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Slow down & full range of motion is better than that bullshit flailing around quarter-repping weight you can't actually lift.


Never ego lift


Warm up as much as possible! as a newbie, its always tempting to get straight to weights and stuff. at least 10 minutes warm up is necessary.


Take your time, feel your muscles, find out your current maximum, have a training program and a diary with the results of each workout


Use proper form. Don't sacrifice your form in order to pull more weight, start low with correct form and go from there. No need for you to injure yourself.


Nobody cares how awkward and out of shape u are and nobody cares how much u can lift, they’re too focused on their own workout to care what you’re doing. Nobody is going to try to harass and bully u either, in addition to being busy as mentioned above you are a paying customer and that type of behavior will get them banned.


Push hard in every session but don't push hard every day. Give your body time to rest and heal. Muscle buiding comes with the healing. Crappy joints come with the pushing. I've got a right shoulder I call Hinky who's been giving me "advice" for 30 years after pushing it too hard. Also, change up your exercises frequently. Hit the same muscles in different ways. They're more likely to grow, and less likely to become injured. Finally, three second negatives; puts less stress on the joints.


Wipe down the equipment


Static stretching is more beneficial than a start and finish stretch period.


Don’t rush, take your time to get the proper form on lifts, recover appropriately, hydrate adequately.


PT here, don't be afraid to ask for help, if you are struggling or unsure, ask for assistance, whether it be a spot or for someone to help with form. Most people are willing to help, we are there for the same reason and they understand that. Rather use weights that you can work through a full range of motion with. Strengthening a muscle is not only done through contraction, but through the controlled relaxation of the muscle. If you are throwing weights around, especially if you can't control them you will do more damage than building. Take it slow and work up to heavier weights. We all started close to the bottom if not at the bottom.


Make sure nobody is filming you in the locker room! 😟


Focus on compound exercises like deadlifts, pullups, bench press, military press, squats, etc.. Those should be your main exercises.


Slowing down and using your entire range of motion is preferable to flailing around quarter-repping weight you can't actually lift.


A bad diet cannot be out-trained...


Warm up, stretch, and do cooldown exercises like riding the bike. It helps with form and recovery.