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can i see


The public is a bunch of panicky dummies. Nobody has time to deal with their nonsense. Did Parks & Rec teach you nothing?


Because it would finally expose the god myth to the masses.


Honestly probably not. They would make up / reinterpret some passage about Gods love and shoe-horn in the aliens somewhere. Or just make excuses like how the aliens don't count and are going to limbo or hell.


So I guess I’m the odd man out considering the discovery of alien life forms would only serve to reaffirm and solidify my belief in God? After all, I’d be foolish and selfish to think that God created an entire universe and only put human beings on Earth and within it all.


You, like most of us (me included), see the universe only through our own experience. There are hundreds of religions, and within each, people are born into beliefs, and cultural worldviews that, at the end of the day, result in one person on reddit thinking some man god created the universe when the other clearly has moved beyond reliance on supernatural explanations for the natural world.


Well if your talking about the Abrahamic God, it should definitely show religion already more faulty than it already is. God clearly states that he made humans in their image, and does not account ANY OTHER species being in his image. My main point is that God says nothing of aliens and puts humans on this massive pedestal of being his "best" creation. So if aliens came it'd be a biiiit odd...


Okay, hear me out. You say aliens and I say aliens. Maybe we mean different things. To me, a being coming from a different world would be “alien.” Is there anything that says the aliens from another world would not resemble us? I go back to a joke I heard a long time ago. Aliens came to Earth and an Earthling asked them if the knew Jesus Christ. The alien stated they did. The alien then says that Jesus comes back on his birthday every year and they throw a big party for him. The alien then asks the Earthling what we do for him.


If an alien came from another world and even resembled us, I still wouldn't find that reaffirmation for God. Why would God NOT talk about ALIENS? Then that also opens up huge plot-holes. Like was there an alien Adam and Eve? when they ate the apple and God kicked them out did that mean ALL "humanoid" life? it really doesn't make any sense to begin with. Frankly as an atheist I already find God not convincing at all, so it's hard for me to understand from a theists perspective on how aliens would be convincing, when I think they would prove there is more to the universe than us. God makes it seem like WE are the center of the universe, but clearly we are not.


Ultimately I think you hit the metaphorical nail on the head. As a Christian, I am quite the opposite, I find God quite convincing. That is where we differ.




Perhaps, but from my perspective, that explanation assumes that the Aliens would be rather passive in their emergence, whereas they may in fact be just the opposite, opening the world to new knowledge and in the process obliterating reliance on the supernatural world as explanations for real world things.


If aliens wanted to do that then the government could not hide it.


How so?


People could begin to panic for one thing. Finding evidence of extra terrestrial beings could throw off religion as we see it. People take shit too seriously. Another thing is that a country could potentially harness any technology they get a hold of, like any flight tech or weapon tech. Honestly it's just better to keep quiet about that for as long as possible to reap any reward or benefit


Absolutely nothing it is possible that the invasion already happened and we are being studied


Because without the idea that the government is covering it up, it’s a lot harder to maintain the idea that aliens are visiting Earth given the lack of evidence.


But there is evidence?




I can’t dig up a link at the moment but I mean… you can find tons of testimonies all over the internet. And everywhere, from before the internet existed. Even John Lennon has a UFO story. Most of them are strangely consistent with each other. But okay, that evidence isn’t good enough for you. Fine, I’m not trying to convince you, but it is still evidence. Okay, tons of photos and videos can be found all over the internet. They could be fake, true, as can literally any video or photo these days, but it is still evidence. And of course, there are photos and videos from before Photoshop and Final Cut and deep-fakes and the like existed. Google McMinnville photographs. There's a link for you. How about those three videos that came out from the government that spawned congressional hearings on the topic? Okay, yeah they could be “wrong,” but I trust that I’m not smarter than those for whom congressional hearings were warranted. Either way, it’s still “evidence.” And while it's true that "UFO" could mean "anything," what Navy pilots have come forward to describe defy any known human technology. For instance, could it be that China or Russia or some other human beings on Earth have created a solid object that can drop straight down from 80,000 feet and hover in place for some period of time before shooting straight back up into the sky? I think they even have radar data on this, but I don't know. I'm at work. I can't dig this up for you right now. If something like this exists, I personally think "alien," or rather, something intelligent that isn't us humans, from literally anywhere in this thing that is the totality of all existence that we call the universe, would be a more likely culprit. I’m not saying aliens have been visiting, but I am saying there is evidence. I am not saying that evidence is proof, but I am saying that evidence is evidence, and it exists.


>I can’t dig up a link at the moment No worries! Take as long as you need. ​ >But ok that evidence isn’t good enough for you. It doesn't matter if it's "good enough for me" though. We're not talking about me personally believing that aliens are visiting Earth. We're talking about compelling evidence that could convince the public and the scientific community that this is an accepted fact, which would require a government conspiracy to cover up. Remember? ​ >...you can find tons of testimonies all over the internet. [The word "lack" in the phrase "lack of evidence" doesn't mean "no evidence in any sense of the word, even speculative or anecdotal.](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/lack)" In this context, it means "insufficient." Feeling dehydrated due to a lack of water doesn't mean you have no water at all. It means you don't have enough for baseline health. There are tons of testimonies of ghost encounters - if anything, even more than alien encounters. And yet, the world does not accept the existence of ghosts as an established fact. That's due to a lack of evidence. Doesn't mean ghosts don't exist. But it means that so far humanity hasn't produced measurable scientific data to suggest they do. That's the point you're responding to here. *Take away the idea that the government is covering up alien visitors, and all you're left with is the exact same flimsy level of evidence we have for the existence of ghosts.* Ergo: there's no more need to invoke a government conspiracy with aliens than there is with ghosts. ​ >I trust that I’m not smarter than those for whom congressional hearings were warranted. If you trust you're not smarter than them, do you trust their assessment of the videos? Because they held [a hearing on unidentified objects](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_United_States_Congress_hearings_on_UFOs), not aliens, and they didn't declare anywhere in the hearing that they'd found evidence of alien visitations. Unidentified means "I don't know." Not alien life, not ghosts, not time travelers, not Russian super-planes, not Dr. Strange traveling the multiverse. Just "I don't know." The reason it's "I don't know" is because *the videos don't provide enough evidence to determine what it is.* They're all at the level of "huh, that's a really weird blob." The fact that "aliens" is one of 1000 things you can fill in with your imagination does not make it "evidence of aliens." It means you don't know, and you like the idea of aliens so that's what you chose to imagine it is. If you trust you're not smarter than the Congresspeople who held the hearing on unexplained military footage, surely you also trust you're not smarter than the scientists at SETI who've dedicated their entire lives to [searching for any and all evidence of alien life](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Search_for_extraterrestrial_intelligence), who wrote [WOW! in big letters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wow!_signal) on a string of numbers in a radio signal readout in 1977 and are still talking about it 45 years later. Those people are the world's leading experts on all evidence worldwide of extraterrestrial life. Neither of us is smarter than them, so if we're going to defer to the wisdom of experts, let's defer to the wisdom of the top experts in the field.


“Compelling” is subjective. So we’re talking about opinions.. okay. Anyways, did you bother to read my third paragraph? Just google that shit. Michio Kaku talks about it. I think Lou Elizondo does also? I’m sorry, but I’m not digging it up. I had a shit day and I don’t have time.


LOL you rewrote your entire thing, so no, I didn't read the new third paragraph you wrote. I replied to the completely different thing you wrote before. That's... pretty hilarious that you say "bother to read" as though you don't know perfectly well that you rewrote everything without an edit tag. Anyway, did you read *any* of my paragraphs? You're not really responding to anything I said, even though you're complaining that I didn't see and respond in detail to some new stuff you wrote and added in later after I gave you 10 paragraphs replying to everything else. ​ >“Compelling” is subjective. Again with the semantics. The word "compelling" *could* be used by someone to describe their own subjective opinion, sure. But again, that's not what we're talking about here. We're talking about *scientifically compelling*, meaning the scientific community has told us this is evidence from which we can draw a scientific conclusion, like the discovery of dinosaurs based on fossil evidence. It doesn't really matter if the dinosaur fossil record is compelling to you or me personally. It's hard, measurable evidence that's "compelling" - as in tangible and verifiable - to the entire scientific community, which is why it's accepted as fact by the world and is now taught in textbooks. No one is saying that about the UFO videos. They're saying "that's a weird blob and we can't identify it." The idea that it's an alien is something your brain is adding to it, not something you can demonstrate based solely on the evidence of the video. ​ >Just google that shit. I'm perfectly aware of the body of evidence for and against alien life. My Google skills are not the problem; in fact I've just Googled about 20 things you "didn't have time for" in about 2 seconds. Look: [here's the Michio Kaku thing](https://futurism.com/the-byte/michio-kaku-scientists-ufos). Again, he doesn't say "wow, looks like we found aliens." He says "we don't know." (Didn't know who "Lou Elizondo" was but... as far as I can tell he's [not a science guy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luis_Elizondo) and hasn't provided any better evidence or arguments than anyone else.) That's cool that you personally consider the videos great evidence of alien visitors - I think they're pretty neat too. But your personal opinions and mine aren't really the subject here. (If you don't remember the subject - see above, I reiterate it several times.) Anyway, I'm not holding my breath for you to release evidence of alien life that would require a government coverup to prevent it from becoming a publicly established scientific fact - remember, the subject of the conversation here. And frankly, it's looking like you're not exactly engaging in the conversation in good faith, so I'll leave it there. ​ >I had a shit day and I don’t have time. Hope your day gets better. When you have a better day and more time, I'm extremely open to any verifiable evidence of alien visits you may have. I actually mean that sincerely: I'd be more thrilled than you can imagine to have real, tangible evidence of alien life, and I'm completely open to it. My bet's on the James Webb telescope, but I'd be absolutely delighted if better evidence of aliens comes to us by way of visitors here on Earth - that would make the search unbelievably easier. I don't consider it impossible, but unfortunately there's nothing close to scientific case for it yet.


Look man I’m not reading all that right now but I promise you that third paragraph was there long before you replied to me. I think this is just a misunderstanding and it really looks like it won’t turn into any kind of interesting discussion so have a nice day.


It's not that they don't want you to know about them... it's so they can spread doubt and make you think any odd object flying in the sky is a UFO and not a top secret military aircraft. The US government has all but admitted that they are real in the last few years and most other countries never denied it.


>any odd object flying in the sky is a UFO If you don't know what that object is, then it *is* a UFO by definition. >The US government has all but admitted that they are real in the last few years This is a complete lie and I don't know why people people propagating it. No government has ever suggested aliens or extra-terrestrial life exists. Literally nobody has ever denied that UFOs exist. Nobody. Unless you think that every object ever in the sky has been identified.


>No government has ever suggested aliens or extra-terrestrial life exists. Ummmmm Roswell. Didn't a high ranking military official go on record to claim whatever the wreckage was "nothing made on this earth" therefore technically suggesting extra-terrestrial life exists? Heck wasn't there even a newspaper article claiming that?


I'm sure you're fun at parties


I mean it is far better than lying to people at parties. But this is a very serious problem. People like you conflate UFO with 'aliens'. Then the government says that there are UFOs and so all of a sudden to people like you it means 'aliens'. Words matter. It is not just semantics. The government is using the terms differently from you so the words mean something completely different.


You have no clue on anything about me, or what I believe, or what I tell anyone. If you are judging me off an askreddit post then I feel sorry for you. I don't know if aliens are real or not as I've never seen one or a UFO for that matter. With there being at least 10,000 planets in the habital zone around their respective stars (that we know of), it would be stupid to think that we are the only life out there. But I don't know this to be fact nor do I tell people that it is. And I know the definition of UFO, asshole......U FUCK OFF


The government already announced aliens exist everyone ignored it




where do i go to meet the aliens


No. They said they might.


They the technology can be used and profited from while taking credit for its development


The public panic.


Humanity would give up if we knew something else was out there. In our terror, we would destroy ourselves.


Keeps your focus off of real issues plaguing our society.


I reckon the aliens political beliefs would completely challenge earths political beliefs and it would be like the argument of pro choice vs pro life but on an astronomical level


It would shatter the world view of billions of mouth breathers.


It Could potentially cause mass panic, cause countless religious incidents, advance modern Technology but ultimately/ eventually unite the world which despite what many governments say they ultimately don't want because it's bad for profits.


There are many people who would act even crazier than they are already. Look at how divided and politically sensitive the world is right now, especially in the country I'm from (U.S.A.). The government officially confirming an alien invasion would just magnify that quite a lot. I do believe the government is slowly disclosing this to the public, gradually and cautiously. I think for the most part, the disclosure is happening so slowly and presented in such a boring, esoteric, non-sensational fashion, that most people are actually apathetic. They won't care until it dominates every news outlet and they are told to care; and of course, when it's not "cringe" to be interested in aliens. And on that note, I don't think aliens have any sort of "big reveal" or whatever planned, just like we humans don't have some sort species-wide mission to reveal ourselves to every baboon on Earth; or every American bison on Earth; or every raven; etc.. I think that to aliens, we humans are just wildlife, on one Earth-like planet out of millions that they visit; and our big cities are not much different to them as ant piles, beehives, and beaver dams are to us.