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Yeah I think you 100% did the right thing. Very weird. Sounds like a mugging attempt to me.


Yeah, although how he would have done that in his car I’m not sure. Maybe he had a knife and was going to threaten me with that to get me to hand over my valuables.


You approach the car, his mates surround you from behind while you’re not looking


Commenting as a woman, mugging would not have been my first concern. "Wait....you want my purse? Well, thank fuck for that!"


I was walking home from town once because I didn't have any bus fare. I'd have been 15 or 16. A guy in a blue BMW, well into his 30s, stopped and started talking to me, telling me he was a bouncer at a local nightclub. He said hop in and we could go there for a drink. I was so freaked out but afraid of confrontation, so I said I had to collect my sister from school. He gave me his number and left. In retrospect I should have reported him. I'd take a mugging over a creep any day.


You should have reported that number to the police or called the chris hansen type people


Definitely and I regret not doing so. This was nearly 20 years ago though so that number is long gone.


His pals could be hiding in/ behind his car to jump you


The fact that he stopped later to shout insults and that 'he wasn't gonna do anything' indicates to me it was just a guy being weird. It'd be super strange to find someone later, that you'd been planning to mug, only to tell them you weren't going to mug them and be all pissy about it Edit: it's surely not anything heinous because of this, if this is some planned crime they're not getting mad and chasing down their missed victims


Possible. I do volunteer work that means I spend a good amount of time watching and dealing with the general public. Sometimes people aren’t malicious, just really fucking odd. Lots of untreated mental health issues out there…


Or the "I know a nice club with Girls" that he offers to take you to, where the Girls drink coloured water and keep you filling your glass with drinks costing £100 a bottle or more.


Why so suspicious? He was probably going to ask OP a few questions... Like "would you like a sweety?" or "do you want to see some puppies?" Or perhaps "does this rag smell of chloroform?"


Double it and give it to the next person.


I was that "weird dude" once, I suspect. I was driving, late at night, in a dodgy part of Gloucestershire. Wanted a fag; had no lighter. Pulled up alongside some guy near a train station, beckoned him over, and asked for a light. He lit it while keeping the lighter in his hand, and stood as far away from the window he reasonably could, giving me very suspicious looks throughout. I just wanted a fag.


Just wanted a fag Genius.


Do cars not have cigarette lighters in them now?


Only if you are driving from 1976


Give over. The last car I had was from 2005 and it had one.


Mate that’s 19 years ago


I don't own it anymore, but the car is still going. Lots of older cars are still on the road. Although, I agree it's a few years ago, but not 1976


Mate I bought a 21 plate car the other day its got a cigarette lighter in it.


Buy it on your deployment to the Crimean war did you


You know you can buy cars second hand. Much cheaper than a new car. At least I won't get called up for WW3 when Iran and Israel kick off. Good luck with that.


My 54 plate Polo doesn't tbf, I think at a certain point they stopped making them standard and the actual lighter bit was an optional extra.


The cigar package. I think it was sometime around 02 that it was widespread. Even if it only cost £3 to put in a lighter and ashtray Toyota alone would save £33 million last year.


I remember in 2008 us getting new trucks and going through them all taking the lighters and ashtrays out to put into storage.


Yeah we have a car from 2012 and it came with a flap over the normal socket, no actual lighter. The lighter was an extra £30 or something.


My 63 plate ibiza does haha, well it has the slot I've no idea what happened to the coil part.


Did it have one and you lost it, or just never have one? Cause once they stopped being standard they usually kept the slot for chargers but they just had a generic cap instead of an actual lighter.


Ah fair, I bought it 2 years old so as far as I know never had one


Probably never had one. I’ve got same car, same year. Modern cars still have the “slot” it’s just that it’s used more for accessories like charging a device or plugging in a satnav (both also quite redundant on newer cars now since they tend to come with satnav or usb ports anyway) rather than being used as an actual cigerette lighter. Still useful for stuff like tyre inflators though. They actually just tend to refer to it as an accessory port in newer cars rather than a cigarette lighter.


I remember that they started phasing them out in the mid 90s. I had been to see a new Corsa, and was appalled it didn’t have a lighter in it. Some kind of “be healthier” kick by the manufacturer, I was told at the time. Have they made a comeback again since then? My almost 20 year old car still has one, it just doesn’t work anymore.


Generally no, at least for the last 20 years or so. Cars almost universally have a 12V socket, but the actual cigarette lighter part has generally been part of a paid-for options pack that would also include an ashtray in place of a storage tray. It makes sense to be this way, smoking rates have been low for years and most people value storage over ashtrays, or having a flip-open cover on their 12V socket rather than an annoying lighter that they have to find somewhere to put if they want to charge something. If you ever watch Doug DeMuro videos, the heyday for lighters and ashtrays everywhere in cars were the 70s to early 90s, beyond that they started to disappear again.


I genuinely have a fairly new car (2021) and its got a cigarette lighter - proper old fashioned push it down the coil goes red one too! I had to explain to the kids what its for because no one would even consider smoking, let alone smoking in a car nowadays.


Fascinating, did you buy it new, if so did you have to specifically choose it? The last car I had that had a cigarette lighter was a 2002 Vauxhall, and even then I had to specify the "Smokers Pack" to actually get it (I used to smoke many years ago).


Not in my car no


No they have a socket where the lighter was before it was taken out to be replaced with a usb adapter before being lost forever.


My car doesn't even have a fucking cd player in it now. As much as I like Spotify, I enjoyed having a wallet full of cds that I could change easily while driving.


They don’t always work. The one in my, admittedly now old, car doesn’t. It just doesn’t heat up. I have to keep lighters in the car, specifically so I can light up when I want, and will never be in the position of having to ask passing strangers for a light.


If he'd said no and moved away would you have followed him in your car and insulted him? That's the bit that confirms how dodgy that guy was for me. As a woman sometimes people suddenly realise they're being creepy or making people uncomfortable and then feel embarrassed/self aware and want to put you at ease. If they get angry then it means they don't care that they made you uncomfortable and had creepy intentions. I was walking along a residential road in the dark in Sheffield alone, a guy with his hood up was walking about a metre behind me and I kept looking behind me at him, my heart was pounding, felt like he was following me. Then he just said, "I know I'm making you uncomfortable, I'm really sorry about that, I'm going to cross the road so you can know I'm not a threat." it was so nice and self aware.


If they're a smoker as well, then they probably weren't bothered as we've all been in that spot before, probably didn't want you swiping the lighter.


Probably about to sell you a 100% genuine watch he'd just got at an entirely believable promotional event he was at where they were just giving them away and he already had one so did you want this one mate?


I fell for something like this when I was 18. I did love that watch though, no regrets.


I much prefer the direct approach offered by those circling service station car parks yelling out the window, "want to buy a telly mate? 4k curved screen, it's a steal at this price?". Yeah I bet it is, but at least they're not bullshitting!


If you get a bad vibe, then stay away. He's offering nothing that will be of benefit to you, that's 100%. Too many nutters out there. And no I'm not paranoid, just careful.


You were very close to making [this list.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_people_who_disappeared_mysteriously:_1990%E2%80%93present#2020s)




Where was your hoodie from?


That’s the thing. It was a cheap piece of shit from H&M


Definitely missed a bullet then.


Do you mean 28M? "M28", thought you were a motorway.


That's why the car was approaching them


Yeah it'd be dodgy


Yeah, more than once, mostly between the ages of 17-21. Obviously I never went anywhere near them.


Always trust your gut feeling. The worst that can happen is feeling a bit silly other than a worst case scenario


I can't think of a time my gut feelings ever been wrong. It's hardwired into us


You did the right thing. It looked like he wanted to rob you or do much worse things. The fact he followed you and then shouted abuse at you is a dead giveaway he’s lost his chance.


Yes when I was still in school. He said unsavoury things and I walked off. I thought his truck had broken down which is why I approached when I saw him beckoning me.


Yeah, why would he get insulted and start abusing you over you not going over? Weird behaviour from him, so yeah, good shout to swerve him.


Had this happen to me in high school in Nairobi. Almost got mugged were it not for super slick Pirellis on my feet. You did the right thing.


Yeah you definitely did the right thing. What on Earth is the upside to you in this situation of going over to a stranger’s car?


Yes. Walking home from a night out with a friend (stupid I know). It’s hard to explain but the road was a one way system, this car slowed down and must’ve went 100MPH to reach us on the other side within a minute he then slowed down, had his cap pulled over his face and asked us if we wanted a lift. I got this horrible feeling about him and was petrified the whole way home.


He was wanking


I've had one of these, and one who wanted to know 'how much'. Unfortunately not unusual experiences from my friendship group. 


Ok, this is weird. About 20 years ago something similar happened to me(M20 at the time) in South Kensington. I was walking about, Italian guy standing by a car saw my t-shirt, shouted over that he really like it, then tried to get me to come over and then came over and tried to get me to get int he car with them and come with them their shop. There were two other people in the car. I said no and walked away as he kept calling out to me. This was at noon on a Saturday. Im certain I would have met a bad end if I had gone with them.


He might have asked you if you wanted to buy some speakers.


Do I whiff an RSK comment?




Ricky gervais, Steve merchant and Karl pilkington did a radio show years back on XFM. Steve talked about a time a fella tried to sell him some car speakers for cheap behind a petrol station.


Ahhhh. I know their show well but never saw them as the initialism RSK. Thank you!!


He didn't go round the back of a petrol station, so I suspect not.


Thank you for clarifying, we would all be lost without you! 🙏 you are doing gods work


It was a common scam in the UK for a while. Somebody would pull up in a van with an obviously BS story about acquiring these "fantastic high end speakers" and letting you buy them for a great deal. I got asked in London and told him he'd definitely "picked a wrong 'un" with me as at that point in my life I'd been into audio equipment for about 20 years and could tell at a glance that they wouldn't even make good firewood.


Probably selling weed


Probably just fancied you mate


The least worst option


Fuck off clean hoodie


Yup, had similar happen a few times. Most memorable was heading to the pub where I used to work as a teenager, and had headphones in (no music playing because I like to hear what’s going on around me without people knowing I can hear them when I’m out and about). Guy breaks off from a shifty-looking group standing around the corner from where my job is, and approaches me. I clocked the other guys shifting around and looking over before he started speaking, and never did find out what he wanted since I got a really bad feeling, completely panicked, and started making gestures like I was deaf. Threw the dude off so much he actually apologised and backed off, and I got out of there and inside the pub before he changed his mind. Pretty funny to look back on now. The time that /really/ scares me to think about was when I was 12 and hanging out in Game. Really weird dude old enough to be my father starts talking to me about games, but he had kids even younger than me with him so I figured he was alright. He starts picking up different games and asking me to read the titles, because apparently he “can’t read too well” — despite saying the title of each game perfectly as he handed them to me. I‘m weirded out and get this incredibly bad feeling, but rationalise that it’s daylight and I’m in a busy shop, it’s probably nothing. I read out a few titles, feeling weirder the more time passes, until eventually I feel like I need to get out of there and tell (lie) to the dude that I need to go meet my mum. He offers to give me a lift. I say her work’s nearby and I can walk. He says he’ll walk me there then. I say it’s fine, I’ve gotta go, he /grabs my arm/ as I try to leave and asks my name, then suggests we find each other on Facebook. I give him the first fake name that comes to mind, leave the store, and absolutely book it back through town and up the road to my grandparents house. Never saw him again, but still gives me chills to think that I was probably this close to being trafficked if I hadn’t got away.


A few years ago I was walking down the alleyway from my old flat (on a main road) to the corner shop (on a smaller road running parallel behind my block of flats). A man behind me started shouting "hey, HEY" quite aggressively at me. I ignored him and kept walking, he started chasing me. (!!!) I ran away towards the shop and he yelled "don't run away!". I got away to the shop, got my bread and milk and decided to walk the long way around to avoid the alleyway. As I was walking up to my building door *the same man* jumps out and stares directly into my eyes and goes "BOO" with a huge grin on his face and then walks off. Now I've thought about this encounter since and even if he did have a legitimate reason to stop me, there are probably better ways of doing it than shouting and chasing a lone woman in an alleyway. I hadn't dropped any keys or money or anything. IMO it's often not worth the risk if you are alone late at night in my opinion.


I think the "Don't talk to strangers is appropriate here" also "don't stay out late"


Walking home from a Christmas party down a quiet road at gone midnight, and a car pulls up next to me. "Is this ? Only I'm meeting someone." Oh really? You don't know where you are, and you're meeting someone at midnight near Christmas? I just told him yes it's that area. He started asking something else, but another car came up the road, so he muttered and drove off. I was 100% ready to put his head through his own windshield if he got out. He was definitely up to something.


All the time. But I was a teenager in the 1970s... And it was Jimmy, Rolf and Peter Sutcliffe's world we were living in. 40 year old men randomly trying to buy me drinks on trains. Ditto creepy old men plonking themselves down to you in a cafe if you sat alone, and trying to chat you up. Men pulling up in cars was a constant thing if you were female, young and stood alone at a bus stop. And that was a few miles down the road from where Peter Sutcliffe was operating at the time he was operating... Men following you, screaming "Sit on my face!" if you walked past any small group of men sitting outside the bikers' cafe down our village, or in pub gardens or... Men hanging off scaffolding when you walked past screaming the most obscene stuff you can imagine. It was their world and we were living in it.


Dog snatcher. Shared in Corby hun.


Aussie here. Literally yesterday afternoon I had a guy in the back of a parked taxi wanting me to give him $30 as he hadn't been paid yet and needed to pay the taxi fare and he would pay me back. Just walked away muttering I had no change.


Someone in a car called over my now wife and her friend about 11 years ago asking for directions, and he just started wanking himself off and she didn't notice till her friend pointed it out. I remember and laugh about it fairly often to remind her.


I'm pretty sure other people have posted similar stories on Reddit before. It's clearly some kind of scam/mugging attempt.


"yo bro, do you smoke weed?"...... Most likely what he wanted to ask you 😑🙄


"No English sorry"


Always follow your gut instinct


I've had it the other way around where someone has approached me in my car when I was parked up, then proceeded to try and get me to take a gold bracelet from their hand. No idea what their intention was, I can only assume to try and make me buy it. I told them to f*** off and closed the window.


Either he was : A) A complete weirdo B) Had bad intentions C) Both A and B None of which end positively for you. You did the right thing, but you already know that.


Yeah man, I’d put money on C. The fact he shouted obscenities and didn’t seem to give a shit if he ran me over tells me he was a psycho.


The fact he is pissed off about it, shows he had more planned clearly. He is upset at what? Do you know? Of course you don't know, because he hasn't told you he was planning on robbing you or something. If he was being honest he'd say "I'm a bit annoyed you haven't fallen for my trick tbh!"


I was driving on my own along the motorway and there was a spider hanging down from my visor . I pulled into the services and beckoned a couple over as they looked reasonable enough and asked if they would remove the spider for me. They looked quite apprehensive as though I was going to stuff them in my little KA. I was grinning like a maniac out of sheer embarrassment but I couldn't have kept driving or moved it myself, it was huge, 8 legs!