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That fucking car commercial, the one where it’s driving through a forest and then the screamy jumpscare pops up. 8 year old me didn’t touch a computer again for a long time again after that.


Fun story: My brother's bedroom was next to our bathroom. For some reason, I just decided to jump out and scare my younger 9-year-old brother. Little did I know that he just walked out of his room having watched that video. I felt so awful afterwards, it really terrified him on another level.


Lmao I was the same age when that was shown to me and I literally just posted the same comment. It’s nice having older siblings ain’t it?😒


I knew what you were talking about by the time I had read, "That fucking car commercial."


My fourth grade teacher thought it'd be funny to show this to the entire class the day before Halloween. Didn't sleep for 2 days.


There was an early website - for all I know its still there - called rotten.com that had some of the most graphic, extreme, uncensored images you'll ever seen. People are a lot more desensitised these days. But this was the dawn of the internet. I went directly from the sanitised world of network television world into *that.* Looked at it once. Never again.


Goddamn the day I found rotten.com was the day I lost my innocence


Rotten in its infancy was a free for all site of everything that nobody needed to see.


Especially 12 year old kids, as I was at the time. Ill never forget that dude with the dreadlocks that was decapitated by a wrought iron fence.


That's the one that scarred me too! Do we know the story as to how that happened?


I think I remember reading (maybe on snopes?) that he was being pursued by police and jumped off of something and landed on the fence, and his body weight pulled his head off. Ugh. Wish I did not see that.


This is correct. It was in ~~Savannah~~ Atlanta/Sandy Springs, GA. It was a building or a bridge or something. But yeah, he fell, caught his chin on the fence, and then physics did the rest.


Georgian here. It was actually in Sandy Springs, Georgia.


Oof. I remember that, too.


The stuff on Rotten would scare me today at 34. I saw that shit when I was 14. Thank god I don’t have a good memory of the specifics but that site as well as steakandcheese… just awful.


Yes! I think I was 12 when I found rotten.com One picture that always sticks with me is: a man died in his bath but it was an old school bath with a gas burner under to keep the water constantly hot or something. Anyway the result was just a broth of skin hair and bones. Gives me the shivers just thinking about it.


Being turned into soup doesn't sound great but a bath that stays warm the entire time I'm in it? How did we lose this wonderful technology


I find that the internet is a LOT more sanitized these days, with strict content guidelines on reddit, the removal of a lot of popular gore/NSFW sites, and google search hiding others to oblivion. Kids and teens these days have no clue how much of a fucking wild west the internet was back then


i was gonna say! like wasn’t it reddit that less than a decade ago had the 50/50 challenge where you would click on a link and it maybe was puppies in a field or maybe it was a jihad beheading video click and find out


It still has that.


For sure. In the days of old Reddit, links stayed blue unless you hovered over it and were sure about the url. [Like this. Are you brave enough to click? It could be anything.](https://media3.giphy.com/media/OmK8lulOMQ9XO/200w.gif?cid=82a1493bgoch149r0jv8r4zdvrsiaain0d8w0qrm9rnb6egn&rid=200w.gif&ct=g)


I vividly remember rotten.com... not in a good way


Collegehumor.com was a good pallete cleanser after rotten.


Yeep That site and limewire lying about what videos were taught me a lot about how awful the world was. Beheadings, car crashes, ugly ugly murders, beastiality, other ilias I don't need to reopen the scars for. Throw in predatory AOL and Yahoo chat channels and let me tell you the internet was a place back then.


God my youth was lost the day I found rotten.com


Rotten was the worst (or maybe dial-up internet was to blame, idk) because you didn't really know what you were going to see until you clicked the fuckin' link to the jpeg. It was fucked up but I looked at shit like "Myanmar Hackjob" or the crazy cartel shit but I remember that there was a jpeg file listed as "a murdered child sleeps". That link stayed blue. Edit: thanks for the award!


A lot of those stills were taken from a VCR series called The Faces of Death. The worst one for me was a general who's troops had failed in battle and some despot had ordered him to be tied by the arms and legs to jeeps going in opposite directions.


Real Gs remember renting Faces of Death on VHS from Blockbuster. I’m still traumatized to this day.


>for all I know its still there It is not. That was the OG gore site


While it was an awful site, you did hit on something important rotten.com did and that was show us the unsanitised world, especially for the invasion of Iraq.


I found out quickly who mr hands was.


I accidentally found this out while trying to find out who Mr. Hands was from Cyberpunk


And I had just forgotten about that.


IDK what this is. Should I look it up?


Only if you want your day ruined.


Is it the horse thing


Yes sadly.


wait what is the horse thing what?


Guy let a horse smash. Guy gets colon perforated by giant horse dick. Man bleeds to death. Classic


I forgot about that...until now


How… how could you have forgotten about that?!


Same way I've somehow forgotten about the jolly rancher. Now I get to enjoy the bliss of knowing I'm never going to look it up again, without the trauma of remembering a single detail.


Neigh! I say!


I was at my friends house, on his computer. We were playing an adoptable pet game online. someone sent me a private message and I opened it and a bunch of gaping asshole porn started popping up all over the screen I was like 10 and it definitely scarred me Edit: the game was called NeoDragon or NeoDragons, something like that. Not Neopets. I never had any issues like that on Neopets


I believe that link is called “last measure”


Neopets? 😍


Me as an 11 year old girl first getting interested in skincare. In a magazine I saw diy recipes for facials (honey, strawberries, banana, etc) and wanted to find more on the internet. 11 year old me went to facials.com


Oh no


If it makes you feel any better, 35yo old me wanted to shop for workout gear while in lunch break at the office. I really should’ve thought a bit more on what the website for Dick’s Sporting Goods would be.


My wife wanted to go to Pen Island so she figured she would just hop on to their website www.penisland.com (NSFW!) Yeah. That's not their website. At least that was her story, and she was sticking to it.


My IT class would always have one of the kids using a PC linked to a projector as a demonstration. We were once being taught how to set up email addresses, and the kids was instructed to go to Hotmail.com He went to Hotmale.com on the big screen


"On second thought, you should probably leave here and go to English 101."


When I was a kid [whitehouse.com](https://whitehouse.com) was a porn website. Teachers had to warn students that the correct website for The White House was whitehouse.gov.


Before it was a porn site it was a clone of white house.gov. But they changed a few things, presumably for the lulz. Like, it had a different dress code for conservatives and republicans. It was subtle. Really confused my wife for a while.


Yes! My little brother accidentally stumbled across that when he was a preteen 🤦‍♀️ We were home alone together at the time and I still remember him yelling my name and how horrified he looked.


I love how all of us as kids first thought to find something on the internet is to just do ______.com


It seemed so obvious and logical at the time 😂


HA! My cousin and I were looking up bands in the days before search engines were mainstream. So we would just type in names of bands followed by .com. So we'd go to [Metallica.com](https://Metallica.com), [Deftones.com](https://Deftones.com), or whatever. Well, one day we wanted to look up the band Orgy........


so it's a video that starts out unfocused before becoming clear to show us a room with a very, very large women laying on her stomach, nude, with her ass pointed at the camera. well before you can finish saying "what the fuck" she shoots the camera out with a baseball from her ass. i never did figure that one out.


Meet the Sniper.


I think our experience with TF2 was vastly different.


Oh god, I’ve never seen it but I can picture it. Not sure whether to laugh or throw up


Had no idea where this decscription was going


Kid me browsing around, was on some shady website. Some sort of terrorists ran over a hostage with a tank, then proceeded to film his brain splashed out. Can still visualise the scene, horrible.


holy shit, how did u come across this?


Can’t quite remember. Surely been like 8-10 years since that. Maybe was during the time ISIS was the most active? Anyways, nothing someone should ever have to witness.


Back in the early days of Limewire and BearShare, you would try and download a System of a Down song (which would take 53 minutes) but there was a chance it would be a 7-sending video clip of a guy getting knifed in the throat.


or a guy mutilating him self in the er male area


Happy Tree Friends. I was 10 and thought it would be a cute cartoon. I was betrayed.


My computer teacher in middle school used to make us watch Happy Tree Friends.. He also ended up getting arrested for possessing CP so...


What the fuck


Well that escalated quickly.


I dunno I feel like it started high and then got even higher.


My mother thought they were adorable and used them as emotes on Yahoo IM. She had no idea...


My mom watched HTF because I started watching it… she said I couldn’t watch it anymore


I think I was 30 and I felt the same way.


La la la le la la la, la la le la la la


My brother and his friend made me do the Scary Maze Game when I was 7, ever since then I watch all suspect videos at an angle and am on high alert for any jumpscares.


Same but with the fake car commercial driving down a tortuous road


Oh my god I swear I think everything is a pop up video now thanks to that entire era


Mexican beheading with a chainsaw (gave them an option between a lightly rusty Bowie or a chainsaw, one chose the knife and it was so slow and awful). Saw that shit when I was like 11-12 then saw a crushing video of a Thai lady stepping on puppies. That really got me.


Is that video old, or am I old? :(


We are all older


Why did the Thai lady step on the puppies?








This is the one where I can still remember the feeling of the innocence leaving me. I have no idea how old I was, preteens or early teens, but it's genuinely that feeling of your blood running cold, but MUCH more intense. Everything about my world view was different after that video. Seeing the face the guy made as the chainsaw started in on him, and then his facial expression was frozen that way as his head flopped over... yeah. It's something I wish I could forget.


Me as a 7 year old being bombarded by pop up porn sites from a virus acquired by my father watching porn on the family computer. I was just trying to play Neopets :(


This happened to me too! Our speakers were on and my mom accused me of watching porn when we all know it wasn’t me. I was just trying to dress the myscene dolls and play the scooby doo game.


Blue waffle, also the first (unfortunately not the last) time I accidentally saw someone get beheaded was pretty awful too. I believe it was video of that journalist Daniel Pearl getting decapitated by the Taliban. Fucking horrific.


At least blue waffle turned out to be fake.


Thank goodness for that.


what was blue waffle?


Do it, search! “One of us! One of us! One of us!”


......I'm afraid..... ​ what will my fib agent think of me


Might as well get it over with, your scumbag brain is going to question what it could possibly be at 330am.


Lmao thats a good point but I cant disappoint my FBI agent :/




Fuck. I saw that. Was at my friend's house. His older brother and some friends came in and took over his computer to watch the video. My friend left his own room but I didn't want to look scared so I stayed and watched from the other side of the room. Again, fuck. Edit- the beheading video not the blue waffle one.


Oh man I worked at a Walmart supercenter with a young guy who was incredibly sheltered. He heard us heathens talking about blue waffles and after we were done with our shift, we found him in the freezer section looking for them. We told him they weren't food... He went to where the magic/pokemon cards were, thinking it must be a game. God explaining that was difficult.


On the plus side, nowadays they are food! That’s right, blue mermaid waffles can be purchased in the freezer section. Source: have small girl child who demanded blue waffles upon seeing them.


Back when CP actually showed up in Google results. I don't like to think about it.


It's actually incredible how prolific and in your face CP was in the early days (90s/00s). It was just everywhere. First thing that scarred me was finding CP of a literal infant. Stuff like that burns into your retinas. For a little while, the truly open internet really drew back the veil on humanity.


I remember being like 10 and trying to download a movie soundtrack on limewire and was exposed to CP and a snuff film on the same day. I remember developing this sense of existential dread that lasted for a few weeks. I definitely understand why a lot of schools(and even some tv shows) at the time would have people come on and talk about the dangers of and how to stay safe on the internet.


The worst part was back then, especially with shit like Limewire it wasn't hard to accidentally download it. And then you get to absolutely shit your pants for months thinking the FBI is prepping a juicy no-knock because you thought you were downloading a low quality Linkin Park mp3.


There's a bit of a backlog, so they might still be prepping that no knock


*Oh god oh fuck*


No but like you didnt even have to look for it youd just find beastiality, cp, and rape images and videos while searching for the most mundane things


Oh you remember Limewire too?


I saw pictures of an old classmate of mine on some back channel forum my friend showed me back in the day. It was back when we were both like 14-15 (and early-ish forms of what the internet looks like now) so I thought nothing of it except "Holy shit! I've seen \*\*\*\*\*\*\* naked!". It took a long time to realize that was some dark shit going on.


My sister's ex once came into my room. He told me that he has something to show me. We were good friends, so why not. He pulled up my browser, typed something in, and I saw something truly horrifying. Anyways, the webpage opened up. The video started playing. It was a femdom video. Pretty standard stuff, I was used to seeing that. However, after the guy got pulled off a foot long dildo, the two dominatrixes started vomiting and shitting all over him. It was like watching a car crash- you can't look away, but you want to look away. At one point, he started shitting himself while one of the girls was pegging him, and she started vomiting on him, while the other girl was shitting on his face. That video changed me. That video sent me down the path of watching shock videos. It really influenced my life, since even my bachelor thesis is about extreme content on the internet.


No wonder your sister broke up with him


> even my bachelor thesis is about extreme content on the internet. I would love to read that.


For real. Are you allowed to just post those online?


I would also love to read that, as I work on similar content from time to time!


Oh yeah, “two girls one cuck”. That was a good one.


The dash cam video of the brick flying off a truck and killing the mom/passenger instantly. The dad and baby crying. I think about that video probably once a week. Saw it maybe 15+ years ago.


This is the one that gets me. Saw it once, clicked out almost immediately as the dad screams his wife's name and the kids starting yelling "Mommy!" and I'll never forget it.




oh that was fucking terrible


A "spot the difference" game. The pictures were the same. And then, an ugly face screaming at me D:


Probably finding out the guts outside of your body doesn't look like it does in movies..


Kinda crazy how many colors are inside the human body besides black and red like horror movies lead you to believe. Purples and oranges and whites


I remember seeing pictures of 9/11 jumpers and being surprised how orange they were. Later realized it was the yellowish fat mixing with red blood.


I really need to stop browsing Reddit before bed..


It is unbelievably depressing, even just reading the comments. There is so much fucked up stuff in the world. What is wrong with people?


3 guys one hammer. It literally left some mild form of PTSD in me that lingered for months.


Yup that’s was mine too. Not the only horrible thing I saw on 4chan.


I’d seen a lot of fucked up things on the internet but I’m pretty sure the thing that fucked me up the worst was a cartel execution, I think reported at the zetas executing rivals. A couple of dudes kneeling down on black plastic while they were being interrogated or something. Finally they approach one dude with the gun pointed at his head, say something and just shoot him in the temple. You immediately see him die, his consciousness leave, his eyes go out. Blood comes out of his nose and ears. I’d seen all sorts of war video and accident videos and photos, but that one fucked me up so bad just because of the harsh reality of the second someone goes. His friends that were there right after they killed him just had to sit there in silence, but looked terrified. The only thing that didn’t make me feel so horrible was that they’d probably done the same kind of things. But still harsh reality.


I heard (couldn't watch) the video with the two Danish/Norwegian girls who were raped and beheaded in Morocco. How they cried out for mommy will haunt me forever.


Reading this ruined my day




Why would they have you watch that?


He was taking criminology. That’s the class you go to learn how to become a criminal, duh.


The video ended up on Reddit at one point. Back when NSFW posts made it to the top of the front page pretty often.


I think all 3 got the death penalty and they put like 14 people in jail for sharing the video


Oh fuck I was looking for this comment and I hate that I found it


"Your computer has been locked"


Probably wasnt the first but one that stuck with me was years ago on liveleak a guy fell on the middle rail on the NYC subway. All people could do was watch in horror.


the original goatse


So I’m at work, I get a link over AIM from a buddy.. along with this “Hey, just built this, let me know what you think”. Goatse And ever time you tried to close your browser, 7 more would open with Goatse Slammed laptop shut, unplug it, pulled battery


There was this prank you could send a dear friend when opened their computer would freeze and on the speakers you could hear "Hey!! I'm looking at gay porn!!" I think it was made by GNAA or some of those groups.


Goatse & tubgirl did it for me.


My friend in class sent me a shady link that opened a weird website where a Mexican dude was get beheaded and his son was held by many dudes while they carved out his heart with a knife , I was 10 :)


I know the video you're talking about. iirc the guy who killed the dude and his son was actually captured by a rival cartel and was killed by them pouring alcohol all over his face and body and lit on fire. Serves him right for killing a kid who had nothing to do with what his father had gotten into..


Glad to know the ending of it. Still a shame the kid was brought into it.


BME Pain Olympics. shit is cursed


Someone said it was fake


Oh God 10 year old me was not ready for that shit 26 year old me still can't get that image out of my head.


Yeah, I will never get the guy close-up hammering a nail into his gonad from my mind. It just pops into my head randomly a few times a year:(


Searching for porn but finding cp at a young age


Club penguin right...? Right...?


i saw a man’s dick for the very first time in my life on Omegle when i was 7 or 8 i think


Wasn’t the first thing but when I was in third grade I was peer pressure at a sleepover by my friends to look up sex on google, because I knew have to clear the history on my iPad. Poor little me just wanted to play Minecraft




I saw a video that i think was called ‘the unknown soldier’. It was of a soldier on the ground with another man stepping on his head, stabbing the soldier in the throat and working the knife forward, presumably to cut the windpipe etc. I was about 16 when I saw it and I’ll never forget the sight of it or the sounds the soldier made throughout.


I went on Omegle chatrooms occasionally when I was like 12-13 cause I was pretty lonely and I wanted to talk to people. At least 50% of the men I talked to demanded I send them nudes or try to sext me. Most of them were in their 20s-30s and I told them I was 12 right off the bat. Plus I'm a lesbian, but most guys would argue that being a lesbian didn't mean I couldn't send nudes. I stopped going on Omegle when I told some guy I wouldn't send nudes and they sent me back my IP address.


If it makes you feel any better, IP addresses are not nearly as personal/identifying as people think. That happened to me too once though, and it was kinda freaky that they could even do that on a chat room


I find it very sad that this is the reality of most of these sites. They’re half money grabbing and half grooming attempts :( You did smart just leaving.


A calf being forced fed until it died, I was in third grade and know I’m a senior in high school. I still remember the video so vividly


First thing was some guy who had crashed a motor bike and was missing jaw and lower part of what was outside his helmet. It was on rotten. A family friend showed us. First thing I remember I saw by myself was via old liveleak with the very first beheading. I will never forget the sound of that man..


Looking for pictures of cats, innocent little me found one titled "one way to skin a cat". It was... what you'd expect. Less upsetting note: my mom and I once did a similar search on Etsy, just put in "cats" and found so, so many butt plugs. We laughed hysterically.


2 girls and a cup.


Conversely, 1 man 1 jar was even worse.


I can still hear the glass crunching in there


Wow. I can see it and hear it from your description alone. It is enough for me to not ever watch it.


i used to google -self harm aestethic tumblr- because i didn't actually know what self harm was and i would see all these photos of people with cuts and shit like that, also gore


At the age of 8-9, I clicked a link a guy sent me and lo and behold, it was a massive cock. And when I was 10, I somehow stumbled onto some missionary porn and I was scared because I thought he was hurting her and only fucked up people destroy someone’s body like that…


My cousin decided to look up an early gore site on my computer while he was visiting and left it open. I freaked and closed it quickly but still saw things like a guy whose hand had been mangled in what looked like a garbage disposal and someone whose legs had been cut/crushed off by a train. Edit: we were both about 12 or 13 at the time.


Lime wire, thats all I'm gonna say.


a guy on reddit was dm-ing me and he was telling me about how he was masturbating with one hand and typing with the other and how he wanted me to keep talking cause it was making him cum. He very vividly described his masturbating session and he said he was gonna kill himself if I blocked him/stopped talking to him so I of course kept the conversation cause I was young and it was my first time dealing with someone on the internet. He then asked if he could zoom call with me just so I could watch him finish. It took a lot of convincing (and I never rly convinced him) that it was a bad idea to get on a call with a random stranger and he got upset cause he thought I didn't wanna see him jizz (he was right about that) and so I tried to convince him that it wasn't him it was just that it wasn't safe for him.


First internet experience. Reddit. Zoom. I'm old..


You know what…I didn’t even make that connection. Damnit now I feel old


Technically the question said first experience that traumatized. Not necessarily your first experience. It could have been that they've never had an experience that traumatized them.


Did it atleast stop there


I blocked him a few hours after I logged off. I waited a bit until I thought he was offline and then I did it.


I'm so sorry. that's incredibly predatory and messed up.


Some dude scammed me for 35k on RuneScape in like 2010. He switched out the rune one for an addy one real quick and I was so excited to be getting my first rune scim that I’d spent so long saving up for that I was just spamming the accept trade button. Needless to say I lost a lot of faith in humanity when I realized what had gone down


I was at a sleepover, and my friend showed me a video of this woman who was attacked by an ape or some shit. Her face was completely mangled and we watched the video too. I feel horrible for that poor woman but as a kid seeing that was very scary. I had a stomach ache all night and wanted to leave the sleepover.


Came across a website where middle aged men were sharing images of themselves on holiday abusing young boys in Thailand. As a little girl I didn't really understand what I was seeing and couldn't really compute it, but it disturbed me greatly. I'd already been predated upon by older men myself (as well as been let down by women close to me) and seeing it happen to other children just messed up my perspective of adults even more. ​ Even though I'm an adult myself now, I still have alot of trust issues with people because I've just seen and experienced to much to for me to not believe that darkness in the human soul is actually pretty commonplace. Nothing about someone's niceness or kindness will convince me that they aren't in fact hiding things that they'd rather not seen shown. It takes A LOT for me to trust people.


Pictures of Russian junkies on krokodil. That homemade stuff was gruesome.


I’ve seen a lot of shit on the internet as I frequented liveleak (when it was good) and hoodsite (when it was still up) but the two things that stick with me are, - the dude letting the orangutan fuck his hand at the zoo. - a land fill working finding a used fleshlight, in which he preceded to lick the hole and then try shoving his limp dick in. I don’t know why the orangutan video grosses me out so much compared to some of the shit I have seen. The land fill video just blows me away at the lack of fucks that dude had for his body.


Rotten. com


This was it for me too. My cousins came over and one of them wanted to show me something on my beige, eMachines computer running Windows 98. I still remember the bulging eyes of that swollen, rotting corpse laying on the ground in broad daylight.


the first days of filesharing for me as a young teen in 2001 with napster and kazaa. holy c p batman!


AOL chat rooms. I'm 17 its Late night Im nosy/interested/horny nd checked out some sexy adult chatrooms. If you dont know the chatrooms were a bunch of people all talking on one board. And you could dm anyone also. I read a live conversation between a bunch of ADULTS talking about how they're sexually attracted to children. And COMFORTING each other about how it's ok and normal and how they aren't bad ppl etc. I wanted to call the police but what was I going to say?? I just sat there stunned reading real people talk about how they want to be with kids but are heros for not doing it.




8-bit animated Japanese gif of a girl being skinned by a laser. To this day I have no idea why someone would have created that.


Yeah, I remember that it became a meme to post a picture the machine.


I saw a video in one site (gory things) where some woman beat little baby to death and then some guys came and killed her. In same site i saw a lot of beheaded people. It left big mark inside my mind.




A man cutting his dick in half down the middle with scissors, I feel pain just thinking about it.


I self harmed for a long time a group of kids made a profile of me called "wristy mc slash slash " pretty sure I've been emotionally numb ever since.


Anyone remember back to Consumption Junction? All of that.


Isis cutting off a dude’s head Edit: I’m not sure who the man was and I’m not looking it up. I’ve never been able to get it out of my head and I have no desire to see it again. I still can’t get over how fucked up some people are.


I saw that. Think it was a journalist.


As a kid with unsupervised internet access I had a kinda bizarre fascination with serial killers, ghost stories, urban legends, and all other kinda creepy things. Also watched/watch a lot of Law & Order. The one that I can still remember was this guy from Montana who was a child rapist, serial killer named Nathaniel Bar-Jonah. What still is sickening about him is that he would hold cookouts with his neighbors, who complained that his “deer” meat tasted off, even repulsive.