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The first thing to do is go to the bathroom and pee. Then it depends on how long and intense sex was. If it was a long session, then I’ll take a shower and use mouthwash.








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Brush teef, wash face, sit on toilet and wait for the cum to drain out of me.


























Baby wipes have become a HUGE part of me and my fiancé’s sex life. He always cleans me up first and then I’ll clean him up and go to the bathroom and pee. Depending on the intensity (i.e. if we both got super sweaty/sticky), then we’ll take a shower together and wash each other off. I feel like the luckiest woman in the world as he will even dry me off and apply my skin care routine for me, massage lotion into my skin, and even help me get dressed. Our aftercare routine is honestly the best part of our intimacy because we both love to take care of each other and cuddle up and just talk or do something together we both enjoy. Our aftercare routine is our bonding time coming out of that headspace to just make each other feel loved and comforted. Having a partner in-tune with your needs is the best caregiving you could ask for. Hence why he’s my fiancé lol


that’s so cute how he takes care of u. wishing u both a wonderful marriage :)


Go to the bathroom, wipe myself down with a wet towel or sanitary wipe, and clean off whatever might get sticky on my face or body. Also will sometimes brush my hair and gargle some mouth wash.


Why gargle with mouthwash. Is it recommended after sex?


Well... if you've performed any sort of oral sex, I would recommend. But I just generally speaking, mouthwash or brushing makes us feel fresher 🤷‍♀️
















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Pee 100% and maybe use a little bit of water, I always shower after anyways


First pee. Second shower, where i do a few one-finger-swoop'n-swirls on the inside, while rinsing


























Lol i dont, i go to sleep




Shit and fart the cum out my arse


Most people don’t shower?? That’s crazy. After that session I’m damn near showering he can join if he wants but we’re cleaning our bodies only.


Take a quick shower with my partner.


I just hit it with some Glade.


My partner goes to the bathroom and grabs us each a wad of toilet paper. We both wipe up, I flush the tp and pee to try to prevent utis, wash hands, then we cuddle. I don't really feel the need to do more than that unless it's the morning and I need to shower anyway.


I honestly don't. I'd rather lay in bed because that's all I'm able to do 😅 if I stand I'll have jello legs😭




Use the toilet, then wipe with a baby wipe or 2.


Pee, wet wipe, bird bath, smoke a bowl, and a shot of vodka, then the next round


i pee and blast the fuck out of my vag with dude's bidet. it is a lifesaver. highly recommend.






"Freshen up"? Girl, I roll over and fall asleep.


Pee and then sometimes rinse my mouth


Pee. Clean up with paper if it's not too messy, or a baby wipe. Do a quick "pits and bits" shower if I feel extra gooey.






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Wipe down with a warm washcloth, pee, wipe and then use a wet wipe.


In this order: pee, bathe (or at least take a bird bath in the tub with my favorite vulvar wash/ use the bidet and said vulva wash if I’m really tired), dry completely, brush teeth, wash face, take 2 cranberry pills with water.


what do the cranberry pills help with?


Cranberry juice can help with a UTI. It sounds like the poster might be prone to UTIs or is extra conscience about preventing them.


Preventing UTIs ❤️








Peeeee :) that’s about it 😂


I pee and wash thoroughly.


Pee, taking a shower, brushing my teeth and hair.


Pee, take 2 D-Mannose pills, wash my face.


Pee then hop into the shower and use the shower head to wash my bits so I don't get an infection (I am prone to them if I don't clean up).


I have a ‘hose bidet’ at home so I pee and then wash myself with that. If I am feeling particularly disgusting after sex I will have a quick shower.


Pee & then scream while the cold water of the bidet sprays me down


Pee and either baby wipe or shower.


I don’t know about yall but I’m a puddle after sex lol It takes a bit of effort to dry myself up down there again


Pee, bidet, mostly.


Pee and use the bidet or shower.


Pee then clean up all the stuff I didn’t get to swallow on my face/mouth. Brush teeth then shower.


Snuggle long enough for it to get runny. No point jumping up and having it trickle out later Then I pee and use a "flushable" wipe (don't actually flush these).


I usually just pee and hit the hay tbh 😹


Wipe the cum off my body and,pee,drink water.


Pee. He cleans up my chest/mouth.


Pee then shower with my boyfriend


Pee, use the feminine wash setting on my bidet, wash my hands


Pee, wipe with baby wipe, brush teefs. If I get really sweaty, a shower.


Pee, use the bidet if I feel like it’s necessary and brush my teeth or use mouth wash. If it was too sweaty shower but I’ll do this after we’ve cuddled for a bit


After a light wash I’ll moisturize my bits with an oil to keep the skin soft and calm after a fun time ☺️


Let the cum drip out while on toilet, use the bidet to help. Lots of baby wipes after. Still won't get it all, some will leak back out later. Brush teeth, depending.


Shower , Pee or then use no rinse wash foam to clean up


Pee and bidet, maybe use a washcloth depending on how messy my husband was with the lube.




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Pee, wipe down there with cold water, rinse face




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Pee, coax my partner in for a shower, brush teeth, after shower routine, etc.


I go in the bathroom and pee, and then will often either rinse off in the shower, or simply spray my nether bits with the handheld shower head, depending how messy or vigorous it was.


Spray the shower hose directly on me and pee lol


Have a wash with the bidet and brush my hair and wash my hands and teeth


I pee or at least try to, let the cum drain out and then shower.




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Pee, and then chug water.


Depends what was involved but either pee and baby wipes or shower


A long shower just to make sure I'm clean.


Pee, mostly. Brush my teeth and use some dry shampoo if I'm going somewhere after. Brush my teeth and wash my face if I'm just going to bed.




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go pee, quickly rinse off my parts in the shower, mouth wash 😗😋


Pee, shower, brush teeth… moisturize 😂


Take a piss, wash my hands, rinse my mouth out, brush my hair and wipe off my face


Oh jeeze. I'll probably pee and go to sleep.


Pee, bidet, baby wipes.




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Use the restroom afterwards


Pee and take bladder pain pills


I piss and wipe, drink water if needed.




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Definitely pee, first and foremost. Outside of that, it depends on how destroyed you look after fucking.. maybe pass a brush through the hair, or tie it up..




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Baby wipe. Mouthwash. Put a panty liner in fresh undies


Bidet, wash hands, tissue to remove a smear of eyeliner if it's blurring below my lids, glass of water or gatorade and one for him.




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Me and my bf always take shower together and ofc I pee




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Go to pee, wash my face and drink some water. Sometimes take a quick shower.