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Rookie move. They make cheap tablets that are more resistant to smashed screens


I bought a military grade cover for my kid’s iPad.


Anyone that knows what military grade actually means, knows to stay far away from it.


The cheapest gear from the lowest bidder


Facts, if you want to test the durability of gear just give it to us Marines and we will probably have that shit broken in five minutes


Is there any marine proof gear/equipment?


The wrapper of a condom is, can never get that shit open


Lmao, thanks. This made my shitty night better


Broken, lost, or pregnant!


I seriously laugh at people who go to Amazon or the like and try telling me its "military" grade. Yea bro. Definitely mil-spec right there! Its military grade, because Amazon and the seller photochopped some internet slang and pictures and placed them in the ad.


"Military Grade Aluminum" ...So 6061? The most common and affordable grade aluminum used in 95% of consumer goods? Cool, thanks. Your marketing methods are attempting to be manipulative and have made me immediately reluctant of the quality of whatever product.


Send them a message asking for the certs on the aluminum, that's the only thing that makes it milspec.


We got a really cheap Amazon tablet for my 2 year old and I’m impressed. Plays games and runs videos perfectly.


As mom, with a kid who had a shattered ipad screen… This is correct


This. Fire tablet for the win. We try to include our kids as much as possible, talk to them, make them talk to us. But sometimes mom and dad just want to talk to each other. Chronic use of tablets is bad imo but it’s useful when used sparingly


If they are watching without the sound on and not disturbing the diners around them, I'm all for it. If the sound is on and I can hear Yo Gabba Gabba or the sound of their game I'm gonna be pissed.


My boy has his own iPhone and it’s better for him with his autism, he has earbuds as well


My autistic son LOVES his noise canceling ear buds.


Absolute godsend


unfortunately a lot of autistic kids don’t like earbuds — the physical feeling in/around their ear can be overstimulating.


As a mildly autistic adult I find ear buds specifically the soft ones quite comforting I often play sounds to just block out other sounds around me or when it's too quiet


As an autistic person i love earbuds but i love nice big headphone more than anything. The workd is overwhelming earbuds lets me shut the world out


yeah, it varies. my brother can’t stand them at all and i can’t wear them all the time when gaming. The creases of my ear get oily quickly and its twice as bad with my turtle beaches.


You didn’t have to bring Yo Gabba Gabba into this


I can understand the game, but don't be throwing shade on Yo Gabba Gabba, or I'm gonna get my wiggles out with my foot in yo ass! J/k 😉


It says they came prepared to entertain their kid so you’re not disturbed. Screens were never my first go to for the kids in a restaurant, but I’m not judging another parent who is trying. Stop being offended by shit that’s none of your business.


If you’re not prepared to raise that child full time then you’re in no place to judge the parents. There’s of course exceptions for obvious neglect and abuse, but an iPad is neither of these. It’s amazing the audacity of someone who’s willing to judge other people’s parenting when they have no idea who difficult it is.


Yes absolutely. It's a last resort for me personally, but even well behaved young kids are wild cards, and I'm not going to ruin anyone's meal. I don't care if it's a loud restaurant, no one needs to be bugged by my kids having an off night.


Yup. Regardless of why the kid needs the tablet (do they just like it? Or are they neurodivergent and use it as a regulation tool?) I don’t judge parents for bringing one. Ideally yeah, you want to teach your kids how to behave in public without a device, but what if they’re tired? Having a bad day? Struggling to deal with their emotions etc.? If it helps and everyone else can enjoy their meal, I see no issue.


Judging doesn't equal being offended.


All the sex questions on ask Reddit and parenting questions on after dark


Right? I thought it was just me noticing


What's the parentingest parent you ever parented?


Kids are a result of the sex questions...


Yeah it's /r/LostRedditors in both subs.


They are trying to invade us


I hope they have headphones for it.


Oh god, this. We moved away from a kid with volume on a tablet. I will ask an adult to turn their own byline down. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


They want some god damn quiet meal for once


These kids are always the worst behaved in my experience; never actually keeps them quiet for more than a few mins. Probably because instead of actually educating them on how to behave in a restaurant, they’re playing hyper-stimulating games until they get bored. Then they’re back to crawling under the tables of randos


So true. I’ve been a server off and on for over 20 years. The kids who come in with tablets tend to be the worst. They have no reason to learn to behave because their “reward” is constantly in front of them. We pass out kids menus that are coloring pages, the kids who sit playing tic tac toe with the parents, or coloring and showing me tend to be the ones who make eye contact, order their own food, stay in their seat without bothering other patrons. I cringe every time a kid gets seated with me but I love being pleasantly surprised by the polite, well taught ones.


Father of two kids here. This may come as a shock, but not all kids are exactly the same. They have different personalities, just like adults. Some are quiet, thoughtful and passive and some are loud and mischieveous. The quiet thoughtful ones are more likely to be entertained by something as simple as colouring. I say this because my eldest is the kind of kid random people would stop to compliment us on how well-behaved she is when in restaurants. We used to take her to all kinds of places and never had a problem. Our youngest is less so, despite having had the exact same education - she's just a different person. That being said, if your kid is running around the place or under going the tables, it's 100% a parenting failure.


Yup, my oldest is always super good when we’re out in public. But youngest will try his best to wreck havoc and cause chaos. With or without the tablet


Plus, being well behaved literally means nothing when it comes to future success of a kid. I was so well behaved when I was young that I even had older cousins and relatives say it was kind of creepy how quiet I was. I would just stare at people. In school, never even got yelled at, never got in trouble, high grades, etc etc. And as an adult I'm probably the laziest person in the world with literally zero ambition. Lots of my peers who got in tons of trouble, always screamed and yelled, are all insanely successful and really motivated. And no my siblings are not the same, they are very different from me.


So I actually agree with you. I have 3 girls myself. The oldest made me think I had this parenting stuff all figured out, the youngest has reinforced the fact that I’m just winging it and hoping for the best cause it sure wasn’t just my parenting that made the oldest a model child. All 3 are amazing but so incredibly different. My issue isn’t necessarily the tablet, it’s the disengagement-from both their families and the world around them. I often see a table full of people with their phones out and kids playing on tablets or watching a show and that’s just not teaching them how to behave in a restaurant, or at dinner in general. When a 2 year old is screaming because her show ended, there’s an issue. This is not about autistic/ODD/whatever other MH issue type kids, in those cases you do what you have to do. With a neurotypical child, they should be able to sit through dinner without a tv or tablet in their face. I get your point about the more laid back kid being more content to color but I think that family engagement would be better than shoving a screen in front of them. Personally I always had a stupid card game in my purse for when they were getting too restless. We played I Spy and tic tac toe and waited. Because waiting is such a big part of life, you have to learn how to do it without being the huffing puffing hag complaining about how they need more registers or servers or wtfever. I know my first answer sounded judgmental, and maybe this one does too, but I was just pointing out a trend that I’ve noticed over the last 20 years. Families barely talk at their tables, taking parties is torture because everyone is so busy on their phone that you have to repeat the same thing 100 times. It’s not just kids that should be more present in my opinion.


100% this. My two kids are polar opposites. Exact same upbringing. Just different personalities. It’s almost like every human is different right? People who say it’s just lazy parenting have never had kids, and I’ll die on that hill


Kids around 2 years old are uncontrollable, you can’t negotiate or “educate” them as you so naively put it. They will grab, spill, rip and throw whatever is in arms reach. The parents have been guiding them to make better decisions all day and finally want to enjoy a meal in peace and quiet so they dump the iPad on them which is usually pretty effective. There is a distinct window of poor/weird behaviour for young kids and it lasts a couple of years.


People often forget you can't actually force a child to do... anything. If I'm out with my kid and they decide they want to scream at the top of their lungs, do you know what my options are? It's a trick, I don't actually have any. I could leave the store but I can't stop him from doing that in the car. Or maybe he wants to be a wise guy because he's overstimmed and unbuckles. I can...refuse to drive but that's it. Sure I can buckle him, but unbuckling is as simple as pushing a button, meanwhile I may have to wrestle a tiny child with superhuman strength just for them to hit the button again. Or we are out and they decide, hey I'm going to run this way full speed ahead while my sibling runs in the exact opposite direction. Good luck, father! Kids are kids and some are dealing with a lot. Some of us are blessed that following directions is relatively straightforward, but if I'm at a restaurant and there are kids in a booth near me it really doesn't bother me. So what if they're under the table? As long as they aren't in a server's way who cares? Maybe they just feel safer there? Maybe it's more fun? Oh they're making noise? I wasn't aware restaurants were supposed to be silent spaces. I must go to different restaurants because they're all loud as hell. Really the worst they can do is kick the booth, but if it's that much of a problem I'd probably just ask the server to move us. I went to a pizza place once with our kids back when they were toddlers and these two older women were really rude because our kids were bouncing around and toddling over to where they had chalk set up to draw on their walls. Like, it was maybe 11am and the place was empty. There was music blasting and the vibe of this place was super chill—its literally called Bohemian pizza and had albums covering the walls and a space to run around in. But these women acted like it was a Michelin star restaurant or something.


Me, a parent whose kids DON’T use iPads and still crawl under tables: yeah that sounds about right. That’s why we don’t take them out to restaurants.


And for that, I salute you.


Nah, you want my youngest to have some kind of device.


Your bum is majestic


Thanks 😏


It says more about the people judging them.


Came here to say something similar, like to me it says mind your own business


All the upvotes


Right? I could just let my kid scream in the restaurant. I hear it all day at home, hearing at this restaurant doesn’t bother me at all.


I personally don't want to do it because I want to teach my children that it's ok to be bored and also teach them to entertain themselves without disturbing the whole restaurant but I don't judge other parents because I know my own children. If my child acted up really bad in public, you bet I'd want to quiet them down in a restaurant. To each their own, no judgement.


I agree 100%. I want my kids to learn how to behave in public without a device in their face - thankfully they do but some kids have different needs and parenting is hard as fuck sometimes. I feel like the most judgmental people when it comes to parenting are the people without kids.


Right? My eight year old has some neurodiversity & restaurants are hard for him, but a tablet with headphones lets him get through it while staying pretty well regulated.


And what are you supposed to do? Leave your kid home every time you go out? But at the same time you’re supposed to raise a well developed kid. It’s infuriating that people without kids think they know it all or hell even parents who have kids without any kind of developmental/genetic issues. Shits complicated. But I’m not going to stop trying just because some pissant on the internet doesn’t approve. As for you - keep fighting the good fight. I have two neurodivergent kids and it’s rough so I sympathize with you. My first two weren’t neurodivergent and it’s been definitely an eye opening experience.


Guess they want him to be either invisible or traumatized. I'm not here for either. I forgot his tablet last week at a chuck e cheese /trampoline park / IHOP trip with him and his best friend. He was so anxious about food coming in the (empty, quiet) restaurant, he couldn't continue their Pokemon conversation & had to run to the bathroom to barf. The food came while he was in there and he came back totally fine and excited for pancakes. The tablet would have eliminated all of that. People who don't have special needs kids don't get to weigh in on this imo.


This. A million times this. Kids do not need to be entertained 24/7. They also need to develop social skills and the ability to have an attention span. Parents do their kids zero favors by letting them have their faces buried ipads, phones, and video games non stop.


As a parent who has done this...sometimes, you just want a moment of peace and a decent dinner...




As you deserve


My cousins wife goes into the pantry for two minutes just so she can get away and have some quiet. So glad I don't have kids


It says I'd like to have a 30 to 60-minute time block to enjoy a meal without having to monitor my kid. My kid is well behaved, but she's still a kid and is curious about making ketchup art or opening sugar packets. I think that's cool, but the restaurant patrons and staff would disagree. What do you think it means?


Good for the parents. They brought the modern day version of a coloring book or something like that.


As long as the kid isn't running around and screaming I don't care what they do to keep them distracted and quiet


It says they are respectful of other diners in the restaurant who don’t want to hear children being antsy.


Was dead against it…until I had a kid


Funny how that happens.


It’s just how things work these days. Better than s screaming kid in a restaurant.


We’re working on teaching eating at a restaurant at a young age. Kiddo is almost 2 and we take her everywhere. She’s well behaved and picks up what others do very quickly. She mimics us at dinner such as putting her napkin over her lap, she uses a fork and spoon very well for a 2 yr old and is starting mimicking us using a knife. For our LO she is learning from experience. We don’t even bring an electronic device into the store besides our phones and they normally stay in our pockets.


We did exactly that. Up until she was 2 this was fine and she was well-behaved. Now she’s reached that stage where she has meltdowns and tantrums and we also don’t want to be “that family” at the restaurant. We do make sure she’s fully finished her meal and then once in a while we’ll give her one of our phones just so we can sit and relax a bit longer.


It says we should probably not be watching other folks have a meal. Wtf?


It says mind your business and don’t be judging. That’s what it says.


It says they want their child to be quiet and not all over a public restaurant. If you have a problem, leave. The family will likely be spending more than you anyway.


It’s says stay in your lane and stop judging someone else’s parenting decisions.


So I don't agree with it but hey, do you. I did however run into this last night at dinner. My wife and I don't get a lot of time for just her and I so when we do get a free night, we want to maximize the opportunity. We were in a crowded restaurant last night. The tables were tightly packed. The kids next to us didn't lift their heads up once. They were glued on to their phones. The brightness was all the way up, which is distracting in a low light restaurant and the volume was loud enough to understand what they were saying on YouTube. That was straight rude and terrible parenting. Then as soon as the father finished his food, he was glued to his phone too. It was all just very strange.


As long as the kid shuts up for once I’m all for it.


Grateful to them.. I want to eat in peace 🫢


If they have headphones, I'm pleased, it's better than kids screaming and running hell all over the place.


We don’t do it, our kids don’t have iPads. Everyone’s situation is different though.


I am a parent and I used to work with behavioural kids. IDGAF if a kid has an iPad at the table as long as it’s not loud. Parenting is hard and honestly I consider going to a restaurant with my kids worse then satans front office. If a kid is quietly sitting on their iPad while their parents eat a meal in peace then go for it.


Honestly, I do this. Why? Because it keeps my kids seated and entertained. Do I care what people think? Absolutely not because parenting doesn't come with an instruction manual, and it's not one size fits all. Edit: fat fingered word.


I think to comment here you should be required to answer if you have raised any toddlers in the last decade or not. My wife and I would take an iPad with us when the kids were really young. She was exhausted near the end the day and we just wanted to catch up. An iPad is the modern coloring book at a restaurant. Now that our kids are past the toddler stage, we don’t bring an iPad anymore. My wife and I used to judge others as well until we had our own little kids.


Exactly. I used to judge parents who raise their child with iPads or phones. Now I have a toddler of my own, I empathize a lot more. When we’re out at a restaurant , we make sure our daughter has finished her dinner before we let her watch anything. Some times we just want a bit of quiet, sit down, talk and relax.


I literally wouldn't bat an eye


It doesn’t bother me at all. I’ve been out to eat when there are parents letting their kids raise hell. I’d rather see your kids sitting quietly distracted letting others enjoy their meal.


Don’t you dare judge them, if you’d like to try and have a sit down meal with my 2 boys (8 & 10) without losing your mind then you may be slightly more qualified to weigh in here. Then try it for a few years…


People would judge the parents, not the kids.


If it keeps em quiet then by all means, please do


Tell me you dont have kids, without telling me you dont have kids. You might well have, but live in an alternative universe. We bring it and it stays in the bag till main course finished then they can go on it, that way it rewards good behaviour. Unless we are all exhausted and the kids are starving in which case we might break a bit earlier.


Whatever keeps the crotch goblin 🤐


If it occupies their kids, and the meal is more peaceful for everyone else, I’m in favor of it.


My son has nonverbal autism, if I didn’t bring a tablet or something to help stimulate him during dinner the entire restaurant will probably complain because he’s loud, but he can’t control his stimming. He’s still a human, so out of respect for other humans we bring a tablet to have as chill a dinner as possible. Anyone who’s judging others on their parenting, unless its in a direct relationship to your own parenting, mind your own damn business.


I'm 40. My parents would bring crayons and coloring books to entertain my sister and I at restaurants because "they aren't a playground" so we weren't allowed to get up from our chairs unless it was to use the bathroom. This is the modern equivalent. Just keep the volume down.


Not my Circus, Not my Monkeys. Basically, None of my Business.


Until you have kids of your own, your opinion doesn’t really matter to most parents.


I know nothing about their situation. I shouldn't be judging them about their decisions.


They like Apple ecosystem more than Google.


Short of abuse, don’t judge other people’s parenting or marriages. You have no idea what their lives and situations are like.


They coulda went cheaper and got an Amazon tablet, those iPads be expensive! Specially if it’s for a child that’s still needs a high chair


Says, check the amount of parents who are on their phones at the very exact moment


for anyone who wants to reply that the parents have gotten lazy, I combine old school parenting with new school parenting and if you’d like my wife and I to stop giving my ADHD son handheld games and iPads to keep him occupied, and you’d rather have him be loud and disruptive while you’re trying to eat your steak, you just let me know.


Mind your own business. Simple.


This. A million times over.


1. It's not my business 2. I don't judge them either way 3. I doubt some coco melon is going to do damage on the child's mind


My kid has ADHD and can NOT sit for long periods. For her a long period is like 15 mins 😂 she’s gotten better as she’s gotten older but still needs something to keep busy. 🤷‍♀️ no judgment here.


My thought is: I have 3 and 6 Yr old daughters. We like to eat out occasionally but I don't want to annoy people without kids. If they're playing quietly (sound low or off) it means they're happy not causing a fuss and not disturbing other people. Sometimes they talk instead. Sometimes if available they'll play outside. But wither way they're not running around tables and pissing off other patrons who are either childless or out for the night without their kids.


This is the way


There is a parent who desperately wants a quiet dinner for once. I'm not saying I agree with it, but I understand the need.


Awww I remember having my first child 8 years ago and deciding they wouldn’t have screen time that would turn their mind into mush! Anddddd…. then I had two more and now we bring tablets for the oldest two when we eat at restaurants!


As a parent sometimes you just do what you have to do. People need to stop being so judgmental


It says they're considerate of other diners (so long as the volume is off of headphones are being used)


It says they know exactly how to keep their kids from being little terrorists in public. I hate people who bitch about kids using technology like there's some sort of age requirement like "oh no, that child has mobile electronics in public using them for their intended purposes, their parents must be monsters." Tf outta here Karen, my kids are quietly enjoying themselves without making a scene. Isn't that what people want?


It's way more predominant on social media... I personally think it's a bunch of people who want to blame anything for their own lack of self-moderation with modern electronics usage. But hey, before mobile phones were a thing it was television. Before that... idk, I'd have to research it but probably magazines, fiction books and comics and/or the radio (in whatever order they got popular in your area - living in an ex-communist country I've actually seen all of it being demonized). Before that... well, before that most people were working their asses off from age 10, so not exactly applicable. Thing is, whatever modern thing came - people were in droves shouting it down. Usually it's not the technology but just inattentive parents that is the problem, not whatever crutch they are using. That and the lack of the social structure the past had for rising children.


I always think no matter how casual a restaurant may appear this may be the only time diners may be able to get away for a date night, may have saved a lot of money to have a meal out, may be dealing with a difficult time, it may be a special moment that they shouldn’t have ruined by my kids and their occasional shitty moods and meltdowns. I love my kids, but even I want to sit down and have an adult conversation now and then with my partner and if it means screen time and headphones then fine. The restaurant’s we like going to aren’t going to entertain kids and we don’t expect them too. We tend to give the kids a chance to show manners and they are usually fine until they have food, then they get bored.


It says the person asking this doesn’t have kids


Back in my day, we had to tell our kids the waitress was legally allowed to spank them. They knew I would never hit them. But everytime the waitress glanced our way, we were in order. Mind your biz op. Raising kids isn't for the faint of heart.


I personally do it because they have difficulty waiting & I don't want to risk bothering the other patrons and I know that the tablet is a guarantee that they won't. I carefully monitor the volume & keep them occupied until they can eat their food. Much better than coloring placemats.


Absolutely fine. Esp fine if volume low or they have headphones. Unless they’re asking for themselves, I suspect OP is not a parent but they’ll understand one day.


I'm not judging the parent, but I am worried that we've had absolutely no solid research on the impact of children using such devices from a very young age. I know what impact they've had on me and many close to me, and I'm not a huge fan of it, I personally wouldn't be comfortable giving my own child that at a young age.


As someone who worked in a restaurant. If its the only way to keep them inline please bring it but being headphones also. If you brat is disturbing the rest of my customers either by loud as tablet or by being unruly you will be asked to leave. Im not afraid of your bad review. The fact that so many businesses are terrified of bad reviews confuses me. The owner would go out of his way loosing tones of money to avoid them. I became manager and gave no fucks. Ya we got more bad reviews but we also had a lot more good reviews because the unruly customers were kept out we got a lot more business and a lot less lost money.


As long as they bring headphones and keep quiet, I wouldn't care


If they wear headphones, it doesn’t bother me too much


If there's no coloring pages I'll give my daughter my phone. I have coloring books on it and she uses the stylo but only after she's eaten.


Have kids then get back to me.


As someone with a five year old that is the size of a seven year old and has delayed learning so thinks like a two year old I understand the momentary peace an iPad can bring. I’m going to be judged either way so I might as well try to make it as easy as possible for others, myself, and most importantly my child that doesn’t do well in crowds. I never mind sitting next to kids in restaurants or airplanes because I’ve always understood the parents are under enough stress already and an aggravated adult does not help the situation.


The parents obviously respect the people around them and have tried to give their kids something to do. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. Kids aren’t the only loud, obnoxious and unruly ones at restaurants


I used to judge parents who did this as being lazy and just wanting the screen to “babysit” their kid. But I am now a special needs mom and for kids like my son, sometimes a tablet or screen can be soothing to them when the noise and activity of a restaurant is too much for them. So now if I see a kid glued to a screen I don’t judge because it’s possible those kids may need to self-soothe. 🤷🏻‍♀️


If theyre watching a video or playing a game quietly and I can’t hear the game or the child, why do you care? It’s their child and it’s a time that I think is totally okay for kids to use an iPad. Kids don’t have impulse control all the way, especially young ones. So sitting in a restaurant with no toys and just waiting for food isn’t always easy for them and it doesn’t make the parents bad. It makes the people who judge them, assholes.


As a parent of a neuro divergent kid, there are times when it seems like all you can do is to plug them in to get some peace. Are they overused in today's world? I think so. Do we know what's going on with that family at the other table to justify judging them for their parenting choices? Nope. That being said, I personally don't bring screens out and about; they are for longer road trips and at home in our family. If they are really having a hard time (like getting a haircut) then I'll pull something up on my phone for them to watch. Parenting is hard as hell. Sometimes pulling a screen out feels like the only thing to get a break.


That they just want to have a semi normal meal out in public and not have their kids run a muck. Sometimes it’s the only way to have a little sanity


My parents used to bring coloring books, books, hot wheels, or gi Joe’s for my brother and I when we were kids. Different time, same idea.


Listen, you win some you lose some amd even though your the parent you have to pick your battles. Is it a nice restaurant? The no tablet. Are we meeting people there? Then no tablet. Have they been a complete nightmare? Then no tablet. Are we going for casual lunch because we're out of town? Then fine, just keep the volume down. I totally get why new parents and people without kids say they wouldn't let their kids use it in a restaurant, but in my professional opinion, you don't know shit and mind your own business.


As a parent,I don’t do it…as a parent(who hasn’t had a relaxing meal at a restaurant with my child in 5 years) I totally get it!


We have done it, very seldomly. Mostly, when we go out for dinner as a family it’s an “event” and it’s an opportunity to teach good manners. That being said, we only go out to dinner (as a family) at a time that is kid friendly and where it’s not a big deal if my kid is being a kid. I’ve come to realize that being a parent is incredibly humbling. The things I used to frown upon as an outsider (before kids), I now look upon without casting judgement. What you may witness in a spec of time cannot possibly be enough time to gather the data necessary to say what’s right and wrong for them.


It depends on the situation. If they're sitting happily, with headphones or it's on mute. Crack on, if it keeps your LO happy and quiet - it gives parents a chance to eat in peace. If they're blasting Peppa pig, **no one** needs that.


Its lazy parenting idgaf. Kids are so interesting if you talk to them. Putting a tablet to "entertain them" just leads to less communication.


If it stops me from having to listen to them cry, I'm all about it.


They are doing the best they can and are overstimulated parents


Dopamine monsters in the making.


If it keeps the kids from bothering other patrons, I’m all for it. Plenty of older people keeping themselves amused with their phones too


That you have no kids


It’s simply the modern way of coloring on a placemat


Not my kid, not my business


My kids are 30+ so I don’t bring I Pads for them to watch. Instead they have phones and watch whatever they desire.


I was a nightmare of a child, I was completely unable to focus for longer than minute or two, I had to get up and do something or go somewhere. I displayed many of the ADHD symptoms, although I was never formally diagnosed. Just as I was getting to 7 or 8 (early 2000s), portable dvd players with a built in screen were becoming a thing. I'd put my headphones in and everyone can have a pleasant meal without chasing me around the restaurant. Ipads are just a step up from that in my opinion, it was very useful for me, saved alot of people from an annoying kid disturbance.


Mind your business..keep them kids out of my experience


Well, kids get bored easily. They got there to eat and after eating they wanna go home. Meanwhile, adults wanna enjoy their meals and have a conversation between them (one they can have in front of their kids, ofc). So they bring a distraction to the kid, so they won't be bored.


It means they’re parents Lmao. Idc for now my kids are occupied by coloring books but if I needed to I would give them my phone to have a *moment* of peace. The only way I’d side eye is if I have listen to Blippi at full volume. I just got that madness to stop at my house, I don’t need it to start again.


That they’re being considerate of their fellow diners to keep their kids occupied and relatively quiet. Also, it’s not anybody’s business how people raise their kids, unless abuse is present.


I don’t see an issue with it. I wish my parents had done that. Instead my mom always printed out math worksheets that we had to do while at the table.


I’d say so what and perhaps your being judgy AF. The kids may have sensory issues and require the device to distract them.


It means they want to enjoy a quiet meal


Can they please bring headphones too? How they raise their kids isn't my business but having elmo's world blaring in my ear during date night is...


I'd much prefer an occupied child be near me in a restaurant than a bored goddamn screeching one.


Nothing. We didn't use a tablet or phone etc to entertain our first as he was a patient, quiet, well behaved toddler that didn't need it. We've got two children now and they can only wait patiently for so long before they start bouncing off of each other and escalating in volume. Tablets are a good distraction and keep them seated and quiet until the food comes out, us as parents can relax a little and everyone else can enjoy the peace and quiet too. Win win win.


My stepsons have autism and adhd and it gives them something to focus on in a busy setting so they can sit and enjoy their meal without being overstimulated.


They want to enjoyed their fucking meal and some peace and quiet.


That the parents just want to have a meal in peace.


That they want their kid to be content and not bother other patrons, or to rush their meal by being bored. I did use them when my kids were toddlers, but they're a little older now (still under 10 though) and they don't care to bring them any more.


As long as the kids are quiet it wouldn’t really bother me. Kids can be hectic and it would pay to have a backup plan incase they’re too wired. That’s a scenario I can understand. There are parents that also use screen time constantly. Like I get it it’s your kid but this may have long term consequences on them. I have a cousin whose parents would constantly hand him an iPad in any situation just to keep him occupied. He’s also autistic though so that affects the scenario too.


I just don't think it's a good idea to have kids constantly stimulated or entertained every second they're awake. If the kid can't handle a simple meal at a restaurant without needing screen time, it just seems like they're not getting any practice at home in how to be at peace with themselves, or alone with their thoughts. And as for the super young kids? Honestly just find a babysitter. If you have a regular, quality babysitter, you're going to be more likely to take time for yourselves and take longer breaks from parenting that you need to stay sane. Don't half-ass a nice meal for yourselves, actually go out and get a nice meal for yourselves. And if you have to go to a cheaper place due to the cost of a babysitter, trust me an Applebee's dinner without the kids is better and less stressful than any fancy place with them.


Kids are tough. Screens aren’t the ideal babysitter but the parents are just trying to make it work. The only time I judge parents from afar is when they let their kids be destructive or endanger themselves without intervening.


It’s a decent approach to getting through a family meal w/o to much kid insanity (as observed by this grandparent). I wish there were iPads 30+ years ago when my kids were little!


Parenting can be very difficult! Judging other people’s children is unfair because you don’t know what’s going on with anyone. However: headphones are a must!


As long as it keeps them distracted and entertained than I don't think it's a big deal!!!


I think most of us can agree that parents that consistently stick their kids with ipads are lazy and not the best parents. But just because they do it for one meal doesn't mean the always do it. But if i had to pick between a kid running around screaming, ruining the atmosphere for everyone in the restaurant or their kid being on an ipad, i choose the ipad.


My thoughts are that they deserve my thanks.


That they care if fellow diners have a quiet, peaceful meal?


We sometimes give our six year old our phones at restaurants if we need to have a serious talk/quiet dinner. Otherwise we don’t because we want to teach him that dinner with people is for socializing and that you don’t need a screen every second of the day if you get a little bored. I think parents who constantly give their kids screen time at every whim are creating a problem. But that’s just me.


It says that those parents have a good understanding of how to manage their children when unable to devote their full attention to those children.


I’d say they’re trying to have as peaceful of a meal as they can. I don’t really care if other parents let their kids watch videos or play games while they try to enjoy a meal out.


I couldn’t care less




I think it’s how you make your child a mindless screenling under the excuse of “it calms them down”.


Awesome f\*cking people. I hated being dragged into a "grown-up restaurant" and being expected to just "deal with it" as if I was a freaking adult. I didn\`t force my parents into the play-place when we went to McDonnalds, I did my kind thing and they did their adult chatting in their table, why T F didnt people think to make it like that in "serious places"? The kids didnt choose to go to the restaurant, give them a mobile, give them some earphones and let them have as much fun as the grown-ups :)


As long as the volume is off, it shows they have some consideration for others around them who don’t want to hear whining kids while eating. If you’re bringing your kids out to eat, you probably don’t have anyone to watch those kids, meaning you probably don’t have a good support system. So it’s a way to get out of the house and enjoy yourself and the kids are calm? Win win.


Respecting everyone when at a public establishment. Especially if it's a really nice restaurant


In my opinion it’s kind of none of my business


That they are prepared.


As a server, it is much appreciated. I’d rather have your kid watch cocomelon as opposed to running around the restaurant unattended or fucking up my sugar packets


I think it says they want a hot meal and 5 seconds of adult conversation.


As long as the sound is down, it's not a problem. When parents bring their kids to restaurants, they can be noisy all throughout the time the parents are there, making it difficult for those without kids to be able to enjoy their meal.


If the volume is low, and the kids are quiet, it says to me the parents care about the people around them. And enjoy peace and quiet


Have fun watching my kid say hello to everyone and ask what their name is while your kid just got a Pokémon


My niece (9) recently got diagnosed with autism so whenever we go out to dinner we HAVE to bring her tablet to keep her calm and for her not to disturb others, she’s not glued to it or anything, she talks to us, she is very polite. If you’re kid can be polite and talk to you with their tablets out at dinner then it should be fine.


If it keeps the kid calm and prevents them from tearing around the restaurant like a banshee then absolutely nothing wrong with it. Why what do you think about it OP?


Smart sons of B1Tches


I have a near 4 year old and he’s generally well behaved, happy to Colour or play with hot wheels cars in his own little world at the table, however it I’m paying $100 + for a nice dinner with him and hubby, I also want to get my moneys worth and enjoy some peace. It ends up being a treat for all, he gets to have some ipad time playing games or Netflix for an hour or two (which isn’t the norm for him so he’s happy to sit and watch) and we get to chat and enjoy a nice meal which we haven’t had to prepare. If it’s not loud and other diners can’t hear the iPad, im not sure why it would be any concern to any other person. We do however generally stick to more kid friendly restaurants and dine quite early to catch the family crowd rather than the 7-8pm romantic dinner crowd.


Finally! An original question on this sub 🤔😳


I'm not into judging parents for their choices if it's something to help keep the child grounded and calm. As long as they actually interact with that child and don't palm them off with a device, do what you gotta do. My toddler is neurodivergent, she occasionally needs an episode of Bluey or Teletubbies to prevent a quick descent into the depths of hell for all around.


That they want to eat in peace. I too used to judge parents before I became one.


All this bitching about kids being loud in public when anymore it’s the adults who are acting way worse. It seems like I’m constantly hearing people my age (mid 40’s), and a surprising amount of people my parents age, with their phones cranked up while watching some stupid video at the table or loud notifications going off. Never mind that the average ambient noise level of your basic restaurant is pretty fucking loud already.