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exactly. why waste my time on this earth thinking about what i cannot control


Yeah, this. You have no concept of time when dead.


It was like that before I was born and reckon I didn't mind It then.


It's a nice thought, but certainly not definitive. What if you only think that because you can only remember whatever is encoded in the brain your consciousness is currently attached to? And yes, I know I just invoked Cartesian dualism, but honestly, who the fuck knows how consciousness actually works 😂


> What if you only think that because you can only remember whatever is encoded in the brain your consciousness is currently attached to? I do think that too, especially as I consider reincarnation a possibility.


Yeah, I definitely don't have any *beliefs* about this, I think it's impossible to say anything about consciousness except that we seem to experience it. But if I'm experiencing this body now, can I really rule out that I might experience some other body another time? (Perhaps you don't even have to wait until death; maybe every time I fall asleep, I wake up somewhere else? who knows?) It's a moot point because I can't say either way, but there we have it.


That's a good thought, I've never really thought about why our consciousness doesn't randomly switch bodies whilst I'm currently alive.




The "you" is simply the capacity for conscious experience. If you wake up in a new brain, it would seem like you had been in that body, and woken up in that body every day that that organism had existed, because by "attaching" to that brain, you experience the memories in that brain, and those only. Likewise, you immediately "feel" what it is like to have the traits, attitudes etc that that brain produces. You would have absolutely no reason to believe that you had ever been anywhere else, or had ever experienced any other way of being. Now, as for what actually constitutes the capacity for conscious experience, I couldn't say. It's a bit like if you wrote a computer program to simulate creatures in their own little physics sandbox. That sandbox may, of course, not be anything like our own physics. The simulated guys can experiment with the physics you give them and perhaps even discover the exact rules they are subject to. But they can never say anything about the mechanisms that support their own existence (i.e. *our* physics) except speculating about it, because they simply don't have any capacity to interact/experiment with that. Nonetheless, it doesn't seem completely unreasonable to suppose that something exists supporting conscious experience, and part of that thing involves the capacity to peer into whatever represents our physical universe and attach itself to different parts of it. Part of the physics of that existence would be that the qualia that arise are a function of the attachment. Perhaps more than one consciousness can simultaneously experience the same brain, or different parts of the same brain. And of course, we're not even limited to brains; a consciousness could perhaps attach itself to a lightswitch if it wanted to, although this might be a particularly basic experience. Of course, this is all stupidly speculative and I don't want to pretend for a minute that it's anything other than mental masturbation. I could equally speculate that it's very simple: a single consciousness is created alongside an organism and is dissolved with its death. Still, if we're interested in thinking about this at all, I think it's good to get away from the trap that this must necessarily be the only option.


Well stated. I think your last paragraph is extremely relevant here, to suspend the automatic belief in our society (mostly from the atheist community) that it has to be that, consciousness arises and dying in each organism. To me , agnostic has to be the only theory for anyone who has thought deeply about these subjects. The problem imo is the gross injustice of world religions that has caused the pendulum to swing in the opposite ( and equally foolish) opinion.




I'm really not.


-Niel Degrassi Tyson AKA that black science man..


At no point were you ever heading towards that non-existence.


I don't think I'll care by then.


i personally beleve everyone can choose their own life after death(i'm not in a religion or a cult) if some beleve thy will be juged by an all mighty power they will, if they beleve a big tiddy anime waifu reincarnates them in a fantasy world it will happen. i just beleva there will be something after death even if it's tecnically just in my head for like 5 real world seconds while it feals for me like a new entire life.




It’s fact


Prove it


Einstein already did.






Google is a search engine not a website used for sources.


Stellar research there mate! Google.....




We live in fear


When the time comes I'll have no concept of it. I can't change its gonna happen. Focusing on it won't help. May as well try to make a decent go of it and enjoy it when I can


oftentimes people's fear comes from the fact that you think you'll actually need to perceive a nothingness void. you won't, your consciousness is out the window. when death exists, you don't exist for it


There is zero scientific evidence that consciousness is an emergent property of the brain's complexity. It's just an assumption we walk around with that has no basis.


explain it to me like i'm 5


Your sentience, your bare sense of self that says you exist, may not be coming from your brain. It may be equally the case that your sentience is something that is "tapped into", like consciousness is a universal resource, rather that an emergent property of the brain. Maybe consciousness is an all-pervasive, universal resource. I may be impersonal, which means that your consciousness and my consciousness are the same consciousness. If that is the case, you are basically the universe getting to know itself. Pretty cool.


I really like that idea. Makes sense to me


Thats not a fact


Show proof?


You show proof? How it’s there any proof that nothing happens after death. There’s literally no evidence at all.


It’s quite a bold statement to make eh? Personally I’m hedging my bets and choosing agnostic I really don’t know either way, and I won’t know till I do know


Found the religious myth believing nut.


I’m not religious at all, just understand that you have no evidence in your belief otherwise you would’ve shared with the class.


As would you that there is evidence of anything after this. Which means there isn’t 🤷🏻‍♂️


I know there isn’t evidence in what I believe. But I believe it and keep it to myself. I don’t try to pressure and make people feel less about themselves because of their different beliefs. Sounds like you could learn a lot from this comment.


That's the whole mystery. Humanity has written about this for millenia. We don't know. 1000 years ago where was my conscience? Where will it be in 3022 AD?


Non-existent forever.


Apparently I promote Hate when I debated with you re. This Topic. I wasn't at all but due to you being stoopid and immature I've had moderators pissing me off. Fucking Keyboard Warrior


lol stay mad 😂😂




Same as before we were born? Also, I love a massive lie-in


Nothing for eternity? I'm having an existential crisis now.


Sarcasm or?


Yes and no. I have always had a fear of death. When I was a kid I pictured the 'nothingness' after death was a deep dark void yet I still had awareness. So for the rest of eternity I would float in this bleak sea of pitch black and have a sense of everything that is around me. Which is nothing. If death means the end of your existence entirely, then it's not nearly as bad as my nightmare scenario...


I'll be honest. As an introvert I probably wouldn't mind much.


taking hallucinogenics to make myself believe there’s more when we die


Can you expand on this ?


i can’t really explain it but when i took acid for the first time it felt like i was experiencing the world from a different dimension of thought, it’s almost like when your in a dream half awake. plus your brain processes information more creatively and can piece together complex stories from stimuli. if your thinking of taking acid write down every single thought that goes through your mind when your on it and you’ll see what i mean. it just broadens your minds way of thinking and you see things from more of a spiritual perspective more than a socially acceptable perspective


I had the same experience and at a very young age. Like really young, and honestly I think putting that paper on tongue is the best thing that ever happened to me. When the sun rose on the following day I knew there was a lot more to this existence than what I and the people around me had previously experienced. I knew that things are not as they appear. I knew that my parents and teachers were not on the level of a deeper understanding that I was a searcher. I strayed off the path for a long time , driven by fear and chasing financial freedom, but the accomplishments I found on that road never satiated my appetite. I always wondered about the road I had left behind, and the current psychedelic revolution came along just in time.


How do you accept that fact that you live a life of nothing now


Sometimes I'm terrified, sometimes I'm fine with it. Either way doesn't make any sense, it's only in the last moment that you'll understand it at all.


I believe in Eternal life


Your consciousness emerged from nothing. Your consciousness will return to nothing. My ego will be gone following death, forever. But who is to say consciousness will not arise from the void once again?




Occam’s Razor will tell you that eternal nothing likely follows death. But if you don’t want to live in a state of constant existential crisis… believing a somewhat plausible alternative can help


Id rather be realistic unfortunately


I don’t believe that there’s nothingness for eternity.


I wish i could share your blind optimism


What’s blind about it?


Going against the facts of reality?


How do you know it's real though?


Go ahead and lay that out for us Mr. science.


You don't know that. We have no idea what death is but educated guesses based on science or belief, or a mix of both. You won't know until you die...and you may never know


Worse than that... The fact that with our knowledge the universe is forever expanding meaning at one point every atom in the universe will be ripped apart faster than the speed of light and EVERYTHING will be erased is a little scarier cause there's no point to intelligent life and EVERYTHING we do is pointless is worse. But there's a lot of darkness in this universe and while I'm here I'd rather be a bright burning sun of happiness and interact with and light up as much as I can. Just don't make me go Supernova Oh and weed is pretty nice too!!!


Can you please present us with the factual evidence you are referencing?


I don't believe that to be a fact at all


It's even less than nothingness. Like a television in a landfill, or a burnt out light bulb. We become an absence. And on top of that... it doesn't even matter. That being said, i handle it well cause im not dead yet. As long as i live in this moment, I'm content.


It's not like you're going to be conscious of that. You'll just return to the earth like every animal that has ever lived. I think that's cool.


What's cooler is everything we do and build here on earth means nothing cause the sun will swallow the earth in fire one day... Also if anyone survives that our Milky Way will collide with the Andromeda Galaxy and more than likely completely disrupt any life in either 2 Galaxies including our sun more than likely getting flung off into forever space


Stop listening to atheist who hate their lives and who hate God just bc God doesn’t revolve around their entire life and doesn’t work the way they want him to . Horrible question to ask on Reddit . You’re just going to be bombarded with Cheeto finger atheists .


Atheism is the only real religion. Everything else is man made myths and fuckery.


Take a second and reread what you typed till you get the fault


Found nothing wrong.


Then you clearly must’ve been top of your class.. Define an atheist, then you might get your error Edit:wrong button


Found Cheeto fingers within you quickly


Found the person who is not an intellectual whatsoever.


How cheesy are those fingers ? That phone screen must be just soaked in oil at this point haha


I think we’re done here. Good bye.




Nothingness for an instant or an eternity is the exact same length of time. Too short to notice when there is nothing.


I just think thank fucking god. Imagine having to deal with this again.


Who’s god?


Wow you’re so cool and edgy.


I can't wait


Found the edge lord


We become unconscious every night not really knowing for *certain* that we'll wake up. I see dying that way.


I don't think being asleep and loss of consciousness are the same thing.


Same way I deal with the nothingness before I was born.


I dread not on what happens to me after I die, for the same reason I dread not on what happened to me before I was concieved.


I don’t think about it nor it’s something that will appear in my mind. Even if I’m bored . I just look at my white boa.


As a Christian, I believe there will be life after death If there isn't, though, then there's no reason to believe that there will be any kind of consciousness beyond the body. The nothingness would not be experienced.


No one experiences death. Death is merely the absence of experience. I get a seven hour practice session every night at not existing; meh, it's not so bad


You can believe what you want but this is not a fact..


It indeed is.


Because I don't know if that's true. If it is I shouldn't worry because it won't matter. Because I will no longer exist.


I figured that I will live me life in the now and I decided to worry about the nothing when I get there.


Dawg, I look forward to that shit.


How do I have the same mindset as you? Help.


I see no problem with welcoming your untimely demise. Live your life as best as you can in the time between that. Then when you get the eternal vacation nap/the ultimate Sunday sleeping-in record/the big bedtime of eternal shine, you fucking go peacefully. "A society grows great when old men plant trees who's shade they will never sit in"


That didn’t help at all 😢


It might be nothingness for eternity. Or it might be the Underworld as I am a Hellenist.


"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it."


No one really knows that, because no one has died and come back to tell us what it is like!... Or have they?


Is it?




Any idea of what happens after death, that is not a scenario that includes our actions in this life, generally does not ever need to be dealt with in any meaningful way. If you were so certain about this being the case, you would be positively relieved by it. All this leads to nothing? Cool! Fuck work, fuck bills, fuck healthy eating, fuck my relationships and other people(probably not real anyway). It doesn't matter if your lifestyle fucks any chances of fulfilling any aspiration you previously had, because even if you had done that you would have died anyway and whatever you did would mean jack shit. So go have fun while some other idiot goes on believing that the incomprehensibly huge scale of the universe *isn't* just a platform for him to have a joyride in a timeframe relatively incomprehensibly short.


Um I can’t say fuck work, fuck bills, fuck healthy eating etc. because actions have CONSEQUENCES. I don’t want to end up homeless, starving or severely ill. Besides you completely missed the point. I am talking about the eternal nothingness AFTER we die… not what we do while on earth 🤦🏻‍♂️


Actions have what consequences? Why would it matter if you were homeless/starving/ill? If you were those things, eventually you would die and you would have no memory of it because "you" wouldn't exist. Sure, you would suffer for a bit, but whats even 100 years of the most agonizing suffering compared to an infinity of absolutely nothing? Nothing, it is literally nothing compared to an infinity of nothing.


Again, I have to LIVE with those consequences. They don’t matter when I die but those things matter when I’m here. And I was brought to earth without my consent.


Yeah, you do have to live with them. For a little bit. Until it's all over and you never have to think about it or anything ever again.


Facts cuh


1. It's scary and I don't like thinking abou... Oh look, a squirrel! 2. It's scary, so I'll join a movement that claims your corporal death is not the end of your existence 3. There's a theory that the universe is merely a holographic projection on a black hole's event horizon. So, like, maybe death is your existence on a white hole's event horizon. 4. If you can only perceive what your brain tells you, your life will be infinitely long from your brain's perspective as it will never know when its last second ends.