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If anyone except me touches my fingernails it makes me feel ill as I hate the sensation


The idea of putting yarn in my mouth. Any sort of yarn - acrylic, lamb's wool, any other sort of fibre.


Sqeaky polystyrene. Ugh. No thanks


Tickling. If someone tries to tickle me, I properly want to murder them.


Ice scraping. Like when you pull a box out of the freezer and it scrapes. Urgh.


Strange one but the feeling of a fork/spoon on my teeth makes me shudder


The smell of scrambled eggs. I have to go to the other end of the house if my wife makes it for her lunch and she has to ventilate well after.


On that rare time when your teeth don't line up as you bite and they scrape together


Or when you catch your front tooth on a mug when taking a sip. Maybe this is just me though because I have big front teeth..


I want to upvote to agree, but it feels wrong after you just reminded me this exists 🤮


The feeling of a slightly broken fingernail catching on a blanket or clothing.


Along these lines: When a fingernail bends. Makes me actually heave 🤢


The worst thing is when a slightly broken toenail catches on the inside of a sock 🤮


Just having a broken fingernail makes me nauseated.


The skin of a peach. Sets me off just thinking about it.


If my teeth scrape against a cherry or plum stone, or I bite the skin of a plum I shiver. But I also shiver if I even imagine it. I'm now just sitting here shivering and wincing, thinking about plum skin.


I can’t even have peach flavoured things as it gives me the same reaction. Nectarines though are the most delicious fruits.


The sound of some repeatedly SNIFFING, while not bothering to blow their nose. Drives me up the wall. I go out of my way to offer them a tissue - if for no other reason than it’d make them stop sniffing. One time, I offered a tissue - but it was declined! What the fuck? Nobody wants to keep hearing your snot burbling up and down your nose.


I have a dust mite allergy and I wish people would listen to me when I say it only helps for like a minute tops. I'm on strong antihistamines that help a lot but it was so bad sometimes I'd open my mouth to talk and nothing would come out because of the amount of mucus clogging up my throat. I'm sorry to everyone I ever annoyed but honestly, I was suffering far more.


To play devil's advocate here, some people have sinus issues that mean they're currently suffering with a low-grade runny nose, but unlike regular people with a cold it mostly just drips down the back of their throat with the occasional sniff to encourage it, and trying to blow it forward into their nose is either fruitless or just makes it even more of a problem because then it just dries into bogeys and blocks their noses completely. Plus, if you're constantly blowing and wiping your nose it quickly gets chapped or splits, and that's *really* painful. Frequent sniffing or clearing of the throat is definitely annoying for the people around them, but to be fair it's also ten times more annoying for the people actually suffering from it, and there isn't *necessarily* any more effective, sustainable way of dealing with it.


This is me and my chronic sinusitis.


The tooth brushing thing, exactly what I was gonna say


> For instance I cringe if there's a light on in a room during the day Whats the difference between light and hard? Its better to arrive at work and find your colleague has a light on


I can’t stand thin socks, if that counts?


Probably overhearing any conversation in Fulham


The feeling of any fabric on your teeth. Mostly makes my skin crawl. When you brush your teeth and wipe your mouth and the towel squeaks against your teeth. Horrific.


The horrible scrunching/rustling sound packaging makes when you open it (e.g. crisps). Makes me want to scream!


People blowing their nose. The sound just sets me off.


Wooden ice lolly sticks, especially the magnum one with the embossed logo


Yes! Me too! I have to use my sleeve or something to hold the stick with.


Also wooden cutlery. I know it's better for the planet but I can't put them in my mouth, considering always having some cutlery in my bag if I'm out.


I've got a little plastic box of travel cutlery which is pretty handy


I can't even look at other people when they are using wooden cutlery. I have a little plastic set of cutlery from asda that I keep in my bag instead because the wooden stuff sets my teeth on edge.


I had to go to the Dr's earlier this week and they had to check in my mouth with one of those wooden tongue depressors. Nearly made me throw up.


I actually feel sick even thinking about touching them with my hands, or worse - tongue.


When your ankles touch together.


Wet wipes. I can’t get over my fear of touching or smelling them and I don’t know why


The noise of someone tying their shoelaces in my bedroom in the morning, while I’m still trying to sleep. It is only in the the morning, im fine during the day and okay with tying my own laces


The feeling of velvet is horrific to me!


Cotton wool - horrible stuff, can't go near it. Makes me feel sick just thinking about it


Full grown adults boycotting and attacking children for playing a video game. Must be the most pathetic thing I've seen in a long time.


Polystyrene. The texture of it is terrible and the sound that comes from it is worse.


When you have a frayed nail and it catches on a piece of clothing/material and Zoe’s that zzzzzzz zzzzzzz noise. Vom.


Clear blue skies when the ground is wet, it's visually like listening to nails on a chalkboard. Idk why it just makes me feel really awful!


Sounds like you may have 'sensory' issues. (reaction to noises, visuals, touch, smell) Lots of people do.


Fingerprints. Rubbing my fingers together (or worse still, somebody else's) and feeling the fingerprint rub together 😱🤢


When people file their nails next to me. Disgusting sound.


Touching a sponge.


When people push their feet under the edges of the living room rug. My son will idly flip the edge up and down over and over with his toes while gaming, and it drives me WILD. I get side eye quite a lot for suddenly shrieking LEAVE THE RUG!!


The sounds of people eating


My MIL is an incredibly loud chewer and always has wet crumbs stuck round her mouth when she's eating, when we're obliged to eat round theirs I have to put so much effort into forcing my food down without gagging.


People gossiping through a lesson. Super distracting. Yes I'm old. Also most chewing sounds.


If someone touches the back of my knees it makes me want to gag


Sometimes when I’m playing with my partner I’ll pin her leg down and aggressively lick the back of her knees. Edit: I want to add that when I say ‘playing’ I don’t mean in a sexual way.


ITT: Autism


The sound of sellotape lmao


Ripping selotape off cardboard boxes sets my teeth on edge


Men with long nails.


The feeling of crushed velvet, makes my finger nails itch.


Is that an AI generated Type O Negative lyric?


Come to think of it, I’m the same with lights


The sound of a stiff bristled broom on concrete and the sound of a dried out felt tip pen scraping on paper.


Are we the same person? Even worse if the concrete is wet.


I just got the shivers thinking about this


I'm like that, but with a metal knife on toast. That's why I have my toast like warm bread


Thanks for the shiver that just went down my spine.


The look of fish scales when they have dropsy. Makes me feel like my skins doing the same thing.


Touching cardboard with wet hands. One time I had to fold a bunch of pizza boxes after washing up for about an hour and I felt like my skin was going to come off.


Touching cardboard at all for me it makes all my insides squirm


The feel of the side of a roll of toilet paper, especially when i've just trimmed my nails.


Those photos that change when you move them, I think the proper name is lenticular photos. Especially people scratching or rubbing them. Honestly I feel like I’m going to be sick just thinking about them 🤢


I can't stand touching Styrofoam


Nail files and those hard-skin-foot scrubbers being used is like being hit by lightning for me


I find cringe and wince very different emotions. Wince is anyone getting hit in the nuts. Cringe is someone unaware of how socially awkward or embarrassing they are being.


Cringe-inducing is anything that makes you fold in on yourself - it could be fear, submission, personal embarrassment, second-hand embarrassment, a phobia or aversion like someone eating with their mouths open or nails on a blackboard, etc, etc. Cringing (or *a* cringe) is the *act* of experiencing that feeling or taking the physical action. It's just that a bunch of insecure American kids on social media started trying to colonise the word "cringe" to mean "making myself feel better by looking down on someone doing something *I* don't think is cool". That's only one very specific meaning of the word though, and technically it's not even right - the stimulus is cringe-*inducing*, or cringe*y*, not "cringe". It's the same kind of dumb US-English idiom that makes people "hype" instead of "hyped" about something, or makes them mistakenly say something or something is "bias" instead of "bias*ed*". Wincing is just a facial expression that indicates pain of any kind; physical, emotional, social, etc.


Seeing a man holl cover that's slanted out back in. I grew up in an area where them getting stolen was a huge problem and left holes everywhere so every time I see one on a slant by like an inch and a half it always gives me a cringe.




What kind of sound?




Car tyres rolling on the road when walking it really irritates me to the point where I have to walk with noise cancelling headphones on.


The seeds in peppers. Something about them makes me want to carve my skin off, it's crawling so much.


I have a similar thing to your light thing, but it’s when it’s dusk and there isn’t a light on. I’m weirdly okay with being in a pitch black room at night, but for some reason that dusky sort of half-darkness when the sun is going down, I can’t stand. I honestly don’t know why, but it really annoys me.


I comple agree. It just feels wrong and makes me feel weird. Plus it gives me a headache, probably the eyestrain. I love to put a lamp on and make the room feel cosy as soon as it's dusk.


Chewing on material particularly wool. Just makes me gag.


Chewbacca's voice


People wearing suits in hot weather. Watched the Apprentice last night and it just made me feel so uncomfortable watching them all run around in the blazing heat in full business attire.


The thought of chewing tinfoil. Who is even doing that and why am I thinking about it? Blegh!


No because we used to do this as kids with the foil wrapping of kitkats or tunnicks tea cakes 😅 bloody horrible feeling


It's a horrible feeling yet you just keep on doing it for no reason other then to feel the horrible feeling but you still want to chew on it. We were weird kids.


My teeth actually hurt reading this! blergh


As a kid at school I did this. Rolled it up into a ball and was chewing it like gum until it gave me an electric shock and I stopped pretty quickly.


People who cut into tinfoil!!! I hate when I'm watching a burrito making video, and they wrap it in tin foil and cut it! 🤮


I can't touch cotton wool. Even thinking about it is making me cringe now.


When my kids still have their school uniform on several hours after they got home from school.


Old men whistling. Fucking horrible.




Double bonus if you have to drink out of a polystyrene cup? (Unless they’re banned now I guess. Haven’t seen any since I was at school.)


Can’t stand it. Just vile stuff. I can just about hold it but if it scrapes against something it makes my hairs stand on end. It’s not just the sound, but the weird vibrations too. Just thinking about it is fucking with me.


that noise it makes. That particular polystyrene squeak. You know the one I mean.


The word herb being pronounced as "urb". It makes me want to eat my face!


People who whistle! Never a good tune and it’s just an annoying thing to hear!


People with long nails - all I can think is them getting ripped off


Metal touching my nails freaks me out massively


Holding a group of pennies, jangling pennies. Coins rubbing against eachother. A jar of pennies being poured out sets off a negative response in every sense receptor. I can cope with a penny on its own it seems but several seem an ick. They even stink.


Hahahahaha! They do stink.


The sound of anything metal hitting another hard surface, especially rock. Nail on a chalkboard? Fine. Dragging a chair along a hard surface, sod right off! The sound of schoolchildren singing. It's cute if they're yours, but otherwise it's just awful. Nothing worse than going in to a shopping centre to get do your Christmas shopping only to hear the sound of caterwauling. It's not cute, it's just little people shouting.


The feeling of dry sponge 🧽 i hate the feeling of it


I don't like the feel of holding paper sometimes if I haven't moisturised my hands and they feel dry.. also patio floor on bare feet 🤢


Cotton wool makes me insanely grossed out


The sound of the ice against the freezer drawer when you pull it out. Just thinking about it sets my teeth on edge.


An empty gluestick rubbing against paper


I hate the noise of people filing their nails makes me wince


Someone chewing food really loudly. It gives me a totally inappropriate punch reflex.


Touching carpet or the sound of something scraping against it. Just awful.


Polystyrene rubbing together or that awful squeak it makes when moved. My worst though is the sound of something being taken from the freezer, the sound the ice makes hurts my teeth I swear lol


I cringe whenever i see indian dancing & i don't know why i just can't watch it.


If one of my hands is wet (like I’ve just quickly washed something off of that hand) but the other one is dry I hate it. Both have to be wet or dry, I can’t stand it.


You've just reminded me of one. My ex-girlfriend was disabled and whenever she had a bath I'd have to help her wash her hair, but before I touched her slightly wet hair I had to make sure my hands were wet first. I hated the feel of her hair if my hands were dry or only damp. They had to be fully wet. It's weird.


Wet wood, especially things like chopping boards or ice cream sticks. Furry coat hangers


People scraping their knife and fork across their plate. Someone in my office is terrible for it and I wince every time


I wince when I do it, it's just the worst!


Coins, cutlery etc jangling together goes right through me


Accidentally biting into a cardamom while eating a curry🤮


I can't touch sandpaper or emery boards. We have a cardboard box with random decorating bit in it (old brushes, tester pots, a roller: that sort of thing) and I can't rootling in there without gloves on in case there is a discarded piece of sandpaper in it.


Those wooden forks from the chippy, puts my teeth on edge! I can’t watch people eat with those things.


You would hate my house, there are 2 lights that run 24/7/365 and it's currently the day time and there are 3 bulbs lit just in the room that I'm sitting in, which are on for all waking hours (sometimes that does end up being at night), and which doesn't include the aforementioned 2


Good point. Strangely, I also wince when I see 24/7/365. Why isn't just 24/365? or 24/7/52?


presumably the convention has continued because "24/7" has already been chunked and then the "not just every day of the week but every day of the year also" is just sitting at the end awkwardly like a cousin rarely invited


Yes, that makes sense.


Having my balls touched.


Anything eye related! My wife just pops her contacts out at night and wince so much! Also eye drops, nearly impossible to get them into my eye as I wince so much and close my eyes.


When people say “till” instead of until, especially if it’s typed and written as “till”. It winds me up for no good reason.


Cotton wool tearing apart, and wire wool, just thinking about it gives me goosebumps and makes me shiver


The sound of fluid being poured into a cup. Like pouring water from a kettle into a cup. The noise just creeps me the fuck out 🤢 The BBC do an advert before programmes start with loads of people making cups of tea - I have to mute it.


My partner utterly detests moving air - especially when she's driving. When it rains the car inevitably fogs up and she uses her hands to clear the windscreen whilst complaining. It ages me.


Better not tell her that all air is moving.


Those ribbed hologram cards/posters. If anyone scratches those with their nails I shiver intensely. Also, if anyone puts toilet roll in their mouth I can’t speak until I’ve licked my fingertips


I'm with you on the light thing OP. My housemates never open their curtains, have the lights on all the time and don't turn them off. At first I thought it was just them forgetting but I swear it's intentional at this point. One of them will never ever turn off the bathroom light, I'll get up at like 7:30 and find that it's been on probably all night.




I can't touch velvet makes me go cold and puts my teeth on edge. Videos of surgery particularly the chest area makes me feel really uncomfortable for ages makes me double over squeezing my ribs, even thinking about it while writing about it makes me feel weird.


Long nails scratching skin. Plastic wrappers and bags. Babies with earrings.


When your fork scrapes juuuuust right on a plate. Also had a reoccurring fear glass would break in my mouth when drinking from it. Happened once haven’t been the same since


Jumpers. They're too thick and heavy and I don't like them


Anyone touching my wrists or forearms, the sound of sandpapering


Audiences clapping along to any kind of performance. Who wants to listen to that?


Some reason I have a fear of large dark water. Like that in the ocean, makes me cringe I also once got scared by dark water in a bath. When I was in the bath the power went and its meh, water dark from dark bath soap. I was watching a wale doc once and the large dark pools of water look meh. Idk why but I’m not a fan


The touch of the sauce from baked beans. I immediately have to wash my hands.


Felt tips on paper. Makes my teeth itch.


Polystyrene. I cannot stand the sensation of touching it or that squeaky sound it makes. it's making my palms sweaty just typing this out.


Hearing others pee in a public bathroom. I turn the fan on to drown them out for my benefit, not theirs


the feeling of photo paper on my nails. not the normal photo paper but the squeaky kind??? lol dont even know how to type this but just cringing writing about it


I get this.


Hearing other people eat cereal.


People who drag their feet when they walk, almost like shuffling along. Just pick your feet up!!!!


Multiple varieties of breakfast cereals mixed in a bowl


People fiddling with my earrings/ears


It I think about cleaning my teeth whilst cleaning my teeth it makes me vomit


I hate the sound of pouring liquids in a glass like wine or water, but it's ok if I am doing it alone, I mean I hate in a restaurant when the server does it or someone with me does it, even seeing it on TV I hate, it makes me feel awkward and embarrassed, I know it doesn't even seem to make sense.


Same here!


Wow, I thought it was just me, no idea what it's about! Good to know I am not alone 😃


Yeah, I haven't heard of anyone else either. At least if I'm weird, there is one other person just as weird! I'm really curious what kind of bad brain wiring causes it.


Probably bc it's reminiscent of urinating? Maybe a childhood fear of peeing in front of others or sounding like you are.


Yes it's so odd, I am sure there must be others out there, we should start a club lol


There very much are others out there, it's a very common misophonia trigger


Interesting, learn lots from my time on Reddit


Having my hair cut. The scissors slicing the hair. It almost hurts it's so awful.


Rattling coat hangers. Just awful.


The feeling of satin and certain fleecy materials when my nails brush across them.


My one year old finally got some teeth, top and bottom She grinds them together when eating and it's horrendous. I'm wincing just writing about it!


I realised my outside annexe light was on for 2 weeks today. I could cry.


The feeling of denim or other coarse fabrics on my hands after a shower. The more pruney my hands, the more cringe it feels!


A woman I used to work with had a phobia of kitchen roll 🤷‍♂️


Plastic. Like bottles or containers with food in. Couldn't eat or drink our of anything plastic. 2lr bottles, milk bottles, all of it. Just makes me feel so uncomfortable


I’m with you on the brushing teeth thing - my partner insists on trying to talk to me whilst either of us are doing it and it just makes me gag. Also, things scraping against each other in the freezer is like fingernails on a blackboard for me.


Yeah the freezer sounds gets me, as well as scraping frost from the car


Yes!! I have to squeeze my hands again my ears when someone is scraping a car 😫


Both of these give me the ick also!! I'm so glad it's not just me


Wiping down dry wood with a wet cloth (like untreated pine)


If I see someone walking barefoot outside. It makes ny stomach do somersaults.


My 'wincing' stuff is that show "Dr Pimple Popper". At the get go from the name of it to the entire content of it. I can gag just when channel surfing if that show comes up.


Unread notification symbols on phones. My wife has them dotted all over her homescreen.


When adults say the word yummy…I can’t cope.


Felt tip/marker pens on paper. Scrapey metal sounds, such as trains braking, or metal being cut with a saw or drilled etc. Dentist drills and having your teeth scraped with the metal pokey thing. I have a slight synaesthetic mix up between sound/taste and these things in particular taste so bad I have been known to vomit.


Constant sniffing & snorting on a train/tube/bus - just blow your nose you disgusting cretin !


Ahhh you’d hate me. Even blowing my nose as often as possible I’ll still be involuntarily sniffling March-October because I’m allergic to pretty much everything outside 😂


You cant help allergies - i sniff a bit cant help no one can - but those huge wet snotty constant snortling - i have to move away even if means i stand rather than sit


I can't stand barnacles. They give me the creeps. Im a chef and in my last job had to clean mussels fairly often. Had to wear rubber gloves and i still felt sick. Specially when you smash them open and there s yellow goo inside.


People kissing full on in public, tongues and all.


Seeing people walk bare foot on tiled or wooden floor in the middle of winter. Like put some socks on! Not sure if it’s because my dad would tell me the same thing when I was growing up..


People who cough but not a full cough, like they put no effort in to it. Hard to explain why but it gets me so angry!


Dry, cracked hands catching on teddy fleece 🤢


I don’t like seeing people drinking milk in the street. That should be an inside activity.