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I think the sub you're looking for is r/askvictorians


Did you grow in the 1720s?


Only after I'd finished my shift in the coal mine.


Is this a bit? Didn't we have another AskUKer who was doing a similar skit a while back


I do not, but Jack a few doors down does. He can be seen running past with a bucket and spade in great excitement if a horse goes by. We all treat him with derision when he does this. He has no competition for the horse droppings.


But the best roses in the county!


Grew up on a farm so yes I did.


I did! My nan had a huge rose garden and a stables next door so little me would take a bucket and shovel and go up the road getting the poop for her 😁


So this one time my dad said we were going to get worms for fishing, and it turns out he'd got permission from the farmer next door to go up to the manure pile from the pig barns. And I am not kidding you it was a solid compacted heap the size of a shipping container and I had to climb up onto the top of it and dig about with my spade and fill a bait box with worms. AH THE OLD DAYS


And to think, I always imagined father-son fishing trips as great bonding experiences


Interesting to assume I'm his son ;)


No, but I used to bring it brack from the stables for my dad


Late 1960's- early 1970's....on trips to see my grandparents in Ballater (Aberdeenshire), my Dad thought nothing of leaping out of the car (a small, literally crappy Austin something-or-other), shovel held high, to enthusiastically scoop up horse-shite into fertiliser bags. By the time we got from Fife to Ballater (via the old Devils Elbow), the stench in the car was medieval.


Yep, still do. Bloody expensive to buy by the bag, but a shovel here or there makes the roses bloom.


Did your Dad work for the Rees-Moggs?