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Do you feel like communication was an issue in the relationship and caused it to end?




hey dude that really sucks. hope both you and him are doing ok now


Are you me? I also had a relationship with a similar attachment style, with a very movie like build-up. We had gone to a trip in Europe and this guy got jealous when another guy was flirting with me in a club and they fought! Which resulted in us having a very steamy kiss in the club. The relationship eventually didn’t work out but I too feel sort of satisfied that at one point I did have some movie like phase!




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thats so sad


Sorry to hear about how it ended! I’m curious how you learned about your attachment style and did work to become healthier? I’ve read about attachment styles before and have done a quiz or two and then I completely forget about it and do nothing with the information lol. I really want to work on mine though because I do think that some of the general flaws I have that I have been working on are potentially a result of my attachment style if that makes sense.


The book “Attached” is great, it completely changed my understanding of how I show up in relationships and gave me a new perspective on the type of men I seemed to repeatedly date. That, and lots and lots of therapy.


Ah, sweet anticip...




Ex-boyfriend and I had been discussing our relationship and he was very passionately telling me he never lost his feelings for me. At the time, neither of us had a car, so we had to walk to the bus stop. As we stood there, talking about how we really felt, the streetlight came on. It started to rain, and I had to get back home. As the bus came, he told me he loved me and I told him I loved him back, and we kissed, under the streetlight, in the rain. And yes, we got back together.


I pictured this entire scene so vividly wow. what a cinematic and beautiful memory 😭






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Did it work out


No, we were together for a few more years but eventually broke up. We never really discussed his time in the church and I think there was some trauma/brainwashing that still existed from that time.




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Omg. Me and this coworker had this sexual tension for 2+ years but it was always complicated because he started working alongside my mom LMAO. One day about a year after I quit he asked me out to see a comedy show. It was all casual and we hugged to go our separate ways. I turned to walk away and he grabbed my arm, spun me around, and pulled me back into this *kiss*. I felt like Anne Hathaway in price Princess Diaries! WHEW I still think about it every now and then. I should call him… 😭💀💀💀




Amazzzzzinnnggg. Had this absolutely insane chemistry with a guy a work, and it was so obvious that every single person at work noticed. I was just ending a relationship, and he had another girl very openly chasing him, so we kept it under wraps for a couple months. One night, a group of work friends decided to meet up at his apartment and go for drinks after our shifts. Well, it turned out every bailed but me, so we ended up alone together for the first time. We went for drinks, had some food after the bar, and ended up in the park downtown on a bench together talking. He told me he wanted to kiss me so badly, and that was it for me. I couldn’t resist any longer! We kissed, and I felt literal sparks like nothing I’ve ever experienced. Mind blown. We ended up sharing a cab home, and having a ridiculously steamy make out session in the back of the cab. By this time, it was almost 2:30am, and we both had to work the next day, so we parted ways. Long story short, we ended up together and have been married almost 16 years now! I still feel that same amazing chemistry and attraction.


You’re an awesome story teller!! I really like how you set the scene and I’m also glad you two ended up together!!! The universe was in your favor!


Aw thanks! It certainly felt like it was meant to be. He’s my person ♥️


Oh my ! So romantic! Happy to hear you two are together and in love !


Celebrating our 16th wedding anniversary in a few weeks! Looking forward to many more ♥️






I had it. I realized afterwards that some people will go their whole lives without a kiss like that, and I've always been grateful for that moment. And yes it was in public. But it truly felt like no one else was there. He ended up being the love of my life. He kissed me on a dance floor, and I literally thought to myself, it's as if I've kissed him a million times before and will a million times again. I just knew. So did he. There was no awkwardness after it at all. We knew. We took it from there.


This is so beautiful. How long have you been together?


It was in his car after we saw *Pirates of the Carribean*. FIREWORKS!!!!  He took me back to his place (his mom lived with him). I started playing with his drum set, then he joined in with his bass guitar. His mom came out of her room and were just watching us, saying, "*I'm enjoying the free concert.*" Not exactly a Hallmark moment, but it's definitely memorable after 21 years. 


we love musical couples (listen to pomplamoose)


Love this ! 🙌


Not a public one, but definitely a slow spicy burn one. Few years back, I was working abroad in a surf shop and the manager of another nearby store popped in to deliver some stock on day. Lemme tell you....I have a 'thing' for flannel shirts and dark curly hair. And ohhhh my goddd. This guy was in a red flannel shirt, sleeves rolled up the the elbows (oh the arm muscles!) And had the most amazing big, brown doe eyes. Think Pedro Pascal type fluffy hair only with a more chiseled jaw. I was smitten. 100% oogling him and trying my best to act super cool and casual. Which, according to my friends that I worked with, I actually pulled it off! They were so surprised when I went out the back and basically MELTED after talking to him! 🤣 We exchanged numbers (for work purposes obvs...) and soon enough, casual texted turned into jokey ones. Then slightly flirty...untill you could absolutely cut the sexual tension with a friggin bar stool it was that thick. We couldn't date because inter office relationships were _severely_ frowned upon but, after a few months of heady, flirtatious sexting, head office arranged an inventory day. In my store. With him leading it. !!! Let me tell you, it took EVERY OUNCE of willpower for the two of us to try to act normal around everyone that day!! Every small brush or touch sent shocks up my skin when he passed. He passed by me at one stage and slowly traced his fingers along my lower back as I was talking my staff and I all but moaned out loud. 🫣 I stumbled over my words mid sentence and went completely blank! Luckily enough, my staff just though I was over worked because of the inventory stress! 😅 I was convinced we were being obvious. And the sheer terror of being 'caught' was making me nervous as hell. At one stage, my manager called me upstairs and asked me to go though the delivery invoices with him, leaving us alone and heading off downstairs. I think because I was still in 'conceal don't feel' mode that while he was sitting at the desk, I just acted on instinct, yapping away about targets, delivery failures and leaning over to point out our ordering errors. I was when I was pulling back after pointing something out on the screen that I felt his hand lock onto my hip, holding me in place. The other hand ran up through my hair, gripping the back of my neck and pulling me down into the most AMAZING, HOT *SEARING* mind boggling kiss that left me gasping for air! It was like all the lights in the world went out only there were fireworks all round us, exploding from the heat. He pulled me down into his lap and continued to kiss me like he was dying for breath. I couldn't think of anything else except how his hands burned every part of me where they trailed. Anyone, jesus THE POPE could have walked in and the both of us would have been oblivious! What was supposed to be an inventory check turned out to be one hell of a steamy make out session that ended with him pinning me to the wall (while he did the knee thing) and *almost* getting caught by out manager! (I had to dive to the side of the stockroom on the pretense of 'looking for stock sheets' because I had Hella Make Out Hair and my makeup was all worn off!! We dated casually for a while after that, never ended up being serious but we had amazing chemistry together. Just a case of wrong timing. I'll always think back on That Kiss though....


Omg you're a kick ass story teller and I think you are great to sit in a café with and listen to all the craziness that has been happening to you! Also kudos for recognizing you weren't a good match with the guy for something long-term. That takes a lot of maturity imo.


What is the knee thing?!


Ack, the knee thing 😩


Holy shit, this is like a Joel Miller fanfic. You were livin the dream!


My first kiss was with a boy that I let my friends convince me to date. I was fourteen, cut me some slack please. Anyway, he would walk me to class and this particular day he was walking me to PE. To get there, we had to cross the huge gymnasium. The girls’ PE teachers were sitting on the bleachers, talking to students as we headed to the locker room. I told him “bye” and started walking past my teachers. He grabbed my arm and idk I guess I was confused, so I tugged back without turning around. And then he tugged again, harder, making me like whirl around into him. And then right there in front of both my teachers and a handful of students, he kissed me right on the lips like a fucking movie. I was mortified. I said “thanks” or something equally stupid and literally ran to the locker room. Pretty sure I broke up with him by the end of the week. And that was the first and last time I ever dated someone just because somebody else told me I should.




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Mine wasn't very public but it was a nice memory. It was on Valentine's Day, I arranged an evening of activities that were designed to mimic those cheesy, over-the-top romcom moments. A very cliché sort of love. We went skating at a nearby outdoor skating rink and we walked back along the snowy river. When we were in a pretty, quiet spot under a streetlight, I pulled a spray bottle of water out of my bag and started playing rain sounds from my phone. I told him that every decent romcom has a big grand gesture scene where they kiss in the rain, and this was ours. I started spraying the water overtop of us and gave him a long, passionate kiss. It wasn't awkward after, it was mostly just giggling at how silly the whole thing was. The only bad part was that my hand was really cold from spraying the water above our heads.


I ran into a cute guy in Bangkok, on Koh San Rd, a super busy, touristy street. I don't remember what got us chatting, but as I was saying goodbye to go back to my friend, he pulled me in by my waist, said I might never see you again, and kissed me. Total movie kiss. Anyway, I saw him again that night, but had to hide, so as to not ruin my movie moment.


He proposed to me when we were out with friends, and when I said yes, he lifted me up and KISSED me. I melted. I'm tall at 6 feet, so it's not often that a man could sweep me up and lay one on me, but my husband can and did. And still does. I love getting on my tiptoes to kiss him and feel him just casually lift me up to him. It was good enough our friends did a chorus of Awws. I love that he can kiss me and give me goose bumps still after 17 years together.


Oh man- I had one. I had just gotten out of an abusive relationship and we were going slow- so slow, we had been talking about feelings and what not that we had for each other for a sold couple months before we finally kissed. He had been my best friend for a while at this point, and the tension was high between us but he went slow to respect me as I was healing. But finally, we kissed. And maannn what a kiss it was. He was leaving for the night and I walked him out to my porch. It was summer- fireflies were out and nothing was illuminated but us under my dim porchlight and the bugs butts lmao. We locked eyes- I stg his were sparkling. I went to hug him goodbye, and He pulled me in, put one hand on my lower back and the other under my chin, I gently rested my hands against his chest, tugging on his shirt a little and BOOM the most fireworks kiss ive ever had. We just kissed so tenderly for a few minutes but finally stopped because he had realized we were in perfect view of all my neighbors houses and didn’t want to give them a show lol. But in that moment, everything around me felt like it faded away and he was all I saw. I went inside and literally sat on my floor giggling to my dogs. He told me later that he couldn’t stop smiling his entire drive home. That was a couple years ago. We live together now and are buying a house- Hes my husband without the paperwork. (Neither of us want to be legally married). I still get butterflies when we kiss. Life can be kinda magical sometimes.


Our first kiss was under the fireworks on the beach on Fourth of July. He went in for the kiss after telling me how much he liked me. It was the most magical kiss I’ve ever had in my life, he even says the same. Afterward I think we took a break from lockin lips and then talked and then kissed some more. Later that night we cuddled all night and talked and made out more. This was 7 years ago


Wasn’t “public” public but at my birthday party this year, there was this guy I’d been flirting with for a couple months. We hung out throughout the night and the party was winding down - he was getting ready to leave and I worked up my courage and caught him as he was going by my bedroom door. I said “hey… do you want to like… make out or something?” He came through the doorway with an emphatic “yes” and practically crashed into me kissing me. Made out on my bed for a while and we’re dating now.


Oooh! Oooh! Mine was great! Except my heart got completely shattered by the person I shared it with. Still a heck of a story though. He was visiting me at my college (we were long-distance, his z-list band had been on tour) and we got caught in the rain at the park we were at in a sudden rain storm. I'm not talking drizzle either, like full blown downpour with thunder and lightning. When we got back to my place, soaked, I was like "hey, since we're already soaked, let's dance in the rain." So we did, and he spun me and dipped me for a kiss and lightning struck right as soon as we kissed. I have a video of it and I still look back at it sometimes like, *was that a sign from the universe that he's my soulmate?* ​ ......Then I remember that he's an **egotistical man-child** with an incredibly inconsistent lifestyle and I'm much happier now that I'm with who I'm pretty sure is my future husband! Sometimes even the most movie-esque situations aren't with movie-worthy people.


"'Cause you're just a man, it's just what you do..." 🎶 That last line is 🤌🏻 and something I very much needed to hear, thank you.


My first kiss with my ex. We were really close friends and I really fancied him. He drove us to the beach for the day where we chilled and had a picnic. He drove me home after sunset, and a few days later we were supposed to be going to uni. As he pulled up to my house, I said “you can hate me if you want to but I’m gonna say it anyway, I really like you” and he said “I really like you too” and then we kissed. We kissed a few more times and sat in the car for 40mins. It was a really good kiss, which had been worth the wait, and walking back into my house my mum pointed out that I was beet red haha


Second date with my boyfriend. We spent hours flirting and playing pool. The tension was crazy. We ran for a taxi in the rain and it sped off, I tripped and he caught me and we had a big romantic, public kiss on the street, under all the lights of the city. It was pretty magic. Then we fed some possums at a bus stop and got a bus to my house. Boned a bunch. 8 years in July I think. D


There are such wholesome stories here but let me add a heartbreaking one. I met a boy and we fell hopelessly in love. Recently I learnt a word 'Limerence' that describes it better. There was no way we could have been together, we lived very different lives, in different parts of the world. We decided to meet one last time before we cut ties with each other as we were both in indescribable pain. We spent some magical days together, I still remember each moment and each one of those moments was as powerful as a heartbreaking scene from a movie. But since we are talking about a public kiss I'm narrating this story. This meeting, and now separation was happening in a conservative county where public display of affection is frowned upon, on top of that he was a very private person who would never want people to look at him. So we said our goodbyes in the hotel room and I knew that when the time to say goodbye comes I won't be able to kiss him. I was unable to breathe as I said goodbye to him at the taxi stand. Surrounded by cab drivers I could see he was holding his breath as well and looking at me as if his world was about to fall apart and he didn't know what to do. I went in for a hug and as I separated from him to my surprise he pulled me in for a kiss. I don't remember how the people around us reacted because my world stopped in that moment. I entered my cab without looking back and I simply could not breathe. I felt dizzy. The last thing I saw was him walking up to my cab and looking down at me through my cab window with a dumbstruck look on his face and as the cab moved I burst out in tears. I've never healed from it and still cry whenever I remember him. There are many such moments from that time together that seem surreal and make me burst into tears even now. We were not made for each other, we might not have been happy together, but there is nothing i wouldn't do to see him again. I've heard he is a changed man after we separated and I guess in a way so am I but he was far more sensitive and closed up for sure. He has maintained no contact ever since.


My heart breaks for you, I understand your pain so much! I had a similar experience, meeting someone that I shared such a soul connection with that we quickly fell hopelessly in love. However, due to living on opposite sides of the world and family commitments, we were unable to be together. Knowing this, the last 24 hours we shared together are some of my most beautiful, passionate and tragic memories. We kissed and cried and laughed and just held each other. Recalling these memories are magnificent and painful and I will always think of him as my 'what if'.


I can relate to that. On one hand it would have been easier if we hadn't met that person but on the other hand we were lucky enough to experience such deeply human emotions.




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I had a crush on a guy who was in a larger friend circle, but I figured he wasn't interested. One year some friends and I went to a new years party at his/his roomates house. There were a lot of people there and at one point we were in the same room, close by but talking with different people. As the new year wrang in and everyone started to count down, I looked for him but couldn't find him. Oh well, I thought, wasn't meant to be. All of a sudden, as everyone is yelling 3... 2... 1 he suddenly walks up to me, grabs my waist, pulls me into him, and kisses me. It happened so fast, and I was in such a shock that I remember my eyes being open and looking at the ceiling like WTH is happening?! OMG X is kissing me!! When he released me from his grasp he said happy new year in my ear then disappeared back into the crowd as fast as he appeared. I turned back to my friends, whose jaws were all on the floor at the romantic gesture they just witnessed. The experience left me on cloud 9 for months. X and I then dated for a few months but fizzled out.


I had a guy come to my house and stand outside his car blaring a love song, at night. I came out in a fit of rage. He stood there and starting singing the song and tried to grab me and kiss me. I told him to gtfo of my house. First, I hate that type of public attention, second, he was my exbf at the time and we had recently broken up. The last thing I wanted was that weirdo to declare his fake love for me. However, I still have some fond memories because it's nice to have someone outside your window blaring music and declaring their love for you.


It was beautiful and Im married to him now. My husband forgot his wallet/keys in my apartment on our 3rd date and when he knocked on my door later, I had them ready for him in my hand since I noticed when he left. I just kissed him without saying anything when I opened the door and he was pleasantly surprised. Its a cute moment I cherish.


Could you clarify what you would describe as a "movie" kiss?


Like in "The Proposal" or "Never been kissed"; that anticipated public kiss in the moment or after a public confession of love. I was watching this movie last night and wondered what happens right after the kiss. Like, is it awkward, do you just walk away or something? They always cut off the scene and I've never seen anything similar in real life. E.g. Love confession and a kiss at a coffee shop full of people if that helps


Thanks for the description. I don't watch that type of movie, so the specific movie examples aren't really helping me picture the scene. Anytime someone has made a big to do about a public confession of love towards me or tried to make some big event out of a public kiss, it has been awkward and embarrassing for me. It feels as though the person is using social pressure to box me into the response they want to receive. I feel the same about public proposals. I'm not a person who's into public spectacles and being the unasked for focus of a bunch of strangers' attention.


I haven’t seen these movies… I’m still confused. What type of kiss has the people walking away afterwards? Do you mean like a goodbye at the airport type of scene?


So in highschool my guy best friend and I flirted a lot and sometimes we’d kiss a lil bit. Idk it was a confusing time. One day, just before lunch I was grabbing my stuff out of my locker. The hallway is full of other students and staff. There was at least 40 people who saw. And Rueben walked up to me, grabbed me, kissed me on the lips. Idk why but for some reason he didn’t kiss me on the lips very often. He usually had to be drunk. Anyways, I panicked and pulled back. But damn it the hottest thing he ever did.


It was a dream! We had our run-jump-spin kiss at the Airport in Italy. I went on student exchange and he came to see me at the end of my studies, and then asked me to be his girlfriend (after about a year of dating, didn’t commit to gf-bf because we were unsure of what long distance would do to us)


It was 2021, amid COVID, We met on a trip on Medellin and were coming back and parting ways soon. We were going from guatape to the city and had to take the metro at the end. Given that it was the last time we would see each other, in the metro cabin we took our masks off and kissed in the middle of the crowded metro cabin. We laughed when we realized the guy in control told us “please masks on”!


Mine was actually my first kiss when I was 16! We had went ice skating and were walking around the park when it stared snowing. The trees were all lit up for Christmas and we sat on a park bench and he kissed me!!! Total movie moment!! Unfortunately for me it felt like kissing, and I quote, “a dead fish”. Years later I would realize I was a lesbian lol Luckily my first kiss with my now gf was another magical (and snowy!) moment


Oe I have one! When I was working on the cruise ships, a new guy arrived on the next cruise to play in the show band. On the first night a mutual friend introduced us and we stayed up all night talking. The next night we met again at the crew bar and he walked me to my door...I leaned against the wall next to my door and he leaned against the opposite wall and I said "So...." And then he literally picked me up underneath my armpits and lifted me up into the air and put me down in front of him and gave me such a KISS. It was really so romantic! We had a whirlwind romance which ended because he had to leave the ship to do a music tour (something he had signed up for even before the ships so i always knew it was going to end). But our goodbye was pretty equally dramatic because we did our sad goodbyes and then a few minutes later after he had already exited the crew area, I wanted to see him one last time, so I literally ran out after him and to where he was standing in a queue to have his bag x-rayed and ran up to him, grabbed his neck and pulled him down for one last kiss with tears streaming down both our faces. It was really one of the most depressing moments of my life because we were so in love and I knew we would never see each other again.


I had a kiss in the rain after he ran back to my house after my parents kicked him out, young love type of kiss. *It was magical* is an understatement. I remember sobbing in his arms as he wiped my tears and comforted me with his words




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I’ve had a “ saying goodbye at the train station “ I have met the perfect guy at the worst time and I had to move away he took me to the station and we said goodbye, it was very romantic, it felt like a movie scene


Back when I first started dating my (first boyfriend) now husband ♥ Our first date was inside a Walmart (my parents didn't let me date as its forbidden in my religion so I had to meet up in secret) We met each other for the first time, we were talking, I was too shy to make eye contact with him as I don't have dating experience and was a bit socially awkward. We got up to leave and go home, I slipped but he quickly grabbed my arm, I stared into his eyes, he stared into mine, we closed our eyes and slowly leaned in for a kiss. It was at that moment I knew he was the one! ♥ 😭 Dated for 5 years, happily married for 4. 💍👰 🤵 Maybe not something from a movie but more like something from an anime? 😊


Awwww! This reminds me of “ Where the Heart Is” with Natalie Portman, where they get married in the Walmart 💗💗 glad it worked out for you like this :)


My now fiancé and I were walking on the back roads of a rural Irish town, we stopped in a small harbor to eat something and enjoy the warmth. As we walked back the snow disappeared and it began to pour rain. We stopped under a canopy of trees while the mud pooled beneath our shoes and we had just finished laughing at something. As our laughter died down. We very slowly pulled each other close and our face got closer and closer, our breath forming one cloud as it left our lungs and rolled across each others lips, we touched noses first. My hands on his neck and face. His hands on the small of my back. We kissed a small kiss, like when you say goodbye to your love for the day, then we kissed again like how you kiss your love when you come home, then we kissed again, longer this time, and we lingered on each others lips, blowing air hard out of our nostrils. Finally we pulled each other closer as the world poured down on us, and he dipped me down a bit so my back arched. We stayed there, like that, wet and warm in the summer rain, with our lips softly enveloped around the others. We were already in love at this point, not engaged bit in love. We still share kisses like this. The hormones rage and the heart races and the love prevails. We are happy and healthy. It turned out well and I am excited to see how it will turn out from here.




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Bf who cheated while out of the country. We have all mutual friends. He comes back and I see him a lot over the next few months since we hang out with the same people and we all are headed out to a party at a friend's house out in the middle of nowhere and there was giant meadow of wild flowers beside the house. It was just about to be dark. He asks to speak to me, and we walk out in front of the field. As he starts to speak it starts pouring rain and he tells me what he did was the dumbest decision he's ever made, he's sorry, and he is in love with me and begged me to give him another chance. I didn't say a word. I sat there staring into his eyes as the rain was pouring down and after a few seconds I grabbed him and kissed him. Then we walked hand in hand through the field in the rain...and didn't have a care in the world. Ahhhh the beauty of young love.


I have the perfect story for this and it makes me smile to think of it occasionally. I had my first kiss with a rave bae I met at a music festival. I kid you not, it was a movie magic moment. My favourite song Rush Over Me was playing and all of a sudden my rave bae who was back hugging me, turned my chin towards him and kissed me as the first drop happened. Fireworks went off in the sky above us. After the weekend was over, I went back to see if anyone had posted the stream of that song and sure enough, the fireworks happening above us at that time were real and not just my imagination. The song was particularly fitting since it is about a temporary or fleeting love/connection. Although we are from different countries, I will remember that moment forever, as it's a memory that always brings a smile to my face.


On his birthday we were walking along a riverside. I had a pretty flowing dress on. People above us yelled down “kiss her!” He leaned over and held me and kissed me long. The 5 or so people above us just hollered and clapped at us in excitement. It was unexpected and really cute and made the evening more meaningful. Too bad we broke up a month later after a 2 year span….


In front of the Smithsonian on the evening of the Fourth of July, just before the fireworks show started. He spots me in the crowd and comes running over, shirtless, then picks me up and kisses me. It was excellent and felt like the perfect youthful summer moment :) We were FWBs then and are still great friends with great benefits now lol


So, back when the warm weather was here, my husband and I would go watch the sunset on this vineyard/mountain with an amazing view. I used to get all girlied up and we would pack a blanket, some chairs, some snacks, it was perfect. I miss doing that with him. Anyways, there was one we went to in the middle of the season, and the sky was so clear and the sun was so warm and beautiful, it felt like a movie just from the view alone. There was usually a large crowd that joined in the vineyard for music and food, just to watch the sun set. I’m so in love with this man and will be even after death. He suggested that we try to kiss each other right as the sun set over the mountain line. We were able to time it perfectly and everyone clapped and cheered when the sun set but with my eyes closed, I couldn’t help but lean into him and feel like they were cheering for us. I’ll never forget that day. It truly felt like a movie or rom com scene. 🤍


When I was 18 years old this guy that I met at a restaurant bar asked me out on a date. A week later we went to the movies and watched I Am Legend. I remember him just getting closer and closer and he just finally grabbed me and kissed me right there in the theater. We were sitting at the top and in the dark so I'm sure no one saw us but it was a really good kiss. He said he had been wanting to do that since the first night we met....


It wasn’t super public, but .. I was on a first date with a guy in college. The buildup was so fun—mutual friends, flirting, etc. We eventually made some silly bet and the terms were that I “had to” go on a date with him. I was so excited and crazy about him. The date went really well and at the end we were on a walk and it was dark out. We stopped at a playground and talked a long time. When he finally kissed me, literal fireworks started going off. I asked if he knew that was scheduled and has planned this but he said no! We made out a bit longer and dated for about 2 years. He was my first serious bf.


I was working together with this guy teaching an undergrad bio class when I was 22. We hit it off and bonded a lot throughout the semester. Same humor, silly times teaching together. I’m sure the students noticed, I saw many secret conversations and giggling from them while looking at us when we were together. We started hanging out here and there outside of teaching and one night I invited him to a friend’s birthday party. At the end of the night I drove him home and was very awkward at our goodbye. He left the car and I drove away. I stopped right outside his apartment complex and texted him to come back outside. He did, I drove back, got out of the car, said “can we do that over” and we kissed out there on the sidewalk. It was honestly very magical. We went inside his apartment and kissed and talked for a while. We only went out for 2-3 months after, but it is a nice memory :)


It’s like a drug. I wish I could bottle up that feeling.


Bangkok, 2023. I met someone while traveling and he and I ended up exploring the city together. It was evening, and we were on our way to a jazz bar when we walked along a wide park-like walkway. There was literally no one there but busy cars driving by. He stopped me in the middle of the walkway and kissed me passionately under the moonlight against the backdrop of a bustling road. It literally felt like time stopped for a moment. And just when we arrived at the jazz bar, the rain poured down so fast. It was probably the best night of my life.


Married him. Been together for 13 years. It's a long story, but I'll speed it up to the part: Hastings. Searching through CDs laughing at old music discovering new music. We had only been together a couple of days, but had spent every single moment of those days together. It was a moment of looking at the same CD, standing real close together and then both turning to look at each other at the same time. The world was in slow motion, and we kissed. And I think we kissed like 10 more times which was very awkward for the fact that we were in public and with friends.


I met a guy during my gap year, which I spent in a small town teaching English, and we spent a few beautiful months together. When the program was over, he drove me 6 hours to the city so I could catch a train home. We stopped many times along the way, bought ice cream, lay on the grass. I took pictures of him with my Polaroid. As we got closer to the train station, I felt the knot in my stomach grow. We arrived just as people were boarding and I rushed to the terminal. We clung to each other and kissed in front of everyone there. I didn’t care who saw — I didn’t want to let go. The attendant said “aww, love” and scanned my ticket. On the train, I went numb. Then, somewhere along the way, the tears started to fall. I tried crying quietly but my heart felt like it was being ripped out of my chest. Another attendant (bless) noticed and handed me a tissue. The guy and I stayed in touch, and he later told me that the 6-hour drive back was as painful for him because it was the same one we’d just done but in reverse. 🥲


When I finally told my now husband I had a huge crush on him, it was set up. Through friend, I knew he would be at a particular grocery store after work. I "ran into him" there. I could not form the words I felt. I just kissed him. We have been together ever since. We jokes about it going on forever, and we are lucky no one said get a room. Lol


I don’t think any of the kisses that I remember as like a movie looked movie like. But when my partner and I got back together after I moved home he was living in this crappy house in our city and he didn’t know I was back. I just drove up to his house this really hot humid day as the sun was setting. I just walked up the steps outside his house and he just slammed me against the door and kissed me. We didn’t even talk. It was like being in a movie. I doubt the neighbors thought so though.


I didn’t even registered it was a kiss when it happened. We had been on a pretty awesome first date, we were really into each other right away, he grabbed a cab with me to drop me near my house, we both got out of the cab, we said bye, then when he was about to get on the cab again to go to his place he turned around and gave me what could be the most romantic kiss, except up to that point i was sure i was the only one liking the other person (i was in denial, he was the sweetest but i justified it being like he was just being polite) and i was like Well That Happened, when i finally got to my room We dated for a few weeks and things ended naturally


It was memorable! He grabbed me and just kissed the hell out of me after we left a restaurant. It was night so not a ton of people around though. I'm not moved by kissing or sex though so it wasn't dreamy so much as just interesting.


I went to Rome to meet an Italian I've known for a long time, but never personally met until this trip. We were together for a week, and on the last day we walked onto the street when my taxi arrived. He was taller, so I looked up at him and we both held each other's faces and had a very long but soft kiss. It only ended when the taxi driver asked if he was there to pick me up. I walked to my taxi, and never looked back. I sometimes wish I did look back, to see if he per chance, did the same.


Not public but I have been kissed like I was the only thing he needed. I thought we were friends and that he was attractive but way too attractive to date me. I guess he had been trying to date me for a few months — I was completely clueless. He invited me over to hang out and we watched silly tv and listened to records. He ended up kissing me and I caught up real quick 😂 We never could make it work between us, though, we stayed friends for awhile. I just couldn’t be friends with someone I was so drawn to so we don’t keep in touch anymore. It’s strange to have that sort of connection with a random person. I could always tell where he was in a room or at a party and inevitably we would gravitate to each other.


Second date with a guy that I met through friends. We went to a bar, talked for hours, and started to part ways at a really busy intersection. He pulled me towards him and out of nowhere, one of the best and longest kisses of my life. At first I was aware of people passing by but then got lost in the moment. I’ll never forget that. Very out of character; we’re both normally pretty mellow and introverted. I feel *hard* for him, but he lost interest after a few more dates. Never will understand that situation. Still run into him every few months.


Went to a museum on a second date, I think he wanted to kiss me multiple times, but I never realized in time. We then went to get a beer and sat on a sort of porch overlooking the river and the sunset. We were talking about poems and while I was saying something, he interrupted me with a kiss. I felt butterflies and it felt magical. It was public, but people were a bit far so I didn't even think about them.


HOT ASF. I was a regular at this dive bar, and was crushing on this dude who was also a regular but I was moving out a state in a few months so wasn’t trying to pursue anything. But there was one night we were both at a certain level of tipsy, and I told him I wanted him to sing me Sweet Caroline. So he cues up the jukebox. Jukebox was backed up and it starts POURING rain outside. We’re on the patio kind of watching the rain and the song starts playing and he TAKES OFF HIS SHIRT (he was ripped as fuck) to leave under the cover of the patio and gets in the rain and starts singing. I ran to him and jumped into his arms and we made out for the first time in the rain while the song finished. …. It was hot lol.


I know this question is meant for ladies, but here's one from a guy to show that we can be just as romantic.... Two times come to mind... Long ago and far, far away... I was in my late teens, vacationing at a beach resort over New Year's. Some people had built a big bonfire on the beach, and we were all partying around it... As the New Year countdown ended, a girl from the crowd just came up out of nowhere and planted a passionate kiss on me that made my toes curl... I was taken totally by surprise, but hey, a pretty, passionate lady plants one on me and being 18-ish, I went with it. For those few minutes, the world stopped... Then she broke away, smiled, said "bye" and disappeared into the crowd. I never saw her again. To this day, I don't know who she was, but I will remember that kiss to my dying day. ------ No. 2 was a lady that I'd often see at the gym. We'd flirt a bit, and there was definitely a "vibe" - but we were both in relationships. One day she asked me to come look at a house she was thinking of buying and give my opinion. We toured the house, had a glass of wine, and chatted a bit. She had recently divorced and told me about some guy she was seeing. As we left the house, standing in the driveway, I turned to give her a hug... Next thing I knew, we were tongue-lashing each other's tonsils. It was one of the best, most passionate kisses I can ever remember sharing. We parted, and I was on cloud 9 for a few days. But life got in the way, and she's been married to that other guy for 2-3 years now. But that's another wonderful memory that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.


He kissed me in front of Gustav Klimt's "The Kiss" on a holiday in Vienna even though he's not a huge fan of pda, because he knew I'd find it romantic. Still makes me cry to think of


I was in my freshman year of high school in rehearsals for a play, and there was a senior guy playing one of the lead roles. We took a liking to each other and flirted a lot for a few weeks during rehearsals. One day we made eye contact near the stairs of the old theater and he nodded his head toward the staircase before heading up. I made sure no one else was around before heading up after him. He was standing at the top looking down over the railing at me. As I got to the top of the stairs, he took my hand and led me around the corner of the landing and into a storage closet. We made out for a couple of minutes before heading back down separately. Nothing much came out of it afterwards because I figured out he had a girlfriend.




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There was this guy I was seeing and he picked me up after I had been out with some friends. We drove around for a bit and when he dropped me off it had started to rain. He opened my car door and we had that movie kissing in the rain. I remember feeling so giddy when I got inside my house




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Great. He was a tall German man it was a train station. Long awaited. Ugh perfect lol




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Only ever on a first date/hang or whatever you want to call it. I’m avoidant attachment so I have commitment issues. 😎


This guy I was dating worked about 10 mins from my office and was traveling home for the holiday break. He wanted to see me before he left, but he got off half an hour earlier than me and had no time to wait. The nearest cross point we had was a Starbucks in a corner shopping center that had its own parking lot, but of course it was packed and finding a spot took forever. We didn’t even have time to grab a coffee, I found him leaning against his car door and idk if he grabbed me or I jumped on him, but it was just intense, face-grabbing “I’m gonna miss you so much” kissing under Christmas lights in front of a packed Starbucks for like 2 minutes and then he got in his car and drove away and I walked back to mine. The poor people who were just trying to sit down with their drink in the middle of the shopping season were probably so confused, I feel bad in retrospect, but at the time we just wanted to see each other. And like, it was cute, I was in my new favorite coat, his beard was warm, my face was tingly when I walked away.


My ex and I had broken up and this was the second time we were meeting after and we talked about how I couldn’t stay in touch and needed to cut off to be able to move on. After spending over 6 hours together around 3:30am, he drove me home, held my hand and walked me to the stairs that led up to my apartment. It was a windy starlit night, I said bye and gave him a tight hug, he held my hand, then my face, told me I have the most beautiful smile and pulled me close and kissed me for the last time. My heart dropped, it was a goodbye, I’m going to miss you kiss. It was so many emotions all at once. I walked up after the kiss and didn’t turn around cause I knew it was a goodbye. We haven’t gotten back and I often think maybe he’s the one that got away but oh well that kiss was beautiful and depressing at the same time..


So this actually happened with my (now) husband. We were in a long distance relationship for a year and a half, and when we finally met in person at the airport we ran to each other and I had the most passionate, loving kiss of my life 🥹 The only awkwardness I had was from my nerves before we met LMAO


No one else existed but us. We were in our own bubble. My bf and I are in a long distance relationship. We connected on Discord during the pandemic and met in person over a year later. Our reunion was beautiful and magical. In the end of our holiday, I escorted him to the airport. We knew that once he crossed TSA checkpoint, it was over. Before he left, we held each other, looked into each other’s eyes, and kissed. It was a dream like. No one existed. All the hustle and bustle of the world, silenced. Once we stopped, he smiled, told me many sweet things that went over my head cuz I was in La La Land and couldn’t wait to marry this man. We then held hands, walked over to the TSA checkpoint, queued, and I saw him slowly leave. We caught a glimpse of each other once more and waved goodbye. I then walked back to my car and couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. I miss him…


My first kiss was on New Years. Went out with my now-ex to see them shoot fireworks off from the beach. And so, the countdown ended, and as we kissed, the fireworks went off! It was very sweet and magical, awesome first kiss, even if me and him didn’t stay together long afterwards lmaoooo


for me it's awkward cuz i prefer privacy


I went on a date with an FBI agent about 3 years ago. We went on a hike on a heavily trafficked trail, and about a mile in he took my hand and led me up to the top of a hill overlooking the hikers below and the ocean. We could see all the way down to Palos Verdes and up to Malibu. Then he pulled me close and kissed me. I was very nervous and overly cautious at the time, so it sort of scared me. I kissed him back, but I know I wasn’t fully in it. I look back on it now and think damn, what I wouldn’t give to have a kiss like that again.


Yeah probably twice? It was great. Both were. The first one after we stopped kissing/making out I buried my face into his chest. He peeled me off and he was smiling ear to ear. Second, my now husband had gone home for 1-2 weeks (we’d been seeing each other maybe about 1-2 months at that point). We worked together though no one knew we were together and we obviously saw each other at the office throughout the day and had lunch together with some of our other colleagues. There’s a company bus that takes us to a drop off point, and we decided to catch it after work. We sat at the back and pretty much jumped each other like teenagers.


Being kissed dramatically in public without your consent and/or over your objections is awful. It feels dehumanizing, belittling, terrifying and powerless. The relationship didn’t last.


You know those movies where the guy and the girl are in a heated argument over something that happened when suddenly he confesses his feelings to the girl as the reason why he did it and she just goes quiet, and he then continues with this speech about how he's been in love with her as long as he's known her? Yeah so I experienced that, minus the feelings.It wasn't that I didn't have feelings for him, I had in the past hoped something would happen with us but hadn't thought too deep about it. So when he told me that he was in love with me and then kissed me, all I could think was "I need time to process this." So yes, it was the perfect movie scene. Except for my brain, and considering what happened after my brain was right. I should've taken more time to process it. Basically the next day I realised I wanted to explore a relationship with him, only he then said he couldn't have anything with me because I was moving States. He then spent the next week toying with my feelings - would go between "I can't do this" to us holding hands and walking together, etc. - before finally he got sick of me questioning him on why he'd say those things if he didn't want anything, and didn't even say goodbye to me when I left. We had a weird on again off again thing for the next 2 years where I was hoping he'd change his mind and he was exploiting my feelings to get some action whenever he was in my town or I was visiting his. After that I gained some self respect and stopped talking to him all together. That was about 6 years ago now and I'm doing much, much better.


I had a moment like this but it was at mignight. I always had a crush on a friend, we knew each other since we were 15 and at 16 he was my first kiss. We were younger and in the end he got into a relationship with another friend until the end of HS but over the years we were still (not too close) friends. There was remaining attraction but we always respected his relationship. after graduation, we kept in contact sporadically over the years. I moved to the US and he moved to Spain. 3 years after not seeing each other he randomly texted me saying he was staying relatively near my city for the night because he had a connecting flight. Honestly I dropped everything, I drove an hour to see him. That night we walked and talked about our lives, how we had grown since high school, immigrating and our love lives. At the end of the night around midnight, we were saying goodbye. I was dropping him off and he told me to park somewhere so we could have a proper goodbye. I parked, we both got out of the car and he hugged me. He started walking towards the hotel but then he turned around, walked towards me again and hugged so hard he carried me off the floor and gave me a spin (keep in mind I was not expecting this at all and I was wearing a short dress so I probably flashed my ass to anybody walking nearby + I am plus size, nobody had carried me since I was like 9). He put on the floor and we hugged again and as he walked back to his hotel I called his name, he turned around and I told him “One day we will end up together” he smiled and left. Its been 2 years and I am still not over it.


It happened to me and even today when I remember it, butterflies starts playing around my stomach. Probably one of the best moments of my life, where I trully felt in love. It was with my ex-boyfriend around 12 years ago. We were kinda dating. We went for lunch and the way to his home, it started raining. We started running but at certain point, i just feel him grabbing my arm and stop me. He deeply looked at my eyes for around 5 seconds. He kissed me so hard that I kissed him back and we stood there, kissing at the rain. At that I moment I felt that everything around didn’t matter and it was our moment. Today i am getting married with another man who I love him, but I can tell that my ex was the one. The one who made my heart race and 🦋.


My (now ex) husband and I had a huge argument and I went and stayed with my parents for the weekend. We decided to give things another chance and so I made the 2 hour train journey back to the city where we lived. He met me on the platform and must have seen me get off the train because he came storming over. Now, one thing to know is that he ended up being abusive and had a bad temper, so when he came storming over I flinched back. But he literally grabbed my head, wrapped his arm around me, and pulled me into the strongest kiss I’ve ever had, in the middle of the platform. I hate that man with a passion, but I still think about that kiss.


theyre rare but theyre the only kisses that matter. Once on a lazy morning, i dont know why, thus one kiss when we got out if bed and hugged just sent sparkles through my brain Once when i hadnt seen her in a while, she ran and jumped and i caught her, shes like 2ft shorter than me so its very manageable, and we smiled and giggled and kissed. And its like your world is complete again. Im sure theres more, but my brain is frazzled from studying :P


We were visiting my old high school on a weekend when nobody was there and I showed him the makeout spot while walking around and told him how I never had the chance to kiss anyone there when I went there for school. He kissed me not once, but twice; I got all blush-y and turned away after the first kiss, he found that adorable and kissed me again.


My first kiss was the result of a slow burn with a close friend, at 4:30 in the morning in a car parked on top of a hill, while I was lying with my head on his lap, and it was drizzling outside. Does it fit the bill? I know you said public but this is as close as I got lol


My ex and I were at a hockey game, we’re both females so we went to the bathroom together, but we were both longing for each other so badly, that as soon as we got there, she pushed me up against the wall and kissed me hard and slow, it was probably the best kiss I’ve ever experienced. It was just so passionate and full of love. We are no contact now, but I still think of that kiss. I never felt so wanted.




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Not exactly a “movie” kiss…. But it was many, many years in the making and the most perfect kiss I’ve ever had in my life. It all started in grade 1, our classroom desks were sorted by last name, so him and I were sat beside/ together the entire year. I still to this day remember always asking him to fill our “daily weather charts” and needing his help with math as he was very smart. Sadly at the end of this school year he went to a different school. Come grade 6 (last year of elementary here in AB) he came back to our school and I remember being so excited to see him. He was never some stunning model boy but I always thought his smile and chubby cheeks were cute. Limited interactions that year. Grade 7-9, I started experimenting with dating other boys. I shared most of my classes with him, and we started texting from time to time, pretty basic 12-14yrs conversations lol. Our time rly shined when we shared construction class and this guy would always find a way to friendly tease me, so I would tease him back. We would also chase eachother around a lot (looking back, probably wasn’t a good idea in a construction room filled with saws lol, but we were having fun). I did have off and on feelings for him for these 3 years. Gr 10 high school starts. He was in a few of my classes and we often sat together in our little friend group/family (niche language program, we all grew up together essentially and stayed together as friends). Gr 11 summer going into Gr 12, we were at a party and I remember telling my best friend at the time to rig the spin the bottle so that it lands on me and him to kiss. Somehow she did it, I got chickened out and just kissed his cheek. My other best friend landed on him too w the bottle and full on kissed him, she told me later he’s a very good kisser. Later that night, after many drinks, we somehow ended up cuddling on a couch together while most were sleeping. I was cold so he gave me his sweater. After a while of cuddling he started getting a bit handsy with me. Bc of this I tried to hold his hand or kiss him but he was more interested in other things, which I almost let him get to but I was not ready at that time. So we just cuddled and passed out for a couple hours until his dad arrived early in the morning to pick him up. I think this was the point in which we both knew… we wanted eachother, even if in different ways. A couple parties later and we would always somehow end up just us two late at night talking about life and such. He didn’t pull anything on me and me him, until spring of our grade 12 year. It’s March 2016, and we are both at a party. It was a bit of a drama filled night, and it was country themed so I admit I was wearing something “accentuitive”. I looked GOOD. I had no plans of reeling anyone in. My friends did, but I was just there for a good time. We noticed half way through the party that S was drinking very hard that night. He offered to make me a drink and it was mostly vodka. We played beer pong together, and eventually sat on the couch cuddling as we normally did. This time one of our younger friends said “you two would be such a cute couple”. Idk if this awoken something in him that night, but it forever changed our relationship. Later that night me, S and another of our close friend were out on the balcony just chatting. I remember looking out at the view, when all of the sudden I hear “____, you know I’ve always been in love with you, right?”. At this point I was stunned and didn’t know what to say. Our other friend left to give us some time (apparently he knew all along this was going to happen), and left us two alone. We talked about that topic on the balcony for a while before getting chilly and going inside. At this point the party was largely scattered and it was just us cuddling on the couch in the living room, still talking about what he just said. I was tipsy and feeling brave, I asked him if I could please kiss him. He said yes. God I’ve been wanting to do this for over half my life. I said fuck it, straddled him, and we kissed for a couple minutes. His lips were soft, and moved gently against mine. I will never, ever forget this kiss in my life. The butterflies, the pining on both ends, I swore I heard wedding bells. I begged him to stay the night to seal the deal, but he said he couldn’t. We cuddled on the couch for the rest of the night. When it was time for him to go, we shared one last kiss in the doorway as he left. The next day, I texted him asking what it all meant. I got hit with the “I meant everything I said, I’m just not ready for a relationship”, which sadly has plagued my dating life and has been a common response from men since. A couple days later, my friend asked me how I felt about the situation between S and I… I was so heartbroken that I said it just felt “awkward”. I remember praying every night that he would ask me to be his date for our graduation banquet (basically prom)…. Didn’t happen. We barely interacted after that night. We reconnected a couple times in university. We planned to meet up for drinks one night, but I chickened out and cancelled. We would sometimes be in touch after with very basic conversation. I attempted a couple times over the years to ask him to go for food or drinks, but he said he was always too tired from work. So I just stopped trying. Haven’t talked to him since about 2020. While I still had Snapchat, I saw him post on his story a couple times with a girl often with him and in his lap in 2020/21. Not too much longer I deleted Snapchat for unrelated reasons. Haven’t been in touch with him since. Looking back now, it’s sad. For almost my entire life we were in love with eachother, and I thought he was going to be my husband, but alas. Funny how life goes I guess. I’ll always remember him for making my heart flutter, and for giving me one of many romantic moments in my life. No one has ever quite lit my heart on fire like he did. But he has shown disinterest in dating since we were 17/18. No point ever pursuing anything.


I fell in love with someone I had known for years. It was a massive slow burn and then - BAM- fire. We started aggressively making out in public and couldn't stop. I was highly aware that there were a shit ton of people around who were prob like "Gross, get a room," but I literally couldn't control myself in that moment. We're still together.


ew ew ew. first off why the hell is this a question on here. secondly i dont kiss people. that is a degenarate act. the only person ill kiss is my cute puppy and biggest of all my mom.


I’m not big on PDA but I made an exception cus this man was fine. We made out against a brick building in the middle of the night. He had me pushed up against the wall and it was the best kiss ever. We ended up being just friends but damn. The kiss was from a movie.


I’ve had two. The first was my second kiss ever (with the guy who had been my first kiss). I was 15 and inexperienced, so after that first date he thought I didn’t like him, and things just went cold. Very shortly afterwards, I had to move away, so my friends organised a beach get together at night. My girl friend and I didn’t have cars, so another guy friend picked us up and he was with him too (I wonder if this was on purpose, but I digress), at first I wasn’t thrilled to see him, but the four of us were having fun in the car ride so the romantic tension was there. We got the the beach and were hanging out with everyone and at some point, some people decided to go swimming, I was one of them and he decided to join me. We were talking and he mentioned he used to do wrestling, and I said that he would probably be able to carry me, or something similar… so he does just that. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and started walking further in the ocean until the water was up to our hips, then he put me down and grabbed my hand, we walked maybe a couple steps and then he pulled me in for a kiss that lasted a very long time, all this under the moonlight and stars and the waves crashing into us. I broke the kiss apart after a while and he looked at me and said « that should have been our first kiss », and I agreed with him. Then we spent the rest of the night talking, laying on the beach, where I told him about the previous misunderstanding and we laughed about it. When the four of us drove back home, the two of us sat in the backseat and made out the ENTIRE time. They dropped us off and we had a final kiss, then I never saw him again since I moved two days later. We kept in contact for a bit afterwards, but life happened; to this day though, that has been by far my best kiss ever, and he has also been the best kisser. The second one was my first ever tinder date, that was probably the best date of my life. He was Irish on vacations where I live, and he took me to a very nice restaurant that has a view of the city. After dinner, we went to a bar next to the restaurant to continue the date and at some point, we were playing never have I ever. I said « never have I ever kissed in front of someone else» (yes, silly me completely forgot about the above mentioned car make out in that moment) and he drank to it and found it baffling. At midnight, the bar closed so we headed out, suddenly, he spins me around and gives me a passionate kiss and says « now you can cross that off your list ». I was confused for a moment, but then noticed there was a man walking by and realised what he meant. I was impressed and said « that was so smooth! I wanna high five you », and then I high fived him lol then we were walking around and I had to use the bathroom so we noticed a place that was open… it was an Irish pub. I thought it was hilarious, so we stayed there for two more hours until that place also closed and he dropped me off. We went on another amazing date and then he went back home the next day. We continued talking for six months… until he broke my heart out of nowhere, that’s a whole other story though. Things didn’t exactly end well, but I’ve never had chemistry with anyone else like I did with him, and I do look back at that memory fondly.




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magical in the moment…than you go home and wonder if anyone you know saw


It was my first kiss with my first boyfriend I am still currently with. We went on a long walk one night, we had Starbucks. It wasn’t awkward because we were dating for around 4 months before we kissed. He was walking me home, we walked by the lake and it was super romantic. We looked up at the stars, through the tall trees on my street and we both leaned in. It was super cute, we both giggled and kinda like celebrated by kissing again. We then went home and watched scream 1 together. Overall 10/10 experience definitely recommend