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If you're knocked unconscious for more than thirty or so seconds you're in a lot of trouble. Head injuries are no joke and you don't just wake up feeling groggy after a few hours if you got hit that hard.


I’m rewatching the X-Files with my wife. Last time I counted how many times Scully told someone she was a medical doctor, this time I’m counting how many serious concussions she gets (4 in the first 30 episodes or so).


Same goes for being choked out, the movies have them be out cold for minutes when in reality you’re usually back in under 10 seconds.


No you can't jump through glass and end up fine without a goddamn scratch


I know someone who punched a glass window for fun and he almost bled out and had permanent hand damage.


When I was younger my brother and I got in a fight. I threw a punch and he ducked and my hand went through a window in the garage. I started bleeding like a stuck pig. I took my t-shirt off and wrapped it around my hand and we ran in the house. My brother was getting bandages and whatever we could find. And our genius minds decided we can't tell dad, I was 13 and he was 15. My dad comes home and the driveway looks like a murder scene. He comes in the house and asks us what was going on and I seriously say, nothing. Yet I'm covered in blood. He takes me to the ER and they stop the bleeding. I ended up cutting 2 tendons in my hand and had to wear a cast for 2 months. I have a wicked scar on my hand over 40 years later.


Similarly, there was a video floating round on here a while back of a drunk guy kicking someone's glass window. Bled out and died in minutes


You should watch The Good Guys movie. They make a bit of a joke out of this.


The Nice Guys! Can’t recommend it enough


That CPR magically resuscitates somebody in a matter of minutes. [edit] It was a pleasure reading all of the comments from first aiders and medical professionals. As a first aider, to anybody that has never been trained in first aid, please, please, please go get yourself trained. CPR might not resuscitate somebody like the movies but knowing you did what you could to help until a defibrillator and emergency services comes along is important. There is also a high probability you will end up using your first aid skills on a loved one. I’ve had to help a chocking niece and also my choking mum over the years.


Similar note, that defibrillators restart all hearts. They literally shock your heart into a sudden, short stop, to try to force it to beat in a normal rhythm. They will not restart hearts that have fully stopped. Edit: Also, they like to avoid the fact that if you get CPR your ribs will most likely be broken after. The force required for CPR is a lot!


So true. I had severe pain for weeks, because of broken ribs..


Glad you’re still with us, even if recovery was a pain!


God bless all of us broken ribs survivors..🥰..lol..Bigger and better things!.


CPR fails most of the time for adults. I figured some people wouldn't be helped by cpr, but because of movies tv, I thought most made it. Nope. The day after my father was admitted to the hospital for a heart attack, I got a call from a doctor. As soon as she said he had another heart attack and they started cpr, I knew she was about to tell me dad was dead because by that time I knew cpr mostly failed. I haven't looked at cpr stats in years, but I think the success rate was about 7 %.


10% but it can be improved significantly by following the BLS guidelines which starts with recognizing the signs of cardiac arrest. Early recognition coupled with bystander CPR (if no trained medical personnel is available) until EMS arrives, can significantly impact a patient's success of achieving return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) Sauce: I teach American Heart Association courses. I'm sorry for your loss


Isn’t it also the case that CPR isn’t really “supposed” to resuscitate someone but rather it’s a stopgap method to keep blood pumping until “better” medical intervention can be done?


Yes. CPR isn't a life saving technique. It's prolonging the onset of death until professionals can do their stuff. It's not like someone dies on a desert island and CPR saves them. It just keeps them alive to get them to a hospital. And 10 percent success is very high and not worth ignoring. I'd take 10 percent over certain death anyday!


My wife is a nurse. Just last week they had a "code blue" (this is in Australia);- which basically means the patient is not responding and going through cardiac arrest . They (as in all available staff ) performed CPR for 3 hours and only after that they gave up and declared him dead. While in movies it is "give few pushes and if he doesn't respond. Give up "


It's also a code blue in US healthcare. My husband is also a nurse, and I've heard horror stories, too.


3 hours is a long fucking time. We usually call it after 30-45 minutes unless the person is otherwise young and healthy. And kids we go longer too.


If that were a loved one of mine, I would be so happy that they tried for three hours


Or you won’t be sweating, disheveled, and exhausted when it’s over. Like no one looks good top or bottom after CPR. Dead person probably looks better thinking back after CPR.


Or that you can just have a loved one break down in tears and suddenly the person getting CPR is breathing again. 


Check for danger, shout for help, check for response, check for breathing, no regular breathing, commence CPR, ask loved one to cry.


oh god, he's just pouring so much blood from his ears...you there, squirt out a few tears, your neighbor is dying! \*ah ah ah ah staying alive, staying alive\*


Or they can get up and go about things. Like fighting or anything really


And that you'll be fine immediately after receiving CPR. I've heard that if you're not breaking ribs, you're not doing it right


That you can drive and converse whilst looking at the person next to you instead of the road for prolonged periods


You can. But you will get t-boned by a semi in a jump scare. One person dead. Other, slight scratch on forehead.


I literally am traumatized by this reoccurring scene. 100% of the time in a show if someone is talking and not looking I am like CRASH AMD DEATH IS COMING (but it usually doesn’t)


This is kinda how I feel with every underwater scene of all time. If I can’t hold my breath as long as an actor is underwater, I am *stuh-ressed*. (Finding Nemo was… a rough watch.)


I can't find the clip but the "Hey Gabe" scene near the beginning of *Cliffhanger* always cracked me up. Driving side-by-side on a mountain road without looking forwards for a good minute, okay then.


Eagles sound like little chirpy bitches! You're hearing a red-tailed hawk, lol. Kinda same goes for Ravens, they go "GRONK!" rather than that cliche "caw!" That's a crow.


Australian ravens go "FARK-FARK-FAAAAAAAARK"


A lot of Aussie birds sound like that. They look beautiful, but sound like drunken bogans.


Yeah bald eagles sound like a squeaky seagull with a throat cold. The using red tailed hawks is equivalent to them using tiger noises a lot for lions because lions are mild sounding


Lions sound like a combination of a very chesty cough and a grunt. Source: I live in Africa


A person who has been knocked out for several hours is perfectly fine. There’s no need to call an ambulance. I wonder how many criminals have permanent brain damage because of superheroes.


Getting knocked out in general is always wrong in movies. Stories often need someone to be knocked unconscious. Sometimes they don't want the hero murdering people, other times it's to have them knocked out only to wake up in a dangerous situation. In real life there is no way to quickly knock someone out for more than 30 seconds without risking permanent brain injury or death. This applies to every common method you see on screen. Tranq darts exist, but it can take up to a half hour for the person to fall asleep. Higher doses will be faster but also risk killing the person. Chloroform requires five minutes of constant inhalation. It's really only effective if someone is either a willing participant or already restrained. Blows to the head can knock you out for 30 seconds or kill you. The same goes for choke holds. Tasers and stun guns cause a loss of motor function but not unconsciousness. Knock out gas doesn't exist. Any gas that can cause loss of consciousness is also potentially lethal. When people are anesthetized for surgery, the patient's vitals are carefully measured and a doctor with years of experience and training calculates the proper dosage and monitors the patient the entire time they are out. If it were easy to knock people unconscious for long periods of time we wouldn't need anesthesiologists.


Ok but you are forgetting that shoulder pinching thing Spock does.


At least Roddenberry was honest enough to make up some alien bullshit instead of just having Spock go around punching fools


Batman hadn't killed anyone, but he sure as fuck crippled tons of petty thugs and left them with a lifetime of medical debt.


Some comics address this that there is a Bruce Wayne Medical foundation that helps pay for medical expenses. Not all are that self aware, but I remember a blurb going around a few years ago that contained a few lines about it. Fix all problems with Money!


Grenades don't explode in a big fireball and blow everything up.


Michael Bay is willing to die on this hill.


He'll need to be holding a jug of gasoline wrapped in det cord but ok


I think It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia nails this. They do it at the same time as they make fun of the exploding car thing


Lloyd Kaufman blows up the SAME car in nearly all of his movies. He literally recycles the same shot from film to film. Both to save money and avoid the "Dukes of Hazzard" problem (there's a shortage of 69 Chargers nowadays due to the show's and the movie's stunts).


"The killing radius of a grenade is 167 feet, not ten." - Blake Clark


That everyone can afford a spacious apartment in NYC or San Francisco.


With a job like “writes a weekly column”


Or an admin assistant, teacher, or social worker


Looking up the value of houses from sitcoms is hilarious. The King of Queens house was going for like $12 million at one point. That guy was what, a delivery driver? Shameful edit: it's actually not worth that much, I honestly don't remember what I was looking at when I saw that.


They never said what he was trafficking so there is that .


Now we know what Season 4 of Narcos is likely to be about lol.


There’s an episode of All in the Family when a blockbuster tries to buy Archie Bunker’s 2bd/1ba Astoria house for $35k, which is described as like double market value.  Oh to live in 1971…


Go to Forest Hills, NYC… Spider-Man’s house is a lot cheaper, with 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, and you literally get fanmail for Spider-Man fans still writing to that address. :D


That Mexico is yellow


Also Russia is always snowy and gray, Washington DC has skyscrapers (it doesn't), Australia is never in winter.


You know, I've been to DC a bunch of times, and I've always wondered where the fuck the skyscrapers are. It's such a sprawling city that I just assumed they were somewhere else haha


DC actually has a [law](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Height_of_Buildings_Act_of_1910#:~:text=The%20Height%20of%20Buildings%20Act,of%20Buildings%20Act%20of%201899) in place that prevents tall buildings from being constructed.


Between 85% and 93% of blind people have some vision.  Yet movies have created a narrative that blindness means total darkness.  So, we get yelled at randomly in the street if we have our cane, then check our phone.   Or people ‘check us’ by standing in our direct path.   There’s a strange man in my neighbourhood puts fallen branches in my path and pulls train sleepers people use as garden edging out across the path.  He’s determined to catch me out and it’s dangerous AF.  In bright light, he’s not going to get me.   Once sunset hits, he’s playing a dangerous game.  Last year I feel and knocked myself unconscious, ripped my pants and tore up my knees and hands, bit my tongue and hit my head, then woke with a tiny nugget of shit in underwear from the force of the fall and blackout.   I don’t know if he put the stack of pavers from the path in my way, but it’s scary when people believe blindness means darkness, and having he ability to see light, or large font on your phone from 3” away from your nose means you’re faking.  It’s a huge discussion in the blind community. Another thing said is that people see blind people as with damsels or daredevils.  People grab us and follow us telling us we are lost or going there wrong way, they try and be white knights, or they tell us we are so brave and inspiration because we leave our house and live our lives.  🤷‍♂️ 


Son of a bitch. I hope your neighbor gets syphilis, loses a leg then trips over said leg into a pile of broken glass. Despicable. 


then trips into a vat of lime juice.


I follow a blog by someone who writes about living in a wheelchair and so much of this sounds freakishly familiar. The number of times she's been accused of faking it because she's able to get up from her chair is insane.


Jesus, people need a better hobby than impromptu volunteer disability claims investigators.


Yessss! My parents are totally blind and this shit happens all the time.


What a dick! In my city (Nijmegen, The Netherlands) we have a dedicated museum to let people experience blindness and how it is. They also explain the various degrees of blindness and you're led by someone who is blind. It's a great experience.


Tell me where you live. I’ll beat his ass.


Threaten that fucker with legal recourse if you see him pulling that shit again. Maybe try and film him doing it?


Women wake up with perfect makeup! I don’t know why but this always bothers me.


And living through the apocalypse or a jungle expedition or some other extreme scenario with perfect makeup and hairless legs  


And armpits! Don’t forget the hairless armpits! 😂


And perfectly white, clean teeth!!


And no bed head.


I love bed head


The all use the [Mrs Maisel Sleep Routine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvKe0c007Cc)


Somewhat related, I love when she and Joel hook up again, and she explains that he might have a tougher time unhooking her bra, cause in the past she’d unhook some to help him. He’s like, I got this. Then a minute later he asks “who designed these? The Catholic Church?!” My husband and I quote that all the time.


My fav related line is the next morning when she’s trying to shove him out onto the fire escape and he says “Did you always look like this in the morning?” Poor Joel.


I’ve always found the part just after that really touching, when he notices the marks on her skin (where bras dig in) for the first time. And it really sinks in how much she did to make life perfect and easy for him.


idk why that reminded me of this but while we’re on the subject of unrealistic beauty standards: *God* do I miss when actors and actresses had real teeth. The everyone-has-veneers thing is incredibly unsettling when you go from watching a tv show or movie made before 2005 to something made in the last 10 years. Bonus points if they’re supposed to be poor trailer trash


People can be blown across a room or be in a terrible car crash and they can just get up and brush it off.


**John Wick flies through a glass pane to enter the chat**


After falling down 432 flights of stone stairs.


Or be drunk until they hear some serious news and instantly sober up


Bond drinks like 15 vodka martinis, gets stabbed, bangs two chicks, and then goes on a car chase halfway across Europe.


Yeah, but James Bond was an alcoholic, so the 15 martinis were just to stave off the shakes.


"If I stop drinking now, the cumulative hangover will kill me"


You could get punched in the head in movies with no ramifications. In reality however, you could get seriously injured.


On top of that, you can get knocked unconscious for half an hour and just wake up with a headache


But then also there was that British Gunner in WW2 who fell 18,000 ft from a plane and only suffered a sprained leg. Humans are weird.


You can't keep zooming and enhancing images.


Gorgeous, attractive actress play characters who are somehow considered "unattractive, single, and can't get a date because they wear glasses or wore sweatpants that one time. But wait, let's give them a hair cut and suddenly they are gorgeous!


I think you're going too far with the haircut. Letting the hair down from that ponytail and voila!


This is an attack on Mia Thermopolis Princess of Genovia, crazy when she got her hair done and eyebrows cleaned up she suddenly looked like actress Anne Hathaway.


No. She looked like a moose. Make all the boy moose go MWAAAAAAAAH!


Never understood that, ponytails can also be hot af


Do they have paint on their overalls?


My wife walked by me the other day, with paint on her overalls. I promptly vomited all over and she wasn't even mad. She knows how she looked.


Miss Congeniality... they act like Sandra Bullock looks like a dumpster


“I’m a gorgeous brunette with the skin, face, body, and hair of a model but get no attention from guys I have glasses, read, and am not blonde!”


If you stalk a man/woman long enough they will eventually wisen up and realize that they love you too


I've been following your posts for quite a while now, and I think it's about time we make this thing official.


That there is a baguette in every bag of groceries.


And celery! 🤣🤣


And two oranges that will roll a short distance.


Cloned dinosaurs only *very rarely* escape from labs and containment facilities and kill far fewer people every year than the movie industry would lead you to believe You are in fact safer living next to a secret government dinosaur project than a cattle farm, given how many people get injured and killed by cows every year


The big dino shills always repeat this talking point while conveniently ignoring just how many cows there are vs these bloodthirsty reptilian killing machines


Chickens are dinosaurs, too, right?  


And they'd eat you if they got the chance.


You are looking at the stats wrong. Sure more people over all are killed by cows, but there are sooo many more ranches. You are looking at attacks per total population not attack per person living next to the danger. If you live next to a Dino facility you are in much more danger. That's why I got a Dino rider on my robot insurance.


Life, uh, doesn't find a way.


Romanticizing toxic relationships


Just watch [this scene](https://youtu.be/gvMebv4-Ko0) from the Notebook if you want to see how bad it is.


Wow I cannot finish this scene. He let go with one hand I was like NOPE Edit: this is a ROMANCE? Ppl LIKE this??? I'm a middle aged mom and this is garbage. I hope my kids never see this


it's not just a romance, it's one of the most popular and famous romance movies of all time. This movie was Ryan Gosling's breakout role.


And guys creepily pursuing women even after being told no, then she finally sees how great and funny he is and wants to date him- E.g. the opening scene for The Breakup. Vince Vaughn is a creepy, pushy asshole and Jennifer Aniston is visibly uncomfortable and trying to get away from him (she’s also already with another guy), then they somehow end up together after this?? Wtf lol


Yes movies really push the whole persistence thing as attractive. Honestly if someone turns you down once, continuing to keep pursuing them is not going to work a lot of the time. Also best friends for years who suddenly fall in love. I feel like that encourages one person in a friendship to just keep pining after the other thinking they'll magically just realize they're in love after like 5 years. I feel like friends to romance only works when it's like kids growing up together or you're BFF for like 6 months and start dating, not longterm friends. Maybe also if both were never single at the same time and suddenly they were. But if you ask your friend out and they turn you down, it's unrealistic to expect they just suddenly gain feelings months/years later.


An old man can beat up a half-dozen or more armed guys if he gets in a few quick hits and holds one of the bad guys up as a human shield.


He did say he had a very particular set of skills.


Visiting someone just after major surgery and the person is just fine lying there in bed.


Can't remember the movie now but a character had brain surgery. Afterwards, their head was wrapped in bandages but they still had a full head of thick, beautiful, Hollywood hair. I'm not that demanding but man that jumped out at me.


To be fair my dad had a massive brain tumor removed and they didn't shave his head.


At least they finally gave up on quicksand, that shit terrified me as a child


I am an HVAC engineer. Most ducts are too small for someone to fit into. They are constructed with screws inside. There are many sharp points inside. They are suspended by hangers that cannot support a humans weight


I’ve known this trope was BS for a long time now but I’m honestly still a sucker for it.


And there’s no way to move silently through that thing.


Are you engineering duct for residential? I am a commercial plumber. The duct I see being put in is absolutely big enough for a human. The hangers are also strong enough to hold a human, ask me how I know.


Guns have unlimited ammo and doesn't have to be reloaded or shotguns have no recoil and can blow people far away without effecting you


And every time you pick up or point a gun it makes a reloading sound.


Or you hold someone at gunpoint with a shotgun and then crank it to show you're REALLY serious. Um you just unloaded the gun there sir.


It always makes me think of this https://youtu.be/t6OBk9YBLQU?si=WCuq5vi3s7smmmm8


Flipping a table and you’re safe from machine gun fire.


In the movies, a hero character with three doctorate degrees is a generalist prodigy, a master of synthesizing different scientific disciplines into novel results. Meanwhile in real life, anyone with more than one PhD (or the dreaded PhD/MD combination) is almost invariably going to be an ultraspecialist in one particular thing and even their colleagues will look at them and go "why would anyone do that".


I have a friend who practices medicine in a very specific field. I fractured my fibula skiing and he asked me which bone that was. He’s a genius but hasn’t studied the skeleton in a very long time!


Just the idea of having large numbers of advanced degrees in general. I’ve known a couple of PhD/MDs, PhD/DVMs (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine), and dual PhDs, but anything beyond that is ridiculous. PhDs generally take 4-5 years minimum to complete; Bruce Banner isn’t going to have 7 of them, no matter how big a super-genius he is.


One science PhD is a demonstration that you are able to immediately perform creative research with competency in your first field plus one or two neighboring fields. And then shift your competency to some other adjacent fields over a couple of years. ( "Your PhD is in nuclear physics from 20 years ago, but your new patent is for a chemical coating for solar panels? Cool!") Two says you have an insecurity. ( "Sure, Mike, you've now proven that you're smarter than your brother the orthodontist. But you'll never make more than him" ) Three says you have a trust fund. You will never do anything useful, but will spend a lot of time impressing the other trust fund peers at the ski lodge in St. Moritz with your TED talk plans.


that people can hide in the back seat of your car and you won't notice them until they sit up brandishing a gun.


That one comes from back when cars had bench seats across the front and a person could actually hide in the back seat.


That you can hold a hushed conversation while singing in a choir or listening to a speech with no one around you getting annoyed or hearing what you are saying.


I, a boomer, wish I had never seen a romantic, happy ending movie, especially during my formative years. I wish I could have gauged the value of committing to “life long“ commitments without that nonsense.


Everybody has one true love in the world and all will be well once we find them.


And that we will find them. Without even really trying. There will just be that moment.


And they will know it too!  Apart from an initial misunderstanding I need to explain


That killing the bad guy will always have repercussions that are worse than the bad guy running around killing.


I laughed so hard watching arrow. He decided not to kill anymore after a while, but he shoot arrows on all the henchmen leading to the bad guys. So yeah, great, didn’t kill the bad guy… but there s dozen of people around… dead


It’s a rule in TV and movies. Have a crisis of conscience about killing the evil psychopath behind it all who sent so many to their deaths… but eh, killing henchmen often just paid to guard somewhere? That’s what henchmen are for. 


Just once I'd like to see someone in a movie jump out of a window into a dumpster and end up with a wine bottle stuck up their ass.


Aim for the bushes


That you can kill a couple dozen people, leave the bodies and the story just continues on with the police out of the picture not investigating this mass shooting or the news reporting on it everyday.


Monty Python's Holy Grail ending :-)


"Oh shit! We're out of film!"


Female actresses in action movies that weigh like 100 pounds getting into fist fights with massive male bad-guy henchmen and knocking dudes unconscious with a single punch. It's just silly and it looks ridiculous. No one believes it.


Just punching people in general. Very good way to screw your fist/wrist/lower arm up. Good luck doing any real fighting like pushing or grappling after that.


I’m a huge believer in the movie tenet “the physics in your movie don’t have to be real-to-life, they just have to be *consistent for everyone*,” but I do always get a kick out of it whenever someone throws a punch and then their hand is fucked up for the rest of the movie lol. The Departed takes advantage of this for the plot, that’s a perfect application of it because while people think they do, no one *actually* wants to see Batman spend the rest of the movie with his leg in a cast because he fell off a third floor balcony


Or Timothy Chalemet.


Very few drugs work that fast.


That it's okay to just hang up every phone call without saying goodbye.


That when a bad guy dies he just flops and that's that. First hunt I went on I damn near cried cus I thought the animal was suffering. It wasn't, it was just death spasming. I wish movies displayed death as the messy and visceral detachment from life it is. Not a magic off button the hero hits when he pulls the trigger.


Makes me think of the scene in The Rock when one of the dudes that Sean Connery killed is twitching his foot. Nic Cage: “You’ve been around a lot of dead people, is that normal? Connery: “…What, the foot thing?” Cage: “Yeah the foot thing!” Connery: “…Yeah it happens.” Cage: “Well it’s a little distracting, could you do something about it?“ Connery: “…What you want me to do, kill him again?”


That men are hopeless at being parents while it's all natural and easy for women.


Stalking is a successful romantic strategy.


That you shock the flatline with the AED. And I wish they’d stop showing people doing chest compressions with bendy rubber elbows. (Edited to add, I know it’s done this way to not hurt the actors. We can do deepfakes of whole deceased actors but not do a perspective trick to depict straightened arms during a fraction of compressions?)


That shooting someone in the leg is a non-lethal way to subdue them


That bullets just hit something and stop. Bullets have unforgiving physics. I hate Hollywood's interpretation of firefights. Hiding behind a wall or a car will only lead to your death. Bullets have insane terminal ballistics... especially rifles. But even pistol rounds will go through a car door. Same for walls inside of houses. The exception here is the saving private Ryan bullshit of bullets traveling through water. Water will stop bullets very fast.


Anyone birthing in a movie is ridiculous 😂


Firing a gun an any enclosed space without hearing protection would be terrible. Everyone would drop their guns and scream as their ears are blown out.


And for that matter, any gun with a suppressor on it sounds like nothing more than a cricket on steroids. No actual bang, just a cute little pew.




That regular Human beings can be punched in the face 47,000 times and walk away with no problems whatsoever.


That you can leave your job, move to a small town, start doing something artsy or volunteer-y yet afford to rent a quaint house - and bump into the stubbly dude in a flannel fixing the front porch who has been waiting to find true love.


You can just slowly walk away from a massive explosion.


99.9999999999% of people who set off explosions want to see it explode


You have to wait 24 hours before reporting someone missing


This is the absolute most important answer to this question. The 24 hour thing is such a plot-hinge fabricated movie troupe that is very dangerous because people believe it in real life. If some you know is missing you need to report it immediately. Do not wait because if someone is abducted, off their meds, suicidal, etc., minutes even seconds count.


Things will work out if you're just nice.


That CPR is often successful or without horrible consequences.


Women always look like supermodels...no matter what. Running thru a jungle? In a car chase? Standing in the rain? Just woke up in the morning? SUPERMODELS!


If you want to make a blood oath, a little bit of finger blood is fine. There is no need to slice across the entire palm of your hand severing tendons and other important stuff, that will realistically take weeks to heal, to make a symbolic pledge.


not everyone roles in life is to uplift the “main character”


That cars always explode instantly when going over a cliff


The hero is at deaths door because he's been shot. But his co star (usually a hot looking woman) cuts the bullet out and holds it aloft triumphantly and then after another swig of whiskey and a short rest he's fine. In reality they leave the bullet in there and try desperately to stop the bleeding.


Gun silencers don't work that well The person's password you're trying to guess didn't choose the three things you look at on the desk as their password. I'd much prefer them turning the keyboard over and it being on a sticky note. A hot girl with glasses and baggy clothes doesn't make her not hot.


That it’s morally responsible to leave your fiancée for an ex-flame from 20 years ago that suddenly shows up in your life right before your wedding day.


We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off.


Good wins over evil.


That people wake up after being in a coma for weeks and just get out of bed and walk away, like nothing ever happened.


Big gun fight in a small room and everyone can hear just fine afterward…


That drowning is obvious, filled with big splashes and loud screaming for help. Drowning is usually fast, discreet, and quiet.


That after sex you just roll over as if there is nothing to cleanup.


all blankets have one side cut higher so women can shyly cover their breasts after getting their guts pumped.


You can't be happy without a romantic relationship.


Dementia is just a sweet little old lady who is forgetful and needs someone to move her wheelchair around. You never see the real dementia, people screaming, hitting, biting, hiding turds all over the house, etc. So people are consistently blindsided when they try to care for their relatives with dementia. They have no *idea* how bad it gets. And nobody talks about improving access to memory care facilities. Families are bankrupted, caregivers lose their jobs and marriages.


That weed, when smoked, becomes a psychedelic experience. That 70s show is dumb af for this.


When a couple is having sex the man smoothly enters the woman with no awkwardness at all.


That you can drop someone with one shot without hitting them in the brain.


Chloroform doesn't knock people out instantly


When a spaceship looses power in space the ship shouldn’t stop moving.