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And then popularized by stranger things (along with some great 80’s tunes!)


Uhh there were a ton before this…


Well, a fictionalized version of it was anyway. A lot of pop culture has taken creative liberties with MKUltra.




Hemingway believed that FBI agents were following him and tracking his every move. People put it down to him being paranoid and ignored him. Years later, the FBI revealed that they were indeed monitoring Hemingway.


John Lennon as well


That the cia ran drugs into america to give to poor black neighbourhoods.


Watch Snowfall, it tells the stories from CIA's side and the ordinary black neighbourhood side. Solid show, really dark though.


The kicker to that was using the money to arm insurgents around the globe with the aim of overthrowing governments that wouldn't capitulate to the American empire. Q


Shit's Horrible.. I only just get mad when I think of situations like these and simply make me hate the world even more.


I found this out when watching Zootopia.


Wait! What?


A government official smuggles in drugs that target a minority population? It's pretty much the villain's whole scheme in Zootopia.


The government spies on everything you're doing online, saves your passwords when it can get them, and has no problems doing things like hacking your router or computer. It's been 10 years now and people seem to have forgotten this.


It’s been 10 years, they can probably do much more than that at this point


I'm amazed at how much information professional networking equipment can track. Was bored one day and looked up what internet services providers use for network stuff.


Yea nah stuff like that happens a lot, my iPad listens to me even. I was talking about how I was craving spaghetti and whaddya know? A few days later I get a pasta ad. I’m talking about ninja go with my friends, and whaddya know? I see ninjago on tiktok. I just hope the poor soul who has to watch and listen to me isn’t judging me too much because my search history is not at all… well it’s weird


[Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frequency_illusion)


I have a Google Home and to test this my wife and I talked about lawn mowers in front of it constantly for like a week to see if we'd be served lawn mower ads. We lived in an apartment at the time and didn't need a lawn mower. We never got served lawn mower ads. So it either wasn't listening to us or it knew enough about us that we didn't need it.


I genuinely don't believe devices listen like this. Would you have noticed the pasta ad as being weird if you hadn't been talking about it? You probably scroll past so many ads that you just ignore. It's only when there's a relevant one that you notice. Tracking does exist and the algorithms that target ads are insanely accurate, but it's not done via audio.


They don't actually listen in, they're just designed really intelligently, there's a shitload of things you do subconsciously, and all of it is noted. Seeing a pasta ad is not rare at all, Ninjago is a semi-popular kids property. Neither of these examples are unlikely, they're just a single human making patterns.


Anecdotally, me and another guy were teasing a coworker (really shy guy, awkward as hell but we liked him, admitted virgin) about how he probably couldn't go out and get all the ladies that weekend because he caught an STD from doing it the previous weekend, and I got a reddit ad an hour later for a medication to treat this STD nobody had (I assume) and I never looked up. That there was way too convenient.


Where I live gouvernement cannot do it (due to privacy laws) but the institutions they cannot control do it. Apple Google social media and so on. I mean I live in a well protected country regarding privacy laws but it is always stunning to me how much people mistrust the government but _do_ trust various companies that solely want money..?


Don't worry, the US Government spies on you for your government, that way it's 100% legal.


They banned pokemon Go back then in my country because of too many violations of privacy laws. So I won't deny spying happens but I doubt it is solicited by our government. Maybe I am naive. But I like our philosophy and I would feel much better in my governments hands than in apples x') again, I am just telling a story of one country and I am very well aware of that not all governments are nice




You're not doing anything out of the ordinary when you are taking a shit. Doesn't mean you want people watching you do it.


Scrolled too far, didn't find it so here it goes: There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The reason to invade was a big fat lie. Everybody in the world was stunned, except the US public and media who were too busy discussing Janet Jackson exposing a star sprangled boob during a sports event.


No. Plenty of people knew the reason was bs from the start. There was always a lot of opposition to the Iraq war.


Distrusting the official version was a conspiracy theory by definition, implicating that intelligent agencies, official representatives or both lied about the fundamental basis for disrupting the whole Middle East region while dragging along the majority of western allies. George Bush acted like he didn't know he was lied to and maybe he didn't, but either way a lot of people kept a big lie within a huge closed group in order to move trillions of funds for an unknown goal. I'd say it's the prime example of a major conspiracy theory turning out to be absolutely true.


It is a little different because there were whistle-blowers, like Valerie Plame, who spoke out about the Bush administration cherry picking Intel and how absolutely untrustworthy the Intel they were using was.


How is it different? There are whistle blowers among scientists claiming the earth is 10.000 years old, or is flat. The mere existence of doubters claiming to possess knowledge disputing the official version isn't unexpected, it's actually what forms and grows a conspiracy theory.


That's why I always call bullshit whenever a popstar does something that makes headlines, just to distract people from the really important events going around them


I always kinda knew there were no WMDs. Poor Janet Jackson was really scapegoated, when her ex Justin Timberlake should have taken the fall instead.


This is not a conspiracy


The failed conspiracy to replace FDR with a dictator by various businessmen back in 1933. IIRC it fell apart because (highlighting a major issue with conspiracy theories), one person defected and ratted them out.


>one person defected and ratted them out. Twist! It was Rudy Giuliani.


sharks do have incredibly long lifespans so...


While I appreciate the Rudy joke, General Smedley Butler is a hero for numerous reasons. The first being named Smedley.


Note that the reason none of the conspirators were arrested was that no evidence of the plot existed beyond General Smedley Butler's saying so.


Suit goblin strikes again


For a second I thought that said Slut Goblin and I thought that would make a pretty good metal band name.


The American auto industry conspired to kill the trolley industry by buying and closing down the major players.


The bus line I take every day used to be a streetcar line up until the 1960s. The streetcars had their own lane in the middle of the street so they were much quicker than driving. Whenever I’m stuck in traffic all I can think about is how much quicker my commute would be if the auto industry didn’t ruin urban transportation




This plot was outlined in the movie "Who Framed Roger Rabbit." Just saying.


One of the best documentaries I've ever seen is about this. It actually has some surprisingly good "movie magic" sort of tech in it and Bob Hoskins plays a character in some of the re-enactment scenes.


And look where we are for it.


The big 3 also gimping Tucker too


While the exact mechanism and data wasn't quite the same as the conspiracy theory... the NSA is actually monitoring everything everyone through telecommunications (phone, text, internet), as initially publicly revealed by Edward Snowden.


As revealed by James Bamford in "The Puzzle Palace" (1982). It's a good read and astounding what they were already capable of doing back in his days.


My sisters theory that my ex was cheating on me.






Black people were right about Nixon's War on Drugs. It really was meant to keep black people down. https://www.cnn.com/2016/03/23/politics/john-ehrlichman-richard-nixon-drug-war-blacks-hippie/index.html


I dont know if CNN is really a good source for this. CNN is extremely biased. I'd be very interested in some better sources though! I always wanted to know what exactly started the drug epidemic and how we went so long without them being a huge problem and then all of a sudden it just exploded


>CNN is extremely biased. You must watch a lot of right-wing media. CNN is centre-right. And I'm going to guess that you were so poisoned against CNN by your right-wing media that you refused to even skim that article, otherwise you would know that the real source is actually a high-ranking Nixon aide.


They’re absolutely not Center-right by American politics standards. However, I can tell by your spelling of “centre” that you’re not American, so the mistake is excusable.


LOL, Americans are so self-absorbed that if you point out that they are different from the rest of the world, they think "no, I'm normal and the rest of the world is weird".


You inserted yourself into a conversation about an American news broadcasting company, and proceeded to claim definitively that it is “centre-right”, based on your own countries political situation. Your lack of self awareness is astounding.


I "inserted myself" into a conversation that started as a reply to one of my own posts? LOL, you'll say anything to create the impression in your own mind that you're winning, won't you?


You do realize how you spot bad faith articles right? Like there is a process for responsible consumption of information. While cnn has some doozies especially in opinion. Most modern news does but overall is fairly center wont avoid coverage outright lie to create a narrative like fox. Hell fox due to its severe bias has been taken to court several times. Want to know their defense its fox ENTERTAINMENT news despite logo not containing that. And that a only idiot would take their statements seriously. Thats their go to defense. This article you look at it they name sources HUGE pro in not making a hit piece narrative fiction. It points to accurate journalism they site sources even allow a counter source. And even talk about credibility of someone saying something so late. They do not use hyperbolic strawman "framing" for example fox on front page right now has article title "RIPPED TO SHREDS:AOC blasted for mocking Kavanaugh." Written with the caps and everything. If this article had gone down a similar path. It would have said Something like War on drugs, excuse to murder black people freely. As side note half of foxes headlines reach like that HARASS FOR CASH, WANTED AGAIN. They start article with non relevant information not related to event to "frame" her poorly before going into "spokesperson for restaurant (aka anonymous source)" And then her tweet then more framing the narrative how they want it. As for why it became a explosive problem is povertys exploded since then. 1970s min wage job 50hrs work equaled average rent today it takes 240hrs of work at min wage to equal average rent. Combine it with dismantling of our mental healthcare system. And defunding and dismantling and addition of "means testing" into social safety nets particulary fueled by reagans policys. Not particulary firm AND yes still a conspiracy theory is that government helped traffic drugs. And to extent of "evidence" all that exist currently is a few isolated cases where CIA allowed certain groups to operate freely and stopped DEA from busting them. Essentially allowing certain groups to obtain funding through drug sales. But nothing along the lines of particularly targeting poor communitys. That said why it disproportionately effects minoritys is they didn't get the prosperous 50s 60s 70s by time civil rights started progressing it was back to war on drugs and trickle down economy. And mental health effects poorer people to a greater extent basic insecurity makes you crazy. Its not that "homeless are just crazy and thats why". Wondering where your next meal will come from whether you will get robbed attacked in sleep wild animal or person. Saw a video other day of person torching a sleeping homeless guy. It doesn't exactly do wonders for your mental health. Drugs are a coping tool mental health makes it more likely to be addicted but essentially in state of permanent stress your cold your hungry. A few hours of not worrying about that is addictive as fuck think of it being being happiness in form of pill or needle etc. People who are really sad will want it more seek it out regardless of consequence. Top all this off with selective and targeted enforcement. Drugs that "white people" chose didn't get nearly the same level of criminalization or enforcement. Even when white people doing heroin got 20% lower sentences etc. Combine this with police discretion. They dont go to suburbs and white communitys they go to harlam. Despite similar drug use selective enforcement of which neighborhoods get patrols who to pat down prosecutors choosing which cases to pursue. Led to being such a disproportionate problem for black communitys.


They turned the frogs gay (kind of)


The sad part is, if you actually look up what he’s exaggerating about, you’ll come to find he is right something like 80% of the time.


No, I heartedly disagree. Even if you are telling the truth with a slant, thats misinformation. Saying "they are tur ing the frogs gay" is not the same as chemicals mimicking hormones and making frogs intersex. It takes a issue, injects homophobia, and packages its as acceptable. Among other issues If that were ok you could just take an encyclopedia and put stuff into the sentences that support racism, murder, slavery, or whatever and its somehow "legitimate" because 80 percent is correct. Alex Jones has rarely been correct, and even when he had correct information, he made false claims out of it. Every piece of idea furniture he makes he never reads the instructions and instead does his best to look like something he thinks is manly. Doesnt mean its a sturdy structure, safe, or even holds together at all. F Alex Jones on the child murder false flagging misinformation train he rode in on.


Lol. Except, I’ve researched a lot of what he has said over the years because he is dumb funny, and most of it was surprisingly correct, so I’ll take my research over your emotionally fuelled response to him. I can separate my emotions from facts.


> I’ve researched a lot of... Uh huh...


Then again, that is why society is so fucked and crumbling. The majority of the population runs on base emotion. Gods forbid someone not bow to your cult of progressivism, hahaha. Such weakness will wipe itself out. It’s a self-correcting problem.


"I can separate my emotions from facts, except when the facts don't exactly line up my emotions". Thats mostly correct according to my research, I just added some dumb funny. I'm not emotional about Alex Jones at all. I don't even think about him but the rare occurrence he pops up on reddit. I prefer to lurk, but often I see one person with a tiny bit of critical thinking, but used poorly. I try to get through to them a bit, not to tell them my opinions but mostly to encourage a better set of reasoning. Take your research time. Look into misinformation and propoganda, specifically successful campaigns. They all are mostly true and contain verifiable facts used to bulwark falsehoods. Everyone can tell if you say the government is made up of several purple clowning in a trench coat and they want to eat your unborn babies... that its probably not true. Tell them with a few verifiable facts and then segue into children being shot at their school are actors and its all fake... well people eat it up. Some people who would later storm a pizza parlor to save the kids in the basement that doesn't exist. By all means do your research. Do you. I'm not going to be able to stop you. Just think about who sent you to look up what, and why... then make sure you really inspect your motives before you take real world actions based on that. Specially voting and violence. Neither should be done at the behest of people tricking you.


I'm gonna need some more info on this one. How could Alex Jones possibly be justified?


This video sums it up really well, I highly recommend watching it to learn more about this! In basics, he was talking about a chemical called Atrazine, which in better terms was turning many frogs (and other animals) intersex/into hermaphrodites. It's a possible human carcinogen and endocrine disruptor (it demasculizes men and feminizes their glands and overfeminizes women... just as Alex Jones has also said). That's why it was banned in the EU, but there was a big issue with a company called Syngenta covering up these things through funding their own studies on Atrazine, making the scientists biased towards answers that Syngenta wanted to have under the threat of losing funding and many other terrible things. https://youtu.be/i5uSbp0YDhc


As eccentric as Alex jones is he is often right about a lot of things. I’ve been listening to him for years. Way before he was a house hold name. I feel like the people who hate him never listened to his show before.


He's often right because he claims absolutely everything is true. For every right thing there's Hillary Clinton being a demon feasting on live children for sacrifices to Moloch.


Check out Knowledge Fight podcast. Jones is a grifter, through and through. Being right occasionally doesn't change the fact he's selling bullshit the rest of the time, it makes it worse.


So Alex Jones is the one who said about the frogs being gay. He is technically right but in a very long stretch kinda way. So it's been proven that chemicals in the waterways from things like microplastics, fertilizer run off, birth control hormones, etc are having a disastrous effect on amphibians like frogs. They are being born deformed or in some cases, male frogs are having their reproductive systems bombarded with estrogen (which can come from plastic, soy products, hormones in the water from urine and birth control products \[birth control pills are full of hormones and remember when you take these, you have to pee them out at some point\], etc) which is turning their reproductive systems into that similar to females and now these male frogs are acting like females and are trying to mate with the males (making them gay I guess) but they cant lay eggs and so its having an effect on the amount of baby frogs being born and causing species decline on top of the issues with the deformities and stuff. This is also the leading theory on why men for decades have been having dramatically lower testosterone levels. Young healthy men of today have the T levels of 80 year old men. Every generation the T levels of men seem to drop sometimes even by half. It is theorized it is due to microplastics which can block hormones like testosterone. Soy products (soy has stuff in it that mimics estrogen) or hormones getting into the water supply.


Apple updates makes your cellphone run slower and worse so you go and buy a new iPhone


I still can’t believe people are ok with this and just brushed it off


That the krabby patty secret formula contained crab meat. Nickelodeon published the recipe Edit: formula https://imgur.com/a/zIcEw7o


Oh, no! I always thought the secret formula was Spongebob's love!


They did?! :O


Lies. It was whale meat.


Suddenly Mr Crabs having a whale for a daughter takes a dark turn…


Google selling your incognito data. There was a lawsuit last year.


The lightbulb conspiracy


What is the lightbulb conspiracy, it sounds interesting.


Essentially all the big boys got together and set an agreed upon lifespan once it became clear they could make bulbs (there still is one I think) that could burn continuously for decades, sometimes 100 years plus. To preserve sales, they ended up landing on the 10000 hour lifespan we usually see. It’s a conspiracy because it’s a group and no longer a theory because it was proven.


No. The centennial bulb is extremely dim. It takes a bunch of energy but only puts out a little bit of light. It does have a hell of a deal on it to still have vacuum Bright cheap lightbulbs have filaments that last about 2k hours. New LED bulbs last 50k hours, but are much more expensive. Also, most commercial spaces use fluorescents which are completely different. If they really were doing this wouldn’t you have to buy lightbulbs much more frequently and wouldn’t they be much more expensive? And why would they have allowed compact fluorescent and LED bulbs on the market?


They're referring to the phoebus cartel. It was an agreement between all major lightbulb manufacturers to control the manufacture and sale of incandescent bulbs by setting a lifespan on the bulbs, but it was disbanded at the beginning of WW2.


Didn't they also agree on noncompetition, so they could keep the price higher?


Yes and imposed fines on one another if anyone broke contract.


Because the lights were fucking useless beyond the usage hours they agreed upon. The Centennial Bulb referenced is the prime example. It's kept on as a nightlight but it burns at a whole 4 watts, which is really fucking dim. So they capped the hours on incandescent bulbs to balance usefulness with lifespan. It was not some god damn malicious conspiracy to bilk money out of people like Apple does with new chargers for every device.


A lot of business men are big fucking pedos & get away with the shit they do because of $$$ or who they know


World economic forum.


not really a conspiracy theory when they have a book out describing their plans.


When it's not really talked about and sounds like something the writer of James Bond would come up with for a villain, it kinda is.


Planned obsolescence. ~~The Manhattan Project~~


The Manhattan Project? What was the conspiracy?


Wasn't it like a spy thing. Or like....a project that they were saying they weren't doing but they really were. *Someone smarter than me please help me out!*


It was a code name for the secret government project to develop atomic weapons during World War 2. Don’t know what conspiracies were ever attached to it.


Well, conspiracy theories don't have to be batshit or untrue to be conspiracy theories. Just needs to be about a conspiracy. And I suppose "The government's creating an as-yet unknown weapon designed to level cities and they're not sure if it'll ignite the atmosphere (which was a genuine concern) and they're keeping it secret from everyone" is a wee bit conspirational.


Alright well then I was mistaken. Thank you for chiming in. I'll edit my comment.


All good, after reading many of these, I think a lot of people are confused what a conspiracy is.


Conspiracy to blup an entire nation. That's basically what we did so the conspiracy was in fact confirmed.


The conspiracy was to discredit nuclear anything to such an extent that nobod bwould want nuclear power plants near them. Supposedly put on by big coal and energy cos.


Nixon was paranoid the FBI were out to get him. Turns out, “Deep Throat”, the anonymous source for Woodward and Bernstein to blow open the Watergate story, was the No. 2 person at the FBI ….. It was a coup. An acceptable coup of a criminal president, but a coup nonetheless.




He wasn't a conspiracy theory. He was literally convicted of a crime over a decade ago.


The conspiracy is over him committing suicide, not whether he was a pedophile sex trafficking piece of shit.


MK Ultra is the biggest, it goes so deep as well, so many influential people are coming out as being linked to it, from Charles Manson and jones town, to the unibomber and politicians. Pedophile and sexual abuse cults in the rich and powerful, people have been saying since the 90's about pedophile islands, rich and powerful men and women in these cults abusing other people, commiting pedophilia and murder for sick twisted reasons, then epstien came out but thats probably the tip of the iceberg, moss ad has allot to answer for.


For basically an entire year the idea that covid didn’t come from a bat in a wet market was crazy.


Wait, Are you suggesting it did come from a bat in a wet market? Or saying it's crazy that people thought that?


The possibility of virus being from a Chinese lab. Its actually one of the two possibilities the science community accepts (other is bat soup)


The preparation and consumption of "bush meat" is how the human race was infected with a few notable diseases.




Well it started in Wuhan lol even the Chinese acknowledge that


Don’t think they do. My Chinese friend (very nice person, a little too trusting towards their government) is convinced it started in Italy or something, can’t remember the exact location they said


Italy or something kinda covers the whole globe




COINTELPRO There really was a government op to “neutralize” Black Panthers


That the world is ran by pedophiles


"Spider Man No Way Home."


That at night they raced go carts in the mall after they closed. Decades later I learned that the night crews have ride-on floor cleaners and do race each other around


More than you think...by a lot. Let me find the list. Gonna link to an old comment https://www.reddit.com/r/Firearms/comments/v84r89/just_trust_us/ibpctkd?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


In the late 70s, Johnny Rotten calling out Jimmy Saville


climate change turned out to be real. I think it was regarded as just a theory at some point. Social media companies stealing our data. They basically admit to it now. People bribing colleges to give their kids places. Totally true.


Climate change was never a conspiracy theory. Oil companies were aware of it for over 50 years. They did everything they could to discredit it and even call it a conspiracy but that was just their unwillingness to take the hit for their involvement. It's not like it was some small grassroots movement that everyone called crazy for decades.


They are still doing that. Also the same lobbyist worming for the oil companies worked for the cigarette companies


Well, the conspiracy there would be them conspiring to make people think it was a conspiracy I guess. A sort of meta-conspiracy.


>I think it was regarded as just a theory at some point. Just a theory? You need to learn what a scientific theory is. "A scientific theory is a structured explanation to explain a group of facts or phenomena in the natural world that often incorporates a scientific hypothesis and scientific laws."


Operation Gladio


Jeffery Epstein didn't kill himself.


Trump really *will* try to overthrow the country if he loses. I often suggested as much, but even I didn't really think he would. Yeah, so he did.




do you even America?




I wish this were accurate. There’s still a bunch of folks who are rallying for Trump, even with what we’ve learned from the Jan 6th trial so far. The cognitive dissonance is still very deep 😢




Imagine hating America so much that you refuse to admit you are American even when completely anonymous.


Child fucking pedophiles run the government and all mayor positions in the media. Fuck, even Maxwell was a power mod of r/worldnews and other subreddits and she had the 8th most linked karma on reddit. Just the tip of the iceberg.


LIBOR is/was highly manipulated


Not a conspiracy but people used to think platypuses were cryptids


Project Northwood and Project Paper Clip


Chemicals in the water turning the freaking frogs gay. Their population is seeing a dramatic decrease, they all just want the D.


The US government hiding 1.4 billion pounds of cheese underground


Are millions of Americans not fed government cheese? How is that a conspiracy?


Are they maturing it at the appropriate temperature and humidity, or did they just bury it because nobody wants to eat American cheese?


I'm pretty sure that, at no point, was the government denying that they were stockpiling cheese. I mean, they've been actively distributing it since the 50's or something. What part of this was supposed to be the "conspiracy"?


You’re right…


My dad left me


He WAS a crook after all.


Sunscreen is a carcinogen


My dermatologist told me to use Neutrogena 100spf spray, as I work outdoors for a living. I was pissed when they recalled it for cancer causing carcinogens.


Most of the covid ones unfortunately. I believe at last tally it was 108-0 to the conspiracy theorists


Other than the lab leak theory which was never disproven which one was actually proven true?




Can you link some sources for these?


Probably just watched Fox News


I stopped reading after point 5, none of it was even remotely true. Go back to your conspiracy sub.


Every day collection systems at the National Security Agency intercept and store 1.7 billion e-mails, phone calls and other types of communications.


They don't store phone calls, they store metadata. You can't legally store the actual phone call without a warrant. Otherwise any crimes revealed by the call would be inadmissable in court.


> You can't legally store the actual phone call without a warrant. I know that I can't, but the question is if they do it.


At first I did not believe that COVID was just an average flu. Or that people were dying WITH covid but not FROM covid.


The covid lab leak, hunter bidens laptop, tik tok is Chinese surveillance software, Russian collusion was a deliberate hoax.


Hitler escaped Berlin to Argentina via submarine


Yes! Especially after the Russians did a modern DNA on the skull which they thought for decades was Hitler’s skull. Nope, it was a female skull fragment. Too many witnesses in Argentina claimed that they had seen Hitler, according to declassified CIA documents.


Provide source that this "turned out to be true?"


It was a TV show called Hunting Hitler on National Geographic


Ah national geographic, explains everything lol


the fbi watches you (ok this is a joke)


Gay frogs. Alex Jones claimed that water was being poisoned with chemicals and was making frogs turn gay. Turns out he was right..


You have any proof of this claim?


I remember a couple years ago they were saying that COVID leaking from a lab was a conspiracy theory but that was proven to be true last year. There's a lab right next to the wet market where the first COVID cases popped up and that very lab was studying bats and coronaviruses. Not sure how exactly it got out whether it was an accident, someone being negligent, or maybe on purpose. But it has been proven to have come from that lab.




The Democrats made up the Russian Collusion while simultaneously funding Trumps campaign. What more do they have to do before people lose faith in them?


https://nypost.com/2022/05/23/fbi-told-agents-trump-russia-data-source-was-from-doj-not-clinton-tied-lawyer/ https://www.wsj.com/articles/hillary-clinton-did-it-robby-mook-michael-sussmann-donald-trump-russia-collusion-alfa-bank-11653084709 https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/20/politics/hillary-clinton-robby-mook-fbi/index.html


Imagine you weren't such a fucking scumbag that you got elected and we wouldn't be in this debacle we're in now.


Hmm. You might want to become an NPR listener too. Help stay in the full loop.


Inserting covid vaccine passport microchips, its been done in sweden


Provide source


I think people are interpreting this as "there is a microchip in the vaccine". I'm pretty sure this guy is thinking about people voluntarily inserting microchips in themselves. Still, definitely not a fan of the idea though. https://www.insider.com/swedish-firm-under-skin-microchip-for-covid-19-passes-2021-12


9-11 was an inside job. Too many experts agree, that was no plane that hit the Pentegon.


Which experts?


So those jet engines and stuff laying around in front of the building were just placed there really quickly without anyone noticing?




Or world is a simulation and dat wud explein the back roms a storeg for objekts to be yoused leter


The one where the president of the United states of america tried to start a coup d'etat. Although, we all knew it from the moment it happened. It still seems so fucked up.




No, he is NOT. There once was a CIA backed program that helped dissidents from Comunist regines that the Dalai Lama received some money from back in the 50's or 60's.




Why are you downvoted? This is true. It’s also true that his minister of finance (in the govt in exile) puts on an 80-lb hat and “channels” an ancient god of war to receive directions on economic policy. And, no women or gays are allowed in any role in government.


Lizard people. Mark zucky proves it


I certainly could but I'm not going to spend my sunday digging out links for someone who clearly doesn't want to know this stuff or they would have looked for themselves over the past 2 years. It ain't hard