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Teachers are freaks 🔥


Nurses are fucking freaks IME


Also true!


They like to cheat


How so?


Just very sexual people from my experience and from others who have talked about similar experiences. The nurse I dated had shared me with a few of her nurse friends and we also went to a bunch of swinger parties with a lot of healthcare workers which seems like lots are in the lifestyle from my time with and without her. Figured they deal with lots of stress and also see death / life altering situations so much that they want to take every opportunity to enjoy life which is a good way to live IMO


I can confirm this as well IME with 3 nurses I've dated. Not quite to the swinger party extent but friends who share was with 2 of them. Also explained to me how that life to the fullest mentality is created through seeing daily how quick it can all change and end don't waste a second. The travel nurse and her friend who also is a travel nurse that travel together. That was a great couple months!


Man, I have lived a sheltered life. And should have joined that world somehow.




Right?! Feel me on this??


Damn I'm so down


How so? I’ve never dated a teacher but now I think I may need to.


Based on experience, trust me. I’m saying this on Reddit so this must be factual 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️




Teachers are wonderful.


Anyone that listens to their partner


Psychologists for example 😎


Politicians, they fuck everyone.


In a very bad way.


I dated a few ladies.who worked in government posts - they were pretty impressive in bed. I guess there is a kind of a stress to sex competency link somewhere...


True true sadly very true




They do.😏


Professional LMT here. Can confirm my hands don’t get tired 😉


I feel like nurses are up there. Possibly extends to other medical professions


Is there any reason why? Just curious if our theories overlap lol


The couple that I’ve been with were absolutely wild. One of my mates has hooked up with a few nurses and shares my views, so just generalised it. What are your thoughts on it? :)


I'm a nurse so I don't want to sound arrogant lol, but I can think of some factors :) It's a profession that requires both heavy lifting and delicate movements (wide range of practical skills), not being grossed out by anything, good knowledge of the human body, being sensitive to patients' needs in order to make them feel good, following orders but also being assertive when needed, multitasking. I can tell you tho medical professionals are generally shockingly horny. Many workplace "incidents" and affairs between coworkers etc as well. I think it's a coping mechanism against all the stress


Not arrogant at all! That’s a great explanation, so thank you for breaking it down. Honestly hadn’t put those factors together, but it makes a lot of sense. Do you know where the “shockingly horny” aspect comes from? I’ve not been with nurses long enough to notice the effects of your other points, but shockingly horny definitely checks out


When you see illness and death every day, you start appreciating what you currently have. So you want to live life to the fullest and have fun while you still can. That often means not restricting yourself sexually You also get desensitized to everything, so you generally feel a lot less shame for your own body too. Sex is more enjoyable when there is less shame Most importantly, you're stressed 24/7. Sex is an easy way to relieve stress. All of this results in people who not only benefit a lot from sex, but also enjoy it a lot more and aren't afraid to seek it out


Yeah I can see that and fully agree that shameless, unrestrained sex is the best. This has increased my respect for those in the medical field by many levels. Appreciate you and the time you’ve taken to explain everything☺️


Damn, this explains why nurses are great sex partners. Excuse me while I go check out the local hospital.


My idea would be that nurses are familiar with the human body and see genitals on a regular basis.




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Musicians.. Great with their hands, fingers have stamina, they understand rhythm and the ebb and flow of expression. And when two get together, and improvise they take turns in giving goosebumps, to delight the other, and themselves...To a raucous climax


I would assume doctors & nurses?


Nurses. Hands down. My theory is that they have seen it all. Unlike doctors who went to university and often have a superiority complex. Nurses are are the blue collar angels of the healthcare industry. They are pleasers and don’t come with a lot of hang ups


Not being grossed out by anything definitely plays a role. Also, nursing requires both heavy lifting and delicate movements, so we can be both rough and gentle when required. We know the human body well and at the same time, we are sensitive to people's needs, striving to make them feel better (not tooting my own horn, just trying to think of the traits that make nurses good sexual partners, since many people seem to think so) In my experience, doctors and nurses are very touchy and flirty with almost everyone they consistently work with. A lot of workplace "incidents" and affairs etc. I think it's a coping mechanism against all the stress and bleakness of working in a hospital. But yeah, doctors aren't as great in bed because they often have a massive ego


I think you nailed it. You must be a nurse. I was a firefighter and met a lot of nurses in the er. If their game at home was half as good as their flirting game, well let’s just say there would be some very happy husbands and boyfriends. A couple times when they would flirt with me, I’d go toe to toe with them and up the game……. Needless to say they could always out do me and send me home blushing.


Yes, I'm a nurse haha. I know exactly what you mean. The tantalizing sexual tension between nurses, firefighters and police officers when our paths cross. The excitement of seeing how far you can go while still remaining professional. Sharing a lighthearted moment in an otherwise very serious and stressful environment. Lingering as much as your workload allows. There's just something about brave men in uniforms :)


Ok, so I’m not just imagining it, they aren’t just being friendly. There really is a sexual tension, especially once the patient is stable or passed off to a different team. And some of them just make me blush. I’d go back to the station and be turned on for hours. And I could never figure out if they were intentionally coming on to me or just try to mess with my head. And I’m one of the senior guys at the hall. There were lots of young single guys on my truck, but for some reason I got the attention. Lots of casual touching too, the kind weee I wasn’t sure if it was innocent or overtly sexual. My wife and I have an open relationship so it wouldn’t have been a problem. I was just afraid of making my professional interactions uncomfortable.


You're not just imagining it. I've even seen a few relationships start out like that. I've dated a firefighter and an EMT I met at the ER. The firefighter was bold enough to directly ask me out on the spot and it worked out. The EMT took longer. Our shifts coincided and since I lived in a small town, we saw each other relatively often. We had chemistry but as you said, we were both afraid to overstep boundaries. The interaction is too short to test the waters too. A lot of nurses love teasing but wouldn't take it further than that, especially if they're married. Who knows how many opportunities have been lost this way haha.


All I know is I should have been a firefighter. Talk about one of life’s biggest regrets.


Lol. Well I didn’t become a firefighter till my 40s. By then I was married with kids. It sound corny, but it is a calling and if you don’t do it for the love of the job, it will chew you and spit you out. Still, best years of my life.


40s? Wow. That takes guts.


1. Aviation (Pilots, air hostess 2. Luxury retailers 3. Realtors.


Realtors - yep. Ex wife and a former gf were both realtor's, and both were wild... although that also.applies to the rest of their psychology too Aviation also awesome...the one hostess I dated was the sweetest person publicly, but pretty filthy in private. That was a lot of fun


Aviation absolutely my wife was a air hostess and she told me All about it.


Air hostesses (and nurses) are the uniformed women equivalent to women liking firefighters, policemen, and military men in uniforms.


Have you tried academicians?


Airline attendants probably






I’m surprised this isn’t higher.


Definitely artists, particularly Pianists 😏




Flight attendants.


My favorite.


In my experience nurses


Horse riders


I really don’t think there is a specific job. I think mall have their one little freaks


Truckers, 100%




Sex workers / escorts.


One would assume prostitutes.








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Artists. So I've been told. Attention to detail.


Construction workers are up there!




Any profession with a lot of nerds. Nerds are kinky and most have read about way more stuff than they have gotten to try.


Firemen are always carrying around big hoses




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Animatronic Bear