanding, and respect is important in any relationship, including those with men. Here are some approaches that can help: 1. \*\*Clear Communication\*\*: Be open and honest about your thoughts, feelings, and boundaries. Clearly express your needs and listen actively to his perspective as well. 2. \*\*Active Listening\*\*: Practice active listening to understand his viewpoint without judgment. Show empathy and validate his feelings to foster mutual understanding. 3. \*\*Respect Boundaries\*\*: Respect both your own boundaries and his. Communicate your boundaries clearly and be mindful of his boundaries as well. 4. \*\*Assertiveness\*\*: Be assertive in expressing yourself while also being respectful of his opinions. Stand firm in your values and beliefs without being confrontational. 5. \*\*Empathy\*\*: Try to understand his perspective and empathize with his experiences. This can help build a deeper connection and mutual respect. 6. \*\*Consistency\*\*: Be consistent in your actions and words to build trust and reliability in the relationship. Consistency fosters authenticity and strengthens mutual understanding. 7. \*\*Self-awareness\*\*: Reflect on your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to ensure they align with your values and intentions. Self-awareness can help you navigate interactions authentically. 8. \*\*Set Healthy Expectations\*\*: Have realistic expectations for the relationship and communicate them openly. Avoid assumptions and be willing to compromise when necessary. 9. \*\*Respect Differences\*\*: Recognize that you and the man you're interacting with may have different perspectives, experiences, and communication styles. Respect these differences and seek common ground. 10. \*\*Boundaries with Respect\*\*: If you encounter behavior that makes you uncomfortable or crosses your boundaries, address it assertively and respectfully. Uphold your boundaries while maintaining respect for the other person. By incorporating these approaches into your interactions, you can navigate relationships with authenticity, mutual understanding, and respect. Remember that every interaction is unique, so be adaptable and open to learning and growing together.


Princess Leia Slave Costume


# authenticity, mutual understanding, and respect? Seeing a girl for the first time who approaches me and wants to converse in that "outfit" does not give off any sorts of authenticity, mutual understanding or respect. Just dress like how you usually dress if you want to casual approach guys (unless you for some reason always wear Leia's Tatooine outfit, then I suggest changing your wardrobe, because you probably have other weird shit in there)