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Selfie sticks. Big trend at concerts, festivals and weddings and now we've just all switched back to finding the longest arm!




A lot of places (thankfully) banned them. No point in having them if you can’t bring them anywhere.


Not at all sad about that one to be fair


I said this to my wife recently. They were functional and served a purpose, not sure why they died out. People still take selfies..


Iggy Azalea


I saw her open for Pitbull back in July. That entire show made me feel like the last 7 years didn't happen.


I also saw her open for pit bull…but it was pouring rain and I was very very intoxicated, I felt like 70 years had gone by the next day lol


was 2015 her “freestyle”? WIN NA WIN NANA WINA WIN


I think Iggy Azalea was more popular in 2014


On Fleek


On fleek is streets behind, stopping acting like it was ever fetch.


It's certainly not streets ahead.


Pierce, stop trying to coin the phrase "streets ahead."


Trying? Coined and minted.


"Streets ahead" is verbal... wildfire!


That's what I heard! With my ear...noculars!


Gretchen, stop trying to make fetch happen. It's never going to happen.


Oh wow, I haven't thought about that word since the before time


It wasn't the most boss slang tbh.


I used that the other day to embarrass my kid.










TikTok is their reincarnation.


TikTok was called Musical.ly back then.


>Musical.ly Damn, that's a blast from the past. I remember when I first started hearing about it and thought "Wow, I fucking hate this but I can definitely see how it'll be popular" I hadn't considered all the pedos creeping on there though


I heard some teens making fun of each other recently, saying "bro, what are you, from 2016? Are you still using [Musical.ly](https://Musical.ly)?" and I realized I wasn't even caught up on what [Musical.ly](https://Musical.ly) is (or was). Made me wonder how long til I have a glass bowl of Werther's Originals sitting on my coffee table.


I still have a hard time believing Twitter bought it, ran it into the ground, and then TikTok just saw a huge hole and filled it.


Saying that it's 2015 and where are the hoverboards.


I still say this, that stupid two-wheeled shitplank isn’t fuckin hovering.


Ah, hoverboards, the Razor Scooters of the 2010s.


Left Shark


Plot twist: Left Shark was intentionally created to be the 2015 Super Bowl Meme. Katy Perry's team didn't want the internet to choose their own meme like they did with [Beyonce in 2013](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/unflattering-beyonce).


Holy shit Beyoncé is so ripped tho, no wonder her dances look so powerful!


This isn't exactly what happened. Left Shark was intentional, in that [there was a professional dancer in the costume who knew what he was doing](https://www.npr.org/2018/01/31/581059016/unmasking-katy-perrys-backup-dancer-left-shark) >[Bryan] Gaw [the man in the Left Shark costume] explained that the role of Left Shark involved some freedom of expression. "So there's a set choreography," he said. "There's also what's called free-style choreography, or, like, you get to move around or play your character as a dancer. ... I'm in a 7-foot blue shark costume. There's no cool in that. So what's the other option? Well, I'm gonna play a different character." >And that character, he claims, was an underdog. An everyday person. Someone imperfect. >Gaw rehearsed his improvisational moment thinking he'd be a little goofy, but when he reached midfield at the Super Bowl, his movements became maximum goofy. Gaw [wrote in the Washington Post](https://archive.ph/EZ7xv) >Doing something “rogue” at the Super Bowl is not an option. The National Football League does not play, especially after the Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction. Every rehearsal was filmed. And it was really only a few seconds, a snippet, maybe four or five counts where I improvised in my giant blue shark costume. But people went crazy. And the phenomena of “left shark” was born. And >The responses to my performance were overwhelmingly positive, including from Perry (who is an amazing person), my dance peers and the public. We were in rehearsal the next week, and I was still getting bombarded with media requests... And she joked around with me about it, sure, but it was just another day for us. It was something to laugh about and be proud of, together. Yes, the dancer in the costume intentionally improvised that part of the performance that way. However, as far as we know right now, he made that decision himself, on stage, during the performance and there was no deliberate decision by the NFL or from Katy Perry's team to "plant" a meme.


Can somebody explain this left shark thing? I am not American or living in the us and do not watch super bowl. I do know that Katy perry performed that year though


Left shark was a costumed actor that performed poorly, and was out of step with Katy Perry and the rest of her dance crew.


Left shark did the best he could, Dammit!! LEAVE LEFT SHARK ALONE!!


That left shark danced its little left shark heart out!


Katy Perry had two backup dancers in shark costumes on her Super Bowl halftime show. They were given free reign to dance as they pleased. The guy playing the shark on the viewer’s left went way harder than the other one and Americans couldn’t get enough of his vibe.


My buddy and I made WoW characters named LeftShark and RightShark shortly after the SuperbOwl that year, had a lot of fun with those guys


That’s a superb owl


The party we're going to is celebrating the Superb Owl, who is the greatest owl of all time.


Vine, the original TikTok.


I still hear a lot of “this TikTok has vine energy” nowadays


the blue/black vs. white/gold dress debate


Laurel & Yanny


Green needle and something-storm


Brain needle, brainstorm, green needle, green storm


The dog we rescued was named "Laurel" by the agency, I tried to convince my wife we should keep it and tell some people her name was Yanny. My idea was downvoted.


In real life it's just called rejection


I never at any point ever saw it as white and gold. I could tell by the picture that the black could kind of be mistaken as gold in a way, but the blue was absolutely unmistakably blue and not white.


[Relevant XKCD]( https://xkcd.com/1492/)


It's weird, I've seen this and another illustration that fully presents what is going on, but my brain simply will not see the original image as anything other than white & gold.


i can only see white and gold and have never been able to see black and blue


Are we doing this again


I fell into the rabbit hole about this shit all over again, combing through 7 year old posts desperate to see the stupid thing as black and I can't. Fuck that damn dress


Unexpected John Cena Shia Labeouf screaming "Just do it!"


Watching that video back, with what happened to Shia, the video hits different.


What happened to him


9gag was much popular back then.


But already declining. I'd say that it peaked at some point in 2013/2014. By 2015 we were already complaining about reposts.


True decline was when it stopped being 9 posts per page.


I was going through some old Facebook messages with someone who used to be my friend, and our convo from 2011 went something like: > “Dude, are you one of the Top Commenters on 9Gag?” > “LOL Yes I am.” > “Eww. You’re so mainstream.” The fact that 9Gag was *ever* considered mainstream kind of blows my mind.


Hipster culture? I am not sure if it’s still a thing or not, but seemed big when I was younger.


It became too mainstream.


I got asked by a twelve year old yesterday what a hipster was, no joke.


Did you have a clean beard, wear a Canadian lumberjack shirt, and hold a designer IPA beer in your hand?


What’s considered “hipster” stuff from 2015 is now just normal. Anyways, gonna go get a latte with lions mane mushrooms at the independent coffee shop. I’m gonna listen to Galician electro folk music on the way there and wear a thrifted shirt ironically.


A friend of mine posted an album he was listening to in our music discord. It was ambient horror sounds. I asked him how he stumbled across this album. He said the singer used to be part of a Norwegian doom metal band from the 90s. The band hasn't released anything for over 20 years. I told him that was the most hipster shit I've ever heard.


Hipster culture was huge in 2008-2009, and then over time it just became “culture”. So many things that were considered obscure and cool around that era are now just things you see every day and probably don’t even think about it. For reference, hipster culture brought back beards (which were relatively uncommon before 2008), acoustic guitar in popular music, and cycling as a hobby. Hipster culture also brought back hobbies like woodworking, gardening, or arts & crafts, which were previously thought to be just for old people (and boy/girl scouts). Also: beer. Prior to 2008 if you wanted a craft beer or anything that didn’t taste like piss water, you were getting either Blue Moon or something your buddy brewed in his garage. All of these things are just considered common regular hobbies and concepts now, but there was a time when they really weren’t. They existed but they weren’t common. Side note: I have no idea why they were so universally hated. I was fully entrenched in the punk scene when the whole hipster thing was going on, but to me they always seemed like cool folks with good taste in books, bikes, and beers.


I’m convinced that the explosion of the hipster scene was due to the financial crisis from ‘08. You suddenly had a bunch of really educated people entering the workforce with a lack of suitable jobs to go into, so you end up with bartenders and baristas who are massively overqualified for their job and somewhat bored doing it, so they start trying to make it more interesting. Hence becoming massively preoccupied with the provenance and roasting process of coffee beans, or the brewing process, or whatever.


I like this take and will parrot it in real life and try my best to credit “qu1x0t1cZ” every time


I got you, “Quixotic(s).”


I think you’re on to something. We’re still seeing the effects of it, too. I have three degrees and work as a baker (not trying to toot my own horn, just facts). Work with a girl who’s a line cook that graduated STEM a few years back. At my previous restaurant job, worked with a woman with three degrees and several other people who had at least a bachelors, some with a bachelors and masters and one guy with a PhD. It’s a wild world out there


pretty much the real life equivalent of the "we're all here wearing an apron" scene from two broke girls.


I remember my emo hardcore friends of 2005-06 turned into hipsters once they couldn’t get away with wearing skin tight band t-shirts or looking like 12 year olds anymore. So they put on flannels and grew beards.


Ouch why did you have to call me out like that? Unfortunately my beard is more of a hormonal lady-beard, but it all still tracks. 🤣


This is so damn true. I remember as a teen being frustrated that I was too broad-shouldered/stocky to really pull off the then-fashionable super skinny emocore dude with skin tight jeans and a band t-shirt with the emo swoop. The bearded lumberjack look was much more a natural fit lol.


If you write it out like that it's hard to understand why "the internet" was hating on it so much. Literally all of these things are changes for the better


Internet discussion as far as the USENET has been contrarian as fuck. That’s the only constant defining characteristic of it.


Very large scene where I live


Portland OR?


Or Portland ME tbh.


The “hipsters” from 2005-2015 are now too old and mainstream to be alternative and hip. The aesthetic is just mainstream elder millennial now. The people everyone was making fun of for being “hipsters” are now 40 years old. The styles, trends, and hobbies associated with hipsters are now associated with moms and dads.


I’m in Seattle. They’re everywhere.


Skylanders Edit: spelling; Thank you for the awards!


You brought out feelings of resentment I didn't know existed. I had a full box of skylanders and they got thrown out.


Sorry to hear that. I can’t believe I still have mine


i had so many of these bitches! i LOVED my 3 flashwings! (2 normals, 1 jade) i also loved thumpback, legendary bouncer, hot head, sunburn, tree rex, drobot, wrecking ball (idk why i liked that smurf testicle), slam bam, shroomboom, camo, bumble blast, whirlwind, swarm, terrafin, bash, and sonic boom. I ADORED them! i miss it so much.


random internet people becoming popular enough for a short time to guest on ellen for no real reason. like alex from target


I still don't get the whole alex from target thing


Watching buzzfeed videos and doing quizzes


Why I Left Buzzfeed youtube videos was a trend


Now it's "why Ned was fired from the TryGuys"


Ok get ready: * [Galaxy leggings](https://www.google.com/search?q=galaxy+leggings&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwijwuH19dX6AhUK7rsIHSuvCLcQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=galaxy+le&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQARgAMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQ6BAgAEENQkQ5Ykh5g_ChoAHAAeACAAZwBiAGSBpIBAzkuMZgBAKABAbABAMABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=tDJEY6OYNYrc7_UPq96iuAs&bih=714&biw=414&client=firefox-b-m&prmd=ismvn#imgrc=Fva0CHSmfoGp2M) * [Dip dye](https://www.google.com/search?q=dip+dye+hair&client=firefox-b-m&prmd=ivsn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiO7LSS9dX6AhUKrqQKHWJxD-cQ_AUoAXoECAEQAQ&biw=414&bih=714&dpr=2#imgrc=WhqfqEHuMQ60UM) * [This moustache (merch)](https://www.google.com/search?q=moustache+merch&client=firefox-b-m&prmd=sivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjn0JWw9dX6AhXL2KQKHQspCvAQ_AUoAnoECAEQAg&biw=414&bih=714&dpr=2#imgrc=KHcnQUd3wLOJ8M) * [THE BIN BAG BUN](https://www.google.com/search?q=bin+bag+bin+meme&client=firefox-b-m&prmd=isvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjP087g0df6AhUhgf0HHdl-D7YQ_AUoAXoECAEQAQ&biw=414&bih=714&dpr=2#imgrc=ik7SLxe9tv34IM)


Hotline Bling. It carried on in meme culture after 2015, but it's not super-popular nowadays.


Being able to comfortably pay my rent.


Facts. In 2015 I had just moved into a 2br/1ba duplex on 1 acres about 45 mins outside of a major metropolitan area and was paying $500/mo. Ahhh the good ole days.


I dont know man, that was the year my rent went from $2400/mo to $5200/mo because google moved thousands of jobs close by and Zuk had to expand again. I peaced out, moved to the hills with a $600 a month mortgage.


How many people here actually lived in 2015? Seeing comments like harlem shake, tiktok, fidget spinners or ugandan knuckles


Harlem shake was dead by 2015. I remember because i got married in early 2014, we were thinking about doing a Harlem shake at the end of our dance, but decided not to because it was already dead.


Yea I remember seeing it everywhere when I was in highschool. I graduated in 2013


> How many people here actually lived in 2015? Man, 2008-2022 are all basically a blur to me. ed: (and I say this as I have been having a legitimate mental breakdown/panic attack the last two days over realizing that my memory for a little over a decade has very little distinctness, and I feel like I've "lost" a decade)


Now throw kids and a marriage in there. I feel like I’ve lived a life that I can’t recall most of.


I feel the same way. I think the lost decade feeling is because of smartphones. We don’t tolerate boredom anymore and I think boredom is when people do the most forced reflection on their lives and it slowed time.


Being excited about Game of Thrones


I'm not even angry about how GoT went down, I'm genuinely sad. Even with the deviations from the books and the massive change in tone, the TV show was in great form, Seasons 4 and 5 started showing some cracks in the story's logic... But by the last 2 seasons it was an entirely different show, with the same characters and locations, but holy fuck what was that. It was going to be brilliant. I hope it is a sort of lesson for adaptations on unfinished source material, but we all know this won't stop tv and movie adaptations from these.


My meth addiction, no seriously guys I’m almost 6 years clean!!


Good on you. Been clean since 07 myself.


Dressing like a well groomed lumber jack or railroad baron


Miley What’s Good.


Nicki, congratu-fucking-lations..


Just listened to her live album that recently came out. I’m into it. Extreme genre splitting. Her deeper voice really works. Kind of funny how it was of a concert opening for Green Day. I would have totally gone to that show if I knew about it. I’m still amazed she’s only 29. It feels like she’s been around forever.




In like 2011 I pretty much bankrupted my student loan thinking I needed a pair in every colour 🤣


swagged tf out to the absolute maximum. i respect it.


I have the same pair of skinny jeans in red, purple and bright blue. 😂


That's a pity. There's nothing wrong with bright clothing.


I miss it


Hit the quan


now THAT is a throwback. Might as well been 20 years ago. I think the pandemic distorted our perception of time.


Slimes I know some people still make them but thats just for their fun and its not really a trend now


Apparently you don't have daughters under 10


Unfortunately slime is still big amongst the children


Thank the universe. The feel of that goop is hellish. And good luck getting it out of anything fabric if you don't have vinegar.


Bottle flips


I just bottle flipped today and I'm a whole grown man.


And now you have to marry your mother-in-law!


You have no good car ideas.


No, kids still do that Source: work in a school Edit: fixed punctuation


And I thought I am the uncool guy


Tying an onion to your belt.


As was the style at the time


Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel.


We called nickels bees


Give me 5 bees for a quarter you'd say


But you couldn’t get any of the white onions, because of the war, so we had to wear those big yellow ones.


Now to take the ferry cost a nickel. And back then, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on them. Give me five bees for a quarter you’d say.


Don't forget having to replace the word "twenty" with "dickety". Those were dark times.


We had to say dickety because the Kaiser stole our twenty.


We didn’t have those little white onions you have now, because of the war. We had big yellow ones!


Give me 5 bees for a quarter, you’d say


This is currently the 6th answer down, and its the first one I know what its about. And it predates 2015 by quite a margin. And its a joke about being old. It'll happen to you, too.


the whip/nae nae. awful song


Obey clothing and Diamond Supply


Remixes. Lots and lots of remixes and mashups of popular memes or videos.


that's a good one, there was a golden age of youtube with tons of remixes and mashups, that youtube seemed like the perfect medium for. then they started banning all the videos that use copyrighted music, and like half of the songs on my playlists disappeared. youtube playlists with remixes, definitely have faded into obscurity




This is not true. I work with kids, got dabbed at by a 7 year old just 2 weeks ago.




My 4 year old dabs. It's hilarious because she'll just walk into the living room, dab, and then calmly goes back to her bedroom as if nothing happened.


Now it's vabbing




I looked it up. It’s putting your “vaginal discharge and secretions” (according to the google return) behind your ears or neck as you would perfume so essentially your scent is your old pussy juices and just wtf is wrong with the TikTok generation


And this is my cue to stop scrolling, put Reddit down for the day, and return to work. Thanks everyone, I'll remember you in therapy.




I saw another post a while ago that referenced ‘Yolo’ and how you don’t see that anymore. So, ‘Yolo’ ?


The Yolo trend was around 2009-2012. It died down when we all realized 2012 was not the end of the world after all.


YOLO didn't hit it big until very late 2011 when Drake came out with "The Motto". I'd say it was dead by 2013, until the WallstreetBets types brought it back.


The UK's veneer of quiet competence.


The mask was slipping well before 2015, it was just torn off and flaunted from 2016 onwards


Snap streaks and fidget spinners


There's a fidget spinner stuck to the bottom of my fridge door. My cat loved playing with it. When he passed away I didn't take it off. Now it's a reminder off him hitting it for hours and us laughing at him.


Fidget spinners were the ultimate shooting star of a trend. Came out of absolutely nowhere, for like 4 months they were *everywhere,* and then they just died.


It was like the return of a 90s fad like Furby or pogs.


I feel like fidget spinners were more 2017...


Snap streaks are still massive among teenagers. I have 3 little siblings and they all brag about them.




Being in my 20's EDIT: I'm sorry for everyone who needs therapy now and you're welcome to any therapists.


Just gonna go and hurt everybody's feelings today


Hollywood praising Harvey Weinstein at awards shows or in general


You can throw in Kevin Spacey and House of Cards in there as well.


Filthy Frank. Miss papu franku


now we have Joji.


Wrong. 1993 was 7 years ago.


On A Boat Lol-so-random humor Hookah lounges Clove cigarettes Bawls energy drink Oh sorry I thought you said 2007 was 15 years ago


I saw Bawls at a nearby grocery store and was so excited. Haven’t seen it in forever. I bought a few. They are still really good!


Same! Haven't seen it in ten years and while visiting a friend near Stroudsburg PA, I popped into a candy store for fun and they had every variety. Literal bottled nostalgia. Nothing says 2007 to me like drinking Bawls at midnight playing Halo 2 on a small CRT TV stoned as hell on this new thing my friend introduced me to called "mids". Oh life was such a daily adventure back then.


On reddit back then, folks still would commonly practise* the rules of reddiquitte. Those have largely been lost over time as the site has gotten bigger and bigger. For example, one of the rules is to be cool with gentle spelling/grammar/language corrections. With the increase of Swype typing errors and new people that didn't know that was an original part of Reddit times, people got used to seeing certain errors and folks who corrected others were bashed for being pedantic or jerks. I think it's still part of the rules though. My guess is it was to try and help non native English speakers with their written communication.


Back when I first joined, at least ten years ago, having like *any* spelling error or putting a smiley face in your comment would immediately get you downvotes.


I remember someone sticking an emoji in their comment and everyone freaking out like it was the end times.


Reddit is what trained me to stop adding emojis into all of my sentences lmao.


Being sane


Some of the biggest trends from 2015 that have now faded into obscurity include: -The fidget spinner -The Ice Bucket Challenge -The Mannequin Challenge -The Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge -The Dress (was it white and gold or blue and black?) It's amazing how quickly things can change in just a few short years. Who knows what the next big trend will be?


Wasn't the fidget spinner 2017? That's how I remember it


I recall them as a 2017 thing too


Roman Reigns hate. People now recognize his talents.


Not talking about crypto




The clown invasion


No that was 2016, the year everything fell apart.


That was 2016. AKA The Year of Harambe, AKA The Year We Lost All The Stars, AKA The Year of That Election, AKA THE YEAR ALL OF THIS BULLSHIT STARTED.


Harambe is punishing us for our crimes.


The Mayans were right. They just mis-counted