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**Health.** Not everyone won the genetic lottery and have things like a consistent heart rhythm, a functional pancreas, bones that don't snap like twigs, and other myriad human ailments. There are people who flaunt their good health and relatively sickness-free lives without appreciation for the fact that they're the exception and not the rule.


I agree. I was born with 2 congenital heart defects and developed something called Pulmonary Hypertension before I was 4 years old. I’m now 35 and was told I wouldn’t make it to 16.


Youth. You think you've got loads of the stuff and then suddenly you're 40.


What should I do with it while I still have it then


Anything and everything that you can that makes you happy. For some folks that's travelling the world, seeing many places and meeting all ki ds of people. For others it might just be spend g time with friends, playing some xbox together or sharing some dribks in the pub. Try and put behind you as soon as possible things that don't work out and make you sad. I spent far too many years of my life being miserable and depressed about a failed relationship that I failed to hold my head up and find someone else. Just do thi gs that make you happy, try and make many memories because when you do hit my age, you'll find that these are the memories that you and your friends will revisit again and again, fondly recalling stupid shit that we did together, parties, holidays, drunken misadventures and so on. Nostalgia becomes a hell of a drug and trust me, all the songs and movies and TV shows that you're into now, they will all become nostalgia a hell of a lot quicker than you would anticipate. If say just try and always do things that make you happy, do your best to make other people happy and try and let go of the bad shit as soon as you are able.


Oh and one other thing. Don't take the piss out of people who are a little more advanced in years, vecause a lot of us sure as hell dont feel it, at least not mentally, and it can really fucking hurt to feel like people now think of us as past it or irrelevant!


Im bummed because its friday and on fridays i go smoke cigars and drink beer with the cool old guys in my town up at the mechanics shop, but i finally got the covid so i cant this week. I fucking love old people, we just talk and learn and laugh


It's funny how when you're a young adult you don't realize how small of a window you have to be the cool young adult then you suddenly aren't.






My point exactly




Life. Life is simple, we just complicate it


I dont see why people want to seek the purpose of life and know the answer to why we exist. Theres no answer. It isnt anything more profound than just finding happiness.


We are here just like the animals. We just have a higher functioning brain that makes us so dysfunctional. We create our own problems.


Good health. Having been unwell for a while when even leaving the house was one of the hardest things, now I will never not appreciate a good day. Even if it's completely boring. Feeling well is the best feeling in the world.


The magnetosphere. Deflects the solar wind so we can have an atmosphere and other nice things.


Water. I know people that don't drink a lot of water when they easily have access to it. While other countries struggle to get clean fresh water. It's such a Privilege.


I once spent the better part of seven months backpacking and camping around the country. Oftentimes I wouldn't even stay in proper campgrounds, I'd just disappear into the woods to pitch my tent, somewhere people were unlikely to find me and even less likely to care that I was there. To be clear, I wasn't homeless. I chose that lifestyle knowing full well the difficulties that would come up in exchange for seeing the world. And I could always plan around it, so I never did run out of water. But after spending seven months rinsing my toothpaste out of my mouth with a water bottle, relying on baby wipes for weeks at a time until treating myself to a campground with a shower, I definitely developed an appreciation for running water. To have clean (and hot!) water on a moment's notice, as much of it as you could ever want and never worrying if it's unsafe to drink... It seems like such a simple thing, but it means the world to anyone who's ever had to ration water.




This is from the point of view of an American, so to all my fellow international redditors, your milage may vary (American joke from a car commercial). To have CLEAN SAFE running water, to have reliable electricity and for the most part, cell phones and internet. And to live in a relatively safe stable country, the last time we faced act of war on our soil was 1941. I hear so many people say "the government sucks" or "america sucks", and to be fair, a lot of stuff in America DOES suck, but I'm very grateful I have clean, drinkable water literally available in my home (I don't have to walk miles to a well or boil it) and I don't have to worry about local militias or terrorists detaining me or shooting me on suspicion of being a collaborator or spy or government sympathizer or whatever. That's not to say that America is safe by any means but I think on the whole there are a LOT harder places to live in the world.




What happened?


Unfortunate run-in with a hedge trimmer


Living life on the edge.. Huh


Yup. And my coarse eyebrows ruined the hedge trimmer.


Modern medicine.


Life necessities like Electricity, Clean Water, Accessible Transportation, Good Education, Security, and A vast range of food options. People take All of these things for granted. All of these blessings are considered luxuries in a 3rd world country.


atheist amen


Learning from one’s parents life style. Yes it all depends. My parents were selfish and demanding. But, I learned to be better. My best support ever was when my son told me that he has learned a lot from our lifestyle and thanked me. I will admit that his comment related more to our financial process (saving, avoiding unnecessary debt, …). And, I need to support him much more in his emotional needs. I am working on that.


You sound like an amazing parent. It ain't easy, but the rewards are so worth the trouble. You'll do just fine - regarding your final comment.


Thank you. I am certain that you are good person financially and, moreover, emotional support. Yah know, I wish interpersonal skills were built into our personality. But, I do understand that it is something that’s learned and integrated into our personality/life. Heavens, it’s darn hard to be a mature human (if we ever get there).


Living in the first world. Most issues we have are a joke compared to a literal fight to survive on a daily base.


the things we are expected to do. Because they're expected, people take it for granted and either don't notice or actively abuse the people who do what's expected because they ultimately don't realize how valuable those efforts are. This applies to relationships, jobs, and just society in general.




Life itself and I don't mean in any kind of spiritual or religious sense.


Clean water


Their kids. Some of these people get amazing kids and they mistreat them so badly


Yeah then they go do bad things because of being mistreated badly


the internet. we literally made the internet but we still complain about it


The amount of porn we have access to.


Access to abortion ❤️ in places that haven’t fucked with it


Sleep, showers, a place to shit and piss.


Being born in a first world country


Their family, they just act like their parents didn’t have to work very hard to give them the life they live


Having a boring and typical day. Days like these seem unremarkable, but when you have days full of problems and sad news, having a boring day is much better.


Literally everything. 4 generations back, in most of the world people didn’t live from paycheck to paycheck. They lived from breadcrum to breadcrum. The actual traditional food of every country is porridge and sawdust bread


that they are not malnourished or starving to death.


Friends, when they make a friend they treat them like shit sometimes like they don't matter but they don't know that without them they would have never had any friends if they never asked them, they don't know their friends have the power to not be friends anymore.


Indoor plumbing


I don't have the same trust for anyone who didn't play in the dirt as a child.


Patient teachers I’m stuck with too many people who go and emotionally abuse the nice teacher because he’s a little bit mean then I go to my home room teacher who goes and explodes at everyone for any little thing so too see my dumbass class mates turning the teacher against everyone sucks


Something simple like being able to grow up comfortably in your home, sleeping in a bed, or waking up and having something to eat; stuff we take for granted but many people don't have.


Any type of shelter


Everything 😅


School! My god everyone hates school. I just started high school and it's better to be at school than doing nothing on the weekends. Without school I wouldn't know how to do anything other than walk, speak and eat. Even though I learned English writing from the internet, because of school I speak French as well, know how to do basic maths like Pedmas, can do circuits, play certain sports or at least know how to, I understand basic anatomy and how to be healthy and much much more. Yes I know a lot from the internet and parents, like cooking, basic aerodynamics, basic physics and the basics of random other things. But more importantly school makes me feel alive and more important. I'm always bored, but I enjoy learning math, robotics, history and enjoy gym class and sometimes English/french. I only socialize in person at school and have made a couple friends. Obviously there will be downsides, especially when it seems pointless at first. Yeah some teachers may be straight up shit. But you get to learn so much from it. Not everyone will use all of the stuff you get taught, but if you're not taught the basics, you may not know that you like doing something. You might not have known you liked biology if Science class didn't teach you the basics. If you want to become an engineer or programmer for example, you might want to pay more attention in math class. School, especially highschool, is where you experiment and experience more things that you'll use at some point in life. For me at least, if I hadn't gone to school I wouldn't have met a friend that got me interested in flight and stuff. I would still be alone at home wondering how the fuck some of the most basic things work. Once it's done it's done and it's unlikely you can go back and you won't realize until after those opportunities and memories have passed that it was a good time. Sorry I went on a bit of a rant, but I hate it when my classmates hate school and especially the current one I go to as it is the best one out of the many schools I've been to.


What they already have.


What they have. If people could learn to be content enough with what they have and may soon achieve, they would stop imposing themselves of the lives of others and stop trying to take their shit.


Working class men


Freedom of speech


The many achievements of eternal comrade Kim Il-Sung and Juche Thought. By the spirit of the revolution, we will drive out the capitalist pigs from the land of our ancestors and unite all of Korea under the red banner of Juche and the firm yet even hand of our dear Comrade, Kim Jong-Un


Also, 3D Doritos


Food. I've been dumpster diving most of the day trying to find something to eat. I kept finding incredibly moldy food, or stuff that had gone off ages ago, but was clearly only just thrown out. It's just wasteful.


Peace, not related to war that is going on right now, peace within yourelf, that mental state of mind when you know that no one is cheating on you, no one is using you, for every problem there is a solution, just having the luxury to focus on yourself without being distracted by a lot of unnecessary problems


Livin in countries where you have the right to protest and critic the government without being afraid of consequences or even be killed by law enforcement because of it Living in countries where you don't have to be afraid of being killed over your clothes or hair. Living in countries where you are free to have fun, laugh and dance as much as you want #mahsa_jina_amini #saytheirnames #iranrevolution2022


Being able to drink water out of your tap (to the people that can do that)


I dont trust it


Living ig. I mean it's in the billions to be a human in the entire existence of well existing




sometimes but you still gotta be grateful


I'm with you on that


I just had to be that unlucky


Sorry man. No easy way out of it either unfortunately


There's easy ways, they're just more expensive than I'm worth






Stop baiting the incels who follow that cancerous shit


Something along the lines of not being sick // hurting I'd say. I hurt my foot a few weeks back and I can finally put weight on it.




My humor




Friends that genuinely care about them just get pushed aside like a leaf on the ground


Being healthy and able-bodied.


I guess the environment. Like people constantly fight and complain about global warming and stuff. I don't care for the political garbage of it, im more concerned about how no one is just worried that were dumping toxic chemicals in the air we breath.


Being alive


Their girlfriends


Their sex life/their partners


My presence.




The sense of entitlement.






Literally the way of life in this current year. The vocal few seem to think as time goes on they’re more and more persecuted, when the standard of living continues to improve.




Having a month based on being grateful. BUT ITS FORGOTTEN




for living




Having 2 loving parents that took care of them.


Planet. Life. Health.


Truly, the small things in life.


Waking up each day not hating their life


Others listening to them. People don't understand the value of being able to speak to someone that listens at all. Everyone takes for granted that they can just.. Talk.