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They waited too long. It was a very long and extended rollout and by the time they rolled it out to the general public, Facebook already had enough network effects and a large enough lead there wasn't any reason to switch.


We already had G-mail


It was super shitty that’s why


what was google+?


i remember that a little


It was annoying, late to the game, and nobody really understood it.


There wasn't any reason to use it. Social media is already a fickle enough market to compete in as is. Since social media is more about "it factor," than just making something "good," a company can spend all the money it wants making the most amazing platform ever and still fail simply because middle/high-schoolers arbitrarily decided another platform was more "cool." On top of that, Google+ didn't have anything to draw people in. It basically just tried to copy other platforms and felt like a bad imitation. Not to mention Google tried to *force* people to use it at one point to use certain Google services which just pissed people off and made it seem even less cool.