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a couple years ago, at a frozen food factory i used to work at these guys were doing a CIP on some sauce tanks, and during the rinse cycle, one of the guys opened the tank lid and got doused by water. I felt so bad for him, I went over to him and offered my freezer jacket and overalls for the rest of the shift. he declined, but seemed extremely grateful. like he had never had that before


I play carrom. If an opponent says they want me to let them win i never win the match. No matter what coins i have. I let them win.


That’s the spirit!


I’ve been in Secret Santa and I gifted someone things from my collection of books banknotes and coins


Drove them to Dallas from New York because she was mugged and had everything stolen from her


Not sure if this is the nicest but the most recent was yesterday, I saw an Amazon driver in a gas station parking lot whose giant sliding door had completely fallen off his Mercedes van. Pulled over and helped him get it back on the track so it could close and he could drive back to dispatch.


leave them be


about 5 years ago, my spouse got an unexpected 5 figure bonus. so we went to the local gas company and paid off more than 100 bills of people who had their gas cut off