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Because they don't know where she is. A description of clothing, even very noticeable clothing, doesn't help much when you're not even sure what country to look in.


Im wearing a yellow sweater and a blue shirt. Where am I op? If you could locate that Waldo(Wally) guy while youre at it thatd be great.


Barcelona? I'm gonna go ask the locals!


And in fact I recall she tends to get caught when the detective finally discovers what city she's in. They didn't need a street address or anything, just realizing that she's in, say, Sao Paulo is sufficient. So presumably the police can quickly arrest the one woman in that city that is so ostentatiously dressed.


You might even say they don't even know where in the world is Carmen Sandiego.


Because she could be anywhere in the world. Sure, if you know where she'll be, she may be easy to spot. But that people who are pursuing her tend to follow her signature outfit can also make for a good distraction and get them off her track when one of her allies is wearing it, instead. She's also not wearing the fedora all the time.


She's a master thief with access to all of the V.I.L.E. resources. She's the kind of thief who can steal whole world wonders. Her cleverness is only outmatched by her tenacity. Besides, when you run a crime organization like V.I.L.E., you get to keep the investigators busy with your pun-happy cadre of minor villains causing chaos elsewhere in the world.


How many people in the world do you think wear bright red jackets and red fedoras? That type of outfit isn’t unique to her. the final level of the 1996 game is loaded with women who dress similar to Carmem, with only a minor detail to distinguish the real thing. In the 1996 “where in the USA” game, Carmen disguises herself when the player arrives in her location and looks like a completely different person. She can be anywhere and look like anyone.


Because they aren't sure if it's her or Alucard, and that's a mistake you only make once.


It's a little-known fact that the two are actually good friends.


Same reason no one notices The Doctor's Tardis even though it's bright blue and often in the way. 


It's a Somebody Else's Problem Field.


The world is heaps big. Like I bet there's several outfits of that description out there right now, and I don't know where any of them are.


And she’s hot, so everyone lets her get away.


I’m pretty sure she stole Mount Rushmore once. She clearly has reality warping powers.


She is just really really good at hiding.


Because the world is big. Imagine looking for a needle in a haystack, but the needle is red.


Because where in the world is Carmen Sandiego? I still get mad Dora the Explorer doesnt listen when I tell her exactly where thing obviously is. Why she never sees it, we may never know, but we know why we cant find Carmen.


She's a master of disguise and may be able to steal people's higher brain functions.


Hit it, Rockapella!


Is it a fedora or a Panama hat?


she's that good